A Short History of M&I Materials Limited and Its Heritage: 1901-2010

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A Short History of M&I Materials Limited and its Heritage: 1901-2010

“Electrical insulation is “Today the far-seeing

the magic key which industrialist no longer
controls many doors relies solely on the
with the main object of accumulated knowledge
‘keeping electricity in its of the workers in his own
proper place’.” factory, or even those in
Part 1
Stanley Mohr, Managing Director of his own industry ...but he
The Micanite & Insulators Co. Ltd.
sets up organizations for
scientific research.”
Sir Arthur Fleming, Director of
Metropolitan-Vickers Research Department

Laying the foundations varnish over mica splittings that had been Based in a large heavy engineering facility
laid out. This created a mica sheet that was at Trafford Park Manchester, ‘Metrovicks’
The story of M&I Materials Limited begins then dried and pressed before being became a household name during the first
in 1901 with the foundation of the Mica trimmed and cut to size. Electrical insulation half of the twentieth century and the
Insulator Company Ltd. The firm was products such as Micanite tubes could be company’s manifold achievements could
established by twin brothers Arthur and produced in this way. Engineers soon fill several volumes. Its apprentice training
Edward Berkeley, in order to manage the recognised the uses of mica insulation in schools would provide a model for many
distribution of mica products in Europe. switchgear. Notable customers included successors, the transformers it supplied
‘Micanite’ (the name given to the sheet British Thomson-Houston, the General would pave the way for the installation of the
material derived from mica) was already Electric Company and Metropolitan-Vickers, National Grid and most significantly for M&I
readily available in the United States and a company that would contribute much to Materials, its research department would
Arthur Berkeley had been impressed by the the M&I Materials story. produce a wealth of engineering innovations,
Micanite products he had seen on display some of which are still in production today.
at the Chicago World’s Fair. Recognising Throughout its first two decades of trading,
the market potential back home, the the company established itself as a key
brothers built a small manufacturing player in the electrical insulation market
facility in Stoke Newington, London. through its Micanite manufacture, as well
Growing demand led the company to move as the production of insulating cloths, tapes,
production to a larger plant in Stansted, and high-voltage bushings for pylons.
Essex, before settling at the Empire Works
site on Blackhorse Lane in Walthamstow. Another important newcomer during this
In 1906, the firm became known as The era was the British Westinghouse Electrical
Micanite & Insulators Co. Ltd. and became & Manufacturing Company, which was
more frequently referred to as simply ‘M&I’. founded in 1899 by US industrialist George
Westinghouse and renamed the
At the time, Micanite had to be painstakingly ‘Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company’
The Micanite and Insulators Co. Limited
constructed by hand by brushing shellac in 1919 following a takeover by Vickers Ltd. Stansted factory

The development of Apiezon oil Apiezon originated as a solution to a that the gas flame he had used for his
conundrum that was posed to Burch by second attempt was too diffuse and the
The Metropolitan-Vickers Research electrical engineers: to see whether the problem was thus solved.
Department was established in 1917 by strength of pressboard would improve
Arthur Fleming, who at the time was the when impregnated with transformer oil In 1929, Associated Electrical Industries
head of the company’s Transformer in a perfect vacuum rather than the crude (AEI) was created, amalgamating
Department. The department was created vacuum that they were able to achieve. Metrovicks with its main UK rival, British
as a means of testing and developing Burch described this as a ‘bloody silly Thomson Houston and other electrical
manufacturing materials, and by the experiment’ on the basis that the companies. Metrovicks became a
mid-1920s, researchers had already transformer oil would distil away before subsidiary of AEI trading in its own name.
developed induction furnaces that such a low pressure could be obtained. However, little changed for those working
revolutionised alloy steel manufacture, Burch overcame this problem by catching within the Research Department. By this
a variety of new testing apparatus and a fraction of the oil used in rotary vacuum time, Metrovicks was halfway towards
special alloys that could withstand the pumps, a fraction that could withstand producing Apiezon pumps commercially.
combination of high pressure and boiling at extremely low pressures. One prototype was purchased by the
temperatures of a gas or steam turbine. By substituting this fluid for mercury in a physicist John Cockroft (who would later
Perhaps the most notable development of mercury diffusion pump, it was found that make history by splitting the atom) for the
this period came in 1926 with the discovery the same low pressure could be achieved ‘bargain price’ of fifty shillings. Apiezon
of low-vapour pressure oils by research without the need for liquid air and without stills also found use in pharmaceuticals,
engineer Cecil Reginald ‘Bill’ Burch, that he the oil ‘cracking’. Further experimental as they allowed vitamins A and D to be
christened ‘Apiezon’ (from the Greek for work led Burch and colleague F.E Bancroft distilled with far less decomposition than
‘low pressure’- a testament to Burch’s to develop the oil-operated diffusion pump. previously achieved. British Drug Houses
passion for classical literature). Burch carried on with his new vacuum eventually bought the patent for a
distillation method, but hit trouble when pharmaceutical Apiezon still for
the pump failed to function when he tried £300,000 (almost fifteen million pounds
to produce the same oils a second time. in today’s money).
After some dismay, he soon discovered

