The Gazette of India:Extraordinary 1

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Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and

Research (JIPMER), Puducherry

(Institution of National Importance)

Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Govt, of India

Act, Rules & Regulations, 2008



PART П – Section 1

NEW DELHI, MONDAY, MAY 19, 2008 /VAISAKHA 29, 1930

Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a separate compilation.


(Legislative Department)

New Delhi, the 19th May, 200%/Vaisakha 29, 1930 (Saka)

The following Act of Parliament received the assent of the President on the 16th May,
2008 and is hereby published for general information:—


No. 19 OF 2008
[16th May, 2008]

An Act to declare the Institution known as the Jawaharlal Institute of Post-

Graduate Medical Education and Research, Puducherry, to be an
institution of national importance and to provide for its incorporation and
matters connected therewith.

BE it enacted by Parliament in the Fifty-ninth Year of the Republic of India as follows:—

Short title and

1. (1) This Act may be called the Jawaharlal Institute of Post-Graduate Medical Commencement
Education and Research, Puducherry Act, 2008.
(2) It shall come into force on such date as the Central Government may, by
notification in the Official Gazette, appoint. Declaration of
Institute of Post-
2. Whereas the objects of the institution known as the Jawaharlal Institute of Post- Graduate
Graduate Medical Education and Research, Puducherry in the Union territory of Medical
Education and'
Puducherry are such as to make the institution one of national importance, it is hereby Research
declared that the institution known as the Jawaharlal Institute of Post-Graduate Medical Puducherry, as
Education and Research, Puducherry is an institution of national importance. an institution of

3. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,—

a) "Fund" means the Fund of the Institute referred to in section 16;

b) "Governing Body" means the Governing Body of the Institute;
c) "Institute" means the institution known as the Jawaharlal Institute of Post- Graduate
Medical Education and Research, Puducherry, incorporated under this Act;
d) "member" means a member of the Institute;
e) "prescribed" means prescribed by rules made under this Act;
f) "Specified" means specified by regulations made under this Act.

Incorporation 4. The Jawaharlal Institute of Post-Graduate Medical Education and Research, Puducherry,
of Institute.
an Institute functioning under the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, is hereby
constituted a body corporate by the name aforesaid and as such body corporate, it shall have
perpetual succession and a common seal with power, subject to the provisions of this Act, to
acquire, hold and dispose of property and to contract and shall, by that name, sue and be sued.

Composition 5. (1) The Institute shall consist of the following members, namely:—
of Institute. (a) Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry or Department of Health
and Family Welfare, ex officio',
(b) the Vice-Chancellor of the Puducherry University, ex officio;
(c) the Vice-Chancellor of the Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, Tamil
Nadu, ex officio',
(d) the Director-General of Health Services, Government of India, ex officio',

(e) the Director of the Institute, ex officio;

(J) Chief Secretary, Government of Puducherry, ex officio',

(g) Secretary to the Government of India or his nominee (not below the rank of
Joint Secretary) in the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, ex officio;
(h) Secretary to the Government of India or his nominee (not below the rank of
Joint Secretary) in the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource
Development, ex officio',
(i) seven persons of whom one shall be a non-medical scientist representing the
Indian Science Congress Association, to be nominated by the Central Government in such
manner as may be prescribed;
(/') four representatives of the medical faculties of Indian Universities to be
nominated by the Central Government in such manner as may be prescribed; and
(k) three Members of Parliament of whom two shall be elected from among
themselves by the members of the House of the People and one from among themselves
by the members of the Council of States.
(2) It is hereby declared that the office of member of the Institute shall not disqualify its
holder for being chosen as, or for being, a member of either House of Parliament.
Term of 6. (1) Save as otherwise provided in this section, the term of office of a member shall be
office of.
five years from the date of his nomination or election.
vacancies (2) The term of office of a member elected under clause (k) of sub-section (1) of section 5
among shall come to an end as soon as he becomes a Minister or Minister of State or Deputy Minister
or the Speaker or the Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha or the Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha or
ceases to be a member of the House from which he was elected.

(3). The term of office of an ex officio member shall continue so long as he holds
the office by virtue of which he is such a member.
(4) The term of office of a member nominated or elected to fill a casual vacancy
shall continue for the remainder of the term of the member in whose place he is nominated or
(5) An out-going member other than a member elected under clause (k) of sub-
section (1) of section 5 shall continue in office until another person is nominated as a member
in his place or for a period of three months, whichever is earlier:
Provided that the Central Government shall nominate a member in place of an out-
going member within the said period of three months.

(6) An out-going member shall be eligible for re-nomination or re-election.

(7) A member may resign his office by writing under his hand addressed to the Central
Government but he shall continue in office until his resignation is accepted by that

(8) The manner of filling vacancies among members shall be such as may be prescribed.

7. (1) There shall be a President of the Institute who shall be nominated by the Central President of
Institute, his
Government from among the members other than the Director of the Institute.
powers and
(2) The President shall exercise such powers and discharge such functions as are laid functions. .
down in this Act or as may be prescribed.
8. The President and other members shall receive such allowances from the Institute as Allowances of
President and
may be prescribed.
9. The Institute shall hold its first meeting at such time and place as may be appointed by Meetings of
the Central Government and shall observe such rules of procedure in regard to the transaction Institute.
of business at the first meeting as may be laid down by that Government; and thereafter, the
Institute shall meet at such times and places and observe such rules of procedure in regard to
the transaction of business including quorum at its meetings as may be specified.
10. (1) There shall be a Governing Body of the Institute which shall be constituted by the Governing
Institute in such manner as may be specified: Body and
Provided that the number of persons who are not members of the Institute shall not exceed committees of
one-third of the total membership of the Governing Body. Institute.

(2) The Governing Body shall be the executive committee of the Institute and shall exercise
such powers and discharge such functions as the Institute may specify in this behalf.
(3) The President of the Institute shall be the Chairperson of the Governing Body and as
Chairperson thereof he shall exercise such powers and discharge such functions as may be
(4) The procedure to be followed in exercise of its powers and discharge of its functions by
the Governing Body, and the term of office of, and the manner of filling vacancies among the
members of the Governing Body shall be such as may be specified.
(5) Subject to such control and restrictions as may be prescribed, the Institute may constitute
as many standing committees and as many ad hoc committees as it thinks fit for exercising any
power or discharging any function of the Institute or for inquiring into, or reporting or advising
upon, any matter which the Institute may refer to them.
(6) The Chairperson and members of the Governing Body and the Chairperson and the
members of a standing committee or an ad hoc committee shall receive such allowances, as may
be specified.
11. (1) There shall be a chief executive officer of the Institute who shall be designated as Staff of
the Director of the Institute and shall, subject to such rules as may be prescribed, be appointed Institute.

by the Institute:
Provided that the first Director of the Institute shall be appointed by the Central Government.

(2) The Director shall act as the Secretary to the Institute as well as the Governing
(3) The Director shall hold office for a term of five years from the date on which he enters
upon his office or until he attains the age of sixty-five years, whichever is earlier.

(4) The Director shall exercise such powers and discharge such functions as may be specified,
or as may be delegated to him by the Institute or the President of the Institute or the Governing
Body or the Chairperson of the Governing Body.
(5) Subject to such rules as may be prescribed, the Institute may appoint such number of other
officers and employees as may be necessary for the exercise of its powers and discharge of its
functions and may determine the designations and grades of such other officers and employees.
(6) Subject to such rules as may be prescribed, the Director and other officers and employees
of the Institute shall be entitled to such salary and allowances and shall be governed by such
conditions of service in respect of leave, pension, provident fund and other matters as may be
Objects of 12. The objects of the Institute shall be—
(a) to develop patterns of teaching in undergraduate and postgraduate medical
education in all its branches so as to demonstrate a high standard of medical education;
(b) to bring together, as far as may be, in one place educational facilities of the highest
order for the training of personnel in all important branches of health activity; and
(c) to attain self-sufficiency in postgraduate medical education to meet the country's
needs for specialists and medical teachers.
Functions 13. With a view to the promotion of the objects specified in section 12, the Institute may ---
a) provide for undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in the science of modern
medicine and other allied sciences, including physical and biological sciences;
b) provide facilities for research in various branches of such sciences;
c) provide for the teaching of humanities;
d) conduct experiments in new methods of medical education, both undergraduate
and postgraduate, in order to arrive at satisfactory standards of such education;
e) specify courses and curricula for both undergraduate and postgraduate studies;
f) notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force,
establish and maintain—
(i) one or more medical colleges with different departments, including a
department of preventive and social medicine, sufficiently staffed and equipped
to undertake not only undergraduate medical education but also postgraduate
medical education in different subjects,
(ii) one or more well-equipped hospitals,
(iii) a dental college with such institutional facilities for the practice of dentistry
and for the practical training of students as may be necessary,
(iv) a nursing college sufficiently staffed and equipped for the training of nurses,
(v) rural and urban health organisations which will form centres for the field
training of the medical, dental and nursing students of the Institute as well as for
research into community health problems, and
(vi) other institutions for the training of different types of health workers, such
as physiotherapists, occupational therapists, pharmacists, drug analysts and
medical technicians of various kinds;

g ) train teachers from different medical colleges in India;

(h ) hold examinations and grant such degrees, diplomas and other academic
distinctions and titles in undergraduate and postgraduate medical education as may be
laid down in the regulations;

(i) institute, and appoint persons to, professorships, readerships, lectureships and
posts of any description in accordance with regulations;

(j) receive grants from the Government and gifts, donations, benefactions, bequests
and transfers of properties, both movable and immovable, from donors,
benefactors, testators or transferors, as the case may be;

( k ) deal with any property belonging to, or vested in, the Institute in any manner
which is considered necessary for promoting the objects specified in section 12;

(l) demand and receive with the prior approval of the Central Government such
fees and other charges as may be specified:
Provided that such fees and other charges payable by the students shall in no case
exceed the fees and other charges specified by a medical Institute of the Central
( m ) reserve at least twenty seats out of every seventy-five seats in undergraduate
courses in the. Institute for local applicants;
(n) provide free treatment to the poor patients in the same manner as are being
provided by a medical Institute of the Central Government;
(o) construct quarters for its staff and allot such quarters to the staff in accordance
with such regulations as may be made in this behalf;
( p ) borrow money, with the prior approval of the Central Government, on the
security of the property of the Institute;
(q ) do all such other acts and things as may be necessary to further the objects
specified in section 12.

14. The properties of the Jawaharlal Institute of Post-Graduate Medical Education Vesting of
and Research, Puducherry which vested in the Central Government shall, on the
commencement of this Act, vest in the Institute.
15. The Central Government may, after due appropriation made by Parliament by to Institute
law in this behalf, pay to the Institute in each financial year such sums of money and in such
manner as may be considered necessary by that Government for the exercise of its powers
and discharge of its functions under this Act.
Fund of
1 6 . ( 1 ) The Institute shall maintain a Fund to which shall be credited—
a) all moneys provided by the Central Government;
b) all fees and other charges received by the Institute;
c) all moneys received by the Institute by way of grants, gifts, donations,
benefactions, bequests or transfers; and
d) all moneys received by the Institute in any other manner or from any other

(2) All moneys credited to the Fund shall be deposited in such banks or invested in such
manner as the Institute may, with the approval of the Central Government, decide.

