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Corvus Cabal

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Mordheim Warband by Dave “Styrofoam King” Joria

Sometimes when the Greywind rolls across the Special Rules

mortal worlds, it carries with a name, a hunger, a
feeling of covetousness. From the shadowy corners of Alignment: For all intents and purposes, treat
Chaos, followers hear the name of the Great Gatherer, the Cabal as if they are a Chaos Undivided
the great Mother Crow. As most Chaos Gods, the warband; they worship a lesser Chaos God, who
Great Gatherer thirsts for blood as tribute; but it is may be more of an aspect than a unique entity.
unique in that it will also accept trophies, baubles,
and treasure as well. Scramble: Cabalites can quickly move over
obstacles. Instead of being automatically
The Cabal are unique among cults in that they are
clearing obstacles that are less than 1”, cabalites
equally happy squatting in a cave in the Northern
can automatically clear any non-hostile barrier
Wastse as they are in an alley in Marienburg. The
that is less than 2” tall. Similarly, if they are
Corvus Cabal follows in the wake of large armies,
climbing a height less than 2’, they automatically
ready to pick off the stragglers and steal any
overlooked treasures. In this manner, they have succeed without expending movement.
raided ruins and cities all over the world, from the
Cathayan Borderlands to ramshackle towns of Hoarders: It is the instinct of Cabalites to amass
Sartosa. It is no surprise that haunted city of goods rather than lose them. In the post game
Mordheim offers no horror for them, only glittering phase, if you wish to sell one or more items,
opportunity. your leader must first pass a leadership test. If
they fail, you cannot sell items this phase. If you
Masters of ambush and assassination, warriors of the pass, you may sell any number of items as
Cabal tend to possess an unnerving focus, talking normal. This restriction does not apply to
little and communicating with a combination of treasure items, such as Wyrdstone, Valuables,
complex hand signals and sharp cries that sound like Crates, etc., which may be sold as normal.
those of hunting prey-birds.
Hooked: Cabal henchmen may use Rope and

Hired Swords: Cabalites are worshippers of

chaos, and may only hire Hired Swords and DP
that can be hired by Possessed Warband.

Choice of warriors
A Corvus Cabal warband must include a minimum of
three models. You have 500 gold crowns
(representing your resources) which you can use to
recruit and equip your initial warband. The
maximum number of warriors in the warband may
never exceed 15.
Shadow Piercer: Each Cabal warband must have one
Shadow Piercer: no more, no less!
Shrike Talon: Your warband may include up to 2
Shrike Talons.
Spire Stalker: Your warband may include up to two
Spire Stalkers.

Scavengers: Any number of models may be

Jackdaws: Your warband may include up to 5

Starting Experience WINGS– Shrike Talon Only

A Shadow Piercer starts with 20 experience. Shrike Talons may wear one set of wings at a time, in
A Shrike Talon starts with 8 experience. addition to any armor. Rules, rarity and costs vary
Spire Stalkers start with 0 experience. (see below).
Seabird Wings – 10gc - Common
When jumping over gaps, you may clear a distance of
4” (instead of 3”). This distance is doubled if jumping
Com Sht Acd Str Spd Spc
Shadow X X X X X X
over water (i.e. 8”.)
Piercer Raptor Wings – 25gc – Rarity 5
Shrike X X X X You gain the skill “Acrobat.” In addition, you may
Talon use Diving Charge against any model within 6” of the
Spire X X X X x base of your current structure, instead of 2”.
Stalker Stryx Wings – 100gc – Rarity 10
All missile attacks against you are at -1 to hit. (This
CABAL EQUIPMENT LISTS does not stack with an Elven cloak, as it uses a crude
Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons form of the same magic).
Dagger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1st free/2 gc Harpy Wings – 250gc - Rarity 12
Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 gc Instead of your normal move, you can fly up to 12” in
Axe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 gc any direction. This move is not doubled when
Sword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 gc charging or running. You may not fly and shoot in the
Flail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 gc same turn, nor may you fly in a tight space (ex. Fly up
Spear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 gc the staircase of a building, instead a sewer).
Halberd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 gc
FEET - Shrike Talon only
Shrike Talons may wear one set of feet at a time, in
Missile Weapons addition to any items. Rules, rarity and costs vary (see
Javelin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 gc below).
Throwing stars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 gc Spring Feet – 15 gc - Common
Blowpipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 gc You may move over difficult terrain as if it were
Raven Familiar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 gc* normal terrain (i.e. no penalty), and very difficult
*Limited access. terrain terrain as if it were difficult (i.e. ½ speed).
Long Feet – 15 gc – Rarity 5
You gain +1 Movement
Armour Claw Feet – 25 gc – Rarity 6
Toughened Leathers. . . . . . . . . . . . 5 gc You may climb as if you had Rope and hook. In
Light armour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 gc addition, whenever you may a diving charge, you
Buckler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 gc may make two additional attacks with your feet
Helmet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 gc during the first round of combat; treat each as if it
were a dagger attack.