M&I Head Office: Empire Works site
Allegedly on Cockroft’s recommendation, Nevertheless, the quality of Burch’s
Apiezon oil was incorporated into a paste research spoke for itself, eventually earning
that became known as Apiezon Compound him a Leverhulme Research Studentship at
Q and could be used as a temporary Imperial College in 1933.
vacuum seal for apparatus such as
high-power radio valves, x-ray tubes and As the years have passed, the Apiezon
vacuum furnaces. Apiezon was also production method has fundamentally
developed into wax sticks, providing an remained the same. The current Apiezon
easily-removable vacuum seal or mounting stills date back to 1954. If Burch were to
medium. In 1933, Apiezon Products Ltd was wander into the production area today,
established as a joint venture between AEI he would find little that was unfamiliar,
and The Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co. Ltd apart from an automated tube-filler
(part of Shell). Metrovicks continued to (previously, filling tubes with precisely
manufacture Apiezon with Shell selling Bill Burch at work in the Metrovicks 25g of grease had required a steady hand).
the products through its worldwide research department Yet, while technology has advanced, so to
distributor network. have the uses for Apiezon and the current
it remains the product with which his name range of applications would exceed the
In 1934, Metrovicks patented the process will always be associated. inventor’s wildest dreams. As a testament
of vacuum distillation, a technique that to the product’s reliability, testing by the
combined two fields that had previously Burch was certainly known as something Hughes Aircraft Company would later
been kept separate. In Burch’s words, this of a character within the Research show that Apiezon could withstand
was due to the fact that ‘No chemist knows Department, and frequently clashed with laboratory conditions that literally turned
how to make a vacuum and no vacuum the Time and Wages Department due to his competing vacuum lubricants into brown
worker has been interested in distillation’. irregular work patterns; often working late sugar. Clients such as NASA, NATO and
Apiezon was patented in the same year, into the night and arriving late the next the UK military have all made full use of
and although Burch continued to develop morning. Apiezon’s sealing properties. The fruit
new innovations and procedures, of Burch’s research has truly lived on.

“We were the Rolls-Royce Walthamstow plant, culminating in its
extension and the provision of new
Considerable skill was required during
this process in order to ensure a uniform
of electrical insulation machinery that increased production to
provide for existing customers and for
thickness in the finished product. Electrical
testing formed another important part of
companies.” the needs of other AEI companies. the factory and contained equipment for
dealing with potentials of up to half a million
Cameron Haworth, retired Commercial
An article in The Model Engineer in volts. All products had to pass testing
Director of M&I Materials Ltd.
1938 gave a glowing report on the appropriate to their grade and quality.
activities within the M&I plant. A visit to
Developments in Walthamstow the Walthamstow factory was described
Part 2
as ‘a good insight into the most modern
During the ‘roaring twenties’ M&I made methods of manufacturing all kinds of
considerable improvements to its Micanite insulating materials’. At the time, the
manufacture. The first steps were made Blackhorse Lane plant was the largest
towards mechanising the mica laying factory in the world dealing exclusively
process, by dropping mica splittings in such materials, and covered an area of
through a tower onto a mesh screen. six acres. The insulators produced were
This produced the thicker Micanite sheets, ‘used in every important electrical industry
while thinner sheets could be produced in the country’ as well as shipping large
with hand-operated machines that used air quantities to the Continent. Overall,
suction. Bushings manufacture also The Model Engineer praised M&I for
developed rapidly, and by the end of the providing ‘all modern requirements in
1920s M&I were manufacturing units for a any branch of electrical engineering’.
working voltage of 132 kV. The association As well as being machined into paper,
of M&I with the newly formed Associated Micanite was also by this time being formed Products manufactured during the
Electrical Industries Ltd (AEI) led to into three-dimensional shapes such as late-1930s, including punchings, end rings,
discussion over the future of the flanged rings for commutator insulation. Empire tapes and Paxolin laminates

