No Quarter 3
No Quarter 3
No Quarter 3
New ‘Jacks and Troops from the
New Book for WARMACHINE!
Matt Wilson
Award winning illustrator and game designer, Matt Wilson is a founding member of Privateer Press and as the creative
director continues to define the vision that drives the Iron Kingdoms, WARMACHINE, and HORDES. View more of
his artwork at
Cred it s
Creative Director: Matt Wilson
Art Director: James Davis
RPG Content Manager:
Nathan Letsinger
Hobby Content Manger:
Rob Stoddard
Editors: Doug Seacat & Bryan Cutler
Continuity Editor: Jason Soles
D20 Rules Editor: Kevin Clark
Graphic Design: Josh Manderville
Rob Baxter, Erik Fleuter, Chad Huffman,
Ron Kruzie, Bryan Steele, Doug Seacat,
Nathan Letsinger, Rob Stoddard, Mike
McVey, Chris Bodan, Marc Verebely
Miniatures Painters
David Ray, Dan Smith, Todd Arrington,
David Perrotta, Ron Kruzie, Alfonzo Fal-
co, Ben Tracy, Mike and
Ali McVey
Alfonso “the Traitor” Falco,
President: Sherry Yeary • Creative Direc- Art
tor: Matt Wilson • Managing Editor:
Brian Snoddy, Matt Wilson, Chippy,
Bryan Cutler • Lead Developer: Jason
and Mark Gibbons
Soles • Art Director: James Davis •
Marketing Manager: Duncan Huffman • Cover
Development: Rob Stoddard • Production Matt Wilson
Manager: Mark Christensen Rules Development
Rob Stoddard, Jason Soles, Rob Baxter,
Nathan Letsinger, Kevin Clark
No Quarter Magazine
This magazine is printed under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Contents copyright© and trademark ™ 2001-2005 Privateer Press, Inc. The Privateer Press logo, the
Iron Kingdoms logo, and Iron Kingdoms, Full-Metal Fantasy are copyright© and trademark 2001-2005, Privateer Press, Inc. First printing Vol. 1, Issue 3: November 2005. Printed in the
USA. All rights reserved. This magazine is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental. Copies of the materials herein are
intended solely for personal, noncommercial use only if all copyrights, trademarks, or other notices contained herein or associated with them are preserved. You may not distribute such
copies to others for charge or other consideration without prior written consent of the owner of the materials except for review purposes only. Two shots below the waterline for the scallywag
who pirates for the pirates. Ye been warned.
F ire In the
H ole !
In the beginning there was Witchfire.
ooking back, it is hard to explore, and new characters to your forces in WARMACHINE:
believe it was just a few relate to or rally against. Superiority.
short years ago. Now There are now thousands You will also find a tactical
there is WARMACHINE, Iron of pages of background, several breakdown of the new HORDES
Kingdoms, Full-Metal Fantasy major plot lines, dozens of factions, a glimpse of the origins
figures, comic books, action characters, and hundreds of of the Witchfire, and a boatload
figures, magazines and soon, models to sate your appetite for of scenarios, RPG goodies, and
HORDES. As we prepare for the Iron Kingdoms. No Quarter modeling tips. No matter what
the release of the new Witchfire Magazine is dedicated to bringing brings you to Privateer Press and
Trilogy compiled edition, I am you perspective on this volume of the Iron Kingdoms products, No
constantly amazed at the ground content. Not only is No Quarter Quarter Magazine is here to stoke
that has been covered since the Magazine going to continue to the fires and connect the dots
first of the Witchfire trilogy hit give you new material, but it is between all of our stories; filling
the shelves. also the best place to find out in the details and giving you what
From the beginning Privateer what is coming next, and how all you need to put it all together.
Press has been driven to creating of the Privateer Press products So as Privateer Press turns
a dynamic, fully developed interact and relate to one another up the volume on the type and
experience for you and your and your gaming experience. number of products we are
games. Innovative games and In this issue you will find releasing, No Quarter Magazine
worlds that deliver high quality, a preview of our next book will continue to be the hub for all
detailed products. Not just games for WARMACHINE titled of them. Be it WARMACHINE,
and products that will sell, but “Superiority”. Releasing in HORDES, Iron Kingdoms
games and products we ourselves summer 2006, WARMACHINE: RPG, comics, action figures, or
would want to buy and play. With Superiority brings you other surprises along the way,
each model, each book, each new new troops and ‘jacks for we will keep you up to date and
project, we get a little closer to WARMACHINE factions and ready for battle.
what we want. continues the story of your In the beginning there was
Every time we release a new favorite warcasters and the Witchfire... There is no end in
product, we get to tell you a bit aftermath of the Thornwood sight.
more of the story. We get the battles. The two new warjacks
privilege of giving you a new tool and two new troop selections in Duncan Huffman
to carve out your own adventure, this preview are just a sample of -Editor in Chief
a new piece of the world to the new options you will find for
WARMACHINE Challenge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Last turn, no caster, can you win?
The Pendrake
Encounters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Victor Pendrake discovers a one-eyed terror in the Bloodstone
Issue No. 3
Main Deck
Showroom Mercs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Ron Kruzie takes you on a step by step guide of assembling the Nomad.
Unsung Heroes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Kevin Clark lights things on fire, Menite style.
WARMACHINE: Superiority. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
‘Jacks and troops from the upcoming book for WARMACHINE!
Zero Tolerance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
The Butcher of Khardov dispenses swift justice.
Traitor’s Ambush. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Magnus and Croe set out to pick up a package.
Blood of Trolls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Everything you wanted to know about Trollkin, but were afraid to ask.
B oatswain ’ s
C all
Letters to the Editor,
Q & A, and General Shenanigans
Coming Soon!
f you haven’t heard yet, Privateer Press and Bright Anvil
Studios will be teaming up to create a new comic book. This
three-issue mini-series, planned for second-half of 2006,
will focus on the history of Commander Coleman Stryker and
his early days as a Warcaster.
RPG Characters in WARMACHINE - Postponed
In last issue’s Poop Deck we mentioned that we would tell you
about using RPG characters in WARMACHINE. Considering
the volume of other content we needed to get into this issue, we
have decided to hold off on this project for the time being. You
will see a project dealing with this topic in the future, but for now
we wanted to focus on the four main factions through a sneak peak
at WARMACHINE: Superiority.
Got a cool landmark
in your town?
Send us pictures of your ’jacks
out on walkabout to
If we like ’em, we’ll print ’em.
Q: Dear No Quarter,
First of all, let me
congratulate you with a fantastic Bur
magazine. I have bought both #1 Che ’ Jugger
and #2 and both were superb. Out naut (y
Kno es –
Now to get to my question... le’s it’s a Ju
still think we frown on conversions sphe ggernau
No Quarter #2 introduced re t)
the conversions for ‘Elite (we don’t – check out the Poop
Cadres’ (following the rules Deck in this very issue) and we
A: Heck yes Luke. Not only
from Apotheosis), using many wanted to show what could be done
will you continue to see new units in
bits from all kinds of miniatures with the elite troops in mind.
No Quarter, we may even be able
and combining these into terrific That said, we would at some to put them in every issue. We may
units (I really liked those point love to provide a “bits” service. skip one now and then for other
Winterguards!). Unfortunately A shopping system where a modeler content, but if we have new items
it all seems a bit expensive for could buy exactly what they needed or previews to share, count on them
us gamers. In order to make would be a great solution for those being here first.
those Winterguards we need the wanting to undertake extensive
following: Not only that, the new units
you see here will eventually end up
-Winterguard (duh...) Currently, we are focused in future books (see the four new
-Hammerfall High Shield on keeping our products on WARMACHINE:Superiority
Gun Corps boxed set the shelves and ramping up for entries in this very issue). So
(for the backpacks) Hordes. A bits service at this time essentially, you are getting a jump
-Kossite Woodsmen would be more of an intensive on the new products a year or
(for the head swaps) undertaking than we can commit more before they are even released
-Man O’ War Kovnik to. As soon as we have a solution in a book.
(for the banner) that works for us, our retailers,
That is a lot of money and for you, we’ll be sure to let
we are talking about! So my you know. Q: Hello Mr. Editor,
question basically is if you are As you can imagine, I’m really
planning to incorporate a ‘Mail enjoying all the RPG content in
Q: Dear Editor, the No Quarter magazine. But I
Order’ system where you can
order specific parts in the (near) I was just wondering if we will have a couple of questions:
future? If not, do you guys have continue getting new units, not How will the release of
any (cheaper) suggestions for just of the merc fashion either, Hordes affect the RPG? Can we
Elite Cadres? released in No Quarter. I know expect some sort of wilderness
that Privateer Press will continue guide (similar to the world guide)
Many thanks,
popping out awesome expansions detailing all the forests, mountain
—Marijn ‘Malebolgia’ Bierhof like Apotheosis, but will we get the ranges, lairs... Where the hordes
occasional new (insert factions) conflicts are taking place?
A: Thanks for the letter Marijn. The unit or warcaster here and there? Will No Quarter feature
conversions in NQM#2 were meant detailed maps of cities and regions
to be a bit of inspiration rather that at some point? As Apotheosis
—Luke from WI takes the battle to Fisherbrook,
a literal “do it yourself”. Some folks 5
Boatswains Call Fellig and surrounding regions, it matter, this very issue features We love fiction around here and
would be nice if we (RPG players) Pendrake and an encounter we’ll continue to look for innovative
could have some detailed maps of with the Skorne Cyclops. You and useful ways to bring it to you.
those towns which are featured on can also look forward to more
the campaign map. Other town specific troll content (again, see
maps are of course also welcome. this issue’s “Blood of Trolls” Q: The picture on page 12 [of
Or a detailed town write-up or the RPG feature), maps and even NQM#2] looks like a Destroyer
write-up of a certain cool inn in more as time goes on. to me. Oops. It was a cool shot
Corvis or ... anyway
For maps, we are planning
Will the art of Brian Snoddy a series of maps for NQM and —Jokerbasher
always keep featuring people other publications; we’ll have more
smoking cigars? Euhm, never A: Ha! You fell into our ...ummm
details on this shortly.
mind, I think I know the answer trap. Yes...ahem... A diabolical
Brian’s art does feature quite a trap to identify the true Khador
already. Kudo’s to Brian by the
few stogies. One reason is that Brian sympathizers in our midst.
way for the beautiful bottle in the
and several of the crew around here
Liber Mechanika. (Editors note: Must stop
like to smoke cigars and enjoy them
—Ralph, Buccaneer Bass making the Boatswain’s Call page
as a bit of a hobby. In addition, the
late at night – good catch JokerB)
Iron Kingdoms tobacco, Hooaga
A: Wow, lots of great questions is a vital commodity and is often
– where to begin? traded, and smoked across western
HORDES will have an impact Immoren. We will have a brief Q: With Fan Fiction thriving on
on the RPG line in a couple of ways. breakdown on cigars and some the Privateer Press forums, will
The first and most dramatic would more great Snoddy art in the next there ever be a chance for fans to
be the miniatures. Many of the issue as well. Hope you enjoy it! send in Fan Fiction to No Quarter
monsters from the Monsternomicon Magazine? Maybe you could call
will appear as models in HORDES. it “Bilge and Brig”.
Q: I loved the vicky/denny conflict —nightflyer
So a GM who wants to torment
in the first edition any chance
his player with a warpwolf,
we can see more fiction at that A: “Bilge and Brig”... I like that.
woldwarden, or Skorne will only
have to pick up the appropriate Right now, we have not opened
HORDES pieces. —Doc up No Quarter Magazine to outside
Secondly will be the story submissions. While we appreciate
lines. WARMACHINE drives the A: Without a doubt Doc. the player fiction that is being
primary plot for the Iron Kingdoms. generated, we need to focus on
No Quarter is will bring
Players of the RPG have been able getting the content we have out to
you fiction in two ways. First,
to use these world altering changes the public before opening the gates
narrative fiction as it relates to
as plot hooks, adventure seeds, as it were.
a scenario, adventure or other
and flavor for their characters and directly useful player content. For Keep up the great work.
games since Prime was released. a great example, see either the
Similarly, HORDES will tell tales Orsus or Magnus scenarios in this
from the wilder side of the Iron issue. Three pages of narrative
Kingdoms. From the Bloodstone fiction capped off by a playable
Marches to the dark enclaves of scenario.
the Circle, HORDES will open up
The second method will be a
more world for you to explore and
more direct fiction approach like
interact with.
the “Courage” story from NQM#1
As for specific books that or the Witchfire piece in this issue.
relate to HORDES content, These types of projects will relate Send your questions to
Monsternomicon II has been to game content like the Witchfire
tentatively announced and should Trilogy or Apotheoses, but take or join our forum at
be loaded with critters, including a more traditional story telling and
those from HORDES. For that approach than the scenario pieces. ask in the No Quarter section.
Alexia Ciannor – The Witchfire Trilogy Vahn Oberen – The Witchfire Trilogy
Sculpted By: Jerzy Montwill Sculpted By: Jose Roig
PIP 81039 $5.99 PIP 81042 $5.99
Man-O-War Demolition Corps Unit Box Khador Man-O-War Demolition Corps Leaving shields behind
Sculpted By: John Winter to focus on pure offensive brutality, the Corps is equipped with
enormous mechanikally enhanced ice mauls. These pack a freezing
PIP 33037 $38.99 punch that turns armor brittle and freezes flesh before
the heavy weapon pulverizes its target
Cygnar Warcaster Major Victoria Haley
Sculpted By: Bobby Jackson
PIP 31033 $14.99
Khador Warcaster Vladimir,
the Dark Champion
Sculpted By: Kev White
Epic Khador Warcaster Vladimir, the Dark
Champion – Now recovered from his deadly
wounds, Vladimir Tzepesci once again marches
amongst the armies of western Immoren and
toward a destiny he must fulfill. Few among the
Iron Kingdoms know of the true treats to come,
however the dark champion shall see to it that
either a zealous prophet or undead regent pays
the ultimate price for threatening his precious
PIP 33035 $14.99
n this article we will tackle a mercenary heavy warjack, the
1 Nomad. To do this I’ll be using a paint layering technique. My
tools consist of Citadel paints & inks, Windsor & Newton Series
7 brushes, a paint tray, and my painting lights will be positioned
at 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock above the model. In this issue we are
painting the Nomad fresh off the ‘jack foundry floor and prepping
him for the “showroom”. However if you prefer your ‘jacks to be on
the battlefields, then be here next issue for my sister article “War-
torn Mercs” where I’ll guide you through my battle damage and
weathering techniques.
2 First we need to prime our Nomad. Apply spray can black
primer to the ‘jack. I used black because the ‘jack is going to be dark
with metalics. When working on metalics I recommend painting
over a black or dark brown primer. If you choose to prime your
minis white, you may first want to paint the areas black or dark
brown that will end up metallic.
A base coat of Boltgun Metal will be the first layer I apply
after the primer has dried thoroughly. However, before we dive in
3 I’d like to talk about some techniques. First, thin your paint down
with a bit of water. As you can see here I’m using a paint tray (1),
which is a tool I highly recommend for aspiring painters. Using an
old burned out or cheap brush, put some Boltgun Metal in one of
the paint tray chambers and some clean water in another. Next dip
your brush into the water and then into the paint, mix it up, and do
it again if needed until you can brush it on smoothly, not creamy
as it comes in the bottle. Get into this habit—keeping your paint
consistently smooth can greatly elevate your painting. Now that our
4 Boltgun Metal is smooth let’s apply the paint. You do not need to
abuse your good brushes with this base coat, so feel free to use your
old brush. It is okay to be a bit sloppy on this part; at this early stage
we can just clean it up with a little black paint if needed. (2) Note,
I did not paint the top of the sword or boiler stack. These are the
areas where we will be holding the ‘jack as we paint it, so there is no
need to paint these now. We’ll get those areas last.
Next let’s move on to shading our base coat. In your paint tray
put a couple of drops of Bestial Brown, mix in some Blue & Brown
5 Ink, and then add some water. Mix this until you get a color that will
lightly stain the Boltgun Metal. The ratio of paint, ink, and water is
up to your taste. Feel free to experiment—learn what happens with
different ratios. I like it a bit blue and thin. The more layers of stain
it takes to darken the Boltgun, the more subtle the transition of dark
to light will be. At this point we should start using our good brushes.
