02 - Airframe Icing PDF
02 - Airframe Icing PDF
02 - Airframe Icing PDF
of Transportation
Federal Aviation
Administration Circular
1. PURPOSE. This advisory circular (AC) provides (4) AC 61-23, Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical
information for pilots regarding the hazards of aircraft Knowledge.
icing and the use of airplane deice and anti-ice systems.
4. BACKGROUND. A review of aircraft accident and
2. CANCELLATION. AC 91-51, Airplane Deice and incident reports indicates that pilots may not be fully
Anti-ice Systems, dated September 15, 1977, is cancelled. aware of the effects of icing on aircraft control. The
review also indicates that pilots may be unaware of the
3. RELATED READING MATERIAL. The limitations of aircraft deice and anti-ice systems and the
information contained in this AC complements the conditions under which those systems are approved for
documents listed below. flight into icing conditions.
a. Current editions of the following AC's may be 5. DISCUSSION. One of the hazards to flight is aircraft
obtained at no cost by sending a written request to U.S. icing. Pilots should be aware of the conditions conducive
Department of Transportation, Subsequent Distribution to icing, the types of icing, the effects of icing on aircraft
Center, Ardmore East Business Center, 3341 Q 75th control and performance, and the use and limitations of
Avenue, Landover, MD 20785: aircraft deice and anti-ice equipment.
(1) AC 20-117, Hazards Following Ground Deicing a. It is important that a pilot understand the conditions
and Ground Operations in Conditions Conducive to which are conducive to icing. An understanding of these
Aircraft Icing. conditions allows the pilot to evaluate the available
(2) AC 135-16, Ground Deicing and Anti-icing weather data and make an educated decision as to
Training and Checking. whether an intended flight should be made. One of the
best sources of available weather data is pilot reports.
(3) AC 135-17, Pilot Guide, Small Aircraft Ground The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) encourages
Deicing. all pilots to report their flight conditions when warranted.
b. Current editions of the publications below (1) For ice to form, there must be moisture present
may be purchased from: New Orders, Superintendent of in the air and the air must be cooled to a temperature of
Documents, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 0°C (32°F) or less. Aerodynamic cooling can lower the
15250-7954. temperature of an airfoil to 0°C even though the ambient
temperature is a few degrees warmer. However, when the
(1) AC 00-6, Aviation Weather. temperature reaches -40°C (-40°F) or less, it is generally
(2) AC 00-45, Aviation Weather Services. too cold for ice to form. Ice is identified as clear, rime, or
mixed. Rime ice forms if the droplets are small and freeze eter and can cause a loss of communications and radio
immediately when contacting the aircraft surface. This type navigation capabilities.
of ice usually forms on areas such as the leading edges of
wings or struts. It has a somewhat rough looking appearance (2) The most hazardous aspect of structural icing is its
and is a milky white color. Clear ice is usually formed from aerodynamic effects. Ice can alter the shape of an airfoil. This
larger water droplets or freezing rain that can spread over a can cause control problems, change the angle of attack at
surface. This is the most dangerous type of ice since it is which the aircraft stalls, and cause the aircraft to stall at a
clear, hard to see, and can change the shape of the airfoil. significantly higher airspeed. Ice can reduce the amount of
Mixed ice is a mixture of clear ice and rime ice. It has the bad lift that an airfoil will produce and increase drag several fold.
characteristics of both types and can form rapidly. Ice Additionally, ice can partially block or limit control surfaces
particles become imbedded in clear ice, building a very rough which will limit or make control movements ineffective.
accumulation. Also, if the extra weight caused by ice accumulation is too
(2) The following table lists the temperatures at which great, the aircraft may not be able to become airborne and, if
the various types of ice will form. in flight, the aircraft may not be able to maintain altitude. For
this reason, Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14
CFR) prohibits takeoff when snow, ice, or frost is adhering
Table 1: Temperature Ranges for Ice Formation to wings, propellers, or control surfaces of an aircraft. This
clean aircraft concept is essential to safe flight operations.
Outside Air Tem. Icing Type (3) Another hazard of structural icing is the possible
perature Range uncommanded and uncontrolled roll phenomenon referred
0°C to -10°C Clear to as roll upset that is associated with severe in-flight icing.
-10°C to -15°C Mixed Clear and Rime Pilots flying airplanes certificated for flight in known icing
-15°C to -20°C Rime conditions should be aware that severe icing is a condition
that is outside of the airplane's certification icing envelope.
