No Quarter 18 v2
No Quarter 18 v2
No Quarter 18 v2
Legends on
the Charge
legends Mercs & Dragoons
New iron Kingdoms Fiction
Asphyxious in the Gavyn Kyle Files
and More Monsterpocalypse Factions!
On the Cover
WARMACHINE: Legends Mercenaries by Andrea Uderzo
Andrea Uderzo is a rising star in the game industry. He lives in Italy, where he works as a
freelance illustrator, collaborating with several major game companies, including Privateer
Press. Andrea loves to collect books on illustration and listen to movie soundtracks. View more
of his artwork at
Todd Arrington, David Boeren, David “DC”
Carl, Brian Condie, Matt DiPietro, George
Figure Shown Actual Size Goodrich, John Goodrich, Rob Hawkins, Luke
Members of the Privateer Press staff run for their lives at the approach Johnson, Ron Kruzie, Ben Leong, Andrew
of Terra Khan, one of the monsters from the Terrasaur faction in Linstrom, Pat Ohta, Drew Olds, Brian Olsen,
Monsterpocalypse. Check out page 76 for information on two other
factions, the hideous Lords of Cthul and the enigmatic Shadow Sun Lance Park, Quentin Smith, Michael Stubbs,
Syndicate. We think we’re going to need a bigger building. Chris Suhre, Jeremy Teets, Keith Thompson,
Jay Weimer
No Quarter Magazine
All contents herein including Privateer Press, Iron Kingdoms, The Witchfire Trilogy, Monsternomicon, Five Fingers: Port of Deceit, Full Metal Fantasy, WARMACHINE®, Steam-
Powered Miniatures Combat, WARMACHINE: Prime Remix, WARMACHINE: Escalation, WARMACHINE: Apotheosis, WARMACHINE: Superiority, Forces of WARMACHINE:
Pirates of the Broken Coast, WARMACHINE: Legends, HORDES, Monstrous Miniatures Combat, HORDES: Primal, HORDES: Evolution, HORDES: Metamorphosis, No Quarter
Magazine, Formula P3, Infernal Contraption, Infernal Contraption 2: Sabotage!, BODGERS, Gamer Hooligan, Monsterpocalypse, all related factions, logos, slogans, character names and
distinctive likenesses, places, things, and story elements are TM and/or © 2001-2008, Privateer Press, Inc. All other trademarks not owned by Privateer Press Inc. that appear in this magazine
are the property of their respective owners who may or may not be affiliated with, connected to, or sponsored by Privateer Press Inc. First printing Vol. 3, Issue 18: May 2008. Printed in the
USA. This magazine contains works of fiction, any resemblance to actual people, organizations, places, or events in those works of fiction are purely coincidental. Duplicating any portion
of the materials herein unless specifically addressed within the work or by written permission from Privateer Press is strictly prohibited. In the event that permissions are granted such
duplications shall be intended solely for personal, noncommercial use and must maintain all copyrights, trademarks, or other notices contained therein or preserve all marks associated thereof.
Two shots below the waterline for the scallywag who pirates the pirates. Ye been warned.
Summer of War
“ ‘Cause summer’s here and the time is right for fighting in battles bigger and nastier than ever. See page 70 for
the street.” more details on this fury and focus filled event and see
—The Rolling Stones, Street Fighting Man the full details in NQ 19.
Things are ramping up here at Privateer Press. With As an added bonus, issue 19 of No Quarter magazine
convention season right around the corner, and will feature a pullout poster map that includes the
our staff working hard to make sure that we have a new, updated map of western Immoren that shows
bigger and better presence at these shows than ever. how the war has changed the borders of this conflict,
Check out News From the Front on page five for a post WARMACHINE: Legends. Use this map to help
full listing of the events that we have going on—plan wage your battles for the Summer Rampage event or
accordingly. You’ll have plenty of opportunities for hang it with pride in your game room—a wise general
your WARMACHINE or HORDES armies to duke knows the terrain he’s fighting over!
it out with your comrades. As always,..
This issue is also the last one showing previews Play Like You’ve Got a Pair!
for the forthcoming WARMACHINE: Legends book, Eric Cagle
slated for release in August. Players get a tantalizing —Managing Editor
look at some of the new faction-specific cavalry
models charging their way across the battlefield.
As Matt Wilson mentioned in the “Future of
WARMACHINE” article back in Issue 15, Legends
will end the chapter of the current story arc, resolving
some plot points and setting up plenty of new ones.
That said, let me state it here that the sky is most
definitely not falling and Legends does not spell the end
of WARMACHINE. Quite the contrary! The Iron
Kingdoms is a vast place and the conflicts described
in Prime Remix, Escalation, Apotheosis, and Superiority
are only part of the tale. Rest assured that that while
many battles have raged over the years, the war is far,
far from over.
The countdown also continues with more
Monsterpocalypse information. This issue, we look
at two sinister factions of that universe: the Lords of
Cthul and the Shadow Sun Syndicate. Expect to see
even more information about Monsterpocalypse and
its titanic fighters in future issues of No Quarter.
We’re proud to announce that Summer Rampage is
back! After the huge response from its debut back
in 2007, we’re ramping up the action and making the
Issue No. 18
Fire in the Hole 2
Letter from the Editor-in-Chief
Bosun’s Call
Letters to the Editor and general shenanigans
News From the Front 5
Events and important news from around the world
New Releases 7
The latest Privateer Press products for May and June
Portents of the Divine 14 25
A glimpse of the divine hints at looming danger in this new IK fiction
Legends on the Charge 25
A preview of WARMACHINE: Legends Dragoons and Mercenaries
The Gamers’ Journal: Studio Showdown, Part 2 47
The Studio crew bolster their armies to 500 points of focus and fury 47
Modeling & Painting: Painting High Exemplar Gravus 52
Have horse, will travel. See how to paint this Protectorate dragoon
Modeling and Painting: Speed Painting Nephilim 55
Tips and tricks for getting your army painted fast, fast, fast!
Painting Challenge: Alternate Sculpt Challenge 57
Do things a little different using only alternate sculpts of the models
Secrets of the Wild: Soul of a Soldier 58
There’s a good reason why the Skorne control half the continent
The Gavyn Kyle Files: Lich Lord Asphyxious
Servant of Toruk, Iron Lich Asphyxious comes to (un)dead life
Summer Rampage 70
It’s meat versus metal again with a look at the 2008 Summer Rampage
The Pendrake Encounters: The Slag Troll 72
Have a run in with a troll that gets a LOT of iron in its diet
Monsterpocalypse: Agendas and Factions, Part 2 76
A look at two Monsterpocalypse factions on the more sinister side
Guts and Gears: The Destroyer 78
Its back to basics with this classic Khadoran warjack
Independent Retailers
A worldwide list of retailers that carry Privateer Press products
84 76
Parts Bin 91
A look at individual parts available in the Privateer Press Store
Drawn & Quartered / Player Gallery 93
IK inspired comic and some of the best fan-based paint jobs around 78
From the Department of
Shameless Aggrandizement
After returning from my military deployment in
November, I didn’t seem to have much drive to play the
miniatures games that I love. Getting back with family
and the holidays took up all my time. However, I picked
up No Quarter #16 today and read the article on General
Adept Nemo. Being a Cygnar player, I find myself entirely Jay Weimer, George
Goodrich, and John
juiced to throw down some heavy metal once more! Thank Goodrich pulled some
you Privateer Press for making not only a fun game, but an strings at TempleCon 08
engrossing one as well. (see NQ 17) to have
a running game of
—Brian Huss WARMACHINE in the hotel’s
I thought I might drop a friendly note off from the other elevator. Riders were
treated with an example
side of the pond about your magazine. I feel such magazines
of how the game plays, all
tend to reflect the care a games company has for their in the confines of a small
published system. Being a reader of another miniatures metal box
game company’s magazine (*ahem*), I am quite impressed es of
n? Send us pictur
with the WARMACHINE/HORDES system and then ark in your tow
Got a cool landm asts out on wa lka bo ut to
was more than impressed with this magazine. Keep up the your ’jacks or be
ab o u tt o w n @ p
excellent work! jack e ’em, we’ll print
If we lik
—Damien Hennessy (aka Barone on the forums)
Last issue, we printed one of the few bits of “hate mail” that
has been sent to the Editor-in-Chief desk. Okay, sure, it was
only masquerading as hate mail, but we’ll take our props
where we can get them. It’s great to see players come back to
the game after a long hiatus or even switch from a different
system to see the sort of metal-grinding, fury-raising fun that
Welcome back, Brian, and welcome in general to you, Damien,
but don’t just stop there. We’re sure plenty of friends and family
members have curiously eyed those strange metal men sitting
on your gaming table. Introduce them to the experience with
a quick 350-point game, or set them down at your painting
desk, stick a paint brush in their hand, and let them paint up
their own warjack or warbeast. Who knows, you might bring
another gamer into the fold who’ll learn to love the game as one more mystery to ponder:
Jason Ellsworth-Ault gives usitive culture build a Castigator
much as you do! How could an ancient, prim
4 to defend their sacred idols?
News From the Front brings you recaps and advance information about WARMACHINE and
HORDES related events from around the world. Is there a cool event taking place in your area?
Tell us about it at:
Origins (Columbus, OH 6/25 - 6/29) Gen Con (Indianapolis, IN 8/14 - 8/17) cont.
Day Event Reg starts Start time End time 2nd Qualifier for Masters 11:00 am 12:00 pm 6:00 pm
The Qualifiers jump to 750-points as we see which four players have what it
Thursday Tour of Duty n/a 10:00 am 6:00 pm takes to get to the Finals on Sunday! Matches start at 12:00 pm and run for
This 350-point Rage and Rivets event pits you against three other players three rounds. The top 4 players will go on to the Masters Finals on Sunday!
fighting for the glory of their faction! This event runs every day. The faction
with the most points at the end of the show earn prizes and bragging rights! Grand Melee 10:00 am 11:00 am 6:00 pm
This is a 750-point Rage and Rivets event.
War! (part 1 of 2) 10:00 am 11:00 am 6:00 pm Grand Melee 10:00 am 11:00 am 6:00 pm
This is a 1,500-point, two-part Rage and Rivets event. When objectives can no If you did not make it into the second round of Qualifiers for the Masters, your
longer be achieved by deploying small forces and both sides refuse to yield, ticket gets you into this event! This is a 750-point Rage and Rivets event.
nothing less than War can resolve their differences.
Friday Tour of Duty n/a 10:00 am 6:00 pm Saturday Tour of Duty — 10:00 am 6:00 pm
As Tour of Duty above. As Tour of Duty above.
War! (part 2 of 2) 10:00 am 11:00 am 6:00 pm Hardcore 9:00 am 10:00 am 8:00 pm
Final two rounds. Are you ready for Hardcore? If 750-point lists, 7 minute timed turns, and a fully
painted army requirement all sound like your idea of a good time, you should
Midnight Madness 7:00 pm 8:00 pm —
come and show us what you are made of! This year the competition is fiercer
Midnight Madness is back again. Come play into the night and have a blast…
than ever with the addition of HORDES to the Hardcore format. Note: This
until the men in the while coats come to take us away! This is a 500-point Rage
event may run long, so keep your dance card reserved for us.
and Rivets event.
Saturday Tour of Duty n/a 10:00 am 6:00 pm Sunday Tour of Duty — 10:00 am 3:00 pm
As Tour of Duty above. As Tour of Duty above.
Origins Open Qualifier 11:00 am 12:00 pm 5:00 pm Masters Final 9:30 am 10:00 am 3:00 pm
Bring your best 750-point list, and see if you have what it takes to make it to The final top four players switch to their 1,000-point lists to see who among
the final round on Sunday! Matches start at 12:00 pm and run for three rounds. them will walk away undefeated!
Only the top four players will go on to the final two rounds on Sunday!
PAX (Seattle, WA 8/29 - 8/31)
Sunday Tour of Duty n/a 10:00 am 3:00 pm Day Event Reg starts Start time End time
As Tour of Duty above.
Friday Tour of Duty — 2:00 pm 6:00 pm
Origins Open Final n/a 10:00 am 3:00 pm As Tour of Duty above.
The final top four players switch to their 1,000-point lists to see who amongst
Working Mans 6:00 pm 6:30 pm
them will walk away undefeated!
This is a 500-point Rage and Rivets event.
Gen Con (Indianapolis, IN 8/14 - 8/17) Saturday Tour of Duty — 10:00 am 6:00 pm
As Tour of Duty above.
Day Event Reg starts Start time End time
Grand Melee 10:00 am 11:00 am 5:00 pm
Thusday Tour of Duty n/a 11:00 am 6:00 pm This is a 750-point Rage and Rivets event.
As Tour of Duty above.
PAX Invitational Final 10:00 am 11:00 am 5:00 pm
1st Qualifier for Masters 11:00 am 12:00 pm 5:00 pm Winners from stores all over the Pacific Northwest face off in this 3rd annual
Bring your best 500-point list, and see if you have what it takes to make it to invitational!
the next day of Masters qualifiers on Friday! Matches start at 12:00 pm and run
for two rounds. The top 32 players go on to the second qualifier on Friday to Sunday Tour of Duty — 10:00 am 3:00 pm
fight for a seat in the Finals on Sunday! As Tour of Duty above.
Friday Tour of Duty n/a 10:00 am 6:00 pm Grand Melee 10:00 am 11:00 am 5:00 pm
As Tour of Duty above. This is a 750-point Rage and Rivets event.
Australian Nationals
I n January 2008, the first
official Australian Nationals
tournament took place at
Arcanacon in Collingwood,
Melbourne. Thirty-eight players
from around the country came to
vie for the coveted Jackhammer
trophy and the right to proclaim
themselves a national champion. In
a victory for the Motherland, Heath
Eblen emerged as the tournament
winner after six close-fought rounds.
The Fastest ‘Caster Kill (and the beer
mug for Best Sportsman) went to Terry Masson and his
Cryx army, proving that it’s possible to be a nice guy and
still run a cutthroat assassination list.
After the first day’s tournament rounds concluded,
games continued into the evening with the first State
of Origin title being decided over six games and a
lot of beer. Congratulations to South Australia, who
convincingly took the trophy home after winning five of
their six rounds!
Overall Champion: Heath Eblen (Khador)
2nd place: Damien Russell (Protectorate of Menoth)
3rd place: Joel Dodd (Legion of Everblight, Best HORDES player) of Oz!
Heath Eblen, Champion
MAY 2008
Khador Yuri the Axe Cryx The Withershadow Combine
Sculptor: Bobby Jackson Sculptor: Jeff Grace
PIP 33058 • $14.99 PIP 34060 • $24.99
MAY 2008
MAY 2008
Skorne Karax
Sculptor: Vladd Jünger
PIP 74032 $49.99 • PIP 74033 $15.99
JUNE 2008
Khador Fenris
Cryx Darragh Wrathe Sculptor: Stefan Niehues
Sculptor: Jeff Grace • PIP 34058 • $29.99 PIP 33057 • Price TBA
JUNE 2008
High Exemplar Gravus
Sculptor: Gregory Clavalier
PIP 32054 • $37.99
JUNE 2008
repairs and commands warjacks with outstanding skill. This consummate
combat mechanik can coax unheard-of performance out of his machines,
scorch any nearby enemies with his ever-ready torch, and keep the
warjacks of other sell-swords in fighting trim, all for a reasonable fee..
This adhesive combines both very high bonding strength and rapid curing speed for an easy
and convenient hobby experience. This formula has excellent flow characteristics and a
pin cap to prevent blockages.
Formula P3 Clippers
Sturdy, strong, and durable, Formula P3 Clippers make the
JUNE 2008
Formula P3
Modeling Drill and Pinning Set
All models benefit from the extra durability provided by pinning during assembly. The Formula P3 Modeling Drill
and Pinning Set provides the control and comfort necessary to make pinning your models easy. This set includes
a drill (also known as a pin vice) with two .85mm bits and 12 .85mm brass rods (pins) suitable for pinning warjacks,
warbeasts, and trooper models. Additional sizes are also available, look for Formula P3 Pinning Expansions.
JUNE 2008
Formula P3 Pinning Expansion: .85 mm
Used for pinning most trooper models, this expansion set for the Formula P3 Modeling Drill includes replacement
drill bits and brass rods. Refill set includes two .85mm drill bits and six .85mm brass rods in six inch lengths.
