End Feed Fittings: The Difference Is Quality
End Feed Fittings: The Difference Is Quality
End Feed Fittings: The Difference Is Quality
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The Yorkshire Copper Works
starts production of
The first industrial use of our Stourton site plumbing materials.
dates from 1888 when Elmore’s Depositing Co.
manufactured copper tubes here. However, in
the early 1800s the site was a racecourse and
the venue for the St. Leger.
The Yorkshire connection began in 1909 when
Elmore’s became the Yorkshire Copper Works
(YCW), producing high quality condenser
tubing. The advent of the First World War saw Over the past one hundred years our
a break in tube production as the company experience of working with copper and its
was requisitioned to manufacture munitions alloys to develop solutions for pipework 1934
for the war effort. However, by the 1920s system designers and installers has given us The Yorkshire range of
normal production had resumed and, from the the expertise to manufacture the highest integral solder ring fittings is
1930s, business boomed as copper enjoyed quality products for industrial and domestic patented and launched.
widespread growth in domestic plumbing users throughout the world. With Endex end
systems. In the period following the launch of feed fittings, Yorkshire integral solder ring
its now world famous Yorkshire integral solder fittings, Kuterlite compression fittings, Tectite
ring fitting in 1934, the Yorkshire Copper push-fit fittings and Jimten compression
Works was so successful that in 1958 it merged fittings for MDPE pipe and the valve ranges we
with the ICI Metals Division to become known offer a fitting for every conceivable plumbing
as Yorkshire Imperial Metals (YIM). and heating application.
The Endex end feed fitting is
patented and launched.
The revolutionary Tectite
push-fit fitting is introduced.
Endex end feed fittings
he Endex end feed fitting for jointing light
gauge copper tubes was designed and
patented in 1936. After further Pages two and three
development and testing a comprehensive Introduction.
range of fittings was launched into the market.
Page four
Endex fittings were originally manufactured in A choice of materials and
Dundee by the Fyffe and Co. Brass Works the benefits of copper.
which eventually became part of IMI Yorkshire
Fittings and still produces Kuterlite Page five
compression fittings today. Compatible tube materials.
When the fitting and tube are assembled and Page six
heated to the correct temperature, solder The Endex range.
applied to the mouth of the fitting becomes
molten and capillary attraction ensures that it Page seven
is drawn into the gap between tube and fitting, Current and future
forming a completely reliable joint. standards.
Endex end feed fittings are light and neat, The most influential architects, mechanical
Page eight
making handling and installation easy. The services engineers and building contractors in
Installation instructions.
compact dimensions of the fittings make best the country specify Endex with total
use of limited space in ducts and other confidence when a project requires end feed Page nine
restricted areas. In addition, the fittings’ capillary fittings. Indeed Endex fittings have Design considerations.
smooth lines minimise flow restrictions and been used on some of the most innovative
are unobtrusive on exposed pipelines. projects of the last few years. Pages ten and eleven
Endex end feed fittings.
Today our comprehensive range of end feed Through a programme of continuous
capillary fittings manufactured from copper, development and investment in the latest
Page twelve
gunmetal or other Dezincification Resistant manufacturing methods and machinery, IMI Endbraze fittings.
alloys enable installers who prefer to end feed Yorkshire fittings is committed to ensuring
the solder to connect copper tube quickly and that Endex remains a simple and cost effective Page thirteen
easily. To accommodate a wide range of way of jointing copper tubes. Waste fittings and
service conditions hard or soft solders may be stopvalves.
used with sizes between 6mm and 54mm.
Fittings between 67mm and 159mm form the Pages fourteen and fifteen
Endbraze range and require the use of hard Customer service across
solders or brazing alloys. Europe.
A choice of materials
ndex fittings are manufactured from
Compatible tube materials
ndex end feed capillary fittings are The introduction of EN 1057
The Endex range
he Endex range is intended primarily for
Endex stopvalves
End feed above ground stopvalves with
gunmetal bodies and brass headworks for
controlling flow in hot and cold water services.