The birth of Metrosil spacious surroundings of the S&T building The Metrosil production line contained an
at the Trafford Park site. interesting oddity that remains in place to
Meanwhile, the high-voltage department this day. The K-press machine dates back
of Metrovicks Research, housed within the Supplied as silicon carbide discs, Metrosil to 1939, raising suspicions that it is a
distinctively shaped ‘elephant house’, marked a significant departure from converted arms press that was originally
was also making progress in the field of existing understandings of resistant intended for wartime use.
electrical insulation. Building on earlier materials. Ohm’s law saw current as
research carried out in the United States directly proportional to voltage, whereas Empowered by the success of Metrosil, the
into non-Ohmic conductors made from doubling the voltage applied to Metrosil Metrovicks Research Department launched
silicon carbide, the department worked on increases the current twentifold. It is widely further investigations into other electrical
developing a solid dielectric that would believed that Metrosil was the first resistor insulation materials, leading to the
resist fatigue under high voltages. In a to function as a Voltage Surge Diverter. manufacture of a range of insulating
1936 training guidebook for summer school Interestingly, Metrosil also employs mica varnishes, as well as special priming and
instructors, research engineer A.K Nuttall components, which are placed in the spark finishing paints. If Apiezon was the ‘eureka
described experiments that had been gap between units to prevent such surges. moment’ of the 1920s then Metrosil was
carried out to analyse the behaviour of Metrosil units were initially applied in certainly the main success story of the
oil-impregnated pressboard and porcelain lightning protection but product 1930s. The drawing record kept during this
under surge conditions. Trial and error development gradually led to a variety of period reveals that draughtsmen were
eventually led to the development of applications including surge diverters for involved in a variety of other projects, from
high-voltage resistors that became known telephones, radar equipment and relays. the ambitious (a 46-ton magnet for Liverpool
as ‘Metrosil’ (a combination of the company They were also found to have a variety of University) to more simple pleasures
name and ‘silicon carbide’). In 1937 Metrosil technical applications in exciter discharge (a picture-postcard stand, a laboratory bench).
units began to be mass-produced for the systems, transformer tap changers and
first time within a small section of the rectifiers. As the world’s power The high-voltage department was to enjoy
research laboratory, under controlled infrastructure developed, so too did the greater research possibilities with the
conditions. As demand picked up, applications and utility of Metrosil. provision of a 2 million volt impulse
production was moved to the more generator and a 1 million volt 50 cycle set.

While visitors were generally discouraged
from entering the research laboratory
itself, the adjacent research hall proudly
displayed the department’s flagship
innovations, including developments in
metal flaw detection and the celebrated
Metrosil resistors.

The impressive high-voltage laboratory

‘Throughout the war we kept 1930s and being credited for inventing the on the factory on the 22nd December 1940,
throwaway tip cutter. Metrovicks Research causing severe damage to the works area,
ourselves tolerably cheerful.’ had already worked with Cutanit, designing while an incendiary attack the following
M&I 50 Years Folio 1951. for them (among other things) outlet filters night allegedly destroyed the first
and pressure moulds. Avro Manchester Bomber to be completed
(some say this is untrue and that the first
Wartime concerns At the same time, Metrosil manufacture was finished ‘Manchester’ was actually hit by
increasing to meet the wartime demand, a furniture van!). A severe blow was thus
By the time that Metrosil production had reaching production levels of as high as dealt to Metrovicks’ nascent aircraft
begun in 1937, preparations for war had 25,000 units per week. The discs had a production line.
Part 3
already commenced in earnest at variety of military uses, such as within the
Metrovicks. Searchlights, automatic pilot commutators and generators of naval Despite this severe setback and rumours
systems, radar and gun mountings had all vessels. Meanwhile, research activities abounding that the works were ‘done for’,
entered into production under government within the department were scaled back the roofless machine shops were soon
rearmament contracts. It was during the and many projects were microfilmed or covered and production reached 80% of
build-up to the war that Metrovicks showed scrapped altogether, in stark contrast to the normal levels just four weeks after the
its first commercial interest in producing eclectic variety of projects that had been bombings had taken place. A royal visit
tungsten alloys. Tungsten carbide was pursued in the thirties. from the King and Queen in February 1941
thought to be a particularly useful alloy due brought a further boost to morale. While
to its potential uses in armour-piercing However, the increased government Metrovicks continued to benefit from
projectiles and in tools for lathes. interest in Metrovicks also brought government contracts to produce aircraft
This would lead to the foundation of unwelcome attention from Germany. for the war effort, the ongoing demand
Metro-Cutanit Ltd as a joint venture between Just one month after war had been for Metrosil ensured that the research
Metrovicks and Cutanit Ltd., based near declared, the Trafford Park works were department also took positive momentum
Warrington. Cutanit had an established photographed by the Luftwaffe and into the post-war period.
expertise in alloys, having bought and individual buildings were identified with
marketed sintered carbides since the early remarkable accuracy. The first bombs fell

