No Quarter 16 v2
No Quarter 16 v2
No Quarter 16 v2
Kreoss in the Gavyn Kyle Files
WARMACHINE REcent battles
and Hordes trooper tactics
On the Cover
Epic Nemo by Kieran Yanner
A self - taught artist born and raised in the Australian coastal city of Darwin , Kieran
crossed the pacific at the age of 20 to pursue his dreams in the land of opportunity — the
U nited States of America. With some hard work and many sleepless nights , he has amassed
a broad client base from around the world and produced creative works for a number of
leading entertainment companies .
No Quarter Magazine
All contents herein including Privateer Press, Iron Kingdoms, The Witchfire Trilogy, Monsternomicon, Five Fingers: Port of Deceit, Full Metal Fantasy, WARMACHINE®, Steam-
Powered Miniatures Combat, WARMACHINE: Prime Remix, WARMACHINE: Escalation, WARMACHINE: Apotheosis, WARMACHINE: Superiority, Forces of WARMACHINE:
Pirates of the Broken Coast, HORDES, Monstrous Miniatures Combat, HORDES: Primal, HORDES: Evolution, HORDES: Metamorphosis, No Quarter Magazine, Formula P3,
Infernal Contraption, Infernal Contraption 2: Sabotage!, BODGERS, Gamer Hooligan, Monsterpocalypse, all related logos, slogans, character names and distinctive likenesses, places,
things, and story elements are TM and/or © 2001-2008, Privateer Press, Inc. All other trademarks not owned by Privateer Press Inc. that appear in this magazine are the property of
their respective owners who may or may not be affiliated with, connected to, or sponsored by Privateer Press Inc. First printing Vol. 3, Issue 16: January 2008. Printed in the USA.
This magazine contains works of fiction, any resemblance to actual people, organizations, places, or events in those works of fiction are purely coincidental. Duplicating any portion of
the materials herein unless specifically addressed within the work or by written permission from Privateer Press is strictly prohibited. In the event that permissions are granted such
duplications shall be intended solely for personal, noncommercial use and must maintain all copyrights, trademarks, or other notices contained therein or preserve all marks associated thereof.
Two shots below the waterline for the scallywag who pirates the pirates. Ye been warned.
2008: A Legendary Year
and have used a variety of paints. Believe me when I
tell you Formula P3 paints are the most awesome and
exciting paints I have ever used! I want the readers
out there to know just how great these paints are. I
have NEVER before seen white cover completely in
I am an avid reader and proud owner of every issue just a single coat!
of No Quarter. But the thing that bothered me a bit — Benn “Arkangel” Williams
in issue 14 is that there are no “gears”. We got the
guts, the Protectorate of Menoth Deliverers unit,
but where was the ‘jack or warbeast? Thanks for the recommendation Benn! We always
like to hear what experienced painters have to say.
— LCPL Brenton J Brown
While we are getting great responses from those
who have tried Formula P3 paints, some readers
The Guts & Gears format has changed recently just have asked how to find the paint in their area. Try
as you noticed. We plan to focus on either a unit or our updated and revised store search online at
a warjack/warbeast each issue. We should point out which now
that the page count for the article hasn’t decreased. shows what stores carry Formula P3.
This means that even though we only cover one subject If you are still having problems locating a store who
instead of two, we’re giving it twice the coverage. For carries Formula P3 in your area, let us know. Contact
example, the Guts & Gears article for the Deliverers in our Customer Support at frontdesk@privateerpress.
No Quarter #14 spans eight full pages rather than the com with the subject “Finding Formula P3”.
four pages a unit would have received in the previous
A while back, shortly after the first Hordes releases,
The main reason for this increase is our desire to
there was a tactics article for Circle Orboros. Will
include tactics and painting tips about the subject
there be a similar article on the other HORDES
matter, to expand our coverage but not tread on
factions too?
the features and other content. That does not mean
that this new format is etched in serricsteel. It can, —Thomas Thijs
and likely will, change over time to better met your
needs. We might see a Guts & Gears ‘double feature’
in a future issue that covers both units and warjacks/ Who knew the masters of fang and fur could be so
warbeasts. We just cannot promise that we will have darn tactical? Tactics articles are our most requested
the space to do that in every issue. kind of article, and so we’ll be doing a whole series of
them for HORDES in 2008. Put on your fur-skinned
We want you to keep sending your thoughts and thinking caps, time to get schooled HORDES style!
feedback our way so we can improve our work and
service. You can discuss the topic on our forums at We’d be glad to hear what Got a question or something to say? Did we do
others think on the matter. something praise-worthy, or commit an hangin’
offense? Let us know! Write the editorial staff of No
Quarter at
W ith this ’jack, I thee wed…”
Chris and Micki Kornfeld
show off their respective factions’
warjacks—immediately after
their wedding ceremony at the
courthouse! Congratulations you
two, and here’s to hoping that
warjacks are recognized as legal
es of
n? Send us pictur
ark in your tow
Got a cool landm asts ou t on wa lka bo ut to
your ’jacks or be
ab o u tt o w n @ p
jack e ’em, we’ll print
If we lik
a multi-genre gaming convention with a steampunk theme
Mercenary Privateer
Master Gunner Mercenary Privateer Minion Feralgeist
Dougal MacNaile Lady Aiyana & Master Holt Sculptor: Edgar Ramos
Sculptor: Steve Saunders Sculptor: Werner Klocke PIP 75010 $9.99
PIP 41052 $9.99 PIP 41055 $15.99
Privateer Press Formula P3 Drybrushes and Flat Brushes
four specialized brushes deliver the best possible control for
drybrushing everything from large areas to the finest details. The Small
and Large Drybrushes have rounded tips ideal for painting irregular areas
such as mechanical systems and basing materials. The Small and Large Flat
Brushes provide precise control when covering broad, smooth areas such as
warjack armor or walls for scenic projects.
Skorne Immortals
Those skorne warriors preserved from oblivion by ancestral guardians sometimes receive bodies carved
from stone and hardened clay, take up weapons heavier than any mortal could swing, and go forth to
fight again as Immortals. They may die a hundred deaths only to have a new body crafted each time and
rise again to stand alongside the living and wage war eternal.
Legion of Everblight Blight Archer
& Ammo Porter Unit Attachment
The Legion’s hundreds of blighted archers are
commanded by deacons who once led entire shards.
At their signal, archers aim for the most vulnerable
targets and cripple or maim what they cannot slay
outright. Young arrow porters allow the archers
to fire endlessly without breaking their killing
rhythm and provide poisoned arrows to slay the
most crucial targets.
Skorne Venator Catapult Crew
While the skorne embrace cannons, they value catapults as tools to slaughter massed infantry. Venators
prefer to fire a heavy ball packed with explosives and steel shards, which creates an earth-shaking explosion
and sprays deadly fragments through the surrounding area. The catapult lobs projectiles high over
intervening obstacles and has proven devastating to both warjacks and warbeasts caught in the blasts.
Sculptor: Olivier Nkweti Lafitte & Ben Saunders • PIP 74030 $29.99
These attractive metal tokens for WARMACHINE and
HORDES make collecting and tracking souls easy. Each
blister pack includes nine Souls suitable for gaming and
modeling. Cryx, Skorne, and Protectorate of Menoth
players get the most use out of Souls and enjoy using
multiple blister packs.
A Monstrous SCALE!
Created by the award-winning game designers of Privateer Press, the Monsterpocalypse™
Collectable Miniatures Game brings the cinematic excitement of giant monsters ravaging an
urban landscape right to your tabletop. Nothing could be bigger or more fun!
Dive into the world of Monsterpocalypse in the next issue of No Quarter, when we
bring you juicy details on this exciting new tabletop game. Until then, don’t miss the
photos of prototype models and get regular updates about the game by visiting:
A Preview of WARMACHINE: Legends Warcasters
WARMACHINE: Legends, the
culmination of all our previous
efforts and the most exciting
expansion yet, waits just around
the corner. Legends will bring
a number of the plotlines first
established in Prime: Remix and
Escalation to an exciting close
and open up opportunities for
new storylines and characters.
Certainly, all of western
Immoren will never be the same.
The book overflows with
dynamic and interesting
models for every faction,
further exploring previously
established army themes as
well as opening up all new
play styles. Legends focuses on
characters, including a new
warcaster for each faction in
addition to pushing one of the
more beloved warcaster from
each faction to epic status.
Character abounds in other
respects, including legendary
solos, units, and warjacks.
While Legends has no new
mercenary warcasters,
the book includes several
dynamic new mercenary
characters and units.
(Mercenary players looking
for new ‘casters should check
out Forces of WARMACHINE:
Pirates of the Broken Coast,
released in December.)
Unique character warjacks
first appeared in Apotheosis,
but players will discover
new features with the
character ‘jacks in Legends.
These represent individual
machines built on previously
established chassis that have
fought alongside specific
warcasters long enough
to develop unique quirks,
abilities, and affinities. Such
legendary warjacks resemble
their original chassis, but
possess special modifications
to match their distinct
personalities and battle
As a taste of the things to
come, this preview spotlights
one warcaster for each faction
on the pages to follow. This
includes epic warcasters for
Cygnar and Khador, along
with new warcasters for
Cryx and the Protectorate of
Menoth. Look for additional
previews of Legends models in
the next issue of No Quarter
A Preview of WARMACHINE:
Legends Warcasters
—King Leto Raelthorne, approving the Warmaster General’s request for promotion
Sebastian Nemo has given three lifetimes that age has done nothing to dampen his
of service to his nation, soldiered under skill or enthusiasm for battle.
three Raelthorne kings, and defended
Cygnar for nearly fifty years. Despite Using General Adept
his sacrifices Nemo knows his nation Sebastian Nemo
needs him now more than ever. Recent
While already good with warjacks,
battles forced the newly promoted general
Nemo’s promotion has only expanded
to rethink his tactics. As an inventor,
this play style. General Nemo benefits
Nemo grew accustomed to tearing up
even more from incorporating additional
old schematics and starting fresh. He has
warjacks into his battlegroup to multiply
done the same with both his approach to
the effect of his powerful High Voltage
war and the weapons he bears to fight in
feat. Using Force Field and his improved
his king’s name.
armor, General Nemo can advance closer
During his recuperation from injuries to the action and keep heavy ‘jacks nearby
sustained at the Orgoth temple of Garrodh, as linebackers without fear of harm or
Nemo redesigned his weapons and knock down if his line gets slammed.
warcaster armor by expanding techniques
In most cases the focus provided by the
developed when creating the armor Lord
High Voltage feat serve Nemo best when
Commander Stryker “appropriated” for his
left on the warjacks for them to pummel
war against the Menites. Nemo has learned
enemies into paste. However, with Focus
to rely on the strength of his warjacks more
Matrix, Nemo can spend focus casting
than ever and honed his powers to augment
Pulse Lightning, Voltaic Strike, or his
his machines’ inherent capabilities. Nemo
upkeep spells, and then recharge by
has taken a more aggressive stance on
taking back focus his feat allocated to cast
the battlefield, using augmented armor
more spells, enhance his combat abilities,
to walk amid the clash of combatants.
or overboost his power field. By bolstering
The coils of his armor hum and glow blue
his strength with Arcane Amplifier and
with blazing voltaic energy translated by
going through 14 focus in a turn, General
reactive matrixes into tremendous strength.
Nemo can deliver a surprisingly brutal
In his hands Fulger delivers blows capable
melee beat-down. Energizer allows Nemo
of shattering armor or sends forth a burst
to increase his own threat range as well
of galvanic energy that causes an enemy
as that of his warjacks. Never hesitate to
‘jack’s gears to seize up and fuse. Everyone
send the old man in for a kill against an
who fights at Nemo’s side quickly realizes
opponent who leaves a charge lane open.
Tactical Tips
Remote Activation: This just means Nemo does not have to be in base-to-
base contact with a warjack to reactivate it. This ability changes no other rules.
Pulse Lightning: Apply this damage all at once.
System Bypass: If System Bypass expires on a warjack that has lost three sys-
tems, that warjack immediately becomes disabled.
System Bypass: Yes, this means that you can’t arm lock a warjack that has
System Bypass cast on it.
Cygnar EPIC Warcaster
Nemo Cmd 9
5 4 5 5 14 16
Cohorts Galvanic Bolt
Some models confer abilities to 10 1 — 13
other models in an army with them.
Models that gain Cohort abilities Feat: Fulger
retain them even if the model that MAELSTROM SPECIAL POW P+S
confers these abilities is destroyed or Reach 7 11
removed from play. General Adept
Sebastian Nemo Focus 7
boasts supreme Damage 14
If facing an enemy with DEF 16 or higher POW 10 lightning arcs with every hit. mastery over the
Field Allowance C
(where boosted MAT 5 will likely miss), This spell also works very well on solos voltaic energies
Victory Points 5
use ‘jacks to knock the target down before with multiple attacks, such as Captain provided by the
thrumming coils of Point Cost 84
sending Nemo in for the coup-de-grace. Maxwell Finn with Wet Work. his warcaster armor. Base Size Small
Where once he
High Voltage requires a functional cortex As much as General Nemo enjoys
unleashed a random disruptive explosion, he has refined
to work, so use the feat before too many warjacks, he plays well with a balanced these energies to provide a precisely controlled surge
‘jacks succumb to damage. Fortunately, list including both ‘jacks and troops. channeled straight into his warjacks’ cortexes. Nemo’s
System Bypass lets Nemo keep even a Polarity Shield works across an entire empowered warjacks advance in perfect coordination to
heavily damaged warjack running at full unit, and the ability to redirect deviating unleash a crushing offensive strike.
effectiveness. Polarity Shield keeps ‘jacks AOEs with Force Field can protect lower Warjacks in Nemo’s battlegroup currently in his
or other key models alive by letting any ARM soldiers like Arcane Tempest Gun control area each receive up to 3 focus points. A
warjack cannot have more than 3 focus points as a
model impersonate a Centurion and stand Mages. Never forget to take Stormsmiths result of High Voltage.
safe from charges and slams. If facing with General Nemo; his Cohort rule
a swarm of troops, Nemo can upkeep allows them to make their skill checks
Arcane Amplifier - Nemo gains +1 STR for each
Lightning Shroud on his bonded ‘jack, more often and increases the damage of unspent focus point on him.
provide it with five focus, and gain free their strikes to a solid POW 12.
Automatic Regenerator - At the beginning of his
controller’s Control Phase, Nemo removes d3
damage points.
Cohort: Expert Forecasters - Stormsmiths
included in an army with Nemo have Stormcall [9]
SPELL COST RNG AOE POW UP OFF and gain +2 on Stormcall damage rolls.
Energizer * Self CTRL - Focus Matrix - Nemo can allocate focus points
Nemo spends one to three focus points when this spell is cast. Models in his during his activation. Additionally, once per
battlegroup currently in his control area may immediately move up to 1”
for each focus point spent. Energizer may be cast once per turn. turn during Nemo’s activation, his controller
may remove focus points from warjacks in his
Force Field 3 Self CTRL - X battlegroup in his control area and place them on
Nemo does not suffer blast or collateral damage and cannot be knocked
down. When an enemy AOE ranged attack deviates from a point in Nemo’s Nemo. Nemo cannot exceed his current FOC stat
control area, after the deviation distance has been rolled Nemo’s controller in focus points as a result of Focus Matrix.
chooses the direction the AOE deviates.
Remote Activation - Nemo may forfeit his action
Lightning Shroud 2 6 - - X to reactivate one inert friendly Cygnar warjack in
When target friendly Cygnar model directly hits a warjack with an attack,
the model hit suffers Disruption. When the affected model hits an enemy his control area.
model with a normal melee attack, lightning arcs to and automatically hits Warjack Bond - One warjack, which can be a
the nearest enemy model within 4”. That model suffers an unboostable
POW 10 damage roll. A warjack suffering Disruption loses any unused unique warjack, in Nemo’s battlegroup may begin
focus points and cannot be allocated focus points or channel spells for the game bonded to him. Nemo can allocate up to
one round. 5 focus points to this warjack. When Nemo suffers
Polarity Shield 2 6 - - X damage from an enemy attack while his bonded
This spell targets a friendly model/unit. A model affected by Polarity warjack is in his control area, immediately after the
Shield cannot be targeted by charges or slam power attacks made by a attack has been resolved, the warjack may move up
model that began its normal movement in the affected model’s front arc.
to its current SPD in inches.
Pulse Lightning 3 10 - 11 X
A model hit by Pulse Lightning suffers d3 damage rolls. Galvanic Bolt
Tractor Field - A warjack directly hit by Galvanic
System Bypass 3 8 - - X
Target warjack in Nemo’s battlegroup does not suffer the effects of Bolt cannot move and suffers -4 DEF. While within
disabled systems. The affected warjack is not disabled until four or more of 3” of the affected warjack, warjacks cannot run,
its systems are disabled. When cast on a disabled warjack that has lost three charge, or slam and can only move directly toward
systems, the warjack is no longer considered disabled. the affected warjack. Tractor Field lasts for one
Voltaic Strike 3 8 - 14 X round.
Models within 1” of target enemy warjack suffer a damage roll equal to the
warjack’s current STR. Models damaged by Voltaic Strike suffer -2 SPD Fulger
for one round. Reach - 2” melee range.
