Look Closely at The Pictures and Answer The Following Questions
Look Closely at The Pictures and Answer The Following Questions
Look Closely at The Pictures and Answer The Following Questions
2. Does the first picture suggest/ answer the question: What roles can I perform that will make a difference in my life?
3. Does the picture match your mental image of recognizing and performing roles in life? Prove your point.
DIRECTIONS: The following paragraphs are structures according to particular organizational patterns. Read each
paragraph; then identify the organizational pattern that describes it. Some paragraphs may use more than one
organizational pattern; in this case, choose the one pattern that seems to dominate the paragraph. Place the
appropriate letter that corresponds to the correct organizational pattern on the line before the number. Also, circle
the cue words that alerts you to the type of pattern selected.
____1. Heart disease is the number-one killer in the United States. Cigarette smoking is a significant factor contributing
to heart disease. Having a high cholesterol count and being overweight are two other likely causes of heart disease. A
family history of heart disease and a lack of exercise are still other factors that contribute to heart conditions. A
____2. Preparing an effective speech requires intelligent planning. You must first select a topic; brainstorming often
helps you to focus on what you want to say. Then you need to study who your audience will be to determine how you
want to present your material. Then, once you have determined a topic and analyzed your audience, you are ready to
do careful research on this topic.
____3. Determinism and free will are two opposite points of view regarding human behavior. A determinist does not
believe that a person freely chooses a lifestyle, whereas the believer in free will will contend that one is free to change
one’s lifestyle at any time. A determinist sees biological and social forces determining one’s decisions. Conversely, a
proponent of free will discount the influence of these forces in shaping one’s life. Determinism can be a pessimistic
philosophy, free will a hopeful one.
____4. Edgar Allen Poe was born in 1809, the child of traveling actors. From 1815 to 1820, Poe was sent to schools in
England. In 1825, he returned to the United States, entering the University of Virginia. In 1830, this great short story
writer was accepted to West Point, an appointment that lasted only eight months.
____5. Evaporation is an interesting process. The sun causes water to evaporate into the atmosphere. In the
atmosphere, the water vapor cools. The cooling results in water forming again. The collected water is then expelled as
rain, which restarts the evaporation process.
Identify the sensory images used in the following statements. Choose your answer from the box below.
Directions: Look at these titles and identify its text type. Write I for Informative, J for Journalistic, or L for Literary
Directions: Read each statement carefully. Categorize the underlined sensory image: Write A for Visual (sight); B for
Auditory (hearing); C for Olfactory (smelling); D for Gustatory (taste); and E for Tactile (touch).
Directions: Identify the text type of the following articles as journalistic, informative, or literary.
1. So the thing to do when working on a motorcycle, as in any other task, is to cultivate the peace of mind which
does not separate one’s self from one’s surroundings. When that is done successfully then everything else follows
naturally. Peace of mind produces right values, right values produce right thoughts. Right thoughts produce right actions
and right actions produce work which will be a material reflection for others to see of the serenity at the center of it all.
2. With an artistic drama we empathize with one or more of its characters, but there’s also a distance between us
and their situation—a safety valve that allows us to express a range of emotions, but also to say, “It’s only a movie,” “It’s
only a play,” “It’s only a novel.” Work is based upon problem solving, how to eliminate conflict and get the job done.
Episodic is fine for work. We want day-by-day not confrontational trauma—even if it would to a life changing revelation.
But drama exaggerates conflict, pushes situation to their extreme and leads us to a big turning point.
3. In a poem entitled Four Great Poets, Robert Francis puts his finger on the heart of Frost’s greatness: “His head
carved out of granite O / His hair wayward drifts of snow / He worshipped the great God of Flow / By holding on and
letting go.” Here’s an example from part of one of Frost’s lesser known pieces, For Once, Then, Something. In the first
half he says friends rebuke him for looking into a well and seeing only himself, reflected in the water godlike in a wreath
of ferns and cloud puffs. It’s a criticism that could be aimed at any writer, but what is as interesting as the meaning of
Frost’s reply is this sense of movement that carries the reader forward to the climatic end.
4. DHAKA: Hosts Bangladesh will meet Pakistan in the opening match of the four-nation Asia Cup cricket
tournament starting in Dhaka in March, an official said on Monday. Old rivals Pakistan and India will meet in a mouth-
watering clash on March 18. The Sher-e-Bangla National stadium will host all the matches, including the inaugural tie on
March 12 and the final on March 22, Asian Cricket Council chief executive Syed AshrafulHuq said. “All teams including
India and Pakistan have confirmed their participation,” he said. India won the last edition of the tournament in Dambulla
in Sri Lanka in June 2010.
Directions: Find the two words in each sentence that can make a contraction and underline them. Then, write the
contraction on the line.
Directions: Read the following passages inside the box carefully and answer the questions that follow. Write the letter
of the answer.
Lisa always looked forward to the fall because of the Harvest Festival. Of course, she loved the rides, but she really
enjoyed the shows. This year would be the best. Lisa had a special opportunity to perform in the talent show.
What do you do with aluminum cans? Do you throw them in the trash, or do you recycle when you are finished with
them? At the rate we are filling our landfills; we will not have anywhere else to put our trash. If you recycle, you will
help the environment. The next time you throw away your Coke can, think about putting it in a recycling bin. Your
effort will help save your community.
Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be tomorrow. –Romeo and Juliet
When we move away, we’re planning to release three hundred cockroaches and two mice, so we can leave the place
exactly as we found it.
This was Kathy's first baby-sitting job. She was so excited, but she was really nervous. Kathy's parents made her
attend a baby-sitting workshop before she could baby-sit her neighbor's five-year-old son, Matthew. Kathy knew this
was a lot of responsibility, but she thought she was ready. Kathy marched confidently to Matthew's house and waved
goodbye to Matthew's parents. It seemed as soon as his parents left, Matthew fell and hit his chin on the coffee table.
Without panicking, she remembered what she learned in her baby-sitting class and applied first-aid.
C. Matthew should not run in the house. D. Kathy needs to attend more baby-sitting workshops.
As the cool stream gushed over one hand, she (my teacher) spelled into the other hand the word water, first slowly,
then rapidly. I stood still, my whole attention fixed upon the motions of her fingers. Suddenly, I felt a misty
consciousness as of something forgotten – a thrill of returning thought; and somehow the mystery of language was
revealed to me. I knew then that “w-a-t-e-r” meant the wonderful cool something that was flowing over my hand.
That living word awakened my soul and gave it light, hope, and joy – set it free. -Helen Keller, “The Story of My Life”
A. Helen Keller had the best tutor B. Helen Keller was very eager to learn
A. to inform people about her life B. to inspire people about her life