Vagabonds of Dyfed Single Column
Vagabonds of Dyfed Single Column
Vagabonds of Dyfed Single Column
Writing: Ben Dutter
Design: Ben and Jessica Dutter
Art: Dean Spencer and Per Folmer
Editing: Joshua Yearsley
Layout: Evan Rowland
Principles 4
Challenge and
Impartiality 4
IV Impact and Ingenuity 5
Meaningful Choices 6
Core Mechanic 7
Roll Result 7
Character Creation 8
Character Creation 9
Traits 12
Approach to conflict 12
Goal, cause, or ethos 12
Gimmick or
memorable quality 13
who you used to be 13
who you are now 14
Weakness 14
Lineages 15
Human 15
Elf 15
Dwarf 16
Beastkin 16
Smallfolk 17
techniques 18
Adept 18
Distill Azoth: 18
Hand of Force: 19
Illuminate: 19
V Inaudible Whisper: 19
Legerdemain: 19
Transfer Heat: 20
Arcanist 20
Armorborn 20
Assassinate 20
Beastspeak 21
Better Safe than Sorry 21
Bottomless Lungs 21
Control Vegetation 22
Cure 22
Cutpurse 22
Devoted 23
Augury: 23
Bolster: 23
Cleanse: 24
Holy Ward: 24
Invigorate: 24
Restore: 24
Ear to the Ground 24
Eyeball It 25
Favored Enemy 25
Favored Environment 25
Favored Tactic 25
Favored Weapon 26
Frothy Rage 26
Healing Touch 26
Hellrift 26
Inner Compass 27
Iron Stomach 27
Jellybones 28
Last Word 28
Light Sleeper 29
Linguist 29
Magical Healing 29
Mighty Leap 29
Nose for Evil 30
Oathbound 30
Pathfinder 30
Practiced Shadow 31
Provident Guidance 31
Pyromancer 32
Scry 32
Shadowmeld 33
Soulsnare 33
Strong 34
Tough Hide 34
VII Tracker 34
Trapcunning 34
Undead Thrall 35
Wallclimb 35
How to play 37
Roll Result 38
Impact Scale and Stance 40
Advantage and
Disadvantage 42
Concentration 43
Permission 44
Engaging with
Your Core Flaw 45
Your Character 47
Equipment and Speed 48
Damage and HP 49
Healing and Restoring HP 49
Treating and
Removing Injury Tags 50
Gaining Levels 51
XP requirements 52
VIII Characters53
Enemies and NPCs 54
Hirelings, Horses,
and Hounds 55
NPC Loyalty 56
NPC Ability 57
Surprise 59
Initiative and Turn Order 60
Movement 61
PCs Dealing Damage 62
Critical Hits 62
Defeating Enemies
Without Damage 62
PCs Taking Damage 63
Separate Enemy Damage
Roll (Method 1) 63
IX Enemy Damage Determined
by PC Roll (Method 2) 64
Outside of
Downtime Scenes 68
Social Scenes 69
travel and
travel and
dungeoneering 71
Potential Travel
Turn Calamities 72
Weather and Hazards 73
Weather as an Obstacle 74
Weather as Enemies 75
Special Rules for Weather 76
Preparation and Planning 77
The Planning Roll 78
The Preparation Roll 80
Traps 81
Decays: Hunger, Thirst,
X Disease, and Poison 82
Hunger and Starvation 83
Thirst and Dehydration 83
Snake Venom
(Example Poison) 84
Zombie Rot
(Example Disease) 84
Zombie Rot effect 85
Overland Travel 86
Magic 87
Magic from Techniques 88
Magical Items 88
Elvish Magic 88
Divine Intervention or
Magical Bestowment 89
Magic from Traits or
Other Sources 89
Distilled Magic 90
Finding Azoth 90
Azoth’s Uses 91
XI Azoth in Spells and Rituals 91
Azoth Augmentations 92
Azoth Rejection Mutation 92
Gear and Tools 94
Examples of Weapon Tags 95
Examples of Equipment 97
Currency Conversion 100
Pin: 110
Poison: 110
Reaction attack: 110
Reaction movement: 110
Resistant to [type]: 110
Special movement: 110
Stun: 111
Swallow: 111
Swarm: 111
Trip: 111
Adventurer 132
Avowed 134
Mage 136
Rogue 138
Warrior 140
What is this
◊ PbtA/WoDu ◊ Sum of freeform
inspired traits instead of
◊ 2d6 + mod attributes
Roll Result
◊ 6 or less is a miss (things get worse
or turn out bad).
