Dgca & Easa Module 15: Part-16 Turbo-Prop, Turbo-Shaft Engine & Auxiliary Power Units (Apus)
Dgca & Easa Module 15: Part-16 Turbo-Prop, Turbo-Shaft Engine & Auxiliary Power Units (Apus)
Dgca & Easa Module 15: Part-16 Turbo-Prop, Turbo-Shaft Engine & Auxiliary Power Units (Apus)
3. The fuel flow in a turboprop engine within the constant speed range is controlled.
A. automatically.
B. manually.
C. No Control.
Ans : automatically.
Explanation: Once the power lever has set the gas generator RPM it is controlled automatically to
maintain the constant speed.
10. What type of reduction gear is used on most turboprop modern engines?.
A. Helical cut parallel spur gears.
B. Epicyclic reduction gear.
C. Straight cut parallel spur gears.
Ans : Epicyclic reduction gear.
Explanation: Epicyclic gearing is essential to enable the very large torque to be safely absorbed.
Turbo-Shaft Engines.
3. In the majority of helicopters, the thrust generated by the gas generator is absorbed by the.
A. L.P turbine.
B. Free power turbine.
C. H.P turbine.
Ans : Free power turbine.
Explanation: The power turbine drives a reduction/rotor transmission gearbox.
1. An A.P.U has.
A. automatically controlled thrust and is self contained.
B. variable speed and is self contained.
C. constant speed and is self contained.
Ans : constant speed and is self contained.
Explanation: Jepperson Gas Turbine Powerplants Page 7-26.
6. When necessary, A.P.U engine cooling before shutdown may be accomplished by.
A. closing the bleed air valve.
B. opening the bleed air valve.
C. unloading the generator(s).
Ans : closing the bleed air valve.
Explanation: Jeppesen A&P Technician Propulsion Textbook 3-37.
8. Fuel scheduling during A.P.U start and under varying pneumatic bleed and electrical loads is
A. automatically by the A.P.U fuel control system.
B. manually through power control lever position.
C. Jeppesen A&P Technician Propulsion Textbook 3-37.
Ans : automatically by the A.P.U fuel control system.
Explanation: NIL.
14. Generally, when maximum A.P.U shaft output power is being used in conjunction with pneumatic
A. electrical loading will be automatically modulated to maintain a safe E.G.T.
B. temperature limits and loads must be carefully monitored by the operator to maintain a safe E.G.T.
C. pneumatic loading will be automatically modulated to maintain a safe E.G.T.
Ans : pneumatic loading will be automatically modulated to maintain a safe E.G.T.
Explanation: Jeppesen A&P Technician Propulsion Textbook 3-37.
20. When starting an A.P.U what would the normal duty cycle be on a modern aircraft?.
A. 6 attempted starts per half hour with 5 minutes between attempts.
B. 3 attempted starts per hour with 5 minutes between each attempt.
C. 6 attempted starts per hour with 5 minutes between attempts.
Ans : 3 attempted starts per hour with 5 minutes between each attempt.
Explanation: Honeywell A.P.Us recommend 3 continuous start attempts per hour. Boeing 757/767
notes add that a 60 minute cool-down period should be allowed before further start attempts are
22. What are the two most important signals when monitoring an A.P.U?.
A. E.G.T and RPM.
B. Oil Pressure and Inlet Pressure.
C. E.G.T and Oil Pressure.
Ans : E.G.T and RPM.
Explanation: E.G.T and RPM are monitored on the A.P.U page of EICAS /ECAM systems.
23. One of the accessories driven from the A.P.U gearbox in a centrifugal switch, the purpose of
which is to.
A. arm the governed speed indication circuits and max. RPM governor.
B. cancel the ignition circuits and arm the overspeed protection circuits.
C. control starting and automatic extinguishing circuits.
Ans : cancel the ignition circuits and arm the overspeed protection circuits.
Explanation: NIL.
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System Question
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