NDIR Sensor Check

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 OCT 2016

VOL 50

Complete Gas Sensor Circuit Using Nondispersive Infrared (NDIR)

by Robert Lee and Walt Kester Download PDF


Nondispersive infrared (NDIR) spectroscopy is often used to detect gas and measure the concentration
of carbon oxides (for example, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide). An infrared beam passes through
the sampling chamber, and each gas component in the sample absorbs some particular frequency of
infrared. By measuring the amount of absorbed infrared at the appropriate frequency, the
concentration of the gas component can be determined. The technique is said to be nondispersive
because the wavelength that passes through the sampling chamber is not prefiltered and instead the
optical filter is in front of the detector to eliminate all light except the wavelength, which the selected
gas molecules can absorb. 

The circuit shown in Figure 1 is a complete thermopile-based gas sensor using the NDIR principle. This
circuit is optimized for CO2 sensing, but can also accurately measure the concentration of a large
number of gases by using thermopiles with different optical filters.

The printed circuit board (PCB) is designed in an Arduino shield form factor and interfaces to the EVAL-
ADICUP360 Arduino-compatible platform board. The signal conditioning is implemented with
the AD8629 and the ADA4528-1 low noise amplifiers and the ADuCM360 precision analog
microcontroller, which contains programmable gain amplifiers, dual 24-bit Σ-Δ analog-todigital
converters (ADCs), and an ARM® Cortex®-M3 processor.

The thermopile sensor is composed of a large number of thermocouples connected usually in series or,
less commonly, in parallel. The output voltage of the series connected thermocouples depends on the
temperature difference between the thermocouple junctions and the reference junctions. This principle
is called the Seebeck effect after its discoverer, Thomas Johann Seebeck.

The circuit uses the AD8629 op amp to amplify the thermopile sensor output signals. The relatively small
output voltage of the thermopile (from hundreds of microvolts to several millivolts) requires high gain
with very low offset and drift to avoid dc errors. The high impedance (typically 84 kΩ) of the thermopile
requires low input bias current to minimize errors, and the AD8629 bias current is only 30 pA typical.
The very low drift with time and temperature eliminates additional errors once the temperature
measurement has been calibrated. A pulsed light source synchronized with the ADC sampling rate
minimizes the errors caused by low frequency drift and flicker noise.

The AD8629 only has 22 nV/√Hz voltage noise spectral density at 1 kHz, which is less than the
thermopile voltage noise density of 37 nV/√Hz.

The AD8629 also has a very low current noise spectral density of 5 fA/√Hz typical at 10 Hz. This current
noise flows through the 84 kΩ thermopile and only contributes 420 pV/Hz at 10 Hz.
Figure 1. NDIR gas sensing circuit (simplified schematic: all connections and decoupling not shown)
circuit description.

With the 200 mV common-mode voltage buffered by low noise amplifier ADA4528-1, the NTC and
thermopile signal output meets the requirements of the ADuCM360 buffered mode input—AGND + 0.1
V to approximately AVDD − 0.1 V for ADuCM360 ADC buffered mode input. The CN-0338 Arduino shield
board can be compatible with other types of Arduinocompatible platform board with single-input ADCs

The circuit chopping frequency can be 0.1 Hz to 5 Hz, selected by software. The ADP7105 low dropout
regulator generates a stable 5 V output voltage to drive the lamp, and is turned on and off by the
ADuCM360. The soft start feature of the ADP7105 eliminates the in-rush current when cold starting the

The ADuCM360 includes dual, 24-bit, Σ-Δ ADCs for simultaneous sampling of a dual element thermopile
at programmable rates of 3.5 Hz to 3.906 kHz. The data rate in the NDIR system is limited from 3.5 Hz to
483 Hz for best noise performance.

Thermopile Detector Theory of Operation 

To understand the thermopile, it is useful to review the basic theory of thermocouples.

If two dissimilar metals are joined at any temperature above absolute zero, there is a potential
difference between them (their thermoelectric EMF or contact potential), which is a function of the
temperature of the junction (see the thermoelectric EMF circuit in Figure 2).