A Preview of WARMACHINE:
Legends Warcasters
One man has stood for decades at the way Khadoran players fight. Armies who
forefront of the Khadoran Army as the can shoot and charge through the ranks of
example all soldiers strive to emulate. friendly troopers become a rolling tide of
He is the greatest military genius born in destruction. Getting the most out of this
an age. The High Kommand has named single ability can take some getting used
Gurvaldt Irusk “the empire’s perfect to and requires a shift in tactical thinking.
officer” for his absolute control over men The fact that all warrior models within the
in the face of chaos and the uncertainties Supreme Kommandant’s command range
of battle. Despite all this, his elevation gain Tough from Total Obedience makes
to Supreme Kommandant brought a the learning process all the sweeter.
reminder of recent bitter defeat and
A soldier’s soldier, the Supreme
cemented his resolve to redeem himself in
Kommandant benefits from any
the eyes of his empress.
combination of Khadoran troops, and
Irusk sees his army as thousands of gears they benefit from him. Absolute Authority
meshing together in perfect harmony, provides considerable insurance against
each representing one of the many assets the loss of unit leaders, and Martial
in his arsenal. He has outlined a perfect Discipline both provides for incalculable
plan to assault the unassailable, to turn the tactical possibilities and helps prevent
weapons of his adversaries against them, traffic control problems when using large
and to force them to see what he wishes numbers of troops.
while obscuring his killing thrust. He
At the same time, Irusk’s strong warjack
prepares for a symphony of destruction
bond makes including at least one heavy
orchestrated and conducted by a maestro
hitter an excellent idea. Don’t dismiss
born to lead men in battle.
the idea of running several ‘jacks with
Using Supreme the Supreme Kommandant, and take
Kommandant Irusk advantage of Blitzkrieg to move both
‘jacks and troops across the field with a
The Supreme Kommandant returns with quickness. Skillful placement of Artifice of
a vengeance and a tool-box of abilities and Deviation can change key terrain elements
spells to pick apart any type of enemy. to either remove barriers or impose new
Martial Discipline alone will change the ones on Irusk’s enemies. Similarly, his
Tactical Tips
Crowd Control: Attack rolls are based on Irusk’s LOS.
Khador EPIC Warcaster
Feat: Desperate Irusk Cmd 10
After a lifetime of
innovating tactics 6 6 7 6 15 15
across countless Hand Cannon
battlefields, Supreme RNG ROF AOE POW
Kommandant Irusk 12 1 — 12
has learned how to
wrest the initiative Endgame
away from his enemies SPECIAL POW P+S
and turn formerly Critical 7 13
untenable ground into Focus 7
Desperate Ground feat provides broad Pikemen or Assault Kommandos can an advantage. Backed Damage 17
impact on the attack run, giving soldiers advance in shield wall 9” a turn. Just by a palpable aura of
Field Allowance C
authority, Irusk strikes
greater liberty to pick their targets and remember to stay in tight formation to at the crucial hour and Victory Points 5
cross terrain while making it considerably keep the benefit. raises the Khadoran Point Cost 80
more difficult for the enemy to regroup and standard as he leads Base Size Small
Irusk has other ways to deliver pain to his army
the enemies of the Motherland. Crowd through any obstacles to
Tactical Supremacy is another tool for Control is a potent AOE spell which can seize total victory.
rapidly advancing Irusk’s army. This spell root out models with Stealth or Invisibility Friendly Khador models currently in Irusk’s control
works best placed on a key unit early in while delivering increasingly powerful area ignore cloud effects and forests when determining
the game to help get it where you need it. hits on clustered foes. His Fire for Effect LOS. During their activations, affected models ignore
movement penalties from, and can charge and slam
The additional 3” movement helps a great spell makes mortar fire even more horrific, across, rough terrain and obstacles. Affected models
deal with slower units like Man-O-War. adds extra punch to a Destroyer, or turns that are currently knocked down immediately stand
Shocktroopers can maintain their shield the Rocketeer’s attack into a devastatingly up. Enemy models/units currently in Irusk’s control
wall while advancing 7”. Any shield wall powerful explosive strike. area suffer -2 SPD and cannot give or receive orders.
Desperate Ground lasts for one round.
unit benefits, of course, and Iron Fang
Absolute Authority - Irusk may issue any number of
orders during his activation and may issue any order
to a unit that its original leader or officer could issue.
SPELL COST RNG AOE POW UP OFF Martial Discipline - While in Irusk’s command
Artifice of Deviation 3 CTRL 5 - range friendly living Khador small and medium-
Place a 5” AOE template anywhere completely within Irusk’s control based warrior models, including Irusk, benefit from
area. During their activations while in the AOE, friendly models ignore Martial Discipline. A model benefiting from Martial
movement penalties from, and may charge and slam across, rough terrain, Discipline may ignore friendly Khador warrior
obstacles and may move through obstructions and other models if it has
enough movement to move completely past the obstruction or model’s models when drawing LOS. During its activation,
base. Enemy models treat the AOE as rough terrain. Artifice of Deviation an affected model may move through other friendly
lasts for one round. Khador warrior models in Irusk’s command range
Battle Lust 3 6 - - if it has enough movement to move completely
Target warrior model/unit becomes Fearless and rolls an additional past the model’s base. Affected models may make
damage die on melee attacks for one round. Fearless models never flee. melee attacks through other friendly Khador warrior
Blitzkrieg 3 Self CTRL - models in Irusk’s command range.
Models in Irusk’s battlegroup currently in his control area may charge or
slam without spending a focus point. Affected models charge or slam at Total Obedience - While in Irusk’s command range,
SPD +5”. Blitzkrieg lasts for one turn. friendly Khador warrior models gain Tough. When
Crowd Control 3 CTRL 3 10 X a model with Tough suffers sufficient damage to be
Place a 3” AOE anywhere in Irusk’s line of sight completely in his control destroyed, its controller rolls a d6. On a 5 or 6, the
area. Irusk then targets each model in the AOE with a magic attack in an model is knocked down instead of being destroyed.
order chosen by Irusk’s controller. Irusk gains a cumulative +1 bonus on If the model is not destroyed, it is reduced to one
these Crowd Control attack and damage rolls for each model destroyed by
this casting of Crowd Control. Completely resolve each attack individually wound.
and apply the targets’ special rules immediately as each attack is resolved. Warjack Bond - One non-unique warjack in Irusk’s
When making Crowd Control attack rolls, Irusk ignores Invisibility and
Stealth. battlegroup may begin the game bonded to him.
Irusk may allocate one additional focus point to the
Fire For Effect 3 6 - - X warjack. The warjack cannot be knocked down.
Target friendly Khador model’s first ranged attack roll each activation
is automatically boosted. If this ranged attack is an AOE attack, its blast Endgame
damage rolls are boosted.
Critical Decapitation - On a critical hit, damage
Grind 3 10 - 14 X exceeding the target’s ARM is doubled. A model
Target warjack damaged by Grind takes one additional damage point to its suffering sufficient damage to be destroyed cannot
first available Movement system box. Mark this damage after marking the
normal damage from Grind. make a Tough roll. When this attack destroys an
enemy model, friendly Khador models currently in
Tactical Supremacy 2 6 - - X Irusk’s command range gain an additional die on
Target friendly model/unit may move up to 3” after all friendly models
have completed their activations. melee attack rolls this turn.
A Preview of WARMACHINE:
Legends Warcasters
Tactical Tips
Excruciator: No, the Wracks do not have focus when they are put in play.
Firestarter: If model hit by Firestarter is in base-to-base contact with a
friendly model not suffering Fire, the model hit does not move. If the model is
in base-to-base contact with two or more models not suffering Fire, randomly
determine which model is set on Fire.
Protectorate Warcaster
Judgment Day Reznik Cmd 7
Both Witch Hound and his powerful Taking along an arc node allows Reznik Heresy and blasphemy SPD STR MAT RAT DEF ARM
feat Judgment Day make the High to fully exploit his cruel Firestarter spell, invoke the righteous 5 7 7 4 14 17
wrath of High
Executioner well-equipped to face enemy which for a single focus point interferes Confessor
Executioner Servath
spellcasters of any ilk. This feat strips away with movement by sending one model Reznik. He delivers the SPECIAL POW P+S
all focus and fury, making it arguably toward another and in the process lights final fire of judgment Multi 7 14
more powerful against HORDES than them both on fire. Clever use of this spell to those who would Focus 6
WARMACHINE, and causes any models can clear charge lanes and potentially kill draw upon sorcerous Damage 17
power in defiance of Field Allowance C
casting spells while in Reznik’s control area pesky low ARM solos or single wound the Lawgiver. Calling Victory Points 5
to suffer Fire. This makes for a formidable troopers. For more tenacious targets, upon Menoth, Reznik Point Cost 70
buffer zone against the many models apply Brand of Heresy to maximize strips away the arcane
Base Size Small
other than warcasters and warlocks who attacks against a given enemy. The strength of his enemies
and leaves them
regularly rely on spells to make an impact boosted attack and damage rolls from this
quaking and frail, awaiting the sentence of death.
on the battle. The performance of models spell allow Reznik or his ‘jacks to spend
Enemy models currently in Reznik’s control area lose
such as Greylord Ternions, Druids of all their focus on extra attacks. Combined
all focus and fury points and cannot upkeep spells or
Orboros, or Alexia degrades dramatically with the power of Hate Monger and be allocated focus. Enemy models casting spells while
when you threaten them with holy fire. Purgation from his weapon Confessor, within Reznik’s control area suffer Fire. Judgment Day
Reznik’s Witch Hammer AOE spell Reznik can deliver truly devastating lasts for one round.
actually prevents casting spells and giving attacks to a target benefiting from an Reznik
or receiving orders. upkeep spell. Excruciator - Once per turn during Reznik’s
activation when he destroys a living enemy warrior
model with a melee attack, after the attack has been
resolved, his controller may place a Wrack into play
SPELL COST RNG AOE POW UP OFF within 3” of Reznik. There must be room for the
Wrack’s base.
Brand of Heresy 2 8 - - X X
Target enemy model/unit becomes Branded. Models in Reznik’s Exorcist - Melee attacks made by Reznik can damage
battlegroup gain boosted attack and damage rolls against Branded models. models only affected by magic attacks. Reznik may
Firestarter 1 8 - - X charge incorporeal models.
Nothing happens if the model hit cannot be affected by Fire. Otherwise, Terror - Enemy models/units in melee range of
target enemy model suffers Fire. When a non-warcaster/warlock warrior
model is hit, it immediately moves 3” directly toward the nearest enemy Reznik and enemy models/units with Reznik in their
model that is not suffering Fire, stopping short if it contacts an obstruction melee range must pass a command check or flee.
or another model. When the hit model contacts another enemy model,
that model also suffers Fire. Fire is a continuous effect that sets the target Witch Hound - When a model in Reznik’s battlegroup
ablaze. A model on fire suffers a POW 12 damage roll each turn during its in his control area is hit by an enemy magic attack,
controller’s Maintenance Phase until the fire expires on a d6 roll of 1 or immediately after the attack is resolved one model in
2. Fire effects are alchemical substances or magical in nature and are not
affected by water. his battlegroup in his control area may move up to its
Hate Monger 2 Self - - current SPD in inches and make one normal attack.
Reznik gains +3 STR and may make d3 initial melee attacks during his Confessor
combat action. While in melee, Reznik gains +2 ARM. Hate Monger lasts Purgation - Reznik gains an additional die on
for one round.
Confessor attack and damage rolls against a model
Perdition 2 10 - 10 X
with an animus or enemy upkeep spell on it.
When an enemy model is damaged by Perdition, immediately after the
attack has been resolved one model in Reznik’s battlegroup may move up Reach - 2” melee range.
to its current SPD in inches. The model cannot end this movement farther
from the nearest enemy model than it began.
Witch Hammer 3 8 3 13 X
Models hit by Witch Hammer cannot give or receive orders or cast spells
for one round.
Zealot’s Rage 2 6 - - X
Target model in Reznik’s battlegroup can charge or slam at SPD +5”
without spending a focus point. During its activation, the affected model
ignores movement penalties from, and may charge and slam across, rough
terrain and obstacles.
A Preview of WARMACHINE:
Legends Warcasters
Tactical Tips
Terminal Velocity: Yes, this movement is in addition to extra movement
gained from charging or slamming.
Cryx Warcaster
A Preview of WARMACHINE:
Legends Warcasters
‘casters like Caine or Gorten Grundback, on her success. Perhaps one of the most
but it can prove invaluable for moving easily overlooked advantages she offers,
large-based helljacks across the table however, is unpredictability. Death Race
in the face of combined ranged attacks. and Deryliss’ Arcane Extension ability let
Jump Start provides a potent answer Mortenebra’s battlegroup cross the table
to otherwise debilitating feats such as quickly, even for a Cryx army, and still
Kreoss’ Menoth’s Wrath or Sorscha’s function effectively while spread out wide,
Icy Gaze, and spells like Earthquake. It which can make predicting her target or
also allows you some form of recovery mode of attack difficult. Once positioned
from the effects of spells like Domination, for best effect, Terminal Velocity puts her
Telekinesis, and Scramble, which can battlegroup into high gear to tear through
leave your warjacks badly out of position the enemy, particularly a living enemy.
on your turn. When combined with her Recalibration
feat and fighting living models, Terminal
As resilient and tenacious as Mortenebra’s
Velocity gives all of the models in her
battlegroup can prove with these spells
battlegroup boosted attack rolls and the
and abilities, Mortenebra herself does
ability to re-roll both attack and damage
not lack for offensive punch. With P+S
rolls. An attack like this often leaves
12 and Reach on both of her weapons,
nothing of an enemy except bleeding meat
Pathfinder, Terror, and Soul Cages, she
and smoking wreckage.
has all the tools she needs to reach her
vicitms, kill them dead, and capitalize
See a Battle Report between General Adept Sebasatian Nemo and High Executioner Servath Reznik next issue!
Privateer Press’
Formula P3 Grandmaster
Painting Competition
It’s never
too early
to start
like you’ve
got a pair!
The Categories and Prizes
Warjack/Warbeast Diorama
A single light or heavy warjack A scene of the Iron Kingdoms, made
or warbeast. up of components that do not exceed
1st Place Prize: $200 US 12” wide, by 12” tall, by 12” deep.
1st Place Prize: $200 US
Warrior Model
A single trooper, solo, warlock,
2007 Grandmaster Champion or warcaster.
First Place Prize: $200 US
Selected from the winners
Battlegroup of the above categories.
How to Enter: A warcaster and 2-5 warjacks or
a warlock and 2-5 warbeasts. Grand Prize: $1,000 US
No troops or solos.
Show up at Gen Con Indy. Fill out The Grandmaster will win
1st Place Prize: $200 US
an entry form at the Privateer Press $1,000 US for the Grand Prize
booth and drop of your entries on Unit and $200 for the category that
Thursday and Friday starting at 1:00 A unit of at least the minimum number
qualifies them, for a total
of allowed models and no more than the
PM and Saturday from 10:00 to 11:00 of $1,200 US.
maximum number of models allowed.
AM. All entries must be received by Unit Attachments and Special Weapon
Saturday 8/16/2008 by 11:00 AM. Attachments may be included.
1st Place Prize: $200 US
• All entries must be Privateer Press miniatures. Conversions and scratch
• Competitors can only enter categories once, through they can enter as
many of the categories as they choose.
building is allowed, but must fall within the scope and atmosphere of • All entries must be presented on the appropriate size base for which the
the Iron Kingdoms game world and be either scratch built or made with model was designed, but extra scenic details may be added.
parts from Privateer Press models. No third party parts permitted. • While every care possible will be taken with the entries, the miniatures
• All entries must be modeled and painted by the person entering. The are entirely at the risk of the competitor. Privateer Press will not be
person entering must hand in the miniatures themselves at the specified responsible for any damage or loss that might occur while the miniatures
time. Entries must also be collected from the display case at the specified are in their care.
time. Any entries not collected by the end of the show automatically • Privateer Press has the right to photograph the competition submissions
become the property of Privateer Press. and to publish photographs on the web or in print.
• All entries must be accompanied by the appropriate entry form. This • Privateer Press reserves the right to refuse entry to any competitor with or
must be filled out correctly and clearly. Competitors will be issued a without cause. Privateer Press staff and family are not eligible to enter.
numbered ticket when they have handed in their miniatures. In order to
collect their miniatures at the end of the show, competitors must present • Cash winnings are subject to all state, local, and federal laws.
this ticket and valid ID in person. • The judges’ decisions are final in all cases.
W hile the Iron Kingdoms lacks a common language, it’s sure money that if the PCs spend any time in the rough and tumble streets of Five
Fingers, Corvis, or any other city, they’re going to need to know some slang to get out with their purse and person intact. Using these terms
may not win you any friends amongst the nobility, but they may save you from a right poxy time and earn you some street cred, mucker.
Blag, Blagged c. to steal. “The dimwit blagged from a bleedin’ churchie, ‘e did!” Knackered adj. Tired, exhausted, ruined. “Sorry, I can’t go on. I’m bloody
Bloke n. A man. “What’s that dodgy bloke up to?” knackered.”