In this photo I have applied our stain with one pass. (3)
6 7
“ showroom ” mercs
When applying the stain for shading and even layers with both stain and paint alike, we need
for general painting purposes, pretend the sun is to have the correct amount of paint on our brush
overhead so you know where the shading should when it touches the model. After you dip your brush
go. A good and easy trick for this is to hold your in the thinned paint, drag your brush across a surface
miniature up under your painting lamp and BANG! like a paper towel, paint tray edge, plasticard, or
Instant 12 o’clock sun. Look at the mini and see where even porcelain, (7) until the amount of paint left on
you need shading and where you will be painting your brush will not bleed or bead onto the mini when
your highlights. Let’s utilize this trick during all of you finally apply it. It needs to leave the brush in an
our painting steps. Returning to our stain, you will evenly controlled manner. The flow of paint from the
mindfully want to stain the shadows, cracks, and brush is crucial to the layering technique.
areas around the bolts. (4) Next we will hit up portions of the Nomad with
Using our base of Boltgun Metal we will go over some brass. This is our base coat after 4 light layers of
the edges, rivets, and raised areas to clean up any Brazen Brass. (8) Let’s shade the brass using the same
excess stain. (5) technique as we used with the Boltgun Metal—we
will make a stain with paint, ink, & water. With your
Ok. We could stop here (while painting Alexia’s
old cheap brush put a couple of drops of Scorched
armor, I stopped at this stage to give her darker
Brown in one chamber, and then add Brown Ink &
armor), but we’re going to continue. Mix 50%
Chestnut Ink. Dip the brush into the ink and then
Boltgun Metal to 50% Chainmail in a chamber, thin
into the paint, then add a bit of water until it appears
the mixture with a bit of water, and we’re ready
muddy; this is our stain for the brass. You have to
to paint our highlights. Hold the ‘jack up to your
experiment and go for it. With your good brush, little
light to see where to place your highlights with the
by little mindfully stain into the shadows and cracks.
50/50 mix you just made. Paint the hydraulic pistons
After 6 coats of stain things are shaping up. (9)
Mithril Silver to stand out, and then clean up any
mess with a little black paint. (6) If you need to clean things up, go back over any
messy brush strokes that might have gotten off track
Let’s talk brush technique again. We are using
with Brazen Brass. (10)
the paint layering technique, so to get good solid
8 9
10 11
“ showroom ” mercs
The first highlight we will apply is a mix of 65%
Burnished Gold and 35% Brazen Brass. And finally
straight Burnished Gold is used to pick out the highest
edges. (11)
With our metals out of the way we can move onto
the body of the ‘jack. I chose to go with the mercenary
green that has been serving me so well. The base coat is
Catachan Green. To get this solid base it took 4 thin layers.
(12) With the green base coat down, paint a thin straight
13a black line between the green painted parts and the metal.
This is called black lining—it helps add separation to the
parts so the mini doesn’t blend together.
Add a little black to your Catachan Green, thin it with
water, drag your brush on your palate, and brush on the
darkened green into the shadows and cracks. (13a, 13b)
Utilizing our paint tray once again, we’ll mix up
our green highlights. Place some Catachan Green in
one chamber and Rotting Flesh in another. With the old
brush move some Catachan Green into a third chamber,
13b then mix a little bit of Rotting Flesh into this Catachan
Green. We are looking for a slightly lighter green than
our Catachan Green. Thin the paint as we’ve been doing,
drag your brush, and highlight the edges and raised areas
of your Nomad. (14a, 14b)
Over the course of highlighting, slowly add little bits
of Rotting Flesh to your mixture to make a lighter and
lighter color. I did a total of 5 layers, ending with almost
14a 14b
pure Rotting Flesh on the tips and highest edges. So 15
“ showroom ” mercs
often it’s the last little bit of really bright highlight that
finally gets the mini to look its best. Keep in mind it’s
okay to exaggerate the shadows and highlights.
Use the same technique as before, only this time
use black and white in order to bring about the gray
shoulder armor. (15)
Now for some character, let’s break the ice and
tackle something that can seem intimidating even to me:
freehand work on the shield. You can never go wrong
with fangs. To make this easy and simple, paint the 16
inner portion of the shield black and keep it black. This
will make it easy to fix and clean up if needed. With
thinned white paint, paint the fangs. Sloppy, isn’t it?
(16) Now go over with thin black paint and clean them
up to straighten any slips. (17) By keeping the paints
thin, it allows us to paint and repaint and clean up many
times without getting any paint buildup, which in time
can prevent any attempt to paint free hand.
At this stage we could just paint the sword and the
top of the boiler stack, call it a “nicely painted ‘jack”, 17
and send him out (18), but oh no, that’s not happening!
This ‘jack was built for war, and I guarantee he’ll be
put through the grinder and see his fair share of action!
Next issue I’ll guide you through the process and
show you how to use the additions of battle damage &
weathering to take your ‘jacks to another level.
Unsung Heroes
Kevin Clark and The Templates of Doom
On to the ‘jacks. First, my
o I was packing up Paladin................................19 My second favorite ‘jack in
some Iron Fangs for the this army is the Repenter. I can
motherland when Duncan
Vanquisher.........................112 hear the chants of dislike already
comes in and asks, “Kevin I’ve Revenger............................ 76 but trust me people, the Repenter
got this idea for the magazine. I is great if used in the right role.
want to feature armies and tactics Repenter............................. 76 In this list it gives us all the extra
the staff play with; you in?” How Repenter............................. 76 attacks we need. With a little
could I not be? A chance to share help from the boss, it becomes
some tricks with the players? I
wouldn’t miss it. So here I am for
Total 498 a superstar. The first thing you
need is this Eye of Menoth (from
what we hope will be the first of Severius) and then Infuse (from
many installments. I’ll share one First let’s talk about the Grand a Choir). This gives a +3 to attack
of my favorite Protectorate lists Scrutator—Severius has a simple and damage rolls which brings his
with you, and perhaps you’ll learn job to do in this army—cast Eye RAT up to 7 and POW up to 15.
a trick or two to use to burn your of Menoth, give out focus, and With the Repenter’s lovely spray
friends and neighbors. stay alive. Sounds like the usual, template, average rolls will hit
right? But there is something and kill most troops (and hit and
The premise of this army is
missing here, casting spells to kill damage almost all jacks) without
simple: get as many attacks as
things personally. I have found having to spend any focus.
possible as often as possible. This
that this army works very well Boosting the damage rolls can
is not about dropping spells and
if you keep the Scrutator in consume entire chunks of your
fancy tricks, it’s about eating
the backfield and use his focus opponent’s army. Fun, huh?
large parts of your opponent’s
to power his jacks and Eye of
forces—whole. To do this I give The big trick to mastering
Menoth. He can bring down the
you one 4” AOE and two Spray the Repenter is learning how
hammer himself if he needs to,
templates. For fun, a little ashes to to maximize the number of
but he’s primarily there to keep
ashes action from time to time. targets you get. You do this
everyone else doing their jobs.
in two ways—movement and
targeting. Plan your movements On to the Choir. Most me learning and on my toes. If you
and think about where your Protectorate players are used to want to get good at angles and
opponent is going and where running these guys. My advice is the finesse side of AOEs, this is a
you want them to be. Flanking mostly common sense. Since you great choice.
is the key. Blasting down the have two choirs, do not bring the
sides of formations will net more second group up to the fight. Keep
hits if you can position well. them back and out of the line of Let’s wrap up with some final
Use terrain to your advantage fire. They need to be kept in reserve advice for this army:
and lead your opponent’s troops since a lot of your ability to hit and
into bottlenecks to clump them deal damage in this army relies on • Keep your Choir alive
(giving you lots of targets) or the choirs—be careful with them and keep them apart
slow them down to come through and they will serve you well. from each other.
a few at a time. When targeting Last but not least is Eiryss. • You do not have a lot
you want to get as many models She has one job in this army—to of models on the table.
under that template as possible, kill the imposter Eiryss; anything Use terrain and the table
which sometimes means targeting beyond that is gravy. Seriously, edge to your advantages
something out of range, or your she can harass flanks and draw so you do not get overrun
own models (for the CAUSE!). fire, or even go for the classic or flanked.
Some may call this cheese, I call disruptor bolt trick. She’s a deadly
it aggression—use all of your extra to keep the opponent’s eyes
• Choose your targets
tools to destroy your opponent. off of your Scrutator and on his
carefully—don’t waste
They are expecting nothing less, own caster.
shots on things you don’t
so don’t disappoint. need to kill. Maximize
This is not an easy army your AOE effects.
There is also a Revenger and to play. You have to be very
its arc node in this list because— careful about your movements
• Most of all, move up!
lets be honest—not every plan and possible lines of fire against
Kill! BURN! The heretics
works the way we want it to and the Scrutator or you are toast—
will learn the truth of the
you may need a card up your fast. I enjoy a challenging and
Lawgiver but only if you
sleeve now and again. unexpected list like this. It keeps
play like you’ve got a pair.
By Marc Verebely and Chris Bodan The Setup:
Nobody likes to lose, but everyone has those games where you get to the line of three Long Gunners ahead
bottom of turn four, you’ve lost most of your army, all of your remaining and just to his right, half way
‘jacks have damage, and you need to win this turn or lose the game. Try up the wall. One Ironclad waits
this WARMACHINE brain teaser and see if you can think your way
at the far end of the other wall,
out. Come on. You knew there’d be a quiz. First, see if you can win.
exactly 90 degrees to Caine’s left,
Then see if you can do it in style. Use average die rolls to calculate the
best course of action, or press your luck and roll it out. and another stands five inches
forward and off to its right. Cain
First Challenge: Are you able to kill Caine? has no focus but does have Blur
up on himself.
You are the Cryx player.
Your warcaster is not close enough
to affect this turn other than by
allocating focus. You have only
three focus points. A Nightwretch
IRONCLAD with disabled movement waits nine
inches directly in front of Caine
with a Mechanithrall leader two
inches beside it. A Deathripper
is just over ten inches ahead and
to the right of Caine, and a Pistol
PISTOL WRAITH Wraith with one body count
token floats 10 inches to Caine’s
left, obscured by the building.
The Challenge:
NIGHTWRETCH Win. We based this scenario
on an actual tournament game,
and the Cryx player won in four
actions. You want a hint, noob?
Remember order of operations
and to play the averages. It’s all
or nothing, so don’t hedge your
bets. Think of it like chess. Can
MECHANITHRALL you do it in four actions? In six?
Can you even do it at all? Go on,
try. We’ll wait.
Premier Mhikol Horscze ...No training could have prepared us. I didn’t
Stasikov Palace, High Kommand, Korsk know what they were until after—to me they
Sailor’s were an unstoppable wall of Khadoran red
There has been an incident. A blackship was sighted east of charging through the breech. Encased in their
gave pursu it. The black ship was sunk, but
Lament. Four of our vessels thick armor they did not look human, swinging
e a small fishin g villag e called Pholv ish.
unloaded Cryxians to ravag enormous hammers that glowed silver-blu
the last
Our men arrived too late—the village was slaughtered to and froze the air as they pass ed. I saw my
confir m their souls were taken . We have
woman and child. Priests friends tossed aside like dolls, shattered and
their kinsm en. I believ e Pholv ish to be
kept this ghoulish fact from broken heedless of the armor they had thought
interc epted makin g for Lord Khaz arak’ s
incidental; the Cryxians were would protect their lives. I would like to relat
ucts was destro yed and recove red. I saw
Tomb. One of the hellish constr we fought valiantly, and took man y of them
ares. I
the aftermath with my own eyes, and it will haunt my nightm before they crushed us, but this would be a lie.
be done for the lost souls, and Cryxi an
do not know if anything can We could not hold them any more than a child
interest in that sacred tomb is a myste ry. It canno t bode well—
can stop a bull. It shames me but I am relieved
—Bolshik Marshall Ustinov, Port Vladovar to have survived this encounter with Khador’s
famed Demolition Corps, when most of my
friends did not.
Visgoth Ark Razek, Im —Fragment of an unsent letter by a
er survivor of Redwall Fortress to his wife
Your humble servant
is pleased to relate that
Creator! Flameguard your machines have pe
, exemplars, and pala rformed gloriously, pr
dins held firm agains
Temple. Spirits were
uplifted when three Ca t a massive advance on aise the
incinerating a line of stigators arrived alon the Great
Ca g th
firebombs and skyham spian knights and bringing ruin to all wh e northern processional,
m o
Visgoth Rhoven’s pray er rockets from the roof of the Remembr opposed them. Pelted with
ers ensure the winds sen ance, the Caspians ro
untouched. Ultimate d the fires to the infidels uted!
victory shall be ours,
in service of the Hierar , leaving our sacred buildings
—High Exempl ar Scarle Villius of Su ch, all glory to Menoth
Lord Garr
The fight
ett Talbo t, Comma
nder of Fo URG
in Sul goe rt Falk
The Menit s poorly sin
e dogs are ce the brea
blockades dug in and ch—fighti
fu ng
King insis nnel our boys into none of our maps a street to street, hou
ts on sendin ambush ch re accurate se to house
ships alon ,
g the Blac g a full Stormguard okepoints. Despite th past the western qu it’s bloody work.
north. Spe k River br c o m p a ny to is tr o uble a a rters. Imp
ak to no ju ing r
nior person ing these vital pers reinforce Northguar nd against my adv ovised
—Scout G nel of trou onnel. The
d. Be prepa ice, the
High Chaeneral Bolden Rebald
bles in Su r
l. Keep the will require resupp ed to receive three
ncellor of t ir m ly for the
he Royal ,A
in d s on the no
rthern fron ir journey
ssem bly, Caspia t.
Cygnar Unit
“When we rushed for the kill, a wall of halberds marched from the smoke to intercept. We were
holding our own until our formation exploded in a flash of lightning and deafening thunder.”
—Iron Fang survivor of a border skirmish near Fellig
he Stormguard march to war, the smell of ozone, and sends tongues of lightning
darkening the air around them across the armor of his gathered soldiers. The
SERGEANT CMD 8 with the promise of an electrical coiled potential can be unleashed in a lightning
SPD STR MAT RAT DEF ARM reckoning. Each is a master of the strike to blast apart enemy formations.
Voltaic Halberd, a mechanikal polearm
5 6 8 5 13 15 Stormguard endure grueling training, sent
constructed to hack through flesh and
GUARD CMD 6 to Fort Falk for endless formation drills under
steel while torrents of lightning strike
SPD STR MAT RAT DEF ARM the oversight of lightning-scarred sergeants.
deep into the ranks of the enemy. Every
5 6 7 4 13 15 Each Stormguard knows his life depends on the
halberd strike charges their sergeant’s
men next to him, and they fight as one. The long
NEXUS GENERATOR Nexus Generator, a weapon of voltaic
lightning-coiled Voltaic Halberds allow two solid
Special POW P+S wrath. This generator hums with
ranks of Stormguard to punish the enemy with an
Multi 8 14 accumulated power, filling the air with
onslaught of strikes. The Stormguard is deployed
VOLTAIC HALBERD to hold strategic positions or shore up exposed
Special POW P+S
flanks, carving apart anything foolish enough to
Multi 6 12 SPECIAL RULES stand in their way.
Field Allowance 2 Sergeant Like their brothers in arms, the
Leader and 5 Troops 68
Stormblades, these hardened men are living
Up to 4 Additional Troops
Victory Points
Unit symbols of Cygnaran advances in the
Combined Melee Attack – Instead of science of war. King Leto trusts his own
Base Size: Small
making melee attacks separately, two or
more Stormguards in melee range of the safety to their protection and
same target may combine their attacks. has recently ordered more
The Stormguard with the highest MAT in the attacking group makes one
of their number to take to
melee attack roll for the group and gains +1 to the attack and damage rolls
for each Stormguard, including himself, participating in the attack. the front lines. Sight of
Fearless – A Stormguard unit never flees. the Stormguard inspires
Ranked Attack – A Stormguard may make a melee attack through intervening the common soldiers
Stormguard models in the same unit.
and reminds them of
Nexus Generator their king’s admiration
Electric Discharge – After all models in the Stormguard unit have completed and support.
their melee attacks, the Sergeant may make one Electric Discharge ranged
attack if he is not engaged. The Electric Discharge attack has RNG 6”, AOE
3, and POW 6 Add +1 RNG and POW for each model in the unit in open
formation with the Sergeant who made or participated in a successful melee
attack during this activation, including the Sergeant. Friendly Stormguard in
the AOE never suffer damage from an Electric Discharge attack.
