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Mordheim - Hired - Swords - Preview

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Hired swords preview

The Hired Swords described in this chapter are available in The Sealed City campaigns. They follow the generic rules
for hiring and maintaining Hired Swords from page 147 of the Mordheim rulebook.
Any other Hired Swords, either from the Mordheim rulebook, the Empire in Flames supplement or another publica-
tion apart from Elves of all kinds, can be used in the Sealed City setting as well. It is up to the players to agree upon
which ones are likely to be encountered and which are not. Alternatively include those which add the most fun to
your games.
at least once already, they may modify the roll to see
which warband may set up first by +1/-1.

Clocked crook
1 moonstone to hire +2 orichalcum tokens upkeep
Granting a clockwork construct its own mind often results
in a rebellious attitude which renders it useless - at least
from the Clockworkers’ point of view. Rarely these creatures
escape their former masters and avoid certain disassembly.
At first the freed constructs’ sole purpose is to free their own
kin, but often they just become masters as well.
May be Hired: Any warband except Clockworkers may
Cartographer hire a Clocked crook.
Rating: A Clocked crook increases the warband’s rating
20 gold coins to hire +10 gold crowns upkeep by +12 points, plus 1 point for each Experience point
The Sealed City’s ever-changing layout poses a challenge it has.
for anyone who tries to map its dark passages and gloomy Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
depths. Nonetheless the business with maps in the outpost 4 3 3 4 4 1 2 1 8
is thriving and many cartographers offer their services to
the warbands entering the city. Weapons/Armour: In-built clockwork totem (counts
as banner and halberd) and light armour.
May be Hired: Any Human warband except Maidens
of Dusk and Dawn may hire a Cartographer. Skills: A Clocked crook may choose from Strength
skills when it gains a new skill. In addition, it may learn
Rating: A Cartographer increases the warband’s rating the Clockworkers special skill Moonstone infusion.
by +8 points, plus 1 point for each Experience point
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Construct: A Clocked crook is a construct as described
4 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 7 in the Clockworkers warband list. Note that it has been
given the Gift of Sentience and therefore ignores some
Weapons/Armour: Rapier, Lantern and Quarter Map. of the constructs’ usual rules.
Skills: A Cartographer may choose from Academic and Countermeasures: Familiar with the Clockworkers’
Speed skills when he gains a new skill. research and successes, a Clocked crook knows exactly
SPECIAL RULES were to apply the right amount of pressure to manipu-
late its fellow constructs. It counts as having the Rogue
Uncharted no more: Whenever the warband plays a control skill.
scenario in which the Cartographer has participated
Maiden guide
25 gold crowns to hire +10 gold crowns upkeep
Many of the more curious or ambitious members of the
Maidens of Dusk and Dawn have begun to strive among
the newcomers and offer their service to anyone who dares
to enter the Sealed City. Some just seek news and stories
about the Old World, others lure secrets from their employ- SPECIAL RULES
ers and finally abandon them in the city’s darkest places.
Fear: Ogres are large, threatening creatures that cause
May be Hired: Any warband which includes Humans fear. See the Psychology section for details.
or Dwarfs may hire a Maiden guide.
Huge stamina: Unlike their human counterparts,
Rating: A Maiden guide increases the warband’s rating Ogres don’t care much for the swivel gun’s weight and
by +14 points, plus 1 point for each Experience point therefore ignore its ‘Cumbersome’ rule.
she has.
Large Target: Ogres are Large Targets as defined in the
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld shooting rules.
4 3 4 3 3 1 4 1 7
Weapons/Armour: Dagger, sword, clockwork rifle,
light armour.
Reactivated archivist
2 moonstones to hire +1 orichalcum token upkeep
Skills: A Maiden guide may choose from Shooting and
Speed skills when she gains a new skill. In addition, she The fourth ring holds uncountable and sometimes unbear-
may learn the Academic skill Wyrdstone Hunter. able treasures of knowledge. In ancient times this knowl-
edge was collected by an army of clockwork archivists, but
now their libraries lie in ruins and the constructs’ parts are