Misc Raven Familiar – 20 gc – Rarity 5

Rope and Hook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 gc Limited to Shadow Piercer and Jackdaws only
Lucky Charm . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 gc Range: 20”; Strength: 3
Special Rules:
Dive Bomb: If the shooter is attempting to hit a target
SPECIAL EQUIPMENT behind partial cover, the shooter may ignore the
penalty for cover if the has no obstruction from above
JAVELIN - 5gc - Common (i.e. can be seen from above without cover).
Range: 8"; Strength: As user; Scry: In lieu of taking a shot, the familiar owner may
SPECIAL RULE send the familiar out to do reconnaissance. Pick a
Thrown weapon: Models using javelins do not suffer hidden opponent within 20”; that opponent must
penalties for moving as these weapons are perfectly pass an Initiative test. If they fail, the raven has
balanced for throwing. They cannot be used in close spotted them, and they no longer count as hidden.
combat. They suffer penalty for long range as normal.


1 Shadow Piercer 0-5 Jackdaws – 25gc

70 gold crowns to hire Jackdaws are cabalists especially skilled with thrown
The Shadow Piercer are the murderous leaders of the javelins. Some are even blessed by the Great Gatherer with
Corvus Cabal, whose task it is to seek out worthy tribute carrion-bird familiars, whom they command to harry or spy
for the Great Gatherer – in the form of slaughtered enemies upon the enemy.
and stolen loot.
4 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 6
4 4 4 3 3 1 4 1 8
Weapons/Armour: A Jackdaw may be armed with
Weapons/Armour: The Shadow Piercer may be items from the Corvus Cabal Equipment list.
equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the SPECIAL RULES
Cabal Equipment list. Shoot in hand-to-hand combat: A Jackdaw armed
SPECIAL RULES with a raven, javelin, or throwing dagger may throw
Leader: Any models in the warband within 6" of the a single shot with that weapon into the first round of
Shadow Piercer may use his Leadership instead of a hand-to-hand combat and this shot is always
their own. resolved first, before any blows are struck. This shot
Wizard: The Shadow Piercer is a wizard and uses has an extra -2 to hit penalty. Use model’s Ballistic
Rituals of the Great Gatherer. See the Magic section Skill to see whether it hits or not. This bonus attack is
for details. in addition to any close combat weapon attacks. Note:
A Jackdaw hero with Quickshot or Knife-fighter may
0-2 Shrike Talon still only attack once this way.
50 gold crowns to hire
Desiring to emulate the swooping death strikes of hunting Scavengers – 30gc
birds, Shrike Talons equip themselves with winged Scavengers are cold-hearted murderers who fall upon their
harnesses. Leaping from on high, they descend upon the victims in a flurry of knives and war-picks, butchering
prey in an eviscerating flurry of iron talons. their prey before stripping them of valuables and carving
bloody trophies from their flesh.
5 4 3 4 3 1 4 1 7 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 7

Weapons/Armour: A Shrike Talon may be armed Weapons/Armour: A Scavengers may be armed with
with items from the Corvus Cabal Equipment list. hand-to-hand weapons and armor from the Corvus
SPECIAL RULES Cabal Equipment list.
Wings & Feet: Shrike Talons have access to exclusive SPECIAL RULES
items, Wings and Feet; they may be equipped with Grab and Run: Once per turn, when a Scavenger
one of each in any given game. gains a treasure item (ex. A wyrdstone shard), if they
Loners: Shrike Talon’s are immune to All Alone tests, are not engaged in combat, they can immediately
as they frequently work by themselves. make a move of 1D6 inches (If the treasure slows
their movement, reduce the bonus move
0-2 Spire Stalkers – appropriately).
30 gold crowns to hire
Spire Stalkers are agile cutthroats whose domain is the
rooftop. Leaping and climbing above the battlefield, they
position themselves for the perfect ambush before striking

4 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 7

Weapons/Armour: A Spire Stalker may be armed

with items from the Corvus Cabal Equipment list.