(3). The Fund shall be applied towards meeting the expenses of the Institute including
expenses incurred in the exercise of its powers and discharge of its functions under section 13.

Budget of 17. The Institute shall prepare in such form and at such time every year a budget in
Institute. respect of the financial year next ensuing showing the estimated receipts and expenditure of the
Accounts and Institute and shall forward to the Central Government such number of copies thereof as may be
audit. prescribed.
18. (1) The Institute shall maintain proper accounts and other relevant records and prepare
an annual, statement of accounts including the balance-sheet in such form as the Central
Government may, by rules prescribe, and in accordance with such general directions as may be
issued by that Government, in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor- General of India.

(2) The accounts of the Institute shall be audited by the Comptroller and Auditor- General of
India and any expenditure incurred by him in connection with such audit shall be payable by the
Institute to the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India.
(3) The Comptroller and Auditor-General of India and any person appointed by him in
connection with the audit of the accounts of the Institute shall have the same rights, privileges and
authority in connection with such audit as the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India has in
connection with-the audit of the Government accounts and, in particular, shall have the right to
demand the production of books, accounts, connected vouchers and other documents and papers
and to inspect the offices of the Institute as well as of the institutions established and maintained
by it.
(4) The Accounts of the Institute as certified by the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India
or any other person appointed by him in this behalf together with the audit report thereon shall be

forwarded annually to the Central Government and that Government shall cause the same to be
laid before both Houses of Parliament.
Annual 19. The Institute shall prepare for every year a report of its activities during that year and
submit the report to the Central Government in such form and on or before such date as may be
prescribed and a copy of this report shall be laid before both Houses of Parliament within one
month of its receipt.
Pension and
20. (1) The Institute shall constitute for the benefit of its officers, teachers and other
employees in such manner and subject to such conditions as may be specified by regulations, such
pension and provident funds as it may deem fit.
(2) Where any such pension or provident fund has been constituted, the Central Government
19 of 1925.
may declare that the provisions of the Provident Funds Act, 1925, shall apply to, such fund as
if it were a Government Provident Fund.
Authentication of
orders and
21. All orders and decisions of the Institute shall be authenticated by the signature of the
instruments of Director or any other member authorised by the Institute in this behalf and all other instruments
Institute shall be authenticated by the signature of such officers as may be authorised by the Institute.
Acts and 22. No act done or proceeding taken by .the Institute, Governing Body or any standing
proceedings not or ad hoc committee under this Act shall be questioned on the ground merely of the existence' of
to be invalidated any vacancy in, or defect in the constitution of, the Institute, Governing Body or such standing or
by vacancies,
ad hoc committee.
23. Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force, the
Grant of
medical Institute shall have the power to grant medical, dental, nursing degrees, diplomas and other
academic distinctions and titles under this Act.
etc., by
24. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 the Dentist
Act, 1948, the Indian Nursing Council A, 1947, the medical degrees and diplomas, dental degrees
and nursing degrees granted by the Institute under this Act shall be recognised medical
qualifications for the purposes of the Acts aforesaid and shall be deemed to be included in the
Schedules to the respective Acts.
25. The Institute shall carry out such directions as may be issued to it from time to time by the
Central Government for the efficient administration of this Act.
26. If in, or in connection with, the exercise of its powers and discharge of its functions by the
Institute under this Act, any dispute arises between the Institute and the Central Government, the
decision of the Central Government thereon shall be final.
27. The Institute shall furnish to the Central Government such reports, returns and other
information as that Government may require from time to time. Returns and
28. (1) On and from the date of commencement of this Act, every employee holding a post in
Transfer of
the Jawaharlal Institute of Post-Graduate Medical Education and Research. Puducherry, before
service of
that date, shall hold the post in the Institute by the same tenure, and upon the same terms and existing
conditions of service including remuneration, leave, provident fund, retirement and other terminal employees.

benefits as he would have held such post as if this Act had not. been passed and shall continue to
do so as an employee of the Institute for a period of one year from the date of the commencement
of this Act, unless he, within the said period of one year, opts not to be an employee of the
Institute or until his tenure, remuneration or other terms and conditions of service are duly altered
by the regulations:
Provided that fee officers of fee Jawaharlal Institute of Post-Graduate Medical Education
and Research, Puducherry belonging to the Central Health Service, who opts to be an employee of
the Institute then, his appointment pay, allowances and other-terms and conditions of service shall
be such as may be prescribed.
(2) Every person, who opts not to be an employee of the Institute within the period so
specified, shall be governed by the rules and orders as are applicable to the Central Government
officers and employees of equivalent rank.

(3) Subject to the provisions of this section, the tenure, remuneration and other terms and
conditions of service including pension of any employee of the Institute shall not be altered to his
disadvantage without the previous approval of the Central Government.

29. (1) The Central Government, after consultation with the Institute, may, by notification in Power to
make rules
the Official Gazette, make rules to carry out the purposes of this Act:

Provided that consultation with the Institute, shall not be necessary on the first occasion of
making of rules under this section, but the Central Government shall take into consideration the
suggestions which, the Institute may make in relation to the amendment of such rules after they are
(2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such rules
may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:--

a) the manner of nomination of members under clauses (j) and (k) of sub-section (l)
of section 5;
b) the manner of filling vacancies under sub-section (S) of section 6;
c) the powers and functions to be exercised and discharged by the President of the
Institute under section 7;
d) the allowances to be paid to the President and other members of the Institute
under section 8;
e) the control and restrictions in relation to the constitution of standing and ad hoc
committees under sub-section (5) of section 10;
f) the tenure of office, salaries and allowances and other conditions of service of the
Director and other officers and employees of the Institute appointed by the Institute
under section 11;
g) the form in which, and the time at which, the budgets and reports shall be
prepared by the Institute under section 17;
h) the form of annual statement of accounts including balance-sheet under sub-
section (1) of section 18;
i) the. form of annual report under section 19;
j) any other matter which has to be or may be prescribed by rules.

Power to 30. (1) The Institute with the previous approval of the Central Government may, by
make notification in the Official Gazette, make regulations consistent with this Act and the
regulations. rules made thereunder to carry out the purposes of this Act, and without prejudice to
the generality of this power, such regulations may provide for—
a. the summoning and holding of meetings, other than the first meeting, of the
Institute, the time and place where such meetings are to be held and the
conduct of business at such meetings under section 9;
b. the manner of constituting the Governing Body and standing and ad hoc
committees, the term of office of, and the manner of filling vacancies
therein, the allowances to be paid to the members and the procedure to be
followed by the Governing Body; standing arid ad hoc committees in the
conduct Of their business, exercise of their powers, discharge of their
functions under section 10;
c. the powers and duties of the Director and other officers and employees of the
Institute under sub-sections (3) and (4) and other conditions of service
under sub-section (5) of section 11;
d. the power of the Institute under section 13, to specify—
i. courses and curricula for undergraduate and postgraduate studies;
ii. hold examination and grant degrees, diplomas and other academic
distinctions and titles under clause (h);
iii. the professorships, readerships, lecturerships and other posts which
may be instituted and persons who may be appointed to such posts
under clause (i);

iv. the management of the properties of the Institute under clause (k);
v. the fees and other charges which may be demanded and received by
the Institute under clause (l);

(e) the manner in which, and the conditions subject to which, pension and
provident funds may be constituted for the benefit of officers, teachers and other
employees of the Institute under sub-section (1) of section 20;
(f) any other matter for which under this Act provisions may be made by regulations.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), the first regulations under this
Act shall be made by the Central Government; and any regulations so made may be altered or
rescinded by the Institute in exercise of its powers under sub- section (1).
Laying of
31. Every rule and every regulation made under this Act shall be laid, as soon as may be
rules and
regulations after it is made, before each House of Parliament, while it is in session, for a total period of
before thirty days which may be comprised in one session or in two or more successive sessions, and
if, before the expiry of the session immediately following the session or the successive sessions
aforesaid, both Houses agree in making any modification in the rule or regulation or both
Houses agree that the rule or regulation should not be made, the rule or regulation shall
thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the case may be; so,
however, that any such modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of
anything previously done under that rule or regulation.

32. (1) If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of this Act, the Central Power to
Government may, by order, published in the Official Gazette, make such provision not remove
inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, as may appear to be necessary for removing the

Provided that no such order shall be made under this section, after the expiry of a period of
two years from the date of commencement of this Act.

(2) Every order made under this section shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is made,
before each House of Parliament.

Secy, to the
Govt, of India.


In the Representation of the People (Amendment) Act, 2008 (10 of 2008), issue No. 16, as
published in a Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 1, dated 28th March, 2008,
At page 2,

(i) in line 35, for “superseed”, read “supersede”;

(ii) in line 44, for "States”, read “State"’.




PART П – Section 1


NEW DELHI, MONDAY, JULY 14, 2008 /ASADHA 23, 1930



New Delhi, the 14th July, 2008

S.O. 1672 (E). – In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of

Section 1 of the Jawaharlal Institute of Post-Graduate Medical Education and
Research, Puducherry Act, 2008 (19 of 2008), the Central Government hereby
appoints the 14th day of July, 2008, as the date on which the provisions of the said
Act shall come into force.

[ F. No. A.12034 / 18 / 2008 – ME (III)]





PART П – Section 3 – Sub Section (i)





(Department of Health and Family Welfare)

New Delhi, the 4th August, 2008

G.S.R. 573 (E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by section 29 of the Jawaharlal Institute of Post-
Graduate Medical Education and Research, Puducherry Act, 2008 (19 of 2008), the Central
Government hereby makes the following rules, namely:-

1. Short title and commencement:

1) These rules may be called the Jawaharlal Institute of Post-Graduate Medical Education and
Research, Puducherry Rules, 2008.
2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2. Definitions:

In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,-

(a) “Act” means the Jawaharlal Institute of Post-Graduate Medical Education and Research,
Puducherry Act, 2008 (19 of 2008)
(b) “Annexure” means the annexure to the rules
(c) "Appendix” means the appendix to the rules
(d) "Director” means the Director of the Institute
(e) “President” means the President of the Institute
(f) "Section” means a section of the Act;

3. Nomination of representatives of non-medical scientists and medical faculties.-

(1) For the purposes of nomination of members under clause (i) of sub-section (1) of
section 5, the Central Government, in addition to one non-medical scientist representing
Indian Science Congress Association, shall nominate any person to be the member of the
Institute having due regard for the furtherance of the institute:

Provided that at least three persons shall be from among medical scientist.

(2) For the purposes of nomination of members under clause (j) of subsection (1) of
section 5, the Central Government shall nominate any person from medical faculty of any
of the Indian Universities or institutions to be member of the Institute having due regard
to different disciplines.
4. Filling up of casual vacancies. - Any casual vacancy in the office of a member, other
than ex officio member, shall be filled by nomination or election, as the case may be, in
accordance with the provisions of section 5.