Metrosil, as displayed in the Metrovicks
research hall
In Walthamstow, M&I was also diversifying By night, the Works’ shelters provided a
as a result of the necessities of war. welcome sanctuary from the London blitz
The company’s Paxolin brand found new to employees and their families. During the
applications as a durable and weight-for- final two years of the war, the threat was
weight stronger alternative to aluminium confined to flying bombs and long-range
that could be used in aircraft instrument rockets, which struck the factory several
panels, aerial masts and special types times. Nevertheless, the company proudly

of bomb cases. As war loomed, the recalled that its workforce remained united
Air Ministry had selected M&I to produce during these testing times.
waterproof wood laminate (‘Tego’) for
aircraft propellers. The company formed
the subsidiary British Tego Gluefilm,
devoted to providing a ready domestic
supply of a product that had previously
only been available from Germany.
Such was the demand for this material that
M&I were able to install a second Tego
plant in Walthamstow followed by two
more at Stevenage. At peak demand, all
plants were operating a 24-hour day and
were producing 350 miles of Tego per week.

Due to its precarious location in the

southeast, M&I soon found itself under
threat from enemy activity. While workers
toiled in the Walthamstow factory, Aerial view of Empire Works, a target for
air battles raged in the skies above. enemy activity

“Going into the Metrovicks The post-war boom In Walthamstow, additional demand for
electrical insulation stimulated the business
research laboratory was In the short-term, both M&I and Metrovicks and M&I enjoyed the privilege of being the
mind-boggling. The number research enjoyed a ‘boom’ in the post-war sole provider of mica paper to the UK
of Nobel laureates, BScs and period, although changes were afoot for
both companies. While Metrovicks
market. At the time M&I had a superb
reputation within the electrical industry,
professors... products such as reconverted to non-military production and officially joined the AEI group in 1958,

Apiezon and Metrosil grew (and notably, a works bomb shelter found having already produced components for
peacetime use as a bowling alley!) there was the group’s subsidiaries since the late 1920s.
out of that atmosphere.” much discussion about the direction that
Part 4
Dr Peter Dawson, Product Group Director. future research activities should take. Metrovicks becomes AEI

Metropolitan-Vickers had been a large

subsidiary within the AEI group since 1929,
and in 1947 the research department at
Trafford Park was brought under the AEI
name. Furthermore, it was decided to
combine the research departments of
Metrovicks and British Thompson-Houston,
which some likened to ‘finding oneself in
bed with one’s greatest rival’. Nevertheless,
the newly renamed AEI Research
Laboratory expanded its scope, with
advances in radar and broadcasting.

The 1956 Metrovicks Gazette proudly ‘In the end, after much heart-searching, we production to the Trafford Park site.
announced the accomplishment of AEI’s decided, in the latter part of 1959, to let the During GEC’s restructuring programme,
readjustment programme, with the grand old names go into oblivion, and start Trafford Park became a repository for a
installation of a new two-storey block the new year of 1960 as AEI.’ variety of industrial activities such as
of metallurgical laboratories and new die-casting, the AEI Research Laboratory,
laboratory facilities within the welding The new era of AEI did not begin well. copper alloys, as well as Metrosil and
electrode factory. Notable research and AEI struggled with falling profits in the Apiezon production. Meanwhile in 1971,
development was carried out within the early 1960s and the high cost of research 50% of the share capital of Apiezon
field of powder metallurgy, more work meant that activities began to be Products Ltd. was transferred from AEI
specifically with hard carbides and the scaled back drastically. Director of to M&I. Shell would retain the remaining
production of vacuum cast metals and Research Professor T.E. Allibone described 50% share until an M&I buyout in 1988.
alloys. Development work carried out this trend of ‘storms succeeding sunshine’
within Metro-Cutanit into the preliminary as typical of industrial research For many working within the AEI Research
manufacturing processes of metal powder departments of the time. Laboratory, their work altered dramatically.
led to plant modifications that increased The department had always been a
production capacity. M&I moves north and combines consumer of products, investigating
with AEI Research new applications and developing new
In 1959, AEI decided to do away with the innovations whereas it was now a
Metropolitan-Vickers name altogether and In 1967, AEI (and with it, M&I, the AEI manufacturing department, combined with
incorporate it into a universal AEI brand. Research Laboratory and several other the production that had been moved up
It was not without some regret that the firms) was acquired by the General Electric from Walthamstow. For the first time,
parent company dispensed with a name Company (GEC) for an agreed fee of M&I and the former ‘grand old name’
that had become synonymous with £120 million, with the industrialist Arnold of Metrovicks research were working side
excellence in research and manufacture. Weinstock assuming control of the group by side on the same projects.
AEI’s Director of Personnel and Central and all its subsidiaries. The new owners
Services expressed this sense of regret took the decision to close M&I’s
in a company pamphlet: Walthamstow plant and move its