Current and future standards
n line with our commitment to manufacturing Material specifications
I to the highest quality levels, Endex end feed
fittings comply with the current British,
European and International standards.
Endex end feed capillary fittings and valves are
manufactured to the following specifications
for materials used.
Quality systems
BS 1400 Specification for copper alloy castings IMI Yorkshire Fittings is a
Future developments British Standards Institution
We recognise that the current programme of pr EN 1982 Specification for copper and registered company.
standard harmonisation may affect the copper alloys, ingots and castings
standards relevant to the Endex range. Indeed BS 2872 Specification for copper and copper
BS 864 Part 2, the standard for capillary and alloy forging stock and forgings
compression fittings of copper and copper
pr EN 12165 Specification for copper and copper
alloy will be replaced by EN 1254 Parts 1 and 5
alloys, wrought and unwrought forging stocks Evaluated by the WRc
in the near future. IMI Yorkshire Fittings is
The Endex range has been
actively involved in drafting this and other new BS 2874 Specification for copper and copper
tested by the WRc and is
European standards and has members on the alloy rods and sections other than forging stock
audited periodically.
relevant European standards committees. of alloys CZ121 (CW614N), CZ122 (CW617N)
Whatever the developments, we guarantee that pr EN 12162 Specification for profiles and
our products will always meet the latest and rectangular bar for general purposes
highest standards. pr EN 12163 Specification for copper and
copper alloy rod for general purposes International Standards
Endex end feed capillary fittings pr EN 12164 Specification for copper and Organisation
BS 864: Part 2 Specification for capillary and International standards are
copper alloy rod for free machining purposes
compression fittings of copper and copper conformed to where
alloy for copper tubes pr EN 12168 Specification for hollow rod for appropriate.
free machining purposes
pr EN 1254 Part 1 Specification for copper
and copper alloy fittings with capillary ends for
Quality systems
soldering and brazing for use with copper tubes
All Endex products are manufactured under
BS2779/ISO 228/1 Specification for pipe quality systems in accordance with
threads and fittings where pressure tight joints EN 29002/ISO 9002. Contact with the trade
are not made on the threads (metric dimensions) IMI Yorkshire Fittings is an
Where appropriate Endex products carry the
industrial associate of the
BS 1010 Part 2 Draw off taps, above ground kitemark symbol of the British Standards
Institute of Plumbing.
stopvalves and union ends Institution.
BS 6956 Part 5 Specification for PTFE tape
UKWFBS listed
BS 6974 Specification for PTFE tape Where appropriate Endex products are United
Kingdom Water Fittings Byelaws Scheme
Endex endbraze fittings approved, further evidence that our products Links with Merchant groups
pr EN 1254 Part 5 Specification for copper meet the most exacting industry standards. The Industry trends can be
monitored through the BMF.
and copper alloy fittings with short ends for WRc regularly re-audits Endex end feed fittings
brazing to copper tubes before continued UKWFBS listing is given.
BS 10 Specification for flanges and bolting for
pipes, valves, and fittings The keyword is quality
Continuous product development is at the
BS 4504: section 3.3 Specification for copper Links with end users
heart of IMI Yorkshire Fittings’ company
alloy and composite flanges The company is a member
policy, both in the design and development of
of the National Association
BS 1845 Specification for filler metals for brazing new products and the refining of existing ones.
of Plumbing, Heating and
Our manufacturing processes are also subject
Mechanical Services
Endex waste fittings to constant monitoring and evaluation to ensure Contractors.
Endex waste fittings are manufactured to that each fitting is of the very highest quality.
IMI Yorkshire Fittings’ own exacting internal
quality standards. 25 year guarantee
Our policy of continuously and rigorously testing
Endex stopvalves Endex fittings means we are confident that they
will give years of trouble free service. To Regional patterns
BS 1010 Part 2 Draw off taps, above ground Association with regional
demonstrate the total confidence we have in
stopvalves and union ends bodies like SNIPEF also
our products and our commitment to customer
BS 1010 stopvalve ends are in accordance with helps to create a broader
service, all Endex fittings are guaranteed
picture of the industry.