JUNE 2008
Formula P3 Pinning Expansion: 1.25 mm
Used to pin large warjack or warbeast parts, this expansion set for the Formula P3 Modeling Drill contains
larger drill bits and brass rods for longer or heavier models. Refill set includes two 1.25mm drill bits and six
1.25mm brass rods in six inch lengths.
PIP 93099 • $4.99
JUNE 2008
JUNE 2008
is a matte medium that has been to joins. It also holds its edge and
the Formula P3 Paint line, so that making it perfect for sculpting fine
you can get the most out of your details on your models while using
Formula P3 Hobby Knife
This high-quality hobby knife provides excellent control and comfort over prolonged use.
Designed for maximum utility, the Formula P3 Hobby Knife comes with five extra blades and is
an essential tool for any hobbyist.
This revolutionary product covers the basic core techniques of
model assembly and painting in sufficient detail to introduce new
painters and enrich experienced hobbyists. Featuring Privateer
Studio painters, this first DVD in the series helps players get an
army painted and on the table.
slows drying time to keep your colors liquid over extended painting
sessions. Formula P3 paints, Hobby Brushes, and Wet Palette form
a complete package and provide the ultimate painting experience.
The Formula P3 Wet Palette includes one plastic palette case with
palette sponge and one pad of palette paper. The refill contains two
pads of palette paper.
of theDivine
Story by Douglas Seacat • Art by Karl Richardson, Florian Stitz, and Eva Widermann
Archonomancy (n.)—The practice of predicting the future or a specific future event by interpreting the posture, gestures, and
words spoken during a holy manifestation of one or more archons representing the Host of Morrow.
—Concise Theological Dictionary, Sancteum Seminary College
s Primarch Arius retreated to his chambers for the faith and the Cygnaran nation, conducting high services,
evening, his feet felt heavier than usual, the climb or guiding the Church with the Exordeum. Recently he
more wearisome. Behind him, his two guardians had spent too much time offering advice to King Leto
shared a familiar look of concern. No other outsiders saw Raelthorne. The king had taken to seeking Arius’ advice
the troubles and uncertainties that plagued this great and in place of the lord high chancellor, a post Leto had yet
holy man. to fill. The primarch had never felt entirely comfortable
filling this role, as secular concerns had little to do with
Strangers could overlook the fact that the head of the
the calling of his faith. The nobles did not welcome his
Church of Morrow was an aging, mortal man. The last
presence, and his political efforts had created resentment
several years had been difficult. Arius showed his age
among his subordinates.
more than ever, although he remained energetic for
someone who had walked Caen for seventy-three years. The primarch banished these thoughts. He stood by the
The burden on his shoulders, heavy even in times of peace, dignified bust of his predecessor Primarch Nestor, kept
had become crushing with the outbreak of war. here instead of alongside the others in the hall outside as
a reminder. “I have never been able to extricate myself
His escort took up station outside his chambers and
from the affairs of state as you once did,” Arius said to
bid him a good rest. They stood vigil as a formality;
the statue, a habit he indulged in more frequently of late.
the hollowed upper floor of the Archcourt Cathedral
He thought of the occasionally quietly–voiced opinion in
at the heart of the Sancteum ranked among the most
the Sancteum that Nestor’s political isolation contributed
secure locations in western Immoren. Even disregarding
to the rise of the tyrant Vinter Raelthorne IV. “I never
Caspia’s formidable garrison, the Sancteum boasted
believed that,” Arius muttered, though he had taken a
its own small army of priests, monks, paladins, and
more proactive stance during his tenure. “Has it made a
pious knights who patrolled the grounds. Even though
difference?” he asked the bust, “and if so, for better or
enemies occasionally tested the outer walls of Caspia, the
worse?” He received the usual silence in reply.
Sancteum remained inviolate.
He approached an ornate elevated stand set within a
Arius had long ago removed any ostentatious trappings
windowed alcove and lit by several candelabra. Here,
from his chamber; he kept only those with historical or
covered by an ornamented silk drape, lay the Enkheiridion,
inspirational significance. The room had no importance
brought up by discreet attendants each evening from its
to him except as a place to lay his head at night for a
display on the cathedral’s central altar below. The original
few hours of peace. He spent his days below seeing to
holy book and most sacred relic of the Morrowan faith,
the business and spiritual wellbeing of the Morrowan
hundreds of pilgrims came every day to look upon the
massive book. Only the primarch could touch its pages Some rode graceful steeds that looked like elk or other
directly, however, a privilege Arius found humbling and deer, only considerably larger and barded for war.
wondrous even after so many years.
He realized with a start that he looked upon the enigmatic
The true Enkheiridion never failed to stir his heart. Lost northern elves called Nyss. He had never met one of
for centuries until Ascendant Angellia recovered it, the those reclusive winter elves. They had a reputation as a
actual hands of Morrow and Thamar had penned these rugged and fearsome people, yet these appeared terrified
conjoined pages before their ascensions. The pristine tome and exhausted, as if they had faced horrors too terrible
demonstrated no sign of decay or wear despite the passage to endure. They marched like a people who had lost
of twenty-five centuries. everything but the will to move. Arius felt sorrow and
sensed that he now witnessed the destruction of an ancient
Referring to the book was a nightly ritual. He enjoyed
and proud people.
observing the distinct and obvious difference in script
between the Prophet and His Dark Twin. She had He observed a most unusual procession behind the long
ornamented Her thin and elegant script with extended line of initial refugee families. Dozens of Nyss labored to
whorls, sometimes elaborated with intricate tiny writing steady an enormous gleaming block of stone set upon sleds
that one could mistake for crosshatching. Her cursive and pulled by antlered steeds. As it came closer, he saw
lettering twisted such that one letter could appear as a this was a marble vault carved with sweeping curved runes
different letter; a flourished ‘A’ could also be a ‘B’, or that gleamed with inlaid silver. Arius remembered that
even an ‘E’. Combined together, the text contained entire writing was reputedly a holy mystery among the Nyss and
phrases that one could read simultaneously as completely exclusive to their priests.
different passages. Morrow wrote in the clean and stark
He had difficulty pulling his eyes away. The vault
lines of a practiced scribe or draughtsman. His text
conveyed a sense of enormous weight as the sleds sunk
contained its share of enigmas, but they existed in the text,
down into compacted snow. The air around it shimmered
not in its script.
with cold radiance. Staring at the marble pained his eyes,
Each evening Arius sent a simple prayer to Morrow before as if staring into ice reflecting the sun. He felt the pull
sleep. He never expected an answer, but it helped guide of something ancient and limitless contained within. He
his thoughts for the coming day. “Morrow, I beseech you, finally tore his gaze from its surface, and after its brilliance
tell me our proper place in these days. Give me direction the surroundings seemed washed out, insubstantial. Arius
so I can guide your faithful to shelter.” As he prayed he observed dozens of tattooed Nyss on either side of the
thought of the problems described in Rebald’s Hurstwallen vault chanting in unison—priests or monks of some type,
report and the patient machinations of Cryx. So many had he had no doubt. While all the refugees looked tired, these
died on the front lines and not received proper burials, priests had passed beyond exhaustion. They staggered as
their defiled bodies stolen for blasphemous rituals. He they chanted, as if only proximity to their holy vault gave
most hoped for guidance on this matter. them strength to continue.
He closed his eyes and reached toward the divine. He felt At the front walked a Nyss so ancient Arius at first thought
it just out of reach, yet close. When he willed he could he belonged to another race. With a face lined by wrinkles
sense the presence of his god, as another man might rest and hair pure white, he seemed a ghost. Despite age, this
his eyes on the ocean’s waves lapping at the shore. After one’s proud posture and fierce eyes showed an unshakable
Arius offered his prayer, his question, and his thanks, he resolve. As Arius drew closer, it seemed for a moment their
retired for the evening. eyes connected, and this ancient priest saw him. Somehow,
Arius knew he observed his counterpart, the leader among
the religion of these reclusive people.
He felt himself plunging into those eyes like falling into a
Arius snapped alert as he felt an icy wind knife through well. A sudden eruption of violent images flashed before
him. He looked down on a snowy and rugged landscape him. He saw bloodshed and chaos, the screaming of
from high above. A chain of towering mountains, stretched women and children. He saw burning wooden halls and
like a row of gleaming teeth, broke the horizon. A line of homes, and Nyss warriors clashing with one another amid
weary stragglers marched out from among the sparse trees. frozen streets. He saw a hulking creature unlike anything
He did not know their faces or attire, but their postures he had ever seen, a giant with horns curving down from
and bearing denoted misery, struggle, and refugees fleeing its forehead that gripped a long, double-bladed weapon.
a destroyed homeland. Where it struck, Nyss exploded into shapeless ash. Arius
Arius at first took these men and women for humans saw a line of brave warriors fighting a last stand against
fleeing the northern front, but he quickly saw his mistake. their kinsmen, who looked twisted and wrong. Spiked
These mountains rose far taller than the peaks of northern protrusions pushed from their shoulders and arms. He
Llael. As he drifted closer, he saw the refugees wore rich witnessed the anguish of their priests as they fled and
leather. Some had supple cloaks upon which they had sacrificed all to preserve this stone vault from the horror
sewn long feathers. They had pale and slender faces with that had come among them.
lanky black hair, and he spotted sharply pointed ears.
Arius awoke to painful clarity. The light on his eyelids Arius went to his desk, lit an oil lamp with shaking hands,
came not from daylight but something brighter and whiter, and grasped parchment and quill. He began to transcribe
uncolored by the stained glass windows lining his chamber. the vision in as much detail as possible before it faded.
He sat up in his bed with a start and beheld an apparition Later he would write about the dream, but the archon’s
standing across the room directly beside the Enkheiridion. apparition was more immediately vital.
Arius immediately clambered from the covers, and despite
Before he wrote more than a few lines, he realized he
the aches of his aging body, knelt low upon the cold floor.
needed to put a name to the face. He surprised the
Light poured from the figure to fill the room with stark Sancteum guards when he jerked open his door. “Your
radiance. After a quick prayer, Arius lifted his gaze to Holiness?” they asked.
behold the figure in full. This required an effort of will
He ignored them, and walked barefoot to a long line of
against the natural compulsion to look away. He beheld
busts set along a stone bench running the length of the
manifested divinity: an archon of Morrow, one of His
curving outer wall at the top of the grand staircase. Here
sacred Host, whose visitation always brought a message
sat over one hundred busts, the likenesses of almost every
and a warning, guidance in an enigma.
primarch since Morrow’s Ascension, excepting only a
Arius had seen such figures multiple times before, most scattered few whose likenesses they had failed to preserve
significantly the momentous day they had manifested to in sculpture or had lost in mishaps over the centuries.
choose him as primarch, but even so he felt his mortal Arius knew his own face would rest here soon enough.
body quake. He knew he had little time to perceive crucial
The guards scrambled to follow, clearly concerned. “Is
details. It was vital to take in every nuance. Everything
anything amiss, Your Holiness?”
an archon carried or wore held significance. The smallest
change in expression or posture conveyed profound “Bring my lamp, please,” Arius said, distracted as his eyes
meaning. The figure wore simple robes of silver-white. scanned the busts. He could see just the features of the first
Arcs of blinding light, difficult to view directly, swept row well enough in the limited light. A guard put the oil-
out behind its back. This radiance distracted the eye and lamp in Arius’ hands, and he quickly found the likeness he
“What is your will? How may I serve Morrow?” Arius asked, although
he knew that the apparition would not answer him in words.
The archon simply stared at him with a calm expression.
resulted in few identical descriptions of these beings. sought, not far from the end of the line. He squinted at the
Sculptors often adorned archons with feathered wings in name and mumbled, “Of course.” He thanked the confused
statuary to represent this light, a way for the mind to apply guards before returning to his chambers, too distracted to
familiar forms to the ephemeral. offer an explanation.
An archon had not come to Arius for years, and he felt Arius added several lines to his hastily penned notes.
both relieved and confused. The presence of this being “Tonight’s visitation was an archon bearing the likeness
that embodied the will of Morrow signified that his earlier of Primarch Kielor Malistave, who held the office from
dream held more than idle fancy. It baffled Arius that his 407-424 AR during most of the reign of Hector Sunbright
god would show him the fate of a species isolated from IV.” He paused and considered if he should double check
mankind when he had expected guidance about the wars a tome, but decided to confirm the facts later. Famed in
against the Khadorans, the Menites or predation by the his youth for his scholarly memory, Arius had found the
walking dead. Arius immediately banished such doubts knack fading in recent years, but tonight his mind felt
from his mind. afire with clarity.
“What is your will? How may I serve Morrow?” Arius He wrote: “Primarch Kielor notably penned a short treatise
asked, although he knew that the apparition would not after a dialogue with an Iosan emissary, On the Iosan
answer him in words. The archon simply stared at him Pantheon: Spiritual Beliefs of an Insular People. This afforded
with a calm expression. Only at this point did Arius the first glimpse given human theologians of the dominant
realize that the being had resolved features from a smooth elven faith and several stories of their gods, reputed to
abstraction to a recognizable face. The primarch took live among them, corpus divinus. Theologians criticized this
in its features and continued to scan the form, eager to treatise as short on facts and deemed it possibly a fanciful
miss nothing. After what seemed a single long breath, the fabrication. It remains, however, the only treatise on Iosan
archon vanished, and the light faded. religious beliefs. In his preface, the primarch identified his
source as a member of a minority sect calling themselves many such conflicts in its more than two thousand year
Seekers.” Arius forced himself to stop. He must not allow history. He recognized such rising tensions among the
tangents to distract him. exarchs as inescapable. Even living in Caspia for a decade
or longer could not eradicate the national loyalties of the
He reviewed his earlier list of hastily written observations
nine Khadoran, five Llaelese, and six Ordic Exordeum
and began to interpret them. He might have referred to
weighty texts on the topic. Nearly every primarch received
archon visitations, and they also manifested at times to The carefully selected group responded to his summons in
other clergy. The Sancteum held centuries of accounts short order. The three Khadoran exarchs Jovras Makesh,
detailing their appearances and the interpretations of their Hedrosk Valtorskov, and Kasia Fodorovna responded
portents. The topic held a particular fascination for Arius, first. The heavy-set Jovras, eldest of the Khadoran priests,
however, and he had as much fluency in the indicators as would take offense most readily if excluded. Hedrosk,
any theologian of the Sancteum Seminary College. with his lengthy gray beard, was one of Arius’ most vocal
critics. His inclusion might forestall accusations of bias
“Right hand on hilt of a belted sword, half-drawn.” One of
when word of this meeting reached the remainder. Arius
the clearer portents, this signified the threat of bloodshed
considered their presence politics, smoke, and mirrors.
and that the Church must ready for action. The half-
He really wanted to address the younger Exarch Kasia
drawn sword, however, indicated readiness but caution.
Fodorovna. She had strong ties to the Korsk Vicarate
This presaged a defensive rather than offensive action and
Council and had proven a moderating influence on the
forewarned the warriors and battle chaplains of the faith.
temperamental and stubborn Khadoran vicars.
“Left hand extended bearing a closed scroll encased in
Next arrived Arius’ ever-reliable friend Exarch Dargule
ivory, horizontal.” This sign indicated the need to extend
of Llael, a slim and bookish man. The Khadoran exarchs
aid, succor, or sanctuary, particularly in a time of war.
stiffened at the sight of him, and the temperature in the
Past this, the signs became enigmatic and debatable. Arius room seemed to drop several degrees. Dargule pretended
had seen volumes of theological text analyzing an archon’s not to notice. He smiled amiably and offered them warm
attire, posture, degree of inclination of the head, the tiniest greetings. He went so far as to clasp Jovras’ hand as
details of expression, or whether a face was discernable if meeting an old friend, and ignored the Khadoran’s
at all. That this archon had worn a white sash for a belt displeased expression.
knotted in a particular style, that he had stood with the
Dargule looked questioningly at the primarch, but
right foot forward and weight on the left, the fact that
Arius gave him nothing with other eyes watching. As
he had looked at Arius directly and unblinkingly before
the informal head of the Sancteum’s highly efficient
fading away—all had significance.
information gathering collective, nicknamed “Dargule’s
Arius wrote all he could remember, even inconsequential Mice” in the halls of power, the Llaelese exarch generally
details, and only then allowed himself to return to a had information the rest of the Exordeum did not. His
dreamless and all-too-brief sleep. ignorance of this meeting’s purpose certainly drove the
infamously curious exarch to distraction.