Electro Leap – After a successful Nexus Generator melee attack, lightning
may arced to the closest non-Stormguard model within 4”. The model
suffers a POW 10 damage roll.
Reach – 2” melee range.
Set Defense – The Sergeant gains +2 DEF against charge and slam attacks
originating from his front arc.
Voltaic Halberd
Electro Leap – After a successful Voltaic Halberd melee attack, lightning
may be added to the closest non-Stormguard model within 4”. The model
suffers a POW 10 damage roll.
Reach – 2” melee range.
Set Defense – The Stormguard gains +2 DEF against charge and slam attacks
originating from his front arc.
Man-O-War Demolition Corps
Khador Unit
“Jarvin raised his shield in time to block the hammer’s blow, but both shield and helm exploded
in a thousand frozen pieces. It was a small mercy not to send his remains to his family.”
—Captain Fend Hawkwood of the Cygnaran Sword Knights, on an encounter with the Corps
4 9 8 4 11 16
4 9 7 4 11 16
Special POW P+S
Multi 5 14
Kapitan’s Damage 10
Trooper’s Damage 8
Field Allowance 2
Leader and 2 Troops 54
Up to 2 Additional Troops 16ea
Victory Points 3
he steam-powered wrecking crew known as the Demolition Corps
is the premier front line fighting unit in the Khadoran Army. Each
member of the Corps wields an enormous mechanikally enhanced Ice SPECIAL RULES
Maul innovated by the Rigevnya Complex in Korsk. These mauls shimmer with
super-cooled air and are able to flash-freeze metal or flesh in the instant before
impact. Armor becomes brittle and shatters into lacerating shrapnel when the
Man-O-War brings the hammer down. Leveraging ogrun-like strength along Unit
long hafts, the mauls can cripple a warjack or explode even the thickest stone Fearless – A Man-O-War Demolisher
unit never flees.
to dust in a few precise strikes. Few men can survive a direct impact; even a
glancing blow causes frost burn and splintered bone. Ice Maul
Back Swing ( Attack) – The Man-O-War
When Man-O-War armor was first developed, the High Kommand intended
Demolisher may immediately make two
to prove that the subtleties of siege warfare could be solved with the brute force melee attacks.
embodied by these living steamjacks. Every soldier volunteering to join the Ice Breaker ( Attack) – The Man-O-War
Demolisher makes one melee attack. If
Corps is required to pass a grueling obstacle course nicknamed “the crusher”—a
the attack succeeds, roll an additional die
three-day test of endurance, discipline, and strength. It is said those who emerge on the damage roll. Double the number of
successfully from this ordeal are transformed. Some deem the members of the damage points a structure takes from an
Ice Breaker attack.
Corps half-mad not only for braving the dangerous Man-O-War armor, but also
Reach – 2” melee range.
because they are sent first against the toughest areas of enemy opposition.
When the Corps is unleashed, they charge across the battlefield and rely
on their armor to shrug off enemy fire and close with the enemy. Hammers at
the ready, they pound warjacks to scrap, annihilate lesser soldiers, and shatter
perimeter walls. The only men who can fully understand the Corps are others
who wear the steam-powered armor. Theirs is a brotherhood of discipline and
courage—soldiers who transform into an unstoppable force on the battlefield.
Cryx Helljack
“Tremendous agony during death throes exponentially amplifies the power we can harness
from an extracted soul.”
—Attributed to Lich Lord Daeamortus
nnouncing its presence
with the ear-splitting
shriek of its Mortifier
cannon, the Harrower has been
SPD STR MAT RAT DEF ARM sent forth from Cryx like a
5 12 5 4 12 18 fever-twisted delusion. There
is no clean death in the
Harrower’s wake. Those
cut down by its scything
LEFT 12 1 3 12
Perisher claw suffer
PERISHER unspeakable agony as they
Special POW P+S die, but then they endure a
RIGHT Multi 4 16 fate worse than death as their
immortal soul is spun loose,
DAMAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6
harvested, and added as fuel to
the Cryxian arsenal.
Left Arm (L) Built on similar principles as
Rght Arm (R) L R
Cortex (C)
the Leviathan, Harrowers are sent
Movement (M)
on frequent coastal raids to strike unseen
from the depths to fill their diminutive soul
Point Cost 125
Field Allowance U
cages and bring this tainted bounty back to Lord
Victory Points 3 SPECIAL RULES Toruk’s necromancers. The Harrower exploits
the necromantic principle that the power of a
Base Size: Large
Harrower captive soul is proportional to the torment its
All Terrain – The Harrower ignores
movement penalties from rough terrain and obstacles. The Harrower may victim suffers in death. The Harrower’s many
charge or slam across rough terrain. gold-runed and necrotite-lined soul cages serve a
Amphibious – The Harrower’s furnace is not extinguished if it moves into double role as shells for the Mortifier, its ghastly
deep water. The Harrower may move through deep and shallow water
without penalty. While completely within deep water, the Harrower
necrotech cannon. Once flesh is rent, the victim’s
cannot make ranged attacks or be targeted by ranged or magic attacks. soul is torn loose and injected into these shells
Spider Legs – The Harrower cannot be knocked down. while it thrashes futilely against its containment.
he fires in the foundries of Imer never dim. The Hierarch demands tireless devotion from his
armories, and he knows they must match the pace of larger nations. Voyle has unleashed the
Castigator based on the same heavily armored chassis as the Reckoner—the first warjack SPD STR MAT RAT DEF ARM
entirely of Protectorate design. Known to few outside the Vassals of Menoth, the Castigator was 5 11 5 4 10 19
actually conceived before the Reckoner, but problems with its fire-delivery system delayed its
unveiling. Visgoth Ark Razek deemed the setback an unacceptable failing. By his displeasure, every
Special POW P+S
mechanik on the project was wracked within a breath of death before they were restored and put
back to work with renewed and terrified determination. Miraculously the problems were resolved LEFT Multi 4 15
almost immediately. FLAME FIST
The Castigator’s fists blaze continually in combat, and the intense heat sends rippling waves of Special POW P+S
distortion through the air as the warjack charges to engage. Each fist is equipped with a sophisticated RIGHT Multi 4 15
delivery system for Menoth’s Fury, which is compressed and piped into direct contact with the ignition
DAMAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6
heat of the warjack’s powerful furnace. When it secures a hold on another warjack, it can emit this GRID
blazing heat and cause steam boilers to overheat. Under the intense heat other internal systems warp SYSTEMS
and buckle, lose integrity, and remain vulnerable to critical failure when driven to exertion. If beset by Left Arm (L)
Rght Arm (R) L R
multiple foes, the Castigator ignites the air around itself in a powerful explosion of incinerating heat
Cortex (C)
that instantly turns living flesh to fine ash and melts iron. Movement (M)
One major advantage of the Castigator is the ease with which it is rearmed on distant Point Cost 108
fields of battle. Unlike the specially machined shells of the Field Allowance U
Victory Points 3
Reckoner’s Condemner cannon, the Castigator needs only a
fresh supply of Menoth’s Fury to be ready to fight again. It SPECIAL RULES Base Size: Large
has been sent forth to the front lines to bring the wrath of an
inferno to all those who have forsaken the Creator of Man.
Combustion ( Attack) – Models within 1” of the Castigator suffers
a POW 12 damage roll. A model moving into within 1” of the
Castigator and/or ending its movement within 1” of the Castigator
suffers an unboostable POW 12 damage roll. The Castigator
may spend focus points to make additional melee attacks after a
Combustion attack. Combustion lasts for one round.
Flame Fists
Chain Attack – Overheat – If the Castigator has both arms
systems functional and hits with both of its initial Flame Fist
attacks against the same warjack in the same activation, after
resolving the attacks it may immediately make an additional
melee attack against the target. If the attack succeeds, the target
takes no damage but suffers Overheat. A warjack suffering from
Overheat takes d6 damage points each time it spends a focus
point. Overheat lasts for one round.
Fire – Target model hit by a Flame Fist attack suffers Fire. Fire
is a continuous effect that sets the target ablaze. A model
on fire suffers a POW 12 damage roll each turn during its
controller’s Maintenance Phase until the Fire expires on a d6
roll of 1 or 2. Fire effects are alchemical substances or magical
in nature and are not affected by water.
Fist – The Castigator’s Flame Fists have the abilities of an Open Fist.
Narrative by Doug Seacat • Scenario by Chad Huffman & Rob Stoddard • Art by Chippy
zero tolerance
he two Widowmakers and many other luxuries unknown Pytor glared at his peer, “Far
dismounted their horses in the Motherland had filtered worse to have known and not
as instructed by the grim down to those who knew who to reported it.”
sentry who waved them on. ask or where to go. The problem “We were not involved, we
These men were nervous, for the of discipline had prompted Queen just witnessed. Do we want to
hour was late and they brought Ayn to pass a decree requiring wake him?”
unwelcome news. The outpost officers to suffer no tolerance of
seemed unnaturally still. It was as corruption among the subjugated “They say he doesn’t sleep.
though a pall had settled over this Llaelese. Most took this order Now be silent.” The sergeant
region, and all memory of cheer with a wink and a nod though, standing watch outside the
was driven away. for they beleived their men must officer’s tent gave them a
enjoy victory. pitying look as if they had just
This was quite a contrast from volunteered to charge the cannons
other outlying camps and townships This camp felt different, and at Northguard. He opened the
the Khadoran snipers had visited the Widowmakers knew well the flap and waved them inside.
recently. The taste of victory was reason. Here they found perfect
sweet, and many superior discipline and silence. One man Kommander Orsus Zoktavir
officers had given their whispered to the other, “I do not waited glowering like some
men a reprieve. Boxes think this is a good idea, Pytor.” ancient warlord. His eyes
of finer wines than flickered with inner fire although
“He would want to know. We it may have been a trick of the
most Khadorans must tell him.”
would ever see, lantern. It was clear they had not
spiced meat, “What harm, keeping silent? awoken him, for his bunk was
Do we want to get in the middle undisturbed, but he wore only
of this?” undergarments and a red robe.
Even so, Orsus was a huge man
with an imposing presence, and
the snipers were fearful at having
disturbed him. His armor stood
just behind him and to his left
like some gigantic bodyguard
looming in the shadows. The haft
of his axe was leaning against
a nearby table strewn with an
assortment of battle maps. Both
of the Widowmakers eyed the
weapon with dread and noted it
was within easy reach.
He waited for them, but not
patiently. Even standing still
Orsus was like a coiled spring or a “I don’t know how many Butcher’s orders it had been kept
cocked rifle with his fists clenched innocents were killed. A number of fired up at a low idling rumble.
and his jaw muscles strained. the village men must have tried to Llael had coal to spare—he saw
Pytor spoke, stammering, stop it; they were shot outside the no need to power down his ‘jacks
“Kommander, we came here town hall. We went to check inside when fighting might happen at
since we thought you would want and saw they had gathered up the any time. The Kodiak’s head
to know. There has been... an women. I don’t know whose idea turned to follow him as Orsus
incident. At a village a few miles it was. There were many empty approached, picking up on the
west of Greywind Tower.” crates of wine—all of the Winter warcaster’s anger across the link
Guard was drunk.” He seemed to they shared.
Orsus leaned forward be having difficulty saying aloud
expectantly with all of his at- The Doom Reavers within the
what horrors he had seen, but it enclosure stood as he approached;
tention directed at the squirming did not require much imagination.
sniper. His expression had their faces were hidden behind
“The women screamed for help, the iron grills of their closed
changed from dour and brooding but the drunkards just laughed
to hunger. Orsus had been order- helmets. There was one standing
and kept passing them around. I apart from the rest, a great bare-
ed to stand down by Kommandant saw several bled out and tossed
Ivdanovich in Merywyn and was chested, tattooed brute who stood
aside like refuse. When I saw there among them like a wolf among
required to give his men a slight were officers there, I didn’t know
reprieve from fighting. Orsus wild dogs. This was Fenris, a
what to do. We left immediately legend among the Reavers and a
might have disobeyed this direct to tell you.”
order had not the Queen sent him mad berserker so fierce no officers
a personal request to make things Pytor’s voice faded to nothing were willing to risk his presence.
easier for the Kommandant. It as he looked at the expression on Fenris had been summoned at the
had been a test the likes of which the Butcher’s face. Every muscle Butcher’s request after hearing
he had never endured—sitting in his body was clenched, and his the High Kommand had debated
idly at this outpost, away from the lips were pulled back in a snarling having him executed as a safety
front, seething with resentment as rictus. His hand gripped Lola’s precaution. None but Orsus
his countrymen bled and killed. haft. “WHERE?” Zoktavir could contain him, but
Although his legs were he seemed to view the Butcher
What his Kommandant did with some semblance of kinship.
not understand was that ordering trembling and it took every ounce
of courage he possessed, Pytor Orsus saw Fenris as too great a
Orsus to stand down did not weapon to destroy even if almost
provide him relief. It only added approached the table. His fingers
were shaking terribly as he found too dangerous to wield. That
to his strain. His eyes were red, his Doom Reaver leaned now on the
mind churning, and his men sensed a map of the nearby region. His
jittery finger indicated a small dot hilt of his enormous cursed blade.
he was ready to explode. Several His posture suggested he had
had died in the last several days to representing a nameless village.
“Just a f-few hours m-march...” expected Orsus.
“disciplinary measures” for what
most would call minor infractions. “LEAVE ME!” Orsus “Fenris, are you ready to
bellowed. He was already turning fight?”
The Butcher looked at the
Widowmakers with an intensity to his armor and beginning to strap The Reaver needed not
that frightened them both. Pytor the pieces on. The Widowmakers reply. He gave a feral grin, and
wondered if he should have needed no further prompting and his eyes were intense and black
listened to his friend. “What fled the room as fast as their legs as pitch. The litany of
incident?” Orsus growled. could take them. his victims would have
Orsus strode across the taken hours to relate.
“We arrived once it was
already out of hand...” compound to a penned enclosure. Orsus spoke again.
Near the pen stood a hulking, “We have traitors to
Orsus snarled, “Out with it!” battle-scarred Kodiak. On the wake.”
The Butcher of Khardov Damaging Tents within 3” of their tent, and units
has caught wind of an atrocity Attentive players may note that must be placed in skirmish
committed by Khadoran soldiers a ranged attack with a POW formation. Deployed models may
against the direct orders of the lower than 14 cannot hurt the activate this turn but must forfeit
Queen. Though some officers tents. Now before anyone cries, their movement or action.
would demand that the offending “What do you mean I can’t blow
a hole through tent canvas with Neither of the defender’s
troops resign their commissions,
the Butcher’s blunderbuss!?!”, warjacks can activate until the
Orsus requires that they forfeit we’d like to point out you can... Kovnik is deployed or an attack
their lives. As he storms into It just doesn’t do anything to the is made within 8” of a warjack.
their camp with a hastily- structural integrity of the tent. Are Only the warjack within 8” of the
assembled group of loyal troops, we on the same page? Good.
attacking model may activate.
the surprised soldiers come
spilling from their bivouacs
and hastily attempt to mount
some sort of defense against the
bloodthirsty assault. Defender Deployment Zone
Attacker Army Composition
• The Butcher of Khardov 30”
• Doom Reaver unit with 1 Lieutenant
and 5 Troopers
• Kodiak
Defender Army Composition
• 2 Iron Fang Pikemen units each with 1
Sergeant and 5 Troopers
• 2 Winter Guard units, each with 1
Sergeant and 9 Troopers Attacker Deployment Zone 6”
• Man-O-War Shocktrooper unit with 1
Kapitan and 2 Troopers
• Man-O-War Kovnik table. Terrain features cannot Beginning
be placed within 3” of another
• 2 Heavy Warjacks (Destroyers or The defender deploys his two
terrain feature or table edge.