◊ 7 to 9 is a partial success (some good
with a complication).
◊ 10 to 12 is a complete success (you
do it without issue).
◊ 13 or more is a critical success (you
do it with an added benefit).
Character Creation
Creating Shorjahl
Trait tags:
Technique: Pyromancer
Lineage: human
Characters are essentially the sum of their
traits. Trait tags make up the character’s
description, purpose, role, and approach, and
will affect how likely they are to succeed at a
given task. Below is a list of common trait tags
sorted by category.
Approach to conflict
◊ Aggressive ◊ Stealthy
◊ Violent ◊ Prepared
12 ◊ Direct ◊ Pragmatic
◊ Patient ◊ Measured
Character Creation
◊ Calm ◊ Diplomatic
◊ Cautious ◊ Manipulative
◊ Deceptive ◊ Pensive
◊ Guileful
◊ 37 Treatises
of Wisdom
◊ To overthrow
the emperor
Gimmick or
memorable quality
◊ Flips a coin to ◊ Cuts their arm
kill or release before combat
◊ Always smells ◊ Everything is a joke
of smoke ◊ Demonic features
◊ Collects strange ◊ Slightly magnetic
widgets skin, hair
◊ Multifaceted eyes ◊ Flirtatious with all
◊ Tattoos of slain foes ◊ Devotion to logic
◊ Quick to argue ◊ Has to be in charge
and contest
◊ Speaks in rhymes
◊ Lists all their titles
Character Creation
who you used to be
◊ Born a slave ◊ Guildmaster
◊ Career soldier ◊ Trained as assassin
◊ Acolyte of Hynam ◊ Baron of Venmotte
◊ Merchant sailor ◊ Street vagrant
◊ Blacksmith ◊ Heir to vast fortune
◊ Court jester ◊ Dishonored monk
◊ Royal Guard ◊ Nomadic hunter
◊ High Councilor
who you are now
◊ Bounty hunter ◊ Hospitaller
◊ Protector of Rhys ◊ Champion of Ghor
◊ Dragonslayer ◊ Fabled gladiator
◊ Pyromancer ◊ Artifact hunter
◊ Arcanist ◊ Visceralist
◊ Thieves’ Guildster ◊ Commander of the
◊ Mercenary Iron Legion
◊ Irrational temper ◊ Ugly
14 ◊ Poor eyesight ◊ Poor fortitude
◊ Claustrophobic ◊ Overconfident
Character Creation
◊ Gain +2 HP at creation.
◊ Gain +1 XP when you take an injury
◊ Gain +1 bonus XP when you Train
during a downtime scene.
Character Creation
◊ You have permission to attempt
otherwise impossible tasks to
remember esoteric facts or specific
information, or to solve puzzles.
◊ You have permission to attempt to
use arcane magic even without the
proper training or implements.
◊ You never fail (treat 6- as 7-9) when
attempting something in a painfully
patient or cautious way (e.g., when
in the low-risk stance).
◊ Deal +1 damage with bows and
◊ Select a chosen craft or art form—
you never fail (treat 6- as 7-9) when
attempting to execute this craft.
◊ When attempting something in an
obstinate, stubborn, and direct way,
you get a critical success on a 12+
(instead of 13+).
◊ You can see thrice as far as a human
in dark or dim light.
◊ You are immune to most minor
poisons and toxins.
Character Creation
◊ Select a creature or order of
creatures (feathered, furred, scaled,
tentacled)—you resemble this
creature, whether through magic or
natural hybridization.
◊ Gain +1 speed, and gain another
+2 speed when operating in terrain
that is native and endemic to your
◊ Treat your unarmed attacks as
light weapons, capable of rending,
cutting, and stabbing far greater
than a human can.
◊ You never fail (treat 6- as 7-9) at
actions directly related to your
bloodline (wolves at hunting,
chameleons at hiding, etc.).
◊ You’re little—you can always
squeeze into tight spaces, escape
17 from most bonds, slip through bars,
Character Creation
When you take this technique, pick spells
from the list below equal in number to your
18 level. Each time you gain a level, pick another
spell. You don’t need to roll to cast one, but
you can use them as part of a roll.