Bloody adj./adv. An intensifier. “That bloody idiot needs a good thumping.” Lippy adj. “Impertinent, mouthy. “Right, that’s it you lippy arse! Eat this!”
Bodge v. To repair. “Gimme an hour and I can bodge this thing together Lug-Hole n. The ear. “Bend yer lug-holes this way and listen.”
near as new.” Manky adj. Disgusting, dirty. “Ugh! Don’t touch that corpse, it’s manky!”
Bodger n. A mechanik who specializes in quick fixes. “That bodger got the Mechstuff n. Mechanika. “Oy, but that bridge is run by mechstuff, right? So’s
‘jack up and running with nothing more than spit and willpower, I tell ya!” you don’t have the right pass code, you’re going bloody nowhere.”
Boinker n. A male, often used in lieu of ‘fellow.’ “I dunno. Didn’t say his Mucker n. Friend; usually used possessively and sometimes proceeded
name, come to think of it. Just some boinker down at the pub.” by another adjective such as ‘old.’ “All right, me old mucker!”
Boxy adj. To grow restless or go crazy. “We got ta move from this hidey-hole. Nip v. To go quickly. “Look, just got to nip off for a sec’. I’ll be back
Marag’s getting’ all boxy like.” straightaway.”
Bum n. Buttocks. “My bum’s a bit sore after riding all day.” Not Give a Toss v. phrs. To not care at all. “Sorry, but I don’t give a toss
Bum-Fluff n. Adolescent facial hair, usually insulting. “You call that bum- what your problem is.”
fluff a beard?” Nut v. To headbutt. “I’ll nut ya one if ya look at me like that again!”
Chuffed adj. Very pleased. “I was dead chuffed to be awarded that knighthood.” Out of Order phrs. Totally unacceptable. “These poxy gubbins are out of
Churchie n. A man of the cloth; a cleric. “That there bloke’s a Menite order, ya git.”
churchie, eh? Looks chummy.” Pips n. Currency. “Marag’s willin’ to pay a load o’ pips fer this job, eh?”
Clapped Out adj. Worn out machinery. “That old steamjack’s a clapped out Poxy adj. Rubbishy, of poor quality. “Of all the poxy luck! I had to end up in
piece o’ scrap.” a cave-in with you!”
Dead adv. Very. “I am dead happy we escaped those farrow.” Pub n. Inn or tavern. Abbreviation for ‘Public House.’ “Right, now to spend
Dodgy adj. Risky, suspicious. “I don’t trust the man. He seems really dodgy.” all those crowns! Off to the pub we go!”
Dreg n. Derog. 1. A despicable, worthless person. “Don’t waste your time Rummy adj. Odd; peculiar. “What a rummy little town this is!”
with that filthy Marag, old girl. He’s not but a dreg with a mind for your jubblies!” Slink n. A rogue, scout, or other person that relies on stealth. “Send the
2. Least desirable portion; refuse. “I’ll be humped! Those dodgy blokes left slinks out to get a peek what’s in that camp.”
nothing of that roast boar for us but the dregs.” Snog v. n. To kiss lustfully. “Fancy a snog, big boy?”
Fob, Fob Off v. phrs. To deceive, put off, or appease through deceit Sod n. 1. Derog. A despicable person. “You are the most annoying sod I’ve
or evasiveness. “That dodgy tosser pulled a fast one and fobbed Marag off but ever met!” 2. A pitiable person. “I just saw your wife go off with that troll, you
good! Heh-heh.” poor sod.”
Get Stuffed! v. Get lost! “Leave me alone, and get stuffed!” Sod-All n. adj. Nothing. “Trust Marag to do sod-all when his help is needed.”
Git n. Derog. A contemptible person. “That’s a nasty thing to do you Steamo n. Anyone that works with steam mechanika. “Terrific! That
complete and utter git.” steamo knows his mechstuff back’ard and for’ard, eh? Let’s move!”
Gubbins n. Paraphernalia, miscellaneous stuff. “That steamjack engineer Stroppy adj. Bad tempered. “Don’t get stroppy with me, ya bum fluff-faced
had a lot of gubbins in his toolbox.” dwarf!”
Halfhead n. Derog. Foolish person. “You go out carousin’ wit’ those Ta exclam. Thank-you. “Ta for the help, me old mucker.”
halfheads again and you’re likely ta get kilt.”
Tosser n. Idiot. “Don’t be a tosser, Marag. You’ve got no chance with Alexia.”
Halfjob n. adj. Poorly made or unfinished mechanika. “You’da run too if
ye’d seen the halfjob come crawling outta that tomb! I fink ol’ Pendrake called it an Trog n. Any ugly or coarse individual. “Your husband’s a real trog.”
‘iron lich’ or some sort.” Wank n. Rubbish, nonsense. “This new suit of armor is a pile of wank!”
Jackhead n. Steamjack worker. “Momma always said one jackhead’s as filthy Wanker n. Derog. A contemptible person. “Get lost, you wanker!”
as the other ‘un.”
Wazzock n. Derog. Cretin. “I can’t believe you did that, you wazzock!” 29
Recent Battles presents scenarios that allow players
to participate in key engagements during the last
few years of warfare across western Immoren. Some
of these represent small but crucial battles where a
single warlock or warcaster has changed the course
of history. Others depict large clashes involving
massive armies and multiple warcasters or warlocks.
Narrative by Douglas Seacat, Scenarios
by Hugh Brown with Douglas Seacat,
Art by Brian Snoddy, Sam Wood,
Kieran Yanner
Recent Battles
The following depicts two linked battles involving forces from the Khadoran fortress of Ravensgard
and the Cygnaran fortress Northguard. These battles took place during the events of WARMACHINE:
Superiority and significantly impact events depicted in WARMACHINE: Legends.
Late 606 AR
T hey heard the sound of his angry voice well before the
aged warcaster barged into the massive workshop.
The low side doors banged loudly against the wall as
of indignation or surprise. One slim man, however, wore
a bemused smile and an ornate formal uniform of a style
that had passed out of service a decade earlier. Though
Commander Adept Nemo threw them open, a sound he lacked a crown, none could fail to recognize the man.
heard through the enormous space even over the clang of “That would be me, old friend,” King Leto Raelthorne said,
metal on metal, the roaring sound of forge fires, and the his tone both amused and faintly apologetic. “I’m sorry to
electrical buzz of glowing capacitors arcing lightning from have caused you any alarm.”
one extended rod to another. Despite his obvious limp and
While put off for a short moment to find the king in “his”
frazzled hair, the arcane mechanic had enough presence to
chamber, Sebastian Nemo only paused for one stride
make the closest workers jump back. “Who has the gall to
and his scowl did not disappear. “Your Majesty, this
override my orders?” he demanded of the room at large.
simply will not do. I can’t have Captain Darius abandon
Captain Dominick Darius paused in the midst of opening this work. We are at a crucial juncture.” Several of the
the hatch to his rebuilt steam armor and looked back gathered men bristled at the commander’s tone, but the
at Nemo with a shocked expression. For all that Nemo king took it in stride.
had virtually taken over this facility––one of the largest
Scout General Bolden Rebald, his features grim, spoke from
construction hangers in the Cygnaran Armory––for top-
the king’s side. “We have word of an imminent attack on
priority warjack assembly and prototyping, he did not have
Northguard. Both the 1st Border Legion and Irusk’s 4th
absolute authority here. Darius’ eyes darted to the finely
Assault Legion are mustering, and the entirety of Ravensgard
dressed and officious men gathered in front of him and
could become involved. We do not doubt the reliability of
then back to Nemo.
this information; we cannot afford to. Northguard requires
While not unusual for senior generals and nobles to additional warcaster and heavy warjack support immediately,
periodically visit the Armory known by many of its and we do not have the time to make major reallocations from
workers as “Nemo’s Estate”, rarely did so many of them Caspia or other southern garrisons. Point Bourne and Fort
come at once. Most of the assembled worthies in the Falk have some assets we can spare, if we move immediately,
chamber turned to face Nemo with various expressions but we may already be too late.”
NO Quarter Magazine: RECENT BATTLES
Nemo’s eyes widened at this even as his anger cooled. and diagrams, but I cannot trust this project to anyone but
“Major Haley stands at Northguard. She has my full Darius. The future of our nation hinges on the work done
confidence.” here. Believe me, I would send him into the field were we
further along but not at this stage.”
The Scout General nodded. “Agreed. Ordinarily Major
Haley might suffice. Certainly we have a strong garrison The king sighed. “I would preserve you from this,
in Northguard, but the timing of this works against us.” Sebastian. I know you are not recovered from your
He offered Nemo a thick roll of several annotated maps injuries. This will be a grim fight, better suited to younger
with hastily scrawled notes. “Gurvaldt Irusk has planned men.”
carefully, of course. He has staged his legions at Elsinberg,
Captain Darius spoke up, clearly uncomfortable around
hoping to escape our notice, and sent Kommander Karchev
such august company. He chose his words with more care
to lead the vanguard. Northguard is still recovering from
than he typically showed. “Commander, let me go. Master
a probing attack earlier in the month. It is clear now this
Lassiter Polk knows what to do. You are still hurt and
was a deliberate strike to cripple as many of our heavy
need rest.”
warjacks as possible. Most are still undergoing repair.
We lack sufficient field strength, and the trench lines are Nemo waved this suggestion aside. “I am as recovered as
inadequately supported. It will be a slaughter.” I am likely to get. Old men don’t bounce back, we limp
on. I respect Master Polk a great deal, but this work is
Nemo’s complexion paled as he looked over the notes, and
beyond him.” He turned to the king. “This factory must
his tone became softer. “I will go, Your Majesty.”
begin production without delay, and that will not happen
“You,” the king said, cutting the warcaster off, “are under if Captain Darius dies at Northguard. No. If Irusk wants
orders to rest and see to the wounds you sustained in the a fight, I’m his man.” A fire lit his eyes that affected
Thornwood.” every man present. The king smiled at Nemo with open
admiration and nodded slightly.
Nemo kept his expression and tone respectful but firm.
“My part in this work is done. I have laid out the plans
NO Quarter Magazine: RECENT BATTLES
Nemo has gone epic! Check out his preview statistics from WARMACHINE: Legends on page 16.
NO Quarter Magazine: RECENT BATTLES
NO Quarter Magazine: RECENT BATTLES
NO Quarter Magazine: RECENT BATTLES
The giant man in the machine turned slowly to look Irusk’s own 4th Assault Legion into a massive onslaught to
toward Northguard, although it could not be seen from the overwhelm the Cygnaran defenders.
courtyard. “The lord of Northguard is a Cathmore.”
While this battle spanned a vast line of trenches north of
Irusk nodded, watching the other warcaster carefully. the fortress and involved thousands of soldiers, the key
“Yes, distant progeny of the man who shattered your body confrontation occurred at the center of the trench line
and left you to die in the mud. Do you hope for revenge?” defended by Major Victoria Haley and veteran elements
of the 58th Infantry Battalion, including the “Northguard
Karchev lacked the subtleties of body language or gesture,
Gravediggers”, led by Captain Maxwell Finn. This
but the unwavering look he turned on Irusk seemed like
stalwart group had already weathered several probing
a shrug. “I had my revenge. I care nothing for the dog’s
assaults and suffered relatively few casualties except for
whelps.” Still, Irusk saw a gleam in Karchev’s eyes that
a battered Defender attached to an assisting journeyman
belied his words. “Do not underestimate the will of the
warcaster. These troops held out against all odds until
southerners when backed into a corner.” The aspect of
Commander Adept Nemo joined them with forces gathered
Karchev’s ancient eyes shifted, suggesting unpleasant
from Point Bourne and Fort Falk.
memories stirred like silt from the depths of his mind.
Historically, Cygnar won this battle by the skin of their
“Yes. Always good advice.” Kommandant Irusk nodded in
teeth, and both sides suffered staggering casualties, as
agreement, but seemed impatient at this cautious attitude.
related in WARMACHINE: Superiority (page 200-201). The
He looked to the gathered soldiers. “I anticipate this will
smallest missteps or seized opportunity could easily have
be a good day for us. Make ready for the attack.”
swung this battle in the other direction. In the months that
Background followed, Cygnaran generals began to consider that their
victory might have left Northguard too weak to defend
Against all odds, Major Victoria Haley and Captain Maxwell Finn held the line until Nemo’s arrival.
NO Quarter Magazine: RECENT BATTLES
Armandor Thornwood Corvis
Tarna Thornmere
Point Bourne
1 fort
Gnarls cygnar Adept Nemo
NO Quarter Magazine: RECENT BATTLES
NO Quarter Magazine: RECENT BATTLES
Kommanders Karchev and Irusk have started their
offensive to take Northguard once and for all. Major
Victoria Haley leads the defense at the center of the
northern trench line in a desperate but crucial fight to
hold off the larger Khadoran assault. If Major Haley’s
forces buckle under the attack, it might prompt a
widespread rout and isolate the defender’s flanks.
Retreating back into the fortress at this juncture would
allow the Khadorans to entirely surround Northguard
and reduce it with artillery fire. Major Haley must hold
out until Nemo and his heavy ‘jacks can arrive with
reinforcements against the Khadoran avalanche.
Special Rules and Set-Up
See map. The Cygnar player places four (4) 6” x 2” trench 6” 4”
templates as shown on the map. Trenches are earthwork
fortifications represented by templates placed on the 2” D
table. Models completely within the trench template have
cover when targeted with a ranged or magic attack by a 6”
model not completely within the trench template. Models
completely inside a trench template do not suffer blast
damage from attacks unless the point of impact is within CYGNAR DEPLOYMENT 10”
the trench template. When drawing line of sight to a
model not completely within the Trench template, ignore
intervening models completely within the template.
After placing trenches, each player alternates placing
four (4) hill, water, rough terrain (such as rubble piles), or
impassable terrain features on the table. Place no forest
terrain features for this scenario. No terrain features
may be placed in the Cygnaran player’s deployment zone,
within 6” of a trench template, or within 4” of another
terrain feature. After placing terrain features, the Cygnar
player may place up to four (4) 6” wide linear obstacles
completely within 20” of the rear table edge of his
deployment zone.
Treat the entire Cygnar player’s deployment zone as
elevated terrain.
After placing all terrain pieces, the Cygnar player places a
damaged Defender Warjack completely within one of the
trenches. The Cygnaran player fills in columns 2, 3, 5, and
6 on the Defender’s damage grid to disable its Movement
and Right Arm systems.
Kommander Karchev’s Spriggan has the Aggressive
Warjack Bond, (WARMACHINE: Prime Remix, page 73).
At the start of turn three, during the Cygnar player’s
control phase, Commander Nemo’s army arrives (see “We
Have Orders”, Rewards). Place all models arriving with
Nemo within 3” of any table edge except the back of the
opponent’s deployment zone. Units must be placed in
formation. All models must be placed within 3” of the
same table edge.
The Cygnar player deploys first and takes the first turn.
Use standard deployment zones.
Victory Conditions
The Khador player wins when the Cygnar player has no
warcasters in play.
The Cygnar player wins when all Khadoran warjacks
are inert, disabled, or destroyed, and the Man-O-War
Demolition Corps, Winter Guard, and Iron Fang Pikeman
unit leaders are destroyed or removed from play.
Did I mention planning? A good plan
and preparation will make this event
successful. You will need to coordinate a
group of people to build a lot of terrain
in a single evening, so the more organized
and prepared you are, the more smoothly
things will run.
The goal is to quickly build enough terrain
to fill up 4-6 game tables, so make things
easy for everyone to replicate.
S et up each station ahead of time with the necessary supplies so the work can begin as soon as everyone arrives. Brief your
crew and assign duties so everyone knows their jobs. Consider everyone’s modeling ability when assigning people to the
stations. You want people with a meticulous eye for detail working on the more intricate steps, for example. And then, there
are some people that you just don’t want anywhere near a sharp knife.
Our office terrain party ran from 6:00pm until midnight. In six hours we built all of the terrain, but we left the painting to the
following day. Here is how it all went down:
NO Quarter Magazine: TERRAIN PARTY!
Construction Adhesive Station Wood Station Wall Station
Ogre shoots some tree Ron works his Hot, riveting
stands with adhesive, magic on the action!
while Del struggles to houses.
keep all of his fingers.
Supplies: Pre-cut house foam, superglue, Supplies: Cinder block or bricks, pencils,
basswood, popsicle sticks, clippers, hobby pre-cut rivets, hobby knife, cardboard,
knife, cardboard, cutting surface. wood glue, brushes.
Duties: Build windows for the houses. Duties: Press-texture the stone areas of
Supplies: Construction adhesive, latex gloves. Superglue popsicle sticks & basswood to the walls and houses and pencil on the
the earthworks. Superglue the basswood bricks. Glue wash the stone areas and
Duties: Apply construction adhesive to the terrain pieces to framing to the houses, and glue wash the houses. Add card strips and rivets to the
fill gaps and adhere the pink foam components. foam areas. walls and houses.
kes a
The gangedtab reak
Food, Glorious Food! well-earonre getting
bef rk .
back to wo
M aking sure that the troops get fed is essential.
They generally will not work on an empty
stomach, especially if you used the promise of food to
lure them to the event in the first place. You might be
surprised by how many extra people volunteer if you
can work food into your budget.
Our food arrived after about two hours of work, and
none too soon. We were famished!
