Fermented Concoction (1)

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- In plant and yeast cells pyruvate is converted into
carbon dioxide and a type of alcohol called ethanol. This
process is called fermentation and yields only two
molecules of ATP per glucose molecule broken down.

- Something (such as a food or drink) that
is concocted from various elements : something prepared
or devised by combining different ingredients.
Types of Fermented Concoction

01 Indigenous
Microorganism (IMO) 05 Fish Amino Acid (FAA)

02 Fermented Plant Juice

(FPJ) 06 Oriental Herbal Nutrients

03 Fermented Fruit Juice

07 Calcium Phosphate

04 Vermi Tea
08 Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum
IMO is useful in removing
bad odors from animal
wastes, hastening
composting, and
contributing to crops’
general health.
1. Clay pot/Bamboo trough
2. Manila paper (unprinted)
3. Basin
4. Cooked rice
5. Muscovado sugar (generic or crude sugar)
6. Clean water (no chlorine or other chemicals)
How to Make IMO:
1. Cook a kilo of rice, preferably organic. After cooling, put the
cooked rice in a wooden, earthen or ceramic container. Avoid plastic
or aluminum.
2. Cover the mouth of the container completely with cloth or paper,
fixed in place with a rubber band, to prevent water or small insects
from getting in.
3. Put the covered container, protected from possible rain, under the
trees, in a bamboo grove, a forest floor, or wherever a thick mat of
leaves has formed. Leave it there for three days.
4. After whitish moldy filaments have formed, transfer the entire
contents of the container to a larger glass or earthen jar and add one
kilo of brown sugar or molasses, preferably organic.
5. Cover the jar with clean cloth or paper, fixed with a rubber band.
Keep the jar in a dark, cool place. Let it ferment for seven days, until it
appears muddy. This is your IMO concoction.
How to Use IMO:
Mix two spoonfuls of the concoction with a
liter of water. Spray the diluted solution around
chicken coops and pig pens to remove
unpleasant odors, on your compost pile to
hasten decomposition, or on your crops to
improve their general health by controlling pests
and serving as foliar fertilizer.
1. Good soil conditioner
2. Restores plant vitality
3. Reduces plant stress on seedlings
4. Collects nitrogen from the atmosphere, thus promotes
faster plant growth
5. Controls pests and diseases
6. Serves as foliar fertilizer spray to cutflowers and
7. Reduces growth of weeds and grasses seeds
Plant Juice
FPJ is used in solutions for
seed and soil treatments
and plant nutrition. It is
non-toxic and edible.
1. Use any of the following plants: Trichanthera leaves;
kangkong; banana trunk; camote shoots; carabao
grass; hagonoy (Chromolaena odorata — used for crops
only); alugbati; etc.
2. Old or used pail
3. Manila paper (unprinted)
4. Plastic straw (for tying)
5. Muscovado sugar (crude sugar)
6. Clean water (no chlorine)
How to Make FPJ:
1. Collect plant material. Before sunrise, collect the fast-
growing tips (2–3 inches long) of plants; for plants with longer
tendrils, such as sweet potato, longer pieces can be collected.
Avoid collecting during or after rainfall.
2. Cut and weigh the plant material. Do not rinse collected
plant parts, so as to conserve surface microorganisms.
Record the weight of the plant material. Cut the shoot tips
into 2- to 3-inch pieces. Weigh plant parts before or after
cutting, whichever is easier.
3. Add brown sugar or molasses. Weigh out an amount of
brown sugar equal to the weight of the plant material, and
toss together in a bowl or large pan. Coat as much of the
surface area of the plant material with sugar as possible to
expedite the osmotic process and draw out the plant juices.
How to Make FPJ:
4. Pack the plant-material-and-brown-sugar mixture into a