The last two, whom Arius had chosen to ease internal
politics during the inevitable discussions once word of
Thirty-six exarchs, the highest-ranked leaders of the this meeting spread, arrived shortly thereafter and bowed
Church, comprised the Morrowan faith’s governing body, respectfully. The meek but intelligent Ordic Exarch
the Exordeum. Very early the following day, Arius waited
agreement. “If not for the harsh and empty nature of their henceforth threatens the Church of Morrow. Whatever
lands, the border legions would have driven the Nyss from the nature of their enemies, use your power and influence
Khadoran soil long ago and exterminated any who resisted. to rebuke it. If the Khadoran vicars need our assistance, it
The empress considers them interlopers and tolerates them will be rendered.”
only so long as they stay away from civilization.”
Exarch Jovras sniffed at this, as if finding the suggestion
Even Dargule looked bewildered, shocked into silence. that the Khadoran vicars would ever ask for aid from
Exarch Jovras asked, “Why would Morrow task us to lend Caspia a personal affront.
aid to strangers, when those of his faith are facing horrors
Arius continued, “It will be your responsibility, as well
every day? What of the Cryxian raiders despoiling coastal
as those of your countrymen,” his wave took in Jovras
villages or plundering our holy grounds?”
and Hedrosk, “to arrange for an immediate audience
Arius spread his hands. “I do not know. We may not learn with Empress Ayn. I will provide the sigil of my office to
the answer in my lifetime. This is the way of our patron, underline the importance of this task. Convince her that
whose vision pierces history. He asks little of us as we we are offering holy sanctuary to these unfortunate souls,
work to discover our own paths. Archons bring direction as is our ancient and inviolable right. Knowing the empress
only at pivotal moments, aligning events in a difficult to be a devout woman of our faith, and of noted generous
struggle to achieve the greater good.” spirit, I have no doubt she will cooperate.”
Kasia asked, “What is the horror you say threatens the The Khadoran exarchs shared expressions of dread.
Nyss?” “Of course,” Exarch Jovras managed to choke out,
still digesting the thought of delivering thinly veiled
Arius shook his head, unwilling to describe precisely
ultimatums to Empress Ayn Vanar. “I am sure she will...
what he had seen. “I do not know. The portents indicate
happily assist.”
forces of darkness moving into a conjunction. It seems as
“Of course,” Exarch Jovras managed to choke out, still digesting the
thought of delivering thinly veiled ultimatums to Empress
Ayn Vanar. “I am sure she will...happily assist.”
if multiple evils chase these refugees, each fiendish and Arius chose to ignore any sarcasm. “I have no idea how
inhuman.” the Nyss will react to our offer. Keep me appraised. They
are likely to be suspicious and wary. We must convince
Exarch Hedrosk frowned deeply and pulled at his
them it is in their interests to accept our protection. Some
lengthy beard, his cheeks red. “This is too much. Without
among them may wish to scatter and seek shelter abroad.
corroboration, based on the figments of a dream–”
Let them do as they will. We cannot watch over them all.
Arius’ eyes narrowed as he cut Hedrosk off. “The Our foremost concern is their holy caste. They bear a relic,
Exordeum will receive a detailed account of the archon’s a holy item Morrow has asked us to help safeguard.”
manifestation and my interpretation of its portents. You
Clearly the thought of Morrow requiring them to watch
can scrutinize and debate its merits at your leisure, but do
over the unwholesome relic of an inhuman faith was
not mistake my words. This is not a matter we will put to
almost too much for Exarch Hedrosk to bear. Once he
a vote. Morrow has revealed what we must do. I require
had managed to regain some composure, he spoke through
your help to see it come to pass.”
gritted teeth. “This is unprecedented and absurd. Morrow
Hedrosk looked deeply unhappy but lowered his eyes. All save us if this proves to be an ill-conceived folly inspired
of those present, even Arius’ critics, knew Morrow had by too much wine.”
chosen the man before them to lead His mortal clergy.
The others clearly felt Hedrosk had crossed a line and
The Exordeum could disagree with him, and make their
looked to him with expressions of shock and distaste. Arius
displeasure known, but ultimately they must obey. Arius
merely chuckled and gave a sad smile to the angry exarch.
disliked taking such a hard stance, and reserved the voice
“Time will tell. In truth, I will be relieved if time proves
of final authority for when subtler persuasions failed.
you correct. Nothing would please me more than to accept
“Exarch Kasia Fodorovna, I rely on you to deliver that I am a crazy old man, that everything is in order,
instructions as swiftly as possible to the Korsk Vicarate and that Morrow feels no need to lend us His guidance.
Council. It is a bad time for travel between our kingdoms, I have faced the fact that we enter a time of turmoil and
but I know you are up to the task. Make it known that the destruction. Dark clouds gather.”
faithful must assist in providing these refugees with shelter.
They sat silently considering his words. The exarchs
Open the doors of the Katrinska Cathedral to receive
knew Arius as a man of optimism, more inclined to speak
the displaced Nyss leaders, including their holy men
words of hope than doom. Nor had Arius finished. He
and women. Protect them. Anything that threatens them
gathered a breath to speak the more difficult part. “When Precursor Knights. I know this will cause tension, but it
you meet with Empress Vanar and her court, the other must be done regardless.”
matter you must arrange is to facilitate the arrival of a
He spoke directly to Exarch Kasia. “I trust you to
force of Precursor Knights who go to Korsk to stand vigil
see this is done. Now, if you would excuse me, we
over this relic.”
must adjourn.” They stood to leave, but Arius caught
Hedrosk now looked on the verge of apoplexy. He shifted Dargule’s eye. The Llaelese exarch lingered and let the
in his chair and sputtered, “Impossible! They will never others depart before him.
stand for this. Never!”
“Stay. Close the door.” Dargule did so and reclaimed his
This seemed almost too much even for the temperate chair with an almost rakish smile.
Kasia. She leaned forward. “Primarch, the Precursor
“That was–” Dargule began.
Knights are a distinctly Cygnaran order. Khador and
Cygnar stand at war. You cannot expect Empress Vanar to “This is no ruse.” Arius said and leaned back in his chair.
welcome the armed soldiers of her enemy into her capital.”
“I didn’t think for a second it was,” The Llaelese exarch
“I can, and she will.” Arius’ voice remained mild but interjected. He looked almost wounded. “You must admit,
conveyed that he would brook no disagreement. “That will this is a very strange situation. I don’t suppose there is any
be your task. She must understand this matter transcends room for interpretation in your little vision?”
national borders and conflicts. This is the manifested
will of Morrow. We must take every measure to ensure “Of course there is.” Arius corrected with a scowl. “This
its success. The knights we send will be aware that they is prophecy and omen. You know how the archons work.
represent the church and not Cygnar.” It is up to us to discern their messages; they do not make
it simple, or easy. For all I know, I could be completely
Exarch Jovras protested, “We have our own holy knights wrong. Perhaps it was just a fever dream, or the first of
and guardians. They can see to this.” many delusions proving age has stolen my wits. Certainly
Hedrosk will make that case.”
“Your holy knights are brave and true servants of Morrow,
I have no doubt,” Arius agreed, “But those who commit to Dargule shook his head.
this mission must have heard my voice and looked into my “No. He believes you.
eyes. I must know their hearts to be true. I cannot trust He would not be so angry
this to strangers, no matter how well otherwise. Still, this will not
intentioned and regardless of be easy to sell to the clergy
individual reputation. I will at large.”
select the men for this task
personally. The only men “I did not ask you to stay to
of our military arm I discuss stifling rumors of my
know well enough mental decline.”
are among the “Oh? What task would you
have of me?”
“First, I would have you go
through my interpretation
in detail. I must know
from someone I trust
absolutely if my
judgment is impaired
or if the signs have been
read wrong.”
“Very well.”
The door opened and custodians entered with a large “Could you possibly find him? Given time?”
stack of reference tomes. Dargule smiled at the primarch
The younger exarch frowned uncertainly. “Maybe. Anyone
again and obediently took up the notes. He spent some
can be found, given time.”
time pouring over them and often referred to the books
with Arius’ expert guidance. This took hours, but Dargule “See what you can manage.”
showed no signs of impatience. He was well accustomed to
research, albeit not in this field. “Of course. I warn you, what you ask may be impossible,
at least in time to be of any use.”
In the end he looked up with an expression more serious
than his normal habit. “I can find no serious flaws, “I have faith in you.” Arius smiled. “See what you can do.”
although this aspect here is very disturbing. You are “As you will.” The exarch stood to leave and offered a
certain the archon’s feet were bare and scarred?” respectful bow. “Morrow keep you, primarch.”
Arius nodded once. “Yes. Perhaps even bleeding, although “Ellena watch your journey, Exarch Dargule.”
the light made it difficult to tell.”
The exarch paused at the door and turned back to ask,
“According to these texts, that means we may not be “What is this holy relic Morrow expects us to protect? It
able to do anything. All our efforts may be for nothing. must be important...”
The darkness that comes could be beyond our power to
prevent. This is one of the darkest omens. The last time it Arius sighed and leaned back, his dignified face showing
appeared was just before the landing of the Orgoth–” his age again. Deep lines on his brow marked every year
of his life. Circles under his eyes displayed his interrupted
The primarch cut him off, “Yes. Still we must act, even if sleep. He looked uncommonly frail and vulnerable. “I
the chance of success is slim.” He sighed. believe they bear a sealed vault containing the tangible
character names and their distinctive likenesses, are TM and/or © 2001-2009 property of Privateer Press, Inc.
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A Preview of WARMACHINE: Legends Dragoons and Mercenaries
By the Privateer Press Staff • Art by Carlos Cabera, Emrah Emasli,
Marek Okon, Karl Richardson, and Eva Widermann
T he previews for WARMACHINE: Legends continue with the pounding of hooves and the thunder of
guns. Mercenary players certainly haven’t been forgotten in Legends, and this issue is packed with merc
goodness, including four character solos, a Rhulic melee unit, and a much-anticipated mercenary cavalry
We also have character dragoon for all four factions to show off. For those who don’t know, dragoons start
the game mounted and can fight on dismounted when their mounted form is killed. Khador already has a
dragoon solo, the Drakhun from Superiority, but unlike him, all the dragoons in Legends are characters that
interact with other units and have a single point cost that includes the dismounted model.
More good news for mercenary players. Magnus’ Agenda is picking up some new options in
WARMACHINE: Legends, so we had to adjust the army composition rules for that contract. The following
rules update the Magnus’ Agenda Contract:
Katherine Laddermore demonstrates her This weapon, too expensive and finicky for mass
unflinching loyalty and dedication to the ideals production, enables Major Laddermore to conduct
of the Cygnaran Army on an almost daily basis. devastating lightning-imbued charges alongside her
A superlative, battle-proven cavalry officer, she knights. The coils of her lance whir to screaming
volunteers for high-risk assignments and extra power with the pounding of her steed’s hooves as
patrols, and her combat skills while leading the arcs of electricity flicker between her and the Storm
charge, inspire all serving under her command. Lances riding alongside her. Bolts of lightning fired
She vigilantly patrols Cygnar’s eastern border with from the tips of these empowered lances strike deep
handpicked members of the 33rd Heavy Cavalry into the enemy ranks and clear paths through swaths
Battalion. of opposing infantry to lay bare the enemy’s heart.
Laddermore’s interests in the technology
empowering her knights’ weapons eventually
Using Major Katherine Laddermore
brought her in contact with Sebastian Nemo, who As with the other dragoons previewed in this issue,
allowed her to test an experimental new Voltaic Laddermore can work as an amazing solo or in
Lance with a powerful internal Electro Charger. conjunction with a unit she enhances. Depending
on the needs of your army lists she delivers in either
capacity, but the advantages she brings to Storm
Lances makes it worth considering their inclusion.
Those accustomed to playing with Storm Lances
should easily integrate Laddermore’s abilities
into their existing strategies. Like
Storm Lances themselves, she is most
powerful in melee, but also offers a
potent ranged threat.
Cygnar storm lance dragoon character solo
When fielding Laddermore by herself without tying
Laddermore Laddermore Cmd 9
her to a unit of Storm Lances, her Commander Assault - As part of a charge, after moving SPD STR MAT RAT DEF ARM
ability can combine with her mobility to support but before performing her combat action,
8/6 6 8 6 13 17/14
non-fearless units or units which have lost a leader Laddermore may Assault. When making
an Assault, Laddermore makes a single Voltaic Accelerator
wherever they are on the board. Like the Storm ranged attack targeting the model charged. RNG ROF AOE POW
Lances she leads, Laddermore hits very hard on Laddermore is not considered to be in 6 1 — 12
the charge. Mounted Laddermore has many of the melee when making the Assault ranged
Voltaic Lance
attack, nor is the target considered to be in
same benefits as Storm Lances, including additional melee with Laddermore. If the target is not SPECIAL POW P+S
charge and ranged attack damage. Be aware that in melee range after moving, Laddermore Multi 8 14
some of these benefits are unavailable once she is must still make the Assault ranged attack Mount
before her activation ends. Laddermore SPECIAL POW P+S
knocked off her horse. cannot target a model with which she was — 10 —
in melee at the start of her activation with
One trick to remember is you can place a an Assault ranged attack. Mounted Laddermore’s Damage 8
dismounted model anywhere in the space occupied Dismounted Laddermore’s Damage 5
Commander - Laddermore has a command
by the mounted model when it was destroyed. The range equal to her CMD in inches. Friendly
Field Allowance C
size differences in switching from a large to a small Cygnar models/units in her command range Victory Points 2
may use Laddermore’s CMD when making Point Cost 59
base can sometimes allow dismounted Laddermore Mounted Base Size Large
command checks. Laddermore may rally and
to be placed outside of melee range of whatever give orders to friendly Cygnar models in her Dismounted Base Size Small
killed her horse. When facing an adversary with command range.
multiple attacks, this tactic can keep her alive Dragoon - While mounted, Laddermore has base SPD 8 and base
long enough to retaliate. Laddermore is certainly ARM 17. Dismounted, Laddermore has base SPD 6 and base ARM 14.
more vulnerable and less deadly on foot, but don’t Electro Charger - While within 5” of Laddermore, friendly Storm
underestimate her abilities even in this reduced Lance models gain +2 RNG on Electro Bolt Attacks. When an
affected model hits a model with an Electro Lance attack, lightning
form. Having access to a strong melee attack and a arcs to and automatically hits the nearest enemy model within 4”.
solid ranged attack means she remains a threat even That model suffers a POW 10 damage roll.
after the enemy thinks he has neutralized her. Fearless - Laddermore never flees.
Field Marshal - Friendly Storm Lance models in Laddermore’s
The most impressive ability Laddermore’s has command range, including Laddermore, ignore friendly Storm
beyond regular Storm Lances is Lightning Lance models when drawing LOS and can move through other
Generator, which applies to both ranged and melee friendly Storm Lance models if they have enough movement to
move completely past the other models’ bases.
attacks. This allows lightning to arc to d3 nearby
enemy targets after the initial hit, thereby allowing Voltaic Accelerator
Kinetic Discharge - While mounted, Laddermore gains +2 RNG
her to kill multiple targets in a single strike. Use this and POW on Voltaic Accelerator attacks when she moves during
ability similar to how you would use Chain Lightning her activation. Kinetic Discharge lasts for one round.
cast from Nemo or Haley to hit an easy target Lightning Generator - When a model is hit, lightning arcs from
which is proximate to a low ARM but hard to hit (or the model hit to d3 additional enemy models. The lightning arcs
and automatically hits the nearest enemy model within 4” of the
impossible to hit) target.
last model hit, but it cannot strike the same model more than once.
Each additional model hit suffers a POW 10 damage roll.
As great as Major Laddermore works on her own,
she is exceptional at enhancing Storm Lances. Voltaic Lance
Mounted Charge - While mounted, Laddermore gains +2 to
Electro Charger takes practice to master since it Voltaic Lance charge attack damage rolls.
requires Laddermore in close proximity to the Lightning Generator - See Voltaic Accelerator above for
models she is affecting, but the extra range on description.
Electro Bolt attacks and the bonus arcing attack Reach - 2” melee range
from lance attacks can make all the difference. Storm
Lances have a relatively low RAT, but there are ways Tactical Tips
to mitigate this, the best one being to knock down Kinetic Discharge: This bonus does not apply to Lightning
the target first. Generator damage rolls because Lightning Generator damage
rolls are not Voltaic Accelerator damage rolls.
