Learning Module Entrepreneuship 12 - S1 Final - Week 3-4

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S.Y. 2021 - 2022

Entrepreneurship 12
S1-Final/Weeks 3-4

Prepared by:



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0955-943-8418 TM / 0977-2442-096 TM


Czarina Ciara R. Andres/ Lester Laddaran Esquivel


Vira, Roxas, Isabela
1 |Entrepreneurship 12 – Final Term_Week 3-4
S.Y. 2021-2022

Entrepreneurship 12
First Semester-Final Term

The learner The learner transfers The learner is able to:

demonstrates learning by: Demonstrate understanding of the 4Ms of operations
understanding of: independently or with Describe the 4Ms (Manpower, Method,
concepts, his/her Machine, Materials) of operations in relation
underlying classmate starts to the business opportunity:
principles, and and operates a a. Develop a product description
processes business according b. Create a prototype of the product
of starting and to the business c. Test the product prototype
operating a simple plan and presents a d. Validate the service description of the
business. terminal report of product with potential customers to
its operation. determine its market acceptability;
e. Select/pinpoint potential suppliers of Week 3-4
raw materials and other inputs
necessary for the production of the
product or service;
f. Discuss the value/supply chain in
relation to the business enterprise; and
g. Recruit qualified people for one’s
business enterprise.
h. Develop the business model
i. Forecast the revenues of the business
j. Forecast the costs to be incurred
k. Compute for profits
Manifest understanding of starting and operating a
simple business

Implement the business plan Week 5-6


1. Identify the reasons for keeping business records

2. Perform key bookkeeping tasks

1. Identify where there is a profit or loss for a business;

2. Generate an overall report on the activity

Schedule of Lessons

Week Topics Schedule

Activity 1: Word Hunt Day 1-2
Activity 2: Picture Speaks a Thousand Words November 22-23
Activity 3: SCHEMA Map
3-4 Firm Up
Activity 4: Setting up My own Business
Activity 5: Making My own Prototype (Scaffold) Day 3-7
Activity 6: Describe it. I will name it November 24- 30
Activity 7: Vegie! Goodie!

2 |Entrepreneurship 12 – Final Term_Week 3-4

Activity 8: You’re the one
Activity 9: Chain of thoughts
Activity 10: I want You!
Activity 11: My Business Idea
Activity 12: Forecast Telle
Essential Question Day 8-9
SCHEMA Map December 1-2
Process Questions

Lesson 2: Demonstrate understanding of the 4Ms of operations

Good day my dear Salettinian, peace and all good, one with you! Welcome to a new
week of discovery and explorations! This new set of learning module is designed for you
to meet your unique needs and interest. To start this wonderful day, let’s thank our
almighty God first for His blessings by watching the video clip below. You can scan the
QR code or copy the link.


Management is the art of getting things done with and through other people. It is imperative for an entrepreneur to
know about how to keep the business running with the least effort (Edralin 2019). Production is an activity that converts
materials into useful forms. Operations Management is how organizations produce or deliver the goods and services that
provide the reason for their existence (YGOAL 2016).
The 4M’s of operations cover the input portions. These 4 M’s are composed of Manpower, Method, Machine and
Materials. These four domains are also applicable to business opportunities since it is in essence-tied to manufacturing as
well. Manpower is the worker or human workforce involved in the manufacturing process of business. People run
factories and service establishments. Even factories with the most advanced and automated machines still require good
people to operate and maintain the machine. Hiring the right people is the first step to good operations management
(Morato 2017). Method refers to the system and step by step process in the business. The process or technique of
converting raw materials to finished products. Operations proper implements and runs the factory or service shop that
converts the input into output (Morato 2017). Wrong methods can jeopardize the operations because it may not be able to
attain the results. Machines are also important in the operations of the business. It refers to the manufacturing equipment
used in the production of goods or delivery of services. Without proper equipment, business will not be able to perform
the needed tasks efficiently and fast. Materials simply refers to the raw materials needed in the production or
manufacturing of a product. Sourcing of raw materials is critical in any business, the entrepreneur would want to acquire
the cheapest possible price at a highest quality.
Now that you already have a knowledge about the 4M’s operations, I know that you’re ready and excited to
explore it more and as you go along with this module, you will learn and understand the 4M’s of operations in relation to
the business opportunity. Buckle up and you may now start, don’t forget to think of the essential question below:
What is the importance of operations management in the business operation?


Students in the long run will be able to apply the
knowledge and the skills they acquired after taking this
module. As a result, they will be able to create their own
video commercial highlighting their own product. By
doing this activity, they will realize that improving their
skill in business planning and operating is important for Video Commercial
them to prepare themselves for their future venture Performance Standard
3 |Entrepreneurship 12 – Final Term_Week 3-4

The learner transfers learning by

TRANSFER GOAL independently or with his/her
classmate starts and operates a
business according to the business
its operation.

1. Demonstrate understanding of the 4Ms of Operations.

2. Describe each of the 4Ms in relation to the business
opportunity. EQ: What are the concepts and principles an
3. Develop an effective product description
entrepreneur should consider before starting a
4. Be able to create own product example and test it. UNIT TOPICS: business?
5. Validate the service description of the product with
potential suppliers of raw materials and other inputs Starting a Business Students will understand that by
understanding the concepts and principles of
necessary of the product for service.
6. Select/ pinpoint potential suppliers of raw materials and
Entrepreneurship they can have enough
other inputs necessary for the production of product or knowledge necessary for starting a business.
service Moreover, by applying and executing these
7. Discuss the value/supply chain in relation to the business concepts and principles students in the near
enterprise future can come up with a good business firm
8. Identify the different kinds of business model that can attract customers around the world.
9. Forecast the revenue of the business The learner demonstrates
10. Forecast the cost to be incurred understanding of concepts,
11. Compute Profits underlying principles, and
processes of starting and
operating a simple business.