container. Select a clear glass or food-grade polyethylene (PE)
plastic container (no lid necessary). Do not use metal, which will
react with the solution. Pack the container tightly with the
plant-material-and-brown sugar mixture until full. Cover the
mouth of the container with a breathable material, such as
muslin, heavy cheesecloth, or a towel, to allow air exchange.
Secure the cover (with string, rubber bands, etc.) to keep pests
and other contaminants out. Paper towels can be used but
should be replaced if they become wet or torn. Store the
covered container in a well-ventilated area away from artificial
or natural light and extreme heat or cold. Do not refrigerate.
How to Make FPJ:
5. Let the contents ferment undisturbed. The fermentation
process is dependent on ambient temperature. You will know
that fermentation is occurring when bubbles start to form,
which normally occurs on the second day. Ideally, fermentation
should take no longer than 7 days, as the quality of FPJ appears
to diminish thereafter. Fermentation is complete when:
1) the plant material floats and the liquid settles at the
bottom (note: if too much brown sugar was used, this
separation is not distinct);
2) there is a light alcohol smell due to breakdown of
chlorophyll; and
3) the liquid tastes sweet, not bitter.
How to Make FPJ:
6. Separate the liquid from the solids. After fermentation is
complete (3 to 7 days), separate the plant material from the
liquid using a colander or strainer. The spent plant material can
be used as animal feed, or added to mixed compost. The liquid
is Fermented Plant Juice (FPJ), which can be used immediately
or stored in a loosely covered container.
8. Store the FPJ properly. Transfer the FPJ into a glass or food-
grade polyethylene (PE) plastic container. The microorganisms
in the solution are alive and continue to produce gases. The lid
must be kept loose or the container can explode.
How to Use FPJ:
1. Mix 2 tablespoons of FPJ per liter of clean
2. Spray on the leaves of plants or on the soil
using a clean sprayer.
3. Spray early in the morning at 4:00am—6:00
am or in the afternoon at 5:00pm until sunset
when the microorganism are very active.
1. Helps maintain vigor in plants and resistance against
2. Can be used for livestock bedding sprays(pig pens and
poultry houses) to produce more colony of
3. Can also promote resistance against illnesses for
Fruit Juice
FFJ is an artificial honey. It
is a nutritional activation
enzyme and is very
effective in natural farming.
Uses fruits as its main
ingredients. It is used to
revitalize crops, livestock
and humans.
1. Any of the following fruits: mango; papaya; marang;
jackfruit; or banana (but not pineapple); etc.
2. Old or used pail
3. Muscovado sugar (crude sugar or kinugay)
4. Manila paper (unprinted)
5. Plastic straw for tying
6. Clean water (no chlorine or other chemical compound)
How to Make FFJ:
1. Prepare at least 3 fully ripened fruits, either picked or fallen.
Look for fruits that grow in your locality.
2. For 1 Kg of fruit ingredient, use 1 Kg of molasses or brown
sugar. (One of the functions of brown sugar is to control
3. Wash and dry the jar to disinfect container in the sun.
4. Dice your fruit ingredients. After dicing, smear sugar on the
fruits and put them in a container. This step should be taken
quickly to prevent the loss of essential substances.
5. Slowly stir the mixture of diced fruits and sugar, about 2 to 3
times with a wooden stick or until well mixed.
6. Cover with porous paper and tie to the container. Porous
paper allows a good amount of air supply.
7. Let the mixture ferment.
How to Use FFJ:
Dilute FFJ in 1:1000 ratio in water. Spray it to
chicken housing, vegetables, orchard for protection
against diseases. It is an excellent output for re-energizing
crops and livestock.