Don’t forget about Field Marshal when preparing
attacks, as this ability is particularly handy on large intervening target and is forced to stop, another one
based models, allowing greater versatility in the might be able to move up and eliminate that model
order or angle of attack. This ability provides some and carry on to its main target without worrying
unusual tricks with impact attacks, since each model about the first Storm Lance being in its way, so long
moves and makes its attacks in sequence. Even if as there is room for both of their bases during the
one Storm Lance fails an impact attack against an resolution of the impact attack.
ON THE A Preview of WARMACHINE: Legends
Dragoons and Mercenaries
Protectorate Exemplar Dragoon Character Solo
the company of his peers, it would be a waste to
Gravus Gravus Cmd 9
send him into the fray without at least a few of his Commander - Gravus has a command SPD STR MAT RAT DEF ARM
brother exemplars. The benefits he gets when near range equal to his CMD in inches. Friendly
8/5 6 8 4 12 17/15
to other exemplars means at least one unit should be Protectorate models/units in his command
range may use Gravus’ CMD when making L Reverence
included with him if at all possible, whether Knights command checks. Gravus may rally and give SPECIAL POW P+S
Exemplar, Exemplar Errants, or Exemplar Vengers. orders to friendly Protectorate models in his Multi 6 11
command range.
The primary specific benefit Gravus provides to R Mount
Dragoon - While mounted, Gravus has SPECIAL POW P+S
nearby Vengers is his Inspiring Charge which allows base SPD 8 and base ARM 17. Dismounted,
— 10 —
them to charge without receiving the order and Gravus has base SPD 5 and base ARM 15.
grants additional charge distance. This combines Mounted Gravus’ Damage 8
Fearless - Gravus never flees. L
Dismounted Gravus’ Damage 5
nicely with the Vengers’ own Vengeance ability to Grim Resolve - Gravus gains a resolve Field Allowance C
allow them to charge at SPD+5” while freely crossing token for each friendly Exemplar model
Victory Points 2
rough terrain if a model in the unit was previously destroyed or removed from play by an
R Cost
Point 62
enemy attack within his command range.
damaged by an enemy attack. Add in the Piper of Gravus may have up to five resolve tokens at Mounted Base Size Large
Ord to really fly like the wind. any time. Gravus may spend resolve tokens Dismounted Base Size Small
during his activation for additional attacks
Don’t fall for the temptation to send Gravus to or to boost attack or damage rolls.
engage the enemy too soon, since he becomes much Inspiring Charge - When Gravus hits an enemy model with a
more formidable when he has the chance to benefit charge attack, friendly Exemplar Venger units currently in his
command range may charge without receiving the charge order
from his Grim Resolve ability. This sadly requires the this turn. Affected models that charge, charge at SPD +5” and gain
deaths of nearby Exemplars, but in war such tragedy boosted attack rolls this turn.
is inevitable. Be sure to plan Gravus’ placement Requiem’s Prayer - During his activation, Gravus may spend one
so he can benefit from this ability, keeping him or more resolve tokens to perform one of the following prayers for
each resolve token spent. Each Prayer may be performed once per
within command range of the front line. As nearby activation and lasts for one round.
exemplars die, Gravus accumulates tokens.
• Brother’s Keeper - Friendly non-warcaster Exemplar models
Not only can he spend tokens to boost attack and currently in Gravus’ command range, including Gravus,
cannot be knocked down or made stationary.
damage rolls or to buy additional attacks, they
• Eye for an Eye - When Gravus is damaged by a direct hit from
work for Requiem’s Prayer, a versatile assortment a magic attack, after the attack has been resolved the attacking
of defensive effects. Note that Gravus can spend model suffers an equal damage roll. Then Eye for an Eye expires.
three tokens to activate all three of these prayers • Resolution - When Gravus suffers a damage roll that exceeds
in the same round if need be. While Resolution his ARM, he may use Resolution. When Resolution is used,
and Eye for an Eye affect Gravus himself, Brother’s Gravus only suffers one damage point regardless of the total
rolled, then Resolution expires.
Keeper helps all nearby Exemplars and is ideal when
Weapon Specialist - Gravus rolls an additional die on Reverence
facing attackers relying on knockdown or stationary damage rolls.
effects, like Commander Coleman Stryker with his Reverence
Earthquake spell or Kommander Sorscha and her Icy Blessed - Reverence may damage models only affected by magic
Gaze feat or Freezing Grip spell. attacks. When making a Reverence attack, ignore spell effects that add
to the target’s ARM or DEF. Gravus may charge incorporeal models.
Gravus is certainly formidable in melee. At first Chain Weapon - Reverence ignores shields and Shield Wall.
glance his P+S may seem low compared to Vengers’
Reach - 2” melee range.
lances, but being a weapon master offsets this, as
does the fact that his best weapon is always available
Tactical Tips
and is not limited to the charge attack. Gravus has a
Requiem’s Prayer: Take note that Gravus can perform
constant 2” Reach and his blessed weapon is always more than one prayer per turn.
active, letting him ignore defensive spells. It is also
a chain weapon which ignores shield wall. Now Vigil to protect him until he makes his move. The
consider that Gravus can buy additional attacks with Harbinger’s Martyrdom can also be a boon, but note
Grim Resolve. that a dragoon is not considered destroyed when it
loses its mounted form. Therefore, Martyrdom only
Gravus makes for a particularly great mid to late
works on Gravus when he runs out of damage boxes
game attacker, lurking behind the front lines,
while dismounted.
gathering tokens from the first clash, and then
sweeping in for a crushing finish. Because of
this, it is sometimes a good idea to use spells like
Kreoss’ Protection of Menoth or the Severius’ Holy
ON THE A Preview of WARMACHINE: Legends
Dragoons and Mercenaries
He is a living nightmare. Send him to haunt our foes rather than menacing our own sons and daughters.
—Koldun Fedor Rachlavsky of the Greylords Prikaz
Khador doom reaver dragoon character SOLO
Using Fenris Fenris Fenris Cmd 9
Abomination - Models/units – friendly SPD STR MAT RAT DEF ARM
Fenris is a nasty, mean, brutal model who can and or enemy – within 3” of Fenris must pass a
will kill anything he can reach. Unlike the other command check or flee.
8/6 7 8 4 13 16/14
dragoons presented here, he is not associated with Doom Reaver Commander - Fenris has a L Fellblade
a previously existing cavalry unit, but provides command range equal to his CMD in inches. SPECIAL POW P+S
Friendly Doom Reaver models/units in his Multi 6 13
similarly potent benefits to another formidable
command range may use Fenris’ CMD when R Fellblade
unit, the Doom Reavers. Fenris serves as a making command checks. Fenris may give SPECIAL POW P+S
commander to Doom Reavers, able to give them orders to friendly Doom Reaver models Multi 6 13
the charge order even after their leader is killed. in his command range. While in Fenris’
command range, friendly Doom Reavers will Mount
Secondly, he allows an additional unit of Doom not attack other models in their unit.
Reavers on the table. Lastly and most importantly, — 12 —
Dragoon - While mounted, Fenris has base
while near to him, Doom Reavers will not attack SPD 8 and base ARM 16. Dismounted, Mounted Fenris’ Damage 8
other members of their own unit which solves a lot Fenris has base SPD 6 and base ARM 14. Dismounted
R Fenris’ Damage 8
Field Allowance C
of positioning and facing hassles. Fearless - Fenris never flees.
Victory Points 2
Field Officer - An additional Doom Reaver Point Cost 74
The main trick to remember with Fenris is that until unit may be fielded over normal Field Mounted Base Size Large
he gets kicked off his horse, he’s a cavalry model, Allowance limitations if Fenris is included in
Dismounted Base Size Small
not simply a Doom Reaver with damage boxes and the army.
an extra Fell Blade. This is important because, with Mad Howl - Once per activation
immediately after an attack in which he destroys an enemy model,
Fenris, the goal should always be to get him as deep Fenris may use Mad Howl. Enemy models/units in his command
into the thick of the enemy as possible, particularly range must pass a command check or flee. Friendly Doom Reaver
amid a good sized cluster of infantry models. With models in his command range may immediately move up to 3”. A
model cannot end this movement out of formation or cause other
his MAT, two initial attacks and Berserk, Fenris models in this unit to no longer be in formation.
can conceivably annihilate everything in a huge
Relentless Charge - Fenris may charge across rough terrain and
circle around him. Being cavalry means he can take obstacles without penalty.
advantage of impact attacks to get deeper into the Tough - When Fenris suffers sufficient damage to be destroyed, his
enemy to exploit this. His mount is a hefty POW 12 controller rolls a d6. On a 5 or 6, Fenris is knocked down instead
which therefore has a good chance of destroying of being destroyed. If Fenris is not destroyed, he is reduced to one
most single wound infantry on average rolls.
Weapon Specialist - Fenris rolls an additional die on his Fellblade
Fear causing effects are sometimes underestimated, damage rolls.
but examining the various factions it quickly becomes Fellblades
clear that a number of staple units and solos in several Berserk - Every time Fenris destroys another model with a
Fellblade attack, he must immediately make one Fellblade attack
factions are not fearless. Many enemy army lists will against another model in his melee range, friendly or enemy.
feel the pain of command checks. As with other
Spell Ward - Fenris cannot be targeted by spells.
Doom Reavers, Fenris has Abomination, but he also
Reach - 2” melee range.
has Mad Howl to force a second command check
when he kills a model. Even with a reasonably high Tactical Tips
CMD score having to make multiple checks eventually
Tough: Do not make a Tough roll when Fenris’ Mounted
prompts a failure and units fleeing off the table. To damages boxes are filled and he becomes Dismounted.
really make your enemies worry about these checks Spell Ward: Spell effects that do not target Fenris can still
and to create a fun thematic army, combine Fenris affect him.
and Doom Reavers with Orsus Zoktavir, who lowers
the unit finished Berserk attacks, particularly those
CMD checks by -2 within his command area. Orsus
relying on ranged attacks. The extra movement can
Zoktavir also provides Doom Reavers with the Elite
also help block charge lanes to the warcaster and
Cadre bonus, making them even more deadly. Just
possibly provoke Abomination checks on previously
remember that because Fenris is a solo, he does not
unaffected units or solos.
personally gain the Elite Cadre benefits.
Mad Howl does more than force command checks.
It also allows friendly nearby Doom Reavers free
movement. A good use for this bonus movement
is engaging enemies that were left standing after
ON THE A Preview of WARMACHINE: Legends
Dragoons and Mercenaries
darragh wrathe
Few know the meaning of true devotion, for their allegiance ends with the grave. In a thousand years, Toruk will
remain my master.
—Darragh Wrathe
cryx dragoon CHARACTER solo
Dragoons and Mercenaries
While some citizens in war-torn areas accuse them of Reach - 2” melee range.
banditry and looting, Steelhead officers insist their men
are professionals who only take the normal liberties Steelhead Heavy Cavalry boast a few interesting tricks.
expected of any red-blooded soldier in a time of war. The Assault order gives an additional chance of damaging
enemies during the charge, while Back Swing provides
Using Steelhead Heavy Cavalry an extra attack after they become mired in hand-to-hand
fighting. While this unit operates fine on its own, they
Mercenary players can now try applying cavalry tactics become even more formidable when combined with other
the regular factions have been employing against them Steelheads. Flank gives an incentive to fight alongside their
since Superiority. Or if you are a regular faction player, Halberdier brethren, allowing a player to recreate historical
you can add Steelhead Heavy Cavalry to horse-wild cavalry flanking maneuvers once enemy lines get stuck in
doubling up on cavalry units in play. Combined with with the footmen. If included with Stannis Brocker they can
dragoons and Stannis Brocker, it’s quite possible to run also benefit from the Furious Charge order for additional
a force that’s almost entirely cavalry. movement and to carry their charge across rough terrain.
Dragoons and Mercenaries
Darragh Wrathe and a cohort of Soul Hunters emerge from the shadows to surprise a unit of Cygnar Rangers.
Major Katherine Laddermore leads the charge against a phalanx of Temple Flameguard.
The rock solid Horgenhold Forge Guard move slow, but hit like a ton of bricks.
The fates of nations hang in the balance of arms and secrecy.
—Llaelese proverb
Mercenary CHARACTER Solo
Dragoons and Mercenaries
Orin Midwinter may be the last of a dying breed. The thirteen years concealing his background and living
word Inquisition still evokes dread in Cygnarans who in squalor, but he has maintained his uniform against
lived through the end of Vinter Raelthorne IV’s reign. the day he might resume his work.
Few remain of this once mighty fraternity of ruthless
Raelthorne originally formed the Inquisition to
wizards that tortured and killed any who opposed
stamp out witchcraft, although he soon expanded the
their king. Among the elite of this fellowship, Senior
powers of its ruthless agents to root out any perceived
Inquisitor Orin Midwinter held a position just below
treason. Orin made his name neutralizing rogue
Head Inquisitor Dexter Sirac. He has spent the last
sorcerers and less involvement in the torture of petty
Mercenary CHARACTER Solo
ON THE A Preview of WARMACHINE: Legends
Dragoons and Mercenaries
Mercenary steelhead cavalry character Solo
Dragoons and Mercenaries
thor steinhammer
He and his wrench are worth more than a company of hired guns.
—Captain Sam MacHorne
Thor will be the first to admit he is a disappointment of common soldier. Unlike them, Thor can command
to his entire family line. He reveals this with a jovial and maintain the expensive warjacks essential to
smile and a hearty laugh, however, and shows no modern conflict.
sorrow for having upset his ancestors’ hopes for
Thor enjoys hiring on with fellow Rhulfolk, but
his generation’s perfect dwarven warrior. Thor’s
he has also become a welcome sight in taverns
disregard stems from the weight of gold in his
frequented by human sell-swords from Five Fingers
pockets. As one of the best-paid mercenaries in
to Ternon Crag. He has learned the ins and outs
western Immoren, his specialized talents command
of maintaining the variety of second-hand ‘jacks
more coin than any duelist, rifleman, or other breed
popular in mercenary circles. In addition to his
Privateer Press’
Formula P3 Grandmaster
Painting Competition
It’s never
too early
to start
like you’ve
got a pair!
The Categories and Prizes
Warjack/Warbeast Diorama
A single light or heavy warjack A scene of the Iron Kingdoms, made
or warbeast. up of components that do not exceed
1st Place Prize: $200 US 12” wide, by 12” tall, by 12” deep.
1st Place Prize: $200 US
Warrior Model
A single trooper, solo, warlock,
2007 Grandmaster Champion or warcaster.
First Place Prize: $200 US
Selected from the winners
Battlegroup of the above categories.
How to Enter: A warcaster and 2-5 warjacks or
a warlock and 2-5 warbeasts. Grand Prize: $1,000 US
No troops or solos.
Show up at Gen Con Indy. Fill out The Grandmaster will win
1st Place Prize: $200 US
an entry form at the Privateer Press $1,000 US for the Grand Prize
booth and drop of your entries on Unit and $200 for the category that
Thursday and Friday starting at 1:00 A unit of at least the minimum number
qualifies them, for a total
of allowed models and no more than the
PM and Saturday from 10:00 to 11:00 of $1,200 US.
maximum number of models allowed.
AM. All entries must be received by Unit Attachments and Special Weapon
Saturday 8/16/2008 by 11:00 AM. Attachments may be included.
1st Place Prize: $200 US
• All entries must be Privateer Press miniatures. Conversions and scratch
• Competitors can only enter categories once, through they can enter as
many of the categories as they choose.
building is allowed, but must fall within the scope and atmosphere of • All entries must be presented on the appropriate size base for which the
the Iron Kingdoms game world and be either scratch built or made with model was designed, but extra scenic details may be added.
parts from Privateer Press models. No third party parts permitted. • While every care possible will be taken with the entries, the miniatures
• All entries must be modeled and painted by the person entering. The are entirely at the risk of the competitor. Privateer Press will not be
person entering must hand in the miniatures themselves at the specified responsible for any damage or loss that might occur while the miniatures
time. Entries must also be collected from the display case at the specified are in their care.
time. Any entries not collected by the end of the show automatically • Privateer Press has the right to photograph the competition submissions
become the property of Privateer Press. and to publish photographs on the web or in print.
• All entries must be accompanied by the appropriate entry form. This • Privateer Press reserves the right to refuse entry to any competitor with or
must be filled out correctly and clearly. Competitors will be issued a without cause. Privateer Press staff and family are not eligible to enter.
numbered ticket when they have handed in their miniatures. In order to
collect their miniatures at the end of the show, competitors must present • Cash winnings are subject to all state, local, and federal laws.
this ticket and valid ID in person. • The judges’ decisions are final in all cases.