5. Powers of the President- The powers of President shall be as specified in the


6. Allowances of President and Members. - (1) The President or any members of the
Institute shall not be entitled to any allowance or other remuneration. He may, however,
draw the traveling and daily allowances, if any, to which he may be eligible under the
regulations, framed under section 30.

(2) Nothing in sub-rule (l) shall apply to the Director who may draw the salary and
allowances attached to the post of Director.

7. Standing Committees: -
(1) There shall be constituted a Standing Finance Committee, which shall include the
member representing the Ministry of Finance. The Institute may also constitute an
Academic Committee, an Estate Committee, a Standing Selection Committee, Hospital
Affairs Committee and any other standing or ad hoc committee in accordance with sub-
section 5 of section 10.
(2) The following matters shall be referred to the Standing Finance Committee which
shall consider them and make its recommendations thereon, namely.-

a) annual accounts showing the receipts and expenditure of the Institute together
with the audit report thereon;
b) budget estimates showing the estimated receipts and expenditure of the
c) all proposals for the creation of new post;
d) all financial matters pertaining to the institute;
e) all matters relating to the invitation and acceptance of tenders.

8. Creation of posts and appointments thereto:- (1) The Institute may create posts, subject to
specific provision in the budget, and the instructions of the Central Government issued from
time to time, on such scales of pay as are approved by the Central Government, classify
them into grades and specify their designations:

Provided that no post above the Associate Professor level shall be created except with the
prior approval of the Central Government.

(2) The appointment to the post of Director shall be made by the Institute with the prior
approval of the Central Government.

(3) In the event of the Director proceeding on leave or resigning or the post falling
vacant in any other eventuality, till such time a new Director is appointed, the President
may appoint the senior-most Professor to look after the functions of the Director for a
period not exceeding six months.

Provided that the Institute may appoint, for reasons to be recorded in writing, any
person as Director for a period of not exceeding six months;

Provided further that if the period of such appointment is likely to exceed six months,
prior approval of the Central Government shall be taken before granting extension of such
appointment beyond six months

(4) The method of recruitment, the age limit, the educational qualifications and other
matters relating to appointment to various posts and the conditions of service in the Institute
shall be as specified in the regulations.

(5) The pay and allowances and other service conditions of the officers belonging to the
Central Health Service and who opts to be an employee of the Institute are as provided in

9. Budget Estimates. - annual Budget showing the estimated receipts and expenditure of
the Institute shall be prepared in two parts specified below and they shall be in such
form as may be laid down by the Central Government and shall be submitted to It in
triplicate by the date stipulated by the Central Government, namely:

Part I relating to Non-Plan expenditure, and

Part II relating to Plan expenditure.

10. Deposits Into and withdrawals from the Funds of Institute: - (1) All moneys credited
to the Fund of the Institute shall be deposited In any branch of a nationalised bank, at

(2) The said Fund shall be operated by the Director, and withdrawals from the
Fund shall be made by cheques signed by the Director or an officer of the Institute
duly authorised by the Director in this behalf.

(3) All bills for payment shall be pre-checked by an accounts officer of the
11. Annual Statement of Accounts: - (1) The annual accounts including the balance sheet
of the Institute shall be in such form as may be laid down by the Government.

(2) The statements pertaining to each year ending with 31st of March together
with the audit report thereon shall be forwarded to the Central Government together
with such number of spare copies thereof as may be required by the Central
Government from time to time by such time as may be laid down by the Government.

12. Annual Reports: - (1) The annual report referred to in section 19 shall relate to the
year ending on the 31st March and shall be submitted to the Central Government
together with such number of copies as may be required by the Central Government
by such time as may be laid down by the Government.

13. Return: - The institute shall furnish to the Central Government returns and
information in such form and manner as they be required by the Government.


Pay, Allowances and. other terms and conditions of service of officers of

Jawaharlal Institute of Post-Graduate Institute of Medical Education
Research (JIPMER), Puducherry belonging to Central Health Service
who opts to be the employees of the Institute.

 The officers of the JIPMER belonging to the Central Health Service shall deemed to be on
deputation without deputation allowance from the date of the commencement of the Act with
the same pay and allowances and other terms and conditions of the service as he would have
held such post, if the Act has not come into force till they exercise their option to be employee
of the Institute.

 The Assistant Professor, the Associate Professor and Professor who are members of the
teaching sub-cadre of Central Health Service and who have exercised their option to be the
employees of the Institute shall be placed from the date of such option in various faculty
position as indicated in the Annexure. On such appointment to the Institute, the inter-seniority
of the officers shall remain the same.

 The officers belonging to General Duty Medical Officer Sub-cadre of Central Health Service
shall be placed in the corresponding scales as they are drawing on the date of their absorption
into the institute.


Placement of Central Health Service Officers of teaching sub-

cadre on their option to become the employee of the Institute.

(See rule 5)

Proposed designation and
Sl. No. designation Remarks
the pay scale
and the pay scale

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Assistant Professor Assistant Professor

(Rs.10000-15200) (Rs.11625-15200)

Associate Professor Associate Professor

(Rs.12000-16500) (Rs.14300-18300)

Professor with nine years of

Professor Additional Professor regular service shall be placed
3. in.the grade of Professor
(Rs.14300-18300) (Rs.16400-20900) (Rs.18400-22400)

4. Professor (Rs.18400-22400)

Additional Director
Senior Professor
5. General of Health Services


New Delhi, the 4th August, 2008

G.S.R. 574(E) :- In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) read with sub-
section (1) of section 30 of the Jawaharlal Institute of Post –Graduate Medical Education
and Research, Puducherry Act, 2008 (19 of 2008), the Central Government hereby makes
the following regulations, namely:-

1. Short title and commencement:-

(1) These regulations may be called the Jawaharlal Institute of Post-Graduate

Medical Education and Research Puducherry, Regulations, 2008.

(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official

2. Definitions:-

(1) In these regulations unless the context otherwise requires. –

i. “Act” means the Jawaharlal Institute of Post – Graduate Medical

Education and Research, Puducherry Act, 2008 (19 of 2008);

ii. “Annexure” means the annexure to the Schedule to these regulations;

iii. “Chairman” means the Chairman of the Governing Body of the


iv. “Director” means the Director of the Institute;

v. “President” means the President of the Institute;

vi. “Rules” means the Jawaharlal Institute of Post-Graduate Medical

Education and Research, Puducherry Rules, 2008;

vii. “Schedule” means the schedule to these regulations;

viii. “Section” means a section of the Act;

ix. “Standing Committee and ad hoc committees” means respectively the

standing and ad hoc committees constituted under sub-section 5 of
section 10 of the Act.

(2) Words and phrases used in these regulations and not defined but
defined in the Act shall have the meanings respectively assigned to

3. Powers and functions of the President. – The President shall exercise such
powers and discharge such function as are laid down in the Act, the rules and
Schedule I to these regulations.

4. Time and place of meetings of Institute. – The Institute shall meet at such times
and places as the President may, from time to time determine;

Provided that the Institute shall meet at least once in every year.

5. Power to call a meeting of Institute. –

(1) The President may, at any time, fall a meeting of the Institute and also
shall do so if a requisition for that purpose is presented to him in writing by not
less than eleven members specifying the subject of meeting proposed to be

(2) The President may call for an extraordinary meeting of the Institute at
not less than seven clear days notice in writing and also shall do so if the
requisition for that purpose is presented to him in writing by not less than
eleven members specifying the subject of the meeting to be called for.

6. Notice for the meetings of Institute. –

(1) For an ordinary meeting of the Institute a notice specifying the place,
date and time of the meeting as approved by the President, shall be given by the
Secretary to the members at least two weeks prior to the date of such meeting
and under a certificate of posting, if sent by post. The agenda, as approved by
the President, shall also be sent along with the notice of the meeting and where
it is not possible, the agenda shall be sent at least ten days before the meeting
under a certificate of posting, if sent by post.

(2) For extraordinary meetings, notices specifying the place, date and time
of the meeting, as approved by President shall be sent by the Secretary to the
President and the members at least seven days before the date of the meeting,
under a certificate of posting, if sent by post or by telegram. The agenda as
approved by the President shall be sent under a certificate of posting, if sent by
post, at least five days before the meeting.

(3) The President may include in the agenda at any time before or during a

i. Fresh items of business;

ii. Item supplement to those included in the agenda; and such items shall
be taken up for consideration.

7. Moving of resolution by members of Institute. –

Any member of the Institute desirous of moving any resolution at a meeting of

the Institute shall give notice thereof in writing to the Secretary so as to reach
him not less than ten days before the date of the meeting and when such notice
has been given, the proposed resolution shall be circulated immediately by the
Secretary to the members and be included in the Agenda.

8. Quorum.-

(1) No business shall be transacted at a meeting of the Institute unless eight

members are present.

(2) If with half an hour from the time appointed for holding a meeting, the
quorum is not present, the meeting shall stand adjourned and the members shall
meet on a date, time and place fixed by the President and if at the adjourned
meeting also the quorum is not complete with –in half an hour from the time
appointed for holding the meeting, the meeting shall be held if at least one-third
of the total number of members are present:

Provided that at least seven clear days notice is given to the members
present and to each member who is not present at the meeting on the same or
the following day by post or telegram or special messenger as the case may

9. Presidency over meeting of Institute. –

(1) The President shall preside over every meeting of the Institute.

(2) If the President is not present at any such meeting the members present
shall choose one from among themselves to be President of the meeting.

10. Transaction of business. –

(1) All decisions of the institute shall be taken on a majority vote. In case of
equality of votes the President shall have a casting vote.

(2) A decision given by the President of the meeting on a point of

order raised by a member shall be final.

(3) No subject disposed of by the Institute at a meeting shall be brought up

again for consideration until and after the expiry of one year except in a case
where the President or Government certifies that the subject required further
consideration in the interest of the Institute.

11. Transaction of business by circulation of papers.-

(1) Any business which may be necessary for the Institute to transact may, if
the President so directs be dealt with by circulation of papers under registered
cover among all members for the time being in India at their usual addresses
and any resolution so circulated shall be taken as passed if majority of member
approve it, in writing, and shall be as effectual and binding as if the resolution
has been passed at a meeting of the Institute.

(2) When any business is so referred to the members by circulation, a

period of not less than three weeks shall be allowed for the receipt of replies
from the members, such period to be counted from the date on which the notice
of business is issued:

Provided that if no reply is received by the stipulated date from any member,
the resolution so circulated shall be deemed to have been approved by the
member concerned.

(3) If a resolution is circulated, the results of circulation shall be

communicated to all the members.

12. Record of Business.-

(1) A record shall be maintained by the Secretary of all business transacted by

the Institute.

(2) All business of the Institute shall, as far as possible, be recorded in the
form of resolutions in the minutes book to be maintained by the Institute and
shall be signed by the President of that meeting after the same is duly
confirmed. An entry of such decision in the book of the proceedings of the
Institute shall be conclusive evidence of the fact that such decisions were taken
by the Institute.

(3) The proceedings of the meeting shall be circulated to the members of

the Institute after the same is duly approved by the President.