1. Mix 2 tablespoons of FPJ per liter of clean water.

2. Spray on the leaves of plants or on the soil using a
clean sprayer.
3. Spray early in the morning at 4:00am—6:00am and in
the afternoon at 5:00pm until sunset when the
microorganisms are most active.
1. A good source of potassium which can speed up
plant’s absorption and results to sweeter tasting fruits.
2. Helps maintain vigor in plants and resistance against
3. Adds to soil fertility and the advent of good colonies of
Vermi Tea/
Worm Tea
Worm tea is a natural
liquid fertilizer made from
soaking worm castings
(worm manure) in water.
Steeping these castings in
water overnight creates a
worm tea that helps boost
plant growth.
1. Vermicast
2. Molasses or sugar
3. Water
4. Brewer
5. Pail
6. Clean cloth
How to Make Vermi Tea:
1. Gather your materials. To make worm tea, you’ll need
a compost tea bag (this can be any porous, natural
fiber bag), a five-gallon bucket of dechlorinated water
(e.g. distilled water or rainwater), and worm castings
(should fill about a tenth of the bucket).
2. Fill the bag with worm castings. Fill your porous
worm tea bag with your vermicompost (the worm
castings), and tie the open end of the bag shut.
3. Steep the bag in a bucket of water. Begin the
steeping process by submerging the teabag in the
bucket of water. Aeration boosts microbial activity, so
you may want to use a fish tank bubbler to add extra
oxygen to your worm tea.
How to Make Vermi Tea:
4. Keep the bag submerged overnight. You'll know your
worm tea is ready to use when the water is light brown.
5. Dilute the tea with water. Remove both the fish tank
bubbler (if necessary) and the teabag from the bucket.
Dilute the tea with an additional five gallons of water; the
tea won’t lose its potency and will last longer.
How to Use Vermi Tea:
Once you’ve brewed worm tea, use it as soon as
possible. Water your plants with worm tea every two
weeks, or once a week for fruits and vegetables.

1. First, dilute your worm tea in a 1:3 ratio of water. Next,

you can scoop out your worm tea and dump it straight
on your plants.
2. Or you can put your diluted worm tea in a spray bottle
and mist your plants. If you’ve made your own worm
tea without a steeping bag, make sure to strain it
before adding it to the bottle to prevent clogs in the
Fish Amino
Acid (FAA)
Fish Amino Acid or (FAA ) is
made from spoiled fish and fish
trash such as bones, head,
internal organs and skin with
crude sugar; juice of the fish is
extracted and gets fermented
after storing for a 30-day
period. FAA contains nitrogen
(90%) and phosphorous (2.5%).
1. Chopped fish or fish trash such as gills, entrails, golden
snail (shell removed) or meat scrap and rejects
2. Old or used pail
3. Manila paper (unprinted)
4. Muscovado sugar
5. Plastic straw
6. Clean water (no chlorine or other chemical compound)
How to Make FAA:

1. Collect materials from the marketplace, fish processing

plant or from the fish port. Frequency of collection
depends upon the volume of your production.
2. Chop the materials into small pieces so that the juice
can be easily extracted.
3. Put 3 kg chopped materials in a basin, add 1 kg crude
sugar or molasses, then mix thoroughly using a
wooden laddle. Make sure that all fish parts are coated
with sugar so that the juice can be extracted easily.
How to Make FAA:
4. Pour the mixture in a glass jar or plastic pail, cover with
cloth and secure with a string.

5. Cover the pot or pail with cloth or paper and secure with
a string. Paper or cloth is used as cover to allow some air to
get inside the pot and for the gas that is being produced
during fermentation to escape.

6. On the cover, write the date of processing and the

expected date of harvest.
How to Make FAA:
7. Store the container with the mixture for 4 weeks in a
cool dry shady place. Make sure that the storage area is
not infested with cockroaches or mice because they might
feed on the mixture and contaminate the extract. The
mixture may be appealing to the house pets so make sure
that it is properly secured. In a month’s time, the
fermented extract is ready