Juggernauts) (2) warjacks within 3” of any tent.
The tents contain the bulk of The warjacks do not need to be
Special Rules and Set Up
the defender’s forces. Only the placed next to the same tent. The
See the map. Players take defender’s warjacks are deployed rest of the defender’s models are
turns each placing three (3) 4” before the start of the game. not deployed before the start of
x 6” tent terrain features within the game.
When the Butcher casts
the defender’s deployment zone.
Howl or any model makes an The attacker then deploys his
Tents cannot be placed within
attack within 8” of a tent, its models and takes the first turn.
6” of another tent or table edge.
occupants will be alerted and
Tents have ARM 14 and can Victory Conditions
deployed during the defender’s
take 10 damage points before The attacker wins if all the
next Maintenance Phase. During
being destroyed. See Damaging defender’s models have been
that Maintenance Phase, the
and Destroying Structures, destroyed, disabled, or removed
defender must choose to deploy
WARMACHINE: Prime, pg. 62 from play.
either the Kovnik or a unit.
for details.
Obviously, the defender cannot The defender wins if the
Players then take turns choose to deploy a unit or model Butcher of Khardov is destroyed.
each placing another three that has already been deployed.
terrain features anywhere on the Deployed models must be placed
Narrative by Doug Seacat • Scenario by Chad Huffman & Rob Stoddard • Art by Brian Snoddy
traitor s ambush
ending Boomhowler and “I don’t know you. Do you make their way along the King’s
his trollkin anywhere near want me to call the—“ Highway. After several hours
a big city like Corvis was a “Watch?” Croe finished the of travel, the armored carriage
risk since they were liable to find sentence. “Like that one?” He pulled over and Croe’s escort was
some tavern and never emerge. jerked his head to indicate one of allowed to tumble out and stretch
Their “employer” did not like to the Corvis city watch seated at the their legs.
leave them to their own devices other side of the tavern drinking A hulking armored form
for long. He was a small and ale and deliberately looking the stepped out from the shadows.
shifty-eyed man with an Ordic other way. “Save your breath.” His posture was hunched, and
accent, but he was dressed like a the hilt of an oversized sword
Llaelese fop. This worthy paced “What is this about? I’m
connected to—“ jutted from above his shoulder.
impatiently in the public room He rapidly unlimbered the
inspecting an ornate pocket watch “The Syndicate? Yes, so am broad-snout scattergun from his
and swearing under his breath. I. Listen closely, I know about back and leveled it at the man
He almost jumped out of his your meeting. You will be taking next to the fop. “Croe! Where’s
skin when someone spoke softly me and my men, not Greygore. Boomhowler?”
in his ear. “They won’t be making He and his crew are... indisposed.
A rather severe case of food “You’ve got the wrong
their appointment, I’m afraid. man, Magnus. I’m Croe.” Jarok
You’re going to take us instead.” poisoning.”
stepped out from the shadows of operation.” He saw the look in “I need him alive. If he’s to
traitor’s ambush
a tree nearby. His pistol Hiss was Magnus’ eyes and realized just die, it’ll be my hands. Remember
already drawn and pointed at the how close he was to death. Some that—leave the prisoner to me,
warcaster, but his posture was of his confidence vanished. “I but anyone else is a fair target.”
casual. “No offense taken. It is an realize I have inconvenienced The cutthroat smiled at this
honest mistake.” you—I’ll accept only half of what instruction. “Certainly. You know
Magnus scowled at the you intended to give Boomhowler. my reputation.”
man under his rifle. The man Consider this a test for future use
of our services.” “There’s an abandoned barn
he mistook for Croe was taller, on the west side of the road just
had broader shoulders, and his Magnus’ expression was still north of here. I’ve got a few ‘jacks
face was shadowed under a wide angry, but his posture relaxed fueled and stowed there. You wait
brimmed cap. “I’d like to know slightly. “You’ll accept whatever in ambush here among the trees.”
how you manage that.” Giving scraps I see fit to give you. There’s He pointed to the road where it
Croe a look of scornful disregard, a secret convoy heading out of curved below at the base of the
Magnus slung his rifle around Corvis tonight on its way to Fort hill. “I’ll come up from behind as
again to his back. Falk. They should be here within you engage.”
Jarok gave another oily the hour.”
“Any escape contingencies?”
smile, and his pistol spun and “What kind of convoy, if I Croe asked casually as if the topic
vanished back into his holster. may ask?” were of passing curiosity.
“Trade secrets—we all have Magnus grudgingly an-
them. I’m your replacement for “I’m making east for Ternon
swered. “Stormblades, maybe Crag once I get the prisoner.
the evening.” a journeyman or two. One is You’ll be on your own.”
Magnus folded his arms reputed to be some rising star in
and stared at Croe. “This isn’t the eyes of Duke Ebonhart. A Croe gave another of his
Syndicate business. Turn pretty face in need of seasoning.” empty smiles. “Ternon Crag...
around now and I’ll let you live.” I’ve always wanted to visit. I
Croe’s expression was heard there may be opportunities
As if this statement had been calculating. “It surprises me
addressed to him, the fop guide in that direction for men such as
you would risk capture so ourselves.”
made a rapid exit. close to Corvis for a couple of
Croe knew better than to test journeymen.” Magnus stared at Croe good
the warcaster’s patience. “We’re and hard once more as if taking
“They’re guarding what I him seriously for the first time.
both wanted men here. I came need.”
at considerable risk, and I offer “There may be. I can’t make any
fair rates. You need extra muscle After a tense pause, Magnus guarantees. Let’s see how tonight
tonight; my services are yours.” added, “They’re escorting an goes.”
inquisitor to Fort Falk for Jarok Croe inclined his head
“My life’s in peril every questioning. That’s not going to
minute I spend south of the respectfully and then stepped
happen.” back into the shadows. He seemed
Dragon’s Tongue. I trust neither
you nor your men.” “I thought they were all almost to vanish before Magnus’
free already and set upon the eyes. His men did likewise and left
Croe spread his hands and Menites.” the warcaster apparently alone.
offered a slight bow in an attempt Still scowling, Magnus turned
to appear humble. “Had I wished Magnus’ scowl deepened.
“Apparently your sources were on a jack-booted heel and strode
to claim your reward I could have away while pondering
done so already. I enjoy slitting mistaken. Ask me no more.”
the invectives he
the throats of Cygnaran officers Croe had no wish to would hurl at Boom-
as much as you do. I was given to antagonize Magnus further. “Of howler the next time
understand this is a time sensitive course. Dead as good as alive?” they met.
Magnus has managed to learn The Defender is towing Cygnaran forces. It cannot be
traitor’s ambush
the location of a former Inquisitor the prison 4” x 6” wagon. The fired again this scenario.
in possession of information of prison wagon is an obstruction Set Up
great importance to the right that cannot be damaged. As
people. He has recruited Jarok the Defender moves the wagon Players take turns each placing
Croe and his Cutthroats to help remains in base contact in its back three (3) terrain features. No
him ambush a prison caravan arc. The Defender may run while terrain can be placed on the road
taking the Inquisitor to Fort Falk towing the wagon, but it may not or within the Cygnar deployment
for “debriefing.” The attack will charge. Neither the Defender nor zone. Terrain cannot be placed
be no simple raid, however. A the wagon can leave the road for within 3” of another terrain feature,
number of Lord Commander any reason. including the road. Terrain features
Stryker’s most trusted troops may be placed on hills.
are escorting the prisoner, with
strict instructions that he is not Merc Deployment Zone 8”
to be allowed to escape. After
a Renegade Obliterator shell Escape
suddenly blew the horses pulling Edge
the wagon apart, Cygnaran forces Cygnar
hastily lash the wagon to the 12” Road Wagon 5” Deployment
Defender and take action to keep Zone
the prisoner from falling into
Magnus’ hands.
Mercenary Army Composition Defender Warjack
• Magnus the Traitor Merc Deployment Zone 8”
• Renegade Light Warjack
• Talon Light Warjack The Cygnar player must get Beginning
• Mangler Heavy Warjack the wagon and its prisoner to
The Cygnar player deploys
• Croe’s Cutthroats unit with Croe safety by exiting the table by the
first, beginning with placing the
and 5 Cutthroats Escape Edge. Only the Defender
Defender. The Defender must be
may exit the table by the Escape
Cygnar Army Composition placed on the road touching the
Edge. If the Defender crosses
• Journeyman Warcaster front edge of the Cygnar player’s
a table edge while towing the
deployment zone, facing the
• Charger Light Warjack wagon, the Defender and the
Escape Edge. The wagon is then
• Defender Heavy Warjack Warjack prison wagon leave play and the
placed in base contact with the
• Stormblade unit with 1 Sergeant Cygnar player wins the game.
Defender’s back arc. The Cygnar
and 5 Knights The Stormblades in this player then places the rest of his
• Stormblade Unit Attachment with scenario are part of Lord models.
• 1 Lieutentant and 1 Standard Bearer Commander Stryker’s Elite
•Long Gunners unit with 1 Sergeant The Mercenary player then
Cadre. Despite the Lord
and 5 gunners deploys his models and takes the
Commander being elsewhere, all
• Field Mechaniks unit with first turn.
Stormblade models gain +1 MAT,
1 Crew Chief and 5 Gobber Bodgers RAT, and CMD. Before the start Victory Conditions
Special Rules of the game, after both players The Cygnar player wins if the
have deployed, Stormblade Defender and prison wagon leave
See the map. A road runs
models may move up to their the table by Escape Edge.
through the center 12” of the
SPD in inches.
table from the rear of the Cygnar The Mercenary player wins if
player’s deployment zone to the The Mercenary player’s the Defender is totaled.
Escape Edge. Renegade fired his Obliterator
during an opening salvo on the
Written by Doug Seacat • Art by Chippy and Brian Snoddy
better left
F orgotten history of the witchfire
591 AR, during the reign of Vinter Raelthorne IV, Clocker’s Cove
exer Sirac descended the steps into the “Clearly.” Sirac spoke in a droll tone. “Your
shadowed basement of the disheveled door was locked and warded. Did you forget our
house and sniffed once in disdain. There appointment?”
was a peculiar and unpleasant aroma in the air, for the The man stammered, “Of...of course not, no.”
layered stale smell of fear and sweat permeated the He noticed for the first time that Dexer Sirac was
walls. He might have been surprised at the squalor wearing his full head inquisitor uniform—something
of the place if he were not familiar with the type of he had not done in any of their earlier visits. Gorzen
person who dwelled within—a man so absorbed in swallowed nervously and put a hand on his desk to
his miserable obsession and haunted by his choices steady himself.
that the mundane details of life were forgotten.
Dexer Sirac watched him with his face cast in
The basement was dimly lit by candles and one shadow. “Your debt is due.”
lantern that sent flickering shadows across every
book-filled surface. The floor was littered with scraps At this Gorzen smiled tentatively. A gleam of
of parchment, bloody strips of cloth, and other items excitement formed in his eyes as if it were an echo of
indistinct and yet vaguely unpleasant in the inadequate some forgotten time before his soul was blackened. “I
light. An odor of ripe decay indicated some food had have it this time; your search is at an end.”
been left to rot here perhaps buried beneath fresh If Sirac felt any stirrings of anticipation, he did
piles of books or manuscripts. Sirac scanned the titles not betray it with his unwavering eyes. “Deceive
on the spines of books, dismissed most of them, and me at your peril, Gorzen. One more death will not
lingered on others. Across the room in the shadows trouble me.”
was a hunched man who had not yet heard him.
“Remember your promise to me,” Gorzen said
“Gorzen Montlebore.” He spoke the name loudly. with a cringe. He had not meant to ask for reassurance,
“Ah!” Gorzen turned in haste. The slender man but he could not stop himself.
had sunken eyes and thin, waxen skin, and he stooped “No harm will come to you by my hand, nor by
slightly as if his spine had been bent. “It’s you. You my orders, if you have what I require. You have every
startled me.”
reason to fear me, but my position fingers traced documents on the “What year?”
is only tenable with information, desk before him, and then he “A millennium before the
better left forgotten
and you are an asset. You have the passed a scrap obsequiously to Rebellion, four centuries before
ability through your... contacts...” the head inquisitor. It was old, the Orgoth invasion. The old
he said with restrained derision, yet Sirac’s trained eye detected records are imprecise, but that is
“to discover that which I cannot.” it was a copied manuscript likely my best estimate.”
The nervous man stared at transcribed repeatedly in old halls
of records. The archaic dating “When Lord Toruk an-
Sirac with suspicious uncertainty. nihilated those kings who would
“I suppose...” system was one used before the
Orgoth invasion. not bow to him,” Sirac looked
“Before I grow more impa- away from Gorzen and stared into
tient, tell me what you know.” “A registry of ships?” the darkness as if peering through
The enthusiastic gleam Gorzen nodded. “Stolen from the intervening centuries. “Toruk
reappeared in Gorzen’s eyes. a small sect of Doleth’s monks sundered Castle Moorcraig per-
His grin was an unfortunate west of Orven. They preserve sonally and blasted it to oblivion
production which displayed a records of ancient shipping. I am with his breath and claws.”
jagged assortment of rotten teeth convinced the Thuria’s Promise was “Yes! The blade would have
and gums. “It is genius, really. I do carrying the blade.” been with fresh spoils. Lord Toruk
not know why we did not think of Dexer Sirac felt growing would not know about it—all
it before—one place where it could excitement, but he controlled his lesser malignancies are invisible
rest for centuries without drawing expression. Sirac prided himself in his blight, and Moorcraig was
attention.” on his ability to smell deceit and never properly plundered. Toruk’s
“Stop speaking in riddles.” lies. It was normally a familiar law forbids his minions entry.”
Sirac approached Gorzen and by stink on Gorzen Montlebore, but Sirac turned back to Gorzen,
his undeniable presence seemed to it was absent now. “What was the his voice accusing. “What game is
loom over him. fate of this ship?” this? Are you hoping to be rid of
He shrunk in on himself Gorzen’s voice gained me?”
at Sirac’s approach and spoke confidence. “I believe it was
quickly. “No other agency than captured south of what is
mine could have found it.” His now Ramarck, in the Gulf of
Middlebank. It was beset by
the pirate king, Lord Borges
Gorzen held up his hands was a zealous and well-scrubbed
as if to ward off a blow. “I speak wizard whom Sirac had stolen from
thought of such a weapon in the Army sharp-shooter was the only tattooed man who comes from the
hands of Toruk’s minions which hireling Sirac felt was worthy of Warrens in Ord—a fascinating
prompted Vinter to authorize the his company. Sirac knew more man. He’s getting twitchy since he
journey. about the rifleman than Bailoch hasn’t murdered anyone in a few
From Caspia they crossed suspected, for he remembered his weeks, and he has a necklace of
the Gulf of Cygnar and endured name from when he had become toe-bones taken from his victims. I
an extended stop at the dock city a wanted man from the Talon think he might be a cannibal. Salt
of Mercir where Sirac spent over Company mercenary debacle. of the earth.” Sirac had come to
a month recruiting. Finding men Bailoch had been discredited and appreciate Kell Bailoch’s refusal
willing to brave Cryxian waters had forced to turn killer-for-hire, but to be intimidated and the ease with
not been easy. The Ocean’s Mistress his skill was undiminished. which he spoke openly.
finally departed Mercir at full sail Sirac spoke while watching “They are deadly, but I’ve
and ventured west out into the the men on the deck. “What is not had time to forge them as I’d
Broken Coast toward the perilous your opinion of my hires?” like.” Sirac’s voice was faintly self-
islands surrounding Scharde. Bailoch shrugged. “Every critical. “I’d prefer more discipline,
Sirac had taken the captain’s one of us is wanted by the crown: but they suit the task at hand.
cabin, forcing that worthy to murderers, arsonists, deserters. I What about the captain?”
relocate and bunk with his crew. almost expected your expedition “Captain Bray? Just the
The captain had not been a was a clever ruse and we’d be sort of miscreant you’d want. He
fastidious man, and Sirac ordered ferried to Bloodshore Island. knows these waters. He’s been
several crewmen to scrub its Given the clandestine nature of this to Blackwater and back several
surfaces before he consented to work, it’s clear we’re expendable. times, but he’d sell us out in a
spend any time there. The inquisitor As far as I know, I’m the only heartbeat if there was profit in it.
stood now in the cabin wearing one who has deduced your true That goes for everyone aboard.”
an oiled sailor’s greatcoat lacking identity. The rest think they’ll live “We won’t be landing near
any symbol of his authority. Even to spend your coin.” Blackwater, so he won’t get the
without these tokens his shadowed Sirac turned away from chance. I’ll trust you to keep an
face and posture conveyed menace the door to regard the rugged eye on him meanwhile.”
and command. He looked out the rifleman. “If I wanted fodder, I
door onto the decks, and his eyes “Am I supposed to harass
could have paid less and gotten him with harsh language?” It
darted from one grimy face to the more malleable men.” They
next. The single grim figure of was a sore point Kell Bailoch had
already had several problems with refrained from pressing. While
Kell Bailoch stood near him. Kell fights onboard as tempers flared.
had cracked open a bottle of the in the port city, Dexer Sirac had
Four men were dead already; the taken his rifle, saying he had a
captain’s best wine—poor stuff to last was killed by Sirac himself to
any civilized palette—grown from few ‘adjustments’ in mind. The
set an example. That one had been rifleman was half convinced the
the small and sour grapes thriving ignited alive on the water-soaked
near Mercir. Kell swallowed with wizard was afraid to let him stay
deck in full view of the rest and armed in his presence—not that
a pained grimace while patiently left to scream and burn before
awaiting the inquisitor’s attention. he lacked other weapons, but
being pitched off the side. he felt naked without Celeste.