Native: Maiden guides know the Sealed City better scattered amongst empty archives. Still some of the archi-
than anyone else as their people’s history and the city’s vist could be reactivated and while their ancient knowledge
history are long entwined. She counts as having the remains lost they may be able to accumulate it all again.
Archaeologist skill.
May be Hired: Any warband with access to the fourth
ring may hire a Reactivated archivist.
Ogre cannoneer Rating: A Reactivated archivist increases the warband’s
rating by +8 points, plus 1 point for each Experience
95 gold coins to hire +35 gold crowns upkeep
point it has.
Few races share the greed and ruthlessness of the those
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
pirates who follow Stromfels’ lores. Ogres are such an excep-
3 1 1 4 4 1 2 1 8
tion and John Silverhand’s flag ship is rumoured to har-
bour a whole band of Ogre Leadbelchers who work hand Weapons/Armour: None.
in hand with the ship’s cannoneers.
Skills: A Reactivated archivist may choose from Aca-
May be Hired: Mercenaries and Pirates may hire an demic skills when it gains a new skill.
Ogre cannoneer.
Rating: An Ogre cannoneer increases the warband’s
Collector: If the Reactivated archivist wasn’t taken out
rating by +40 points, plus 1 point for each Experience
of action, you may re-roll a single dice in the Explora-
point he has.
tion phase.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Construct: A Reactivated archivist is a construct as de-
6 3 3 4 4 3 3 2 7
scribed in the Clockworkers warband list.
Weapons/Armour: Cutlass, swivel gun with ball shot,
Observer: After each game the archivist may pass a
chain shot or grape shot.
Leadership test to grant you a single re-roll the next
Skills: An Ogre cannoneer may choose from Combat time you play against the particular warband your war-
and Strength skills when he gains a new skill. riors just fought. If you lost the game the archivist auto-
matically passes the test.
Warlock engineer
Chain Lightning Difficulty 7
35 gold crowns to hire +15 gold crowns upkeep
Unlike other spells, this cannot be cast whilst
The notorious Warlock engineers of Clan Skryre are the in hand-to-hand combat. The spell summons a
artificers of Skaven society, blending arcane sorceries with bolt of green lightning which the Warlock engi-
technology in an insane and mind-boggling mix. For the neer can use to shoot against one enemy model.
other races of the world it is hard to differentiate or define
where the science stops and the power of magic, although The lightning bolt has a range of 24”. Use the
such delineation never occurs to Skaven. Skaven’s own Ballistic Skill to determine wheth-
er he hits or not, but ignore movement, range
Bound by a contract between the Clans Moulder and and cover penalties. Chain lightning causes one
Skryre, many Warlock engineers were sent along Clan Pris- S3 hit without armour saves.
tekk to help restoring the tunnel system and maintaining
the monstrous drills which are used to create new tunnels After the hit is resolved roll a D6. On a 5+ (3+
under the Great Ocean. Now they are trapped along the if both models stand in the same water terrain)
hunter clan and accompany many of its hunting parties in the lightning bolt hits the closest model within
the Sealed City. 6” to the last target. If the D6 shows a 1 the
Warlock engineer is hit instead. Chain lightning
May be Hired: Any warband which includes Skaven may bounce several times but each model may
may hire a Warlock engineer. only be hit once per turn.
Rating: A Warlock engineer increases the warband’s
rating by +20 points, plus 1 point for each Experience
point he has. Skills: A Warlock engineer may choose from Academic
and Speed skills when he gains a new skill. He may also
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld choose from the special Warlock engineer skills below.
5 3 4 3 3 1 4 1 6
Weapons/Armour: Dagger, spear or halberd.
Wizard: Warlock engineers count as spellcasters and
know the Chain Lightning spell. They may not learn
additional spells. See the Magic section for details.
Supercharged chain-lightning modulator: The War-
lock engineer may try to overload his modulator and
deliberately increase the difficulty of Chain lightning.
For every 2 points of additional difficulty, Chain light-
ning’s Strength is increased by 1 this turn.
Upgraded warp-energy condenser: Adding better
components to his condenser, the Warlock engineer
may permanently lower Chain lightning’s difficulty by
D3-1 points. May be taken multiple times.

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