Character Creation
Distill Azoth:
Through magical concentration and
meditation, you can convert items of
value into pure azoth, a crystalline
metal of iridescent aesthetic and
magical power. Precious metals, gems,
and other magical items can be distilled
in this way (converting roughly 50sp of
value into one use of azoth per hour).
Hand of Force:
You can mentally project a weak
telekinetic force within close range.
This force subtly distorts the air and
vision around it, and makes a very
quiet reverberation. It can lift or
manipulate things that you reasonably
could with the strength of your hand.
Doing this requires your concentration
and attention.
You can cause any one small object you
touch to glow with dim light, roughly
equivalent to a lantern. It produces
no heat, and lasts until you lose line of
19 sight. If you illuminate another object,
the first object ceases to glow.
Character Creation
Inaudible Whisper:
You can send a very weak, terse, and
abstract bit of telepathy to someone
with whom you make eye contact or
otherwise create mutual awareness.
They do not have to speak your
language to understand, nor can they
resist this effect without magical or
supernatural protection.
You can perform subtle, weak, and
crude illusions, such as making small
things momentarily disappear, teleport
between your hands, or change
colors. This effect dissipates once
out of your line of sight or you break
Transfer Heat:
You can concentrate or manipulate
the flow of heat. Light or snuff a torch,
heat or freeze a cup of water, make
a brass key too hot to comfortably
hold, etc. This effect takes time and
concentration, and only works on
objects in close range.
You know how to read magical runes,
interpret scrolls, use wands, and identify
sundry other magical items without issue.
Truly complex artifice that requires magical
20 mastery to produce still requires a roll.
Character Creation
You ignore two points of speed reduction
from wearing armor (e.g., -3 speed becomes
-1 speed).
Roll to attack. On a 10+, you kill the creature,
as long as their current HP is less than yours
and the creature is unaware of your incoming
Pick one environment (jungle, forest,
mountain, desert, ocean, etc.) or one type of
creature (furred, feathered, scaled, etc.). You
can speak with the beasts and creatures of
this environment or type.
Character Creation
Better Safe
than Sorry
You never fail (treat 6- as 7-9) when
attempting to trigger, disarm, or avoid a trap.
However, your party may not be so lucky.
Bottomless Lungs
You can hold your breath, without rolling, for
minutes equal to five plus your level.
Control Vegetation
You can use magic to command plant-life and
vegetation as part of another action. Roll if
you have specific, difficult goals. The larger
and more impressive the effect, the more
dangerous or exhausting it might be.
Roll to remove a disease, poison, or curse
from yourself or an ally.
You never fail (treat 6- as 7-9) when
attempting to pick a mundane or non-
magically secured pocket, so long as your
target is unaware of you.
Your devotion to a certain cause, deity, or
existential meditation allows you to marshal
supernatural energy and abilities. When you
take this technique, pick devotions from the
list below equal in number to your level. Each
time you gain a level, pick another devotion.
Using a devotion does not require a roll, but
may be used as part of a roll to overcome a
challenge or complete a noteworthy action.
Character Creation
Pray or concentrate for several
moments, asking the source of your
power a simple question (yes or no,
left or right, more or less, etc.). You will
receive an abstract sign that will lead
you to one answer or the other.
You speak Words and concentrate
upon one ally. They make their next
roll at advantage. You can only bolster
one ally at a time, and it requires your
concentration (preventing you from
taking other actions or rolls yourself).
Concentrate on a desecrated or tainted
object. The larger the object and the
fouler its profanity, the longer it will
take to sanctify (minutes for a small
cursed item, hours for a town’s well,
days for a cursed mausoleum). This
affects both magical profanity and
mundane rot or infestation.
Holy Ward:
Mark a visible circle (or another simple
shape) no greater than a few steps
across. While you concentrate at its
center, tiny beasts and insects cannot
cross this threshold. Evil creatures,
24 demons, and sentient beings will feel
resistance and trigger your awareness,
though you must roll against their
Character Creation
Heal +1 HP to yourself or one touched
ally. You can only do this once per
target until they rest.
Concentrate on a small, mundane
object in your hand. As you speak
Words, you’re able to repair, clean, or
mend the object back to perfect and
new condition.
Favored Enemy
Pick one type of enemy (demon, orc, human,
bear, etc.). You know how this enemy
behaves, where it sleeps, what it eats, and you
have a solid idea of its combat abilities. In
addition, you never fail (treat 6- as 7-9) when
attempting to determine the weakness of a
creature of that type.