T he Gamers’ Journal chronicles the can quickly fall by the wayside after following months will see us rounding
journey of four hobbyists as they working on models for eight hours out our armies at 750 and finally 1,000
assemble, paint, and play with straight every weekday. To maintain points.
their WARMACHINE and HORDES armies. our plan to build new armies, we came Each month we need to purchase,
Studio Director Ron Kruzie, painters Matt up with the Studio Showdown: Build a assemble, and paint the models for our
DiPietro and Quentin Smith, and Hobby 1,000-point WARMACHINE or HORDES armies and get in as many games as we
Manager Rob Hawkins have all stepped army in four months. can. We allow each other to play with
up to the challenge. Last issue, we each began with a 350- models in progress, but everything needs
Here in the Privateer Press miniatures point list. This time, we step up the to be finished by the end of the month.
studio, painting an army of your own painting and the tabletop action by Failure is not an option!
bringing our forces to 500 points. The
NO Quarter Magazine: THE GAMERS’ JOURNAL
Matt DiPietro:
Legion of Everblight
At the end of last issue I found myself Keeping with the theme of “models you
contemplating Blighted Archers have to kill twice,” I added Gudrun
or Swordsmen, but after some the Wanderer. I liked how this model
deliberation, I decided on a minimum looked, but I added some spikes to
unit of Warmongers since they fit make him look as if he had succumbed
better with my army theme. One of to the blight. He would prove
my favorite strategies for the Legion invaluable for throwing my opponents’
Matt’s Legion of Everblight Army (500) of Everblight involves bringing army into disarray in the beginning
Model/Unit Points their models back from the dead turns of the game so the rest of my
(or otherwise recycling them), and army could advance into position. This
Thagrosh, Prophet of Everblight 74 I decided to emphasize this strategy addition put me five points over so I
with the rest of my points. I briefly dropped a Shredder and tacked on a
Carnivean 124 considered a Spawning Vessel, but couple more Legionnaires to round my
Shredders x 2 69 decided that I didn’t have quite enough list out to exactly 500 points.
models to warrant this. Instead, I
Blighted Legionnaires x 8 75 Having played a few games with my
settled on including Incubi, who have
army, I am very happy with my choices
quickly become my opponents’ most
Incubi 55 hated enemies.
for its composition. I have yet to lose
a game, so I guess I’m the man to beat
Warmongers x 3 66 In my first game against Rob, my around here. We will see how my
Gudrun the Wanderer 37 Blighted Legionnaires wrecked his record holds up in the coming months.
Deathjack. When Deneghra popped Even though we just finished this
Total 500 her feat and counterattacked, the round of army building, I’m already
weakened Legionnaires turned plotting how I will expand the army to
Black = Same • Blue = Change • Red = New Models into full strength Incubi (since they 750 points. A Raek is enticing, since
were not on the table when Rob it will have Stealth as long as Death
A nother round of Studio
Showdown has come and gone,
and what a round! Serious painting
used The Withering, they escaped
it) that promptly walked over to
Shroud stays up. I also feel that I
really need some shooting to harass the
Deneghra and ripped her to shreds. enemy as I advance and hopefully snipe
and vicious confrontations have filled
Nothing compares to the look on your some key targets, so I plan to take a
these last few weeks. I’m very happy
opponent’s face when he loses on his Scather catapult and a unit of Striders.
with the performance of Thagrosh and
own turn!
his immortal legion.
NO Quarter Magazine: THE GAMERS’ JOURNAL
NO Quarter Magazine: THE GAMERS’ JOURNAL
Matt’s turn he would kill one of my
Paingivers under the Death March
spell, and then I would kill a Blighted
Legionnaire trooper in return, only
to have it turn into an Incubi. Since
it was Matt’s turn, the Incubi would
Painting these minis went super fast. get its free action and then proceed to
The Paingivers received the same get its normal activation. On top of all
paint job as last time, and I also did this, I wouldn’t even get the soul from
a few weapon swaps for some visual the Death Marched Skorne troops!
variety. The Ancestral Guardians I don’t even want to get into what
were drybrushed with multiple layers Thagrosh did after that…Oh, boy…
of gray. Following that, I painted
Ron’s Skorne Army (500) I love my Titan-themed army and
on the gold trim and took some
will stick with it (with a few freshly
time to make the gems really bling.
Model/Unit Points The Agonizer was quick and fun. I
schooled changes). However, I need
to really think about how to make the
Lord Tyrant Hexeris 67 employed a technique Matt DiPietro
army serve me better. With the pain
taught me using super thinned down
Titan Gladiator x 2 218 paint two-brush blended over white
smarting, who can I torture to get
more tactical information?
Paingivers (6) 52 primer. This proved a good and fast
way to paint using white primer. Looking at my army, it moves really
Ancestral Guardian x 2 56 My first game with Quentin was
slowly and has no ranged capabilities,
but its power, endurance, and
Paingivers 52 tough. My slow army lumbered
simply badass nature offset these
towards the Privateers, took turn after
Agonizer 30 drawbacks. The first issue is that the
turn of crippling fire, and became
Ancestral Guardians are not getting
mired in a large trench I could not
Total 475 charge over. It was painful. With the
the opportunity to use their abilities. I
usually have Death March activated at
help of my troops, Hexeris finally
Black = Same • Red = New Models snaked in over the bridge and charged
all times, which means they don’t easily
get souls and tend to lag behind, so I’m
Montador. I cut him down to a single
dropping one of them. I want to give
wound and would have had his soul if
W hen it came time to add some
more models to my army,
continuing my “Titan front” theme,
I had remembered to grab fury from
the Agonizer. I won’t make that fatal
my army some ranged firepower and a
screening unit—a full unit of Venators
should suffice. I’ll force a Basilisk Krea
mistake again. Montador stood up and
I managed to whip an Agonizer and into service for better protection from
took Hexeris’ life the following turn.
another unit of Paingivers into shape. the powder monkey pirates and include
I also decided to add two Ancestral Fighting against Matt’s Legion of a full unit of Cataphract Cetrati to
Guardians for some cheap, soul Everblight was, again, very painful. increase the unstoppable potential of
sucking counteroffensive ability. What in the world is with that Legion the Skorne horde!
NO Quarter Magazine: THE GAMERS’ JOURNAL
In this issue of Modeling and Painting, Studio Painters Matt DiPietro and Quentin Smith cover how to make painting the daunting
High Exemplar Gravus a snap and techniques to paint a Nephilim Soldier—and thus your entire army—in record time.
Instruction by Matt DiPietro • Painting by Matt DiPietro and Quentin Smith
Step 1.) Start with the horse. That way, you paint the most
recessed parts of the model first so you won’t have to risk
reaching past finished areas with the brush. Mix a dot of
Greatcoat Grey in a large amount of Morrow White and
shade with very thin paint. Add a dot of Bastion Grey, and
continue to shade. Add Iron Hull Grey to create the deepest
shadows. Put a thin coat of Thamar Black on the horse’s
mouth, and add some thin lines to separate the skin from
the armor plates.
NO Quarter Magazine: Modeling and Painting
2 3
Step 2.) When painting animals of any sort, it is vital to get some reference Step 3.) When painting over white primer, start with the lighter color and
photos to make sure they look realistic. Horses are never uniformly one work your way down with shading techniques. In this step, basecoat the armor
color, so mix up a thin glaze of Rucksack Tan, and apply it to areas of plates with Menoth White Highlight. Basecoat the chain mail with Cold Steel,
the model to give the hair some natural variation. Mix Thamar Black and then wash with a mix of Exile Blue, Thamar Black, Umbral Umber, and some
Midlund Flesh, and blend it out from the nose and mouth. Mixing Medium.
Studio Style!
• Brown Ink
• Coal Black
• Cold Steel
• Cryx Bane Base
• Cryx Bane Highlight
• Exile Blue
• Greycoat Grey
• Iron Hull Grey 4
• Khardic Flesh
Step 4.) In this stage, the armor plates begin to come together with a shade of Menoth White Base.
• Menoth White Base
• Menoth White Highlight
• Midlund Flesh
• Mixing Medium
• Molten Bronze
• Morrow White
• Rhulic Gold
• Rucksack Tan
• Sanguine Base
• Sanguine Highlight
• Solid Gold
• Thamar Black
• Thornwood Green
• Umbral Umber Step 5.) For this stage, shade with a coat of Cryx Bane Highlight. Some of the most recessed areas
receive a shade of Bastion Grey to better define the shadows.
• Yellow Ink
NO Quarter Magazine: Modeling and painting
Step 6.) Metallic paint never looks quite right
when applied directly over white primer, so 10
prepare the edging and other gold areas with
a coat of Thornwood Green. At this stage, I
got a little overzealous and coated the edging Step 10.) With the gold complete, move on to the sanguine color. Mix Sanguine Base with Khardic
on the greaves with Thornwood Green as Flesh and a dot of Midlund Flesh, then apply this as a basecoat. I based some of the cloth ribbons in
well. This was unnecessary, since they will be a similar mixture, but use Sanguine Highlight instead of Sanguine Base. This helps differentiate the
painted Sanguine Base, but it won’t affect the ribbons from the red armor.
end result.
11 12
Step 7.) Use Rhulic Gold mixed with Molten
Bronze and small amounts of Brown Ink and Step 11.) Use Sanguine Base on its own to shade Step 12.) The final shade for the red areas uses
Yellow Ink to give the gold basecoat a rich and the red cloth and armor. Even though I based a mixture of Sanguine Base and Coal Black. The
Studio Style!
burnished look. the ribbons differently, I shaded them exactly green in the Coal Black tends to cancel out a
the same as the rest of the red areas. lot of the warmth in the Sanguine Base color to
produce a nice, rich shade.
8 13
Step 8.) Wash the gold areas with a mixture Step 13.) With the largest areas of the model painted, go back through
of Mixing Medium, Brown Ink, Umbral Umber, and fix any mistakes. Then, remove the model from its painting holder
and Cryx Bane Base (the latter cuts out some of and attach it to the base.
the red color from the mix).
6 10
Step 6.) In this step, apply another paint wash using Greatcoat Grey. The Step 10.) Shade the natural armor with a wash of Umbral Umber and
translucency of the washes causes the grey to mix with the Bloodstone, Sanguine Base. I concentrated this towards the edges of the plates.
creating a very unique worn copper color.
Step 7.) One way to dominate the copper of the armor with verdigris is to
use highlighting. Since you have saved so much time already, however,
this extra step should only take a little bit of time. Just use a 50/50 mix
of Thrall Flesh and Arcane Blue for the verdigris color.
Step 11.) Take Thamar Black and shade the natural armor. Then, mix
Brown Ink with Thamar Black to create a wash to shade the straps,
sword, and loincloth. Give the teeth and claws a similar wash using Red
Ink and Thamar Black. Drybrush Cold Steel on the sword. After finishing
the base, this Nephilim warrior is ready to crush all those foolish enough
8 to stand against the Legion of Everblight!
Step 8.) To make the details of the armor pop, go back through and apply
some quick and subtle line highlights using Underbelly Blue.
No Quarter 18
Alternate Sculpt
H ere’s the challenge: Pick yourself up one of the alternate sculpt models shown below and paint
it up as best as you can! The Warpwolf and Dire Troll Extreme models are also fair game. Simple,
right? You could win a $50 US spending spree at the Privateer Press Store (
and the adoration of thousands as we publish your model! Take a digital photo of your creation. Then, check
out the rules and submission guidelines at:
OT to wi
owN nt
*H h is
Soul Soldier
of a
T he armies of the east bring mighty beasts and
disciplined warriors to the battlefields of western
Immoren. Their versatile warlocks, powerful military
tradition, excellent beast conditioning, and efficient soul
magic make the Skorne army a truly dangerous foe.
NO Quarter Magazine: SECRETS OF THE WILD
1. Fury Management cloud effects, and cover, Skorne warlocks very rapidly
force, rile, and leach is the first step of fury management, Building a Skorne army presents a unique opportunity
but additional faction-specific tools allow armies to get more due to the high number of interlocking parts. Nearly every
mileage out of their warbeasts’ and warlocks’ fury stats. model you bring can benefit every other model directly or
The Conqueror’s legions use Agonizers to ensure that indirectly, but a few models actually rely on other models to
warlocks have a steady supply of fury. Early turns rarely operate best. Spending points on a Bronzeback Titan makes
require warlocks to expend significant quantities of fury, additional Titans an attractive option. Spending points
and they can bank that fury in Agonizers for later turns. on Ancestral Guardians necessitates bringing troops to
Though they may draw on some of this fury for powerful provide a fairly regular supply of souls. This makes building
effects as the game progresses, Agonizers can play an impressive 750-point Skorne armies not too difficult, but
invaluable role in late-game fury management, particularly constructing effective 500-point Skorne armies requires
in armies with a relatively low warbeast count. careful consideration and hard choices.
On the flipside, Paingiver Beast Handlers can remove Skorne models that specifically assist other models
excess fury points from Skorne warbeasts, which enables often perform well on their own, which makes fitting the
them to boost more rolls or make more attacks. This ability Bronzeback Titan, for example, into a balanced 500-point list
does not excuse sloppy fury management, however, as Beast as easy or difficult as one chooses to make it. The Rancorous
Handlers cannot use Enrage or Medicate on a warbeast in and Stampede abilities can be as much a curse as a blessing,
the same turn that they remove fury from it via Condition. so using the Bronzeback as a simple melee beater certainly
works. Trying too hard to get maximum mileage out of
these abilities and Herd Patriarch, however, can produce
2. Safety First an army of Titans that pulps a few targets each turn, but has
The warlocks of the wilds cast spells that alter the field of difficulty effectively dealing with swarms. Try to stick to a
battle, wield feats of tremendous power, and direct multi- single Titan – either a Cannoneer taking advantage of the
ton warbeasts to carve through swathes of enemy soldiers. +2” of movement or a Gladiator taking advantage of the +2
While among a HORDES army’s most powerful models, on melee attacks.
these characters can also be its weakest link. Choosing to forego Immortals can really smooth army
The Skorne have a broad range of methods to protect their building, but this powerful unit has a lot of interesting
warlocks from assassination. Several of these tools take the synergy with a number of warlocks. In 500-point lists, a
form of a somewhat offensive-oriented defense. The Basilisk block of 148 points consisting of two Ancestral Guardians
Krea’s Paralytic Field animus and Spiritual Paralysis attack, and eight Immortals is often the way to go (see Souls of
the Basilisk Drake’s Withering Gaze attack and Impact the Fallen). The backup Ancestral Guardian keeps the
animus, the Titan Gladiator’s Subdue, the Cataphract Immortals effective longer, and the unit size balances cost
Arcuarii’s Hog Tie, the Rhinodon’s Trip, and warbeast and efficiency of unit buffs. This block of models leaves
power attacks can blunt an opponent’s counterattacks and sufficient room for a living unit, a couple of warbeasts, and
restrict his offensive options. These effects all reduce the possibly some support––such as Beast Handlers, a Venator
threat range of an opponent’s models in some way, which Catapult, or an Agonizer––depending on the unit and
makes warlocks (and other support models) safer in the warbeasts chosen.
process. If an enemy model cannot get in striking distance Outside of these areas, army composition varies greatly
of a warlock, it cannot assassinate the warlock. from warlock to warlock, but a balanced, combined-arms
The defensive arsenal of the Skorne also includes some approach typically works best for Skorne armies. They have
pure defenses that center on the warlock or models near a number of great beasts but rely heavily on their warriors
the warlock. The Basilisk Krea’s Paralytic Aura, the to deal with massed foes.
Titan Cannoneer’s Diminish animus, the Cyclops Brute’s
Safeguard animus, the Praetorian Karax’s Girded ability,
and the Agonizer’s Gnawing Pain all produce protective
4. Hired Help
effects centered on friendly models rather than targeting Many Skorne players neglect Minion models since they do
enemies. Combining these abilities can grant Skorne not provide soul tokens to Ancestral Guardians or benefit
warlocks extremely effective defenses against enemy attacks. from certain Skorne spells and feats. Minions actually prove
Given the decent starting DEF and ARM values of Skorne quite useful in Skorne armies, however, but should not
warlocks and tools like screening, elevation, concealment, simply fill points as the Skorne already have so many great
options. Rather, Minions cover specific Skorne weaknesses
NO Quarter Magazine: SECRETS OF THE WILD
(noted in Military Counterstrike below), such as handling The performance of the Immortals depends as much on the
Secrets of the Wild:
rough terrain and low SPD on beasts like Titans. actions of an Ancestral Guardian as the Guardian depends
on soul tokens. Fielding a unit of Immortals (much less
For reaching models in rough terrain, consider the Totem
multiple units) practically requires fielding a spare Ancestral
Hunter, Farrow Brigands, and Gudrun the Wanderer.