ACCQUISITION Content Standard

Expected Skills:
1. Describe the 4Ms of operations in relation to the business opportunity
2. Develop a Product or Service Description
3. Create and test the Product Prototype
4. Validate of Market Acceptability
5. Select/ Pinpoint Potential Suppliers of Raw Materials and Other Inputs Necessary for the Production of Product/
6. Discuss the value/ supply chain in relation to the business enterprise
7. Develop a Business Model
8. Implement the business plan
9. Identify the reasons for keeping business records.
10. Perform bookkeeping tasks.


Let’s find out how much you already know about this module. Answer the pre-assessment attached at the end of
this module, please answer all items and use the LAS in answering. After taking the test go back to the items that were not
able to answer and look for the right answer as you go through in this module.

Week 3-4/ Lesson 2: Describe the 4Ms of Production in Relation to the Business Opportunity


If Sales is the engine that powers Auto Salvage yards then Production is the drive train that gets us where we are
going. Production is both reactive and proactive almost simultaneously. It reacts to what is sold today and must meet the
expectations set by the sales team; also, it must anticipate what most likely will be needed in the near future. The key for
production is to have procedures and processes that can accomplish both. Operations Management then controls the
implementation of the business plan. Once our procedures are set up to maximize efficiency, it is time to train the
production staff on their individual responsibilities centered on the 4Ms of Production.
So, what are the 4Ms of Production? It is the Method, Manpower, Machine and Materials. They are also called as
the four critical domains, usually associated to manufacturing. These four are also related to business opportunities since
most business is tied to manufacturing also. The businessman per se should look all four into account. And as an
entrepreneur to be you also need to understand these four aspects in order for your business to be a success. Are you now
ready? You can now start exploring this module. But, keep in mind the essential question below:
What is the importance of operations management in the business operation?
4 |Entrepreneurship 12 – Final Term_Week 3-4
Activity 1: Word Hunt

Directions: Let’s start this module by simply doing the activity below. Search for the ten (10) words related to
4 Ms of Operations in the box below. Clues are provided. Encircle the word in the box and write it before the clue. Do
this in your LAS.
1. A manufacturing equipment used in the productions of goods or delivery of services.
2. The process of technique of converting raw materials to finished product.
3. The human workforce in the manufacturing process of business.
4. The raw materials needed in the production process.
5. An activity that converts materials into useful forms.
6. What is put in, taken in, or operated on by any process or system
7. A series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end.
8. Finished product.
9. The art of getting things done with and through other people.
10.The actions and decisions made by participants and members of a business that affect the production, distribution,
service, and management.
Process Questions:
1. What do you think is the most important in 4Ms of operations?
2. If you are to add another M in the operations, what would it be and why?

Activity 2: Picture Speaks a Thousand Words

Directions: This activity will give you an overview of what we will discuss about the 4Ms of Production in
Relation to the Business Opportunity. Analyze the pictures below and Identify the 4M’s of Operations in the. If you are
done, don’t forget to answer the process questions. Do this in your LAS.
Examples: Pictures:

Materials Meat

Manpower Cook
Method Frying
Gas, Stove,
Machine Frying pan,
Ladle Process Questions:
1. As a whole, what is your
understanding about the 4Ms of operations?
2. What do you think will happen to a business without the 4Ms of operations?
3. If you are to analyze the given pictures, what do you think are the functions of 4Ms in relation to business

Activity 3: SCHEMA Map

5 |Entrepreneurship 12 – Final Term_Week 3-4

Directions: Using the Schema Map below try to recall your knowledge about our topic for today, you can also use the
information you have written in the previous activity or ask help to your parent/guardian at home. For this activity, you
are supposed to complete the first column only with the things you already know/prior knowledge. Write your answers on
the activity sheet found at the end of the lesson.

What is my prior knowledge about the topic LEARNINGS
What new things
I’ve learned from
the topic
4M’s of Operations

End of Explore

Well done! You have successfully answered the activities in the first learning segment. Now, brace yourself as
you move on to the second section of this module. Are you ready? You may now start expanding your knowledge about
the topics today. Have fun and good luck!


Operations Management refers to the activities, decisions and responsibilities of managing the resources, which
are dedicated to the production and delivery of products and services. It can contribute to the success of business by using
available resources to effectively produce products and services in a way that satisfies the customers. Production
Management is important in the business firm (YGOAL 2016):
• It helps the business to achieve all its objectives. Therefore, the firm may increase its sales.
• It helps the business to satisfy its customers. Therefore, it increases the firm's reputation, goodwill and image.
• It helps to introduce new products in the market. Therefore, the firm can develop and offer newer and better
quality products.
• It helps the business to support other functional areas in the organization such as marketing, finance and human
resource. Therefore, marketing can find an easier means to sell products and services, finance can get more funds
due to increased sales and human resources can effectively manage the workforce due to better performance of
the production management.
• It helps the business to face competition. Therefore, the firm can produce products of right quantity, right
quality, appropriate price and at the right time.
• It helps the business to facilitate optimum utilization of resources such as manpower, machines, methods and
materials. Therefore, the firm can meet the objectives.
• It helps the business to reduce the cost of producing products and services. Therefore, the firm can achieve cost
efficiency objectives.
• It helps the business to expand and grow. Therefore, the firm can earn higher profits.
• It helps the business to generate employment.
• It helps the business to boost the economy.
In this learning section, let’s try to escalate your understanding about the topics by reading and doing the prepared
activities. You can now start this learning section but, keep on thinking the focal question below:
What is the importance of operations management in the business operation?
LC 1: Demonstrate understanding of the 4Ms of operations