13. Constitution of Governing Body.- The Governing Body of the Institute shall
consist of the following Members, namely: -

(1) The President of the Institute - Chairman

Members Ex officio

(2) Secretary (Ministry of Health and Family Welfare)


(3) The Director-General of Health Services, Government of India

(4) The member of the Institute representing the Ministry of Finance

(5) The Director of the Institute

(6) The Chief Secretary to the Government of Puducherry.

(7) Dean of the Institute

Other Members

(8) One member elected by the members of the Institute from amongst the
three Members of Parliament elected to the Institute.

(9) Three members to be elected by the members of the Institute from

amongst themselves

(10) Two professors of the Institute by rotation nominated annually by the

Institute in the order of seniority.

(11) Any person for a period of three years who in the opinion of the
Central Government will be contributing for the furtherance of the Institute
subject to the proviso to sub-section (1) of section 10 of the Act.

14. Powers and functions of Chairman and Governing Body:- The Chairman and
the Governing Body shall exercise such powers and discharge such functions
as are specified in the Schedule-I annexed to these regulations.

15. Time and place of meetings of Governing Body:- The Governing Body shall
meet at such times and places as the Chairman may, from time to time

Provided that the governing Body shall meet once at least in six

16. Powers to call meetings of Governing Body:- The Chairman may at any time
call a meeting of the purpose is presented to him in writing by not less than
eight members specifying the subject of the meeting proposed to be called.

17. Notice for the meetings of Governing Body:-

(1) For an ordinary meeting of the Governing Body a notice specifying the
place, date and time of the meeting as approved by Chairman shall be given by
the Secretary to the members at least two weeks prior to the date of such
meeting and under a certificate of posting, if sent by post. The agenda as
approved by Chairman shall also be sent along with the notice of the meeting
and where it is not possible, the agenda shall be sent at least ten days before the
meeting under a certificate of posting, if sent by post.

(2) For extraordinary meetings, notices specifying the place, date and time
of the meeting, as approved by the Chairman, shall be sent by the Secretary to
the Chairman and the members at least seven days before the date of the
meeting, under a certificate of posting, if sent by post or by telegram. The

agenda, as approved by the Chairman, shall be sent under a certificate of

posting, if sent by post, at least five days before the meeting.

(3) The Chairman may include in the agenda at any time before or during a

i. Fresh items of business;

ii. Items supplementary to those include in the agenda;

and such items shall be taken up for consideration.

18. Quorum: -

(1) No business shall be transacted at a meeting of the Governing Body

unless at least seven members are present.

(2) If within half an hour from the time appointed for holding a meeting
the quorum is not present, the meeting shall stand adjourned and the Governing
Body shall meet again on a date, time and place fixed by the Chairman and if
at the adjourned meeting also the quorum is not complete within half an hour
appointed for holding the meeting, the meeting shall be held if at least one-
third of the total number of members are present:

Provided that at least seven clear days notice is given to the members
present and to each member who is not present at the meeting on the same or
following day by post or telegram or by special messenger as the case may

19. Presidency over meeting of Governing Body: -

(1) The Chairman shall preside over every meeting of the Governing Body.

(2) If the Chairman is not present at any such meeting the members present
shall choose one from among themselves to be Chairman of the meeting.

20. Transaction of business: -

(1) All decisions of the Institute shall be taken on a majority vote. Ijn case
of equality of votes the Chairman shall have a casting vote.

(2) A decision given by the Chairman of the meeting on a point of order

raised by a member shall be final.

(3) No subject disposed of by the Institute at a meeting shall be brought up

again for consideration until and after the expiry of one year except in a case
where the Chairman or Governing certifies that the subject required further
consideration in the interest of the Institute.

21. Transaction of business by circulation of papers: -

(1) Any business which may be necessary for the Governing Body to
transact may, if the Chairman directs, be dealt with by circulation of papers
under registered cover among all the members for the time being in India at

their usual address, and any resolution so circulated and approved by all the
members signing, shall be as effectual and binding as if the resolution had been
passed at a meeting of the Governing Body.

(2) When any business is so referred to the members by circulation, a period

of not less than ten clear days shall be allowed for the receipt of replies from the
members, such period to be counted from the date on which the notice of
business is issued:

Provided that if no reply is received by the stipulated date from any

member, the resolution so circulated shall be deemed to have been approved by
the member concerned.

(3) If a resolution is circulated, the results of circulation shall be

communicated to all the members.

22. Record of Business: -

(1) A record shall be maintained by the Secretary of all business transacted by

the Institute.

(2) All business of the Institute shall, as far as possible, be recorded in the
form of resolutions in the minute’s book to be maintained by the Institute and
shall be signed by the Chairman of that meeting after the same is duly
confirmed. An entry of such decision in the book of the proceedings of the
Institute shall be conclusive evidence of the fact that such decisions were taken
by the Institute.

(3) The proceedings of the meeting shall be circulated to the members of the
Institute after the same is duly approved by the Chairman.

23. Terms of office of members of the Governing Body and filling of casual

(1) The term of office of a member other than the ex officio member of the
Governing Body and those nominated under clauses (10) and (11) of regulations
shall be for five years subject to his continuance as a member of the Institute.
An outgoing member shall be eligible for re-election or re-nomination.

(2) A casual vacancy in the membership of the Governing Body shall be filled
up in accordance with the provisions of these regulations.

24. Standing and ad-hoc Committees:-

(1) The Standing and ad hoc Committees shall consist of the Director of the
Institute as ex officio member who shall act as Secretary and such number of
other members as are considered necessary:

(2) The Chairman and members of the ad hoc Committees shall be

nominated by the Institute;

Provided that the Standing Finance Committee shall include only

members of the Institute.

Provided further that the number of persons who are not members of the
Institute shall not exceed one-fourth of the total membership of each of the other
standing or ad hoc committees.

Provided also that no business shall be transacted at a meeting of the

standing or ad hoc Committee unless there are present at least one third of the
total members constituting the Committee.

(3) The Standing Academic Committee shall consider all matters relating to
the administration of the academic affairs of the Institute.

(4) The Standing Estate Committee shall consider the proposals for the
construction of new buildings, acquisition and disposal of land, additions or
alterations and other question relating to the maintenance and use of buildings
belonging to the Institute. It shall also consider proposals and projects for
expansion of the Institute for meeting the objects of the institute and monitor the

(5) The Standing Selection Committee shall consider the appointment to all
the faculty posts filled either through direct recruitment or under assessment
promotion scheme. The Director General of Health Services, Government of
India shall be a member of the Standing Selection Committee.

(6) The Hospital Affairs Committee shall look into all policy matters
relating to improvement of patient care services/creation of any specialised or
new services, review and revision of charges to be levied for various services or
any other policy matter relating to Hospital Management

(7) The term of office of a member of a Standing Committee shall be five

years from the date of its constitution and ad hoc Committee shall cease to
function as soon as the specific functions, for which the said committee is
appointed, are completed.

(8) A casual vacancy in the standing committee or an ad hoc committee

may be filled by the Institute by nomination.

25. Travelling and daily allowances to be paid to the President and members of
Institute, Governing Body, Standing and ad hoc Committee: -

(1) The Chairman and members of the Governing Body and Chairman and
members of the Standing Committee and ad hoc committee shall not receive
any remuneration or other allowance except traveling and daily allowances for
attending meetings of the Governing Body, a Standing Committee or an ad hoc
committee, as the case may be.

(2) The President and every member of the Institute, the Chairman and
members of the Governing Body, the standing and ad hoc committees, if they
are whole time officers of government shall be entitled to such traveling and
daily allowances for the performance of journeys for attending the meetings of
the Institute, Governing Body, standing or ad hoc committees or for attending
any other work of the Institute, as are admissible under the rules applicable to
them for journeys performed on official duty.

(3) Where any travelling and daily allowances are paid to a member of the
Institute, the Governing Body, Standing Committees or ad hoc committees,
being an officer in the Government, the Institute shall make necessary
arrangements for reimbursement of the amount so paid to the authority
employing such officer.

(4) The President and members of the Institute and the Chairman and
members of the Governing Body, standing and ad hoc committees who are not
officers in the Government shall be entitled to travelling and daily allowance at
the rates prescribed from time to time by the Central Government under
Supplementary Rule 190 and the executive decisions and order thereunder.

26. Powers and duties of Director: -

(1) The Director shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Institute and
shall exercise such powers and discharge such functions as are specified in the
Schedule-I annexed to these regulations.

(2) The Director shall be in charge of the administration of the Institute and
shall allocate duties to officers and employees of the Institute and exercise such
supervision and executive control as are necessary.

(3) For the proper administration of the Institute the Director shall have
powers to delegate any of his powers conferred on him under the Act, the rules
and these regulations to any officer of the Institute subject to such limitations as
may be imposed by the Governing Body.

27. Powers to award prizes, scholarships, etc.-The Institute may award such prizes,
souvenirs, stipends and scholarships as may be decided by it from time to time.

28. Admission to courses of studies:-

(1) The Institute shall admit students to courses conducted by it. It shall
provide in each course of study reservation to persons belonging to the
Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes or other
categories of persons in accordance with the general orders issued by the Central
Government from time to time.

(2) The courses and fee payable by the candidates selected for admission to
the postgraduate and undergraduate courses of study at the Institute shall be as
in the Schedule II.

29. Award of degrees and diplomas.-The Institute may grant such degrees and
diplomas as may be decided by the Institute from time to time.

30. Conduct of examinations.- Such number of supervisors, invigilators and other

staff as may be necessary for conducting entrance and professional examination
of the Institute may be appointed by the Director and their remuneration shall be
paid at the rate as indicated in Schedule III.

31. Hospital stoppages: - The Institute shall charge for various services as per the
rates specified in Schedule IV.

32. Employees to be whole-time servants.- Unless in any case if it be otherwise

distinctly provided the whole time of any employee of the Institute shall be at
the disposal of the Institute and he may be employed in any manner required by
the proper authority of the Institute without claim for additional remuneration.

33. Permanent and temporary posts: - The posts in the service of the Institute shall
be (i) permanent posts, that is, posts carrying definite rate of pay sanctioned
without any limit or time, or (ii) temporary posts, that is, posts carrying a
definite rate of pay sanctioned for a limited time, or (iii) work charged or work
charged (Regular) posts, carrying a definite rate of pay sanctioned for a limited
time for completion of such work.

34. Scale of the posts: - The various posts in the Institute and the scales of pay are
attached that to shall be as specified in Schedule V.

35. Qualifications for appointment: -

(1) The method of recruitment, age, educational qualification and

experience for appointment to various posts including the faculty posts and their
service conditions in the Institute shall be as specified in Schedule VI.

(2) The Director shall, in filling vacancies in post and services either by
direct recruitment or by promotion under the Institute make such reservation in
favour of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes,
Other Backward Classes or other categories of persons as may be made by the
Central Government from time to time in filling vacancies in posts and services
under the Central Government.

(3) The fee to be charged from the candidates applying for various posts in
Jawaharlal institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research are as
specified in the Schedule Vil.