Production moves to the
Trafford Park site
“From small beginnings, Even though the AEI Research Laboratory right to cite the potential of Pyranol as its
had been scaled down by GEC, this period use continued until 1977 when PCBs were
Midel has developed into an saw M&I and the research laboratory officially banned in the USA by the
internationally recognised combine their expertise to develop their Environmental Protection Agency,
and respected brand. first product in partnership- Midel
transformer fluid.
prompting European countries to gradually
phase out their usage.
During its 30-year life it
has had to face up to stiff Researchers had spotted the gap in the Midel originated from the same laboratory
market for a transformer fluid that unlike complex as AEI Paints, which had been
competition from much existing PCB-based products, combined expanded under Metrovicks following the
Part 5
larger companies, which just the necessary properties with an successful development of Metrosil. Under
goes to show that small can environmentally friendly formulation.
Even as early as 1936, Metrovicks research
the leadership of Fred Waddington, who was
later awarded the Nelson Gold Medal for his
be beautiful after all!” engineer J.M Fleming had predicted the services to industry, research scientists
possibility of the scientific synthesis of a Tim Holt and Chris Livesey formulated a
Malcolm Worthington, Commercial
substitute for insulating oil. His experiments synthetic ester. Its name was derived by
Director of M&I Materials Ltd.
had centred upon the AEI product Pyranol, combining the M&I company name with
a mixture of trichlorbenzene and chlorinated ‘dielectric’, which denotes the fluid’s
Midel – the next innovation diphenyls. Pyranol, he argued, was fireproof insulating properties. Midel was patented
as well as having good electrical properties in 1979 but M&I lacked the capability to
By 1970, the M&I production line from and a high dielectric constant. However, mass-produce the fluid themselves.
Walthamstow was absorbed into G-Aisle at it also had well-documented health risks For this reason, initially the multinational
Trafford Park. Despite the upheaval of the move, and presented a multitude of occupational firm Ciba-Geigy was contracted to
and the loss of some technology, as well as hazards to workers. Pyranol was just one of manufacture Midel on M&I’s behalf before
expertise (only four of the original workforce many PCBs that were being manufactured M&I manufactured it independently using
moved up to Trafford Park) production was worldwide and the race was on to find a AEI’s expertise in the production of
transferred relatively seamlessly. non-toxic replacement. Yet, Fleming was insulating varnishes and resins.

Metrosil metal spraying at the
Trafford Park site
Midel was first used in transformers built as Y-building (or the “varnish plant” to initially been sold in 200 litre drums the
by GEC Broadstairs for the British Steel some). Here, a production technique was product is today regularly despatched by
factory at Port Talbot. Initially the product developed that is believed to be unique to bulk tanker.
was mostly used for transformer M&I making the process highly efficient
retrofillling and for a time M&I offered a and was instrumental in enabling Midel to As well as expanding into the chemical field,
retrofilling service, in partnership with be produced competitively and in volume. M&I continued to push forward with its
Cleanaway, a specialist waste disposal long-standing manufacturing activities.
company. The product was found to have For the period between 1982 and 2006 During the 1970s, M&I developed the
better lubricating properties and greater M&I had a license and also a distribution capability to insulate much higher voltages
moisture tolerance than mineral oil and arrangement with BASF Lack & Farben required for the turbo-generators being
silicone liquid. Midel’s shelf life also (later known as Beck), which covered employed in modern power stations. A new
exceeded researchers’ expectations. Germany and parts of Eastern Europe. product, glass-backed ‘MIMICA’ emerged,
In 1981, Midel was used in a train mounted Taking their lead from M&I’s success as well as mica paper tapes that could be
transformer for the first time by the with Amtrak, Beck developed the use of wrapped around copper wires in motors
American Amtrak company. Subsequently, Midel by Deutsche Bahn, the German and generators to help protect wires from
M&I also established clients for Midel in railway. Railways today remain an metal frames. However, competition was
underground transport, notably London important market for Midel and are one also growing and dwindling global mica
Underground and Hong Kong MTR. of the applications for which Midel is supplies was leading to increasing research
sold around the world. into glass insulation as an alternative.
Midel was initially manufactured in While M&I would maintain its mica activities
equipment designed to produce insulating Production at Y-building ceased in 2004 into the nineties, demand would never reach
varnishes on 3rd Avenue, within Trafford and was moved to the new M&I factory in the heights of the post-war period.
Park. The process was time consuming and Hibernia Way. Here the process has been
it took two weeks to make the first batch. further improved through the introduction Despite these innovations, being a
Subsequently the 3rd Avenue site was of computer control. Successive investment relatively small company within a larger
closed and the plant and equipment has allowed production to be expanded to business was not without its problems.
relocated to the main site, in an area known many times its original level. Having

GEC took a budgeted profit from its
subsidiaries regardless of their turnover.
Arnold Weinstock required monthly
meetings at head office as well as the
submission of financial progress reports
that took several days to prepare.
The Guardian recalled Weinstock’s unique
management style: ‘There was nothing
dreaded more for a GEC employee than the
managing director reaching them at home,
late in the evening, after he had been
scouring the accounts’. Securing investment
from GEC for marketing initiatives or
modernisation proved difficult and it was
felt that M&I would be unable to fulfil its
full potential while it remained within the
parent company.