Guardian. Killing both Ancestral Guardians, no mean task,
While the Brigands seem a bit cost-prohibitive in a faction
requires almost as much of your opponent’s resources as
that already struggles to fit everything into an army list, in
killing all of the Immortals, but ignoring either group of
scenarios or situations involving key points of rough terrain,
models to kill living Skorne simply provides more fuel for
Brigands can quickly prove worth the cost. Both solos
the warriors of stone and clay.
make good choices for flushing out enemy models while the
Skorne trudge through the brush to reach combat.
The low SPD of many Skorne models creates a disadvantage 6. Military Counterstrike
in scenarios that require players to control board areas Skorne armies shift gears from an all-out assault to a powerful
or points. In this situation, the Bog Trog Ambushers and counterstrike style of play more easily than most other armies.
Gudrun the Wanderer help the most by contesting the Among HORDES faction, only Skorne have access to Shield
required board regions while the powerful Skorne offensive Wall on both medium- and small-based units. Skorne also have
drives forward. Gudrun fills this role particularly well since three models/units that can strike back against their foes out of
he refuses to die for a whole round after taking sufficient turn before factoring in additional counterattack opportunities
damage to be destroyed. provided by specific warlocks. These elements combine to
blunt opposing charges with Shield Walled forces or cut them
One final Minion unit worthy of note is the Swamp Gobber
down with counterattack abilities before the remaining Skorne
Bellows Crew. Not only can they provide defensive benefits
charge the survivors.
in the form of clouds and concealment, but the -2 to attacks
living (non-gobber) models suffer in the Fog Cloud also Judicious use of combined attacks, the Combo Strike and
grants a powerful melee defense to Ancestral Guardians Powerful Charge abilities, and simple boosting allow the
and Immortals. It reduces the chances of them getting hit Skorne army to make an opponent pay dearly for a daring
without reducing their chances to hit back on Retaliatory offensive. Playing the Skorne in a counter-strike fashion
Strikes or Final Strikes. masks both their limited ability to deal with rough terrain
and low SPD on key models. Skorne certainly can support
5. Souls of the Fallen an extremely aggressive play style. In this case, their Shield
Wall and counterattack options allow their models to reach the
Their use of ancestral magic based on the souls of their enemy and often survive long enough to do serious damage.
fallen warriors dramatically sets the Skorne apart from Many powerful defensive and offensive Skorne abilities have
other HORDES factions. This appears most prominently relatively short ranges, however, so take care not to send
when using Supreme Aptimus Zaal, but every Skorne models rocketing out of beneficial spells and effects.
commander should consider the option of prolonging the
service of his or her warriors beyond death itself.
NO Quarter Magazine: SECRETS OF THE WILD
Good Good
The Cyclops Savage, Titan Gladiator, and Bronzeback Titan all make good pairings with Morghoul, but the Rhinodon is arguably the best warbeast for the Master Tormentor. Not
only does it achieve the greatest heavy warbeast threat range with the Abuse / Enrage combination and have the greatest quantity of attacks at +4 STR, but its Soft Underbelly rule
combos nicely with the Unrelenting spell to allow the Rhinodon to reposition its shell each time it suffers damage from enemy attacks.
NO Quarter Magazine: SECRETS OF THE WILD
Secrets of the Wild:
Archdomina Warbeast Preferences
Makeda Between Walking Death, Command Authority, Dauntless
Aura, and Defender’s Ward, Makeda has a real affinity
for trooper models. This means that her warbeasts should
have good FURY stats and should lean towards support
or long-range roles rather than front-line combat roles.
The Basilisk Krea fulfills both of these requirements and
has abilities that stack beautifully with Makeda’s own.
Paralytic Field plus Carnage means that even MAT 5 Karax
hit consistently, and Paralytic Aura plus Defender’s Ward
gives a unit amazing DEF and ARM against ranged attacks.
The Archdomina of the Skorne armies truly embodies the The Titan Cannoneer is another perfect candidate. It has
principles behind the Skorne play style. Walking Death great range, and Diminish further enhances the already
and Defender’s Ward allow her troops to take the brunt of strong survivability of Makeda’s troops. The other Skorne
an assault and then strike back with overwhelming force. warbeasts also make powerful tools in Makeda’s arsenal as
Troops under Makeda’s influence fight fearlessly and with points allow, but do not neglect her troops in favor of too
perfect military discipline. many warbeasts.
NO Quarter Magazine: SECRETS OF THE WILD
Agonizer = Bait
A strong option is to lure foes in and then pummel them mercilessly with an army of warriors led by Xerxis and under the effects of Annihilation plus Inspire. Warriors gain
bonuses on attacks, bonuses on ARM, and roll three to five damage dice on every attack when they charge.
Fury Management
Zaal players may find themselves tempted to rely on Hollow
rather than warbeasts to generate fury, but do not count
on the actions of an opponent. Zaal performs much better
when forcing his beasts and accounting for possible fury
from Hollow when riling. Use of an Agonizer can help keep
fury on Zaal and warbeasts at the right levels in spite of
Hollow. While this makes his own fury management a bit
tricky, Zaal has impressive means of improving the fury
efficiency of his warbeasts. The Awakened Spirit spell
allows a warbeast to cast its animus without forcing, and
NO Quarter Magazine: SECRETS OF THE WILD
When fielding Zaal, learn to view terrain as a defender, since his Ghost Sight lets him ignore virtually all line of sight rules. Get him into
positions with terrain between him and the target, and keep him on the move to maintain this defensive advantage.
the extra boosts that Rage of Ancients grants attack or Ancestral Guardians are an obvious inclusion due to Spirit
damage rolls lets melee warbeasts largely ignore the usual Rage, and Immortals definitely fit nicely into a Zaal army.
limitations of their FURY stat. Not only do they become more efficient due to Spirit Rage,
but even Carniveans or Maulers will think twice about
Warbeast Preferences striking an Immortal with Last Stand because of potentially
getting smacked back with a P+S 20 Great Sword attack.
Awakened Spirit works most efficiently on a Basilisk Krea’s
Remember that models removed by Last Stand do not
or Bronzeback Titan’s fury-intensive animi. Awakened
count for Rage of Ancients. Though Zaal should not spend
Spirit allows the Krea to boost Paralytic Field and Spiritual
too many points on Minions, a small unit of Farrow Bone
Paralysis attack rolls, activate Paralytic Aura, and still
Grinders can work wonders simply by increasing the range
leave herself open for damage transference. It allows
of Soul Burn to shut down opposing beasts.
the Bronzeback Titan to use Rampage and buy plenty of
additional attacks to pulp anything in his melee range.
All the warbeasts mentioned in Safety First help protect
Play Style
Zaal from assassination and make good choices. Zaal also A Zaal army typically includes more interlocking parts than
benefits from a Cyclops Savage, as Prescience on a number the average Skorne army. Defenders must keep Zaal safe
of models lets them save ancestral rage tokens for critical while he carefully manages fury levels and distributes soul
rolls during Rage of Ancients. Learn to view terrain as a tokens to the Ancestral Guardians who attack enemies in
defender, since Zaal’s Ghost Sight lets him ignore virtually order to power up Immortals who then make their Last
all line of sight rules. Stand. Given some practice, however, a Zaal army can be
an extremely powerful weapon.
Army Composition
To get the most out of Rage of Ancients, Zaal needs plenty
of Skorne warrior models, the more the better. This steers The armies of the Skorne Empire have powerful defenses
him towards cheaper troop options like Swordsmen, Karax, against their foes and can strike back with great vigor. Though
and Beast Handlers over the expensive Arcuarii. Praetorian few models / units stand out on their own as awe-inspiring,
Ferox constitute a noteworthy exception, however, due the diverse elements of the Skorne––beast conditioning,
to their outstanding interaction with his Hollow spell. ancestral soul magic, and devastating counter-strikes––come
Not only does it make them fearless, but the Grace ability together to form a whole far greater than its parts.
means that making Tough roles will not knock them down.
these dossiers
Kingdoms’ premier spy. Gathered at great expense and risk,
Take a look inside the files and dossiers of Gavyn Kyle, the Iron the warcast ers and warlock s of WARMACHINE and HORDES.
motivat ions of some of
give a behind-the-scenes look at the histories and
Lich L o r d A s p h y x io u s nd er at yo ur ul te
ri or
d m y pa tie nc e, an d I be gi n to wo ef fo rt to
t ha s tr ie sk in an
Th is as si gn m en yo u ha ve en gi ne er ed th is ta du re d
s lik el y th at . I have en
m ot iv es . It se em lim its or ke ep m e oc cu pi ed
ap s to te st m y d ad di tio l
se e m e fa il, pe rh th is fil e, an d yo u wi ll fin
co ns id er ab le pe
rs on al ri sk to
ta in
ch ed .
— G .K .
re qu ir em en ts at
co m pe ns at io n
Lord Asphyxious
Supposition Sheet - Lich ern Cygnaran Islands or west
Possibly born in Scharde
Born: Unknown. Ancient;
coastal region (then Mercari
lier tha n 500 BR (dates unconfirmed)
Transformed: Ear n)
munication method unknow
report to Lord Toruk, com
Reports to: Unknown (May nts
tion with Asphyxious (lar
gely from doc ume Most of the elements of this
Entities Named in Associa , Maelovus, Morbus, “fact” sheet are unverified,
nla nd cult s of Lord Toruk): Daeamortus
gathered from mai possibly erroneous, and/or
Deneghra, Terminus apocryphal. Reliable records
Most Recently Sighted:
Norther n Thornwood are difficult to come by. I
s helljacks, bonejacks, unto
ld thousands of thralls interpolated certain facts
Military Assets: Numerou and dates from a variety of
Thornwood, possibly
eved to be somewhere in the sources leaving considerable
Base of Operations: Beli
room for error.
rom anc er kno wn as
es by the way of a sur pris ing ly pol ite Lla eles e necbre d in him a des ire to
ce com has
The foll owi ng cor res pon denI est abl ish ed an am ena ble dia log . I sus pec t iso lati on ld of stu dy” is mor bid and eve n
“th e Rag ma n”, wit h who m and the orie s. Wh ile the sub ject of his par ticu lar “fieexp lain the nat ure of a lich .
com mu nic ate his tho ugh ts ny tra its wit h oth ers in aca dem ia. He att emp ted to
bla sph emo us, he sha res ma ency
me an ing . It ref ers to an un living entity which gains pot is
In my field “lich” has a preform from its true essence, commonly referred to as a “sothe quTh
cise ul”.
est by
by separating its corporealbeen an elusive refinement among necromancers, akin to e only recorded
particular procedure hasinto gold...[material omitted] “Iron liches” of Cryx are th tmare Empire
alchemists to turn lead figuration. So far as I am aware, no one outside the Nighseparate and
breed of successful trans this process. Iron liches maintain their corporeal form erence.
has ever managed to repeatwhich are likely kept elsewhere and protected from interf
distinct from their souls, s for th is separation, but one theorylysude ggests
g of th e rea son oy.
We have only a poor undey rst an din
s th e en tit y dif fic ul t, if no t im possible, to permane repstr
division of soul from bod, thmake sequential mechanism thfiee slicnehcrocan
ved e bod y bec om es an in con mantic
With the soul preser or rebuild as needed. This transfiguration ampli Iron lic s
change, modify, discard, r facility for siphoning energy from spiritual essence. highlyhe
power and provides greate d gain additional benefits from their distinct state...[
literally feed on souls aned]
technical material omitt nt fro m its mortal mental state. Pebu rsonality
eli ble im pri
Every self-willed undead ret ain s an ind
ge as a res ul t of tra ns figur ation to walking dead, t the
and moral convictions sometimes
imprint remains. ati on
iou s wo uld req uir e inform
per exa min ati on of Asp hyx
bel iev e a pro cou ld fin d
ear lies t rec ord I
s nec rom anc er led me to wri tte n rec ord fail s. The
My dis cus sio ns wit h thi s is an are a wh ere the
asi on, aro und 540 BR .
gin s. Un for tun ate ly, thi per iod of the Org oth inv
reg ard ing his mo rta l ori dat es fro m the ini tia l
Asp hyx iou s
wit h a like ly me nti on of 67
s, know he
ve heard of Asphyxiou
Whatever you may ha ist bo nds
ong the dead there ex
is a betrayer. Even am s n bind we
, and loyalty. Promise
ca After consider able time spent fruitless ly studying archaic
of oath, affiliation the earth. books, I abandon ed this line of inquiry and visited the Cryxian
s refuse to settle in
whose flesh and bo ne Who? He was port city of Blackwa ter. There I employed disguise s to try to
My master knew this. uncover informat ion, or at least a lead, but the locals were too
There must be order. e Lich Lords
the Thirteen. Yes, th afraid of their masters to speak openly. It soon became clear
Daeamortus, one of
e who sto od highest
among them. I would discover nothing of use through oblique enquirie s.
of Cryx—I served on the things Just when I had given up hope, I had an extreme ly unsettlin g
o planned so many of encounte r with a member of the local walking dead. This
It was my master wh ngent on
dit for. [O mitting ta creature , calling itself Kelonus, sought me out, likely having
Asphyxious takes cre
yx would be if Da ea mo rtu s still heard of my inquiries . Given that he was able to both discern
how much greater Cr my reasons and locate me, I made haste to leave the island
existed. immedia tely after our exchang e.
have squashed
e mistake. He should
Daeamortus made on n of his
insect at the first sig
Asphyxious like an my master with
came back, laid low
arrogance. That one the worst
and inflicted on him
treachery and deceit, did not sate
destroying him
of indignities. Simply of my master
e apar t the essence
Asphyxious, no. He tor now mocks him
a tool, a weapon, and
and shaped him into Asphyxious
s enters battle. When
each time Asphyxiou s incipient
w no ne could stop hi
came, he spoke of ho a madness in
to become a god. It is
divinity. He thirsts e to pass, he
a way to make this com
him. If there exists end Toruk,
pe one day he will off
will try it. It is my ho stepped on by
d the betra ye r wi ll learn what it is to be
a true god.