36. Period of probation: - Unless otherwise decided by the appointing authority in

any case, all employees shall be on probation for two years. The employee shall
be required to put in satisfactory service failing which his services shall be liable
to termination at any time without any notice or reason being assigned for the
same. The appointing authority may, however, extend the period of probation.

37. Seniority: - Seniority of employees of the Institute in each category shall be

determined as per the instructions issued by the Central Government from time
to time.

38. Leave: - Temporary and permanent employees of the Institute shall be entitled
to such leave and leave salary as are admissible to the corresponding categories
of the Central Government servants under the Central Civil Services (Leave)
Rules, 1972:

Provided that for the purpose of the said Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules
1972, the following categories of teaching staff shall be treated as serving in the
Vacation Department, namely: -

1. Professor-

2. Additional Professor;

3. Associate Professor;

4. Assistant Professor;

5. Medical Superintendent;

6. Principal, College of Nursing;

7. Vice Principal, College of Nursing;

8. Lecturers.

The regular vacation for the purpose shall be as may be decided by the
Governing Body from time to time.

Provided further that an incumbent on deputation to the Institute as on

foreign service shall be governed by leave rules as may be stipulated in the
conditions of their deputation.

39. Absence from duty.- Unless otherwise decided by the President in exceptional
circumstances, no permanent employee of the Institute shall be away from his
post, otherwise than on foreign service or because of suspension for more than
five years at a stretch including the period of leave which may have been

40. Superannuation.-(1) The age of superannuation of the employees of the institute

other than teaching medical faculty shall be sixty years:

Provided that the medical and scientific specialists may be granted extension in
service, on a case to case basis, upto the ages of sixty-two years in the case of
persons who are exceptionally talented for reasons to be recorded in writing and
subject to physical fitness and continued efficiency of the person concerned.

(2) The age of superannuation of the members of the teaching medical

faculty of the Institute shall be sixty-five years.

(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-regulations (1) and (2), the

appointing authority shall, if it is of the opinion that it is in the public interest so
to do, have the absolute right to retire any employee of the Institute by giving
him notice of not less than three months in writing or three months pay and
allowances in lieu of such notice.

(i) if he is in Group A or Group B service or post and had entered

the service of the institute before attaining the age of thirty-five
years, after he has attained the age of fifty years; and

(ii) in any other case, after he has attained the age of fifty-five

(4) (a) any institute employee may, by giving notice of not less than three

months in writing to the appointing authority, retire from service after he


has attained the age of fifty years, if he is in Group A or Group B service or

post and had entered the service of the Institute before attaining the age of

thirty-five year, and in all other cases after he has attained the age of fifty-

five years;

4 (b) it shall be open to the appointing authority to withhold permission to an

employee under suspension who seeks to retire under this sub-regulation.

41. Pension and Contributory Provident Fund.- (1) The employees of the
Institute except those on deputation or on foreign service to the Institute
who, before exercising their option to be an employee of the Institute were
appointed to various posts under the Central Government prior to 1 st
January, 2004, and are entitled to pension and other pensionary benefits
under the Central Civil Service (Pension) Rules, 1972 and the General
Provident Fund (Central Services) Rules, 1960 shall continue to be governed
by the said rules.

(2) The employees of the Institute except those on deputation or on

foreign service, but including those who before exercising their option to be
an employee of the institute were appointed on or after 1 January, 2004
under the Central Government, shall be governed by the scheme as may be
formulated by the institute on the lines of those in the All India Institute of
Medical Sciences, New Delhi and the Post- Graduate Institute of Medical
Education and Research, Chandigarh

and as per the instructions of the Central Government for employees

appointed on or after the said 1rt January, 2004 under the Central

42. Conduct, Discipline and Penalties.-(1) The Central Civil Services (Conduct)
Rules, 1964, shall apply to employees of the Institute.

(2) Part-IV (Suspension), Part V (Penalties and Disciplinary

Authorities), Part VI (Procedure for imposing Penalties), Part-VII (Appeals)
and Part-VIII (Review), of the Central Civil Services (Classification, Control
and Appeal) Rules, 1965, shall apply to employees of the Institute.

Provided that for the purposes of this regulation:

(a) Group A, Group B, Group C and Group D posts in the Institute shall
correspond to Central Civil Services Group A, Group B, Group C and Group
D posts respectively.

(b) The Appointing Authority, the disciplinary Authority for the penalties that
may be imposed and the Appellate Authority for the various posts in the
Institute shall be as specified in Schedule-VIII.

(c) In respect of the Central or the State Government servants borrowed b y the
Institute, the provisions respectively of rules 20 and 21 of the Central Civil
Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965 shall apply and
the Institute shall exercise the functions of the Central or the State
Government, as the case may be, for the purpose of the two rules aforesaid.

(d) No consultation with Union Public Service Commission shall be necessary

in any case.

43. Other conditions of service:- In respect of the matters not provided for in
these regulations, the rules as applicable to the Central Government servants
such as regarding the general conditions of service, pay, allowances
including travelling and daily allowance, leave salary, joining time, foreign
service terms, and orders and decisions issued in this regard by the Central
Government from time to time shall apply to the employees of the Institute.

44. Pay of re-employed persons: - The pay of any person who may be employed
in the Institute after retirement from the service of the Institute or of a State
or the Central Government or any statutory or local body administered by
the Government shall be fixed in the prescribed scale of pay in accordance
with the rules and orders of the Central Government as amended from time
to time.

45. Adjustment of employees who opt not to be the employee of the Institute.-
(1) The employees who opt not to be the employees of the institute
within the stipulated period of one year under sub-section (1) of section 28
of the Act and rendered surplus shall be adjusted against the vacancy in any
post located in any office under the control of the Ministry of Health and
Family Welfare and carrying equivalent pay scale for appointment to which
he is considered by the Appointing Authority to be suitable.

(2) Those employees who could not be adjusted against any vacancy in
any post under the control of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
shall be placed at the disposal of surplus of Department of Personnel and
Training, Government of India to be redeployed as per the provisions of the
Central Civil Services (Redeployment of surplus staff) Rules, 1990.

46. Bulletins and land belonging to the Institute.-(l) The Institute shall use its Sands
and buildings for the purpose of the Institute and may, for such purposes, allot
them for occupation by such persons or officers as the Governing Body may

(2) Employees of the Institute shall be entitled to the allotment of residence

as laid down in Schedule IX.

47. Medical facilities for employees.- The employee of the Institute including
deputationist and members of the families shall be entitled to medical aid as
admissible under the Jawaharlal Institute of Post- Graduate Medical Education

and Research Staff Health Scheme. They shall also pay such contribution as are
required under that scheme. The details of the scheme is as in Schedule IV.

48. Proceedings by or against the Institute.- Subject to the limitation, the Governing
Body or the Director of the Institute Shall be competent to file suits, or
application or commence other proceedings, civil or criminal, for and on behalf
of the Institute and to prosecute the same and for such purpose to sign, execute
or attest plaints, petitions, appeals or other documents that may be necessary
therefor and to verify the same, to swear to affidavits and to compromise, refer
to arbitration and to defend in suit or other proceeding that may be filed against
the Institute and to prosecute the claim or defence in the court of appeal or
origin or before any officer whether in Civil, criminal, revenue court or office or
before income tax authorities and for such purpose to appoint any advocate,
pleader, solicitor or agent from the panel as approved by the President.


(See regulations 12, 22, 25)

Extent of Powers
Nature of Powers Remarks
No. Governing Institute
Director President
Body Body

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Report on any
Powers of Re- shall be placed
appropriation of Full before the
1. - - -
funds from Powers Governing
sanctioned budget. Body for
approval at its

(a) Write off of

Upto Upto
loss of
Rs.1 Rs.2
irrecoverable value Full
lacks in lacks in - -
of stores of money powers
each each
due to fraud theft
case case

Upto Upto
(b) Loss of income
Rs.1 Rs.2
2. bond money or Full
lakhs in lacks in - -
irrecoverable powers
each each
case case

Upto Upto
(c) Deficiencies Rs.1 Rs.2
and depreciation in lakhs in lacks in - -
the value of stores each each
case case

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

To incur.

(i) contingent
Full powers
expenditure, or
within Full
3. - - -
sanctioned Powers
(ii) expenditure for
the purchase of
stores, stationary and
printing of forms

4. Maintenance of Building and petty works:

Rs. 1
(a) Original works lakhs in each Full
Crore in - -
and special repairs case without Powers
any annual

(b) Ordinary Repairs Full Powers - - -

(c) Annual Repairs Full Powers - - -

Full powers
Power to sanction
in respect of Full
advances (i) for the
all officers powers
purchase of
5. and in case - - -
conveyance and (ii)
employees of
for travelling
except Director

Full powers
Powers to sanction
in respect of Full
advance or final
all officers powers
withdrawal out of the
6. and in case - - -
contributory or
employees of
General Provident
except Director

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Full powers subject

Destruction of to the conditions laid
official records down in part II of
7. - - - -
connected with the Apprendix--13 to
accounts the General
Financial Rules.

Powers to direct, the

payment on the last
working day of a
month the pay and
allowances of the
8. Full Powers - - - -
employees of the
Institute where the
last days of the
month are public

Powers to order the

retention of un-
disbursed pay and
9. allowances of staff Full Powers - - - -
for any period not
exceeding three

Full powers
To allow mileage
provided selection of
allowance by a route
10. the route is in the - - - -
other than the
interest of the
shortest or cheapest

Full powers
To decide whether a Full powers for beyond one
particular absence is academic purposes, month in all
11. - - -
absence or duty and for one month cases other
within the country in,other cases than

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

To countersign
his own travelling
12. allowance bills Full Powers - - - -
and those of other

Full Powers in
Full powers for
i. Grant of Casual respect of all
13. case leave of the - - -
Leave officers, except

Full powers for

Full powers for Group ‘A’
Group B, C and D employees for
ii. Grant of Leave employees, and not more than ninety - - -
more than 90 days days, and full
for Group A powers in case of

iii. Special
Full powers - - - -
disability leave

iv. Maternity
Full powers except Full powers in
leave and - - -
Director case of Director
Hospital Leave

Full powers for Full powers for

Group B, C and D Group A,
v. Study Leave - - -
employees, not including
exceeding two years teaching posts

To direct that an
Full powers for the
Officer on leave
period of original
shall be
14. deputation or the Full powers - - -
considered to be
period of leave
in occupation of a

To declare an
15. employee to be a Full powers - - - -

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Full powers provided he is

authorized to make
16. To suspend a lien - - - -
appointment to the posts on
which the lien is held.

To transfer the
Full powers provided he is
lien of an Institute
authorized to make
17. employee from - - - -
appointments to both the posts
one post to

To transfer an
Institute Full powers in
Full powers in the case of
18. employee from case of Group A - - -
Group B, C and D employees
one post to employees

Fixation of pay
and allowances of
an Institute Full powers in
Full powers in case of Group
19. employee treated case of Group A - - -
B, C and D employees
as on duty under employees
Financial Rules 9
(6) (b).