W ith everyone helping, the time
should fly. Once all the work
finishes at one station (for example,
when all of the foam core bases are
cut out) move people to other work
stations to help out. In the end,
the hard work really pays off.
Your store, club, or group
will have a new range of
scenery ready for battle.
Blast Craters
Khador uses bombards and mortars
Step 2.) Cut into the center of the base with
your knife at an angle to create a divot, but
don’t punch through the bottom. You just
want to create a depression so the bottom
of the crater will appear nice and deep.
extensively and they have scarred
many a field of war. These blast
craters make great difficult terrain
areas. Here is a quick way to make
simple, movable blast craters.
Step 1.) Start by cutting some 4” - 6”
diameter circles out of 1/4” thick foamcore
as the bases for the craters. Bevel the edge 2
of each one with your hobby knife.
NO Quarter Magazine: TERRAIN
Crater Ring
Step 1.) Using 1” thick insulation foam, create a cylinder just
slightly smaller than the beveled area. This does not have to
be perfect, since you will trim most of it away.
Step 3.) Cut at an angle to create a beveled hole all the way
through the center of the 1” foam and form the lip of the
crater. It might look like you can just skip to this step and cut
a beveled ring of foam, but trust me, it always ends up too
small or too big. Following these steps gives you more control
so you can keep the size accurate.
Step 4.) Attach the foam ring to the base with construction
adhesive. Spread more construction adhesive over the crater
and scrape it over the surface to smooth the seams and join.
NO Quarter Magazine: TERRAIN
Tree Stands
Finishing the Woods
Cover the bases and template with the wood glue mix and add play sand. When
dry, spray the piece with black primer and drybrush the sand to match your table.
To drybrush the trees, start with Battlefield Brown, then add a little Bastion Grey.
Apply some flock to the base. At this point, you need to decide if you want your
woods alive and lush or burned and blackened.
Step 2.) Use construction adhesive to fill
in the seams and smooth the join where
the plastic trees attach to the bases. Doing
this allows you to apply the sand and flock
more evenly.
After you have completed the tree stands,
cut the woods templates out of foamcore. For burned woods, affix a little of the clump foliage at the top or side of one or two of the tree
Ensure you cut them large enough to armatures, but leave the rest bare. In short bursts, hit the tree trunks with black spray primer.
accommodate three of the tree stands. Bevel Spray the edges of the foliage, the center of the base, and the larger tree template. Drybrush
the edges as you did for the tree bases. some patches of Bastion Grey over the blackened areas for a charred, ashen look.
NO Quarter Magazine: TERRAIN
House Contruction
Step 4.) For the sheet metal roof, cut some panels out of card and glue
them to the roof. Start with the bottom row and overlap the next
1 layer. At the apex, fold the card in half before gluing it in place. The
card should overhang the edges of the structure by about 1/2.” For
Step 1.) Cut two 5” x 4” blocks out of 2” thick foam insulation. Measure the cover over the door, simply extend the overhang to 1 1/2” and cut
twice and cut once because the blocks will go together to form the the cards at an angle. Add some straight pin rivets when you have all
house. Next, cut the tops at about a 30-degree angle to get the slope the roof paneling in place, taking care that all of the pins go into the
of the roof. Put aside the removed triangular sections for use later as foam of the house.
Step 5.) Cut a chunk of foam and add the stonework texture to make
the chimney. Bevel the bottom so it sits upright on the roof. These
smoke stacks came from the Khador Behemoth (also shown is one of the
Deathjack’s smoke stacks). Use construction adhesive to both attach the
stacks to the foam chimney and to affix the chimney to the roof.
Step 2.) Join the two halves together with construction adhesive,
and use some tape to hold them in place while they dry. You should
have a house 5” long, 4” across its front, and 4” high at the roof’s
apex. With a wooden pencil and ruler, draw a line around the
house 1” up from the bottom. Press the bottom portion on concrete
as you did for the stone walls, and pencil in the stonework. You
can also use the pencil to draw some cracks on the upper walls
of the house. Before moving on to the next step, remove the tape
and apply a thin wash of 60/40 glue and water to the house and let
it dry. This coating helps prevent the superglue and spray primer
from dissolving the foam.
Step 3.) Using 1/4” wide basswood strips, cut four 1 1/2” long boards to 6
make the door. Glue these to the front of the house and then frame
the door with 1/8” square basswood strips. Cut two thin strips of card Step 6.) For each window, cut a piece of cardboard 3/4” wide by 1” tall,
the width of the door, and glue them in place as if to hold the door and use 1/8” basswood for the window frame. Attach the bottom beam,
together. Add rivets (this is the Iron Kingdoms, after all). I used the and then glue a strip of 1/4” basswood in place to create the sill. Attach
large piston from the Thunderhead with the end clipped off for the the vertical side beams next, leaving enough room for the top beam. Cut
door handle. Add some basswood strips to create a framework for just deep enough that all of the framing bits line up flush with the edge
the walls. Make sure the placement of the strips covers the seams of the card. Use construction adhesive to glue the completed windows
between the two blocks of foam. to the house.
NO Quarter Magazine: TERRAIN
Painting the House
Coating the foam with the wood glue mixture means you can safely
use black spray primer. Start by painting the chimney and stone
foundation with the techniques used on the wall.
Basecoat the wall panels with Gun Corps Brown, leaving
a bit of black showing where the edges meet the wooden
beams. Over this, apply Hammerfall Khaki with a stippling
technique, but leave some of the brown showing around the
edges. Carefully basecoat the wooden framing with Bootstrap
Leather, and then drybrush it with Bastion Grey. The P3 Flat Brushes
work perfectly for this because they allow you to keep your drybrushing
on the wood. Next, stipple some Menoth White Base in the center of the
wall panels. Finally, give the walls and wood a very light drybrush with
Menoth White Base.
For the metal roof, basecoat it with Pig Iron, then give it a rusty wash
of Bloodstone and Khador Red Highlight. Repeat this for the chimney
stacks and the metal on the door (not too much rust on the handle, as
it would see constant use). Basecoat the window with Thamar Black, and
apply an “L” shaped highlight line with Coal Black along one side. Blacken
the tops of the smoke stacks. If the cracks in the walls have filled in,
touch them up with a Fine Hobby Brush and a little Thamar Black.
Finally, to achieve a worn and moldy look, apply a thin wash of Traitor
Green and wood glue in patches around the walls. Sprinkle a little bit of
flock on the washed areas while still wet to create moss patches.
Crisscrossing the Cygnaran battlefront like scars, Trencher earthworks provide essential cover from enemy fire. These
walls can act as linear obstacles and make a great way to have lots of good-looking trench lines without permanently
cutting them into your table.
Step 1.) The off-cuts from the roof of the house
make perfect earthworks. The short 1” side Finishing the
should sit at a 90-degree angle to the table to
make the boarded wall of the trench vertical. Earthworks
Cover the foam portion of the
1 Use a wire brush to distress the ends of the
foam for a more organic shape. earthworks with the wood glue mix and
Step 2.) Clip the rounded ends off of some craft
add some sand. When dry, spray the
popsicle sticks. (Watch where they shoot, you piece with black primer and drybrush
don’t want anyone losing an eye!) Glue the sticks the sand. Drybrush the wood planks
to the front of the trench wall with superglue. first with Bloodstone, then Bastion
(NOTE: Superglue can dissolve pink foam, but
if you apply the glue to the popsicle stick, Grey, and finally with ‘Jack Bone.
press it onto the foam, and hold it until it sets, Pick out the rivets with cold steel. Keep
this should not pose a concern. The foam will the flock close to the base of the dirt
dissolve slightly, but you can fill any resulting mound. Freshly dug earthworks should
gaps with construction adhesive.) Then glue
vertical support beams (made from 1/8” square feature a lot of exposed earth.
basswood) to the front of the popsicle stick
planks. Keep the planks at irregular intervals to
2 make the earthworks look more realistic. Add
some rivets to the vertical supports.
Step 3.) Place a bead of construction adhesive
along the top of the earthworks and smooth it
into any gaps between the planks and foam.
Making several of each piece allows
you to quickly fill out your library and
create a challenging battlefield!
Raw rock, cut stone, and gems commonly appear on HORDES models. Studio Painter Matt DiPietro shows you
step-by-step methods for painting weathered stone, glossy stone (like marble), and gemstones to make your
troopers and warbeasts look as hard as they fight.
By Matt DiPietro, Studio Painter
1 3 Step 5.) Next, apply additional shading using
Cryx Bane Base. Use a generous amount of
Step 1.) Base coat the Kriel Stone with Bastion Step 3.) Carefully drybrush again with straight Mixing Medium at this stage so you do not
Grey. Make sure that the basecoat remains a Menoth White Highlight. obscure the texture. Notice how the paint tints,
solid color with no variation and that it fills instead of covers, the stone.
all the crevices.
Step 6.) Highlight with a blend of Trollblood
Highlight and Menoth White Highlight mixed
with plenty of Mixing Medium to augment the
translucency of the paint.
Step 2.) Mix equal parts Trollblood Highlight
and Menoth White Highlight. Then apply a
heavy drybrush of this mix to all the surfaces
using a flat brush. This gives the stone some 4
texture, so the chalkier the effect the better.
Step 4.) To define the shadows, mix Greatcoat
Painting Tip Grey with Formula P3 Mixing Medium
To make stone effects appear more “chalky” (sometimes called Matte Medium) and water, Step 7.) Apply some edge highlights using
while drybrushing, use paint straight out of then apply this over the stone. The Mixing straight Menoth White Highlight. This defines
the bottle without using any water. Medium makes the paint translucent so the the edges of the monolith and makes the runic
texture painted underneath will show through. glyphs stand out much more.
NO Quarter Magazine: MODELING and PAINTING
Using the same ideas stated above you can apply this technique Step 6.) Finally, paint the reflection of
with other color options like these black and green gems. the light source glinting off the surface of
the gem. Use a tiny dot of Menoth White
Highlight, making sure to position it directly
opposite from the dot of Midlund Flesh
painted in Step 4.
How to Paint
Studio Style!
What you’ll need
the Feralgeist
• Brown Ink
• Idrian Flesh
• ‘Jack Bone
• Mixing Medium
• Menoth White Highlight
• Ordic Olive
The Feralgeist is a ghostly creature whose ephemeral body radiates an inner • Red Ink
light. To achieve this glowing appearance, we employed a simple technique • Sulphuric Yellow
of switching the shade and highlight colors. In other words, the model gets • Wurm Green
lighter towards the shadows and darker towards the highlights. Keep this • Yellow Ink
concept in mind while reading the following steps, and you should find
painting your own feralgeist quite straightforward and enjoyable.
1 2
Step 1.) Lay down a solid basecoat of 50/50 Step 2.) Add Sulphuric Yellow, some Mixing
Wurm Green and Sulphuric Yellow. It will Medium, and water to the base color until
take 4-5 layers to achieve a good basecoat, it reaches wash consistency. Apply this
but stick with it, as any blotchiness ruins the wash to the whole model so that the details
overall effect. become apparent.
3 4
Step 3.) Begin defining the glow by applying Step 4.) Add Menoth White Highlight to the
Sulphuric Yellow to the recessed areas of the Sulphuric Yellow remaining on your palette
model in the same way you would normally add and apply a second shade. Add Mixing Medium
shading, and watch your figure begin to glow. to the paint to lend translucency and ease the
transition between layers.
5 6
Step 5.) With the depths of our feralgeist Step 6.) Add Ordic Olive to the Wurm Green
glowing brightly, you can now move on to the paint remaining on your palette, along with
darker highlights. Apply Wurm Green just like a drop of Mixing Medium for translucency.
a normal highlight to the raised surfaces of With this mix apply a second layer of darker
the model. highlights to the raised areas of the model.
How to Paint the Feralgeist (Continued)
7 8
Step 7.) Heavily dilute Yellow Ink with clean Step 8.) The next two steps bring out some
water 15/1. Apply this in multiple glaze to the of the contrast buried by the ink glaze.
entire body. Be careful to avoid any excessive Sparsely apply a final shade of Menoth White
pooling in the crevices and watch as the ink Highlight, making sure to avoid dominating
reduces contrast and magnifies your color’s the previous layers.
Painting Tip
When applying multiple glaze layers, a
blow dryer can speed things up by reducing
drying time.
Painting the
Feralgeist’s Bones
Step 9.) For our final step, apply a layer of 1
Ordic Olive to the most pronounced raised
areas. Use these highlights sparingly to define Step 1.) To paint the rest of the model, start by
and separate areas of the model, such as the re-undercoating any areas accidentally hit by
hair, fingers, and ribs. paint from previous steps. Follow this up with
a solid base coat of ‘Jack Bone.
Step 2.) To give the bones definition mix up a
wash of Idrian Flesh and water with a drop of
Mixing Medium. Apply the wash to the entire
surface of the bones.
Step 3.) Highlight your base using a 50/50 mix of
Menoth White Highlight and ‘Jack Bone. Apply
the highlights sparingly to the raised edges of
the bones.
Step 4.) To lend the bones a fresh and slightly
bloody appearance, apply an ink wash consisting
of one part Red Ink, two parts Brown Ink, and
lots of water.
No Quarter 16
Rock Hard
Entries due by 3/1/08
to win this
NO Quarter Magazine: Guts & Gears
Guts and Gears takes a look at the men, machines, and monsters of the Iron Kingdoms. Read about what it takes to
be a warrior or warbeast with one of the many factions or look into the mechanikal workings of hulking warjacks
and what it takes to get these multi-ton constructs to dominate the battlefield.
By Rusty Zimmerman • Art by Eric Deschamps and Imaginary Friends Studio
Miniatures Painting by Todd Arrington
Stormblades &
ature holds few forces more dynamic, destructive, and awe-inspiring
than lightning slashing down from on high in the midst of the
ravaging fury of a thunderstorm. One stalwart group of warriors
have embraced this force and become the undisputed elite of Cygnar’s soldiers.
The Cygnaran crown hand-picks these men and women from the cream of its
military and the ranks of their nobility’s finest offspring and gives them training
and equipment second to no force in western Immoren. The resulting corps of
elite soldiers has earned the fear and respect of all their nation’s foes.
Late in the summer of 578 AR, a young Lord General Leto Raelthorne appeared
at an otherwise poorly attended demonstration of a controversial colonel
adept’s latest project. Sebastian Nemo’s research and discussions regarding his
experimental storm chambers had proven unpopular. With the Cygnaran military
still adapting to their new King Vinter IV’s iron hand, few officers wished to
endorse so radical and potentially expensive a technology. Prince Leto, however,
saw promise in Nemo’s ideas. The young lord general, already resolved to create
a group of soldiers to embody his own ideals and stand by him in the years to
come, conceived of a small force of men so well equipped that they could
stand in the place of much larger contingents and thereby project great
force in battle while risking fewer lives.
NO Quarter Magazine: Guts & Gears
Leto first organized the Stormblades their mechanikal gear and joining him The creation and introduction of the
into formal companies during the without hesitation in besieging the Stormclad, as impressive a warjack as
Scharde Invasions of 584-588 AR palace. While an Ironclad’s hammer Cygnar had ever seen, only added to
and gave them the opportunity to battered open the palace gates in594, the Stormblades’ fame. Never before
prove their worth battling Cryxians bursts of man-made lightning and had a Cygnaran king commissioned
in open war. The young prince fought great sweeping blows from storm a warjack as thanks to his soldiers,
beside his knights and created the glaives swept aside Vinter’s forces and this impressed warriors
unbreakable loyalty between himself waiting within. In the days following throughout the kingdom. Men and
and these soldiers through shared King Leto’s somber crowning, word women throughout Cygnar’s military
risk against unquestionable evil. This spread about the power and bravery clamored for the chance to set aside
bond proved crucial during the most of his chosen warriors, and even battleblade, spear, or rifle
notorious battle of the Stormblades’ those Cygnarans who remained and take up the fantastic
short history, the Lion’s Coup. stubbornly loyal to the deposed arms of one of
Tyrant spoke of the Stormblades Leto’s honored
All of the Stormblades’ higher officers
with respect and fear. Some of these favorites.
had served alongside their prince
knights became influential nobles of
and become well acquainted with the
the Royal Assembly, such as Duke
Tyrant’s cruelty. When Leto called
Kielon Ebonhart.
upon them to end the black reign
of his brother, they eagerly took up
Members of the 1st Heavy Infantry Battalion, aka “Northern Thunder”, protecting the far reaches of Cygnar.
Leto authorized the arming of security of Castle Raelthorn and King orders, most have come to recognize
hundreds and eventually thousands of Leto’s person. membership within the Storm Knights,
these formidable heavy infantry. Under in any capacity, as a distinct dishonor.