HURSTWALLEN REPORT is how long it took for king
s and generals to realize
they faced
anding of Cryx Asphyxious has directed
nce of our lack of underst r that the creature called
One unfortunate conseque centuries. It now seems clea Trea ties.
les dow n thro ugh the ar sinc e the Corv is
the same leaders in batt forces against Cygn
lving necro-mechanikal thought each appearance
most, Cryxian attacks invo “leader caste” category and
personally led many, if not of this enti ty und er a gene ric
gori zed sigh ting s
Observers consistently cate t creatures.
lar-looking but differen ian forces
represent any number of simi cks over the centuries, Cryx
repo rts mak es it clea r that, in hundreds of atta r of magnitude.
more descriptive by an orde
Isolating elements from the ars more often than the rest
inct indi vidu als lead ing them. Asphyxious appe of atta cks we call the
of dist sequence
have only had a handful to organize the bewildering
, this crea ture orga nize d or conspired with others in witn esse d acco unts and transcripts of
Without question ty of similarly pervasive
8 AR). The only other enti
Scharde Invasions (584-58 min us”.
a creature named “Ter insertio n of Asphyxious
on the
interrogated prisoners is to arrange the permanent
like ly that the Sch arde Invasions occurred simply out exte rna l supp ort. After 588 AR,
In retrospect, it seems ntain ongoing Cryxian oper
atio ns with In
icient support assets to mai ar, Khador, Llael, and Ord.
mainland together with suff ed deep inla nd, includin g strikes throughout Cygn
desc ript ion hav e orig inat simp ly cann ot com preh end it.
all reports containing his a larger pattern; we
e later attacks also have
we must assume that thes
light of this conclusion, ld
—Scout General Bolden Reba
ns, I turne d to
long centu ries of the lich’s inscr utabl e actio
Reali zing the futili ty of delvi ng deepe r into Repo rt in 605 AR was the first syste matic and organ ized
twall en
sourc es close r to the prese nt. Reba ld’s Hurs ously incom prehe nsibl e Cryx ian effor ts.
y to make sense of previ
attem pt by any main land intell igenc e agenc
One of the most
remarkable aspect
somehow lured no s of the fiasco is th
less than four disp e fact that the Cryx
In addition to ou arate armies to th ian iron lich Asph
r own soldiers, w e structure for a sim yxious
combatants inclu hose full measure ultaneous battle.
ded a sizable Cygn I have detailed in
aran contingent an the attached inve
of Menoth. At the d a gathering of m ntory,
end of the conflic ilitants from the Pr
confirmed fightin t, a second Cryxia otectorate
g between Cryxia n force arrived, an
a temporary pow n troops. Whether d scouts lingering
er struggle is unkn this represents a ge be hind
Asphyxious emer own and likely to nuine rift in their
ged from the tum re m ai n so. Whatever th ra nk s or
ult stronger than e case, I am confid
The Greylords in he entered. ent
our company conf
been activated to irmed that the mec
gather the souls of hanisms seen amid
played precisely in the slain. Asphyx the Temple Garro
to his hands. The io us used our violen dh had
the Cygnarans an on ly comfort we may ce for his own ends.
d Sul-Menites wer take from this man We
e equally duped. ipulation is the fa
Once we understo ct that
od that no conceiv
retreat and preser ab le tactical benefit
ved the bulk of ou would come from
an ideal location r soldiers and othe lingering, we mad
to observe the co r assets. However e our
Prince Vladimir Tz nclusion of the ba , th is does mean I was
epesci was presen ttle on the upper not in
t but has refused platform of the te
Empress Vanar m to answer any queries m pl e. G reat
ay have better succ on the topic. I su
Zevanna Agha co ess pressuring Prin gg est
uld also provide in ce Tzepesci to co
sight, if any on th operate. Likely th
e staff have any in e an cient
Th is let ter to the Hig fluence over her w
h Ko mm an d— on e of hatsoever.
pen ne d by Ko mm the mo re ag ita ted I ha
an ve
ru n acr oss rep eat edda nt Iru sk —r ela tes to a con fli ct in the Th orn see n
me nti on of thi s en cou wo od . I have
off ici al
rec ord s, it see ms a ba nte r. De spi te its ab sen ce fro
ttl e of im po rta nc e. m
Kommandant Gur
valdt Irusk
above all in the
ather, anointe
of the Dragonf
instrument . Be ready to
will through this
souls are his to
l! Our lives and
answer his cal
us, do not
consume. Any tas
k he requires of
form. A curse
worse than
hesitate to per
se who refuse.
oblivion upon tho
will bleed.
call! The for
ready for the
ll be drenched
Its twisted trees sha
rifice, the
tremendous sac
the blood of a
wars. Slaughte
r will begin
war to end all
him! We shall
sovereign. We
bow to
dark forest into
transform the
geny, feasting
on their
asunder His pro
d the
even as ours fee
flesh and souls
prince. Our master, this prin
xious. Never spe
know him as Asphy
is there hope
worth. Only in
in his eyes.
to find worth
/ s u m m e r r a m p a g e
. p r i v a t e e r p r e s s . c om
www 71
The Pendrake Encounters lets you tag along with adventuring scholar extraordinaire Viktor Pendrake and his various pupils as they explore and investigate the
lands and creatures of Immoren. To fully utilize these encounters, you will need copies of Monsternomicon, Vol. 1 and Monsternomicon, Vol II.
By Luke Johnson • Art by Brian Snoddy & Chris Walton
W hile I have met a few “civilized” trolls, and I count myself fortunate enough to have friends among the trollbloods, much
of the troll race is vicious, brutish, and above all, hungry. I speak not of the trollkin, who ponder and feel much as men
do, but rather of their full-blood troll cousins. While they can think and reason, and many have good hearts, the core of any troll
remains a hungry animal.
Trolls exist in a bewildering variety, and most of this variety arises due to the trolls’ diets. Trolls, having powerful gastric
juices and phenomenal regenerative ability, can eat just about anything. Indeed, some of them go out of their way to eat the
most vile and poisonous substances, which can radically influence their appearance.
For example, while most trolls eat meat and some vegetable matter, slag trolls subsist primarily on metals. (How this trait
developed I can only speculate). In their mountainous homes, slag trolls mostly crunch up and consume rocks for the bits of
metal inside them. Lucky slag trolls find deposits of mineral ore, and especially fortunate specimens run across civilization.
Our weapons, armor, machines, and mechanika, make the human societies of the Iron Kingdoms banquets for slag trolls.
Thus, when a slag troll finds such a place, he tends to stick around—and he has no qualms about swallowing the soft, pink
bits between tasty armor plates.
Even the slag troll’s mighty stomach rebels at the volume of metal the troll ingests, however. In an attempt to rid the troll’s
anatomy of the invasive substance, the troll’s body pushes the pieces of metal through its flesh. The troll’s muscle and tissue
regenerating as the metal slowly travels to the troll’s skin and pushes into the open. This process causes a buildup of metal
lumps and chunks on the troll’s already thick hide. In addition, this process must be painful, and I suspect some of the metals
poison the troll’s brain. Thus, slag trolls are even dimmer and more foul-tempered than their dire troll brethren—which I did
not imagine possible.
—Viktor Pendrake
Slag trolls are dire troll cousins a creature immediately charges, free to alter this. Since slag trolls
who dine on metal. This diet caused attacks, and eats. Only another troll eat anything that comes close, the
a number of changes in the troll’s has a chance of safely passing by a area should be somewhat far from
anatomy, including the evolution of slag troll unmolested. civilization. Not too far, though; a
incredibly powerful stomach acid, few unfortunate souls have already
This encounter, designed for four
metal plates and knobs punching encountered the troll. Make sure
PCs of 9th level, can take place
through the skin which resemble the to change the details to correspond
in virtually any mountainous
rocky calcification on dire trolls, and with the new location. (For example,
wilderness area. A cold region—
a constantly sour mood. Perpetually if you set the encounter in Rhul,
Khador, northern Llael, and Rhul,
hungry, like all trolls, slag trolls the bones in the troll’s den might
for example—works best. The
mostly consume metal, but their come from dwarves rather than
default setting is the Thundercliff
bodies also drive them to devour Khadorans, unless you’re looking
Peaks in eastern Khador, but feel
meat. A slag troll who encounters for another encounter hook). Feel
free to place the troll’s den as high or • One of the people the troll killed was ambush a monster in a cave, rather
as low in the mountains as you like, a friend or family member of one of than the other way around.
the PCs.
depending on how much difficult
The troll’s den is a gaping cave
climbing and mountaineering the • A force of trollbloods has heard that
a slag troll dwells in the mountains. mouth on a snow-capped peak.
players feel like doing.
The trollbloods want to enlist its Numerous troll tracks dot the snow
This encounter requires the Iron help in their cause, but they know all around as do drag marks from
Kingdoms Character Guide and the they can’t reason with it without first prey the troll has dragged into its
proving their strength. Thus, they
Monsternomicon, Vol. II (the slag troll cave. A character with the Track feat
send the PCs to subdue the slag troll
appears on pgs. 160–163). and return it to their camp. (Note that can use the Survival skill to discover
doing so is significantly more difficult certain information at this point:
Encounter Background than slaying the troll.) • DC 10 reveals that the most
One nasty, brutish slag troll recent tracks are a couple hours old.
(adjectives that describe them The Den (EL 11) The creature that made the tracks
obviously lairs in the cave.
all) lairs in a cave system in the The PCs encounter the troll in
Thundercliff Peaks. Society (and its den. The PCs arrive while the • DC 15 determines that a Huge
adventurers) would be better off just troll made the tracks. Combining this
troll is away (hunting, searching,
check with a Knowledge (nature) (DC
leaving the troll alone to terrorize
15) check determines that they are
the local mountain goats and caribou dire troll tracks, while a Knowledge
in peace. And alone they might have (nature) (DC 20) check reveals that
left him except for two factors. the troll is a slag troll. (Of course, at
First, a group of Khador any point the characters realize that
their quarry is a slag troll, they can use
explorers ran afoul of
bardic knowledge, Knowledge
the troll and wound (nature), or divination
up decorating its magic to determine what
den with their they know about such
blood. Second, creatures. See pg. 163
of the Monsternomicon
and more
vol. II for the troll’s
importantly, the legends and lore.)
troll lairs in an
• DC 20 identifies the
untapped gold
drag marks as belonging to
mine. The troll a mountain goat and a polar
chose this cave bear. The mountain goat was brought
because of its natural in a couple days ago, the bear a couple
mineral deposits; the beast, days before that.
of course, has no idea or concern • DC 25 identifies a single boot print
that this yellow metal holds great made by a humanoid foot, perhaps
value to humans. two weeks ago. The marks indicate a
man wearing mountaineering gear. A
What brings the PCs to the Search check (DC 25) also locates the
Thundercliff Peaks and then to the print, but the PC needs the Track feat
and the Survival check to determine
troll’s den is up to you and your investigating, or whatever it is slag
further information.
players. Some ideas include: trolls do when they’re not home) and
• A family member, acquaintance, find numerous clues about the beast In addition, a Search check (DC 20)
or employer of one of the missing that lives there without immediately discovers a small yellow flake near
Khadoran explorers asks or hires the identifying it. Thorough and the cave mouth: gold! The flake isn’t
PCs to discover what happened to clever characters can also discover worth anything on its own (at least,
resources and opportunities to do not more than a few silvers), but it
• Blaustava Shipping and Rail believes some damage to the troll when it indicates the possible presence of
that unfound gold veins run through returns. Thus, while a straight fight gold in the cave.
the Thundercliff Peaks. The company
with a slag troll would be difficult
hires the PCs to search the place. When the PCs enter the cave, read
for 9th-level characters, PCs who
• Rumors of dragonspawn in the or paraphrase the following. The
use their skills and their brains can
area prompt other forces to hire the description assumes that they have
ambush the troll and make the battle
PCs to investigate the mountains a light source; if they don’t, the cave
for the Legion of Everblight and to easier. This encounter rewards
is dark, with only the light from
gather intelligence if they do find strategy and careful planning. It
outside providing illumination.
dragonspawn. also lets the PCs turn the tables and
entrance shortly after the PCs have Gold: The gold on the walls, while
READ ALOUD: made their plan and begun lying in impressive, does not tell the PCs as
The cave mouth opens into a large wait. If the PCs post a lookout, he much as the marks on the walls. The
cavern, the ceiling soaring upward to sees the troll approach when the walls around the obvious gold veins
thirty or forty feet. The place bears beast is still ten minutes away. are scored and smashed, as if with
an unpleasant animal smell, as of
large claws and powerful fists. In
some great creature dwelling within.
It is cold, and icicles spill from slick Secrets of the Den addition, characters who specifically
overhangs. Rocks of many sizes lie piled This encounter gives the PCs look for gold in the cavern itself
about, some over ten feet across. To the
everything they need to figure out (rather than the walls), or those who
left, the ground slopes sharply upward make a Spot (DC 35) or Search
into darkness. To the right, the ground what lives her and have a chance
slopes down to a frozen lake. Its length to prepare. Ideally, they determine (DC 30) check, notice that none of
is lost in shadow. that a slag troll lairs here and the rocks in the cavern have any sign
develop a good idea of what to of gold (the slag troll has eaten them
Characters who make Spot checks do against such a beast. The PCs all). This fact is a further clue the
(DC 15) also notice yellow glints on might uncover this information PCs can use to identify the cavern’s
the walls. Closer inspection reveals through use of skills like Survival occupant.
thin veins of gold. The visible gold and Knowledge (nature) as well as An appropriate skill check (such
isn’t worth much on its own, but it bardic knowledge and divination as Profession [miner]) at DC 20
probably indicates additional gold magic. They might also uncover determines that the gold in the walls
deposits within the walls and deeper clues and strategies in the den. could indicate gold deposits in the
in the earth.
The following features and secrets mountain’s recesses worth as much
Conditions wait in the cave for the PCs to as 10,000 gp or more.
discover. In all cases that are signs Excrement: A Search check (DC
The cave has no light unless the PCs
of the troll (claw marks on the 10) reveals the troll’s latrine: a pile
have some. It is cold (but not cold
wall, excrement, and so forth), a of now-frozen (but fresh) excrement
enough to deal damage, assuming
Knowledge (nature) check (DC 15) near the lake shore.
characters are properly attired) and
identifies the den’s occupant as a dire
eerily quiet. Boulders: A number of large,
troll, while a DC 20 check identifies
The purpose of the encounter is it as a slag troll. (Characters can rounded rocks stand about.
for the PCs to use foresight and then use Knowledge (nature) to Characters could move the largest
strategy to defeat their foe. Thus, learn more.) Each additional clue to the top of the slope, and roll them
they need some time in the den that a character examines (including onto the troll. Doing so requires a
before the slag troll returns. The the tracks outside) provide a +2 ranged attack roll; the troll makes a
monster appears at the cavern’s bonus to these Knowledge checks. Reflex save (DC = the result of the
attack roll) to avoid the rock. Failure
means the troll takes
3d6 points of damage.
Slag Troll Cave Encounter 40 ft. decline
Three boulders of
appropriate size are
The Lake: The lake measures 50’
wide, 60’ long, and 20’ deep and Slag Troll
has just a couple inches of ice on its The slag troll returns to its den whenever appropriate. It drags behind it what’s left
surface, which makes it treacherous of a caribou (the part it hasn’t yet eaten). The creature suffers a -2 to Listen and
for heavy characters and for slag Spot checks as it does not expect to fall under attack in its den.
trolls. The ice can support up to The slag troll’s appearance at the cave should be impressive, and not just because
it’s a huge, nasty creature. The troll’s metallic diet has consisted mainly of gold,
200 pounds with increasingly and the metal bumps and armor on its skin are all gold. The gold is grimy and cov-
dangerous cracking, but anything ered in snow and mud, but the PCs can easily recognize the yellow glint.
over 200 pounds that remains on Slag Troll: hp 159. See the Monsternomicon, vol. II, pgs. 160–163, for statistics.
the ice for more than a move action
Tactics: Though not currently ravenous (as close as these creatures get to
falls through. Swimming is easy— “sated”), the slag troll would never pass up the chance to dine on tasty new mor-
DC 10—but the water is frigid. sels—especially any carrying metal. The sight of intruders incites it to fury, and it
Creatures in it take 1d6 points of rages immediately. It charges the first intruder it sees, and keeps pummeling until
they all go down. Its cleverest tactic is to vomit on whoever wears the most armor.
cold damage per round. In addition, It pursues creatures out of its lair, but the PCs might shake it by splitting up (in
climbing out onto the slippery ice which case perhaps only one of them will die) or traveling across difficult terrain.
requires a Climb check (DC 15) and Treasure: In addition to the equipment the PCs find on the Khador explora-
could cause further shattering at the tion team, they can extract gold worth 3,000 Khadoran talons from the slag troll’s
GM’s discretion. body (a process taking several hours).
In addition, the PCs could cash in by bringing a mining team to the cave or gain a
The Exploration Team: A couple reward (worth an amount of your choosing) by alerting a mining company to the
weeks ago, a Khadoran exploration cave’s existence. How much gold might be hidden in the rocks is up to you.
team stumbled across the cave just as
the PCs have done. Unfortunately, backpack and discarded it. Within vol. II for slag trolls, carniveans,
the troll came home before they its ruined remains lie several sheets nephilim, and the Lord of the Feast–
could properly prepare, and they of tightly rolled parchment in a –and others act as scrolls containing
proved no match for it. A Search wooden scroll case. Some of these the arcane spells burning hands, charm
(DC 20) check uncovers their detail the dangerous aspects of monster, cone of cold, ice storm, knock,
gnawed remains wedged between several monsters––including all the and rusting grasp.
several boulders and the wall. information from the “Legends &
Lore” sections of the Monsternomicon
The slag troll ate most of the
explorers and their possessions,
but it smelled nothing tasty in one
Last issue, we gave a peek at two of the six
Monsterpocalypse factions: the noble G.U.A.R.D.
and ferocious Terrasaurs. This issue, things
turn much darker with the horrific Lords of
e n
Ag andd a
Cthul and the enigmatic Shadow Sun Syndicate.
i o n s
The good guys. Protectors fight to defend a
Fac 2
way of life, even if it means demolishing a
few buildings in the process.