Activity 4: Setting up my own Business

Directions: For your second activity, suppose that you are going to put up a new business venture, how will you
plan to do your operations? What Method will you use? Who will you hire for a specific task? Will you use Machineries?
How about the materials? Fill the boxes below on how will you apply what you have learned regarding the 4Ms of


Process Questions:
6 |Entrepreneurship 12 – Final Term_Week 3-4
1. What is your chosen product/service? Why did you choose it?
2. Among the 4Ms of operations, which do you think is the hardest to attain? What about the easiest? Why?
LC 2-4: Develop a product description/ Creating a Prototype of the Product or Service/ Testing the Product Prototype
While money does not have a direct participation in the physical transformation of the intermediate inputs, it is very
crucial in the production process. As mentioned earlier, we use it to purchase materials, pay workers’ salaries and wages
and even the machineries we use.
Now that we already know how important 4Ms are in the business process together with the 7Ps of marketing mix, we
can definitely make the Ayalas or even the Lopezes run for their money right? We should only need to understand and
know how to entice our prospective buyers to buy our products.
How will we do that? Definitely through an effective product description, you can guarantee that they will hit that “add to
cart” button in an instant. Product description is one of the important aspect of selling, you have to visualize what your
target market will patronize and would like to have. Here’s the

3 Rules to Visualize a Product Descriptions That Sell

1. Know who your target audience is – you might want to highlight the things that might interest your potential
buyers. You can actually do this by knowing what specific demographics you are going to cater. Is it for teens?
Young professionals or Seniors. By knowing such you will have a specified goal to achieve once you roll your
2. Focus on the Product Benefits – know the difference between product features and benefits. A product feature is
a factual statement about the product that provides technical information. A product benefit, on the other hand,
tells how the product can improve the buyer’s life. If you are the customer I know you will choose the latter.
However, you can always convert the features into benefits.
3. Use good product images – aside from the description, a quality image will do the trick. Why? Because 63% of
customers think that a product image is more important than the description or even the reviews. So an important
aspect of your product description is actually in the photo itself. Quality photos will show the customer all of the
key features about your product. They will also allow the customer to imagine having this product in her life.

Once you already have a clear vision of what should be the description of your product. We can now create our own
What is Prototype?
You have visualize a great product. You can imagine how this particular product will make a change and how it will
be a great help to make our life easier. However, what we have in mind is sometimes a lot difficult to explain so we create
a mock-up of what the final product will look like, that is a prototype. A Prototype is an initial creation of a product that
shows the basics of what product will look like, what it will do and how it will work. However, it is not meant to be the
final version as there will be lots to improve.

Activity 5: Making my own Prototype (Scaffold)

Directions: Suppose you will put up a store, what product will you offer to your customer? Draw or paste cut-
outs of your product prototype and give a brief description that will entice your customer to make a purchase. Do this in
your LAS.

Process Questions:
1. How did you find the activity? Did you enjoy making your own prototype?
2. What is your product and why did you choose it?
3. In one paragraph, describe your prototype in a way that will tempt your customer to buy it.
LC 5: Validate the service description of the product with potential customers to determine its market acceptability
Validation of Market Acceptability is the process of finding out if the intended primary target will be buying the
product or availing the service. Market acceptability is a critical factor that the entrepreneur must validate before
launching the product or service, because this can strongly suggest if the business will be successful or not. It either
validates or disconfirms the perception of the entrepreneur about the suitability of the chosen primary target market.
It also tests whether the value proposition and unique selling proposition are appropriate or there is a need to
improve on them.
Ways to Validate your Product Acceptability (Kular 2018)
1. Sales - Nothing is more important than customers seeing the value in your product and exchanging money for it.
2. Research – It can be useful when you are still in the ideation stage. Look also for your competition. Competition
is good, because it confirms that there is existing demand for what you plan to sell.
3. Demand and Supply - Analyze demand and search volume.
4. Campaign - Market research can be useful, but real product validation requires paying customers.
5. Feedback - Meet your customer in person, you’ll benefit by getting to talk to potential customers, seeing their
initial reactions to your product, and finding out if they are willing to spend money on it.

Activity 6: Describe it. I will name it

7 |Entrepreneurship 12 – Final Term_Week 3-4

Directions: Read the statements comprehensively. Identify the product/service being describe and write the potential
target audience/customer of the product/ service. Do this in your LAS.
1. With the proper ingredients, success comes naturally. Here is everything you need to
make a distinctive tasting sausage stick that will be sure to tingle your taste buds. Comes
with complete instructions.
2. YAS GIRL! Walk in this navy velvet set and expect all eyes on you. Designed with a
one shoulder unique crop top and fitted capri pants.
3. 5V ~ 5.5V from the USB port; Without drive javascript devices: void (0);Compatible
with USB 1.1 / 2.0; Operating Temperature: -10 to + 55Deg.C; Storage Temperature: -20
to + 55Deg.C; More than 12 years of data storage
4. The most effective way to lose weight without Diet and Exercise! Without experiencing
LBM, Headaches and Palpitation. Reduces food cravings and Increases fluid intake. Each
box contains 5 sachets of Skinny Coffee good for 5 days. It should be taken in the morning
15-30 minutes before breakfast.
5. Brand: VEGER/ Model: VP2016/ Capacity: 20000mAh (74WH)/ Colors: Black/White/
Dimension: 147.8*67.5*27.5MM/ Micro Input: 5V/2.0A/ Type-C Input: 5V/2.0A/ USB
Output 1: 5V/1.0A (IQ Smart Recognition)/ USB Output 2: 5V/2.1A (IQ Smart
Identification)/ LED Digital Power Indicator/ Li-polymer Battery/ Weight: 412g
6. Whether it's for work or for leisure, you deserve a quick and reliable home internet
connection. Look no further because Globe At Home Prepaid WiFi is finally here!. With its
improved WiFi connection, wide internet coverage, and ready-to-use freebie and features,
your home online experience will never be the same again.
7. High quality 4mm drive unit super bass, bright treble; Lightweight foldable structure;
Can turn into a wired headphone in one second.
8. Delivering heart-thumping lows and clear-as-day highs, these wireless headphones are
true standouts in the new 0917 Series Two collection.
9. "Who said you can’t look stylish while staying safe? Channel your brooding K-drama
lead with this personal protective bucket hat.
10. Hat opening: 24 in; face shield: 121/ 4x10p; Bucket hat is made of soft brushed twill
fabric; face shield is made of PVC plastic; Detachable face shield; Adjustable strap to keep
the hat in place"