1981 advert praising Midel as an

environmentally friendly alternative to PCBs

“At the start the challenge producer of heavy alloys, triggered by These acquisitions triggered the
GEC’s acquisition of Elmet Alloys Ltd, emergence of M&I as a player in the heavy
was to change Wolfmet from a firm originally based in Grappenhall near alloy market. Elmet’s copper tungsten
a minor producer, unknown Warrington. Specialising in copper and activity would continue until it was sold off
outside the UK. It’s taken silver tungsten alloys used in switchgear
contacts, Elmet had supplied many of the
in 2000 to Vacuum Impregnated Products,
another Warrington-based company
20 years and it’s given me compound metals used by Metro-Cutanit. specialising in electrical contact metals.
grey hair, but we’ve done GEC moved Elmet into Trafford Park, where Yet, it was in the field of tungsten heavy
it initially continued to produce these alloys. alloys that the most notable progress was
it. Nowadays it’s a truly However, M&I’s acquisition of the heavy made. M&I commenced production of
Part 6
international brand, alloys activity of two firms allowed it to take tungsten heavy alloys in 1989, which for
recognised all over the Elmet brand into this emerging market.
Firstly, in 1988 M&I acquired the High
the Elmet brand, marked a shift from
producing alloys en masse to producing
the World.” Density Metals division of Electro Precision specific components. As M&I looked to
Components Ltd., a subsidiary of the market its new product abroad, an
Steve Jeffery, Export Sales Manager
Birmingham Mint Group whose origins alternative product name was needed as
at M&I Materials Ltd.
had been in with Johnson Matthey plc. an American firm was already registered
M&I operated the business at its base in under the Elmet name. ‘Wolfram’ is the
A move into heavy alloys Wembley for a short time, before moving Latin word for tungsten and is a more
its activity to Trafford Park. Secondly came recognisable term for the metal in many
Metrovicks had been quick to spot the the acquisition in 1991 of the Tungsten European languages. The product name
future significance of the heavy alloys Heavy Alloy activities of Osram Ltd., ‘Wolfmet’ was decided upon, arising from
market, having pursued the Metro-Cutanit a subsidiary of GEC and the first firm a combination of ‘wolfram’ and ‘metal’.
project during the forties and fifties, as well to provide heavy metal alloys to the
as investing in research into powder UK market.
metallurgy techniques. It was during the
1980s that M&I itself would become a

Wolfmet, a new name that would bring with
it a host of new opportunites and a new era
of production for M&I heavy alloys
Since its inception, Wolfmet has collimators for the shaping of radiotherapy
demonstrated a staggering array of treatment beams. In February 2001,
applications. The first alloy produced was M&I sold its first Wolfmet components
used in drop-weights by another GEC for use in Formula One. Wolfmet is unique
company, Marconi. Research and among M&I products in that it is chiefly
development of Wolfmet soon brought a ‘made-to-order’ product, being
a variety of new uses. As with Midel, manufactured according to the client’s

Wolfmet was able to provide an specifications. Engineers were soon able
environmentally friendly alternative to to use their expertise to assist clients with
a hazardous material. At a time where the design of components.
businesses were looking to phase out the
use of lead, Wolfmet was marketed as a
denser, non-toxic alternative for use in
radiation shielding. It thus found use in
apparatus such as vial shields and isotope
containers. The alloy also proved to have
several transport applications such as
balance weights in aerospace and ballast
for motor sport. Wolfmet’s attainment of
the AS9100 aerospace quality certification
allowed its use in balancing components
and vibration reduction. A 3-week tour to
establish a network of agents across North
America in 1993 ultimately led to the
successful establishment of clients within
the business jet industry. Its uses in nuclear
medicine led to its application in multileaf Wolfmet furnace in operation