In the years since, the men Cygnar
the instruction of Sebastian Nemo,
calls Storm Knights filled several King Leto structured the Stormguard
smiths and arcane mechaniks across
distinct battlefield roles. The original in deliberate counterpoint to the Storm
the nation worked countless hours to
Stormblades continue their loyal Lances. Ironically, those who defend
create the expensive and specialized
service to crown and country as elite Cygnar’s royalty and Castle Raelthorne
weaponry and armor required for these
heavy infantry and shock troops, the tend to come from the lowest birth
soldiers to wield lightning in battle.
boldest of them currently wear the ranks of all who bear storm-charged
Recognizing the need for these Black Swan under Lord Commander weaponry. Some who have noticed
troops in the field––both as a core of Coleman Stryker. Countless heroes this trend attribute it to a young King’s
unquestionably loyal, elite soldiers have arisen within their ranks and desire to show his nation he trusts
and as symbols of a united, strong Morrow only knows how many his life to those of proven loyalty and
Cygnar––and also requiring absolutely enemies of Cygnar have fallen before bravery rather than simply those of
trustworthy guards for Castle their flashing glaives. high birth. The discrepancy may result
Raelthorn, King Leto divided his from nothing more than the fact that
Soon after becoming king, Leto
surviving 12 companies of Stormblades nobles prefer to seek positions where
commissioned the first companies
into three groups. The first and largest, they will wield weapons traditionally
of Storm Lances. Coupling the
composed of experienced and hardened associated with the ruling classes, such
tremendous energy of a storm chamber
soldiers, formed the frame around as the glaive and lance.
and the maneuverability and power
which Leto rebuilt the Stormblade
of heavy cavalry with generations The bulk of the Stormguard sweated,
corps. The second and smallest group,
of Cygnaran nobility trained for bled, and fought their way up through
mostly those recovering from injuries
mounted combat produced something the ranks of Cygnar’s common soldiery
too grievous to allow continued combat
truly fearsome. Incorporating storm to earn their positions. Immediately
service, went to Fort Falk to train the
chambers into mechanikal lances after the initial Khadoran attacks on
next generation of storm soldiers and
created powerful melee weapons Llael, Leto arranged to fund a greatly
help develop their weapons. The last
capable of firing lightning bursts at expanded Stormguard, including the
group contained only soldiers who
short range. creation of many new companies, and
volunteered to forgo future battlefield
dispatched this force upon Khador’s
glory and become the officers of the While some staunch traditionalists still
declaration of war to bolster the front
first Stormguard units. These men insist that nobility properly belong only
lines. The seemingly numberless
and women took responsibility for the in the Sword Knights or similar ancient
NO Quarter Magazine: Guts & Gears
swarms of conscripted Khadoran decide for himself while wreathed in Khadoran or Protectorate infantry and
soldiers that stormed across Llael, arcane electricity whether he or she cut down shambling hordes of undead
coupled with the brazen assaults by the can walk the path of the Stormguard, with tremendous efficiency. Since their
Protectorate’s fanatics against Caspia, and some nerves shatter when men first arrival, first in Northguard and shortly
made it clear Cygnar would need feel lightning crawl over them while thereafter throughout Cygnar, the
every weapon to survive. Stormguard swinging fully charged weapons. Those Stormguard have performed admirably
served with distinction when who break ranks return home or serve and earned a place of honor not merely
reinforcing Northguard after the fall the army in another capacity without as the personal guard of their King but
of Merywyn. The guard continues to shame. The remainder continues as outstanding front line soldiers.
serve as a vital component of Cygnar’s training amidst the crackle of lightning
armored infantry and now comprises and the hum of charged accumulators.
a force several times larger than the By the time they earn their armor,
Stormblades. these men have hardened their bodies
and souls and become not merely
Upon earning the honor of candidacy
fighters capable of wielding their
to the Stormguard––along with the
technologically advanced weapons, but
potential for a formal knighting after
suitably heroic service––every would-
a unit that will fight as one entity on the Stormguard CR6
field of battle. Usually N Medium humanoid
be guard ships to Fort Falk to be (human, Midlunder) fighter 6
whipped into shape by the Cygnaran The Stormguard can brace their Hit Dice 6 (44 hp)
military’s most valuable resource, halberds against a rushing foe and
Resist electricity 20
experienced noncommissioned hold ground like few other Cygnaran
Senses Listen +0, Spot +0; Init +5
officers. Whatever smugness these soldiers. When loosed on the offense,
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares)
recruits may feel about the prospect every strike of their powerful
Armor Class 20, touch 11, flat-
of induction into the guard evaporates weapons unleashes mechanikal fury footed 19 (+1 Dex, +9 armor)
under the sharp tongue and stern glare while blazing power wreaths their Base Attack +6; Grp +9
of these lightning-burned instructors, halberds and arcs from foe to foe to Attack Options Cleave, Great
some of whom fought beside Leto strike at any enemy foolish enough Cleave, Power Attack
during the Lion’s Coup. Beyond to stand before the Stormguard. Melee voltaic halberd +11/+7 (1d10+7
the drilling fields of Fort Falk, few The unique mechanika built into plus 1d6 electricity)
places exist in all Cygnar that one find the sergeant’s nexus generator––a Space 5 ft.
respect more difficult to earn or men weapon accompanying a promotion Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with voltaic
more eager to earn it. that almost always comes with a
Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +2
proper knighthood––harnesses every
The potential guardmen train for Abilities Str 16, Dex 13, Con 14, Int
stray arc of raw power and charges to 12, Wis 10, Cha 8
countless hours with unpowered
loose a final blast of electricity against Skills Craft (mechanika) +3, Craft
and heavier models of their voltaic
one of Cygnar’s foes. The custom (small arms) +3, Intimidate +3,
halberds. Even those few soldiers Knowledge (history) +2, Knowledge
accumulators and storm chambers in
from other famous units, with hands (nobility) +2, Ride +3
nexus generators require several times
callused from a shovel and backs Feats Cleave, Exotic Weapon
more money and skill to construct and Proficiency (voltaic halberd), Great
well used to a Trencher’s gear, often
maintain than the already expensive Cleave, Improved Initiative, Lightning
struggle to wield the more cumbersome Reflexes, Power Attack
voltaic halberd, but the weapons have
weapons and wear the heavier armor Possessions voltaic halberd,
proven indispensable in the field.
of the Stormguard. They are trained, +1 mechanikal improved energy
fed, housed, and even disciplined The same is certainly true of the men resistance (electricity) full plate
as a cohesive team rather than and women who bear such weapons. Languages Cygnaran
individuals. Units receive praise only The Stormguard ravage swarms of
for the prowess of the worst member
during weapons drills, the speed of
the slowest when field stripping and Voltaic Halberd
maintaining their gear, or the stamina A voltaic halberd is a +1 mechanikal shocking halberd. It possesses a hybrid accumulator
of the weakest when “sparring” against socket and an offensive spell trigger that allows the wielder to cast lightning bolt (see
pg. 328, IKCG).
laborjacks until they exhaust their coal.
Cost Dmg (S) Dmg (M) Crit Range Inc. Weight Type
The sole exception to this rule comes
Classified — 1d10* x3 — 15 lb. Slashing
during the troopers’ first live-storm
chamber drill. Each recruit must * +1d6 points electricity damage.
NO Quarter Magazine: Guts & Gears
58 58
NO Quarter Magazine: Guts & Gears
Painting Stormguard
The 1st Heavy Infantry Battalion aka “Northern Thunder” By Todd Arrington
Base Coat
Base the arcane capacitors on the voltaic halberd with Menoth White Highlight
and the blade with Cold Steel. For the rest of the model, base the gold portions
with Solid Gold, the steel parts with Cold Steel, and the padding and trim in
Cygnar Blue Base. Finally, base coat all white parts with Underbelly Blue.
Morrow White
Highlighting Pig Iron
Highlight the halberd blade with Cold Steel followed by Quick Silver. Highlight Quick Silver
the gold parts first with Solid Gold then a 50/50 mix of Solid Gold and Cold Steel.
Highlight the steel parts with Pig Iron followed by Cold Steel on the flat portions. Solid Gold
Highlight the padding and trim with Cygnar Blue Highlight. Highlight the white
areas first with Underbelly Blue followed by Menoth White Highlight. Thamar Black
Halberd Blade—Cold Steel, Quick Silver • Gold—Solid Gold, Cold Steel Umbral Umber
Steel—Pig Iron, Cold Steel • Padding and Trim—Cygnar Blue Highlight
Underbelly Blue
Whites—Underbelly Blue, Menoth White Highlight
Highlight the arcane capacitors with Morrow White. Define the halberd blade
edge with Exile Blue and Thamar Black. Highlight the tips, edges, and rivets of
the gold parts with a mix of Quick Silver and Sold Gold. Then, apply Umbral
Umber in the grill holes of the helmet. Detail the steel and rivets of the armor
with Quick Silver. Highlight the padding and trim with a 50/50 mix of Menoth
White Highlight and Cygnar Blue Highlight. Finally, apply Morrow White to the
extreme edges of the white portions.
Details Colors:
Arcane Capacitors—Morrow White • Halberd Blade—Exile Blue, Thamar Black
Gold—Quick Silver, Sold Gold • Helmet Grill––Umbral Umber
Steel—Quick Silver • Padding and Trim—Menoth White Highlight,
Cygnar Blue Highlight • Whites—Morrow White
S i
i g i l:
THEORY By The Privateer Press Staff • Art by Chippy, Brian Snoddy, Matt Wilson, and Sam Wood
The Amethyst Rose and Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Prestige Classes
I n the last half-century, both Cygnar and Llael have put forward
systematic attempts to recognize and organize gun mages under their
nation’s military. The following two prestige classes represent the gun
mages of these military orders. While the Order of the Arcane Tempest
is now an integral part of the modern Cygnar army, the Loyal Order of
the Amethyst Rose has been broken by the fall of Llael to the Khadoran
Empire. The Amethyst Rose Gun Mage prestige class presented here
represents the order at the time of the invasion and the months that
followed. Though they have recruited a few particularly talented rebels
as new members since the occupation, only heroic efforts will enable
the organization to survive. It seems more likely they will choose to go
out in a literal blaze of glory.
NO Quarter Magazine:Magic Bullet Theory
into the order ranked just short of a knighthood in the honor it
Amethyst Rose Gun Mage (Argm) bestowed. Like all Llaelese institutions, the order suffered from
“With our country betrayed by our leader and our order broken by the duplicities of Rynish politics as its various noble members
his policies, we were all but powerless to stop the red tide invading vied for favor at court. Though always loyal to the crown, the
our beloved Llael. Many of us fell in the first days of the war political influence of several members, and of the order itself, often
fulfilling our oaths to defend the throne, even if it has stood empty engendered resentment from nobles of the court.
for so long. More than half our order died. Died with honor. After the
Unlike the disciplined sorceries of the Cygnaran Army’s Order of
invasion, those of us cursed to live scattered, and each man sought
the Arcane Tempest, the Amethyst Rose encouraged each member
his own way to fulfill his oath to the Golden Crown and Stars as
to develop his or her unique arcane talents. This resulted in the
honor dictates. Some seek an heir to the throne, if one still exists.
order’s members possessing greatly varying abilities built around
Others, like me, find it enough to strike out of the darkness at the
a narrow core of shared skills. Though the hysteria over sorcery
invaders until there is an accounting for what they have done.”
never reached the levels found in Cygnar under Vinter Raelthorn,
– Conor d’Wyllowmet (male Ryn Gmg 6, Argm 3) early Llaelese gun mages often found ways to turn their magic
inward to improve their ability as gunfighters rather than hurling
C elebrated gunmen of the Llaelese army and sworn agents of the
crown, the members of the Loyal Order of the Amethyst Rose
were born leaders and master arcane duelists. This once-glorious
this power outward as overt spells. The order continued this early
trend, and its members became exemplary duelists with arcane-
enhanced skill rather than overt displays of raw power.
order lies in tatters after the conquest of Llael. With its leaders mostly
dead, its few surviving members operate alone or in small groups to After the vacancy of the throne, the order’s mission changed from
fulfill their duty and oath to the Golden Crown and Stars as honor agents of the Crown to seekers and sponsor of heirs, which brought
dictates. the order into danger. Some, like Archduke Glabryn, resented the
political power the Amethyst Rose had gathered and did not wish to
Most members of the Order of the Amethyst Rose strike the
see them become kingmakers. As a result, the order found its efforts
Khadoran occupiers from the shadows as saboteurs and rally the
stymied at every turn, the heirs and their protectors assassinated,
meager forces of the Llaelese Resistance cells still fighting inside their
and finally the Prime Minister dominating Llaelese politics.
fallen nation. A few members not present at the time of the invasion
continue their mission to track down any clues regarding the heir to After Prime Minister Archduke Deyar Glabryn rose to power,
the Llaelese throne. The order’s leadership hoped such an heir would veteran members began covertly directing the search for a surviving
strengthen and renew Llael. Now the survivors hope he or she will heir to the throne. Dressed all in the black of mourning for the
restore their nation. last king, the members of the order publicly renewed their vow to
serve the crown and Llael. Secretly, junior members went abroad
Amethyst Rose Gun Mages in the Iron Kingdoms to follow every rumor and clue about a viable heir. This effort, if
successful, might have changed history but it came too late.
The Order of the Amethyst Rose began as a collection of patriotic
noble duelists with a born affinity for sorcery and firearms. They The betrayal of Llael by Prime Minister Archduke Deyar
fancied themselves the supreme duelists in all the Iron Kingdoms Glabryn had a devastating effect on the Amethyst Rose. In
and would quickly employ their pistols to prove that claim to any the years preceding the invasion, the Prime Minister’s policies
challenger. slowly strangled the order’s funding while he attacked them as an
antiquated institution long past its usefulness, guarding an empty
When the order formally organized, they chose a species of
throne. When the Khadorans attacked, the order’s already slim
rose unique to Llael and grown only in the Royal Gardens to
numbers and resources evaporated within days. Today the exact
represent their noble blood and deep patriotism. Sworn to protect
membership remains unknown and no cohesive organization exists.
the crown, the order became a school for gun mages who would
Each gun mage takes it as a personal matter to continue their
serve as personal agents of the king both at home and abroad.
traditions and seek apprentices worthy of learning their techniques.
Most of the founders came from the nobility, but in later years the
The individualistic nature of the members serves them well and
order expanded to serve as officers in the Llaelese army and soon
makes tracking them down difficult for their enemies even as it also
included qualified members from all parts of society. Induction
makes coordinated action a challenge.
Notable Figures Requirements
To qualify to become an Amethyst Rose gun mage, a character must fulfill
Heremon Lynch Anthys all of the following criteria.
(male Ryn Gmg 6, Argm 8, Clr 3) Race: Human (any)
A highly respected former instructor for the Order of the Amethyst Skills: Craft (small arms) 7 ranks, Knowledge (Llaelese History) 2
Rose and a consummate duelist, Heremon arose from old stock Feats: Quick Draw, Weapon Focus (pistol)
and exemplified Rynnish nobility. In Llael, however, the schemes
Spells: Must be able to cast 2nd-level arcane spells.
of others can often lay low even the most just man. The devious
manipulations of a fellow noble led to Heremon’s tragic fall by Special: Must have the Arcane Focus, Bond with Magelock Pistol, and
seducing his fiancée and provoking Heremon to a duel. Unknown Cast Rune Bullet abilities. Must be inducted into Order of the Amethyst
to Heremon, his foe had engaged the dark powers of Thamar. Rose by an existing member of the Order after showing the requisite
patriotism to Llael and swearing an oath to the Golden Crown and Stars.
As a result of this malign sorcery, Heremon accidentally slew
his beloved during the duel. Shamed and unaware of the spell, Class Skills
Heremon rejected his life as a gun mage and entered the priesthood. The Amethyst Rose gun mage’s class skills (and the key ability for each
Years later, the Thamarite’s true nature and schemes came to light. skill) are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Craft (small arms)
(Int), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Profession (Wis), Sleight
Heremon took up his guns again and swore vengeance against the
of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), and Spot (Wis).
man who had wronged him and escaped south.
Skill points at each level: 2 + Int modifier
Known as one of the greatest occult hunters in the Iron Kingdoms,
Heremon has traveled through Llael, Cygnar, and Ord for over a
Hit Die
decade. Some say the ghost of his beloved still haunts him and sets
him on the path to his foes. Heremon sometimes works with the
Order of Illumination as an adjacent, but most often hunts alone.
Despite the good he has done, Heremon remains a
haunted man with a single purpose: to find the
man who ruined his life and give rest to the
ghost of his beloved.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency Greater Bond
Amethyst Rose gun mages gain no proficiency with any weapon The Amethyst Rose gun mage also gains several additional
or armor. An Amethyst Rose gun mage can cast gun mage spells bonded magelock pistol special abilities (IKCG, p. 109), allowing
while wearing light armor without incurring the normal arcane him to perform feats of amazing gunmanship through the use of
spell failure chance. However, like any other arcane spellcaster, his innate sorcery.
an Amethyst Rose gun mage wearing medium or heavy armor or
When armed or wielding a bonded magelock pistol, an Amethyst
using a shield incurs a chance of arcane spell failure if the spell in
Rose gun mage may channel spell energy into a special effect.
question has a somatic component. A multiclass Amethyst Rose
Each ability costs one spell slot. You may not sacrifice multiple
gun mage still incurs the normal arcane spell failure chance for
spell slots for a single ability, and you cannot perform more than
arcane spells received from other classes.
one Greater Bond ability in a round.