The two had spent enough Kell nodded agreeably, “I Named after an old paramour, the
shared time in the last several said expendable, not fodder. gun felt as much a part of him as
days for the crew to presume You’ve secured many tough men. his hands.
them old comrades in arms, but Expert scrappers, an assortment
this was not actually the case. “Ah I had almost forgotten.
of gunmen, knife-fighters, even I have a present for you.” Sirac
Sirac had discovered Bailoch in a few wizards who might hold
Mercir like a diamond among pig strode to the oversized chest at
their own in a Five Fingers tavern the foot of the captain’s bunk. He
swill, and he quickly secured his brawl. One of your wizards is an
unlocked it with a key at his waist way it held steady almost of its own of the ship appeared convincing
and recovered a heavy object accord. enough for the ship to pass.
men, and they were encouraged Kell Bailoch muttered near “Leave that to me. Do as I say
at the sight of the wizard hurling him, “Where are we landing? That then bring your men to me up at
better left forgotten
spells of lightning and flame onto cliff-wall looks impassable.” the landing.”
the deck of the adversary. Bailoch Captain Bray was hovering
took more lives than anyone as nearby and answered in low
he fired from the top of the mast tones. “There be docks below at Word of the massacre spread
unhindered by the fog. His work the base of the cliffs. Ancient an’ quickly, and everyone understood
was done in eerie silence—men treacherous, in a sheltered cavern the message. There would be
locking sabers would suddenly cove—Cryxian ships steer clear.” no bribing the captain into an
find a foe’s head exploded clean early departure—they were in
as the bullet whizzed by with the Sirac’s voice was calm. “The
place has a bad reputation even by for the long haul. The men were
sound of an angry gnat. not thrilled to spend their time
Cryxian standards. We won’t be
They grabbed what pitiful disturbed.” excavating a dangerous and
plunder of rancid food and piss- ancient set of catacombs. Surface
poor ale they could and then sank Kell Bailoch glanced over at watch in the ruins above became
the other vessel before moving him with a skeptical expression the most popular duty. The nearby
on, lighter by five sailors and two but said nothing else as they made blighted forest offered several
of Sirac’s mercenaries. It was a landward approaches, so Sirac
test of their mettle Sirac was glad reluctantly agreed to allow almost
“Would have been ugly
to have endured, for it showed half his men up top at any given
he had paid for the proper kind if it’d been satyxis or th’ time, keeping to the shadows
of men. The battle helped knit Atramentous. Ye best offer but ever vigilant for movement.
them closer together, and they up a taste of blood to the He hoped the Cryxian bans on
put aside whatever petty rivalries the ruins would keep interlopers
they had brought from the
waves fer luck.” away, but it was essential they not
dockside taverns of Mercir. After draw attention. Kell Bailoch was
the melee, the captain seemed ordered to find a high post in the
their way to the hidden cove below
particularly cheerful, noting, blasted ruins and slay any patrols
the ruined keep.
“Would have been ugly if it’d that risked their discovery.
been satyxis or th’ Atramentous. The ship docked to the ancient
Dexer Sirac led the ex-
Ye best offer up a taste of blood piers within the enormous dark
peditions in the catacombs
to the waves fer luck.” cavern. A series of lanterns was
personally, hand-picking the most
lit and extended into the gloomy
capable mercenaries to accompany
darkness and showed the wrecks
him. The wizard Baen Rudlofte
of ancient ships just below the
Dexer Sirac was lured from was particularly useful in this
waters nearby.
the cabin rarely, but he did come capacity, being specialized in
forth to view the ruins of Castle Sirac called over an oversized earthmoving spells. Sirac told no
Moorcraig through the captain’s brute with vaguely Khardic one but Bailoch what they were
glass. It was a rare opportunity features named Kivel who had after and directed the men with
to see the mark of Toruk left enough of a military background paranoid scrutiny.
indelibly on the landscape, no to know the importance of obeying
From the start they unearthed
less impressive for the passing of orders. “Kivel, gather up a dozen of
horrors in the depths, and within
sixteen centuries since the place our men, and then kill the captain
the first day they lost eight men.
had been blasted by the peerless and every sailor. Leave the bodies
Four were torn apart by the dozens
dragon. Sirac knew he would be where they fall.”
of shambling dead roaming the
seeing it first hand soon enough, Kivel smiled uncertainly chambers, and two fell to an oily-
but it was intriguing to view the at him at first as if being told a skinned creature of many tentacles
ruins at a distance. The jagged peculiar joke until realizing Sirac which stalked them from one of
silhouette rose up from the cliff- was serious. “How are we going to the flooded sections. Two more
face backlit by moon and stars. sail back with no crew?” were crushed in an avalanche
of stones and muck from a room real art was piercing the hearts himself to take advantage of the
collapse. The chambers echoed and minds of men and weaving sword. As high inquisitor he
from the darkness, grabbed onto Each bore a short and pitted blade wounded by Durst was blasted back
Kivel, and yanked him back into in either hand—ancient bronze and lay still. It managed to knock
the shadows. Wet chopping noises spatha. The edges had wasted from Durst from his feet as it fell.
followed a gurgling scream of terror. age, but they were wielded with The second one endured. As
Peel and Durst stumbled back and skill. The robes they wore must Peel bled out at its feet, its jawless
drew thick blades from their waists have been woven of blackened visage pierced the wizard with
while Sirac stepped forward and strands of flexible metal to have a malevolent stare. As he began
extended his staff with its bright light survived the ages. One nimbly another spell, Sirac felt strangely
into the room. He began another ducked Peel’s attempted slash then dizzy as if deprived of air. His
incantation under his breath. jabbed a spatha straight into his eye incantation slowed and his tongue
Emboldened by the wizard’s and disemboweled him with the felt heavy in his mouth. The undead
courage and the abrupt cessation of other. It was Peel’s turn to scream. leapt past Durst before he could
Kivel’s screaming, the two hirelings The other undead intercepted Durst stand and charged Sirac. A gout
stepped forward again. Durst was although he managed to hack into it of flame erupted from the wizard’s
a lanky but strong Caspian, and with his blade, partially deflecting outstretched hand and washed over
he held his sword with the posture its momentum. It still managed to the creature, yet it did not pause.
of a veteran bladesman. Peel came slash his chest, peel open his leather Sirac stepped back and held up his
behind him, a shorter but stockier armor, and leave a shallow but fast- heavy staff to intercept the twin
older man with heavily scarred bleeding gash. blades but then blinked in surprise
arms and face. Sirac finished his incantation, when it was thrown back as if by an
There was movement deeper in and a jagged streak of sizzling invisible force. The mummified face
the room, a shadow against the far lightning arced across the seemed to fall inward and explode
wall, and then Sirac’s light caught intervening distance to strike both as bone chips hit the far wall.
something black and a flash of metal undead as well as Peel. Sirac judged Sirac blinked in surprise
before it vanished into shadow. Two and glanced over his shoulder to
robed and mummified corpses see Kell Bailoch holding
then leapt forward. Their
ancient skulls were
Silence as a thin plume of smoke was easy to deduce that many I need you waiting by the ship
rose from its barrel. other weapons had once been set just outside the catacombs. Stay
of a monstrosity striding forward a nearby pistoleer named Lank Baen stared at Sirac as if he
behind the mechanithralls. It was saw the two of them leaving and were insane. His eyes widened,
a terrible armored thing walking hastened to follow suit. and he stepped back at the sound
upright on strangely jointed legs.
Sirac lingered a moment as of the lich lord approaching. He
It stood three times as tall as a
they hurried past, pondering the seemed finally to realize what
man with tattered and leathery
abilities of the black sword in his was asked of him, and he lifted a
wings extending from its back. As
grasp. He turned and focused his trembling hand. He stammered as
they watched, it bent forward and
will, gaining confidence as he could he attempted to invoke the proper
vomited a spray of greenish ichor
feel the blade’s power responding. syllables of the spell. Sirac gritted
that washed over two of Sirac’s
Suddenly the mechanithralls that his teeth in frustrated rage as the
men at the center of their line,
had been running toward him fell wizard bumbled the invocation,
barely missing Kell Bailoch who
under the Witchfire’s domination— too afraid to cast properly.
jumped to the side. Their screams
they stopped abruptly and turned In what seemed a fit of deranged
echoed painfully as they thrashed
around. The lich lord gave a howl madness, Sirac’s lips peeled back in
on the ground. The steaming acidic
as they charged him instead and a snarl and he lunged at Baen to
liquid rapidly dissolved their flesh.
began punching at it’s armored impale the Witchfire deep into the
Sirac had never seen this creature
legs. Sirac knew he had only wizard’s chest. Baen looked up at
but apprehended its identity from
delayed the unholy creature—its Sirac with stunned horror as his
descriptions in certain old tomes. A
power was mightier than any soul was wrenched from his body.
part of him insisted that it should
on the island excepting only the To Sirac the sensation was sickly
not be here so far from its domain,
Dragon King. pleasurable as he could feel a trickle
yet its presence was undeniable.
Sirac turned and rushed of power and lore flowing across
Kell was sighting along Silence
down the hall urging Kell Bailoch the blade and into his mind. He
at this abomination, and Sirac
forward—the rifleman had paused knew he tasted only a small sample
moved forward to stop him. “No!
to see what had delayed him. The of its full potential had he the time
Do not fire—“
other two had run onward, clearly or luxury to conduct the proper
His warning came too late. terrified. Behind came the sounds ceremony.
Even as Kell first began to pull the of mechanithralls being torn apart. Perhaps because the spell had
trigger, the creature’s head cocked.
They could hear the creature been Baen’s very last thought, the
It picked up a thrall and raised it
chasing behind them after a short power and syllables flickered briefly
neatly to intercept the rifleman’s
reprieve bought by the undead in Sirac’s mind as the wiz-ard bled
shot. The mechanithrall’s head
Sirac had usurped. Sirac hoped his last. Sirac turned to see the lich
exploded, and the abomination
confined spaces might slow the lord pushing its way out of the
dropped its bones and iron to
enormous thing, but he feared the worked catacombs with triumphant
the ground as it turned to look
catacomb halls were not narrow posture. Sirac pointed at the ceiling
at Bailoch with keen interest. A
or cramped enough. He muttered above and spoke the words of the
hole had been pushed open in
under his breath, “Baen, if you spell. The cavern ceiling where he
the defensive line where the two
didn’t obey me...” pointed shimmered and turned to
ichor-sprayed men had fallen, and
As they emerged from the mud. There was a groaning rumble
the mechanithralls began to rush
lower catacombs with the sound and then a massive collapse as
of the lich lord not far behind, they enormous rocks, mud, and dust
Sirac pulled Kell back. “That buried the abomination.
saw the wizard Baen Rudlofte
is a lich lord! This battle is lost. We
waiting for them as instructed. Sirac kicked Baen’s corpse
have to get back to the ship.”
Durst and Lank stood by him, off the Witchfire’s length. “To the
Kell had never met a foe pointing in their direction. An ship!” Kell, Durst, and Lank had
who could not be dropped by inhuman howl sounded in the been staring in stunned silence but
his rifle, but he backed away chambers behind, and Baen’s rushed to obey. “It is not dead. We
reluctantly. He fired a few rounds face went pale with terror. Sirac must flee.”
Kell fell into stride beside the wizard. “You The Story of
slaughtered the sailors. We four cannot control the the Witchfire Continues
t was an old scout’s trick,
and I might have expected
the ambush if I had been at
the top of my form. Instead my
curiosity almost cost my friend
Quimut his life. We led our supply-
laden horses down a shallow
ravine following our quarry’s
trail, but we were oblivious to the
fact that one had circled behind
us. It was early morning in the
Marches, and the heat had risen
with the sun to promise grueling
temperatures to come. We should
have sought shade and shelter,
but I was convinced we were
close. Passing a wind-smoothed
boulder, I found out just how
close when I caught the shine of
The Pendrake
By Viktor Pendrake (Transcribed by Doug Seacat and Nathan Letsinger)
Large single
Hit Dice: 6d8+36 plus 2d12+12+8S (92 hp)
Initiative: +7
eye socket
Speed: 30 ft. in skorne plate armor (6 squares);
base speed 50 ft. (10 squares)
Armor Class: 23 (-1 Size, +3 Dex, +2 Natural, +7 skorne
plate armor, +2 Insight bonus), touch 14,
flat-footed 20
BAB/Grapple: +8/+16
Attack: Masterwork large falchion +16
Full Attack: Masterwork large falchion +16/+10
How does the world Space/Reach:
Special Attack: —
10 ft./10 ft.
A cyclops does not generally carry valuables, but it may collect items from
those it has slain. A skorne-conditioned cyclops will wear masterwork plate armor
and a large two-handed masterwork weapon such as a falchion. It is probable
a cyclops eye will have many uses in alchemy or to bonegrinders, but western
alchemists are currently ignorant of its properties. Prices offered for such a
rarity could vary widely (10-1000 gp).
Skorne submit enslaved minions to a barrage of conditioning and training while raising
them from an early age to fight for them. This includes extensive exercises and drills to
keep them in peak physical condition as well as exposing them to a variety of painful
stimulus, reinforcing or discouraging certain behaviors. This may also include surgical
procedures by skorne anatomists such as incisions into regions of the brain. This process
numbs the creature to ordinary pain caused by injury, but the skorne know means to
make them feel pain when it is required.
Special Qualities: Lean, Rage +1/day
Saves: Add +2 to Fort and Will saves
Abilities: Add +2 Constitution; –4 to Charisma
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Endurance, Die Hard
Restrictions: Can only be applied to creatures raised under skorne captivity and control
Challenge Rating: Increase by 2
Rage (Ex): This functions exactly like the barbarian Rage ability,
and adds +1 use per day if the creature already has this ability.
Lean (Ex): Creatures conditioned by the skorne require half as much sustenance
as their base type.
Foundry, Forge,
& rucible
By Rob Baxter and Nathan Letsinger
Combat Alchemy
A noble science well regarded as a method of producing curatives, restoratives, and treated materials, alchemy
is a respected pursuit in the Iron Kingdoms. Employed by mercenaries and adventurers however, alchemy
is less a noble science than a potent weapon and a great equalizer. Some of the most dangerous applications of
alchemical science are not born of necessity but arise from a desire for ruin and revenge.