Character Creation
Favored Environment
Pick one environment or ecosystem (forest,
jungle, desert, mountain, coastal, urban,
etc.). When in this environment, you never
fail (treat 6- as 7-9) when attempting to find
rations, useful supplies, or shelter.
Favored Tactic
Pick a combat tactic (flanking, ambush,
high ground, charging, etc.), subject to GM
approval. When deploying this tactic in a
fight, you deal damage based on your highest
rolled d6 + aptitude.
Favored Weapon
Pick a weapon type. When fighting with this
weapon, you deal damage based on your
highest rolled d6 + aptitude.
Frothy Rage
While in the high-risk stance during a fight,
you get a critical success on a 12+ (instead
of 13+).
26 Healing Touch
Anytime you heal HP on yourself or another,
heal another +2 HP. (This additional healing
Character Creation
You can attempt
to summon a
demon by rolling.
The longer the time
spent concocting the ritual and the greater
the sacrifice, the more powerful the demon
summoned (e.g., one hour and some blood
calls a weak imp, twelve hours and an
innocent’s soul might manifest a greater
fiend). The demon may obey until the end of
the scene or combat (or might break free).
Inner Compass
Character Creation
Iron Stomach
You can eat anything and gain sustenance
from it. Yes, anything—so long as you can fit it
in your mouth and swallow.
Your body and bones are soft and flexible.
You can squeeze yourself out of most
restraints, through bars, and into similarly
confined spaces.
Last Word
You can touch the head of any corpse that
could communicate while alive (most
creatures with skulls), and ask the corpse one
question. It will answer the question as long
as it relates to something that it could have
experienced or observed while alive or since
28 it died (e.g., what killed it, whether someone
passed by recently, or what danger lurks
ahead). After answering, the corpse crumbles
Character Creation
to dust.
Light Sleeper
You always become alerted to danger while
sleeping, so long as the approaching threat is
mundane or moving by natural, non-magical
You fluently speak five languages of your
choice. Work with your GM to determine
relevant languages. You gain a new fluent
language per level (if reasonable).
Magical Healing
Character Creation
Mighty Leap
You can naturally jump twice as high or as far
as normal for your lineage.
Nose for Evil
You can physically smell the vile, evil, and
murderous by rolling. Sometimes your nose
can be fooled or misdirected, though.
Roll 1d6 or select (PC or GM choice) from one
of these oaths:
You never fail (treat 6- as 7-9) when
attempting to find a trail or path, no matter
how small or overgrown.
Character Creation
Practiced Shadow
You never fail (treat 6- as 7-9) when
attempting to hide or move with stealth
against non-magical creatures of similar
sensory ability to humans.
Provident Guidance
Concentrate as part of a ritual for at least
one hour, whether you’re devoting yourself
to your deity, listening to the cosmos, or
achieving enlightenment through meditation.
You must sacrifice something of significant
value to you. After such sacrifice and ritual,
you can ask your deity (or whatever) one
question. The GM answers your question in a
helpful and directional way.
You can spark small flames and subtly
manipulate fire without rolling. Roll if you’re
using fire magic to significantly affect the
You can attempt to produce visions of distant
places, people, or times by rolling. Such spells
require a one-hour ritual; a reflective surface,
crystal, or intense flame; and one dose of
azoth (a luminous liquid most magical in
nature, commonly used in alchemy).
You can roll to fold into and teleport between
Character Creation
During or promptly after a battle, if you
concentrate in still prayer or meditation for a
minimum of ten minutes, you can attempt to
raise the dead by rolling.
You can lift up to 500 pounds and push up to
1000 pounds of dead weight without rolling
or expending any significant effort. This is
useful both in and out of combat, but doesn’t
work against most combatants or mobile
objects that can resist your focus and thews,
and doesn’t add to your damage.
Tough Hide
Character Creation
You never fail (treat 6- as 7-9)
when attempting to locate
non-magically hidden tracks,
be they from beast or man.
You have a great nose for where traps are
likely to be and how they might be
triggered. The GM will always prompt you to
roll to notice a trap nearby, as you get a “funny
Undead Thrall
You can attempt to raise an undead thrall by
rolling. The more powerful the corpse raised,
the more time and concentration this spell
requires (e.g., one minute to raise a weak
zombie of a fresh goblin corpse, or an hour
to take full command of a slain ogre). You can
only have one thrall at a time.
