This document repeats the same line "Scott Nelson (order #24668591)" multiple times and does not contain any other substantive information. It provides no context or details about its content.
This document repeats the same line "Scott Nelson (order #24668591)" multiple times and does not contain any other substantive information. It provides no context or details about its content.
This document repeats the same line "Scott Nelson (order #24668591)" multiple times and does not contain any other substantive information. It provides no context or details about its content.
This document repeats the same line "Scott Nelson (order #24668591)" multiple times and does not contain any other substantive information. It provides no context or details about its content.
The document repeats the same text 'Scott Nelson (order #24668591)' on most pages
Roleplaying is encouraged but not regulated by strict rules on pages 23-24
Magic attacks follow spellcasting rules but are defended against like other attacks on page 28
Scott Nelson (order #24668591)
Scott Nelson (order #24668591)
Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) ROLE-PLAYING RULES... Blade does not regulate role-playing in codified rules. Instead, Players are simply encouraged to role-play for fun by using special voices, quirks, or backstories. However, GMs may encourage skillful role-playing with Skill Level or roll bonuses or Experiences Points for Players who portray their Characters well.
Scott Nelson (order #24668591)
Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) MAGIC ATTACKS... When Players cast Spells that deal Damage, these are considered Magic Attacks. Magic Attacks follow the steps for Spell casting rather than for Ranged or Melee Attacks, but are Defended against the same as other Attacks.
Scott Nelson (order #24668591)
EQUIPPING ITEMS... Switching which items or Weapons Characters have Equipped requires 1 Action
Scott Nelson (order #24668591)
Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) ROLLS WITHOUT MS... If a Character is trying to read a map, the GM may require a Skill Roll. A high Knowledge Roll means more information is gleaned, a lower Knowledge Roll means less information is gleaned, and a Failed Roll means no information is gleaned. For these sort of rolls, there is no MS because the Character is not trying to achieve a certain goal. Therefore he or she "succeeds" in degrees by gleaning more or less information with higher or lower rolls. Therefore no MS is necessary. In contrast, if a Character searches the map for Castle Hollust, he or she either achieves the goal or fails. Either the roll is high enough to find the specific location or it is not and the Character continues looking. In these sort of all-or-nothing situations, an MS is necessary.
Scott Nelson (order #24668591)
Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) CREATING NPCS... Not every Adventure will use the same types of NPCs. While the list in this chapter includes many common types of fantasy characters, GMs may find that unique Adventures require additional types of characters. If GMs wish to create their own type of NPC, they may use the system explained in Part Five: Game Mastering; Beasts & Monsters .
Scott Nelson (order #24668591)
Scott Nelson (order #24668591) CREATURE HEALTH... Creatures and NPCs both have defined Health statistics. Unlike Characters, when a NPC or Creature suffers Damage exceeding their Health, the NPC or Creature immediately Dies. With the exception of Arcane intervention, Creatures and NPCs cannot be revived after Dying even if the Damage is removed.
Scott Nelson (order #24668591)
Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) CREATURE SPELLS... Some creatures possess Arcane abilities, reflected in their Magic Skill. To use this Skill, GMs may prepare a list of Spells appropriate for the given creature or use an existing list. To cast one of these Spells, the GM performs a Magic Skill Roll for the creature as a Character would and resolves the Results as normal.
Scott Nelson (order #24668591)
Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Scott Nelson (order #24668591) Josiah M.