Roll upset may be caused by airflow separation (aerodynamic
stall) inducing self-deflection of the ailerons and loss of or
degraded roll handling characteristics. This phenomena can
result from severe icing conditions without the usual
symptoms of ice accumulation or a perceived aerodynamic
b. There are two kinds of icing that are significant to aviation: stall.
structural icing and induction icing. Structural icing refers to
the accumulation of ice on the exterior of the aircraft; (4) The term "severe--icing" is associated with the rapid
induction icing affects the powerplant operation. Significant growth rate of visible ice shapes most often produced in
structural icing on an aircraft can cause aircraft control and conditions of high liquid water content and combinations of
performance problems. The formation of structural icing other environmental and flight conditions. Severe icing is
could create a situation from which the pilot might have often accompanied by aerodynamic performance degradation
difficulty recovering and, in some instances, may not be able such as high drag, aerodynamic buffet, and premature stall.
to recover at all. To reduce the probability of ice buildup on
the unprotected areas of the aircraft, a pilot should maintain (5) In addition, ice associated with freezing rain or
at least the minimum airspeed for flight in sustained icing freezing drizzle can accumulate on and beyond the limits of
conditions. This airspeed will be listed in the airplane flight an ice protection system. This kind of ice may produce the
manual (AFM). familiar performance degradation; however it may be
potential' hazardous. Freezing rain and freezing drizzle
(1) Structural icing can block the pitot tube and static contain droplets larger than the criteria specified by
ports and cause the breakage of antennas on the aircraft. certification
This can cause a pilot to lose or receive erroneous
indications from various instruments such as the airspeed
indicator and altim-
7/17/96 AC 91-51A
requirements. Temperatures near freezing can produce usually there will be a roughness in engine operation.
severe icing. Some airplanes are equipped with carburetor heat for use
in both prevention and removal of ice. The pilot should
(6) Another hazard of structural icing is the consult the AFM or the pilot's operating handbook for
tailplane (empennage) stall. Sharp-edged surfaces are the proper use of carburetor heat.
more susceptible to collecting ice than large blunt
surfaces. For this reason, the tailplane may begin (2) Fuel injection systems are less susceptible to
accumulating ice before the wings and can accumulate ice icing than the carburetor system. Ice, which can partially
faster. Because the pilot cannot readily see the tailplane, or totally block the air from entering the engine, forms
the pilot may be unaware of the situation until the stall on the air intake of the engine. The usual indication of
occurs. There have been reports of ice on the tailplane icing in a fuel injection system is the same as in a
without any visible ice on the wing. This can occur if the carburetor system. An alternate air source located inside
tailplane has not or cannot be deiced. the engine cowling is used to provide air to the engine to
continue combustion. Usually, this source is operated
(7) A tailplane stall occurs when, as with the wing, automatically and has a manual backup system that can
the critical angle of attack is exceeded. Since the be used if the automatic system malfunctions.
horizontal stabilizer counters the natural nose down
tendency caused by the center of lift of the main wing, d. Ice detection is very important in dealing with icing in a
the airplane will react by pitching down, sometimes timely manner. A careful preflight of the aircraft should
uncontrollably, when the tailplane is stalled. Application be conducted to ensure that all ice or frost is removed
of flaps can aggravate or initiate the stall. The pilot before takeoff. This is especially true in larger aircraft
should use caution when applying flaps during an where ice is difficult to see in some locations. Also, it is
approach if there is the possibility of icing on the more difficult to detect ice during flight on such, areas as
tailplane. the tail, which may be impossible to see. At night, aircraft
can be equipped with ice detection lights which will assist
(8) Perhaps the most important characteristic of a in detecting ice. Being familiar with the airplane's
tailplane stall is the relatively high airspeed at the onset performance and flight characteristics will also help in
and, if it occurs, the suddenness and magnitude of the recognizing the possibility of ice. Ice buildup will require
nose down pitch. A stall is more likely to occur when the more power to maintain cruise airspeed. Ice on the
flaps are approaching the fully extended position, after tailplane can cause diminished nose up pitch control and
nose down pitch and airspeed changes following flap heavy elevator forces, and the aircraft may buffet if flaps
extension, or during flight through wind gusts. are applied. Ice on the rudder or ailerons can cause control
oscillations or vibra tions.
c. Small aircraft engines commonly employ a carburetor fuel
system or a pressure fuel injection system to supply fuel e. When operating in icing conditions on the ground or in
for combustion. Both types of induction systems hold flight, a pilot must have knowledge of aircraft deicing and
the potential for icing which can cause engine failure. anti-icing procedures. Deicing is a procedure in which
frost, ice, or snow is removed from the aircraft in order
(1) The pilot should be aware that carburetor icing to provide clean surfaces. Anti-icing is a process that
can occur at temperatures between -7°C (20°F) and +21 provides some protection against the formation of frost
°C (70°F) when there is visible moisture or high or ice for a limited period of time. There are various
humidity. This can occur in the carburetor because methods and systems which are used for deicing and
vaporization of fuel, combined with the expansion of air anti-icing. A pilot must be knowledgeable regarding the
as it flows through the carburetor, causes sudden cooling, systems and the procedures to be used on the specific
sometimes by a significant amount within a fraction of a aircraft before operating in icing conditions.