If the two wires are joined at two places, two junctions are formed (see the thermocouple connected to
load in Figure 2). If the two junctions are at different temperatures, there is a net EMF in the circuit, and
a current flows determined by the EMF and the total resistance in the circuit (see Figure 2). If one of the
wires is broken, the voltage across the break is equal to the net thermoelectric EMF of the circuit, and if
this voltage is measured, it can be used to calculate the temperature difference between the two
junctions (see the thermocouple voltage measurement in Figure 2). Remember that a thermocouple
measures the temperature difference between two junctions, not the absolute temperature at one
junction. The temperature at the measuring junction can be measured only if the temperature of the
other junction (often called the reference junction or the cold junction) is known.

However, it is not so easy to measure the voltage generated by a thermocouple. Suppose that a
voltmeter is attached to the first thermocouple measurement circuit (see the practical thermocouple
voltage measurement showing cold junction in Figure 2). The wires attached to the voltmeter form
further thermocouples where they are attached. If both these additional junctions are at the same
temperature (it does not matter what temperature), the law of intermediate metals states that they
make no net contribution to the total EMF of the system. If they are at different temperatures, they
introduce errors. Because every pair of dissimilar metals in contact generates a thermoelectric EMF—
including copper/solder, kovar/ copper (kovar is the alloy used for IC lead frames), and aluminum/kovar
(at the bond inside the IC)—the problem is even more complex in practical circuits, and it is necessary to
take extreme care to ensure that all the junction pairs in the circuitry around a thermocouple, except for
the measurement and reference junctions themselves, are at the same temperature.
Figure 2. Thermocouple principles.

A thermopile consists of a series connection of a large number of thermocouples, as shown in Figure 3.

Compared to a single thermocouple, the thermopile generates much higher thermoelectric voltage. 
Figure 3. Thermopile constructed of multiple thermocouples.

In the NDIR application, pulsed and filtered IR light is applied to the series connected active junctions;
the junctions are therefore heated, which in turn generates a small thermoelectric voltage. The
temperature of the reference junction is measured with a thermistor.

Many gases have permanently or nonpermanently separated centers of positive and negative charge.
The gases are able to absorb specific frequencies in the infrared spectrum, which can be used for gas
analysis. When infrared radiation is incident on the gas, the energy states of atoms vibrating in the
molecules change in discrete steps when the wavelength of the infrared matches the molecules’ natural
frequencies or resonances.

For a majority of IR gas sensing applications, the identities of the target gases are known; therefore,
there is little need for gas spectrometry. However, the application must deal with a certain amount of
cross sensitivity between different gases if their absorption lines overlap.

Carbon dioxide has a very strong absorption band between 4200 nm and 4320 nm, as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Absorption spectrum of carbon dioxide (CO2).

The available output range of IR sources and the absorption spectrum of water also govern the choice of
the sensing wavelengths. Water shows strong absorptions below 3000 nm and also between 4500 nm
and 8000 nm. Any attempt to sense gas spectral lines in these regions is subject to strong interference if
moisture (high humidity) is present with the target gas. Figure 5 shows the absorption spectrum of
carbon dioxide overlaid with the absorption spectrum of water. (All absorption data was taken from the
HITRAN database).
Figure 5. Absorption spectrum of carbon dioxide overlaid with water.

If IR light is applied to a dual thermopile detector fitted with a pair of optical filters so that one filter is
centered on 4260 nm and the other on 3910 nm, the concentration of carbon dioxide can be measured
from the ratios of the two thermopile voltages. The optical filter that resides within the absorption
channel serves as the detection channel and the optical filter that resides outside the absorption
spectrum serves as the reference channel. Measuring errors caused by dust or diminishing radiation
intensity are removed by the use of the reference channel. It is important to note that there are no gas
absorption lines at 3910 nm, making this the ideal location for the reference channel.
Thermopiles used in NDIR sensing have relatively high internal resistance and 50 Hz/60 Hz power-line
noise can couple into the signal path. The thermopile can have source impedances of about 100 kΩ
causing the thermal noise to dominate the system. For example, the thermopile detector chosen in the
Figure 1 system has a voltage noise density of 37 nV/√Hz. By maximizing the amount of signal coming
from the detector and using less gain in the circuit, it is possible to ensure the best performance of the
gas measuring system.

The best way to maximize the signal from the thermopile detector is to use a sample chamber with high
reflective properties, which ensures that the detector absorbs the radiation emitted from the source and
not the chamber itself. Using a reflective chamber to reduce the amount of radiation absorbed by the
chamber can also reduce the amount of power consumed by the system because a less powerful
radiation source can be used.