8. Collect the fermented extract and preserve in a colored

glass jar. Cover the jar with paper and store in a cool dark
How to Use FAA:
1. For foliar spray to orchids, ornamentals, vegetables,
cereals and fruit trees.
2. Use 2 tablespoons FAA per liter of clean water. Use new
sprayer, otherwise clean the sprayer thoroughly before
3. Spray the leaves of plants or the soil.
4. Spray every 7 days on newly planted seedlings until
fruiting stage. Spray early in the morning at 4:00am—
6:00am or in the afternoon at 5:00pm until sunset
when organisms are most active
1. A good source of nitrogen
2. Serves as “growth hormone” for plant growth and
3. Used as foliar spray
4. Food of microorganisms
Oriental Herbal
Nutrient (OHN)
OHN is a mixture of edible,
aromatic herbs extracted with
alcohol and fermented with
brown sugar. It is used to
discourage the growth of
anaerobic, potentially
pathogenic microbes and
encourage beneficial aerobic
microbes in the soil and on
1. Ginger, garlic and bulb onions 2. Manila paper
2. Crosscut bamboo or clay jar or glass jar
3. Plastic straw (for tying)
4. Muscovado sugar
5. Coconut vinegar, Beer or Gin
How to Make OHN:
Preparation of Fresh Herb Extracts (when using fresh
ginger or turmeric root and garlic cloves)

1. Slice or crush fresh ginger or turmeric root, weigh, and

place in a clean glass jar to fill 2/3 full. Slice or crush garlic
cloves, weigh, and place in another clean glass jar.
2. Add an equal amount of brown sugar by weight to
each jar. Cover the jars with muslin or a paper towel and
secure with a rubber band or threaded ring portion of a
Mason jar, and let sit for 5 to 7 days at room temperature
out of direct sunlight.
How to Make OHN:
3. Fill each jar with vodka (or other liquor that is 40%

4. Replace the jar’s cover. Let sit at room temperature,

stirring clockwise with a wooden spoon every morning for
14 days.

5. Strain 1 /3 of the liquid from each jar into separate,

labeled glass jars (“Ginger OR Turmeric Extract” and “Garlic
Extract,” respectively).
How to Make OHN:
6. Repeat Steps 3 through 5, adding to the respective
extract jars.

7. This extraction process (Steps 3 through 6) can be

repeated up to 5 times before discarding the herb, brown
sugar, and liquor mixtures (which can be composted or
made into tea).
How to Use OHN:
1. Add 2 tablespoons of OHN to every liter of water. Spray
mixture into leaves or soil, at both ends of the day (4:00-
6:00 AM or 4:00 PM) when microorganisms are most
2. Used as natural anti-biotic for plants and animals. Garlic
has high level of sulfur which is a good fungicide.
3. Used on chicks, chickens and sick animals.
4. Sprayed to plant leaves to fortify phyllosphere microbes.
5. Treatment for fungal problems of plants: downy mildew,
powdery mildew.
How to Use OHN:
6. Used as herbal tincture which is highly medicinal and
highly nutritious.
7. On humans: a) used as a remedy for rheumatism; and b)
a treatment for coughs, fever and flu.