Process Questions:
1. Did the descriptions help you identify the product/service easily? How?
2. Based on the given descriptions, what product/service entice you? Why?
3. Think of another product/service that you want to sell. Then, give its brief description, follow what is written in
the table.
LC 6: Select/pinpoint potential suppliers of raw materials and other inputs necessary for the production of the product or
Selecting a supplier is the process of looking for a potential supplier to acquire the necessary materials to
support the outputs of organizations. Choosing the right supplier scanning a series of price lists, value for money, quality,
reliability and service.
Identify your suppliers. Set the criteria to help you find the right supplier, you may consider the Cost, Price,
Reliability, Stability, Location, Quality & Safety, Delivery, Service, Social Responsibility, Convenience, Simplicity, Risk
and Agility (Business Queensland 2017).

Activity 7: You’re the One

Directions: Ubecheesedesal is the new hype today. Imagine you will put up your own ubecheesedesal store. List five raw
materials that you will be needing and identify who will be your potential suppliers, write the reason of choosing these
suppliers. Your suppliers can be outside Roxas.
Process Questions:
1. How important is supplier in a business?
2. Can a business still run without a supplier? Justify your answer.
3. What are the factors that you’ve considered in selecting your potential suppliers?
LC 7: Discuss the value/supply chain in relation to the business enterprise
8 |Entrepreneurship 12 – Final Term_Week 3-4
Value chain is the whole series of activities that create and build value at every step. A process in which a company
adds value to its raw materials to produce products eventually sold to consumers. It gives companies a competitive
advantage in the industry, while the supply chain leads to overall customer satisfaction. There are five steps in the value
chain process (Tarver 2020):
1. Inbound Logistics- Receiving, warehousing, and inventory control.
2. Operations- Value-creating activities that transform inputs into products, such as assembly and manufacturing.
3. Outbound Logistics- Activities required to get a finished product to a customer. These include warehousing,
inventory management, order fulfillment, and shipping.
4. Marketing and Sales- Activities associated with getting a buyer to purchase a product.
5. Service- Activities that maintain and enhance a product's value, such as customer support and warranty service
Activity 8: Chain of Thoughts

Directions: For your next activity, watch the video clip attentively to understand what value/supply chain is all about.
After comprehending the video, answer the process questions. To access the video, scan the QR code or copy the link and
paste it to your browser. Do this in your LAS.

Process Questions:
1. Did the video clip help you understand value/supply chain? How?
2. From your own understanding of the video, what is value chain as a whole?
3. How important is value/supply chain in business enterprises?
LC 8: Recruit qualified people for one’s business enterprise.
Your success in the business will depend on your ability to put together a team of highly qualified people who are
committed to the goals and objectives of your firm. If your business is on a startup stage, you need to recruit an employee
who (Kauffman Entrepreneurs 2005):
 embody the company's values
 work hard and work smart
 have the specific skills required
 learn quickly when new skills are needed
 able to work with little supervision
 take initiative to make things happen
 comfortable in the uncertainty of an entrepreneurial situation
 are flexible to business needs and changing requirements

Activity 9: I Want You!

Directions: Suppose that your business lack manpower and you need to recruit qualified people. For this activity, choose
five of your classmates who you think are qualified in your enterprise. Also tell their qualifications/characteristics that you
liked so you chose them. Do this in your LAS.

Process Questions:
1. What are you going to do to attract these qualified individuals to join your company?
2. If you were to apply to a well-known company, what would it be? What do you think is your qualification that
might attract your employer and reason to get you the job?

LC 9: Develop the business model

Business model is a description of how your business makes money. It is an explanation of how you deliver value
to your customers at an appropriate cost. Models generally include information like products or services the business
plans to sell, target markets, and any anticipated expenses. It acts as the blueprint of the business and a roadmap for its
success or failure as it explains how the business creates and captures value through its decisions and processes.

9 |Entrepreneurship 12 – Final Term_Week 3-4

According to management guru Peter Drucker: “A business model is supposed to answer who your customer is,
what value you can create/add for the customer and how you can do that at reasonable costs (Das 2020).” In their
simplest forms, business models can be broken into three parts (Parsons n.d.):
 Everything it takes to make something: design, raw materials, manufacturing, labor, and so on.
 Everything it takes to sell that thing: marketing, distribution, delivering a service, and processing the sale.
 How and what the customer pays: pricing strategy, payment methods, payment timing, and so on.