990s Aerial View of Trafford Park Works
“I had no doubts that we company, Compagnie General D’Electricitie Modernisation could also take place,
(CGE), to form GEC ALSTHOM, and M&I for example through the addition of a
would succeed from day one. became known as GEC ALSTHOM (M&I new computer system and new plant
It was just a case of having Ltd). M&I was the only UK-based company and equipment. This rejuvenation of
the faith and the time to working within its Robotics and Materials
division. During the early nineties, the
M&I Materials and adoption of a long
term strategy of investment and
make it all happen” newly formed conglomerate of GEC commitment to the future were key
ALSTHOM began to move into large scale factors to the success of the business.
Colin Salt, Chairman of M&I Materials Ltd.
manufacturing activity rather than
components. Six months of negotiations Continuing development
Part 7
“The business continues eventually led to a successful management
to build on its solid buyout of M&I by the then Managing In 1993, M&I Materials operated from the
Director Colin Salt, on the 26th of February S&T building in the corner of the GEC
foundations as it goes 1993. It was agreed that the newly renamed Trafford Park site, with Midel being
from strength to strength, M&I Materials Ltd. would acquire the manufactured in the nearby Y building.
not just in the UK, but Apiezon, Metrosil, Midel and Wolfmet
products while the remaining Mica
At the time, there were 65 employees and
in the year leading up to the buyout, sales
around the World.” products would be sold off on behalf of were worth £2 million pounds. By contrast,
GEC ALSTHOM. in the year ended 31 March 2009, the
Giles Salt, Managing Director of
business had 112 employees and sold just
M&I Materials Ltd.
As well as marking the beginning of new under £20 million pounds worth of goods.
ownership, the buyout of 1993 has also
A momentous decision been described as a turning point in terms Initially, M&I Materials worked directly with
of business outlook. Investment could now customers in the UK, and in Europe it
In 1989, Arnold Weinstock agreed a merger be channelled into new marketing continued to work with Beck who
between the power generation and campaigns, allowing the company to distributed Midel on M&I’s behalf.
transport arm of GEC and the French establish new clients abroad. This important relationship continued until

2006 at which point M&I Materials chose customers, gave M&I its first entry into facilities in the UK. Inland continues to
to develop the overseas markets on its China. The Chinese required exciter distribute M&I’s products today.
own behalf and parted company with Beck. discharge units for the Three Gorges Dam
Since the turn of the century, already project, the largest hydroelectric power By 2008, M&I Materials had representatives,
widely established in the traction and station in the world. The purchase of this distributors and agents promoting its
distribution transformer markets, further division and the global growth in power products around the world, selling to 55
opportunities opened up for Midel as the infrastructure have been key drivers in the countries, with nearly three quarters of its
fluid of choice in environmentally development of Metrosil business which sales being made into overseas markets.
conscious renewable energy markets and has grown from strength to strength.
in particular in ‘wind farms’. Further investment
The longevity of the Apiezon product
Wolfmet sales were initially focussed in the has held strong and has become an In June 2003, the firm moved premises to
UK, and then increasingly overseas. international industry standard for those the current purpose-built site at Hibernia
To compete in the big tungsten alloy markets working with vacuums either in laboratories Way. As M&I was the last original building
of aerospace and radiation shielding, M&I or in manufacturing. The purchase of the standing on the Trafford Park site, the move
broadened its international scope across 50% of Apiezon Products Limited from Shell spelled the official demise of GEC’s old
Europe and US, and developed its product in 1988 was a key turning point in Apiezon’s premises and turned a decisive page in
offering through the introduction of full history at M&I, as it gave M&I the Manchester’s industrial history. While the
engineering solutions and an overseas opportunity to market and sell the product new factory was completed to schedule,
network of agents was engaged to promote directly. Also, in 1998, M&I Materials the company had to wait 12 months for the
Wolfmet into these new markets. acquired Inland Vacuum Industries Inc, a power supply to be installed. Luckily,
firm that dealt in vacuum pump fluids and the same developer that was demolishing
New markets for Metrosil were opened up complemented the Apiezon range. Inland the old premises was involved in the
with the acquisition in 2001 of the Silicon was based in Rochester in the US, and construction of the new site so M&I was
Carbide Division of Devon-based Power remained part of the group until 2007 when never without a home.
Development, part of Spirent plc. The it was sold to Inland’s management to
range of products and introduction to their support the development of M&I Materials

While only a stone’s throw from the old honoured to be the only commercial Today, the present generation maintains
GEC site, the new plant has the benefit of business to receive a Royal visit on these high standards, by opening doors to
permitting all production to take place on The Prince’s 2010 tour of Manchester. new markets and continuing to develop
the same level, as well as containing room truly global products. The M&I Materials
for expansion. M&I owes its success to the countless men story is one of a unique fusion of tradition
and women who built the company as it and progress, and the story continues in
With the increasing demand for products, is today. A mica-layer in Walthamstow, the spirit of this rich heritage.
investment has continued at a pace. New a research engineer in Manchester,
CNC machines, lathes, furnaces, presses, a metalworker in Warrington and many
computer infrastructure and most recently others all had a role to play.
a second Midel manufacturing line, have
helped to strengthen and position M&I for
further growth.


In April 2009, M&I Materials Ltd was

awarded the prestigious Queen’s Award for
International Trade, a glowing testament to
decades of research, development and
hard work.