You can walk or run on walls and ceilings as
if they were the ground, rolling as normal.
Doing this outside of a tense or dangerous
situation doesn’t require a roll, but still takes
a moment.
How to play
XP as follows:
◊ +4 HP (now at 14 HP)
◊ +1 speed (now at -1 speed
when fully loaded)
◊ New tag: magically burned
Hillspike Fort
◊ New technique: Frothy Rage
◊ Mutinous: -3
◊ Grumbling: -2
◊ Suspicious: -1
◊ Neutral: 0
◊ Accepting: +1
◊ Committed: +2
◊ Zealous: +3
up to +3 loyalty.
NPC Ability
As with a PC, the skillset of an NPC ally affects
what it can and can’t do; likewise, a highly
competent NPC can grant advantage (or an
unskilled one disadvantage) to a PC if the ally
is being used as a weapon.
Critical Hits
When you get a critical success (13+) on a roll
◊ Torchbearer
◊ Scouting ahead
◊ Surveying / map-drawing
◊ Rearguard
◊ Hidden reaction force (following in
◊ Quartermaster (keeps track of
rations, etc.)
Then, the GM selects one PC to be the focus of
this turn (PCs should rotate focus). The focus
PC rolls, keeping in mind their action:
Potential Travel
Turn Calamities
Travel and Dungeoneering
PC Dungeon Wilderness
Role Calamity Calamity
Scout Falls into or Loosens unstable
triggers a trap hazards
Torch- Plunges party into Burns up fuel,
bearer freezing darkness starts a wildfire
Surveyor Misses key Gets lost, turned
danger, like a pit around
Guard Alerts nearby Triggers an
monsters ambush
Stealth Gets snatched up Gets separated
force by monsters due to terrain
Quarter- Leaves a trail to Loses all of the
master be followed supplies
Over longer journeys in which the GM has
nothing particularly interesting planned, a
travel turn can be zoomed out from several
times a day to just once a day, or even once for
the entire journey. The more often the party
rolls for travel turns, the more dangerous,
time-consuming, and narratively important
the area they’re traveling through is.
Weather and
If your game prominently features wilderness
exploration (e.g., a hexcrawl or military
73 campaign), weather and environmental
hazards will be significant in your party’s
challenges and experience.
Travel and Dungeoneering
Travel and Dungeoneering
and Planning
Vagabonds emulates OSR-style play and
so encourages granular and detailed
preparation, planning, mapping, and resource
Zombie Rot
(Example Disease)
◊ Trigger: Failure to resist once
exposed to the touch, bite, or other
magical miasma of the undead.
Travel and Dungeoneering
Travel and Dungeoneering
Overland Travel
Open terrain: three miles per hour, or
roughly twenty miles per day assuming a
break for food and camp at night
Travel and Dungeoneering
Magical Items
Magical items only grant their power while
their specific criteria are met, usually when
being wielded or otherwise connected with
the PC using it.
Elvish Magic
88 As an elf, you have subtle arcane control. You
can open your mind to and concentrate upon
latent magical energies, even marshaling
Travel and Dungeoneering
Magical Bestowment
Sometimes a PC can acquire magical
powers—even temporarily—by communing
with some great spirit, making dark pacts
with powerful entities, or furthering their
god’s cause. Usually, the GM will grant a
magic-focused technique to the PC until this
effect expires (if ever).
Finding Azoth
Azoth runs deep within the arteries of the
world, pumps in the hearts of dragons, and
90 drips from the twisted fist of every foul
sorcerer king. It is purified, raw magical
power. Azoth can be distilled from items of
Travel and Dungeoneering
Gear and Tools
Most gear, gadgets, tools, and kits grant a +1
to a relevant action, and grant permission
to attempt actions that would be impossible
without the aid of said tools.
-1 speed, +1 damage
◊ Special: silver, cold-iron, skysteel,
blessed, etc. Treated in a unique
way or forged out of a unique
material. Some enemies can only be
dealt damage by special weapons,
and likewise with some armor
being penetrated.