Focused Channeling Starting at 1st level and every other level, an Amethyst Rose gun
mage may choose one of the following abilities:
At 2nd level, an Amethyst Rose gun mage gains the Focused
Channeling feat (see callout, p. 65) for free. If the character Arcane Accuracy
already has Focused Channeling he may choose another feat from
the list of gun mage bonus feats. Furthermore, every two levels You have deadly accurate aim and can land a shot even if you
thereafter (4th, 6th, 8th, and 10th) the bonus increases by two (to see only the hint of a foe. You may reduce cover and soft cover
a maximum of +10 at 10th level). This bonus does not apply to bonuses by two points per spell level of the slot spent (cantrips are
channeling spells into rune bullets in other pistols. worth 1 point). You cannot use this ability against an opponent
that has full cover for you if that cover blocks your line of sight to
Spells him.
NO Quarter Magazine: Magic Bullet Theory
no longer simply ferreted out political enemies of the king,
Arcane Tempest Gun Mage (Atgm) but it brought fear and persecution of witches to a national
“I grew up south o’ Bainsmarket, along with all the other boys scale. Rather than driving sorcerers, including gun mages,
destined to plow fields like their pa’s before them. Many a day we from the land as intended, the Inquisition helped double the
played at being a Trencher or Sword Knight, of wearing the blue or Tempest Academy’s rolls seemingly over night. The Tempest
gray like the soldiers of Fort Falk that came on parade day, but I Academy served as one of the few refuges for a gun mage to
never dreamt that it would be so. Little did I know the army wanted avoid charges of witchcraft, and as a result many enlisted—
what my family had long tried to keep hid. What my ma called the more than anyone had ever suspected existed. The Academy
family curse the Academy calls a talent. When I first touched a opened to all patriotic citizens who showed sorcerous talent
magelock, it felt like a living thing. Now I’ve passed my tests, seen with firearms, though certainly the Academy took a more
combat, and sworn my oaths. I’m ready to serve Cygnar till Morrow liberal view of these criteria than the narrow definition
calls and, if he’ll let me, a good deal longer.” practiced by the Inquisition.
— A recent graduate, Militant Order of the Arcane
Only after the coup by Leto Raelthorne did the Tempest
Tempest before his deployment to the northern front.
Academy see real military application. The new king saw
Arcane Tempest Gun Mages in the Iron Kingdoms
Arcane Tempest gun mages form one of the arcane arms of the
Cygnar army. Versed in both battlefield strategy and commando
tactics, they serve as battlefield gunmen and crack troubleshooter
units. They often work in small teams that attain incredible results
both on and off the battlefield.
The presence of these elite gunfighters lifts the spirits of
fellow soldiers and spawns tales of arcane prowess and
aid. Among common folk, the sign of the Arcane
Tempest identifies a true patriot—not any easy
title for a sorcerer to earn.
An Arcane Tempest Gun Mage may spend time away
from purely military pursuits, adventuring or serving the
crown in other capacities (as a spy or saboteur for Cygnar’s
Reconnaissance service, for example), but these instances
remain rare due to the high demand for the gun mage’s
talents, especially in times of war.
Arcane Tempest training allows these gun mages to tap their
power in ways that others cannot. These disciplines remain
secret through the oaths Academy cadets swear to Cygnar,
the crown, and to the Militant Order of the Arcane Tempest
to protect and serve until death and to keep the order’s
secrets on pain of death. Any who betray these secrets
become nothing less than traitors to the crown, and their
former comrades hunt them down without mercy.
NO Quarter Magazine: Magic Bullet Theory
To quality to become an Arcane Tempest Gun Mage, a character must
fulfill all the following criteria.
Notable Units Race: Human
While the gun mage and warcaster Allister Caine—whose Nationality: Cygnaran
swaggering style has earned as many enemies as admirers— Skills: Craft (small arms) 7 ranks, Knowledge (Cygnaran History) 2
remains perhaps the most well known Tempest Academy graduate Feats: Quickened Channeling*
in Cygnaran service, most officers and Academy instructors hope
other gun mages do not imitate his cocksure and irreverent style. Spells: Must be able to cast 2nd-level arcane spells.
Still, those of a more pragmatic nature have come to trust Caine to Special: Must have the Arcane Focus, Bond with Magelock Pistol, and
get results, and they know that rank stripes do not always reflect Cast Rune Bullet ability. Must be a member of the Cygnaran military, be
patriotism. Caine’s unique arcane abilities, moreover, and his accepted into Tempest Academy, then inducted into the Militant Order by
status as a warcaster set him apart from his fellow soldiers in the completing all training. Must show the requisite patriotism to Cygnar and
Militant Order. successfully bond with at least one magelock pistol.
* See New Feats, p. 65.
The Black 13th serve as a better example of exemplary gun mages
in their training, experience, power, and teamwork. A crack All of the following are features of the Arcane Tempest gun mage prestige
team of magical troubleshooters and consummate gunslingers, class.
the members of the Black 13th combine their individual talents Class Skills
and diverse abilities to easily overcome any number of difficult The Arcane Tempest gun mage’s class skills (and the key ability for
problems. The number of gun mages included in this group has each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Craft (small
waxed and waned over the years, but has never been more than a arms) (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Profession (Wis),
dozen or less than three. Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis).
Skill points at each level: 2 + Int modifier
Hit Die
Arcane Precision
When using a bonded magelock pistol the Arcane Tempest gun
mage may use his Charisma modifier instead of his Dexterity
modifier on attack rolls.
Bonus Spell
At 1st level, the Arcane Tempest gun mage learns one additional
spell of any level up to highest level known. An Arcane Tempest
gun mage learns an additional spell at 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level.
NO Quarter Magazine: Magic Bullet Theory
Shared Runes New Spell
The following spell was previously
Members of the Academy learn to harmonize their ability to cast printed in No Quarter #6.
rune bullets with their fellow members so that they may share
rune bullets with their fellow gun mages. Normally a gun mage Gun Craft
uses runes unique to him that another gun mange cannot employ. Transmutation
An Arcane Tempest gun mage may use any rune bullet by created Level: Gun Mage 0
by another Arcane Tempest gun mage.
Spells Component: S
At 8th ability the gun mage gains the ability to make a second
attack against a nearby target after hitting his first target. A
Gun Craft
number of times equal to his Charisma bonus per day the gun At 1st level, an Arcane Tempest gun mage learns gun craft, a new
mage may choose to make a second attack against a target within spell taught to all gun mages accepted into the Militant Order
10 feet of the first target. Each attack does normal damage, but of the Arcane Tempest (see New Spells callout). If the Arcane
only the first target is affected by any channeled spell energy or Tempest gun mage already knows this spell he does not gain an
spells attached to a rune bullet. additional spell to replace it, but he may choose to swap a known
spell for a new one using disciplined sorcery (above).
Penetrating Sight
At 10th level, the Arcane Tempest gun mage gains the ability to, as
a free action, see even in total darkness and magical darkness, to
see invisible creatures or objects normally, to see the exact locations
of creatures or objects under blur or displacement effects, and to see
into and through solid matter when using his bonded magelock
pistol’s sighting link ability. Penetrating sight can penetrate one foot
of stone, one inch of common metal, or up to three feet of wood or
dirt. Thicker substances or a thin sheet of lead blocks this ability.
An Arcane Tempest gun mage may use this ability a number of
times up to twice his Charisma bonus per day.
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By Andrew Linstrom • Art by Brian Snoddy
Need it fixed? Just ask a gobber.
B efore the arrival of the Orgoth and the leveling of the Fingers, a handful
of bogrin tribes inhabited the crags and crevices of the rocky spires.
These creatures preyed on local wildlife and human settlements and
took part in the Devourer worship that occurred on the spires’
peaks. The Orgoth drove the bogrin first into the surrounding
wilderness and then even farther out as the invaders answered
reports of bogrin banditry with brutal slaughter. The Orgoth did not
discriminate between gobbers and bogrin and massacred peaceful
gobber fishing villages on the river as part of the lesson, leaving
the region goblin-free until after the Scourge.
After the departure of the Orgoth and the depopulation of the
region around Five Fingers, it took a long time for humans
to resettle the area in sizable numbers and longer still for
gobbers to move in past the ruins of their former villages.
The gobbers did not live among the humans at
first, particularly since bogrin had moved back in
before the humans and made themselves a major
nuisance (or minor threat) to the fledgling town
of pirates and smugglers. After tenuous trade in
alchemicals and foodstuffs began between the
humans and the gobbers, some gobbers moved
in to join the building crews and helped to
steadily expand the town.
The city’s acceptance of gobbers grew from their
willingness to take on undesirable jobs and find
their own living space. By the time of Bolis’
dark ascension, gobbers occupied essentially
the same roles in society as they do today,
and bogrin had begun to occupy their
current place as gobbers’ larger,
shadier cousins.
NO Quarter Magazine: GOBBERS & BOGRIN
This reality has begun to change, though perceptions have yet to catch
Gobbers in Five Fingers Today up. Many gobbers, typically immigrants from outside communities
By and large, gobbers make their homes in the Rigs. When gobbers that retain their race’s alchemical skills, now produce work that breaks
first settled in Five Fingers, they reckoned it would help their cause to the local stereotypes. Also, more gobbers have apprenticed to human
find housing that did not encroach on their human neighbors. The Rigs alchemists and become valued contributors to the trade. Notably, a
began with a few shacks made of overturned dinghies on the roof of an number of Ryn alchemists, refugees from Llael and former members of
obliging Captain’s Isle landlord, and additions in that theme expanded the turmoil-locked Order of the Golden Crucible, have recently taken on
the dwellings. Over the years, what is effectively a smaller city above the gobber apprentices.
city has grown up and out to include buildings hanging off (and under)
several of the islands. Even gobbers who work in other districts tend
to make their homes in the Rigs over Captain’s Isle or another rigged
Gobber-Owned Businesses
district and commute to work (see page 36, Moving Around In the Rigs, Typically, gobber-owned businesses reside either up high or down low.
Five Fingers: Port of Deceit). Gobbers operate only a few street-level establishments, all located in
modest districts. Most gobber shops are up in the rigs, and their clientele
Gobbers who do rest their heads below the rigs usually do so to remain is almost exclusively the gobbers and bogrin who dwell there.
close to their business. Gobber fishermen like to stay close to their boats.
Gobbers apprenticed in a human’s shop usually have a cot in the corner The types of businesses owned by gobbers are typically humble
like a human apprentice. The rare gobber to own his or her own ground affairs, nothing grander than a fishing boat and its berth or a market
level shop usually either lives on the premises or in the rigs directly above. stall. Some bigger and more notable establishments exist, though they
are few in number.
Gobbers work in a variety of businesses. Their can-do attitude and wide
comfort zone enables them to see opportunity where humans may see
something distasteful or shameful. Gobbers often take to awkward or
Present Attitudes and Relationships
unsavory tasks with surprising aplomb. For instance, gobbers seem not Humans can become dangerously jealous of their business if they
to mind the smell of fish as much as humans and so commonly take up perceive gobbers encroaching on it, particularly poor and desperate
fishing and fish mongering. Their mechanical aptitude makes them good humans like the fishermen on Hospice Island. Gobbers with the look or
candidates for the city’s corps of civil engineers, and when a sewage smell of fishing avoid Crabbeggar Island entirely.
vessel backs up or ruptures somewhere that the city bothers to fix it, the Gobbers fare well compared to other non-humans
foreman is likely to be the only human on the work crew. in the city. Gobbers respect the ogrun
and trollkin of the city, seeing
The occasional gobber does turn to a life of crime, sometimes from
in their larger Molgur
desperation, sometimes from greed, but most often for the thrill and
kindred elements of
excitement of living outside the law. Their natural stature, agility, and
their own struggle for
camouflage make them well suited to larceny. Gobbers who take up
acceptance among
thievery must avoid earning a reputation among humans for their acts,
the humans.
as the larger gobber community takes an unfriendly view of those who
Likewise, while
give the race a bad reputation. Gobbers have a much broader definition
the ogrun and
of ‘personal property’ than humans, and do not have the same taboos
trollkin of Five
against ‘stealing’. Among themselves, gobbers worry much more
Fingers may
about violence than theft. While clumsy or sloppy thieves may invite
look down on
unwelcome attention from outside the gobber community, gobbers with
individual gobbers
a predilection for thuggery tend to find themselves shunned or actively
in a physical sense,
hunted by their own people. Adventuring is a popular way for gobbers of
a larcenous disposition to leave town and continue putting their skills to
use, at least until they have shaken the mud off of their name.
Their rising role in the mechanikal field is the main recognizable common
point between the gobbers of Five Fingers and those living in other
human cities. Hardly a steamo, mechanik, locksmith, or clockmaker in
the city does not have at least one gobber on staff. Thanks to the Steam
and Iron Workers Union’s racially blind membership policies, gobbers
make up a healthy proportion of the city’s Union-certified mechanics.
Since word travels fast in the rigs, when need arises for mechanikal
expertise, qualified gobbers sometimes appear on-site and present their
credentials before an official work call even goes out.
Historically, the gobbers of Five Fingers have shown less skill with
alchemy than gobbers elsewhere, perhaps begun with the loss of certain
traditions to the depredations of the Orgoth and the years of subsistence
living, and appear to have lost something of their race’s natural grasp
on reagents and admixtures. Life in a crowded city also cuts gobbers off
from the wild herbs and natural remedies intrinsic to their alchemical
heritage. The commensurate slide in quality has led the non-gobbers
of the city to view gobber alchemy as second-rate; real solutions come
from a reputable human alchemist, but the desperate often seek gobber
homebrews as a cheap, chancy fix.
NO Quarter Magazine: GOBBERS & BOGRIN
they recognize and respect escaping to the rigs to give pursuers the slip, so they find almost any criminal
Gobber the strides and achievements risk manageable. A bogrin of strong arm and sharp eye can easily find work
Alchemists’ Cabal the city’s gobber community with Five Fingers’ countless criminal outfits as muscle or a lookout.
Secrecy: Secret has made. Every trollkin
Many of the bogrin in Five Fingers work as freelancers, usually setting
(Gather Information DC 20) feels external pressure
themselves about criminal activities such as robbery and burglary. Some
Organization: Loose not to settle outside of the
have proven themselves of real use to the city, such as those who row or pole
Enforcement: Lax Kithgrav Bourg, and each
Size: Cabal (~20); Location: The Rigs; their own boats as ferries, or the sizable number who work as rat catchers.
ogrun chafes against the
Operations: Agenda The legitimate freelancers form a minority, however, and their beneficial
law prohibiting them from
(supporting fellow gobber alchemists), work does not even begin to reverse their race’s reputation in the city.
bearing arms as every other
Fabrication (alchemy) Worse, it’s a commonly held, and mostly correct, belief that most ’honest’
sentient in the city has the
Alignment: N bogrin would accept shady employment if approached with a good offer.
Member Assets: 100 gp (most gobber right to do, but most take
heart from the example of Employing bogrin for muscle or other tasks requires only a simple visit
tradesmen have little more than simple
tools, more successful ones like Naj the gobbers. to the right establishment, such as the bogrin-owned Dangling Inn of
have access to alchemist’s labs and the Rigs over Captain’s Isle (Five Fingers: Port of Deceit, page 65). Bogrin
The gobbers’ apolitical
reagents) hirelings may be tempted to switch sides in a battle, especially to throw in
nature contributes to their
Membership Requirement: with the strongest side, but good pay and pride usually keep them loyal.
Membership Approval assimilation into the culture
Expect to pay at least 1 sp per level per day to retain a bogrin hireling, and
(Craft [Alchemy]) of Five Fingers. Gobbers
to pay 1 gp per level on days with combat, as well as additional expenses
Leaders: Naj of Bowser’s Balms, remain steadfastly neutral
such as ammunition and alchemicals consumed.
Basalms, and Cordials and Rola of The in matters of gang warfare,
Crone’s Nest. relations between the
kingdoms, religious strife,
Bogrin-Owned Businesses
Notes: No formally organized group
of gobber alchemists exists in the and courtly intrigue. If a As rare as gobber-owned businesses are in Five Fingers, bogrin-owned
city, but Naj and Rola have taken it gang demands protection businesses are even rarer. A handful do exist, such as the Dangling Inn
on themselves to try and foster the money from a gobber’s in the Rigs over Captain’s Isle (Five Fingers: Port of Deceit, page 65). Most
return of alchemy to the gobbers of street-level shop or don’t serve a benign purpose like the Dangling Inn, however. Instead,
Five Fingers. They keep loose tabs on home, and the demand is they provide more dubious services, like Crot’s Barge with its illegal
gobbers who make their living with reasonable, then the gobber alchemicals.
alchemy and mentor these charges, pays; if not, the gobber
teaching them what they need to
know, guiding them towards business
accepts the extortion as an Present Attitudes and Relationships
insurmountable facet of the The humans of Five Fingers barely tolerate bogrin because they provide a
practices good for the city’s gobber
alchemists individually and as a whole, local environment, pulls cheap labor source. The Five Fingers Watch have a habit of detaining on
encouraging them to swap tips and up stakes, and relocates to suspicion any bogrin on the streets who looks to be up to no good, which to
recipes, and to recommend clients to somewhere more hospitable. the Watch’s eyes is any bogrin not visibly occupied with some legitimate task.
each other. Gobbers in a human tavern
gladly raise their mugs and The trollkin and ogrun in the city tolerate bogrin to roughly the same
drink along with a toast to the health of King Baird, or a popular ship degree that humans do, though the trollkin and ogrun, being more
captain, or High Captain Riordan, or to the dream of a reunited Thuria, or physically capable on average, see the bogrin as more of a potential
to nearly any toast if offered in friendly spirits. nuisance than a potential threat.