SPECIAL SKILLS Harrying Raven – If you attack with a raven

Mutation – You may purchase one mutation from familiar and successfully hit, when that warrior
the Possessed warband list, paying the cost as next moves, it’s movement may be reduced. After
normal. Each hero may only take this skill once declaring its intention, roll 1D6: on a roll of 1-3,
each. reduce the overall distance they move by that
many inches (ex. If roll a 2, their walk is reduced
Swooping Attack – Shrike Only – If you make a by -2” or charge by -2”). On a 4-6, they move like
diving charge and successfully deal one or more normal. (Jackdaw heroes may use this with Shoot
successful hits, you may make an Initiative test; if into combat to potentially make their chargers fall
you succeed, the opponent may only make 1 attack short).
back. If that attack doesn’t injure you, the Shrike
may disengage and moves 3D6” away. Infiltration - A hero with this skill is always placed
on the battlefield after the opposing warband and
Trophy Hunter – If your hero has successfully can be placed anywhere on the table as long as it is
taken one or more opponents out of action and/or out of sight of the opposing warband and more
has collected a treasure (ex. Wyrdstone), it gains +1 than 12" away from any enemy model. If both
Attack for the remainder of the game. players have models which infiltrate, roll a D6 for
each, and the lowest roll sets up first.


1 - Song of Sorrow – Difficulty 8

You may only target a warrior in a warband that 4 - Sons of the Gatherer – Difficulty 9
has had at least one warrior taken out of action, Pick an enemy model; that model, and all models
and only a target that is not immune to within 3” of them (friend or foe), each suffer 1D6
Psychology. The spell has a range of 12" and must S2 hits.
be cast on the closest viable enemy model. If the
Shadow Piercer is in hand-to-hand combat, they 5 - Slippery Silver – Difficulty 5+*
must choose their target from those in base contact *Not cast in the shooting phase.
with them. The target must pass a leadership Whenever an opponent with equipment is taken
check; if they fail, the affected model is out of action, immediately roll for post-game
immediately stunned. If the model cannot be injuries. If a hero or henchmen dies, your caster
stunned it is knocked down instead. may attempt to cast this spell (if they are not taken
out or injured). If they succeed, they get to pick one
2 - Joy of the Hunt – Difficulty 5 item from the corpse to loot. If it is a special item
Choose a friendly model within 6” (including the exclusive to that warband, the normal restrictions
caster) to grant the Gatherer’s Blessing. A Blessed for who can use it still apply. If the dead target
model gains +1 Movement and does not need to doesn’t have any equipment, the Shadow Piercer
take an Initiative test when climbing up walls and gains +1 Experience instead.
other sheer surfaces. Over the course of the game,
you may have any number of models have the 6 - Promise of Gold – Difficulty Auto
blessing at any given time; however, if you attempt At the start of the game, you gain 1D3 Omen
to cast Joy of the Hunt and fail to make the tokens. Once per turn, after making a dice roll, you
Difficulty roll, all models in your warband that are may spend an omen to add one die and discard
Blessed lose the bonus. (A model can’t have more one die when doing any of the following: making a
than one Gatherer’s blessing at a time). failed Lucky Charm save; rolling to find a hidden
treasure; noticing an obscured opponent. In the
3 – Daughter of the Harpy – Difficulty 6 post-game phase, any unspent omens may also be
Pick a friendly model (including the caster) within used when rolling on the Exploration chart (if the
18” that is engaged in combat. That warrior may caster is not taken out of action); rolling to find a
immediately make a bonus attack. Treat this like a rare item or hired sword. After exploration, any
normal attack, but with a Strength of 4, and as if unused omens are discarded.
the wielder was using an axe.

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