BS 864 Part 2 (pr EN 1254 Part 1). against manufacturing defects for 25 years.
Easy installation
he following instructions for jointing joint, it is advisable that soldering operations Assembly – soft solder
Design considerations
Basic techniques for major consideration when designing
expansion stress relief
A plumbing and heating systems is thermal
movement. Pipework systems expand
and contract with changes in temperature and
will be subjected to stress if their movement is
restricted. So, particularly with central heating
systems, always account for the effects of
thermal movement when designing or
installing a system.
Copper has a coefficient in linear expansion of
Horseshoe expansion link 17 x 10-6/˚C. As an example, a 10 metre length
of copper pipe carrying domestic hot water at
60˚C will expand by almost 7mm (more than 1⁄4")
when heated from an ambient temperature of
In addition, assuming that temperature cycling
of the system is 20˚C, there will be a
continuous cycle of expansion and contraction
Crossover tee arrangement
of 3.4mm taking place.
The table below gives the expansion in mm of
copper tube for various rises in temperature.
Clearly the stresses imposed can be
Adapting imperial to metric with Endex
considerable if no allowance is made for
thermal movement. Stress concentrations Sometimes an Endex end feed fitting may need
between ‘fixed points’ typically found at to be connected to an older installation where
radiators, valves and other fittings should be imperial sized tube has been used. This
avoided wherever possible. presents no problem - simply use an Endex
Expansion loop imperial to metric adaptor coupling. One end
Suitable for 6, 8 and 10mm Anchoring the branch of a tee, or connecting a of the adaptor fits onto imperial pipe and the
tubes only. radiator by means of too short a spur, will other on to metric pipe. Endex imperial to
prevent normal thermal movement and may metric adaptors are available in several
lead to failure. As such, expansion loops or combinations.
Tee specification bellows devices should be incorporated at
appropriate points within the system. When Threaded connectors
continual thermal cycling is encountered, a
Endex male threaded connectors for jointing
horse shoe link, or loop formed from one
pipework to boilers, pumps or backplate
length of the tube, is recommended.
elbows have taper male BSP threads. A small
Wherever pipework is to be installed under quantity of inert jointing compound or PTFE
screed or plaster, it is very important to make tape should be applied to the male thread
adequate allowance for thermal movement. before installing the fittings.
The preferred practice is to lay tubing in ducts
surrounded by loose, non-rigid material such Female connectors
UK specification as vermiculite or glass wool. Endex female threaded connectors have
First quote the ends on the A useful reference document to consult for internal threads to BS 2779 and should be used
run (larger end first) and
further information is BS 6700 water services for general connections from male threaded
then the branch.
in buildings. fittings to copper pipework.
Endex end feed fittings
ndex capillary fittings are ideal for use in
Size range
Endex fittings are manufactured to fit tube
sizes from 6mm to 54mm outside diameter and
are designed for jointing copper tubes to
EN 1057.
Comprehensive Range
The Endex range offers
more than 80 patterns.
Endex end feed fittings
Solder and flux should be of good quality, such
as those supplied by IMI Yorkshire Fittings,
and the manufacturers’ recommendations and
instructions should always be closely followed.
Maximum hydraulic working pressure for Endex fittings assembled with copper tube using soft solder
Maximum hydraulic working pressure for Endex fittings assembled with copper tube using silver brazing
Working temperature
65°C 120°C 150°C 175°C 200°C
6mm 81.1 bar 76.2 bar 60.5 bar 46.0 bar 30.3 bar
8mm 62.5 bar 58.8 bar 46.7 bar 35.5 bar 23.3 bar
10mm 50.9 bar 47.9 bar 38.0 bar 28.9 bar 19.0 bar
12mm 42.9 bar 40.3 bar 32.0 bar 24.3 bar 16.0 bar
15mm 40.3 bar 37.9 bar 30.1 bar 22.8 bar 15.0 bar
22mm 35.6 bar 33.5 bar 26.6 bar 20.2 bar 13.3 bar
28mm 28.2 bar 26.5 bar 21.1 bar 16.0 bar 10.5 bar
35mm 25.2 bar 23.7 bar 18.8 bar 14.3 bar 9.4 bar
42mm 23.2 bar 21.8 bar 17.3 bar 13.1 bar 8.6 bar
54mm 19.8 bar 18.6 bar 14.7 bar 11.2 bar 7.4 bar
Joints must be assembled with the appropriate size of copper tube and suitable silver brazing alloy.