Activity 10: My Business Idea

Directions: For this activity, all you have to do is to develop your Business Model using the Business Model Canvas. To
accomplish this activity, you have to answer the guide questions, use your chosen business written in your business plan
as your point of reference. Do this in your LAS.
7. Key Partners 8. Key Activities 1. Value Proposition 4. Customer 2. Customer
Relationships Segments
Who are your key What Key Activities What value do you
partners (Suppliers)? do our Value deliver to the What type of For whom are you
Proposition require? customer? relationship does creating value?
Which key resources each of your
are you acquiring Your distribution Which of your customer segments Who are your most
from your partners channel? customer’s problems expect you to important customers
(suppliers)? you need to solve? establish and (target market)?
Customer maintain with them?
Which key activities Relationships? What products and
do partners perform? services you will
Revenue Streams? offer to each
6. Key Resources Customer Segments? 3. Channels

What key resources Through which

do your value channels do your
proposition require? customer segments
want to be reached?
9. Cost Structure 4. Revenue Streams

What are the most important cost inherent in your business? For what are your customers really willing to
Which key resources are most expensive?
For what they pay?
Which key activities are most expensive?
How are they paying?
Is your business more cost-driven or value-driven?
How would day prefer to pay?
Is your business more on fixed cost or variable cost?
How much does each Revenue Stream
contribute to overall revenues?
Process Questions:
1. How is the Business Model Canvas becomes an advantageous way to build a startup?
2. What do you think is the most important part of the Business Model Canvas?
3. Which do you think is better, a business model canvas or a business plan?

LC 10-12: Forecast the revenues of the business/ Forecast the costs to be incurred/Compute for profits
 Revenue is the income obtained by a business from its sales of goods (referred to as sales revenue) or sales of
services provided to its customer (referred to as service revenue). Forecasting revenue goes hand-in-hand with
forecasting sales.
 Revenue Forecast is the calculation of the quantity of cash that a company will receive from sales in products or
services during a particular time. The business revenue forecast is an essential part of business planning though
it is not intended to give actual figures for each year's earnings.
Formula for Revenue:
Price of per unit x number of unit sold = revenue
 Expense is the cost of operations that a business incurs to generate revenue (Liberto 2020). It is the cost of doing
business; the sum of all activities that result in a profit. It is necessary to recognize the distinction among
expenditure, expense and cost.
 Expenditure refers to the amount incurred in a long term period by the company to purchase and increase the
value of fixed assets (Morah 2019). On the other hand, expenses refer to the costs that are ongoing payments
incurred on a short term basis and used to generate revenue.
10 |Entrepreneurship 12 – Final Term_Week 3-4
 Cost it refers to the amount of money spent on the production or creation of goods or services (Cambridge
Dictionary n.d.).

You must forecast each expense of the business including:

a. Startup Expenses- These are the expenses incurred for the duration of creating a new business such as pre-
operating expenses (Morah 2019).
b. Fixed Costs - All the overhead costs of the business.
c. Variable Costs - All of the costs that vary with the business.

 The terms "profit" and "income" are often used interchangeably in day-to-day life. Profit is generally
understood to refer to the cash that is left over after accounting for expenses (Kenton 2020). Computing a profit
or loss has to be completed by all companies of any size, form the small enterprise to large enterprise. It is in a
simple calculation:
Total Revenue – Total Expenses = Profit.
1. Compute all the revenue from sales of goods and services
Example: You owned school supplies. September 1, 2020, you sold 10,000 worth of bond
papers to Sapang Bato National High School. September 2, 2020, you sold to Angeles
City National Trade School 10,000 worth of bond papers and to Sapang Bato Elementary
School 15, 000 worth of ink and bond papers. September 3, 2020, you sold 10,000 worth
of school supplies from various customers.
2. Compute all the costs and expenses for the accounting period ( 1 month).
For example: Let’s say your school supplies business spent 3,500.00 for paying your
store rentals and 2,000.00 for your saleslady salary. In this case, your total expense is
3,500.00 + 2,000.00 = 5,500.00.
3. Subtract all the expenses from the revenue. You just simply subtract your expenses to your sales
revenue. The money left represents your business profit. In the example, you already computed
your total revenue and total expenses from your school supplies business. Subtracting your total
expenses from your total revenue gives you 45,000 – 5,500 = 39, 500 profit.
4. Note that a negative result for profit is called net loss.

Activity 11: Forecast Teller

Directions: Forecasting is all about assumptions. Assumed that you are going to establish your Milk Tea Store in your
area. Complete this activity by answering the guide questions. Do this in your LAS.
Instruction/ Guide Questions:
1. Who are your target market/ potential buyers?
2. What are the flavors are you going to offer for the first month of operation?
3. What are the glass sizes available?
4. What are the ingredients and supplies you are going to use?
5. Estimate all your expenses and cost of goods sold in purchasing ingredients and supplies.
6. Compute all the expenses and cost of goods sold.
7. What are the equipment/machines you will purchase in establishing your milk tea business?
8. Estimate the amount of the machine and equipment.
9. Compute all the amounts used in purchasing machines/equipment.
10. What marketing platforms are you going to use? Estimate the amount for advertising expenses.
11. Compute the total advertising expense.
12. Are you going to hire staff? If so, how much is the salary each day? How many staff will you hire?
13. Compute your staff salary in one month.
14. How much will it cost to acquire a Barangay Business permit?
15. Calculate all your expenses from supplies and ingredients, machine/ equipment, advertising expense, salary expense,
and business permit.
16. Estimate the price of your milk tea, by size and flavor.
17. Estimate the number of customers who will buy your milk tea for each size and flavor in a day.
18. How many customers will add each day to buy your milk tea?
19. Compute your sales per day, per week and per month.
20. To compute your Profit, add all your sales revenue in a month and subtract all your expenses and costs.

Process Question:
1. How can Forecasting can contribute to the startup business?

End of Firm-Up

11 |Entrepreneurship 12 – Final Term_Week 3-4

Good job! You’re finally done with this learning section. I hope that all the topics in this segment are
clear to you now. Continue to dwell in this module because in the end, everything will be paid off. You can now proceed
to the next section. Enjoy!