second. Carburetor ice can be detected by a drop in rpm
in fixed pitch propeller airplanes and a drop in manifold
pressure in constant speed propeller airplanes. In both
(1) There are numerous methods which are capable
of removing ice from an aircraft surface. One
AC 91-51A 7/17/96
method is pneumatic boots. This system is commonly (2) Anti-icing can be accomplished by using
used on smaller aircraft and usually provides ice removal chemical fluid or a heat source. Anti-ice systems are
for the wing and tail section by inflating a rubber boot. activated before entering icing conditions to help prevent
Ice can also be removed by a heat system or by a the ice from adhering to the surface. These methods
chemical fluid. Deicing the propeller is usually done by provide protection for the wings, tail, propeller,
electrical heat, but it can also be done with a chemical windshield, and other sections of the aircraft that need
fluid. protection.
f. For an airplane to be approved for flight into icing to part 25, appendix C, the icing certification is indicated
conditions, the airplane must be equipped with systems on the TCDS and in the AFM. The AFM lists the
which will adequately protect various components. There equipment required to be installed and operable. The
are two regulatory references to ice protection: the AFM or other approved material will also show
application to airplane type certification in 14 CFR parts recommended procedures for the use of the equipment.
23 and 25 and the operating rules contained in 14 CFR
parts 91 and 135. (2) The operating rules contained in § § 91.527 and
135.227 also permit flight into specified icing conditions
(1) With regard to ice protection, airplane type provided that the aircraft has functioning deice and/or
certification is currently accomplished by meeting either anti-ice equipment protecting specified areas of the
the requirements of § 23.1419 or § 25.1419. These rules aircraft. There are aircraft with partial installations of
require an analysis to establish the adequacy of the ice deicing and/or anti-icing equipment that do not meet the
protection system for the various components of the certification or the operating regulatory requirements for
airplane based on the operational needs of that particular flight into icing conditions. Those installations are
aircraft. In addition, tests of the ice protection system approved because it has been demonstrated that the
must be conducted to demonstrate that the airplane is equipment does not adversely affect the aircraft's
capable of operating safely in the continuous maximum structure, systems, flight characteristics, or performance.
and intermittent maximum icing conditions, as described In such cases, the AFM or other approved material must
in part 25, appendix C. The type certificate data sheet explain the appropriate operating procedures for the
(TCDS) gives the certification basis for the airplane and partial deicing and/or anti-icing equipment and contain a
lists the regulations with which the airplane has dem- clear statement that the aircraft is not approved for flight
onstrated compliance. Therefore, when an airplane into known icing conditions.
complies with one of the regulations which refers
7/17/96 AC 91-51A
(3) It is important for pilots to understand that an airplane the airplane. Pilots should know the adverse effects of
equipped with some types of deice and/ or anti-ice systems may icing on aircraft systems, control, and performance. They
not be approved for flight into known icing conditions. To be should also know how to respond to the situation if
approved for such flight, the airplane must be specifically accidentally caught in icing conditions. A knowledgeable
certificated to operate in known icing conditions. pilot is better prepared to make timely decisions and
promptly recognize the factors that can contribute to
(4) Also, it is important to remember that the aircraft icing accidents.
certification standards provide protection for the
majority of atmospheric conditions encountered, but not 7. ADVISORY MATERIAL. The procedures and
for freezing rain or freezing drizzle or for conditions techniques discussed in this AC are advisory in nature.
with a mixture of supercooled droplets and snow or ice They are general guidance and should not be construed
particles. Some airfoils are degraded by even a thin as required operating practices. This AC also contains
accumulation of ice aft of the deicing boots which can numerous references to compliance with 14 CFR. The
occur in freezing rain or freezing drizzle. regulations themselves are not advisory, and compliance
is required. Applicable operating limitations and
6. SUMMARY. It is extremely important that pilots
procedures contained in manufacturers' FAA-approved
understand the dangers of aircraft icing. Even if an
flight manuals and other approved documents take
airplane is equipped and certificated to operate in known
precedence over the information contained in this AC.
icing conditions, there are limitations. Flight into known
For specific guidance, pilots should consult the
or potential icing situations without thorough knowledge
appropriate FAA approved flight manual.