Pressure and temperature ratings apply only to copper fittings, not valves or non-metallic components.
Endbraze fittings
he Endbraze range of high quality brazing Installation
T fittings have been designed for large size
end feed applications where service
conditions require the use of high temperature
Endbraze fittings should be assembled with
silver brazing alloys following the instructions
for Brazing and hard soldering on page 8.
brazing alloys.
When using brazing alloys, the makers’
All Endbraze fittings are produced from copper instructions should be followed especially with
or copper alloys and are suitable for use with regard to correct flux and temperature.
copper tube EN 1057.
Flange connectors are available in 76.1mm and Standards and approvals
High temperature jointing 108mm sizes with flange bolt hole sizes and Endbraze fittings are manufactured to
Joint making with Endbraze flange outside diameters to BS 4504 section 3.3 IMI Yorkshire Fittings’ own internal quality
fittings requires the use of (metric) or BS 10 table D (imperial). standards.
higher temperatures than
those used with Endex
fittings and soft solder. A Working pressures and temperatures
large oxy-acetylene or Maximum test pressure at temperatures not
oxy-propane torch should be exceeding 65°C. The recommended maximum
used with a soft, neutral or safe working pressure and temperature limits
slightly reducing flame. for ‘Endbraze’ joints assembled with hard
solder to BS 1845 are shown in the table below.
Note: the high temperatures involved in
brazing will locally anneal hard and half hard
copper tube.
Endbraze Flanges
Endbraze flanges have been designed primarily
to facilitate assembling of pipework for use in
hot and cold water services, heating systems
and gas installation pipework and many
engineering applications.
Endbraze composite flanges further simplify the
brazing operation by allowing the outer steel
Endbraze flanges flange to be withdrawn from the inner reducing
Endbraze flanges are the amount of metal heated up during brazing.
available for connecting to Where to use Endbraze fittings
other flanged components. Helpful specification clauses
Ideal for jointing copper pipelines, primarily in
The use of a Bi-metal flange
hot and cold water services, heating systems To ensure the right product for the job, the
greatly reduces the amount
and gas installation pipework and many correct terminology to use in your specification
of heat required to make a
joint as the inner component engineering applications. is “All large size end feed brazing fittings shall
contains much less metal be drawn from the Endbraze range as supplied
than a conventional flange. Size range by IMI Yorkshire Fittings Limited.”
Endbraze fittings are available in sizes between
67mm and 159mm.
Endbraze fittings in 133mm and 159mm are
fabricated from copper components.
Working pressures and temperatures for Endbraze fittings assembled with silver brazing alloys to BS 1845
Working temperature
65°C 120°C 150°C 200°C
Endex waste fittings
range of copper and copper alloy fittings developed to enable the installation of
Size range
The Endex waste range is available in standard A useful design feature
sizes from 35mm to 54mm. Elbows, tees and crosses
have 881⁄2° of built in fall.
Standards and approvals
Endex waste fittings are manufactured to IMI
Yorkshire Fittings’ own exacting internal
quality standards.
Endex stopvalves
ndex stopvalves are suitable for use with Pressure drop for cold water flowing
E soft, half-hard and hard copper tube. In
addition to the standard pattern, single
and double union ended valves are available.
through stopvalves
Size range
Endex stopvalves are available in 15mm and
22mm sizes. Standards and approvals
Stopvalves are manufactured to BS 1010
Working pressures and temperatures requirements with ends to BS 864 Part 2
Endex stopvalves are suitable for use at the (pr EN 1254 Part 1).
following working temperature and pressure. Endex stopvalves are UKWFBS listed.