Beer-Lambert Law for NDIR Gas Absorption 

The infrared intensity on the active detector decreases according to the exponential relationship called
the Beer-Lambert Law:

I is the intensity in target gas.
I0 is the intensity in zero gas.
k is the absorption coefficient for the specific gas and filter combination.
l is the equivalent optical path length between the lamp and detectors.
x is the concentration of the gas.

For the active detector output, there is a corresponding output voltage change, V 0 – V: 

FA is the fractional absorbance.
V0 is the output in zero gas.
V is the output in target gas.

Rearranging and combining the previous two equations gives

If k and l are held constant, FA can be plotted against x as shown in Figure 6 (where kl = 115, 50, 25, 10,
and 4.5). The value of FA increases with c, but eventually saturates at high gas concentrations.

Figure 6. Typical fractional absorbance for kl = 4.5, 10, 25, 50, 115.
This relationship implies that for any fixed setup, the ability to resolve a change in gas level is better at
low concentrations than at high concentrations. However, k and l can be adjusted to provide the
optimum absorbance for the required range of gas concentration. This means that long optical paths are
more suited for low gas concentrations, and short optical paths are more suited for high gas

The following describes a two-point calibration procedure necessary to determine the kl constant using
the ideal Beer-Lambert equation. If b = kl, then

The first part of the calibration requires applying low concentration CO2 gas (or pure nitrogen, which is
0% concentration of CO2 gas) to the sensor assembly:

 ACTLOW is the peak-to-peak output of the active detector in low concentration gas. 

 REFLOW is the peak-to-peak output of the reference detector in low concentration gas. 

 TLOW is the temperature of the low concentration gas.

The second part of the calibration requires applying CO2 gas of a known concentration (x CAL) to the
assembly. Usually, the xCAL concentration level is chosen to be the maximum value of the concentration
range (for example, 0.5% vol. for the industrial air quality range).

 ACTCAL is the peak-to-peak output of the active detector in the calibration gas of concentration

 REFCAL is the peak-to-peak output of the reference detector in the calibration gas of
concentration xCAL.

The following two simultaneous equations in two unknowns (I 0 and b) can then be written:
Solving the two equations for I0 and b, 

Then, for a gas of unknown concentration (x), where:

ACT is the peak-to-peak output of the active detector in unknown gas. 

REF is the peak-to-peak output of the reference detector in unknown gas. 

T is the temperature of the unknown gas in K. 

The T/TLOW factor compensates for the change in concentration with temperature due to the ideal gas

Modified Beer-Lambert Law 

Practical considerations in the NDIR implementation require modifications to the Beer-Lambert Law, as
follows, to obtain accurate readings:

The SPAN factor is introduced because not all the IR radiation that impinges upon the active thermopile
is absorbed by the gas, even at high concentrations. SPAN is less than 1 because of the optical filter
bandwidth and the fine structure of the absorption spectra.

Variations in the optical path length and light scattering require the addition of a power term, c, for
accurately fitting the equation to the actual absorption data.
The value of the b and SPAN constants also depend upon the range of concentration measured. The
typical concentration ranges are as follows:

 Industrial air quality (IAQ): 0 to 0.5% vol. (5000 ppm). Note that CO2 concentration in ambient
air is approximately 0.04% vol., or 400 ppm. 

 Safety: 0 to 5% vol. 

 Combustion: 0 to 20% vol. 

 Process control: 0 to 100% vol.

The exact values of b and c for a particular system are usually determined by taking a number of data
points for FA vs. the concentration, x, and then using a curve fitting program.

For a given system where the b and c constants have been determined, the value of ZERO and SPAN can
be calculated using the two-point calibration method.

The first step in the procedure it to apply a low gas concentration of x LOW and record the following: 

 ACTLOW: the peak-to-peak output of the active detector in low concentration gas 

 REFLOW: the peak-to-peak output of the reference detector in low concentration gas 

 TLOW: the temperature of the low concentration gas in K. 