Full powers in
extraordinary Full powers in case of Group
20. case of Group A - - -
leave for B, C and D employees

Power to grant
Increments on the Full powers
recommends on Full powers up to three beyond three
21. - - -
the advance Increments advance
recommendations Increments
of Selection

Powers to reduce
the pay of an
officiating Full powers in
Full power in the case of Group
22. Government case of Group A - - -
B, C and D employees
servant below the employees
minimum stage of
time scale

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Full powers up to the

maximum of Rs.5000/- per
annum in each case in
accordance with the provision
of rule 46(b) of Fundamental
Rules and the Government of
India’s orders issued
To grant
thereunder from time to time
honorarium or to
23. for all categories of employees. - - - -
permit acceptance
In case of recurring honoraria,
of honorarium
this limit applies to the total of
the recurring payments made to
an individual in a year. In case
of Group A and Group B
employees, the matter shall be
reported to the Governing

Powers to appoint
an employee to
hold a post
temporarily or to
officiate on more In accordance with rules
than one post and applicable to similar classes of
24. - - - -
to fix the pay on the Central Government
subsidiary posts employees
and the amount of
the compensatory
allowance to be

Powers to require
a medical Full powers except in case of Full powers in the
25. - - -
certificate of the Director case of Director
fitness before

Full powers provided that the

Extension of employee on leave will on
26. leave to cover return be under the - - - -
overstay administrative control of the

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Full powers in respect

of Group B, C and D
employees subject to
the conditions
To sanction transfer to
mentioned in column 5 Full powers in
foreign service within
27. against Serial No.30 in respect of Group - - -
India and to fix pay in
Appendix 4 A employees
foreign service
compilation of the
Fundamental and
Supplementary Rules,

To decide the date of

reversion of institute
28. Full Powers - - - -
leave before reversion
from foreign service

Powers to dispense with Full

a medical certificate of powers in
Full powers in case of
fitness before respect of
29. Group c and D - - -
appointment to Group A
institute’s service in and B
individual cases officers

Power to sanction the

undertaking of work for
which a fee is offered
30. and the acceptance of a Full powers - - - -
fee subject to the
provision of
Supplementary Rules

To declare the grade of

fee paid to the part-time
31. - Full powers - - -
employees (for purpose
of travelling allowance)

To decide the shortest or

32. cheapest of two or more Full powers - - - -

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

To decide the point of

commencement or end
33. Full powers - - - -
of the journey in a

To declare in case of
doubt or hardship the
class of seamer
34. Full powers - - - -
accommodation to
which Institute
employee is entitled

Full powers in
Travel by air by
case of absolute
35. officers drawing a pay - - - -
urgency and
of less than Rs. 12300/-

Full powers
upto ninety
Powers to grant
Full powers upto days in case of
exemptions from rules
36. ninety days, Director and for - - -
limiting a halt on tour
except Directors others full
to ten days
powers beyond
ninety days

Full powers,
Subject to
To declare who shall be provided an
any Guide
controlling officer and institute
37. - - - lines of the
to make rules for his employee is not
guidance declared his own

To grant leave when a

Medical Board has
reported that there is no
38. Full powers - - - -
reasonable prospect of
employees being fit to
return to duty

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

To permit calculation of
joining time by a route
39. Full powers - - - -
other than that which
travelers ordinarily use

To extend joining time

40. within maximum of Full powers - - - -
Thirty days

Powers to alter in the

case of clerical errors the Full powers in
Full powers in the case
date of birth recorded in the case of
41. of Group C and D - - -
the service rolls of Group A and B
Group C and D Institute employees

Power to sanction
investigation of claims
42. for arrears of pay, etc. Full powers - - - -
which are not more than
three years old

Power to sanction Full powers except Full powers in

43. - - -
permanent advances Director case of Director

The Director shall

Disposal of obsolete,
exercise full powers on
44. surplus and - - - -
the advice of
unserviceable stores
Condemnation board

Full powers in cases in

which he is competent
Power to vary the terms to sanction the grant of
of repayment of advances, provided
45. advances granted to an that in the case of - - - -
employee in exceptional interest bearing
cases advances the period of
repayment is not

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Power to authorize the Full powers as

sale or transfer of mentioned in rule –
motor vehicles 256 of the General Full
46. - - -
purchased with Financial Rules and powers
advance from the Government of India
Institute decisions.

Subject to
Power to sanction
advances for law suits
47. Full powers - - - guidelines
to which institute is a
of the

Power to prescribe the

form of security to be
executed by a Full powers subject to
48. subordinate authority the approval of - - - -
entrusted with the Finance Committee
custody of cash, stores

Full powers to the

Power to incur
Director on
expenditure on
contingencies and
contingencies and
49. purchase of Stores - - - -
purchase of stores other
other than works
than for works subject
subject to the
to budget provisions
availability of funds

Power to allow
exchange of daily
allowance for the Full powers except Full powers in
50. - - -
whole period of an Director case of Director
absence from

Power to fix amount of

hire or charges when
an Institute employee
is provided with means
51. Full powers - - - -
of locomotion at the
Institute but pays all
the cost of its use or

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

To grand travelling
allowance to non-
52. officials attending Full powers - - - -
commission of enquiry
and to fix their grade

Full powers upto

Power to sanction halt
thirty days for all
53. on duty at hill station Full powers - - -
category of
in excess of ten days

Power to sanction for

Full powers in Full powers in
journey made during
54. respect of all except respect of - - -
leave including
the Director Director

Power to decide the

rate of travelling
Full powers if the
allowance admissible
period of training
55. to an employee of the Full powers - - -
does not exceed
Institute deputed to
ninety days
undergo a course of

56. To allot residence Full powers - - - -

Full powers except

in the case of
Powers to permit the Director , on the Subject to
Full powers
officers of the Institute basis of leave of kind executive
beyond thirty
to go abroad for due and admissible instructions
days in the case
attending meetings, upto the period of issued by
57. of employees - -
conferences, seminars, thirty days and that the Central
and full powers
workshops, symposia the faculty members Government
in respect of
etc., or for short concerned receives a from time to
assignments proper invitation time
from the sponsors of
the meeting etc.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Powers for treating the

Subject to
absence as on duty for
participation in the inter- Full powers upto a
issued by the
national Scientific maximum of thirty Full powers beyond
58. - - Central
Conference or symposia days, inclusive of thirty days
or seminar, etc., abroad by travel
from time to
the members of the

Full powers for for
Powers to retain lien of Full powers for Group
Group B, c and D Group
the Institute employees A posts, upto a
59. maximum of two ‘A’ - -
when they are appointed maximum of two
years, one year at a posts,
elsewhere years
time. exceedin
g two

Full power upto

thirty days Subjects to
Powers to permit the provided there are executive
Officers of the Institute to no financial instructions
go abroad in connection implications other Full powers beyond issued by the
60. - -
with the work of the than the period thirty days Central
Institute and treating the spent in connection Government
absence as on duty with the work of from times to
the Institute being time
treated as on duty

Powers to make
appointment to posts
(subject to Rule-7 of Post-
61. Graduate Institute of - - - - -
Medical Education and
Research, Chandigarh
Rules, 1967)

Full powers for all

Full powers for Group ‘a’ posts, other
Group B, C and D than faculty posts.
posts. Lecturers in Professors for a period
Nursing and not exceeding one
i. Ad hoc or Temporary Medical year and Lecturer in
Technology and Nursing and medical
Assistant Professor Technology and
not exceeding a Assistant Professors
period of one year for a period exceeding
one year

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ Group ‘b’ for
ii. Permanent - -
posts posts Group

Full powers
To sanction the in the case
Full powers in the
reemployment of of Group B
case of Group C
superannuated Officers up
62. employees up to the - - -
persons in to the age of
age of sixty years,
temporary sixth years
one year at a time
vacancies one year at
a time

To waive provisions
(a) to
Rule-209 and to
authorize departures
63. Full powers - - - -
Supplementary Rule
211 regarding
combination of
Holidays with leave

Power to confirm
Group A and B
Full powers except
Officers, after
64. in the case of - - - -
completion of the
period of probation

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Powers to accept
resignation of Group B
65. Full powers - - - -
Employees of the

Full powers in
case of Director
Full powers in respect
(subject to
Powers to accept of all Group ‘A’ posts,
ratification by the
66. resignation of Group ‘A’ except in case of - - -
employees Professors and
Professor and
Additional Professor

Powers for fixation of

pay of Institute
67. Full powers - - - -
employees under normal

Powers to accept Full powers subject to

Research Grant if these the general policy of
68. - - - -
are for durations not the Government of
exceeding three years India

Power to accept the

terms and conditions,
foreign service terms in
respect of the
69. Full powers - - - -
deputationist of Central
or State Government
where the terms are of
usual nature

Power to grant extension

70. of tenure of Senior Full powers - - - -
Residents or Tutors

Power to grant advance

Increments under
Financial Rules 27 to
71. employees of Research
Schemes on their
appointment to regular
posts in the Institute

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Power to relax the

provisions of
Supplementary Subject to
Rules 12 where the directions
subsistence issued by
72. allowance to be Full powers - - - the Central
received in the Government
nature of daily from time to
allowance and no time
honorarium is

To declare that pay Full

Full powers in the
of an Institute powers in
case of Group B,
73. employee includes case of - - -
C and D
compensation for all Group A
journey by road employees

To decide in case of
doubt whether a
74. particular employee Full powers - - - -
is seving in a
vacation department

Full powers in the

Authorising an Full
case of Group A,
employee to proceed powers in
75. B, C and D - - -
on duty to any part the case of
of India. Professor
except Professors

Power to sanction
investigation of
claims for arrears of
powers in
76. pay etc., which are Full powers - - -
more than three
years but not more
than six years old

Power to issue
instructions to
77. Full powers - - - -
authorities in the
matter of contingent

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Full powers in the

case of Institute
Power to sanction permanent posts
advances for subjects to the
78. - - - -
purchase of limts and
conveyance conditions laid
down in Rules
199 to 218 of
General Financial

Power to extend upto

a maximum of
twenty four the
number of
installments in
79. Full powers - - - -
which an advance
granted for the
purchase of a bicycle
should be repaid to
the Institute

Full powers in
case of Institute
Power to sanction permanent or
advances to Institute temporary posts
80. - - - -
employees on tour, subject to the
transfer, etc., limits and
conditions laid
down in Rule 231
to 234 of General
Financial Rules

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Power to sanction
advances of pay on
81. Full powers - - - -
the eve of important

Subject to
Power to authorize
form the provisions
laid down
82. of the Rule 109 (1) Full powers - - -
by the
relating to custody of
Institute money
Body or

Full powers,
on the
Fixation of Hospital
Charges or fee and
ons of the
83. other charges to be - - - -
charged from the
Committee of
the Institute

Full powers, on
i. Powers to appoint ns of the
Group-A Officers on - Director, - - -
deputation basis subject to
ratification by
the Governing

Subject to
Full powers any
on the guidelines
ii. Power to appoint
recommenda laid down
Group-B officers on - - -
tions of the by the
deputation basis
Selection Governing
Committee Body or

Jawaharlal Institu te of Post-Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research , Puducherry

NO. (NURSINO) (MLT) Diploma
1 Tution l:ee (p.a.) 250.00 130.00 130.00 200.00 200.00 500.00 120.00 500.00
2 JSA Fe<; (p.a.) 800.00 500.0Q 500.00 - - - - _.
3 Amenltf Fee (p.a.) 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 1,000.00

4 Cautior Deposit (Refundable) 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00

5 Univers ity Development Fee (one time) 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00
6 University Sports Fee (p.a.) 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 100.00

University Registration Fee 7 (at time of admission) 40.00 40.00 40.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 100.00

8 University Library Fee (p.a.) 10.00 10.00 10.00 - - 50.00 10.00 _

Matriculates Fee 9 (at the time of admission) 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 50.00

Recognition Fee 10 (at the time of admission) 75/180/450 75/180/450 75/180/450 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 200.00

11 Corpus Fund(5% of Tution Fee) (p.a.) 13.00 7.00 7.00 10.00 10.00 25.00 6.00 _
12 Hostel Caution Deposit (Refundable) 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00
13 Establishment Charges (p.a.) 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00
14 Hostel Room Rent (p.a.) 2,316.00' 2,316.00 2,316.00 - - _ 2,316.00 2,316.00
15 Electricity Charges (p.a.) 72.00 72.00 72.00 - — _ 72.00 72.00
16 Mess Deposit(RefUndable) 3,000.00 3.000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00

University Examination Fee

. First Year 1,515.00 Rs.125/- per paper 630.00 _ 1,515.00

Second Year 1,765.00 630.00 - _ _ 1,515.00

Third Year* 1,015.00 465.00 2,895.00 — 3,095.00 1,595.00
Fourth Year” 2,395.00 — - — _ .

