English 4 Module 1 Final
English 4 Module 1 Final
English 4 Module 1 Final
Quarter 1 – Module 1:
Unity Within!
(Recognizing the Parts of a Simple
English – Grade 4
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 1: Unity Within!
Recognizing the Parts of a Simple Paragraph
First Edition, 2020
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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
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What I Know
Welcome to this module, learner! Here
is your first task: Answer the following
questions below to measure how well you
know the lesson. Write the answers on your
answer sheet. Just a reminder, answer the
questions with HONESTY.
For items 3-5, read the short paragraph below then answer the
questions provided. Note the number given for each sentence.
Lesson Recognizing the Parts
1 of a Simple Paragraph
You encounter a lot of information every day. Whatever you do,
wherever you go, everything that surrounds you, all can be a source of
information. Words give us meaning. When put up in a sentence, it
becomes a complete thought. Sentences form a paragraph.
Now, what makes up a simple paragraph? This module will help you
recognize the parts of a simple paragraph by dealing with the exciting
activities prepared for you. Enjoy learning!
What’s In
_______2. Every bus needs a driver. Buses are not cheap. Different kinds
of buses ply our streets. They bring people to different destinations. A lot
of people come to our place to do business, shop and while away their
time. It is really warm today.
_______3. My family and I went to the wildlife park. It is one of the most
visited places in our city. It houses snakes, birds, giraffes, lion and tiger,
and even crocodiles. My favorite toy is a train which goes up and down a
What’s New
Are you eager to learn something new
in this module? Answer the puzzle
4pics 1word
What word is common to the pictures? Write your answer on a sheet of
Photos via Good Free Photos, Google Arts and Culture, and Miguel Guhlin’s Technotes
What is your favorite book? Do you love reading books? What do
you think is the oldest printed book in the world? Do you want to know the
answers? When you keep going, you will know the answers.
On the next page are the unfamiliar words that you will encounter
when you begin reading the paragraph about books.
Note: You can use a dictionary to help you out.
Word Master
Answer the crossword puzzle. Choose your answers from the words
inside the box. Write the answers on your answer sheet.
Check your answers using the Key on page 24.
Remember the following words you learned in the crossword puzzle for
you to understand well the paragraph that follows.
It’s Fun to Read
Books are the oldest source of information that never gets old.
Even before when the oldest radio has not yet been invented, books
were able to provide information to the people around the world.
Books had been an essential part of human lives since the old
times. They have been used for telling stories, preserving history,
and sharing information about our world. The first ever recognized
books were the ancient scrolls. These are rolled up manuscripts
made from Papyrus plant and ranges from 14 to 52 feet wide when
unraveled. The second type of book was the book to-go of the
Romans. More similar to the style of books today, the Romans
created some of the first codices (plural of codex) from as early as
the 1st century CE. The codex was more durable and compact than
a scroll as it was made with parchment paper and bound with
wooden covers. Information is important and books had been a
necessity for everyone. The need for books resulted to the discovery
of printed books. The first recorded printed book in history is the
Diamond Sutra of Mahayana Buddhism. Books in schools are all
product of printing. These modern days, books are now in electronic
form. Electronic book or e-book for short is the most convenient type
of books as long as you have gadgets to read on. Books may change
over time, but it will never get tired nor old in giving us vast
information around the world.
-Adopted from A Brief History of Books by Google Arts and Culture
I Am a WELL-DER (well-reader)
Answer the following questions based on the paragraph that you have
1. What is the source of information mentioned in the paragraph?
2. What are the types of books?
3. How does each type of book differ from each other?
4. Why do we need books?
5. How do you imagine our world without books? Explain your answer.
What is It
What is a paragraph?
Books are the oldest source of information that never gets old.
If you answered yes, you are right!
This is the topic sentence.
To recognize a simple paragraph, you have to consider all of its
parts - from the beginning up to the last sentence.
The boy standing below will help you remember the parts of a simple
Let us try this one.
Read the paragraph below. Write the information being asked in each
If you did not get all the correct answers, still you did
well! Don’t rush learning. Study again the lesson and
try to answer it the second time. Improvement is
waving at you!
What’s More
Read the paragraph below. Identify what part of the paragraph is missing.
____________________. Berto, unlike his friends listened
attentively from the resource speaker. He never lets his friends disturb him
from listening actively. When the speaker is done, he asked a question.
To everybody’s surprise, only Berto was able to answer it. Truly, you can
never run out of ideas when you are an active listener.
Choose the best topic sentence that will complete the paragraph.
a. Active listening can be done while talking with others.
b. Active listening helps an individual understand well the message of
the speaker.
c. Effective listening makes an individual fall asleep.
If you choose B, then you are very much ready to answer the
Give questions
your best, below.
Select the best topic sentence that will complete the paragraph. Write your
answer on your answer sheet.