The second part of the calibration requires applying CO2 gas of a known concentration (x CAL) to the
assembly. Usually, the xCAL concentration level is chosen to be the maximum value of the concentration
range (for example, 0.5% vol. for the industrial air quality range). Record the following: 

 ACTCAL: the peak-to-peak output of active detector in the calibration gas of concentration x CAL. 

 REFCAL: the peak-to-peak output of the reference detector in the calibration gas of concentration

The following two simultaneous equations in two unknowns (I 0 and SPAN) can then be written:
Solving the two equations for ZERO and SPAN yields

Then, for a gas of unknown concentration (x), where: 

ACT is the peak-to-peak output of the active detector in unknown gas. 

REF is the peak-to-peak output of the reference detector in unknown gas. 

T is the temperature of the unknown gas in K. 

This equation assumes that TLOW = TCAL. 

Effects of Ambient Temperature 

The thermopile detector senses temperature by absorbing radiation, but it also responds to ambient
temperature changes which can give rise to spurious and misleading signals. For this reason, many
thermopiles have thermistors integrated into the package. 

The radiation absorption is related to the number of target molecules in the chamber, not the absolute
percentage of target gas. Therefore the absorption is described by the ideal gas law at standard
atmosphere pressure. 

It is necessary to record the temperature data in both the calibration state and the measurement state: 
x is the concentration of gas without temperature compensation.
TLOW is the temperature in K at low and high gas concentration.
T is the temperature in K at sampling.
xT is the gas concentration at temperature T. 

In addition to the ideal gas law variation of concentration with temperature, SPAN and FA vary slightly
with temperature and may require correction for extremely high accuracy concentration

This article does not deal with SPAN and FA temperature correction; however, details can be found in
Application Note 1, Application Note 2, Application Note 3, Application Note 4, and Application Note 5
from SGX Sensortech, and the AAN-201, AAN-202, AAN-203, AAN-204, and AAN-205 application notes
from Alphasense Limited. 

Thermopile Driver

The HTS-E21-F3.91/F4.26 thermopile (Heimann Sensor, GmbH) has an 84 kΩ internal resistance in each
channel. The equivalent circuit of the driver for one of the thermopile channels is shown in Figure 7. The
internal 84 kΩ thermopile resistance and the external 8.2 nF capacitor form an RC low-pass noise filter
with a −3 dB cutoff frequency:

Changing C11 and C15 for various thermopiles also changes the noise performance and the response
Figure 7. Thermopile driver equivalent circuit, G = 214.6.

The step function setting time of the 84 kΩ/8.2 nF filter to 22 bits is approximately 

The AD8629 noninverting amplifier is set to a gain of 214.6 and the −3 dB cutoff frequency: 
The settling time to 22 bits is approximately

The maximum NDIR chop frequency is 5 Hz, and the minimum half cycle pulse width is therefore 100 ms.
The settling time to 22 bits is approximately 0.1 × the minimum chop pulse width. 

The AD8629 has a 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz input voltage noise of 0.5 μV p-p. Ignoring the sensor voltage noise
and the AD8629 current noise, a 1 mV p-p signal output from the thermopile yields a signal-to-noise
ratio (SNR) of: 

One of the thermopiles is connected as the pseudo differential input to the ADuCM360 ADC1/ADC3 pair,
and the second is connected to the ADC2/ ADC3 pair. The ADC3 input is connected to a common-mode
voltage of 200 mV, driven by the ADA4528-1 low noise amplifier. The ADA4528-1 input 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz
voltage noise is 99 nV p-p. The 200 mV common-mode voltage is required to keep the ADC input pins
greater than 0.1 V. 

The gain of the AD8629 stage is 214.6, and the gain of the internal PGA of ADuCM360 is automatically
set by software from 1 to 128 to ensure the input signal matches the full-scale span of the ADC input,
±1.2 V. The peak-to-peak signal from the thermopile can range from a few hundred μV to several mV.
For instance, if the full-scale thermopile signal is 1 mV p-p, a PGA gain of 4 produces an 860 mV p-p into
the ADC. 

Thermopiles with different sensitivities may require a different gain in the AD8629 stage. Interfacing
the CN-0338 Arduino shield board with other Arduino-compatible platforms may require higher gains if
the platform uses an ADC without an internal PGA.

The easiest way to change the AD8629 gain is to change R6 and R10; which does not affect the dominant
pole frequency set by R5/R8 and C9/C10. 

