Corvus Cabal
Corvus Cabal
Corvus Cabal
Choice of warriors
A Corvus Cabal warband must include a minimum of
three models. You have 500 gold crowns
(representing your resources) which you can use to
recruit and equip your initial warband. The
maximum number of warriors in the warband may
never exceed 15.
Shadow Piercer: Each Cabal warband must have one
Shadow Piercer: no more, no less!
Shrike Talon: Your warband may include up to 2
Shrike Talons.
Spire Stalker: Your warband may include up to two
Spire Stalkers.
Weapons/Armour: A Shrike Talon may be armed Weapons/Armour: A Scavengers may be armed with
with items from the Corvus Cabal Equipment list. hand-to-hand weapons and armor from the Corvus
SPECIAL RULES Cabal Equipment list.
Wings & Feet: Shrike Talons have access to exclusive SPECIAL RULES
items, Wings and Feet; they may be equipped with Grab and Run: Once per turn, when a Scavenger
one of each in any given game. gains a treasure item (ex. A wyrdstone shard), if they
Loners: Shrike Talon’s are immune to All Alone tests, are not engaged in combat, they can immediately
as they frequently work by themselves. make a move of 1D6 inches (If the treasure slows
their movement, reduce the bonus move
0-2 Spire Stalkers – appropriately).
30 gold crowns to hire
Spire Stalkers are agile cutthroats whose domain is the
rooftop. Leaping and climbing above the battlefield, they
position themselves for the perfect ambush before striking
4 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 7