3 Feb 11-Ice Warriors
3 Feb 11-Ice Warriors
3 Feb 11-Ice Warriors
Ice warriorsQ6 wjd:Layout 1 02/02/2011 15:39 Page 4
www.aerosociety.com February 2011 Aerospace International 27
new ways to reduce their use of de-icing fluid.
Some airports are introducing de-icing fluid
recovery systems which capture the additives
and recycle the glycols while others are looking
at alternative solutions, such as infrared or hot
air heating systems.
Once an aircraft has been de-iced, it must to
be inspected before take-off to ensure that all
contaminant has been removed from the
airframe. This is not always an easy procedure
at airports where there is inadequate lighting
during the hours of darkness or because of a
lack of suitable access equipment. Prior to
take-off in icing conditions aircraft must also
run their engines for a certain time, which
varies depending on weather conditions, to de-
ice the engines and ensure they are capable of
providing take-off power.
Cold weather conditions can pose major
logistical problems for airports, as lots of
aircraft need to be de-iced at the same time just
before taking off. As well as dealing with indi-
vidual aircraft, snow and ice on the ground
also affect the safe use of runways and taxi-
ways which must be cleared before aircraft can
safely use them. Sometimes, airports do not
have sufficient infrastructure to cope with
demand and flights have to be delayed or
cancelled or even the airport shut down until
the situation improves. In the UK, Heathrow
airport owner BAA is facing criticism from
airlines for losses caused by its slow reaction
to reopening the airport following heavy snow
falls in December.
In-flight protection
Once an aircraft is in the air, it may be at risk of
ice build in clouds, as described earlier. In-
flight ice occurs most frequently on the leading
edges of wings, vertical stabilisers and engines.
Sometimes the ice may melt and then refreeze
on different parts of the aircraft not protected
by anti-icing systems.
An aircraft in flight must rely on its own de-
icing and anti-icing protection systems. The
most basic mechanical in-flight de-icing
system, which was first developed as long ago
as 1923 by B.F. Goodrich, uses pneumatic
deicing boots rubber coverings fitted to
leading edges which are periodically inflated to
crack the ice and make it flake off. A more
modern method uses electromagnetic actua-
tors to flex the aircrafts skin to remove ice
Another approach is to heat the areas of the
wings and engines most prone to ice build-up.
One of the most common systems in current
use on modern airliners is to channel bleed air
from the engines into ducts beneath the
leading edge of wings, engine inlets and air
data probes. This system has the advantage of
both removing ice and preventing its return
but is not necessarily the most efficient. Some
aircraft are fitted with electrically-heated
elements embedded in leading edges of wings
and tail surfaces, as well as within propellers
and helicopter rotor blades. The new Boeing
787 is the first commercial aircraft to be fitted
with an all-electric heating system rather than
bleed air. GKN Aerospace manufactures
heater mats for the leading edge of the 787, as
well as for the engine intakes on the V-22
Osprey military tiltrotor and the F-35
Lightning II fighter. Work has also been done
on infrared de-icing systems which can travel
from a heat source to surfaces without heating
the space it passes through.
An alternative approach is the weeping
wing system which pump de-icer and anti-icer
through small holes in the wing surfaces to
coat the surface of the wing. These can also be
fitted to the base of propeller blades. In addi-
tion to these active systems, there are also
passive systems which use water-resistant
materials on wing surfaces. Based on textiles,
these materials repel water and thus do not get
ice accumulating on them.
To tackle ice most effectively, aircraft are
often fitted with a combination of the above
systems. Many mechanical and bleed air IPS
rely on a simple on/off switch operated by the
pilot whenever ice is detected but work has
been done on improved sensors which can
detect different types of ice and either alert the
pilot or automatically turn on the de-icing and
anti-icing systems. Some cyclic electrical
systems can heat up certain zones in sequence
which uses less power. NASA has devel-
oped a system which can detect ice through
changes in resonance frequency which is then
countered using a current spike in the trans-
ducers which generates a mechanical shock
large enough to crack the ice.
All electric future?
Future developments are being driven by the
industry imperative for ever more efficient,
greener aircraft and engines, alongside the
ongoing commitment to maintaining safety.
Paul Nicklin, business development manager of
GKN Aerospace Transparency System says:
Evolving ice protection technologies are a crit-
ical element in the drive to develop aircraft that
offer reduced fuel consumption both through a
more efficient engine and more aerodynami-
cally efficient wings. For example, an aerody-
namically critical wing design will only offer
optimum performance when it is ice free.
Electrically powered intelligent systems will
undoubtedly be the way forward, providing
efficient, highly controllable in-flight ice protec-
tion at a lower fuel cost.
The metal element of a GKN Aerospace composite ice protection heater mat for a 787 leading
edge being embedded using a spray process. As well as specialising in embedded IPS, GKN also
runs an ice tunnel which can test de-icing instruments and small components by blowing a
combination of crushed ice and water at different speeds and temperatures.
GKN Aerospace
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