The thermopile output data processing algorithm can be selected in software. The user can select
between peak-to-peak and averaging algorithms 
Further details regarding the acquisition of the signals, lamp pulse timing, along with the processing
algorithms for temperature compensation are included in the CN-0338 source code found in the CN-
0338 Design Support Package and in the CN-0338 User Guide. 

NTC Thermistor Driver 

The characteristics of the integrated NTC temperature sensor in the thermopile are as follows: 

RTH = 100 kΩ 

β = 3940 

The Thevenin equivalent circuit for the thermistor driver is shown in Figure 8. The R3 and R4 divider
resistors provide a 670.3 mV voltage source in series with the 103.6 kΩ. The driving voltage is 670.3 mV
− 200 mV = 470.3 mV.

Figure 8. NTC thermistor driver equivalent circuit.

When RTH = 100 kΩ at 25°C, the voltage across the thermistor is 231 mV, and the PGA gain is therefore
set at 4 when making the measurement. 

The flexible input multiplexer and dual ADCs in the ADuCM360 allow simultaneous sampling of both the
thermopile signals and the temperature sensor signal to compensate for drift. 

IR Light Source Driver 

The filament light source selected is the International Light Technologies MR3-1089, with a polished
aluminum reflector that requires a drive voltage of 5.0 V at 150 mA for maximum infrared emission and
the best system performance. Heat from the lamp keeps the temperature of the optical reflector higher
than ambient, which is helpful in preventing condensation in humid environments. 

Filament lamps have a low resistance when cold (turned off), which can result in a current surge at the
instant of turn-on. A regulator with a soft start function is useful in addressing this problem. 

The ADP7105 low dropout voltage regulator has a programmable enable pin that can be used with a
general-purpose input/output pin of the ADuCM360 to enable/disable the lamp voltage. A soft start
capacitor, C6, of 10 nF provides a soft start time of 12.2 ms, which is approximately 0.125× the minimum
chop step time of 100 ms. 
The lamp on-current (~150 mA) is large, therefore careful circuit design and layout is required to prevent
the lamp switching pulses from coupling into the small thermopile output voltages. 

Take care to ensure the lamp return path does not flow through the sensitive thermopile detector
ground return path. The lamp current must not use the same return path as the processor; otherwise it
may cause voltage offset errors. It is strongly recommended that a separate voltage regulator be used
for the lamp drive and the signal conditioning portion of the system. 

The ADP7105 lamp driver is supplied directly from the external power supply connected to the EVAL-
ADICUP360 board. 

Software Considerations 

Synchronized Chopping and Sampling 

To measure the gas concentration, the peak-to-peak signal value in both the reference and active
channel must be sampled. The ADuCM360 includes two 24-bit, Σ-Δ ADCs, and the ADCs operate in
continuous sampling mode. Programmable gain amplifiers with gain options of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, and
128 drive the ADCs. 

The default chopping frequency is set to 0.25 Hz, and the default sampling rate is set to 10 Hz. However,
the chopping frequency can be set in the software from 0.1 Hz to 5 Hz, and the ADC sampling rate from
3.5 Hz to 483 Hz. The software ensures that the sampling rate is at least 30 times the chopping

For the default chopping frequency of 0.25 Hz, the thermopile data is taken at a 10 Hz rate during the
last 1.5 sec of the 2 sec half cycle to ensure that the signal has settled. The data during the first 500 ms is
ignored (blanking time). The blanking time can also be set in the software, for both edges. Note that the
NTC thermistor data is taken during the blanking time. 

Calibration Procedure: Ideal Beer-Lambert Equation 

Because of differences in the characteristics of lamps and thermopiles, the circuit must be calibrated
initially and also after changing either the thermopile or the lamp. 

It is recommended that the entire assembly be placed in a closed chamber where gas of a known CO2
concentration can be injected until all existing gas in the chamber is flushed out. After stabilizing for a
few minutes, the measurements can then be made. 