◊ Spray: spreads damage on hit
across all targets in a close cluster
(usually about a ten-foot area)
◊ Step: works as a weapon up to
a step or two away
◊ Two-handed (2h): must use with
two hands, -2 speed
◊ Weak vs [type]: -1 damage versus
a particular type of target
◊ Worn: only works while being worn
(e.g., armor)
Examples of Equipment
Armor, Weapons, and Shields
◊ Axe, heavy: 2h, step, clumsy
◊ Axe, light: 1h, arm, clumsy
◊ Azoth bomb: 1h, thrown, close
range, spray, AP5 (magic), 1 use
◊ Bow, heavy: 2h, long range,
ammo 1, bane vs unshielded, AP1
◊ Bow, light: 2h, short range, ammo 2
◊ Crossbow: 2h, long range, ammo 1,
reload, bane vs unshielded, AP2
◊ Caltrops: 1h, thrown, close range,
spray, anyone moving through
97 affected area takes damage equal
to attacker aptitude
◊ Dagger: 1h, arm, can be thrown
overland travel).
◊ Climbing kit: worn, fragile 1.
Contains 200 feet of rope, pitons, a
climbing hammer, and a climbing
harness. Gives permission to climb
up sheer cliffs, castle walls, and
similar. Roll if under duress.
◊ Craft kit: fragile 2. Contains the
portable items necessary for you to
execute your craft (small hammers,
chisels, high-temperature crucible,
etc. for blacksmithing; paint and
paintbrushes and canvas for
painting, etc.). These crafts can
be used pragmatically or sold if a
willing buyer is around.
◊ Hospitaller’s kit: 5 uses. Contains
99 a bandolier and harness, bandages,
surgical equipment, salves,
antitoxins, and other medicines.
When you need something (such as
Other Equipment
Currency Conversion
10 copper = 1 silver piece (sp)
pieces (cp)
10 silver = 1 gold piece (gp)
pieces (sp)
10 gold = 1 platinum piece (pp)
pieces (gp)
Speed depends on the enemy’s agility and
the equipment they carry. Most beasts and
unintelligent creatures carry nothing, so their
speed tends to be higher.
HP Example Enemies
1 to 9 Fodder: most humanoids,
deer, most goblins
10 to 19 Rugged: grizzled soldiers,
wolves, orcs
20 to 29 Tough: hardened
mercenaries, undead
30 - 39 Sturdy: bears, ogres, giant
104 insects, dinosaurs
40-50 Epic: giants, dragons, greater
swarms, liches
Making enemies
Damage Modifier
The damage modifier signals how deadly
an enemy’s attacks are. This modifier is
added to any damage rolled.
plate, dragons
Trait tags
An enemy’s traits largely inform how it
behaves and define situations in which
the PCs would roll at disadvantage.
Critical weakness:
The enemy cannot die or resurrects (or
may not even be able to take any form
of damage) unless its critical weakness
is exploited. This weakness must be
telegraphed to the party, or must be
something known to those who are
learned about this enemy. Examples:
◊ Wraiths must be captured
within a prison ward spell.
107 ◊ Zombies must be
decapitated or burned.
◊ Liches must have their
Making enemies
phylactery destroyed.
On a 9- to defend, the PC is disarmed
and the weapon drops to the ground.
On a 6- to defend, the enemy takes the
PC’s weapon.
On a hit, the PC takes 1 damage per
turn (ignores armor) until healed
or cured.
The enemy is massively large, large
enough for one or multiple PCs to stand
atop it. Some gargantuan creatures are
so large that they can house a structure
or two on their back.
Such enemies are actually constructs
of multiple enemies added together,
each able to be targeted and defeated.
If one such component is central to
the creature’s function (e.g., its head),
destroying it will often kill all of the
connected bits.
Example: The Gargantuan
Golden Wyrm of Akzoth is
actually made of four enemies—
its head, body, wings, and tail.
Though they are part of the same
creature, each of these enemies
has its own set of abilities. The
wings grant permission to fly, the
claws grant pin, the tail trip, and
the head fire breath.
Immune to [type]:
Select a type of weapon, attack, or
magic. The enemy is completely
immune to this.
Impossible to detect the enemy by non-
magical visual means.
On a 9- to defend, the PC is forcibly
moved around by the enemy to a
reasonable location within short range.
109 Upon reaching a certain threshold (e.g.,
an HP value), the enemy can morph
into something else. Its abilities may
Making enemies
Multiattack N:
This enemy can attack N times in one
action, either targeting the same PC
multiple times, or targeting many of
them within range. Most such enemies
have multiattack 2, very powerful ones
3, and nemeses 4.