Note: * MB8S Final (Part-I) \

** MBBS Final (Part-ll)





i. Coordinator Rs. 300.00 per day

ii. Head Supervisor/Superintendent Rs. 150.00 per day
Centre Supervisor/Superintendent
iii. Assistant Supervisor/Superintendent Rs. 140.00 per day
iv. Invigilator Rs. 100.00 per day
v. Class IV Rs. 65.00 per day
(including preparation)



B.Sc. (Nursing)

Theory Evaluation :
Rs.40/- per paper per Examiner

Rs. 30/- per examiner per candidate minimum Rs.300/- per day per examiner.

Chairman cum Convener. (For Board meeting to pass results)

Rs. 250/- per day and sitting fee Rs.100/- per member


Theory Evaluation:
Rs.100/- per paper per examiner minimum remuneration
Rs.500/- per day

Practical :
Rs.85/- per candidate per Examiner minimum Rs.500/- per

Thesis Correction (For MS/MD/MCH/DM and Diploma):

Rs. 400/- per Examiner per thesis.

(ii). M.Sc (Bio-Chemistry)

Theory Evaluation :
Rs.10/- per paper minimum Rs.150/- per Examiner

Practical Exam:
Rs.25/- per candidate per Examiner and Rs.100/- per batch for prescription

Thesis Correction :
Rs. 1000/- per candidate for Indian Examiner
$ 200 per candidate for Foreign Examiner

C. Remuneration for paper setting :

Rs. 500/- per paper for MD/Diploma/DM/MCH/M.Sc (Bio-Chemistry)
Rs. 400/- per paper for M.B.B.S
Rs.250/- per paper for B.Sc (M.L.T)
Rs. 250/- per paper for B.Sc (Nursing)


No. of.
Sl.No Category Persons Rates
1. Chief Supervisor 1 Rs.120/- per day
2. Skilled Assistant 1 Rs. 75/- per day
3. Superintendent/Hall 1 Rs. 75/- per day
4. Nurse 1 Rs.50/- per day
5. Technician 1 Rs.50/- per day
6. Senior Attender 1 Rs. 35/- per day
7. Junior Attender 1 Rs. 35/- per day
8. Coolie 1 Rs.35/- per day
9. Patient 1 Rs.20/- per day

10 Diet Charges 1 Rs. 25/- per day per patient

11 Waterman 1 Rs. 25/- per day

12 Sweeper 1 Rs. 25/- per day

13 Gas Man ( for Bio 1 Rs.35/- per day

For M.B.B.S (Clinical) - 2 Patients per candidate

For Diploma /MD/MS/DM/MCH - 4 Patients per candidate




Classification of Beds and Charges

Room Rent Diet Charge

‘A’ Wards single bed with attached Rs.150/- Rs.30/-

bath and A/c facilities

‘B’ Wards single bed with attached Rs.100/- Rs.25/-


‘C’ Wards double bed with common Rs.50/- Rs.20/-


1. Eligibility

Any person willing to pay charges for private/special ward can be admitted.

2. Eligibility for Government Servants

‘C’ Ward - Basic pay from Rs.2550/- to Rs.5499/-

‘B’ Ward - Basic pay from Rs.5500/- to Rs.7999/-
‘C’ Ward - Basic pay from Rs.8000/- and above

3. Out Patients

 No charges will be levied for OPD services/treatment in respect of

patients whose monthly income does not exceed Rs.2,499/-

 Charges will be levied for all OPD services/treatment in respect of the

patients whose monthly income is Rs.2,500/- and above.

 Dental charges will be levied for all the OPD patients irrespective of the

 All therapy for cancer will be free for all types of patients irrespective of
their income, whether in-door or out-door patients.

4. Charges for levy of Fees for Radiological Examination,

Laboratory Tests, Clinical Procedures and other investigations.

 ‘A’ and ‘B’ class special wards beds, full charges as per the Annexure-
II,III and IV.

 50% of charges for ‘C’ class special ward beds as per the Annexure II,III
and IV.

5. Charges and Artificial Appliances

Charges for artificial appliances will be levied as per the rules framed for the
purpose from time to time.

6. For Students, C.H.S. and Junior Residents

 Students of JIPMER AND Compulsory House Surgeons will be eligible

for ‘C’ class accommodation and no charges (including diet)would be

 Junior Residents will be entitled to FREE TREATMENT in ‘C’ class

EXCEPT diet charges.

8.For Staff and Senior Residents

 No charges will be made to the staff of JIPMER including Senior

Residents and their families as per C.S. (M.A) Rules, 1944 as amended
from time to time.

 Those covered under CGHS/Serving defence personnel including NCC

shall be eligible for free treatment EXCEPT diet charges

8. For Retired Employees of JIPMER

JIPMER Employees/their spouse shall be entitled for the same facilities of

medical care, after retirement, to which they were entitled to during their

9.For Freedom Fighters

Freedom fighters of central pensioner and their dependents are eligible for
the same facilities as applicable to Group ‘A’ Officers.

10.Green Card Holders

Green Card holders under the Family Planning Programme are eligible for
treatment in ‘C’ class beds.


 Higher class of accommodation shall be provided if the entitled class of

accommodation is not available and the admission is certified as URGENT by
the Medical Superintendent/Deputy Medical Superintendent temporarily till
entitled class of bed becomes available. In all other cases where the
staff/student opt for higher type of accommodation that their entitlement,
shall pay the difference of charges for operation, investigation ,
accommodation, etc., as admissible for that particular type of bed from the
date of admission to higher class.

 Normally change of class of bed is not permissible. If change is desired from a

lower to higher class, the patients shall have to pay all the charges admissible
to higher class (except room rent for the period in lower class) from the date of

11.Charges for Half-a-Day.

Charges for half-a-day would be levied to the patients admitted after 12.00 Noon
and discharge made before 12.00 Noon.

12. Others

 If due to any technical or procedural errors and unavoidable circumstances

the same kind of tests or diagnosis and surgical procedures are to be repeated,
in order to arrive at a correct diagnosis, that particular examination will not
be charged from patient. The medical officers will specify these type of
instances on the top of the requisition/paying-in-card.

 Medical Superintendent in consultation with concerned surgeons may make

suitable modifications in the list of operation chares if any new surgical
procedure is to be added or it is felt that the charges for any operation on the
higher or lower side. The same shall apply to charges for investigations also.

 All medicines will be purchased by the Special Ward patients. However, the
medicines may be given for the first 24 hours against payment during which
period the patients will make arrangement to buy them. Only in exceptional
circumstances and in case of emergency of non-availability of particular drugs
in the open

 market, the medicines may be continuously given against payment with the permission of
medical Superintendent.

 Cost of medicines supplied by the hospital will be collected in full as and when
administered. The charges will be fixed by the Pharmacy at the time of discharge of
patients depending upon the prevailing market rate.

 For General Ward patients, all medicines will be supplied free, but if some medicines are
not stocked in the hospital the patients will have to make their own arrangements for the

 The Medical Superintendent may, for special reasons (Academic , Research or other
reasons ), can reduce or waive all collections of any fees, investigations or otherwise
otherwise provided the total amount thus waived does not exceed Rs.30,000/- in a
financial year. A quarterly statement of such remissions shall be entered in a separate
register and sent to the Ministry/Pay and Accounts Office, Pondicherry for information.


Revised Rates of
Investigations/NST Central Goct

1 Ultra Sound/NST 150.00

2 I.V.P. (Test for Kidney, Ureter, etc) 150.00
3 Barium Meal (Gstro Intestinal) 150.00
4 ECHO Cardiography (Heart Function) 250.00
5 T.M.T. (Stress Test for Heart) 150.00
6 Holter (Ambulatory/Mobile ECG) 250.00
7 Urodynamics (Kidney functions) 500.00
8 Endoscopy : Upper and Lower 100.00
GI Endoscopy 100.00
Bronchoscopy (Respiratory Tract) 100.00
Cystoscopy (Urinary Bladder) 100.00
9 Haedmodialysis (kidney) 500.00
10 E.E.G (For Brain) 200.00
11 Lipid Profile (Blood test) 100.00
12 ELISA Test (TB/AIDS) 25.00
13 Intravenous Urography (Test: Kidney, Ureter, etc) 150.00
Mioturating Cysto-Urethrogram (Test for kidney,
14 150.00
Ureter, etc
15 Retrograde Pyelography (lower urinary tract) 150.00

16 Infusion Pyelography (lower Urinary tract) 150.00

17 Hephrostogram (lowerr Urinary Tract) 150.00
18 Barium Swallow (upper Gastro-Intestinal tract) 150.00
19 Barium Meal (Upper Gastrointestinal tract) 150.00
Barium Meal follow trhough (upper
20 150.00
Gastrointestinal tract)
21 Barium Enema (for Rectum, Colon, Intestine) 150.00
22 Oral Cholescystography (Gall Bladder) 150.00
23 Intravenous Cholagiography (Gall Bladder) 150.00
24 Hysterography (Uterus) 150.00
25 Hysterography (Spinal Cord) 150.00
26 T.Tube Cholangiography (Gall Bladder/Bile Duct) 150.00
27 Venography (Veins) 150.00
28 Peripheral Arteriography (Blood Vessels) 150.00
29 Sinogram (Sinus-nose) 25.00
30 Sialography(Salivary glands) 50.00
31 Dacryo-Cysto-Rhinography 150.00
32 Nursing Home :
Ordinary (New N.H.) 50.00 per day 250.00
Deluxe (Old N.H.) 125.00 per day 50.00