It was alchemists who crafted the first firearms, using them to equip the Army of Thunder against the
Orgoth. Over the centuries keen minds have continued to evolve new and deadly uses of these principles such
as timed clockwork grenades. It is only recently that such weapons have become available for individual use.
Today mercenaries, rebels, and rogues find alchemical weapons excellent tools for achieving their goals both
on and off the battlefield.
Mastery of alchemy is the ultimate proof that knowledge is power.
for Anyone
Acid Grenades
10 feet and lasts for 4 rounds.
Foundry, Forge, & Crucible
These alchemical grenades utilize concentrated vitriolic substances
incased in glass flasks that make flesh and iron alike flow like hot Any living creature within or
wax, and they often result in horrendous disfiguring wounds. You entering the cloud must make a
can throw an acid grenade as a splash weapon. Treat this attack as Fortitude saving throw (DC 17 ) or
a touch attack with a range increment of 10’. become nauseated. This condition
When creating or purchasing an acid grenade, choose which type of acid to use: lasts as long as the creature is in
Name Direct Hit Damage Splash Damage Creation DC2 Cost3 the cloud and for 1d4+1 rounds
Standard 1d6 1 15 10 gp after leaving (roll separately for
Bone Stripper 1d6 vs. flesh 1 15 8 gp each nauseated character). Any
Dragon Bile 1d6+2 x 2 rounds 6 25 300 gp creature that succeeds its save but
Green Vitrio 1d6+1 1 18 18 gp
Crypt Spider1 2d10 4 18 45 gp remains in the cloud must continue
Lemax spittle1 2d4+2 3 18 36 gp to make a save each round.
Naturally occurring acids used by gobber alchemists as grenades. None (nonmagical); DC 25; CL
Consult IKCG pp. 303-304 for ranks of Craft (alchemy) and caster level required.
NS; Craft (alchemy) 6 ranks, Craft
Acid grenades are not commonly for sale. Characters wishing to purchase such weapons
should look for rogue alchemists willing to create the grenades to order. (demolitions) 4 ranks; Cost 100 gp.
Blood of
Written by Rob Baxter, Art by Matt Wilson, Brian Snoddy, and Chippy
own by making wise decisions, to take the mantle of chieftain as and balance, seeking to prevent a
standing true, and leading his kriel well, although most communities fall into utter chaos by maintaining
to prosperity. Chieftains are chosen prefer these roles be distinct and order. Each Council of Stone acts
by the elders of the various kith of separate. Pride between leaders can as a vanguard of trollkin order,
a kriel, most are chosen for their cost trollkin lives, and it is seen as a seeking to keep its members united
wisdom, intelligence, prowess in bad omen to have a chieftain and a for when the time comes to defend
combat, and their ability to unite shaman argue in public. To arbitrate the lands of the kriel.
the various kith of the kriel. In such disputes of power the Council In large areas of concentrated
situations where there is not a of Stones steps in to oversee the dual trollkin populations such as the
single trollkin who can muster between Chieftain and Shaman to Thornwood and the Gnarls,
the support of the elders, they will ensure that the community does not larger councils may unite multiple
rule as a common council, but are suffer. kriels and can speak for the entire
expected to name a chieftain at the The kith elders of the kriel form people of the region. Unless led by
earliest opportunity when a suitable a Circle of Stones, a local council singularly powerful or respected
candidate arises. that appoints the Chieftain and elders, these councils may devolve
Another important leadership approves the laws and customs into bickering and argument, and
position within kith or kriel is made by the kriel shaman. In some often have limited power to effect
the shaman. Trollkin shamans ways reminiscent of Rhulic culture, change. It is difficult to arrange
are devotees of Dhunia and are each Council of Stone adheres to for multiple chieftains and kriel
sworn to be the spiritual guides of ancient customs of adjudication shamans to speak as one or agree, as
a kith. While all Dhunian priests these proud trollkin are accustomed
strive to become shaman, this term to being obeyed.
is reserved for the eldest, most
The Trollkin Diaspora
powerful, or wisest single priest of Many trollkin elders speak with reverence of the ancient unity of
a kith. Similarly, when one speaks the Molgur, which was the last time the trollkin were gathered as
of “the shaman” of a kriel, it will a single people. Millennia ago, this great barbaric empire included
be the senior-most of those who ogrun, goblin races, and hordes of mankind. While Molgur is term
watch over the kiths. All shamans dreaded by humans, the trollkin living in the wilderness view it as
share a common goal, and that is a golden age of their ancient past. Like all Molgur, those trollkin
the preservation of the balanced worshipped the Devourer Wurm and neglected Dhunia. They believe
trollkin way of life. This balance this was their undoing. The Molgur were shattered in the south by
includes all the aspects of trollkin the great human Menite priest-king Golivant, after which they fled
tradition, from gathering food, to the Scharde Islands, deep into the Wyrmwall, and north to the
sharing old legends, training the forests and mountains. In the north the remnants of the Molgur
youth, encouraging mating rites, were soon beset by another great Menite priest-king, Khardovic,
defense of territory, enforcing laws, who slaughtered those who did not convert to Menoth.
and performing funeral rituals. Since those days, trollkin turned increasingly to Dhunia, becoming
These are reinforced by animistic more civilized but also separated into distinct geographical pockets.
rituals and rites practiced at specific Despite the distance between them they retain a strong kindred spirit,
times of the year, celebrating more so than the other races who credit Dhunia with their birth. While
harvest at the time of Mannur, or prone to internal fighting over resources, they band together against
hunting time during the season of outside threats and believe in the ties of blood which unite them all.
Orrem. Shamans are the repository This spirit has occasionally brought open war with the dominant
of knowledge for the community as human kingdoms, such as during the Trollkin Wars of 242-247 and
well, safeguarding the history and 262-267 AR. These bloody battles saw the first widespread use of
culture of the kriel, its spiritual well full trolls trained and controlled by trollkin, set loose to slaughter in
being, and the creation of new laws human towns and cities.
and customs. The recent outbreak of human warfare has stirred the shamans
While shamans and chieftains to speak these lessons of old blood ties. The many tribes of the
often clash, usually one holds Thornwood Forest have begun to face the reality of a new diaspora
more influence than the other over as villages are torn apart and kith displaced by invading armies.
a kriel. It is also not unknown for Chieftains are rising with the power to unite and lead these trollkin,
a particularly esteemed shaman fighting to ensure the survival of their culture.
Trollkin Bloodline Traits
Wyrmkith (Bloodline)
As a feat choice at first level, Trollkin player characters may
choose to take a trollkin bloodline as opposed to selecting Unrelenting, merciless, and unbound by any alliance to
a first level feat. These bloodline traits represent the inborn men, the savage trollkin of the Wyrmwall Mountains
gifts that their individual bloodlines have manifested, as are brutal and ferocious. Leaders of these kith draw on
well as providing a way for trollkin characters to establish the forgotten spirit of the ancient Molgur berserkers.
their diversity. A trollkin may only ever have one bloodline
trait, and may only choose this trait at first level. Prerequisite: Charisma13+, any Chaotic alignment,
1st level only
Benefit: A trollkin with this bloodline gains Barbarian
Gnarlkith (Bloodline) as favored class (instead of fighter), gains +1 use of
Proud of their ancient traditions and respected abroad Rage per day if the trollkin has this ability, and gains
for their unique lore, trollkin of the Gnarls have a a number of hit points equal to your current character
commanding presence and have an uncanny affinity level.
with their larger cousins the trolls. Kith of the Scarsfell (Bloodline)
Prerequisite: Charisma 13+, 1st level only Living amidst the pines and cedars of the Scarsfell
Benefit: A trollkin with this bloodline trait gains a Forest, these trollkin dwell in a nearly perpetual land
+1 to his Leadership score for the purposes of taking of ice and snow. The hardest of Scarsfell kith have
a troll or trollkin as a cohort. The trollkin gains a +4 acclimatized to the rigors of harsh winters and the
numbing cold that comes to claim them each year.
racial bonus on Diplomacy and Sense Motive skill
checks against Trollkin and Trolls. Prerequisite: Constitution 19+, 1st level only
Benefit: A trollkin from the Scarsfell forest does
not suffer non-lethal damage from exposure to cold
The wisest of the trollkin of the Thornwood Forest are environmental effects, and gains +4 racial bonus to
skilled survivalists and move unhindred while in the saves versus cold-based spell effects.
Kith of the Bloodstone (Bloodline)
Prerequisite: Wisdom 13+, 1st level only
Dwelling in arid conditions amidst sweltering heat
Benefit: The trollkin gains Survival as a class skill. and dust the trollkin of the bloodstone marches must
Trollkin of this bloodline reduce movement penalties endure heat and parching winds. They have adapted
by half for moving through undergrowth. over the years to weather such unrelenting conditions.
Prerequisite: Constitution 19+, 1st level only
Benefit: A trollkin from the Bloodstone Marches does
not suffer non-lethal damage from exposure to very
hot or severe heat environmental conditions, and gains
+4 racial bonus to saves versus fire-based spell effects.
Trollkin Adoption
The rare rite of kulgat, or blood-bonding, actually
marks an individual as aligned with a particular kriel
or kith. Even a non-trollkin that undergoes kulgat (the
mingling of blood between a trollkin and another being)
can be recognized by smell or taste by any trollkin. How
this works has mystified alchemists and scholars.
As a potential reward, some GM’s might wish to allow
player characters to undergo the honor of kulgat and
become a member of a trollkin kriel. While this
honor is hard earned, once a person has become part
of a trollkin tribe they are considered so for life. The
effects of kulgat will endure until a characters death
(untimely or not). Notable people rewarded with
adoption include the esteemed Professor Pendrake
and King Leto of Cygnar.
A player character that has gone through kulgat will
have an initial reaction of friendly with any trollkin
from the same kith or kriel. While this benefit might
seem small, the trollkin can make powerful allies, and
52 as Professor Pendrake can attest the trollkin also have
some pretty outrageous parties.
T rollkin villages are usually slough off rain. The design traps weaving ornate quitari, fletching,
surrounded by a stone wall, heat during the winter and reflects weapon crafting, leather working,
fifteen to twenty-five feet in height. sunlight during the summer. The or other artisan pursuits. These
Small villages often consider buildings are consistently well workshops are usually well stocked
themselves a single kith, while larger made and engineered as much for with supplies and finished goods.
villages may include several kith comfort as for utility. In many Trollkin rely on a system of barter,
living in close proximity. Villages cases the walls of a trollkin village although they will sell for coin and
in particularly hostile locations actually incorporate the back often are quite canny about the
resemble fortifications, having walls of trollkin homes, using the worth of their goods.
thicker stone walls and watchtowers circular construction to maximize At the center of a trollkin village
capable of enduring a minor siege. the strength of the village’s inner is a kuar or stone platform, a
Within the village are the homes boundaries. monolithic structure that serves
and structures of trollkin. The typical trollkin dwelling is as the village’s meeting place. All
Trollkin homes are domed, well lit, with window slits placed ritual duals are held on the top of
circular, and tower-like with walls at frequent intervals to allow a kuar. Its elevated vantage is also
of earth or stone. The buildings sunlight in while maximizing used by kith elders or chieftains to
typically are two to three stories the defensibility of the structure. oversee and arbitrate disputes. The
high. The higher floors are conjoined Windows are covered with thin flaps shaman will gather the young of
with a spiral staircase that circles of leather that has been cured to the community at its base to teach
the inner walls of the structure. near translucency. the annals of the kith and kriel.
On the main floor is typically an The workshops of trollkin villages Kuar are often surrounded by stone
eating area, a hearth for warmth are also dome-like structures, monuments called krielstones.
and cooking, with sleeping rooms typically with a single story and at Krielstones are sacred icons of
on the second and third story. The least one or two rooms. Trollkin heroic deeds and history that have
roofs of trollkin homes are usually foundries are usually just a forge been deemed important enough
thatched from straw, but often use with a roof, while other types of to set down in stone. Constructed
worked wooden planks curved to workshops are made for looming, in a variety of sizes and shapes,
these stones serve as a center
A Trollkin Village
of prayer and reverence, and
are often incorporated into the
village’s religious shrine. Many are
attributed with supernatural powers,
and trollkin consider them the most
sacred areas of a kith village.
U nmated but mature male trollkin, termed shen are in a
transitional time when their status is uncertain. Many are
encouraged to leave a kith, with the hope of finding a mate.
Otherwise they must find a means to support themselves and
become useful. Shen often band together as trollshen—five to
twenty male trollkin of various ages. In larger villages trollshen
are an accepted part of the community, providing communal
living for their members and selling a service such as carpentry
or stoneworking. But in smaller villages the shen are not
allowed to remain and are given sufficient food and water to
The Trollshen Campaign
leave and find another village in the kriel. Trollshen may also A trollshen can be a party of trollkin PCs and
arise for mutual protection in the wild. Trollshen settle either a campaign can revolve around the founding of
in their own area, gaining the respect of the kriel by founding their own kith. Forming a kith requires securing a
their own kith, or join with a local kith village, providing labor, homeland, building a village, carving a krielstone,
working their chosen craft, and fighting for the protection of designing a quitari tartan pattern, and attracting
the village when needed. mates. Or instead the PCs might seek entry into
Some trollshen are not so successful in carving out a niche in a kriel by being charged with a particular task,
a kriel. These trollshen form outlaw bands, and often become such as the hunting of threatening beasts. A GM
shenkriel trollkin, which translates as “lost and without people.” could also allow troll cohorts or troll player-
Trollkin without allegiances make ideal mercenaries, and have characters in a high-level trollshen campaign.
a reputation for their tough attitudes and various skills. Most With adversaries such as wild beasts, manipulative
trollshen are—by merit of training—excellent warriors by druids, other trollshen, and the encroaching
human standards, and their fast healing and durability make forces of mankind, a canny GM can easily run
them prized as soldiers for hire. an all-trollkin campaign set in the wilderness of
Such shen may even live among humans for years at a time, western Immoren, using the motives of the shen
seeking entry into a kriel when they have tired of the world as plot hooks for further adventure.
of men. These trolls are often welcomed back into trollkin
communities for their valuable knowledge of human lands.
Still, such individuals also suffer from a wanderlust that
forces them to travel back to the lands of men and often to an
untimely death.
Some trollkin gangs have formed what could only be called
a nomadic kriel, composed of both trollshen, mated trollkin,
and traveling equivalents of shaman and chieftains. Without
a council of elders, settled trollkin see these itinerant kriels as
roving bands of scum.
Exiled trollkin also often become members of such tribes.
These trollkin are branded for some act of treachery or villainy
against their kriel or kith. They often find themselves welcome
into the communities of shenkriel, and even find their markings
a prestigious badge of notoriety which serves to enhance their
Gullible trollshen must be wary of their own kind abroad, for
they can become trapped in such societies quickly by coercion,
a form of slavery. There are many reasons that trollshen band
together for mutual protection and this is one of them.
