Moraga Rotary Newsletter January 24 2012

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January 24th, 2012

NEXT MEETING, January 31, 2012

Sophie started her presentation by thanking Rotary for the opportunity to pursue a new venture in social work and, at the same time connect with a new community and culture. She described the Masters in Social Work program she completed at the University of Melbourne in Australia. The six month program was made up of about half classroom work and half field work in various agencies. Sophie reviewed the work she performed at the Adoption and Family Records and the City Of Yarra. At the Adoption and Family Records group, Sophie worked with people affected by adoption and was involved in ward of the court programs. Her goals revolved around reuniting families and creating new relationships as well as listening to her clients to acknowledge their past experiences. In the City Of Yarra she also worked with families providing requested services and child protection activities. Her group taught parenting strategies to immigrant families as well as working with aboriginal groups.

PROGRAM: CPR Presentation and Instruction

Invocation & Greeter: Louise Schopke


. *Jan. 31 CPR Presentation and Instruction Feb. 7 No Meeting at Soda Center (Attend 5 Club Meeting at th Rossmoor on Feb. 8 -- Great Program) Feb. 14 Valentine Day Dinner with spouses and partners 6pm (No Luncheon at Soda Center) *Feb 21 Rotary Ambassador Scholar Details to follow.
*Indicates a regular Tuesday noon luncheon meeting

Lynn Cannady Member of the Orinda Rotary Club Jay Ingraham Director of Moraga Parks and Recreation Pete Giers Member of the Orinda Rotary Club Sophie Dowse Rotary Ambassador Scholar and our speaker for today.


Colin Barnard introduced our speaker this week, Sophie Dowse, a Rotary Ambassador scholar who was sponsored by our club several years ago, Sophie was born in the United Kingdom. She was a resident of Moraga and graduated from Campolindo High School and Pomona College. In 2007, she travelled to Melbourne, Australia as a Rotary Ambassador Scholar.

Sophie described her involvement with several local th Rotary Clubs in Australia and highlighted a special 4 of July celebration that was organized for her. She described the other Rotary Scholars that she met and was amazed at the breadth of study opportunities that were represented in the group. She also showed a picture of the Clifford Dochterman tree planted while Cliff was the head of Rotary International. Sophie described her work on a tree conservation project as well as a special extended family that included a 16 year old friend living with cerebral palsy. She recounted some of the activities that she enjoyed during her stay including the Australian Open and Australian Rules Football. She showed us some mementoes including several club flags, a didgeridoo and a boomerang. She also enjoyed a trip to Tasmania. Sophie finished her talk by answering some questions about the lost generation of aborigines, immigration policies and the size of the country


Herb Wehmeyer, our greeter and invocator, for today began our meeting with the message that today is the oldest that we have ever been but, at the same time, the youngest that we will ever be!! Savor the day!! Jay Ingraham, Moragas Parks and Recreation Director, announced a Casino Night Fundraiser at the Hacienda de las rd Flores on Saturday, March 3 from 6 until 10 PM. All proceeds go to replace Rancho Laguna Park play structures. Details are contained in the event flyer copied below. Jay had also planned on discussing a joint service club project involving a dog run at Rancho Laguna Park, but a potential lawsuit has put the project on hold for now. Frank May discussed the Night at the Races Fundraiser to be th held on March 10 . Donation letters to local businesses have gone out and we are beginning to get some donations. Event invitation flyers will be mailed next week. Our next planning th meeting will be held on Feb 8 at the Dochtermans home at 762 Augusta beginning at 5 PM. We will ask for event volunteers beginning next week at our regular meeting so come to the planning meetings (they are fun) and sign up for a couple of tasks during the event weekend!! Frank also announced that the Kiwanis Crab Feed will be held at th the Soda Center on Saturday, February 18 with cocktails at 6 PM and dinner at 7 PM. The event will feature dinner, dancing and a silent auction. Tickets are $50 per person. Several club members plan on attending. See any Kiwanis member for tickets or call Ed Beatson on 925-376-3201. Gary Irwin announced that Pat Johnson, a former club member had died. He passed around a copy of Pats obituary. Nora Avelar highlighted the Fab Five Club meeting to be held at th Rossmoor on February 8 . Lunch tickets must be purchased in advance from Louise or Nora. Cliff Dochterman added that since we are sponsoring this event, a hundred percent attendance by club members would be nice. Nora also announced that there are still a few spaces on the st rd Reno Train Trip on February 21 to the 23 . Talk to Nora or John Erickson if you are interested. Louise Schopke announced that second half Paul Harris donations are due and that she would be forwarding a payment to the foundation soon. Tony Schoemehl said that he still had three Wheelchair Foundation calendars for sale at $7.

Debbie Roessler (who currently wears the fine-free hat) celebrated her birthday at Disneyland and an unsuccessful star search and expensive lunch at Ivys in Beverly Hills Jay Ingraham offered $2 for the two invitations he has had to visit the club. Pete Giers offered a Happy Buck in appreciation of our speaker Sophie Dowse.

Thought for the Day

A quote about Australian Rules Football:
"It's got to be a do-or-die effort. It's got to be a determined effort. You've got to show me all the guts and determination you've got in your body. You've got to inspire me with this last quarter finish. You've been in front all day and you've got to stay there."
Said with passion by Ted Whitten

Rotary International Theme for 2011-12



Feb. 8 Annual 5 Club Lunch Meeting at Rossmoor (No Meeting at St. Marys on Tuesday, Feb. 7) Feb. 14 Annual Valentines Day Club Dinner Meeting (No lunch today!) Mar. 10 Annual Nite at the Races Fundraiser
Watch for these dates to come: Annual Bocce Ball Tournament Moraga Rotary Field Day for School Children Demotion Dinner and Events Barbecue for Rotaract and Interact Moraga Community Faire MORAGA ROTARY BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2011-12 President..Nora Avelar President-elect..... Frank May Past President .....Tony Schoemehl Secretary.........Kevin Reneau Treasurer..Louise Schopke Community Service Chair.Barbara Bruner New Generations...Rich Render International Service Chair..Colin Barnard MembershipFrank May Rotary Foundation...... Lad Lynch Public Relations Gary Irwin Director at LargeDebbie Roessler Director at Large..Mary Elena Dochterman Director at Large...Cliff Dochterman President, Rotary International...Kalyan Banerjee District Governor, 5160 ...David Dacus Assistant District Governor.Debbie Roessler
Newsletter Editor for January Frank May

Confessions, High Fives, & Happy Bucks:

Colin Barnard spun the wheel for his family purchase of a Toyota Sienna minivan. Congratulations, Colin, on the new family bus!! Perfect for transporting soccer teams!! Tony Schoemehl offered a Happy Two Bucks for wins by Missouri, Kansas State and St. Marys

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