On a 7-9 to defend, the PC is
temporarily [paralyzed], which
reduces speed by -1 per turn until -7.
During this time, the PC struggles to
fight and make physical actions. On
a 6- to defend, the PC immediately
goes to -7 speed. If they reach 0 HP,
the [paralyzed] injury tag becomes
On a 9- to defend, the PC cannot
move until they succeed at another
roll or until the enemy is sufficiently
distracted or damaged.
If an attack deals damage to a PC, the
PC rolls to resist the poison. On a 7-9,
the PC takes the injury tag [poisoned],
which can cause slowness, vomiting, or
dizziness. On a 6-, the PC takes damage
each turn equal to the enemy damage
mod. If they hit 0 HP, the [poison]
injury tag becomes permanent
until cured.
Reaction attack:
Making enemies
Reaction movement:
As reaction attack, but can move about
the battlefield instead of attacking.
Resistant to [type]:
Select a type of weapon, attack, or
magic. The enemy has +1 armor against
Special movement:
This enemy can fly, burrow, swim,
teleport, phase, or move in another
special way. Each form of special
movement requires a speed and counts
as its own ability.
Any PC that takes damage from this
enemy takes the temporary injury tag
[stunned], and loses their next action.
Each PC can only be [stunned] once in
this way.
On a 7-9 to defend, the PC is caught
in the enemy’s jaws, and can’t move
but can still attack. On a 6-, the PC is
swallowed and takes damage equal to
the enemy’s damage mod each turn
until they extricate.
111 Swarm:
An aggregate of many smaller enemies
collected into one. Swarms are treated
Making enemies
On a 9- to defend, the PC is knocked
prone and is vulnerable to a more
lethal strike. Additionally, the PC can’t
move except to crawl or stand up, and
attacks at disadvantage until standing.
To convert OSR enemies and monsters:
Record HP as is.
HP, or HD times 4.
Ignore to-hit bonus.
High to-hit (above +4) can be treated as the PC
Making enemies
HP: 5 Spd: 0 Dmg: +1 Armor: 0
116 A junior priest, cleric, or disciple
HP: 5 Spd: 0 Dmg: +0 Armor: 4
Armadillo-like, ten feet in length, with
slavering, drill-like teeth
Trait hungry for metal, defensive
tags: creature, quick to retreat
Abilities: immune to metal weapons,
disarm (also works against
armor), swallow (only vs
weapons and armor)
Combat unlikely to damage people,
Notes: but will eat their weapons
and armor (even attached to
their body)
HP: 8 Spd: 1 Dmg: +2 Armor: 0
A humanoid who’ll cut your throat for a
piece of copper
Trait dirty fighter, strength in
tags: numbers, stealthy, craven
Abilities: none
Combat dagger (arm), light bow (short
Notes: range), light axe (arm)
HP: 30 Spd: 2 Dmg: +4 Armor: 1
117 A hulking beast surprisingly difficult to kill
Beetle, Giant
HP: 15 Spd: -1 Dmg: +2 Armor: 2
Iridescent, clacking, and about fifty times
bigger than the garden variety
Trait pincers, hard carapace, drops
tags: from dark ceilings
Abilities: wallclimb, spit acid (breath,
Combat hide, acid spray from ceiling,
Notes: then drop and attack as dagger
HP: 12 Spd: 2 Dmg: +5 Armor: 1
A warrior possessed by feral rage and
wonton slaughter
Trait battle rage, careless, aggressive,
tags: willing to die
Abilities: knockback, hit and run
Combat 2h axe (step), javelin (thrown,
Notes: close range)
HP: 14 Spd: -2 Dmg: +3 Armor: 1
118 A stealthy, stinking, furry goblin of unusual
size and strength
Trait foul, stalking predator,
Making enemies
Cat, Great
HP: 10 Spd: 1 Dmg: +5 Armor: 0
Lions, tigers, and jaguars oh my
Dire Ants
HP: 6 Spd: 1 Dmg: +1 Armor: 1
Giant ants roughly a foot or two in length
Digestive Jelly
HP: 40 Spd: -4 Dmg: +7 Armor: 0
A corridor-filling ooze, largely transparent,
deadly to touch
Trait transparent, massive, digestive,
tags: unaware, inexorable
Abilities: swallow, poison, immune to
