Lecture 5 Stabilisation Measures
Lecture 5 Stabilisation Measures
Lecture 5 Stabilisation Measures
Johnny Cheuk
2. Retaining structures
- retaining walls
3. Reinforcing structures
- soil nails
- geogrids and geotextiles
- piles
The checking of these three modes is similar to that for a retaining structure.
The commonly adopted factors of safety are 2, 1.5 and 3 for overturning,
sliding and bearing failure, respectively (first edition of GeoGuide1).
The above failure modes can be avoided by: (i) providing soil nail heads (ii)
check against bearing failure at nail heads, and (iii) provision of slope
protection surface
18 RS
Elevation (m P.D.)
Groundwater Table
21kN 10m
Mas onry wall
21kN 1
HDG 10m
10 21kN FILL
6 10m
Section 1-1
lD ´ [cp + 2s v¢ tan f ]
Ht1 Ht2
Ts = l1 Ht3
- f should include dilatancy l2
- any views on this equation? ROCK
( )
- assume a FoS of 2 for bond strength
lp d - 4 f bu
- assume a 2mm sacrificial layer T =
CIVL6079 – Slope Engineering 10
Effect of overburden on pull-out resistance
Research has been conducted to examine the effective stress method for
estimating the pull-out resistance. This method implies that pull-out
resistance increases with overburden pressure, field test results, however,
show otherwise (Pun & Shiu, 2007).
Research has shown that soil nail heads can effectively avoid active failure
(Shiu & Chang, 2005). The presence of nail heads pushes the maximum
mobilised tensile force further down the length of the nails, giving a higher
chance of passing through the potential failure surface.
The vertical effective stress of a soil element at a particular depth can be easily
calculated if the effective unit weight of the soil is known. However, the effective
horizontal stress is dependent on the stress history. If the soil has not undergone lateral
movement, the coefficient of lateral earth pressure at rest (K0) can be predicted
empirically from f and OCR
s h¢
K0 =
s v¢
z s'v Horizontal effective stress: s h¢ = K 0s v¢
Assumptions: t
1. Soil is homogenous and f
2. Failure surface is a plane c
3. Plane strain conditions
4. Back of the wall is frictionless s'h=K0s'v s'v s'
5. Ground surface is level
c s v¢ - s h¢ c s v¢ + s h¢
f A A= B= C=
s' 2 tan f 2
If we define
1 - sin f æ fö
Ka = = tan 2 ç 45 o - ÷
1 + sin f è 2ø
s v¢ - s h¢ æ c s ¢ + s h¢ ö
= sinf çç + v ÷÷
è tanf
2 2 ø
s h¢ = -2c K a + K as v¢
s v¢ - s h¢ = 2c cosf + sinf (s v¢ + s h¢ )
1. Soil is homogenous and isotropic t
2. Failure surface is a plane f
3. Plane strain conditions
4. Back of the wall is frictionless c
5. Ground surface is level
s'v s'
If we define
1 + sin f æ f ö
K = = tan 2 ç 45 o + ÷
1 - sin f
s'h è 2ø
If c = 0
s h¢ = 2c K p + K ps v¢ s h¢
Kp =
s v¢
The two unknowns can be solved by the two equations of force equilibrium.
Considering equilibrium in the direction perpendicular to R:
Pa sin(q + f ) = W cos(q + f ) 1
W = gz 2 tan q
1 2 tan q This is the relationship between Pa and f
Pa = gz
2 tan (q + f ) for any given q. Optimisation is carried
out to find the largest Pa.
æp f ö 1 2 2æ p fö
q = tan ç - ÷ Pa = gz tan ç - ÷
è 4 2ø 2 è 4 2ø
This solution is identical to the Rankine’s one (for c=0) and is
therefore “exact”. The same can be repeated for the passive case.
For a simple case, the unknown earth pressure can be solved analytically.
For more complex geometry or force conditions, the graphical method,
sometimes referred to as Coulomb’s wedge method, can be used.
8. Shiu, Y.K. & Chang, G.W.K. (2005). Soil nail head review. GEO report
no.175. Geotechnical Engineering Office.
9. Shiu, Y.K. & Chang, G.W.K. (2005). Effect of inclination, length pattern
and bending stiffness of soil nails on behaviour of nailed structures. GEO
report no.197. Geotechnical Engineering Office.
10. Wong, H.N., Pang, L.S., Wong, A.C.W., Pun, W.K. & Yu, Y.F. (1999).
Application of prescriptive measures to slopes and retaining walls. GEO
report no. 56. (2nd edition). Geotechnical Engineering Office.