The calibration method and algorithms are shown in the following steps for the ideal Beer-Lambert

1. Input the following command: sbllcalibrate (standard Beer-Lambert calibration). 

2. Inject low concentration, xLOW, or zero gas (nitrogen), and stabilize the chamber. 

3. Input the CO2 concentration into the terminal. 

4. The system measures ACTLOW, the peak-to-peak output of the active detector in low concentration
5. The system measures REFLOW, the peak-to-peak output of the reference detector in low concentration

6. The system measures temperature of low gas, T LOW. 

7. Inject high concentration CO2, of concentration x CAL, into the chamber. 

8. Input the CO2 concentration into the terminal. 

9. The system measures ACTCAL, REFCAL, and the calibration temperature, TCAL. 

10. The system calculates ZERO and b: 

To measure an unknown concentration of CO2 gas using the ideal Beer-Lambert equation, do the

1. Apply the unknown concentration of gas to the chamber and stabilize. 

2. Measure ACT, the peak-to-peak output of the active detector. 

3. Measure REF, the peak-to-peak output of the reference detector.

4. Measure the temperature, T, in Kelvin. 

5. Use the ZERO value from the calibration. 

6. Use the b value from the calibration 

7. Calculate the fractional absorbance:  

Calculate the concentration and apply the ideal gas law temperature compensation:

This procedure assumes that TLOW = TCAL. 

Note that the CN-0338 software will automatically perform Steps 2 through 7. 

Calibration Procedure: Modified Beer-Lambert Equation 

If the constants b and c are known from measurements, use the following procedure. 

1. Input the following command: mbllcalibrate (modified Beer-Lambert calibration). 

2. Input the b and c constants. 

3. Inject low concentration CO2 gas, xLOW (nitrogen), and stabilize the chamber. 

4. Input the CO2 concentration into the terminal. 

5. The system measures ACTLOW, the peak-to-peak output of the active detector in low gas. 

6. The system measures REFLOW, the peak-to-peak output of the reference detector in low gas. 

7. The system measures the temperature, TLOW. 

8. Inject high concentration CO2, of concentration x CAL, into the chamber. 

9. Input the CO2 concentration into the terminal. 

10. The system measures ACTCAL, REFCAL, and the calibration temperature, TCAL. 

11. The system calculates ZERO and SPAN: 

To measure an unknown concentration of CO2 gas using the modified Beer-Lambert equation, do the

1. Apply the unknown concentration of gas to the chamber and stabilize. 

2. Measure ACT, the peak-to-peak output of the active detector. 

3. Measure REF, the peak-to-peak output of the reference detector. 

4. Measure the temperature, T, in kelvin. 

5. Use the ZERO and SPAN values from calibration. 

6. Use the values of b and c that were previously determined. 

7. Calculate fractional absorbance: 

Calculate the concentration and apply the ideal gas law temperature compensation: 

This procedure assumes that TLOW = TCAL. 

NTC Thermistor Algorithm and Calculations 

The NTC thermistor equivalent circuit is shown in Figure 9. 

Figure 9. NTC thermistor circuit.

The voltage across the thermistor is

VCC is 3.3 V.
RNTC is thermistor resistance. 

The NTC thermistor resistance can be expressed as

RTH is the thermistor resistance at temperature T0.
β is a parameter given in the NTC thermistor data sheet.
RNTC is the the thermistor resistance at temperature T.

Combining the two equations yields

During each lamp chopping time interval, the ADC is switched to NTC sampling, as shown in Figure 10. 

Figure 10. Timing of NTC and thermopile sampling and lamp chopping.

User Interactive Interface 

The EVAL-ADICUP360 platform board connects to a PC via the USB port. The board appears as a virtual
COM device. Any type of serial port terminal can be used to interact with the EVAL-ADICUP360 board for
development and debugging. Further details regarding the operation of the software are included in the
CN-0338 Circuit Note. 

Figure 11 shows the fractional absorbance (FA) as a function of CO2 concentration for a typical EVAL-
CN0338-ARDZ board. 
Figure 11. Fractional absorbance vs. CO2 concentration for the typical EVAL-CN0338-ARDZ board.

A complete design support package for the EVAL-CN0338-ARDZ board including layouts, bill of materials,
schematics, and source code can be found at www.analog.com/CN0338-DesignSupport. 
A functional diagram of the test setup is shown in Figure 12 and a photograph of the EVAL-CN0338-ARDZ
Arduino shield board and the EVALADICUP360 Arduino-compatible platform board is shown in Figure
Figure 12. Test setup functional block diagram.
Figure 13. EVAL-CN0338-ARDZ board and EVAL-ADICUP360 board photos.