1. _________________________. Cellphone bridges the gap of
communication. This is the best gift of technology to us. As long as you
have access to the internet or has load, no matter how far or near the
person you wanted to talk with, cellphone can do it for you. However, aside
from its good features especially in communication, there are still incidents
reporting the harmful effect of cellphone to our health. Over-exposure to
radiation is unhealthy. Cellphone is functional but users must be aware
and prevent its bad effects by decreasing the number of hours spent in
chatting and playing games on their cellphones.
a. Cellphone makes communication convenient but dangerous when
used too much.
b. Cellphone is used to capture the best moment of your life.
c. Cellphone will fail you to communicate with your loved ones or
friends unless it has load or access to the internet.
3. ______________________. The sender transmits the message while
the receiver accepts the message. The most important factor in
communication is the good delivery of the message to ensure better
understanding which will result in a satisfying answer. Moreover, the tool
in communication is as important as the message being sent because it
is the channel by which the message is delivered.
a. Communication is a process by which a message is transmitted.
b. Communication has three important elements: the sender, the
receiver, and the medium.
c. Communication happens when a sender gives information to the
B. Thought-working
Choose the sentence that is not relevant to the given topic sentence.
a. Internet provides students with thousands of information needed for
their projects, research, and additional learning.
b. By just clicking, information will appear on the screen of the
computer, and students would simply scroll and select the
appropriate data.
c. Internet tolerates the students to play online games instead of
gathering information that would help them learn something new.
C. The Bottom Line
Read the paragraph below then give the best concluding sentence.
Nutritious foods are what our body needs. Eating vegetables instead
of fatty foods helps our body function better. Fruits supply the body with
different vitamins and minerals that help fight diseases. Meat, beans, and
fish provide our body with protein which is needed for muscle building.
Salty and junk foods harm our body.
What is the best concluding sentence of the paragraph above?
a. If you want to live longer, eat only nutritious foods.
b. Junk foods have benefits to our bodies.
c. In short, foods are delicious.
What is your answer? The best option is A. If you got it, thumbs up
learner! The next activity is just easy for you.
3. There are many things I enjoy doing in our garden. I help my brother
water the plants. I am happy watching the seeds growing. My eyes
become bigger when I see fruits ripening day by day.
a. In short, I enjoy the garden because I love planting plants.
b. I love the fresh air in the garden.
c. The smell of flowers is sweet.
What I Have Learned
What I Can Do
Let’s try a new challenge, learner!
This challenge will help you apply what
you have learned in the module.
If you did not get all correct answers in each part, you can
do it better for the second time. You can go back to the
discussion. Keep in mind that successful people make mistakes
Direction: Read the questions carefully. Write the letters of your answers
on your answer sheet. Good luck!
1. What are the parts of a paragraph?
a. First Part, Second Part, and Third Part
b. Character, Events, and Setting
c. Topic Sentence, Supporting Sentences, and Concluding Sentence
4. A concluding sentence________________.
a. Summarizes the main idea of the paragraph.
b. It provides information to the topic sentence.
c. Tells the reader what the paragraph will be about.
Read the paragraph below then answer questions 5, 6, and 7. Write the
letters of your answers on your answer sheet. Good luck!
Enumerate the parts of a paragraph.
8. _______________________
9. _______________________
10. _______________________
Additional Activities
What’s In: /, x, x, /
What’s New
Across Down
2. parchment 1.codex
6. Papyrus 3. durable
8. compact 4.preserve
10.esssential 5. printing
13.manuscripts 7. Mahayana
9. scrolls
11. ancient
12. unravel
What is It
1. My favorite subjects are English, Mathematics, and
2. - English is one of my favorite subjects because I love
reading stories and writing stories about fairy tales.
-Next is Mathematics because when I was still young, my
mother taught me adding, subtracting, multiplying, and
even dividing.
-Science, in other words begun my interests when we
had a field trip in a zoo where I’ve had a lot of questions
of ‘why’ about the animals.
3. I always top the class in these subjects and I really work
hard to love other subjects.
Answer Key
What’s More
A. What’s the Lead?
1. a
2. b
3. a
B. Thought-Working
1. b
2. c
3. c
C. The Bottom Line
1. a
2. b
3. a
2. c
7. b
8. Topic Sentence
9. Supporting Details
10. Concluding Sentence
A. Image Sources:
B. Online Sources:
Google Arts and Culture. “A Brief History of Books”. Accessed June 2020.
Kohler, Tarah Heinzl. “Writing a Paragraph”. Last updated March 24,2018,
Kohler, Tarah Heinzl. “Topic Sentences”. Last updated March 24,
2018. http://www.siue.edu/~tkohler/Topic%2520Sentences.html
Kohler, Tarah Heinzl. “Supporting Sentences”. Last updated March 24,
2018. http://www.siue.edu/~tkohler/Supporting%20Sentences.html
Kohler, Tarah Heinzl. “Concluding Sentences”. Last updated March 24,
2018. http://www.siue.edu/~tkohler/Concluding%20Sentences.html
C. Book:
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