In February 2010, M&I Materials was again

rewarded for excellence with a visit from
HRH The Prince of Wales. Selected because Colin Salt and Steve Jeffery attend a HRH The Prince of Wales congratulates the
of outstanding achievement in export and reception for 2009 Queen’s Award winners, team at M&I Materials on their remarkable
manufacturing, M&I Materials was hosted by Her Majesty The Queen achievements

M&I Materials, Hibernia Way, opened for
business in 2003 and 7 years later has grown
into an award winning global success
M&I timeline of key events

Company acquires First mass- Metrovicks AEI completes

new premises at Burch discovers production of Research becomes expansion to research
Walthamstow Apiezon oils Metrosil AEI Research laboratories
1902 1926 1937 1947 1956

Foundation of Apiezon First bombing

The British Westinghouse Arthur Fleming Products Ltd. raids on
Company (later renamed founds Research (APL) is Metrovicks plant
Metropolitan-Vickers) Department registered at Trafford Park
1899 1917 1933 1940

1890s 1900s 1910s 1920s 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s

1901 1919 1934 1949

The Mica Insulator British Westinghouse Burch patents Apiezon Metro-Cutanit
Company (M&I) acquired by Vickers Ltd and vacuum distillation begins manufacturing
is founded by the and changes name to technique sintered carbides
Berkeley brothers The Metropolitan-Vickers
Electrical Company 1929 1944 1959
(Metrovicks) Associated Electrical V2 flying bombs fall on AEI incorporate the
Industries (AEI) formed. Walthamstow plant Metropolitan-Vickers
Metrovicks and M&I name into a universal
join the AEI group and AEI brand
AEI expands the
Walthamstow plant

1906 1939
Company name changed British Tego Gluefilm
to The Micanite commences production
& Insulators Co. Ltd in Walthamstow
Elmet’s copper
Holt & Waddington’s activity is sold to
Midel transformer Vacuum Impregnated
fluid is patented Products
1979 2000 HRH The Prince of Wales
visits M&I
Midel is used M&I acquires 2010
50% of APL’s share in its first rail heavy alloy activity
capital transferred application of Osram
from AEI to M&I 1981 1991
M&I commence production
of tungsten-heavy alloys. M&I sells Inland
The power generation arm M&I acquires Vacuum Industries
of GEC merges with CGE to Inland Vacuum M&I moves to new to Inland’s
form GEC ALSTHOM Industries Inc facility at Hibernia Way management
1989 1998 2003 2007

1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s

AEI (and M&I) are Early-1980s 1990 1999 2001 2009

acquired by GEC. Fred Waddington is M&I changes Inland Vacuum M&I acquires 2nd New Midel
M&I’s production awarded the Nelson it’s name to GEC acquires the fluid the silicon carbide production line
is moved from Gold Medal for his ALSTHOM business of CVC Inc activity of Power is installed.
Walthamstow services to industry (M&I) Ltd Development, part 2004
M&I is awarded
to Trafford Park of Spirent plc Midel production
the Queen’s Award
1967 moves to
1978 1988 for International
Hibernia Way
GEC acquires M&I acquire the high Trade
Elmet Alloys density metals activity
of Electro Precision
Components Ltd.
M&I buys out Shell’s
share in APL 1993
Colin Salt completes
management buyout from
GEC ALSTHOM, forming
M&I Materials Ltd.
Mica activities are sold off
Trafford Park Works
(during GEC ownership)

1. S&T building (M&I facility)

2. High voltage laboratory (demolished)
3. Research & Development
4. G aisle
5. Turbine assembly
6. Works canteen 7
7. Main entrance 8
8. Westinghouse building
9. Switchgear production
10. Training school 4
11. Y building (Midel facility) 5
12. A aisle (Mica facility)




I would like to express my personal

gratitude to the staff of M&I Materials Ltd for
their continuing help and guidance during
the completion of this project. Thank you
to all who helped with useful information,
anecdotes or reminiscences. Thanks also to
M&I Materials employees, both current and
retired, for agreeing to meet with me and
share their cherished memories.

While this history is by no means exhaustive,

it is hoped that it will at least provide a record
of the company’s key milestones to celebrate
the progress that has led to the achievement
of the Queen’s Award. It is also hoped that
this document will evoke memories among
those who shared in the company’s colourful
history. For those interested, more specific
histories have already been produced
regarding Metropolitan-Vickers as a whole,
the Micanite & Insulator Company and
British Tego Gluefilm, and more will no
doubt be written.

Ravi Hensman, September 2009

M&I Materials Ltd.
Hibernia Way
Trafford Park
M32 0ZD
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)161 864 5449

Fax: +44 (0)161 864 5444
Email: mi@mimaterials.com
Web: mimaterials.com

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