As a Grade 12 student, you like to explore many things especially that we are in the world of technology. Usually,
when there are things that interest you, you immediately surf the internet for a wider understanding. As you are about to
end this module, your knowledge will be tested by applying all the things that you have learned from your previous
And let’s start it by answering the essential question displayed at the beginning of this module. This is to check
whether you’ve learned everything or not. Answer this in your LAS.
What is the importance
of operations
management in the
business operation?

After having gone through a series of challenging activities, have you realized something? Let me see your
realization by completing the Schema Map below. In your LAS write the new learnings that you have acquired after
reading and doing the activities in this module. You can write as many as you can.

What is my prior What new things I’ve learned from the topic
knowledge about the
4M’s of Operations

Process Question: Answer this in your LAS.

1. As a Salletinian, what should be the school core value that you must apply when doing start up in order to ensure
2. What do you think is the 21st century skill that you have developed while taking this module? Explain.

End of Deepen

Congratulations! You Your

Congratulations! are completely
week 3-4 done
modulein this learning
is already module.
done. I hope
Don’t forgetthat
to through thisyou’ve
share what modulejust
your questions about preparing vegetable dish are all clear.
learned to your family and to your friends so that even them And to end this module, please remember this
simple saying:
“Great companies start because founders want to change the world not make a fast buck”



12 |Entrepreneurship 12 – Final Term_Week 3-4

Prepared by:


La Salette of Roxas College

Vira, Roxas, Isabela
S.Y 2021-2022


Technology and Livelihood Education 10
Quarter 2 / Weeks 3-4

Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Score: ___________

Grade and Section: ____________________________________________

Activity 1: Word Hunt
___________________1. A manufacturing equipment used in the productions of goods or delivery of services.

13 |Entrepreneurship 12 – Final Term_Week 3-4

___________________2. The process of technique of converting raw materials to finished product.
___________________3. The human workforce in the manufacturing process of business.
___________________4. The raw materials needed in the production process.
___________________5. An activity that converts materials into useful forms.
___________________6. What is put in, taken in, or operated on by any process or system
___________________7. A series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end.
___________________8. Finished product.
___________________9. The art of getting things done with and through other people.
___________________10. The actions and decisions made by participants and members of a business that affect the
production, distribution, service, and management.

Process Questions:
1. What do you think is the most important in 4Ms of operations?
2. If you are to add another M in the operations, what would it be and why?

Activity 2: Picture Speaks a Thousand Words

Process Questions:
1. As a whole, what is your understanding about the 4Ms of operations?
2. What do you think will happen to a business without the 4Ms of operations?
3. If you are to analyze the given pictures, what do you think are the functions of 4Ms in relation to business

Materials Materials
Manpower Manpower
Method Method
Machine Machine
Activity 3: SCHEMA Map
What is my prior knowledge about the topic LEARNINGS
What new things
I’ve learned from
the topic

14 |Entrepreneurship 12 – Final Term_Week 3-4

4M’s of Operations

Activity 4: Setting up my own Business


Process Questions:
1. What is your chosen product/service? Why did you choose it?
2. Among the 4Ms of operations, which do you think is the hardest to attain? What about the easiest? Why?

Activity 5: Making my own Prototype (Scaffold)

Process Questions:
1. How did you find the activity? Did you enjoy making your own prototype?

15 |Entrepreneurship 12 – Final Term_Week 3-4

2. What is your product and why did you choose it?
3. In one paragraph, describe your prototype in a way that will tempt your customer to buy it.

Activity 6: Describe it. I will name it

1. With the proper ingredients, success comes naturally. Here is
everything you need to make a distinctive tasting sausage stick that will
be sure to tingle your taste buds. Comes with complete instructions.
2. YAS GIRL! Walk in this navy velvet set and expect all eyes on you.
Designed with a one shoulder unique crop top and fitted capri pants.
3. 5V ~ 5.5V from the USB port; Without drive javascript devices: void
(0);Compatible with USB 1.1 / 2.0; Operating Temperature: -10 to +
55Deg.C; Storage Temperature: -20 to + 55Deg.C; More than 12 years
of data storage
4. The most effective way to lose weight without Diet and Exercise!
Without experiencing LBM, Headaches and Palpitation. Reduces food
cravings and Increases fluid intake. Each box contains 5 sachets of
Skinny Coffee good for 5 days. It should be taken in the morning 15-30
minutes before breakfast.
5. Brand: VEGER/ Model: VP2016/ Capacity: 20000mAh (74WH)/
Colors: Black/White/ Dimension: 147.8*67.5*27.5MM/ Micro Input:
5V/2.0A/ Type-C Input: 5V/2.0A/ USB Output 1: 5V/1.0A (IQ Smart
Recognition)/ USB Output 2: 5V/2.1A (IQ Smart Identification)/ LED
Digital Power Indicator/ Li-polymer Battery/ Weight: 412g
6. Whether it's for work or for leisure, you deserve a quick and reliable
home internet connection. Look no further because Globe At Home
Prepaid WiFi is finally here!. With its improved WiFi connection, wide
internet coverage, and ready-to-use freebie and features, your home
online experience will never be the same again.
7. High quality 4mm drive unit super bass, bright treble; Lightweight
foldable structure; Can turn into a wired headphone in one second.
8. Delivering heart-thumping lows and clear-as-day highs, these
wireless headphones are true standouts in the new 0917 Series Two
9. "Who said you can’t look stylish while staying safe? Channel your
brooding K-drama lead with this personal protective bucket hat.
10. Hat opening: 24 in; face shield: 121/ 4x10p; Bucket hat is made of
soft brushed twill fabric; face shield is made of PVC plastic;
Detachable face shield; Adjustable strap to keep the hat in place"

Process Questions:
1. Did the descriptions help you identify the product/service easily? How?
2. Based on the given descriptions, what product/service entice you? Why?
3. Think of another product/service that you want to sell. Then, give its brief description, follow what is written in
the table.