High performance valves
Helpful Specification Clauses The stopvalve design
Temperature Working To ensure the right product for the job, the
Size incorporates a rubber
not exceeding pressure correct terminology to use in your specification washer that is screwed
is: “All stopvalves shall conform to BS 1010 down onto a gunmetal seat
15mm and 22mm 30˚C 16 bar and shall be drawn from the Endex range as to provide a seal against
supplied by IMI Yorkshire Fittings Limited.” mains pressure water.
Committed to customer service....
MI Yorkshire Fittings Limited is committed and sales support and provide a constant point
PO Box 166, Leeds LS1 1RD
Telephone (0113) 270 6945
Fax (0113) 270 5644
Effective distribution
Unit 8 Beadle Way
Hithercroft Industrial Estate
Stock is held at our
distribution depots at Leeds, Wallingford OX10 9EZ.
Wallingford, Belfast and Telephone (01491) 825 065
Glasgow. Fax (01491) 825 182
• Sales office and
distribution depot
14 Lambhill Quadrant, Glasgow G41 1SB
• Manufacturing plant Telephone (0141) 429 5721
Fax (0141) 429 8219
Northern Ireland
Lislea Drive (Lisburn Road), Belfast BT9 7JG
Telephone (01232) 667 631
Fax (01232) 664 563
....across Europe
he growth in our European interests in Poland
T recent years has been significant. In
addition to our manufacturing facilities
and sales and distribution offices in the UK,
IMI Instalacje Sp. z o.o.
02 – 285 Warszawa, ul
Szyszkowa 35/37
we now have manufacturing sites in Übach- Poland
Palenberg, Germany; Orléans, France and
more recently Budapest, Hungary. Add to that Telephone 00 48 22 668 2733
Fax 00 48 22 668 2734 R. Woeste & Co. ‘Yorkshire’
sales and distribution operations across
Europe – from Warsaw to Barcelona – and it’s Woeste has enormous
evident that IMI Yorkshire Fittings is one of Hungary manufacturing capacity at its
Europe’s leading suppliers of fittings and valves. IMI Épületgépész Kft. site in Übach-Palenberg,
Budapest Germany and has a network
France Maglódi Út 16 of sales offices and
Raccord Orléanais H– 1106 distribution depots right
Hungary across mainland Europe.
1 Rue Jacques Dufrasne
Zone Industrielle des Forges Telephone 00 36 1260 7880
45380 La Chapelle Saint-Mesmin Fax 00 36 1260 3272
Telephone 00 02 33 38 88 08 86 Belgium
Fax 00 02 33 38 72 54 77 Eclipse n.v.
Prins Boudewijnlaan 9 Unit 6
Germany B-2550 Kontich
Raccord Orléanais
R. Woeste & Co. ‘Yorkshire’ GmbH Belgium Manufacturing in France is
Max-Planck-Straße 15 C Telephone 00 32 3458 3890 carried out by Raccord
D – 40699 Erkrath Fax 00 32 3458 3531 Orléanais who also distribute
Germany through outlets in several
other European countries.
Telephone 00 49 211 25 02 0 Italy
Fax 00 49 211 25 02 200 IMI Componenti Termoidrosanitari s.r.l.
Via E. Mattei, 9
Spain 22070 Bregnano (Como)
IMI Woeste, S.L. Italy
C/Industria, 385-397 Telephone 00 39 3172 2811
08918 Badalona (Barcelona) Fax 00 39 3172 2383
Telephone 00 34 3460 29 69 European manufacturing sites, sales offices and IMI Épületgépész Kft.
Fax 00 34 3460 22 57 distribution depots are shown on the map below. With a new factory in
Budapest, IMI Épületgépész
is well placed to penetrate
growing Eastern European
IMI Yorkshire Fittings Limited • Registered in England No 401507 • Haigh Park Road Stourton Leeds. Telephone 0113 270 1104.