Cathead (CH) : Cathead System Is Used To Make Up and Break Out Drill Pipe
Cathead (CH) : Cathead System Is Used To Make Up and Break Out Drill Pipe
Cathead (CH) : Cathead System Is Used To Make Up and Break Out Drill Pipe
A draw-works is the primary hoisting machinery that is a component of a rotary drilling rig. Its
main function is to provide a means of raising and lowering the traveling blocks. The wire-rope
drilling line winds on the drawworks drum and extends to the crown block and traveling blocks,
allowing the drill string to be moved up and down as the drum turns.
Deadline Anchor (DLA)
Deadline anchor is used to tie down the drill line and provides weight measurements.
The Dead line anchor also provides connection to the Drill Line Drum and designed to
rotate during a slip-and-cut procedure (changing of drill line).
Traweling Block
Traveling block is a companion block to the Crown block that can move freely up and
down between the crown block and the rig floor. Together they create block and tackle
Kelly and Top Drive
Kelly is the rotating link between the rotary table and the drill string. It is a square or
hexagonal shaped tubing that is inserted through and is an integral part of the rotary
table that moves freely vertically while the rotary table turns it. When Kelly is used
rotational force to the drill string is provided by Rotary Table.
Bridge crane is also called Overhead crane. It consists of parallel runways with a
traveling bridge between them.
MH Bridge crane is used on derrick as a pipe handling equipment and mounted on
derrick above fingerboard level. It is designed to lift the stand between the
fingerboards, mousehole and well centre and used in a combination with equipment
called Lower Guiding Arm.
Used for pipe handling. It is usually synchronized with Bridge Crane. Both Bridge
crane and LGA can be erased with 2-arm system or Vertical Pipe Racking System
The Fingerboard is a collection of steel fingers usually half way up the drilling Derrick.
It is used as a rack in which to store drill pipe and collar vertically during drilling
operations. Different fingerboard is often used for casing.
Another type that is called Belly Board (BB) is sometimes used for storing of heavy
weight- and normal weight 6 5/8” drill pipes.