Gobbers in Five Fingers have a unique take on their bogrin neighbors in
Bogrin in Five Fingers today the city. Humans have begun to consider and judge gobbers separately
Like gobbers, most bogrin live in the Rigs. While most gobbers see from bogrin only in recent generations. Gobbers are acutely aware that
dwelling in the Rigs to avoid humans and keep out of trouble as a positive any struggles for acceptance they have had to endure from the civilized
choice, bogrin understand that they are absolutely not welcome in races of western Immoren stem from the savage bogrin and their
proximity to humans. tendencies toward aggression, brigandry, cruelty, and cannibalism. In the
wilds of Caen, bogrin commonly prey on gobbers, sometimes raiding their
Bogrin dwelling closer to the ground do so in poorer districts by docks villages for flesh and valuable goods and other times demanding tribute
and warehouses and never in primarily residential areas. Their human of favors or treasure. After gobbers had finally earned their place in the
neighbors, if any, live nearby due to economic necessity or to avoid legal city and bogrin began to move in, the first bogrin attempted to throw their
attention. weight around with the gobbers and establish themselves at the top of
Many value bogrin, for all their ill temperament and bad reputation, as their the city’s goblin hierarchy. Their attempt failed. The gobbers of the city
inexpensive labor. Physically stronger than their gobber kin, people often made messy and humiliating examples of any bogrin with pretensions of
employ bogrin on jobs where their size and agility make them better choices superiority.
than humans or trollkin. Many bogrin find themselves cleaning chimneys The understanding between the gobber and bogrin communities today
or steam boilers, scrubbing distillery works, or adjusting parts on large states that bogrin may live as truly to their vicious nature as they wish,
machines. They also find work with shipbuilders, but unlike gobbers, who unless that nature leads them to preying on gobbers or gobber interests
usually do riveting or mechanikal work, bogrin generally undertake more and so long as they do not violate certain prohibitions which would
mundane tasks like moving beams, planks, or plating in tight spaces. endanger the entire community, such as arson. Both gobbers and bogrin
The natural inclinations of bogrin make them much more valuable to Five understand very clearly that gobbers outnumber bogrin in Five Fingers by
Fingers’ criminal empires. The legality of a job does not concern a bogrin; three to one.
they only weigh the risk of getting caught. Bogrin are very accomplished at
NO Quarter Magazine: GOBBERS & BOGRIN
Goblin-Run Businesses Gobber Slang
Spoken Phrase Gobber Slang Connotation
Type Establishment (Island/District) Quality
“Upriver”, “Upriverer” Gobbers from out of town, originally gobbers from
Arcane Supplies, Alchemy Bowser’s Balms, Basalms, and Cordials (D1) 3 Corvis at the other end of the Dragon’s Tongue River.
The Crone’s Nest (C8) 2 Slighty derogatory to mean a “yokel”.
Crot’s Barge (H2/varies) 1 “Ives” or “Klivson” A human intolerant or inconsiderate of gobbers; from High
Entertainment Wonder Wagon (Bellows) 3 Captain Ives Klivson, who started the Rigs Inferno of 458.
Taverns/Lodging Dangling Inn (C8) 2 “Kuteshihahu” Bogrin. From the gobberish word for warrior. Few
gobbers in the city consider themselves warriors. Nearly
Bowser’s Balms, Basalms, and Cordials every male bogrin, however, proudly considers himself
a warrior no matter his actual profession.
While the absent-minded Herman Bowser (male Midlunder Exp 2) owns
“All sunriseand sunset” The unpleasant hues an “upriver” gobber’s skin turns
this shop, his capable “assistant” Naj (male gobber Alc 8) actually runs while violently ill from drinking the local water; by
the show. Naj studied alchemy under human masters in Corvis and Ceryl, extension, someone of any race who is seriously sick.
and his behind-the-scenes work has propelled Bowser’s business from a
cut-rate alchemist’s shop to prosperity and popularity. Their arrangement
allows Naj’s alchemy to receive recognition in circles that would never Employing Gobber Storytellers
consider a gobber’s work. While the gobbers of Five Fingers do not follow the organization of rural
tribes, they still respect and care for their elders. If a gobber lives a good
The Crone’s Nest life, is well regarded in the community, and reaches about fifty years
The elder gobber wise-woman and storyteller Rolamaripogonauman of age, he or she retires to the station of an elder. Gobber households
“Rola” (female gobber Clr 4/Exp 3) runs this open-air potion stand out of consider it an honor to support such a distinguished individual; if the
an oversized crow’s nest above the Rigs. Her cauldron behind the counter elder’s own children cannot do so, other families with the means will jump
constantly bubbles and sends up plumes of varicolored fumes from one of at the chance. The gobbers of Five Fingers pay no more than lip service
the highest points in the city. Rola and her daughter Marirolalagemunuren to their ancestral caste system, but they describe elders as members of the
“Mari” (female gobber Clr2) have appointed themselves the chief “bruhmeyena taka,” the caste of priests and intellectuals, with a touch of
caretakers of the shrine called the Mother of the Rigs (Five Fingers: Port of reverence regardless of their previous station in life.
Deceit, page 65), which is visible from the shop. Aside from specializing in A gobber elder primary fills the role of storyteller. The gobbers’ rich oral
minor divination potions and curative alchemicals, Rola trains new gobber tradition, another holdover of tribal life, includes tales of wisdom and
healers and midwives in classes at the Crone’s Nest. historical significance passed from one generation to the next. Gobbers
who reach elder status become repositories of this knowledge by inheriting
Crot’s Barge stories from the previous generation, swapping with other storytellers, and
Crot (male bogrin Rog 4/Exp 1) and his crew are out-of-town bogrin listening to stories from all across the Five Fingers’ gobber community.
masquerading as acclimated natives. Their poled barge has a hand- While they write none of it down, wizened old gobbers can recount the
scrawled sign advertising cheap shipping between the islands, but the saga of Five Fingers better than any of the moldering pages in the Great
ever-present stack of crates lashed in a tall mound on the deck actually Thurian Library.
conceals a sordid den where they concoct anything poisonous, acidic,
These storytellers possess all manner of facts that others might find
flammable, sticky, or narcotic that will sell. They pole from dock to dock
interesting, most notably the history and locations of Orgoth ruins,
between the city’s shadier districts, hawking their highly illicit items to
smuggler caches, and similar sites around and under the city.
anyone with the coin. The crew also hire themselves out as smugglers,
lookouts, or as security for heists and the like. Not being Five Fingers-
savvy, Crot fails to realize that unless he quickly starts paying off the
enforcers in the districts where he does business, the Watch will get a tip
Legends & Lore: Gobber Storytellers
and come down hard on this floating factory. The barge never moors at the Common (DC 10): Gobbers born and bred in Five Fingers have a good
same dock two nights in a row, but it most often ties up under the Hospice feel for the city’s history and their place in it.
Island side of the Wake Bridge. Uncommon (DC 15): Elders of the gobber community are respected
and cared for by younger generations, who receive the benefit of their
Wonder Wagon elders’ wisdom as passed down in stories.
In the Hundred Smokes District, the mysterious tinker Rork (male gobber Rare (DC 20): Gobber elder storytellers know the locations of scores of
ArcMk 2/Bdg 5) owns a mule-pulled wagon that contains a mechanikal lost smuggler caches and sites of power around Five Fingers.
extravaganza of entertainment. The wagon unfolds into a miniature stage Obscure (DC 25): Every mystic society from the Fraternal Order to the
where clockwork puppets play out whatever story Rork has painstakingly Cult of Toruk are racing to find a hidden Orgoth site of power that has
configured them to perform. The wagon’s steam engine even powers a recently begun radiating detectable, foul energy. None of them have
small, self-playing pipe organ. Rork shouts out the narration and acts yet thought to ask a gobber storyteller. If an outside agent were to be
the voice of all the characters. The Wonder Wagon turns an impressive the first to successfully make such an inquiry, the resulting information
would be of significant value to any of the interested agencies.
profit every day without rain, though much of the money goes to paying
High Captain Hurley’s men to keep it locked up safe every night while
Rork retires to his home in the Rigs above Captain’s Isle. Rork only goes
through the trouble of moving the wagon off Bellows Isle during major
festivals and holidays, when it has become a popular recurring feature in
the Emerald District of Captain’s Isle.
Trooper Tactics in HORDES
By David ‘DC’ Carl • Art by Matt Dixon, Karl Richardson, Brian Snoddy, Andrea Uderzo, Eva Widderman, Kieran Yanner
It’s easy to see the strength in a hulking warbeast pounding a As with most tactical considerations in WARMACHINE or
foe into paste or the dangerous beauty in a well-executed cavalry HORDES, certain general principles apply to all single-
charge. It’s equally easy to miss the power inherent in the little wound warrior models to different extents. Understanding
guy, the common man, the single-wound combat trooper, and and applying these principles will lead to greater success on
this article explores ways to get the most out of them. the battlefield.
NO Quarter Magazine: Rank & file
NO Quarter Magazine: rank & file
NO Quarter Magazine: Rank & file
Trollbloods bonuses in order to hit and damage their targets. They do not
simply benefit from these bonuses, they need them.
Circle Orboros abilities that combine multiple weaker attacks into fewer
stronger attacks. In most cases, however, Circle units cannot
go toe-to-toe with foes and must devise ways to whittle down
opponents while minimizing casualties. Rough terrain effects
like forest AOEs, Undergrowth, or Swamp help, but even
so, you need precise planning and execution to deal with any
heavily-armored enemies.
improved accuracy near other Wolves and the flexibility to presents incredible benefits. Ideally, Druids allow other
move and attack through other models in the unit. models to perform to maximum potential by firing numerous
POW 10s to soften up targets or break up formations, blast
The Reeves of Orboros cost more than their spear-wielding
an area with a potent AOE to clear charge lanes or LOS,
compatriots but also provide excellent ranged offensive
provide cloud cover, limit opposing magic, or even tie up
punch, especially when they stand still. Their 10” range can
enemies with their reach weapons.
make Dual Shot difficult to pull off, but a hail of aimed bolts
that ignore forests, camouflage, concealment, and Prowl Tharn Bloodtrackers, the fastest non-cavalry models in
is worth the trouble. When they have no more immediate HORDES, have much stronger and much longer-range
purpose, don’t hesitate to use Push power attacks from offensive power than their POW and RNG values would
unutilized warbeasts or Teleportation to set up Dual Shot imply. Their Prey ability and Ambuscade orders make this
for a few extra Reeves. Strength in Numbers becomes all the possible, and they benefit from anything that plays on these
more valuable when you can virtually double those numbers. abilities. Bloodtrackers also benefit greatly from any effects
The Druids of Orboros, with their tremendous versatility that reduce opposing retaliation. They hit very fast and fairly
and higher point-per-model cost, bridge the gap between hard, but they cannot survive counterattacks without help.
a pure utility unit like Shifting Stones and pure combat Wind Storm or Stone Skin can prevent an occasional blast
units like Wolves or Reeves. Their price and wide range of damage roll casualty, but abilities like Broken Earth to stop
abilities, most of which require the commitment of the entire countercharges, Regrowth to replace casualties, or abilities
unit, mean that you do not typically want to sacrifice them that block line of sight make the real difference.
heedlessly for the greater good, unless such a maneuver
Skorne way to deal with rough terrain, and these strong and capable
soldiers can get mired in swamps and woods quite easily.
Skorne players should pay particular attention to the terrain
layout and seek to eliminate models like Gatorman Bokors as
quickly as possible.
Praetorian Swordsmen are reliable and relatively versatile
but also somewhat unremarkable, possessing decent threat
range, accuracy, and damage output, but lacking the flash of
some of some other HORDES units. Their low cost and FA:
3, however, let them excel at the Strength in Numbers and
Meat Shield tactical options, and their maximum unit size
of 12 models makes them a key target for Bargain Bonuses.
The Skorne’s single-wound combat troopers, Praetorian They also make exceptional soul token sources, and provide
Swordsmen, Praetorian Karax, Venators, and Immortals, an opponent with an unenviable choice – kill the Swordsmen
have stat lines and weapon compliments that stand out as and be cut down by the Ancestral Guardian or kill the
neither particularly impressive nor particularly disappointing. Ancestral Guardian and be cut down by Swordsmen.
Their most noteworthy characteristic is their interaction with
Ancestral Guardian solos. Though Guardians gain souls from Praetorian Karax sacrifice a portion of their offensive punch
heavy infantry or cavalry as well, such models do not come for greater survivability and utility. While in shield wall, they
at a cost of eight to 11 points. The rank-and-file troopers of boast the highest non-spell assisted ARM of a rank-and-file
the Skorne armies most commonly provide the fuel for these HORDES unit, and the Defender’s Ward spell can make
vessels whose power is directly linked to the quantity of souls them seem virtually invincible with a DEF 16 (against charge
available. Like most Skorne, the common troops have no easy attacks from Set Defense) and ARM 21. Their Barrier and
NO Quarter Magazine: Rank & file
Kneel abilities also make them an ideal front line unit that can This interaction with Ancestral Guardians constitutes the
protect more expensive and powerful models waiting behind. Immortals’ greatest strength and greatest weakness, and it
makes proper coordination of these models exceptionally
Though a bit more costly than Praetorian units, the Venators’
important. Fortunately, opponents must deal with Skorne
RNG 12 is matched only by the Titan Cannoneer and
warrior models to win the game, and even if they refuse to
exceeded only by the Catapult Crew. While POW 10 is not
cooperate, Ancestral Guardians are not picky. When Spirit
particularly impressive, the combination of Needle Burst and
Driven absolutely has to happen, a Praetorian may just need
small CRA groups allow them to quickly soften up medium-
to take one for the team. With both Resonance effects active,
or large-based models or pick off wounded survivors.
the Immortals gain a 13” threat range and multiple P+S
Though largely self-sufficient, a Basilisk Drake’s Impact
13 attacks. Their MAT is average for non-elite troops, but
animus allows Venators to fill a more control-oriented role
Carnage and Paralytic Field can enhance that significantly.
than a pure damage role.
Savagery, Merciless Assault, Total Annihilation, Rage of
Immortals present a paradox: While a rank-and-file warrior Ancients, or Last Stand all improve upon their already-
unit, their power depends upon the actions of solos whose impressive threat range or damage output.
own power depends on non-Immortal warrior models.
Legion of Everblight Meat Shield candidates, and Reach means that they perform
Cramping their Style far better, but Blighted Swordsmen
still outclass Legionnaires for shear damage output. Blighted
Legionnaires make an exceptional front line when not
facing terrifying entities, and any buffs that aid hitting assist
Legionnaires a good deal.
An amazingly versatile and powerful unit for merely 9 points
per model, the Blighted Archers have CRA to deal with
heavy targets, Concentrated Volley to deal with light targets
point spent on them reduces the points available for models
that can benefit. One should always double-check the
wording of abilities that buff units before fielding Minions.
Krueger’s Wind Storm will help Minions and faction models;
Doomshaper’s Fortune will not.
The rank-and-file units of the feral nations may lack
the flashiness of hulking warbeasts or rugged, elite
warriors, but they make up for the difference in
their numbers. They can flood the battlefield to bring
down tougher foes, dictate the terms of battle while
stronger weapons come to bear, or slow––sometimes
even neutralize altogether––those more powerful
models that so often eclipse them.
character names and their distinctive likenesses, are TM and/or © 2001-2009 property of Privateer Press, Inc.
Infernal Contraption, Infernal Contraption 2: Sabotage!, Bodgers, Privateer Press, logos, things, and
e g o b li n mecha ane
r c
ress whe ent of ar
r o m P r ivateer P trategic placem e a few, these
d game gh the s t to nam .
s ta n d -a lone car a c h in e s. Throu p r o c e ssors jus nal Contraption
is th e g ic a l m n tr o p ic I n f e r
tion™ ble ma , and e e ultima
Contrap ontrolla grinders n with th
Infernal mble nigh-unc nnels, chthonic p e ti ti o
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race to a ts like arcantric b to o vercome
en lim
compon ns risk life and
y g o b li
Nominated for
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The Pendrake Encounters lets you tag along with adventuring scholar extraordinaire Viktor Pendrake and his various
pupils as they explore and investigate the lands and creatures of Immoren. To fully utilize these encounters, you will
need copies of Monsternomicon, Vol. 1 and Monsternomicon, Vol II.