16 |Entrepreneurship 12 – Final Term_Week 3-4

Activity 7: You’re the One





Process Questions:
1. How important is supplier in a business?
2. Can a business still run without a supplier? Justify your answer.
3. What are the factors that you’ve considered in selecting your potential suppliers?

Activity 8: Chain of Thoughts

Process Questions:
1. Did the video clip help you understand value/supply chain? How?
2. From your own understanding of the video, what is value chain as a whole?
3. How important is value/supply chain in business enterprises?

Activity 9: I Want You!






Process Questions:
1. What are you going to do to attract these qualified individuals to join your company?

17 |Entrepreneurship 12 – Final Term_Week 3-4

2. If you were to apply to a well-known company, what would it be? What do you think is your qualification that
might attract your employer and reason to get you the job?

Activity 10: My Business Idea

7. Key Partners 8. Key Activities 1. Value Proposition 4. Customer 2. Customer
Relationships Segments
Who are your key What Key Activities What value do you
partners (Suppliers)? do our Value deliver to the
What type of For whom are you
_________________ Proposition require? customer? relationship does creating value?
_________________ _________________ _________________
each of your
_________________ _________________ _________________
customer segments Who are your most
_________________ _________________
expect you to important customers
Which key resources establish and (target market)?
are you acquiring Your distribution Which of your maintain with them? _________________
from your partners channel? customer’s problems _________________ _________________
(suppliers)? _________________ you need to solve? _________________ _________________
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
_________________ _________________ _________________
_________________ _________________
Which key activities Relationships? What products and
do partners perform? _________________ services you will
_________________ _________________ offer to each
_________________ _________________ Customer Segments?
_________________ _________________
Revenue Streams? _________________
_________________ _________________

6. Key Resources 3. Channels

What key resources Through which

do your value channels do your
proposition require? customer segments
_________________ want to be reached?
_________________ _________________
_________________ _________________

9. Cost Structure 4. Revenue Streams

What are the most important cost inherent in your business? For what are your customers really willing to
________________________________________________________ pay?
________________________________________________________ _____________________________________
________________________________________________________ _____________________________________
Which key resources are most expensive?
________________________________________________________ For what they pay?
________________________________________________________ _____________________________________
________________________________________________________ _____________________________________
Which key activities are most expensive?
________________________________________________________ How are they paying?
________________________________________________________ _____________________________________
________________________________________________________ _____________________________________
Is your business more cost-driven or value-driven? How would day prefer to pay?
________________________________________________________ _____________________________________
18 |Entrepreneurship 12 – Final Term_Week 3-4
________________________________________________________ _____________________________________
________________________________________________________ _____________________________________

Is your business more on fixed cost or variable cost? How much does each Revenue Stream
________________________________________________________ contribute to overall revenues?
________________________________________________________ _____________________________________
________________________________________________________ _____________________________________

Process Questions:
1. How is Business Model Canvas becomes an advantageous way to build a startup?
2. What do you think is the most important part of the Business Model Canvas?
3. Which do you think is better, a business model canvas or a business plan?

Activity 11: Forecast Teller

Instruction/ Guide Questions:
1. Who are your target market/ potential buyers?
2. What are the flavors are you going to offer for the first month of operation?
3. What are the glass sizes available?
4. What are the ingredients and supplies you are going to use?
5. Estimate all your expenses and cost of goods sold in purchasing ingredients and supplies.
6. Compute all the expenses and cost of goods sold.
7. What are the equipment/machines you will purchase in establishing your milk tea business?
8. Estimate the amount of the machine and equipment.
9. Compute all the amounts used in purchasing machines/equipment.
10. What marketing platforms are you going to use? Estimate the amount for advertising expenses.
19 |Entrepreneurship 12 – Final Term_Week 3-4
11. Compute the total advertising expense.
12. Are you going to hire staff? If so, how much is the salary each day? How many staff will you hire?
13. Compute your staff salary in one month.
14. How much will it cost to acquire a Barangay Business permit?
15. Calculate all your expenses from supplies and ingredients, machine/ equipment, advertising expense, salary
expense, and business permit.
16. Estimate the price of your milk tea, by size and flavor.
17. Estimate the number of customers who will buy your milk tea for each size and flavor in a day.
18. How many customers will add each day to buy your milk tea?
19. Compute your sales per day, per week and per month.
20. To compute your Profit, add all your sales revenue in a month and subtract all your expenses and costs.

Process Question:
How can Forecasting contribute to the startup business?


Essential Questions:

What is the
importance of
in the
business 20 |Entrepreneurship 12 – Final Term_Week 3-4

What is my prior NEW LEARNINGS
knowledge about What new things I’ve learned from the topic
the topic

4M’s of Operations

Process Question:
1. As a Salletinian, what should be the school core value that you must apply when doing start up in order to ensure
2. What do you think is the 21st century skill that you have developed while taking this module? Explain.

Prepared by:

La Salette of Roxas College, Inc.

Basic Education Department
SY 2021-2022

Entrepreneurship 12

Name: ________________________________________________________________ Score: ____________

Grade/Section: ________________________________________ Date: _____________________________

I. Multiple Choice
Directions: Read and answer each item carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. Do this in your answer sheet.