Part e—
Shadow Sun Syndicate
b r in g s th e g ia nt monster genr These guys have motivations known only
se rm
Monsterpoclayp orite—to the tabletop in the fo to them—sometimes it’s a good thing for
a pop culture fa d, action-packed collectable humanity, other times humanity is just a
of a fast-pace tures game.
stepping stone.
o u ’l l g e t w h e n you pick up Radicals—
Curious what y
p s e ? H e r e ’s a little bit of Terrasaurs & Green Fury
Monsterpoca u can expect: Focused only on an ideal, they care little
what yo for humanity when compared to advancing
ver their goals.
o c a ly p s e la unches with o
• Monsterp d plastic
h ig h - q u a li ty pre-painte
6 0 Invaders—???
collectible fig Earth offers these guys something they
tu n n in g la rg e-scale mons want, and they’ll stop at nothing to have it.
• S , and
e s tr o y a b le c ity structures
attack vehicle
s. Destroyers—???
starter Wanton destruction is their singular
Fi g u re s s o ld in randomized
• motivation. It’s nothing personal, just don’t
ster boxes.
boxes and boo get in their way.
Ea c h b o o s te r contains a g d
u re , s o y o u ’re guarantee
monster fi g Fiends—Lords of Cthul
with each box. Pure evil, through and through. These
titanic action
et your creatures destroy because they enjoy
rg a n iz e d p la y support—g inflicting pain and suffering.
•O who is
ie n d s to g e th er to find out
fr em all!
e b ig g e s t a n d baddest of th
.p r iv a t e
www ocalypse
This month, No Quarter features a sneak peek
at two of the factions that protect, preserve, ?
or plunder the world of Monsterpocalypse
and the agendas they pursue.
“Lo and behold, the shroud betwixt out world and the other
shall be pierced, and that pierce shall become a tear. And
through this rift shall flow a wave of darkness so that the cities
of man will be flooded by the corruption of
“What could be more magnificent
the abyss. And there will be none
than the fusion of the greatest
to stand against this vile tide,
for the armies of every nation achievements in science and
will be sundered beneath the the noble heart of man?”
might of giants who shall —Dr. Arisu Kaneko,
rule the Earth.” creator of the Zors
T raditionally, warjacks have followed the trends of
human armies in regards to equipping and outfitting
them for war. For centuries, they wielded massive swords
and spears, crushing hammers, and wicked axes as if as if
they were heavier and heavier infantry. They carried
plating layered like human armor or hefted
oversized versions of a human warrior’s
shield. The evolution of increasingly
effective firearms, however, increased
destructive potential to ranged
combat and forced the makers of
warjacks to adapt. Designers
spent decades, even centuries,
competing in an arms race to
most effectively combine
NO Quarter Magazine: Guts & Gears
dead end, and the lack of mobility
required for a full-range shot
disgusted them. They answered
the mobile artillery problem with
reliable, potent, blasting powder.
Spurred on by Queen Ayn VI and
the continuing tensions between
Khador and their Ordic and
Cygnaran rivals, the Mechaniks
Assembly leapt ahead of their time
with the invention of the bombard.
NO Quarter Magazine: Guts & Gears
The first models used tried and for the warjack to move, and massive axe heads, tempered and re-
trusted pinlock technology on a exemplified the simple reliability of tempered in the Motherland’s hottest
grander scale than ever seen before. sturdy Khadoran craftsmanship writ forges, to tremendous effect. The
The revolutionary element of the larger than ever before. metallurgical processes pioneered by
weapon lay in the introduction of a these craftsmen, when refined, would
The Mechaniks Assembly now had
huge, self-contained metal cartridge. appear again centuries later in the
to ensure that the rest of the machine
Rather than a simple pin, this shell forging of armor-piercing field gun
matched the impressive nature of
required a massive pneumatic wedge ammunition. At the time, as the first
the Destroyer’s bombard before
to mix the copious amounts of red such experimental blades sheared
they could consider suggesting
and black powder in each pre-crafted with horrific ease through any armor
the warjack for military use. The
cartridge. The shell, itself packed plate put before them, they earned
Volvningrad men working on
full of the same powders to assure a the nickname Executioner axes. This
designing the Destroyer looked to
secondary explosion upon impact, combination of awesome firepower
the then-new Juggernaut, not the
hurtles from the barrel in much and trusty Khadoran strength made
aged Berserker, for inspiration. They
the same way a standard weapon the Destroyer an instant favorite.
made few changes to that impressive
would fire, but the rate of fire and
chassis beyond the inclusion of their The first major battles in which these
reliability of the machine comes from
mighty new bombards, but many warjacks fought, despite this new
what happens next. The spent shell
within the Mechaniks Assembly technology, ended in defeat. The
simply ejects automatically using
feared that the lack of a close combat Thornwood War did not produce
pressure from the blast and a fresh
weapon (or even the massive fist of a victory for Khador, but the
cartridge loads into place from the
the Juggernaut) would leave the Destroyer’s broad shoulders bore
weapon’s underslung magazine. This
Destroyer too vulnerable in melee none of the blame; quite the opposite,
removed the need for vulnerable
combat. To compensate, they made in fact. Among the first military
infantry loaders to ready the next
the weapon it did possess—its decisions made in the aftermath of
shot, eliminated the requirement to
fearsome axe—all the mightier. the Battle of the Tongue mandated
harness the steam power necessary
Early Destroyer prototypes wielded that Khadoran warcasters receive
NO Quarter Magazine: Guts & Gears
more Destroyers. Even using the Historians would come to call this barrel and shock hammer with
shorter barrel and less powerful series of brutal skirmishes in 568 a single swipe, and the satisfied
shell of the day, the bombards so AR the Battle of Northwood. The Khadorans withdrew after a
impressed Khadoran commanders nickname given it by an irreverent relatively short time. Explanations
that Destroyers accounted for almost Ordic infantryman caught in and condolences went to King
one in three of all new warjacks the middle would stick with the Vinter Raelthorne III insisting
produced to replace those lost. survivors of either side: The Hard that the Khadoran 3rd had
Many of Khador’s greatest military Rain. The nature of the skirmishes thought themselves engaged with
minds, even the brilliant Irusk, feel forced canny officers on both sides unchartered mercenaries using
to this day that bodged-together
had such numbers secondhand
of Destroyers Cygnaran
existed before that machinery.
war, the maps of The wording
western Immoren of the letters to
would look very Cygnar and Ord
different today. was never diplomatic
enough to be considered
Not only the Khadorans
apologies instead of
respected this new
insults. They averted
self-contained cannon,
all-out war nonetheless,
however. Well aware of
and Khadoran military
the high cost that came
leaders and inventors
with facing Khadoran
alike remained certain
warjacks in melee, the
of their machine’s
inventors and mechaniks
dominance over its
of the Cygnaran Armory
Cygnaran counterpart.
worked diligently to
unlock the design of The High Kommand’s
these new guns and satisfaction with the
bring similar weapons Destroyer persists to
to bear. This effort this day. Well over
produced the Charger, a century since the
which uses self- machine first set metal
contained cartridges foot on the field of battle,
to pioneer new methods of combat.
modified for an even higher rate of nearly seventy years since the last
They fought constantly over the
fire in exchange for smaller rounds. major modification to the design,
high ground in a cat and mouse
Khadorans consider this a pitifully the Destroyer still stands at the
game of ambush and counter. The
weak, underpowered machine and forefront of Khadoran armies as a
mobile firepower of both sides––the
an insult to the Destroyer’s creators’ broad and powerful cornerstone
Khadoran 3rd Border Patrol with
innovation. The Defender, however, of their tactical doctrine, a central
their Destroyers against the newly
proved more worthy as a rival to the aspect of how field kommanders
painted Cygnaran Defenders––
Destroyer’s fearsome power. wage war. The Winter Guard and
matched one another in a deadly
other masses of Khadoran infantry
When word reached Khadoran High competition.
who trust their lives to its armored
Kommand of a Cygnaran presence
From atop the knolls and high cliffs brawn and the covering fire of its
in Ord, including Defenders, sent
of the rough Ordic countryside, mighty bombard see the Destroyer
to aid King Alvor Cathor IV in
the rival war machines lay down as a blessing from Morrow, Menoth,
patrolling his border, the Khadorans
intimidating amounts of firepower. or both. The proud men and
considered it a challenge. They
The Destroyer swiftly emerged women of the Khadoran Mechaniks
decided to pit their trusted design
victorious in the eyes of the Assembly see it simply as perfection.
against the upstart Cygnaran
Khadoran High Command, though,
contraption amidst the craggy hills
with the twin advantages of its
of eastern Ord, not far from the
high arcing fire and its resilience.
Thornwood where the Destroyer
Executioner Axes brutally sheared
had first made its name.
off more than one Defender heavy
NO Quarter Magazine: Guts & Gears
Destroyer Tactics
By David Boeren
T he Destroyer’s versatility
has made it consistently one
of the most popular Khadoran
bring a Destroyer because you want
a powerful, resilient melee model
that has a flexible, boostable ranged
unit leaders, and even warcaster at a
great range. Screening the target with
other models only works if they stick
warjacks since its introduction in weapon. The Destroyer can do far close together, which limits mobility
WARMACHINE: Prime. It has an more damage in melee than it can at and increases vulnerability to your
excellent melee weapon, nearly as range, and when the critical goes off, AOEs or other models with multiple
good as the Juggernaut’s mighty Ice it can help ruin an enemy ‘jack fast melee attacks. Arcing Fire holds the
Axe, but it also packs a long-ranged and limit your opponent’s response key to using the Destroyer as a board
AOE that makes it a useful ‘jack options. Boost those attack rolls to control piece. It can matter less what
in a much wider set of situations. ensure hits and increase the chance of your Destroyer kills than what it
Since Khador usually can’t afford criticals. It’s seldom worth boosting threatens to kill. Keeping the pressure
multiple warjacks as easily as other damage on POW 18, so spend that on with your bombard will forces
factions, bringing a ‘jack that can focus on additional attacks. Fire at your opponent to take precautions
do something useful every turn only key enemy models as you advance to that slows his plans. Arcing Fire
makes sense. force a defensive reaction. This helps can often give you better choices of
you keep the initiative despite the deviation points for AOEs too.
The right tool for the right job Destroyer’s rather plodding SPD.
If you brought a Destroyer simply for
anti-infantry blasts, consider taking a
You can run, but you can’t hide
Mortar Crew and saving a hundred The bombard’s most impressive
points. Nothing will disappoint you feature is not its POW 14 or even
with this ‘jack faster than treating it the AOE, but Arcing Fire. This lets
as just a bombard delivery system— you threaten your opponent’s solos,
NO Quarter Magazine: Guts & Gears
Painting the Destroyer
By Todd Arrington
Base the steel parts with Pig Iron, the white portions of the armor with a
mix of 50/50 Hammerfall Khaki and Menoth White Highlight, the shoulder
plates with Khador Red Base, and the gold portions with Rhulic Gold.
What You’ll Need:
Base Coat Colors: Arcane Blue
Steel—Pig Iron • Whites—Hammerfall Khaki, Menoth White Highlight
Shoulder Plates—Khador Red Base • Golds—Rhulic Gold Armor Wash
Battlefield Brown
Bloodtracker Brown
Shading Blue Ink
Wash the steel parts with a mix of two parts Bloodtracker Brown and one Cold Steel
part Armor Wash. Once dry, wash again with a mix of two parts Exile Blue
and one part Armor Wash. Wash the white portions with a mix of Hammerfall Exile Blue
Khaki and a small amount of Battlefield Brown. For the shoulder plates,
first apply Khador Red Base, Khador Red Highlight, and finally Menoth Hammerfall Khaki
White Base, blending together to get a nice even shade. Wash the gold with
a mix of two parts Bloodtracker Brown and one part Armor Wash. Heartfire
Detail the steel portions and rivets with Quick Silver. Use Morrow White in small
touches to clean up the edgework of the white portions and the rivets. Define the
edges of the shoulder plates with Menoth White Base. Add small touches on the edges
of the gold portions with Quick Silver. Wash the large screws with a mix of Armor Wash
and Exile Blue. To make the furnace glow, apply Heartfire with a feathered out edge.
Then, thin down Morrow White to a wash and carefully apply it in the vent holes. For
the eyes, first apply Heartfire, followed by Morrow White, centered as the iris. Glaze
down the axe blade with a mix of half Blue Ink to half Turquoise Ink, followed by
Mixing Medium. When dry, apply Arcane Blue to the axe’s ice vents, feathering out
the edge. When dry, make a wash of Morrow White and carefully apply it inside the
axe’s vent holes.
Details Colors:
Steel—Quick Silver • Whites—Morrow White
Shoulder Plates—Menoth White Base
Golds—Quick Silver • Large Screws—Armor Wash, Exile Blue
Eyes and Furnace Glow—Heartfire, Morrow White
Axe Blade—Blue Ink, Mixing Medium, Turquoise Ink
Ice Vents—Arcane Blue, Morrow White
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Body Parts
Tharn Ravager Shaman Epic Irusk Head
Head Head
Troll Bouncer
Troll Bouncer Left Arm
Epic Nemo
Epic Irusk
Khadoran Flag
Epic Nemo
Troll Bouncer
Epic Nemo Shield
Arcane Accumulators
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personalities, teams, personas, likenesses indicate compatibility or co-adaptability No Quarter Magazine: Issue #18,
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by Rob Hawkins
by Michael Stubbs
“Undead Bokur”
“Riven” by Jeremy Teets
by Drew Olds
The Player Gallery 93
Skorne Fortress By Pat Ohta
Lance Park
Is the winner of the Rock
Hard Challenge with his
stone and gem studded
Devastator. We knew
Devastators had thick
armor, but sheesh—try to
get through that rocky hide!
Professor Pendrake: A fascinating
evidence of fruit, vegetables, or
question, particularly since I am
S 2008
unfamiliar with the term “prion”. I bread within Tharn villages.
presume you refer to the occasional Q: Do the skorne keep house pets?
maladies noted to arise among Professor Pendrake: The
G E!
cannibalistic human tribes, widely
skorne enjoy taming and training
considered a curse by Menoth. numerous beasts, but I did not
Trolls have an amazing resilience witness anything akin to a “house
and heartiness which transcends pet”. I expect they would find
ordinary diseases. They can consume our enjoyment of harmless and
substances other species would affectionate creatures an oddity. The
consider poison, so I have to say no. only beasts I saw them make use of
2008 Summer Rampage Event A troll can apparently eat another were those of a violent disposition or
Let the focus and fury fly this summer! troll without any discomfort. They bent toward productive labor. They
do prefer eating non-trolls in most might understand our use of oxen,
occasions, given the option. Whether for example. Perhaps they would
this is cultural or a matter of not appreciate a house cat, seeing it kill
liking the taste of other trolls is vermin, or a dog put to work chasing
unknown. sheep. But a “useless” animal, taking
Regarding Tharn, there is no food and water that could go to
conclusive information. While skorne, would be something nearer
they were once humans, they may to insanity.
have become something different. The closest I saw to animals being
Their physiology may have altered kept as house pets was a breed of
sufficiently that they are no longer reptiles called kasvites found outside
the same species. Their feasting on a number of skorne dwellings. These
human flesh might therefore not be creatures feed on large insects akin
Bestial Beyond Compare technically cannibalism, no more to western mosquitoes, except more
Tharn Ravagers in Guts and Gears so than when trolls eat people. bloodthirsty. The skorne tolerate
(Clearly, in either regard this is such reptiles in as much as they do
an unfortunate situation for those not eat or otherwise harrass them,
PLUS, an Epic Warlock Battle being eaten, and likely care little but I never saw anyone name these
Report, Trollblood Tactics, whether we call it cannibalism.) creatures or claim to own them.
and Ashlynn D’Elyse in the With their short and violent lives
Have a question for the Professor?
Gavyn Kyle Files Post in the No Quarter section at: www.
Captain Jeremiah Kraye of the Cygnaran Reconnaissance Service hits the dusty trail. Read about him in WARMACHINE: Legends, coming this August.
Call to Arms
2008 Tour Schedule
Tour Start Week End Week
Occupied Llael 1/7/08 2/25/08
Bloodstone Borderlands 3/17/08 5/5/08
Broken Coast Raids 5/26/08 7/14/08
Caspia-Sul Incursions 9/15/08 11/3/08
Ask your local Game Store about how you can jump into the action of the Call to Arms League! For more information on Leagues, go to:
Privateer Press, WARMACHINE®, HORDES and all related logos, factions, warjacks, warbeasts, characters and their distinctive likenesses are TM and/or © 2001 - 2008 Privateer Press, Inc.