non-magical weapons, AP4
Combat it eats all in its path, it can’t do
Notes: anything proactively
Spd: 1 / Dmg:
HP: 50 Armor: 4
4 (fly) +10
A single, younger dragon. Greater wyrms
and ancient beasts should be given the
Gargantuan ability, and therefore serve as
multiple conjoined creatures
Trait dragon, terrifying, wings of
tags: death, fire and smoke
Abilities: hit and run, pin, swallow,
special movement (flight), fire
breath (breath, long range,
AP4), immune to fire
Combat seeks to hoard azoth, will stay
120 Notes: flying if possible, uses fire
breath as often as possible, will
land and swallow (long range)
Making enemies
HP: 12 Spd: 3 Dmg: +4 Armor: 1
A bestial, humanoid undead; a feral
Trait vicious, terrifying, hate the sun,
tags: bloodthirsty, unintelligent
Abilities: paralyze, drain
Combat will attempt to paralyze and
Notes: then drain (reach)
HP: 30 Spd: -3 Dmg: +8 Armor: 2
A hulking creature no less than twelve feet
in height and breadth
Making enemies
HP: 15 Spd: 2 Dmg: +1 Armor: 1
A hyena-like humanoid, foul and violent
122 HP:
Spd: -4 / Dmg: Armor:
15 per
0 (swim) +9 4
Making enemies
Spd: 0 / Dmg:
HP: 10 Armor: 0
2 (swim) +2
Lizard-like swamp things of humanoid
Trait swamp natives, pack predators,
tags: amphibious, brutal
Abilities: knockback, drown (pull into
water on knockback ability)
Combat spear (reach), sling (short
Notes: range), claws (step)
(Werewolf, etc.)
HP: Spd: Dmg: Armor:
3 / 25 -2 / 4 +0 / +3 0/4
A twisted amalgamation of beast and man,
driven to kill sentient prey
Trait Feral, strengthened by the
tags: moon, mighty, fast
Abilities: morph (post / is in wolf form),
multiattack 2, silvered weapons
ignore 4 armor. Lycanthropy
(any PC reduced to 0 HP from
the lycanthrope gains the
affliction. If not cured before
124 the next moon—usually
through ritual magic—it is
Making enemies
HP: 5 Spd: -1 Dmg: +1 Armor: 0
An apprentice mage
125 HP: 22 Spd: 0 Dmg: +6 Armor: 0
Cursed to forever wander labyrinths and
Making enemies
HP: 1 Spd: 5 Dmg: +1 Armor: 0
126 A tiny fairy capable of fluttering flight and
Trait tiny, fae, flittering, trickster
Making enemies
Abilities: invisibility, the legerdemain
Combat can remain invisible until
Notes: coated or magically dispelled
HP: 25 Spd: -3 Dmg: +2 Armor: 2
A twenty-foot tentacular centipede that
feasts on corpses and carrion
Trait disgusting, one hundred legs,
tags: constricting, poison bite
Abilities: wallclimb, speed 2 digging
through refuse, paralysis
Combat Hide and paralyze (reach)
Making enemies
HP: 10 Spd: -1 Dmg: +3 Armor: 2
A grizzled killer trained in the art of war
Shrieker Shroom
HP: 12 Spd: 0 Dmg: +2 Armor: 0
Making enemies
Making enemies
A capable explorer, well versed
in overland travel and wilderness
A divine and devoted scholar, capable
Character Archetypes
One learned in the arcane and ancient,
capable of usurping the natural power
of the universe.
A dexterous thief, assassin, and
The knight, the brawler, the soldier.
Character Archetypes
(Level 1 pre-selected, pick one per level up)
(pick one, gain one per level)
(Level 1 pre-selected, pick one per level up)
(pick one, gain one per level)
(Level 1 pre-selected, pick one per level up)
(pick one, gain one per level)
Adept Hellrift
137 Arcanist Pyromancer
Beastspeak Scry
Character Archetypes
(Level 1 pre-selected, pick one per level up)
(pick one, gain one per level)
Assassinate Practiced
139 Better Safe than
Sorry Shadowmeld
Eyeball It Trapcunning
Character Archetypes
Jellybones Cutpurse
(Level 1 pre-selected, pick one per level up)
(pick one, gain one per level)
Sum relevant positive and negative traits to Once per session, use to wriggle into or out
determine aptitude (max +3, min -3) of trouble, or succumb for +3xp
-1 speed for each loaded-down limb and
point of armor; at -7, you are immobilized