Trollkin Toxic Remedies
T rollkin anatomy is far hardier than that of man, and the trollkin ability
to shrug off the effects of even the most potent of poisons gives them
an interesting approach to their use of medicinal herbs and plants. Trollkin
toxic remedies are often sickening or downright deadly to a normal man,
and to use them on any creature with less than a trollkin’s resistance to
poison is a foolish endeavor. Such dangerous plants as thrushwort, gulley’s
root, black ginger, hooaga, and bog lotus are put to use in ill smelling
mixtures of unguents, stews, and potions that can lay a man low yet have
amazing effects on trollkin. Even so, often only the hardiest of trollkin
indulge in the most potent of such toxic remedies such as bluetongue and
scarbane, and usually with a religious like respect for the potent toxicants.
ompared to the Deathjack mold lines and make sure there
and Behemoth, the
By Mike McVey, Miniatures is no oxidation on areas that are
Thunderhead is positively Director, Privateer Press going to be glued. Most of the
a cinch to put together. It has pieces are easy to clean, but the
Miniatures painted by Ali shoulders are quite a challenge.
ten fewer pieces to start! You McVey &
will also find the fit between the There are six electrical coils on
Mike McVey each side to get around, but it is
pieces to be generally positive, and
there are not many places where worth taking a little time to do the
strengthening pins are required. It features a slight variation in job properly here. You will regret it
There are a couple of tricky parts, the color scheme from the studio if you can still see the mold lines on
but with a little forethought they version and a scenic base to give the painted miniature. Most of the
are easy to handle. One thing it more character and presence. lines can be removed with a needle
is true about the Thunderhead Even though the Apotheosis ‘jacks file, but it can be really useful to
though: if you want to build it with are unique in the setting, it does have some pieces of fine (220 grit
the minimum amount of work, it not mean you need to paint yours is just about right) wet and dry
goes together best in one pose. If exactly the same as the ‘official’ abrasive paper to get into the hard
you want to vary the pose, you will versions. You should do whatever to reach places. I generally tear
need to break out the tools and fits in with the rest of your army— off a small piece and then fold it
do a little conversion work. For and more importantly, whatever over a couple of times so I can fit it
example, if you want to twist the looks cool! between the individual coils.
body on the legs, you will need to Construction The photographs below take
vary the length of the pistons that Before you break out the glue, you through the process of putting
run between the two halves of the the first thing to do is thoroughly the Thunderhead together in
figure. One piston would need clean all the pieces to remove the the easiest sequence. It’s worth
to be lengthened and the other reading through a couple of times
shortened, depending on which find more modeling before you start just to make sure
way you twist the body. See the and painting tips at you get everything straight. There
side panel in this article regarding are a couple of pieces to dry-fit
how to do just that! or read about it in before you glue them—like the
WARMACHINE: Prime pipes running from the arms to the
We’re also going to look at
and Escalation back of the miniature.
how the Thunderhead was painted.
Modeling & Painting
1 7
The way the shoulder pieces fit to the body
The first thing to do is attach the legs to is a little unconventional, and even though
the base, for this will give a good stable they join together well, it can be hard to
platform upon which to build the rest of get them aligned correctly. The best way to
the miniature. The Thunderhead is designed make sure you have it right is to line them
to fit into the slot on a large base, so you up at the back where there is a sharp angle
just need to cut the plastic out of the hole.
Put the base face down on a cutting mat (or 4 on each piece. Add a little glue to one side
of the join and position them as shown in
other surface that isn’t an antique table), the above photograph.
and use the sides of the slot as a guide to cut One thing to bear in mind when gluing the legs
out the excess plastic. The plastic is thin and to the waist is that they are designed to attach
should be easy to cut with a sharp blade. to the slot in the base, so the tabs on each foot
have to be lined up as shown above.
When you are sure they are aligned
correctly, press the pieces together and let
the glue dry—then carefully run some more
glue into the join all the way around. When
glueing it is a good idea to have some paper
towels handy to soak up excess glue.
The fit between the legs and the waist piece
is quite tight, and it might be necessary to The feet should fit flat on the base and both
file a little metal away from the peg side of come inside the rim. Push them into the slot,
the join. Do not be too enthusiastic about and then run a little glue into the join area
this though—you want to make sure the fit from behind.
is good and tight.
Modeling & Painting
The fit between these two pieces should
be close, but it’s common for components
to get a little bent while being pulled from
12 the mold or while rattling around in the
packaging. Make sure the fit is good before
applying any glue. At worst you will have to
Once the coils are glued to the arms, you can re-bend the pipes a bit. The pipes run from
attach the arms to the body. You might find the back of the elbow to the underside of
the join a little loose between these pieces, the shoulder piece.
so it’s a good idea to add a pin to make the
10 join more secure. One thing you have to do
before you position the arms is to make sure
the pipes running to the back of the shoulders
The pistons can be tricky to glue into place; are going to fit. Hold the arm in place with
little components like this are often quite no glue and dry fit the pipe in place. It’s
touchy. If you have trouble, add a little possible to get quite a lot of different poses
tiny ball of greenstuff into the hollows on here, but you will have to re-position the
the Thunderhead and push the end of the pipe if you decide to do so. If you want to
piston into it. That should hold, but you can do the minimum amount of work here, make
sure you get the pose as close as possible to
also run a tiny stop of glue into the join to
make sure. the one shown here. The pipes should then 14
be easy to fit in place. If you want something
a little more original, you’re going to have If you are going for the standard “out of
to do some extra work! the box” arms pose, this is what they should
look like.
There should be two sprues of electric coil
assemblies in the box with two coils apiece
To make it easier to paint, leave the central coil assembly off the miniature. When it is attached
for both arms. I find it easiest to clean small
it can be tricky to get a brush into the details at the rear of the miniature. There are two ways
components like this while they are still on
to handle the undercoating and painting of these pieces. The first is to undercoat and paint
the sprue, then I carefully cut them off with
them separately. When you join them together you will need to scrape away some of the paint
clippers and clean away the join marks. The
to make sure the join is good. You never want to glue something that has paint on it, or it will
coils fit into the back of the arms neatly and
just come off again. The other method is to “tack” the piece in place temporarily with a tiny
should be secure with glue alone.
dot of glue, then remove it after you have spray undercoated the miniature. If you have done
it right, you should be able to pop it right off and paint it separately. Make sure the undercoat
is thoroughly dry, however. When you come to glue it on again later, you will be able to glue
to bare metal.
Painting start? There are no hard and fast
Modeling & Painting
6 9
The tone on the blue armor plates is brought
All of the blue and white armor plates are up by first adding a little more Enchanted
Battle damage! Boltgun Metal is added quite given a base color. The blue mix is roughly Blue to the base color mix and then
liberally to the areas that are going to be equal quantities of Regal and Enchanted increasing amounts of white as the highlights
white and blue. The good thing about putting Blue, and the white base coat is Wargames get lighter. Notice how the sides of the battle
this on first and working around it is the Foundry Canvas 8a with a little Bleached damage have been highlighted to give an
paint for the armor color lays over the top Bone added. The white requires a couple ‘edge’ to the area. This really helps to show
of it and gives a realistic layered effect. It of coats to get a good even coverage. that the metal is under the paint.
can be quite fiddly to work the highlights
over this though, so it can be added when the
armor panels are finished.
10 12
The white areas are highlighted first with The rust spots are created by painting Bestial
The electrical coils have been base coated Brown round the rivets and edges. Before
Bleached Bone and then a mix of Bleached Bone
with a mix of Enchanted Blue, deep green, it dries, use a damp brush to pull the color
and white. The final highlight is pure white.
and white. The battle damage has also been downwards to look like run-off streaks.
washed down with the same mix as was used
earlier. This photo also shows the separate
electrical coil. The painting of this is kept at
the same stage as the rest of the figure. That
way the colors are sure to match.
The final stage is to highlight the brass areas. This is a mix of Brazen Brass and Chainmail.
Mounting the miniature to the base
1 2 3 4
Use a razor saw to cut the ball Once the tubes are cut to the The ball ends are carefully glued Here are examples of finished
end from the piston. correct length, they can be back into place. Make sure the pistons, one shortened and one
telescoped together. A tiny spot of joins are square or the pistons lengthened.
superglue holds them in place. will look bent.
y now you’ve heard about HORDES, This article is being written in September of
scheduled to be released in the spring of 2005, and the HORDES release is nearly half a
2006. Described as WARMACHINE’s feral year away—without question the game will change
twin, HORDES battles take place in the wilderness between now and then. We’re not painting ourselves
and wastelands of the Iron Kingdoms. Last issue into a corner. If something printed here no longer
revealed the background behind the four factions applies when you’re playing the game six months
of HORDES and unveiled some of the concept art from now, you can send all angry letters to Duncan
and models. This issue we want to help you pick one Huffman. He lives for that kind of thing.
which appeals to your play style.
66 Magic
leaving themselves exposed to a
Legion of
Hordes: Your Inner Warbeast Battle Box Combo Everblight The Legion Battle Box
Fast and deadly in large Battle Box Contents:
Transform your Warpwolf numbers, the Legion of Everblight Warlock Hellyth Voassyr
so that he gains an additional is truly a horde to be feared.
two points of movement 4 Shredders Lesser
The Legion of Everblight is Dragonspawn
before charging him at a
composed of a nightmare variety
distant enemy model which Greater Dragonspawn
of blighted deadly creatures from
your opponent thought was
the frozen North, tainted in body
safe. After delivering a chain The Legion of Everblight
and mind by their draconic liege.
of attacks and knocking uses speed and first strike as its
The first victims of Everblight
your enemy down, promptly primary tactics. Flanking and
were ogrun and Nyss who had
summon the Warpwolf back threatening multiple charges, this
the misfortune to dwell in close
to Kaya’s side and cloak him army surrounds an enemy like
proximity to the dragon’s former
in a stealthy mist. the jaws of a dragon. A single
site of imprisonment. The Nyss
false move on the opponent’s side
are famed for their martial
constructs don’t use pack tactics, will open them up for the killing
prowess with sword and bow,
but advance with the momentum blow, as the dragon’s maw closes
now turned against the Legion’s
of an avalanche grinding down with surprising swiftness.
myriad enemies.
anything in their path—this is
Shredder Lesser Dragonspawn
just one example of the alternative Shaped and empowered by
are like guided missiles of rage.
options built into this faction. the actual blood of dragon-kind,
Much smaller than most light
the dragonspawn warbeasts serve
The terrifying howls of the warbeasts; the eyeless shredders
a variety of tainted warlocks—
Tharn echo in forests, promising are best used as a clustered
providing an array of options on
a not-so-sweet release of death to hunting group. Lacking toughness
the battlefield. Each dragonspawn
every being with a beating heart. but devastatingly ferocious, mass
embodies certain aspects of its
The forest is no place for sane attacks by these little monsters
dragon master, some able to fly,
men. Moving with wolf speed can slay beasts capable of eating
breathing a toxic spray, while
through the roughest terrain, them whole. In a troll-eat-troll
lesser dragonspawn are little more
Wurm-worshipping Tharn serve world, a pack of shredders can
than ravenous mouths with legs.
as a wedge to drive through come out on top and often do.
advancing troops. Meanwhile If the sight of fresh blood
The Greater Dragonspawn is
nearly uncontrollable Gorax tear steaming in the snow evokes a
capable of unleashing a torrent of
into enemy flanks like a blood- lust for the ruin of all things, you
horrifying attacks. When facing
lusting tornado of fury, capable might already be blighted. Time
heavily armored foes like a pack
of ravaging an entire unit faster to join the Legion!
of Trolls, send in the Greater
than you can say “wild turkey This faction boasts a wide Dragonspawn after bleeding
surprise.” range of diverse sculpts. From them with your pack of Shredders
If you’re still thinking about fleet Blighted Nyss Archers to or a volley of deadly arrows by
that steak we mentioned earlier, massive ogrun warriors, each your warlock. The Nyss archery-
you will enjoy running a Circle share a common blight but have master Hellyth Voassyr is a born
Orboros army. If you’re growing their own unique style. Hobbyists huntress with a taste for blood,
enlarged canines right now to rend enjoying diversity of sculpts will whose fury-fueled range attacks
raw flesh from bone, you have be drawn to the variety of models can lay your enemies low to be
what it takes. Happy hunting! this faction provides. reaped by your raging warbeasts.
circle Oboros
Building your Legion: Legion of Everblight doom at sword’s point. One
While your warbeasts unleash
Dire Troll
G uts G ears &
Menoth Flameguard
S een at every Menite holy place
and on every battlefield—the
Flameguard are a testament to
their temples. The Flameguard
symbolizes the preservation of
the Menite flame of faith. As
the Old Faith in Khador to the
grandiose stone complexes ruled
by visgoths, all were protected by
the steadfast perseverance of long as one temple is preserved, pious guardians. In ancient times
the Menite religion. Fire is an the faith endures and can not be these men and women bore heavy,
important symbol to Menites. extinguished. spiked torches which they wielded
They believe it to be the first Temple guardians have long like maces. This archaic uniform
mythical gift Menoth gave been employed to police and and weaponry is still found among
mankind, and they practice garrison Menite houses of worship. some guardians of temples outside
ceremonies of fire lighting in From the fortress-like temples of of the Protectorate.
T hese prestigious Flameguard Fortunately Feora and a massive Knights Exemplar and Order of
Guts & Gears - Slayer Helljack
Slayer Helljack
ew know the secrets Slayer, not in replicating the unless their skill is exceptional
surrounding the creation Deathjack but creating an enough to earn a better reward.
of the Slayer as well as unmistakably Cryxian machine Shipped back to the Pits, the
Master Necrotech Mortenebra, forged for carnage and potent armor is left to soak in necrotic
the iron lich of Skell. Leading enough to confront the warjacks energies. The plates emanate a
efforts to produce the quantity of the mainland. black aura and a fetid heat for
of helljacks required for the The most vital element of any days after, at which time they are
ongoing invasion of the mainland, helljack is its cortex. The basic recovered for assembly. Armored
Mortenebra’s workshops are principles were stolen from the plates are bolted together onto
constantly alive with malignant mainland, but Cryxian cortexes the chassis frame and integrated
toil. She speaks of the Slayer’s incorporate different materials with bone to give each Slayer
sublime form with a passion and necrotech fusion. This a unique interpretation of this
normally alien to her inhuman includes bone pieces assembled timeless design.
countenance. The Slayer is into the metal and glass cortex
“The Slayer is proof of the sublime beauty possible in
death and carnage fused into machine.”
HEIGHT: 11’10”
—Master Necrotech Mortenebra
WEIGHT: 6.25 tons
The longer a Slayer exists, the more like a beast it becomes. Veteran helljacks
are as sinister and bloodthirsty as the Cryxian warcaster who control them in battle.
Slayer Helljack
Large sized necrotech construct
Grain before the scythe or foes before the Slayer, it matters little to the helljacks of Cryx.
Guts & Gears
by Todd Arrington
by Dan Smith
All Along the
From Yogurt Container to Tower in 14 Easy Steps! W atchtower By Alfonso Falco with Rob Stoddard
Terrain Towers
together at the edges to form a will not be a concern. are dealing with small pieces of
90 degree angle—this allows us For the gun ports, we will cut paper clips you may want to use
to check lengths and make any out a number of 3⁄4” x 1⁄2” plastic tweezers for precise placement of
adjustments if necessary. If the card rectangles. We went with a the hinges.
lengths look good and the two total of seventeen; nine were used Time to create a steel door.
pieces form a 90-degree angle it’s on the top section, and three per Cut out a 1 1⁄2” x 2” piece of matte
time to glue them together. Place wall. The remainder were used board—this and a 30mm base
the two pieces back together on the bottom section—our gun will turn into our doorframe. The
forming our 90-degree angle and door itself will be provided by the
glue them together with styrene smooth surface of the container.
cement. Hold this until it sets or 3 Center the 30mm base 1/8” from
add a drop or two of super glue to the top of the rectangle, draw
help things along. (3) an outline around the base with
Repeat this same process for a pen or pencil. Now, center the
the other half of our roof section. base 1/8” from the bottom of the
When both halves are dry we rectangle and outline it, the two
will glue them together using our outlines should overlap. Connect
styrene cement. (4) Once this is the sides of the circles by drawing
done the roof should look like a 5 lines parallel to the rectangle’s
1⁄2” x 5 1⁄2” box from overhead. long edges. This provides the oval
And there we have our roof
4 that we want for the door—all
section. (5) If you want to fly your that is left is cutting it out with a
colors from atop this outpost, be hobby knife. Once this has been
sure to cut a small hole in the roof done, set the doorframe atop
for a flagpole. Our next step is the lip near the bottom of our
to use yellow glue and mount it container and glue it in place with
to our top section. (6) With the yellow glue.
base of our roof constructed and Sincethis is the Iron Kingdoms,
drying we will hold off on our rivets are in order—lots and lots
shingles until later. 5 of rivets. I recommend using hole
Next we will add details punches to make quick, ready to go
to bring this piece to life. Grab rivets. It’s best to have a variety of
some balsa wood, or something sizes so you can mix up the look,
comparable such as bass wood, The most common hole punch is
and cut four 2” long pieces. Glue 1⁄4” which is a bit large but works
these under the four corners great when you want huge rivets.
of our top section to give the ports were glued in place with Take card stock, cereal boxes are a
appearance of support beams. just a bit of super glue, be sure to good size, and punch out some 1⁄4”
The trim on the corners of the top glue them high enough to leave rivets. We’ll use these larger ones
section is made from thin plastic room for the door. If you glue the around the base of the container.