1. It suggest how raw materials will be transformed using the other factors in the production.
A. Machine B. Manpower C. Material D. Method
2. It is not limited to muscular activities but also intellectual, creative abilities etc.
A. Capital B. Labor C. Land and technology D. Money
3. Melinda wanted to use tools that will lessen their burden in doing manual work. What production factor will she
look at?
A. Method B. Manpower C. Machine D. Materials
4. Machines are considered as the “best-friend of the _______________ in producing goods and offering services.
A. Method B. Manpower C. Machine D. Materials
21 |Entrepreneurship 12 – Final Term_Week 3-4
5. It is another term used to describe factor inputs because of its transforming properties.
A. Intermediate input B. Productive Input C. Processors D. Transformers
6. The following are productive inputs EXCEPT for one.
A. Capital B. Labor C. Land and technology D. Money
7. The Kitchen Therapy bake cakes and pastries, and sugar is one of the must have in their grocery list. What does
sugar represents in their production of goods?
A. Machinery B. Decoration C. Raw material D. Finished product
8. Entrepreneurs can protect their product through _____________.
A. Connivance B. Patent C. Bribery D. Black Propaganda
9. It is a process of appointing a third party manufacturer to do the manufacturing operations of the business.
A. Operation Planning B. Manufacturing C. Outsourcing D. Training
10. Cost, quality and availability should be considered in choosing _______.
A. Product B. Prince C. Material D. Machine
11. It is the first version of the product.
A. Supply B. Sample C. Imitation D. Prototype
12. What is not a risk in outsourcing?
A. Saves you from buying expensive machines C. Outsource company closes
B. Runs out of supplies D. Produces sub-standard products
13. Which of the following is NOT included in the factor inputs of production?
A. Land and Technology B. Money C. Labor D. Raw Materials
14. Food Overboard agreed to give Cravings by Kaye a full access to any confidential information of the company,
provided that they will not disclose it to anyone else. What type of agreement do they have?
A. Prenuptial B. Property C. Bill of Sale D. Nondisclosure
15. It is the M where one should look at one’s ability, intellect and creative ideas.
A. Material B. Money C. Manpower D. Method
16. When looking for a supplier one must consider the following except for one.
A. People B. Availability C. Cost D. Quality of the product
17. It is considered as the most important factor in the production.
A. Labor B. Land and Technology C. Raw Material D. Capital
18. What does the equipment represents?
A. Manpower B. Method C. Material D. Machine
19. Which among the following talks about the process of the production?
A. Manpower B. Method C. Material D. Machine
20. “Broadcast Yourself” – Youtube
A. Business Model B. Tagline C. Unique Selling Proposition D. Value Proposition
21. Gather specific information – data – about customers and analyze it to identify patterns that can be used.
A. Customer Feedback C. Customer Segments
B. Customer Relationships D. Customer Service
22. “The milk chocolate melts in your mouth, not in your hand.” – Mars, Incorporated
A. Business Model B. Tagline C. Unique Selling Proposition D. Value Proposition
23. Number of Costs of Good Sold multiplied by Price.
A. Cost B. Good C. Price D. Revenue
24. The relationships that you have with other business, governmental, or non-consumer entities that help your
business model work.
A. Key Activities B. Key Chain C. Key Partners D. Key Resources
25. The amount of money that has to be paid to acquire a given product
A. Cost B. Good C. Price D. Revenue
26. “Who your customer is, what value you can create/add for the customer and how you can do that at reasonable
B. Business Model B. Tagline C. Unique Selling Proposition D. Value Proposition
27. Understand what your customer values.
A. Customer Feedback C. Customer Segments
B. Customer Relationships D. Customer Service
28. Any activities that your business is engaged in for the primary purpose of making a profit.
A. Key Activities B. Key Chain C. Key Partners D. Key Resources
29. “Why is there nothing quite like the iPhone? Every iPhone we’ve made – and we mean every single one – was
built on the same belief. That a phone should be more than a collection of features. That, above all, a phone
should be absolutely simple, beautiful and magical to use.”
A. Business Model B. Tagline C. Unique Selling Proposition D. Value Proposition
30. Gather specific information – data – about customers and analyze it to identify patterns that can be used.
C. Customer Feedback C. Customer Segments
D. Customer Relationships D. Customer Service

II. Modified TRUE or FALSE

22 |Entrepreneurship 12 – Final Term_Week 3-4

Directions: Modified True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is correct if FALSE underline and correct the word that
make it false.

____________ 31. The 4Ms of production cannot function properly if one of the M’s is not included.
____________ 32. A product prototype is the final product that you will sell in the market.
____________ 33. In manufacturing own products or offer services, an entrepreneur must prepare a huge amount of
capital for the expenses.
____________ 34. Outsourcing a third party manufacturer have a lot of risk involve as well as advantages.
____________ 35. A good product description can double the sales.

III. Identification
Directions: Read the statement comprehensively. Identify which of the statements best described as Fixed Cost, Variable
Cost, Operating Expense, and Non-Operating expense.

36. Your business rents a space at CHH building on Friendship Highway where you pay 25,000 monthly. This is an
example of
37. If you own a home, you must pay using electricity. The amount you pay changes monthly depending on how
much you consume. This is an example of a
38. An expense that is not related to your company’s day-to-day operation.
39. An expense of your business incur in order to keep running your business.
40. The actual costs of making a product or providing the service

Prepared by:
La Salette of Roxas College, Inc.
Basic Education Department
SY 2021-2022


Name: __________________________________________________________ Score: _____________________

Grade/Section: ______________________________ Date: _____________________

I. Multiple Choice
1. A B C D 16. A B C D
2. A B C D 17. A B C D
3. A B C D 18. A B C D
4. A B C D 19. A B C D
5. A B C D 20. A B C D
6. A B C D 21. A B C D
7. A B C D 22. A B C D
8. A B C D 23. A B C D
9. A B C D 24. A B C D
10. A B C D 25. A B C D
11. A B C D 26. A B C D
12. A B C D 27. A B C D
13. A B C D 28. A B C D
14. A B C D 29. A B C D
15. A B C D 30. A B C D

II. Modified TRUE or FALSE


III. Identification

23 |Entrepreneurship 12 – Final Term_Week 3-4


Prepared by:

24 |Entrepreneurship 12 – Final Term_Week 3-4

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