• OHN can be mixed in a cocktail with Fermented Plant

Juice (FPJ) and Brown Rice Vinegar (BRV) and applied
as a foliar spray every 10–12 days to make plants less
susceptible to powdery mildew and downy mildew.
• Apply diluted OHN as a soil drench prior to planting to
activate dormant soil microorganisms.
1. Serve as insecticide and fungicide at the same time.
2. Provide more vigor and vitality to the plant.
3. Use to treat skin diseases of hogs and other animals.
4. Use as energy drink for humans.
Calcium Phosphate
Calphos, a concoction made
from eggshells, bones, and
vinegar, is rich in natural
minerals like calcium and
phosphorus. Calphos is used
to treat calcium-deficient soil
and is best to use in plants
that are just entering the
flowering cycle.
1. Any of the following: pork, fish and beef
bones, eggshells and kuhol and/or any shells
2. Clay pot or cross-cut bamboo trough
3. Manila paper (unprinted)
4. Plastic straw (for tying)
5. Coconut vinegar
6. Griller
How to Make CalPhos:
1. Broil bones. Roast eggshells until they turned into
2. Pulverize bones. Transfer in a container pulverized
bones or shells and add equal volume of vinegar.
3. Transfer the mixture into a bamboo trough or clay jar,
cover with Manila paper and tie up with plastic straw.
4. For bones: Allow to sit for one month or until bones
soften or dissolve completely. For eggshells: Allow to sit
for 2 weeks (14 days) or until dissolved completely.
5. Harvest, strain the preparation and bottle after a
month or until when bones are completely dissolved.
How to Use CalPhos:
1. Dilute the juice extracted in 20 parts water.
2. Spray mixture into leaves or soil, preferably at both
ends of the day (4:00-6:00 AM or 4:00 PM until sunset)
when microorganisms are most active.
1. Can induce flowering among plants
2. Promotes higher yield
3. Induce longer shelf life of fruits
4. Give added resistance to plants against pests
and harmful insects
Lactic Acid
Bacteria Serum
This powerful bacteria
can be used as a tonic
for livestock to aid feed
efficiencies and
eliminate some toxins.
1. Rice wash
2. Fresh milk (skimmed or powdered milk
can be used)
3. Used or old pail or plastic container
4. Manila paper (unprinted)
5. Muscovado sugar (crude or generic
How to Make LABS:
1. Pour rice wash (solution generated when you wash the
rice with water) into a container.
2. Allow 50-75% air space in the container.
3. Cover container loosely (not vacuum tight, allowing air
to move into the container). Put container in a cool
area with no direct sunlight.
4. Allow rice wash to ferment for 5-7 days at a
temperature of 20-25 degrees centigrade.
5. The rice bran will be separated and float like a thin film
on the liquid smelling sour.
How to Make LABS:
6. Strain the liquid with a cheese cloth or wheat flour bag
cloth. Put liquid in a bigger container.
7. Pour ten parts milk (the original liquid has already been
infected with different types of microorganisms including
Lactobacilli. Saturation of milk will eliminate the other
microorganisms and pure Lactobacilli will remain.)
8. Ferment in 5-7 days. Carbohydrates, protein and fat will
float and leaving a yellow liquid (serum) which contain
the lactic acid bacteria. Dispose the coagulated
carbohydrate, protein and fat. Add them to compost pile
or feed them to your animals.
9. The pure lactic acid bacteria serum can be stored in the
refrigerator. Or simply add equal amount of crude sugar
(kinugay) or molasses and dilute with 1/3 water. Crude
sugar or molasses will keep the lactic acid bacteria alive
at room temperature at 1:1 ratio serving as food for the
bacteria to keep alive.
How to Use LABS:
1. To use, dilute this pure culture with 20 parts water or
1:20 ratio as basic lactic acid bacteria concoction. Use:
2-4 tbsp/gal of water (clean water) spray or add to
water and feeds of animals. For bigger animals: use 2-4
tbsp of diluted lactic acid bacteria serum without
diluting it further with water.
2. Use as spray to plant leaves to fortify phyllosphere
microbes. Spray to soil and compost to build-up good
microorganism colony.
1. Promotes intestine movement
2. Regulates the balance of the intestinal
3. Prevents growth of harmful or pathogenic
4. Improves immune system
5. Contains anti-aging properties and/or
● Farmer’s Guide on Bio-Organic Inputs from ● https://naplescompost.com/how-to-use-
Plants, Fish & Animal Liquid Extracts - worm-tea/
● http://organic.da.gov.ph/images/IECs/FAA2.
prepareorganicinputs.pdf ● https://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/oc/freepubs/p
● https://businessdiary.com.ph/633/how-to-
make-imo-indigenous-microorganisms/ ● https://www.integritysoils.co.nz/wp-
● https://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/oc/freepubs/p

● http://www.cgnfindia.com/ffj.html

● https://www.masterclass.com/articles/how-
Do you have any questions?


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