card. Cut out eight of the same gun ports at least 2 3⁄4” from the The majority of our rivets were
pattern, you’ll want these 2” long base of the yogurt container this made using a 1/16” hole punch
since that is the height of our top will leave enough room for a 2” with a few 1/8” rivets included as
section. Glue them to the corners tall door. The hinges for our gun well. You can find 1/8” and 1/16”
with wood glue, or you can speed ports are bits of paper clip cut into hole punches at arts & craft stores,
up the process by using super small pieces. Place a tiny amount fabric stores, or even rubber stamp
glue. (7) Super glue will normally of super glue on the top edge of stores, which is where we found
dissolve foam materials, however the gun port where you want the ours. Use yellow glue to attach
if the super glue only contacts the hinges, place the paper clip piece, the rivets. If you find yourself
needing to reposition any of the The additional stonework and work our way up making sure
Terrain Towers
smaller rivets I recommend using used on the lower section is one to overlap the shingle strips. By
a toothpick. Gently apply pressure of the easiest details that can be the end of this process we should
and move the rivet around until added to any terrain structure. have a completed roof. (10)
you find your desired location. Utilizing car stock and matte Let’s go back up to our gun
You do not want to press too hard board, we cut out roughly six- ports and add a few final details—
with the toothpick or you will end dozen 1⁄4” x 1⁄2” rectangles. To specifically the chains that lift up
up leaving an indentation in your fasten the card stock rectangles to the gun ports and give our troops
rivets. (8) the yogurt container yellow glue their vantage point. Grab our
was used once again. Keep in mind 1/8” plastic rod and clippers. Cut
6 that you do not necessarily want the rod in 1/8” lengths, longer if
the entire container covered with you prefer, the look is entirely
this stonework. Spread them out up to you. With a drop of super
into groups, leaving space between glue on the 1/8” rod, center it just
groups as well as individual above our gun ports, allowing
stones. This provides a great look a few minutes for all of these to
of varying stone sizes. (9) dry. Next we will need our small
By this time our roof should chain. Measure by eye how long
be completely dry and ready for this chain will need to be to reach
us to lay our shingles down. Our from the rod to the center of our
shingles are made out of thin card gun ports and cut the lengths.
stock: cut around three-dozen With super glue, place one end
1⁄2” x 6” strips. Once we have our of the chain on the 1/8’ rod and
strips we will make approximately the other end on the gun port. If
7 1⁄4” cuts into the strip to make you are using a 1/8” plastic tube
the illusion of individual shingles. and your chain will fit inside the
After this is done we can go back tube, I recommend doing this. We
and chip up the shingles and put might also want to use accelerator
angle cuts on the edges to make to help speed up this drying
things a bit more real. Make these process. (11)
cuts by eye; they don’t need to The last thing before painting
be perfect. Once we have strips was our flagpole. We used the
of shingles ready we can start remainder of our plastic rod and
gluing them to the base of our glued it into the top of the roof.
roof using yellow glue. We want The flag itself is made from normal
to start at the bottom of the roof printer paper—just place a design
8 9
Terrain Towers
10 12
3 13/4”
Gen Con
Photos By Mengu Gungor, Duncan Huffman, Robyn Mounts, and Matt Wilson
August in
rom every corner of the
globe over 25,000 players,
game companies, and fans
Clash of Gears
converge on the city for the largest
gaming convention in the United
States. Gen Con Indy is more than The odyssey begins at SeaTac Airport On Thursday we opened with
just another gaming convention. as the staff gets underway. a full-metal showdown of 750
For the zealous gamer and every more events than ever before all points. Using the new Steamroller
company which caters to them it contributed to the one of the most package, players were able to really
eagerly anticipated all year long— impressive turnouts for any one put this new point level through its
the big show. For the latest and booth that Gen Con has ever seen. paces.
greatest products from favorite Sixty-four generals took the
companies, the hundreds of events, Tournaments challenge with Khador slightly
or the 96 hours of non-stop gaming, rivateer Press hosted three edging out the others in number of
Gen Con is not to be missed. major tournaments this year players representing each faction
Privateer Press wouldn’t miss ranging from a simple 500 point
it for the world. Not only do we get battle all the way up to the two day Clash of Gears Winners
a chance to show off our games to National Open Championships. Justin Herring Alec Berger
those who may not know us yet, With record turnouts, new prize Best Cygnar and Best Cryx
packages, brand new terrain, and Overall Champion Jonas Tune
but we get to announce our latest
products and spend four full days some of the finest players in the Chris Tanzos Best
Best Khador Mercenary
hanging out with our hardcore world, this year’s events were a
Adam Morrision
players. Because we bring more huge success. Best Protectorate
staff than any other show, for our
players it has become the best place
to get us all in one spot and really
get to know us in person.
With 14 staff members, over
30 volunteers, two truck loads and
over six tons of freight, Privateer
Press hit Gen Con this year bigger
and louder than ever.
The launch of Apotheosis, the
announcement of HORDES, and
National Open
F riday saw the start of the first
National Open Championships.
This new format consists of a 500
point battle on day one to narrow
the field to the top eight, who then
clash on day two in a separate 1000
point tournament.
Day one saw 84 players turn
out to compete for the glory. By the
end of the day, only eight would
survive and move forward to the
next round. The 500 pointer was
played to the Steamroller standard
and as the competition came to a
With 76 players already
Sunday Winners
close, some surprises were in store.
crushed on the field of battle, on
All four factions were day two the survivors gathered to
represented heavily. Even Dustin Sanders
determine the best of the best. This
mercenaries had a few players to Best Khador and
time competitors fielded 1000 point Overall Champion
round out the field. Everyone fully lists with Jason Soles presiding
expected at least one representative over every game.
Daniel Powel
of each faction to make it to the Best Protectorate
finals the next day. Toruk had Nathan Gouldsberry
other plans it seems. Not one single WARMACHINE National Best Cryx
Cryx player made the final cut. This Open Championship Chris Pratt
year’s Cryx award would remain Winners Best Cygnar
Gary VanWormer Jonas Tune
Best Mercenary
Top Eight Best Khador &
National Champion
David Carl Justin Herring
Protectorate Best Cygnar
Dan Doughtery David (“I was late back
Khador from lunch”) Carl
Justin Herring Best Protectorate
Cygnar Ben Johnson
Ben Johnson Best Mercenary
Don McCalmon
Protectorate Full-Metal Sunday
Cale Nearing
F or the diehards still wanting
to get in a few rounds as the
show closed down around them,
Chris Tanzos we ran a 500 point last chance
Khador tourney to top off the events for
Gary VanWormer the week. Over 20 players showed
Khador up to get their last licks in.
Jason Soles sorts the data by hand.
Tour of Duty without being eliminated once.
His 500 point Vladimir force stood
Iron Kingsoms World Guide
took home two Ennie Awards:
This year Privateer Press one for Best Writing and the other for
ground while facing over 2500 Best Campaign Setting/Setting Suppmement
decided to offer a new type of
points and wave after wave of
event for WARMACHINE. Tour
of Duty is a multi player event
played over the course of two days Iron Kingdoms
across four detailed battlefields Nathan Letsinger made sure
that represent separate areas of the the RPG players had plenty of
Iron Kingdoms. Part “capture the table time as well. Over 100 players
flag,” part “king of the hill,” Tour in dozens of hours of game play got
of Duty players earned points for
their faction by taking objective
to sample our latest introductory Costumes
adventure, a more in depth While there have been some
and holding terrain features. With exploration of the IK, and even a fantastic Iron Kingdoms costumes
fast paced five minute timed turns chance to be smugglers on the coast at Gen Con in the past, we have
and constantly replenishing allies, of western Immoren. never seen a turn out quite like this.
players went from table to table
seeking glory for their comrades.
Over 85 players cycled through
the new terrain with Khador
winning the event by a landslide.
Dan Dougherty took MVP for
Khador by single-handedly holding
a Menite temple over day one
The Next Big Thing
Hundreds of HORDES
Overall Winner:
Wagoner`s Miniatures & Hobbies Game Alot Hobby Mega Comics and Games, Inc.
Chico, CA Santa Cruz, CA Gainesville, FL
530.519.2424 831.429.9009 352.331.3252
Games Unlimited Aero Hobbies The Travelling Mage
Concord, CA Santa Monica, CA Gainesville, FL
925.798.1176 310.828.5264 352.381.9090
Legends Comics & Games Clark’s Trading Comics and Cards Borderlands Comics and Games
Cupertino, CA Santa Rosa, CA Jacksonville, FL
408.996.7640 707.546.2000 904.720.0774
All.Star Games Knight Ware Inc. Sanctuary Games & Books
Diamond Bar, CA Studio City, CA Jacksonville, FL
909.598.4700 818.769.7830 904.388.3991
Knightly Games Overbreak LLC War Dogs Game Center
El Centro, CA Sun Valley, CA Jacksonville, FL
760.353.5253 818.252.3425 904.733.2184
Strategic Games Fun n’ Games Coliseum of Comics
Fair Oaks, CA Temecula, CA Kissimmee, FL
916.864.4263 9512961085 Tate’s Gaming Satillite
Frontline Games Gamer’s Keepe Lauderhill, FL
Fairfield, CA Vacaville, CA Wizard’s Wall
707.399.3645 707.446.9867 Melbourne, FL
Scenario Game and Hobby Seth’s Games and Anime Sunshine Roleplayers
Shoppe Ventura, CA Miami, FL
Fremont, CA 805.653.5890 305.264.1250
510.792.9333 Pair A Dice Games Franks Trains & Hobbies
Brookhurst Hobbies Vista, CA Oldsmar, FL
Garden Grove, CA 760.940.0139 813.855.1041
714.636.3580 Black Diamond Games Broadsword Comics And Games
DO or DICE Walnut Creek, CA Orange Park, FL
La Mesa, CA 925.947.0600 904.215.9170
619.461.7653 COLORADO Sci.Fi City
Lionheart Games & Comics Attactix Orlando, FL
La Verne, CA Aurora, CO 407.282.2292
909.596.6609 303.699.3349 generations
Comic Quest Karliquin’s Game Knight Pembroke Pines, FL
Lake Forest, CA Boulder, CO 954.438.7821
949.951.9668 303.545.1745 TBS COMICS
The War House Compleat Games & Hobbies Pensacola, FL
TM Long beach, CA
562.424 3180
Colorado Springs, CO 850.474.1419
719.473.1116 Gamers Galaxy
Do Not Pass Go Gamer’s Haven Pinellas Park, FL
Mission Viejo, CA Colorado Springs, CO 727.541.6654
949.472.3503 719.531.9863 Emerald City Comics
Dungeon Trader Inc Bonnie Brae Hobbies Seminole, FL
Murrieta, CA Englewood, CO 727.398.2665
909.698.1543 303.806.6526
Retailer List
Chrome Dragon Art
EndGame Digital Dungeon South Daytona, FL
Oakland, CA Greeley, CO 386.322.2626
510.465.3637 970.352.8202 Tower Games
EndGame Lance, Laser & Rail LTD Stuart, FL
Oakland, CA Lakewood, CO 772.781.1757
510.465.3637 303.233.1255 Goblin Shoppe
Gamescape The Collector’s Outpost Tampa, FL
ALASKA Game Daze . Park Place Mall Palo Alto, CA Littleton, CO 813.908.8454
Bosco’s Tucson, AZ 650.424.9891 303.979.1438 Hobbytown USA
Anchorage, AK Hardcastle Games Collectors Choice The Forge Tampa, FL
907.274.4112 Tucson, AZ Redding, CA Littleton, CO 813.964.5447
ALABAMA 520.790 2246 530.222.8750 303.904.3674 Davinci’s Dreamworks
Legion Hat’s Games Adventures Guild of Riverside Stonebridge Games Vero Beach, FL
Birmingham, AL Tucson, AZ Riverside, CA Longmont, CO 772.770.3807
205.970.0999 520.514.2960 909.509.6610 303.776.3796 Oasis Games
Haven Comics & etc. Magic Tower Games DU Game Game Castle Vero Beach, FL
Madison, AL Tucson, AZ Riverside, CA Loveland, CO 772.564.0664
256.430.0505 520.744.9922 951.343.9611 970.203.1232 Rhubarb Games
ARKANSAS CALIFORNIA GMI Games & Collectables CollectorMania Winter Park, FL
Fortress Games The Game Castle Riverside, CA Parker, CO GEORGIA
Fort Smith, AR Anaheim, CA 951.681.8270 303.766.3530 The Game Shoppe
479.573.0044 714.871.5800 HOBBY MONKEY Valhalla’s Game Center Alpharetta, GA
T Shirt Explosion My Turn! Games Rocklin, CA Wheat Ridge, CO 678.319.0011
Springdale, AR Atascadero, CA A.1 Comics, Inc. 303.463.5451 Tyche’s Games
479.263.3036 805.466.2286 Roseville, CA CONNECTICUT Athens, GA
ARIZONA Paladin Gaming 916.783.8005
Time Machine Hobby 706.354.4500
The Wizards Tower Bakersfield, CA Great Escape Games Manchester, CT Atlanta Game Factory
Benson, AZ 661.834.9716 Sacramento, CA 860.646.0610 Atlanta, GA
520.586.1011 The Gaming Experience 916.927.0810
Haunted Chapel Games 404.745.4213
Little Shop of Magic Bakersfield, CA Game Empire Norwalk, CT Sword of the Phoenix
Flagstaff, AZ 661.836.0706 San Diego, CA 203.847.2008 Atlanta, GA
928.774.3546 Games of Berkeley 858.576.1525
The Dragon’s Lair 404.231.4244
Overlord Games Berkeley, CA Game Towne West Hartford, CT Augusta Book Exchange
Flagstaff, AZ 510.540.7822 San Diego, CA 860.231.1915 Augusta, GA
928.913.0101 The Realm, Games and Comics 619.291.1666
DELAWARE 706.793.7796
Imperial Outpost Games Brea, CA Gamescape
Rogue’s Den Quest Comic Shop
Glendale, AZ 714.990.8450 San Francisco, CA
Claymont, DE Carrollton, GA
602.978.0467 Name of the Game A World of Books Games and Other 302.798.1390 770.832.0172
Game Wizard Camarillo, CA Things FLORIDA Titan Games & Comics
Mesa, AZ 805.389.3433 San Leandro, CA
Cosmic Games College Park, GA
480.844.9977 D&J Hobbies 510.483.5587 770.996.9129
Bradenton, FL
Game Nightz Campbell, CA Gator Games 941.746.5856 Gamer’s Getaway
Phoenix, AZ Paradox Playground Games San Mateo, CA Douglasville, GA
650.571.7529 Dragon’s Lair Games
602.870.8501 Campbell, CA 770.577.5399
Fort Lauderdale, FL
The Wizards Tower 408.369.8716 Gamescape 954.587.3347 The War Room
Sierra Vista, AZ Adventures in Comics and Games San Rafael, CA Duluth, GA
415.457.8698 Book and Game Emporium
520.452.9827 Carmichael, CA 770.729 9588
Fort Walton Beach, FL
Game Depot Arizona 916.973.9064 FRP Games 850 543.6806 Mynde Games
Tempe, AZ Game Arena Santa Clara, CA Fayetteville, GA
408.249.5199 TBS COMICS
480.966.4727 Cerritos, CA 678.817.7166
Fort Walton Beach, FL
Amazing Discoveries 562.403.2100 Game Kastle 850.244.5441 Age of Excalibur
Tucson, AZ The Fortress Santa Clara, CA Jonesboro, GA
520 320.0338 Chico, CA 408.243.GAME 770.471.0073
Hobbytown USA Action Village, Inc. Gamers Matrix Carmalot Hobby Horton’s DownTown Mall
Fantasci . The Game Shop Game Trader The Roundtable Games & Stuff Thors Hammer VIRGINIA
Gary’s Games War House Games Atelier des Figurines Gamers Domain Mix-Image SA
oop eck
In th
u a r
No Qgazin
Ma Break
Yer Toys! Alfonso Falco’s boneswarm surfer
catches a nasty wave.