of icing and its effects and appropriate training and
experience in use of deice and anti-ice systems should be
avoided. It is important to know both the pilot's and the
airplane's limitations. Pilots should become familiar with
the types of weather associated with and conducive to
icing and understand how to detect ice forming on
William J. White
Deputy Director, Flight Standards Service
Page 5 (and 6)
AC 91-51A
7/17/96 Appendix 1
This appendix is a summary of the cues that a pilot of the front or side windows. This may be accompanied
should recognize and corrective actions that can be taken by other ice patterns on the windows such as ridges.
if the aircraft encounters an uncommanded or These patterns may occur within a few seconds to
uncontrolled roll upset due to severe in-flight icing. It is one-half minute after exposure to SLD conditions.
based on the FAA's investigation of airplane accidents
4. Unusually extensive coverage of ice, visible ice
and incidents during or after flight in freezing rain or
fingers, or ice feathers on parts of the airframe not
freezing drizzle conditions causing severe in-flight icing.
normally covered by ice.
The term "supercooled large droplets" (SLD) includes
freezing rain or freezing drizzle. Additional Cues Significant at Temperatures near
The most effective means to identify severe icing are cues Freezing:
that can be seen, felt, or heard. The general information 1. Visible rain (consisting of very large water droplets).
provided in this appendix is intended to assist pilots in In reduced visibility conditions, select taxi/ landing lights
identifying inadvertent encounters with SLD conditions. "On" occasionally. Rain may also be detected by the
The suggestions below are not intended to be used to sound of droplets impacting the aircraft.
prolong flight in conditions which may be hazardous.
Because of the broad range of environmental conditions, 2. Droplets splashing or splattering on impact with the
limited data available, and various airplane configurations, windshield. Droplets covered by icing certification
pilots must use the manufacturer's airplane flight manual envelopes are so small that they are usually below the
(AFM) for specific guidance on individual types of threshold of detectability. The largest size of the drizzle
aircraft. droplets covered is about the diameter of a 0.5mm pencil
Warning: This document describes two types
of upset: roll upset and tailplane stall (pitch 3. Water droplets or rivulets streaming on heated or
upset). The procedures for recovery from one unheated windows. The droplets or rivulets are an
are nearly opposite those for recovery from the indication of high liquid water content (LWC) of any
other. Application of the incorrect procedure sized droplet.
during an event can seriously compound the
event. Correct identification and application of 4. Weather radar returns showing precipitation. Returns
the proper procedure is imperative. showing precipitation suggest that increased vigilance for
all of the cues is warranted. Evaluation of the radar may
provide alternative routing possibilities.
1. Ice visible on the upper or lower surface of the wing
aft of the active part of the deicing boots. It may be
helpful to look for irregular or jagged lines or pieces of Before Takeoff:
ice that are self -shedding. All areas to be observed need
1. Know the pilot weather reports (PIREP) and the
adequate illumination for night operation.
2. The aft limit of ice accumulation on the propeller
2. Know where the potential icing conditions are
spinner. Nonheated propeller spinners are useful devices
located in relation to the planned route and which
for sorting droplets by size. SLD icing will extend beyond
altitudes and directions are likely to be warmer or colder.
normal ice limits.
About 25% of the cases of SLD are found in stratiform
3. Granular dispersed ice crystals or total translucent or clouds colder than 0°C at all levels with a layer of wind
opaque coverage of the unheated portions shear at the cloud top. There need not be a warm melting
layer above.
AC 91-51A
Appendix 1 7/17/96
Warning: This document describes two types Warning: Once a tailplane stall is encountered,
the stall condition tends to worsen with
of upset: roll upset and tailplane stall (pitch
increased airspeed and possibly may worsen
upset). The procedures for recovery from one
are nearly opposite those for recovery from the with increased power settings at the same flap
setting. Airspeed, at any flap setting, in excess
other. Application of the incorrect procedure
of the airplane manufactur er's
during an event can seriously compound the
event. Correct identification and application of recommendations for the flight and
environmental conditions, accompanied by
the proper procedure is imperative.
uncleared ice contaminating the tailplane, may
result in a tailplane stall and uncommanded
pitch down from which recovery may not be
possible. A tailplane stall may occur at speeds
pitch control and the possibility of reduced directional extreme ice buildup on and aft of protected
control. Avoid landing with a tailwind component surfaces, possibly exceeding the capability of
because of the possibility of more abrupt nose down the ice protection system. Freezing rain,
freezing drizzle, mixed conditions, and descent
control inputs. Increased landing distances must also be into icing conditions in clouds from above
considered because of increased airspeed at reduced flap freezing temperatures may result in runback
settings. ice forming beyond protected surfaces where it
Warning: Freezing rain, freezing drizzle, and cannot be shed and may seriously degrade
mixed conditions (snow and/or ice par ticles airplane performance and control.
and liquid droplets) may result in