By Luke Johnson • Art by Brian Snoddy and Chris Walton • Map Rendering by Josh Manderville
I have seen many horrible things in my
research, and the worst of them always
seem to come from the isle of Cryx. The
Necromancers can exploit it to
gain vital information if they can
convince the flock to cooperate. For
warjacks––in the aftermath of the
battle, and used it to corrupt a tree
at the center of the field. The birds
scylla flock is a fine, necromantic example. the majority of people, however, nested there and soon devoured a
The malign power of Cryx has transformed that simply makes the flock far more Cygnaran Army wizard who arrived
frightening and dangerous. to investigate the battlefield. The
these poor birds into rotting monstrosities
flock now has a permanent place to
that yet manage to fly on tattered wings and This encounter, designed for four
dwell, a territory to roam, and the
chatter with deformed beaks. They swarm PCs of 8th-9th level, can take place
memories and skills and spells of a
about their living prey to rip flesh and pluck in any wild land; a forest or other
powerful wizard.
eyes. Yet, however terrible their appearance area with at least the occasional tree
and attacks, the flock’s true horror runs serves best, and the default setting is
the Gnarls. This encounter requires
deeper. These dead creatures not only tear
the Iron Kingdoms Character Guide and
the body when they slay a man, they also
the Monsternomicon, Vol. 2 (the scylla
consume his mind. The victim’s memories flock appears on pages 142–143).
and portions of his experience and skills pass
to the flock’s collective consciousness. The Encounter Background
birds chatter in the voice of their most recent
In this encounter, the PCs
prey and even gain a degree of power from come across a scylla flock
arcanists they slay. on a recent battlefield.
—Viktor Pendrake
cover behind these hulks (perhaps 15). Failure by more than 5 means
to evade the flock’s bombardment that not only did the character fail Creatures
attacks) or scramble atop them to make it over, he managed to stab The flock is roosting in its tree––now
(Climb DC 10 check). The warjacks himself and takes 1d3 points of a skeletal, malefic thing––when the
block line of sight (most are about damage. PCs arrive. A Spot check (opposed
6 feet high—they are tipped over by the birds’ Hide +20 check) allows
or are partially destroyed) and also Traps the PCs to notice the creatures and
block movement through the squares The Cygnaran forces also dug a few avoid surprise.
they occupy. hasty pits disguised with brush. The
Tricky Footing: The remains of Cryxians fell prey to a number of Tactics
people and things litter the entire these, but the canny scylla flock has When they notice the PCs, the birds
battlefield, in addition to the uneven re-covered them. cast major image to create the vague
ground from Cygnaran earthworks The squares marked on the map image of a wounded survivor close
and the feat of warjacks. Characters contain these camouflaged pits. A to the dead tree, hoping to lure the
attempting to run or charge must character about to step into one PCs within 60’. When they are in the
make Balance checks (DC 10). may make a Spot check (DC 25) to open, one bird swoops in and touches
Failure by less than 5 results in notice his danger. Even if he fails, he a PC with ghoul touch, then the flock
normal movement rather than a run can make a Reflex save to back off in pounds the party with bombardment.
or charge. time. Climbing out requires a Climb The flock maintains concentration
check (DC 15). on bombardment as long as possible
Barricades: The Cygnaran forces
(provided doing so is tactically
erected barricades of sharpened Camouflaged Pit Trap: CR 1; sound—remember, the flock has
stakes. These stakes in a given mechanical device; location trigger; some of the tactical knowledge of a
barricade all point in the same manual reset; DC 25 Spot check or battled-hardened 9th-level wizard),
direction (away from the center), as DC 23 Reflex save avoids; 20 feet which in this case is six rounds.
indicated on the map. The barricades deep (2d6, fall); Search DC 24; On this battlefield, bombardment
are four feet high. The PCs can duck Disable Device DC 20. lifts boulders, felled trees, and even
behind them for cover or attempt
warjacks (or pieces thereof) to
to cross them. Clambering over a
barricade requires a Climb check
(DC 5) or a Balance check (DC 10)
if approaching from the non-sharp
side; approaching from the pointy
end requires a Climb check (DC
military pistol and has a masterwork including recovering from the
Scylla Flock long sword sheathed at his side. damage, providing the victim suffers
hp 78. See the Monsternomicon, Vol. II, no further exposure.
Unwholesome NPCs might wish
pages 142–143 for the scylla flock’s
statistics. to purchase the necrotite as well, Unless taking extra precautions, such
although this extremely dangerous as breathing through damp cloth
Skills and Feats: Concentration +10,
Hide +20, Knowledge (arcana) +12, substance will more likely get the PCs and wearing heavy gloves, initially
Knowledge (nature) +12, Listen +22, killed than earn them a profit. extracting the necrotite requires
Move Silently +12, Spot +22; Ability a Reflex save (DC 15) to avoid
Focus (distraction), Alertness, Dodge, Necrotite Poisoning: Necrotite’s
Mobility, Improved Initiative. accidental exposure. Transporting
chalky consistency often flakes off
solid necrotite safely requires
Dead Memory: The flock recently con- in a fine dust when handled that
sumed a wizard. If the PCs manage placing it in a sealed metal container.
can slowly kill those who breathe it.
to converse with the flock, what the Necrotite carried in another way,
wizard’s memories contain is up to you. Touching necrotite directly with bare
such as in a burlap sack, guarantees
The most likely scenario is that the flesh guarantees exposure. While
flock simply chatters in the wizard’s the periodic escape of dust and
not actually an infection, necrotite
voice and casts his spells. endangers anyone lingering within
poisoning’s gradual progression
Spells (1/1/1/1/1): DCs 10 + spell level. five feet for at least ten minutes.
0—flare (DC 10); 1st—obscuring mist; follows the same rules as a disease,
2nd—ghoul touch; 3rd—major image;
Infection Type/Fort DC Incubation Damage
*See Iron Kingdoms Character Guide,
page 360. Necrotite Poisoning Inhaled/Contact DC 16 1 day 1d6 Con
these dossiers
Kingdoms’ premier spy. Gathered at great expense and risk,
Take a look inside the files and dossiers of Gavyn Kyle, the Iron the warcast ers and warlock s of WARMACHINE and HORDES.
motivat ions of some of
give a behind-the-scenes look at the histories and
ug Se ac at • Ar t by Matt Wilson, Ch
Transcribed by Do iends Studios
and Imaginary Fr
M IK A E L K R E O S S se m bl in g in fo rm
at io n
us ua l di ffi cu lty in as
I have en co un te
re d un br in gi ng Th e
eo ss ’ ba ck gr ou nd an d up
re ga rd in g M ik
ae l Kr ph as iz e th e
m en tio n of th is pe ri od to de em
s er as ed un us ua l
Pr ot ec to ra te ha
he ro of th ei r fa ith . Gi ve n th e
ry of th is m an y
Kh ad or an an ce st ep s its re co rd s,
th eo cr ac y m ak es an d ke l
m an ne r in wh ic
h th e re ga rd in g ik ae
in g an d ill um in at in g an ec do te s
re st M en ot h.
of th e m or e in te Pr ot ec to ra te of
e ou ts id e of th e
Kr eo ss ac tu al ly or ig in at
— G .K .
Mikael Kreoss was li
community of the Old ly born in a small village near Skirov am
F on
specific details of his aith. Protectorate rumor -mongers have ch g a stern
h an
of letting nothing stan istory to create a parable of sorts regardin ged many of the
d g
far these stories have in the way of one’ s faith. It dismayed m the importance
sp e
the backwaters or rura read among Khador’s Menite communitie to discover how
l villages, but also in s; n
worship Menoth. our noble families wh ot simply in
o traditionally
Several among the gr
to their bloodline. I t houses erroneously describe Mikael Kre
hav os
of peasant stock to de e tried to spread the word that he was bo s as related
va rn
romanticized reputati lue his worth to these families, but nothin to a debtor
on g
associated with Mikae attached to him. It may be that the exag tarnishes the
l ge
Harbinger. Her app Kreoss planted a seed of disloyalty before rated tales
earance has only wat
ered this seed and allo the rise of the
wed it to germinate.
It ap pe ar s th
at co nc er ns
G re yl or ds Pr ov er th e im pa
ik az de em ph ct of st or ie s
as iz ed th em . re ga rd in g M
an y no bl e fa B ef or e th e re ce ik ae l K re os s
m ili es co m pl nt w ar, th ey ex is te d ev en
ic it in th is tr ad e ra fo cu se d on co be fo re th e H
an ti ci pa te d ho th er th an on rt ex sm ug gl in ar bi ng er, bu t
w m an y of th qu as hi ng po te g an d at te m pt th e
ei r os te ns ib ly nt s to di sc ov er
lo ya l ci ti ze ns ia lly se di ti ou
w ou ld an sw er s st or ie s. I
th e H ar bi ng er do no t be lie ve
’s ca ll. th ey
Attempting to solicit the opinions of one Menite
toward another is like pulling teeth. For a
time, we entertained a Protectorate ambassador
in Caspia when King Leto believed an amicable
solution to our differences could be found,
and I tried to bait this arrogant exemplar
knight regarding his peers. Clearly in disfavor I have no doubt the man heeds a certain
with his superiors to have been assigned the
unpleasant task of consorting with “unbelievers”, code of honor, but the incredible reports of
I discerned that he could barely restrain the his “compassion” are overstated. He benefits
in this respect by comparison to his bloody-
urge to relate how badly he was unappreciated.
I finally provoked an emotional outburst at the
mention of Mikael Kreoss.
“That great knight,” he blurted, his sarcasm
minded countrymen. Were he a knight
barely restrained, “should have followed the serving the Cygnus we would consider him
calling of the Order of the Wall, as some thought
he would.” He blanched at realizing his words and cruel. Ask the men and women who died
quickly went on to praise High Exemplar Kreoss,
but I had seen a glimmer of the truth. This man
by exemplar hands at Fallonsmeet or
resented Kreoss for honor and virtue otherwise
eradicated among the Knights Exemplar. I always
Fisherbrook what they think of his mercy.
felt that we could exploit this, if only we knew His rulers are black priests enforcing a
how, yet I have seen no flaw in the armor of
loyalty which Kreoss wears like a second skin, no rule by terror and torture and the Knights
wavering in his dedication to his dark-hearted
sovereign. He has been careful only to exercise
Exemplar are sworn to obey them without
his compassion when it would not compromise the question. He would not have been promoted
machinations of the ruling priesthood.
to grand exemplar if Hierarch Voyle had
any doubts that Kreoss would fulfill his r
oaths. is is a recovered fragmenatn frStromykaer,lettlike ely
Th C o le m
ommander h o c le a rl y
b y L o rd C G e n e ra l w
th e S c o u t E x e m p la r.
w ri tt e n to
in io n o n th e G ra n d
is o p
s o li c it e d h
I have never spoken with him
gauge a man’s character. I re, but conduct in battle often serves to I am inclined to
Sword Knights and Knigh er, a once minor skirmish turned serious. However, many
Cygnaran generals
had locked in a pitched melee, ts Exemplar lead by Mikael Kreoss and officers have a
gauntleted hand and backed hi them all to die, but Kreoss raised a
background, but I
have discovered little
innocents required to pass. It s men away for the few minutes these to tarnish his name.
the clash of swords, but the memwas but a brief pause before we resumed
ory has stayed with me.
o should replace Baine Hurst, I realize
On the question of whyn od has recommended can High Exemplar I thought to discover some collusion in
the majority of the S kn igh t an d a wor thy didate, but I offer the events which toppled Kreoss’ former
Gravus. H e is a sen ior sufferance superior, Grand Exemplar Baine Hurst.
a contrasting opinion. W hile the masses exist atinour our hands alone, Kreoss’ succession of Hurst appears to have
tha t the pow ers of lif e an d dea th lie surprised him as much as others in the
and kn ow
s pro ven intim ida tion alo ne to be a poor motivator. If cowd ed, halls of power. The transcript above sheds
time ha h but reluctantly, ineonffiha ciently, an interesting light on the politics behind this.
the people will act as wel. wis t belief and dev worvekepro
oti ven Acquiring this document nearly cost me my
without passion or zeaongFerbotven h the soldiery an d the rs. life; my extra fees have been appended.
better motivations am on the
It behooves us in this tim e of war to capitalize th love
popularity of Mikael Kreoss. None can denych mee npeoaspleDartan
him. Through his fidaelimetydia of arms with su Order of the
Vilmon, he serves asmes impertin g bridge to the theless
Wall, those someti er on the pu tinent knights who nolevneati
remain a useful lev unexpected ga lse of the people. E As hengis
ins at little cost.
Kreoss will earn us next battlefield there is little reason to
only focused on the his voice to interfere with the Synod or
expect he would raise
the Hierarchy.
t r e c e n tl y
a r t o f a le a fl e r
ent wa s p h il e n e v e
fo ll o w in g d o c u m l it w a s banned. W r it te n by
Th e o r s k u n ti v e been w
u t in K it to h a
handed o o s t b e li e v
a it h in K
s ta te d , m th e O ld F
fo r m a ll y a d e r o f
u s k in , a le
V is g o th R
o y a lty of
find t
he l es of
o r a n s h e v e ry b o n
Khad ing? T risen
Why do s so mystify t h have a eys
lar e i n the n o r
A s o l dier ob
e r s.
ciety h te principle ers of
our so e n i e should ign
o m th ese M
r e s t s on t h
o f a campa
fr s. It s
perior thines . This is the
his su e the wor ght
e r s t o ga u g
m e n who fi loyalt
y to
lead t t h e o u r
tegy, n
o ,o f er.
litary is fath
or stra fo u r m i y t o h
tio n o loyalt of our
founda s , o f a so n’s t a man
p r e s g r e a r
the em ow as maste
w o n d ered h u l d s erve a i le
ave s co mer. W
So me h ikael Kreos le of I
s M k V oy e r land,
s oi l a G a rric e Moth o
ierar ch up t h self t
like H t h o m giving s s w o r n him e n
not fa oss ha g chos
we can d t h at Kre p r ie st-kin pulse
sta n
e s i s th e
t i o n the im
ie v es o ot
he bel arm qu e s the f
a man oe s th e d ? D o
god. D e swor it take
by our t o sw ing th k s a s
mind re it w
al as a
of the w h e n c tio ns e
e thig
h th fu ith th
ask th pl e o f Meno d i s a gree w
m nor th e
The Te of the but th
step? d y . W e b r e t hren, t heir
s o u ther n l a r s lead
ds of o
ur exemp reoss
metho y w h ich the k e M i kael K
ples b . Men l
princi a i n sound
e m d.
lives r r blo o
b l o o d of ou
Body Parts
Raek Raek
Head Carapace Front Right Leg
Raek Raek
Back Right Leg Front Left Leg
Thumper Cannon Pyg Burrower Pyg Burrower Raek Skorne Standard Bearer
Crewman Arm Pickaxe Periscope Head Head
Double Crossbow
Double Crossbow Front
Skorne Officer
Skorne Officer
Thumper Cannon
Thumper Cannon
Carriage 1
Thumper Cannon
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derivative works under copyright law, but
of any Open Game Content You are
specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE
copying, modifying or distributing, and
“Product Identity” means product and Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright
You must add the title, the copyright date,
product line names, logos and identifying 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
and the copyright holder’s name to the
marks including trade dress; artifacts;
COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original System Reference Document Copyright
creatures characters; stories, storylines,
Open Game Content you Distribute. 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.;
plots, thematic elements, dialogue,
incidents, language, artwork, symbols, 7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook,
designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, to Use any Product Identity, including as Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins,
poses, concepts, themes and graphic, an indication as to compatibility, except as David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R.
photographic and other visual or audio expressly licensed in another, independent Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid,
representations; names and descriptions Agreement with the owner of each element James Wyatt, based on original material
of characters, spells, enchantments, of that Product Identity. You agree not to by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
personalities, teams, personas, likenesses indicate compatibility or co-adaptability No Quarter Magazine: Issue #17,
and special abilities; places, locations, with any Trademark or Registered Copyright 2008 Privateer Press, Inc.
environments, creatures, equipment, Trademark in conjunction with a work
magical or supernatural abilities or effects, containing Open Game Content except as Full Metal Fantasy Roleplay material
logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any expressly licensed in another, independent presented in No Quarter Magazine is
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8. Identification: If you distribute Open identity and may not be reproduced. All
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Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the copyright C2002-2007 Privateer Press.
licensee in terms of this agreement. 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its
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2. The License: This License applies to any versions of this License. You may use any
Open Game Content that contains a notice authorized version of this License to copy,
indicating that the Open Game Content modify and distribute any Open Game
may only be Used under and in terms of Content originally distributed under any
this License. You must affix such a notice version of this License.
by Chris Walton and Rob Hawkins
Marijin Bierhof
Marijin Bierhof puts the “weird” in woldwyrd,
making him the winner of No Quarter #14’s Very,
Very Scary Challenge with this particularly
creepy paint job. Don’t let this thing put its hairy
eyeball on you. Talk about the evil eye…
“Tartarus Bridal Par
by Micki Kornfeld “Bringing Sexy Back”
by Ashley Cook
P3 Hobby Tools and a
Studio Smackdown!
Supreme Kommandant Irusk leads a massive Khadoran force, preparing for the second attack on Northguard.
Call to Arms
2008 Tour Schedule
Tour Start Week End Week
Occupied Llael 1/7/08 2/25/08
Bloodstone Borderlands 3/17/08 5/5/08
Broken Coast Raids 5/26/08 7/14/08
Caspia-Sul Incursions 9/15/08 11/3/08
Ask your local Game Store about how you can jump into the action of the Call to Arms League! For more information on Leagues, go to:
Privateer Press, WARMACHINE®, HORDES and all related logos, factions, warjacks, warbeasts, characters and their distinctive likenesses are TM and/or © 2001 - 2008 Privateer Press, Inc.