The analog electronics needed to implement the NDIR measurement require precision low noise
amplification and high resolution analogto- digital conversion. The circuit described in this article is a
highly integrated solution that utilizes the ADuCM360 precision analog microcontroller to perform the
precision PGA function, the precision Σ-Δ ADC conversion, and the digital control and processing. 

The Arduino shield-compatibility allows for rapid prototyping of NDIR designs with the ability to tailor
the software to the specific application requirements.


Application Note 1,  A Background to Gas Sensing by Nondispersive Infrared . SGX Sensortech, 2007. 

Application Note 2,  Signal Processing for Infrared Gas Sensors . SGX Sensortech, 2007. 

Application Note 3,  Design of Microcontroller Software for Infrared Gas Sensors . SGX Sensortech, 2007. 

Application Note 4,  Design of Electronics for Infrared Gas Sensors . SGX Sensortech, 2009. 

Application Note 5,  Determining Coefficients for Linearisation and Temperature Compensation . SGX
Sensortech, 2009.  

Application Note AAN-201,  NDIR: Gas Concentration Calculation Overview . Alphasense Limited, 2014. 

Application Note AAN-202,  NDIR: Electronic Interface and Signal Extraction for Pyroelectric Sensor .
Alphasense Limited, 2016. 

Application Note AAN-203,  NDIR: Determination of Linearisation and Temperature Correction

Coefficients. Alphasense Limited, 2009. 

 Application Note AAN-204, NDIR: Origin of Nonlinearity and  SPAN. Alphasense Limited, 2009. 

Application Note AAN-205,  NDIR: Running the IRC-A1 at Reduced Lamp Voltages . Alphasense Limited,

CN-0338 Circuit Note,  NDIR Thermopile-Based Gas Sensing Circuit . Analog Devices, Inc., 2016.

CN-0338 Design Support Package: www.analog.com/CN0338-DesignSupport. 

HITRAN Catalog. 

Micro-Hybrid,  Construction and Function of Thermopiles. 

MT-004 Tutorial,  The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Aspects of ADC Input Noise—Is No Noise Good
Noise? Analog Devices, Inc, 2009. 

MT-031 Tutorial,  Grounding Data Converters and Solving the Mystery of “AGND” and “DGND” . Analog
Devices, Inc, 2009. 

MT-035,  Op Amp Inputs, Outputs, Single-Supply, and Rail-to-Rail Issues . Analog Devices, Inc, 2009. 
MT-037 Tutorial,  Op Amp Input Offset Voltage. Analog Devices, Inc, 2009. 

MT-101 Tutorial,  Decoupling Techniques. Analog Devices, Inc, 2009. 

Data Sheets and Evaluation Boards 

ADP7105 Data Sheet. 

ADuCM360 Data Sheet. 

EVAL-CN0338-ARDZ Arduino Shield Board. 

EVAL-ADICUP360 Arduino-Compatible Platform Board.


Robert Lee

Robert Lee has been an applications engineer at Analog Devices since January 2013. Robert received his
B.S.E.E. from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) in 2004 and M.S.E.E. from
UESTC in 2009. He has more than 10 years of embedded system design experience.

Walt Kester

Walt Kester is a corporate staff applications engineer at Analog Devices. During his many years at ADI, he
has designed, developed, and given applications support for high speed ADCs, DACs, SHAs, op amps, and
analog multiplexers. An author of many papers and articles, he prepared and edited 11 major
applications books for ADI’s global technical seminar series; topics include op amps, data conversion,
power management, sensor signal conditioning, mixed-signal circuits, and practical analog design
techniques. His latest book, Data Conversion Handbook (Newnes), is a nearly 1000-page comprehensive
guide to data conversion. Walt has a B.S.E.E. from NC State University and an M.S.E.E. from Duke


 AD8629

Zero Drift, Single-Supply, R/R, Input/Output Operational Amplifier

 ADA4528-1

Precision, Ultralow Noise, RRIO, Zero-Drift Single Op Amp

 ADP7105

20 V, 500 mA, Low Noise LDO Regulator with Soft Start

 ADUCM360

Low power precision analog microcontroller, ARM cortex M3 with dual...


Arduino form factor compatible ARM Cortex-M3 Development Platform



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