S.No Particulars
Rate (Rs.)
1 Ward A 150.00
2 Ward B 100.00
3 Ward C 50.00
1 Type A 30.00
2 Type B 25.00
3 Type C 20.00

Category-II 200.00 100.00

1 Eversion (Sac)
2 Piles (Hemorrodiectomy, Fistulectomy)
3 Bladder stones
4 Suprapublic Cystostomy, bladder neck incision
Feeding operation or drainage procedures (Colostomy, Tramotomy,
Osteomyelitis of peripheral bones procedures for drainage ,
6 sequestrectomy and saucerisation (curettage, exploration of wound,
bone curettage)
7 Bronchoscopy
Esophagoscopy, cystoscopy, laryngoscopy, O'scopy and sigmoidoscopy,
9 Rib resection and drainage
10 D and C, D and E (Fractional Curettage)
11 Explorations for deep abscess (fibrosarcoma excision biopsy)
12 Hernias-Inguinal,epigastric, incisional (Kelleys repair, Keel repair)
13 Hydrocele (eversion of sac), Excision of testicular appendage
14 Orchidectomy
15 Fistula
16 Partial amputation of penis, Amputation of toes and fingers
Breast removal (total mastectamy), Fibroadenoma breast excision
18 male sterilization (Vasectomy) reconstruction, M.T.P.
19 Operations on skull
20 Operations in the sinuses
21 Nasal Septal corrections (SMR)
22 Lacrymal glad excision
23 Enucleation of eye balls
24 Tonsillectomy with or without Adenoidectomy (TAR)
25 Cleft lip repair-reducation of labioplasty
26 Deliveries - normal and abnormal, with or without episiotomy
27 Hypospadias, Asopa II repair MAGPI repair
28 Appendectomy (cystoscopy )(Interval )
29 Varicose Veins (robes procedure), Trendelenberg operation
Extraction of nail only
Suction Lipolysis with excision of ulcer
Coipostraphy with Kelly's stitch
Revised Rates (Rs.)
A and B
Sl. No. Category-I C Ward
100.00 50.00
1 Skin grafting (partial thickness) for small areas
2 Release of Pedicle (SSG)
3 Operation on small joints (Amputation of toe)
4 Closed or small open tenotomy
5 Ployp removal
6 Tracheotomy
7 Pharynogostomy
8 Dacryocystectomy
9 Operation of glaucoma (sheie's Operation ) Trabeculectomy
Closed reduction of fractures (Tibial pin, Inter-dental, Inter maxiliary
wiring ) and manipulation
11 Iridectomy ( Corneal repair)/ Squint surgery
12 Adenoidectomy
Operation of external genetalia , vulva and vagina, cervical encirclage-
14 Plastic operation on eyelid
15 Endometrial biopsy , excision biopsy
16 Tubal insuffolation (TT)
17 all abscess operation under General Anaesthesia
18 Myringotomy
19 Axillary Lymphnode biopsy
20 All suturing under G.A Debridement
21 Endoscopy and procedure done under G.A (Internal Urethrotomy)
22 The excision of small tumours (operations )
23 A. V . Fistula (Urology)
24 Sphincterotomy
25 Staple removal
26 Trabeculectomy
27 Pin traction (Skeletal)

Sl. No. Category-III 500 250

1 Excision of large tumours or deep tumours, Fibroids-Mymoectomy (Ward
2 Excision of bones (patellectomy)
3 Block dissection of Lymphnodes
4 Perineal excision of rectum
5 Plastic operations of urethra
6 Prostatectomy
7 Bladder tumour removal by any route
Removal of stones from kidney, reter,etc. (pylolithotomy), Pyloplasty,
Uretherotmy, Basketting attempted, TURP
8 Removal of kidney, ureter, bladder (Nephro-ureterectomy)

9 Partial nephrectomy or plastic repair (Scrotoplasty-reconstruction of penis)

10 Total amputation of penis
11 Removal of retroperitoneal structures(Transverse colostomy)
All laparatomies(Abd, hysterectomy) Removal of ovaries (oophorectomy),
12 TAH with BSO, Okabayashi.
13 Extensive skin grafting
Plastic reconstruction of skin, Debridement and skin grafting, Cross pedicle
14 graft.
15 Breast removal-complete breast removal- Radical, Patey's Mastectomy
Operations of spine (Posterior spinal fusion)
16 Operations in hip, shoulder (Prothesis)
17 Operations on Knee, elbow (Synpvetomy) (X-ray Thompson femoral head
replacement ) (Piortheses), Modified Tones
18 Operations on ankle, PMSR, soultere release younts.
19 Bone grafting and use of pin, nail, plate, etc. (Extraction of nail curettage),
screw fixation, removal of plate and bone block.
20 Replacement of bone
21 Transplantation of tendons (Wrist Fucian)(T.A. lengthening )Steindlers
Open reductions with or without internal fixation (Prosthetic replacement),
22 Girdle stone.
23 Surgery of nervs (G.J. Vagotomy)
24 All amputations or disarticulation except fingers or toes.
25 Major resections of larynx, pharynx, etc.
26 Operations on middle ear (Stapedectomy)
27 Cranial explorations
28 Nasopharyngeal tumour removal
29 All thoracic operations-Lobetomy
30 All vascular operation for disobiteration or reconstruction
31 Cataract (Intracapsular extraction )(Lens extraction)
32 Grafting or cornea
33 Operations for detachment of retina
34 Vaginal hysterectomy pr cervicectomy

35 Vaginal operations prolapse to reconstruct the pelvic floor Manchester repair

36 Perforating injury of the eyes
37 tympanoplasty, Tympananostomy
38 Caesarean section (LSCS)
39 Thyroidectomy (Hemitheyroidectomy)
40 Excision of mandible
41 Excision of salivary glads, Parotidectomy
42 Readical neck dissection
43 Cervical Sympatheactomy
44 Repair of Palate
45 Myringoplasty
46 Maxillectomy
47 Ethoidectomy (Extra Nasal)
48 Frontal sinus operation
49 Lateral Rhinotomy
50 Transpalatel operation
51 Laryngo-fissure
52 Lateral pharyngotomy
53 Mastoidectomy and Mastoid exploration
54 Facial nerve decompression
55 Facial nerve grafting
56 Excision of temporal bone
57 Laryngectomy
58 Laryngopharyngectomy
59 All gall bladder operations -Cholecystectomy and CBD exploration
60 Rhinoplasty
61 Laminectomy and disectomy
62 Abdominal perineal resection of rectum
63 Tuboplasty
64 Ureter implantation
65 Vetrectomy
66 Campbell's procedure
67 Repair of cystocele and rectocele
68 Rectopexy
69 Hemicolectomy
70 Excision of neurofibroma
71 Spleenectomy
72 Reimplantation of foot.

Revised Rate
Sl. No. Category - IV (Rs)
A and B C
1 Haemodialysis 500.00 250.00
2 Peritoneal dialysis 200.00 100.00
3 EEG (When available, ordinary) 75.00 38.00
4 EEG (Special) 200.00 100.00
5 ECT modified 40.00 20.00
6 Embalming 500.00 250.00
7 Mortuary storage charges 300.00 300.00
8 Open heart surgery 1000.00 500.00
9 laser treatment 400.00 200.00
10 Pulmonary function test 200.00 100.00
11 Nebulisation therapy 75.00 38.00
12 ECG 30.00 15.00
13 Phonocardiography/STI 100.00 50.00
14 DC cardioversion 100.00 50.00
15 Termporary cardiac pacing 300.00 150.00
16 Permanent cardiac pacing 500.00 250.00
17 Electrophysiological evaluation 400.00 200.00
18 Right heart Catheterisation 400.00 200.00
Left heart catheterisation and angiogaphy 600.00 300.00
19 + aortography , PTCA
20 Angioplasty/Vulvalplasty 1000.00 500.00
21 BVP 1000.00 500.00
22 Non-stress test 150.00 75.00


Revised Rate
S.No Investigation
A and B C

1 Blood grouping (ABO and Rh) 15.00 7.50
2 Blood cross matching 15.00 7.50
3 Blood grouping and matching 20.00 10.00
4 Supply of 1 unit of blood/packed
cells/frozen plasma/cryoprecipitate 100.00 050.00
5 Charges where Donor is provided 75.00 37.50
6 Platelet concentrate 150.00 75.00
7 Rh-antibody titre 25.00 12.50
8 Coomb's test. 25.00 12.50

Revised Rate
Sl. No. Investigation (Rs)
A and B C
9 Cold aggluting 20.00 10.00
10 L.E/Cell/PCU 25.00 12.50
11 Bone-Marrow examination 30.00 15.00
Coagulation Studies
Thromboplastin generation test 100.00 50.00
12 Prothombin Time (PT) 100.00 50.00
13 Fibrinogen degradation product 100.00 50.00
14 Firbrinogen estimation 100.00 50.00
15 Platelet factor 100.00 50.00
16 Thrombin time 100.00 50.00
17 Glot retraction 100.00 50.00
18 Anti-nuclear antibody test 100.00 50.00
19 Platelet antibodies 50.00 25.00
20 Alkali denaturation test 20.00 10.00
21 Sickling test 15.00 7.50
22 Biopsies for Histopathology 50.00 25.00
23 Cytology 25.00 12.50
24 F.N.A.C 50.00 25.00
25 Nak 15.00 7.50
26 MP and MF 15.00 7.50
All Cultures for AFB Fungi, Amoeba and
1 other organisms except 20.00 10.00
2 Additional charges for sensitivity of above 10.00 5.00
3 Brucella agglutination test 15.00 7.50
4 Nail Felix reation 15.00 7.50
5 ASLO Test 15.00 7.50
6 C-reactive protens 15.00 7.50
7 Paul Bunnel Test 15.00 7.50
8 Cold Agglutination test 15.00 7.50
Indirect hemagglutination test- 15.00 7.50
9 Amoebasis/Toxoplasmosis/Filariasis
10 Casoni’s Test 10.00 5.00
11 Serological test for Virus, Widal, HBS Ag 20.00 10.00
12 Virus Culture and isolation 35.00 17.50
13 Smear examination for Begribody 20.00 10.00
14 Mouse inoculation for Rabies 40.00 20.00
15 Animal inoculation for Toxoplasmosis 30.00 15.00
16 Culture 30.00 15.00

Revised Rate
Sl. No Investigation (Rs)
A and B C
17 Sterility testing (water) 25.00 12.50
18 Water analysis, Rose wala 20.00 10.00
19 Any work involving animal inoculation 25.00 12.50
1 Urinary Catecholamines 40.00 20.00
2 V.M.A 60.00 30.00
1 Pregnancy diagnostic test 40.00 20.00
2 Pumonary function test 20.00 10.00
3 Skin Thermometry 15.00 7.50
4 Nerve Conduction 20.00 101.00
5 Basal metabolic rate 15.00 7.50
6 Electromygraphy 30.00 15.00
7 Tonociliography 30.00 15.00
Blood Glucose ( Randon/Fasting/Post
1 prandial) 15.00 7.50
2 Blood Urea 15.00 7.50
3 Serum Electrolytes (Na,K,Cl)/Serum Lithium 30.00 15.00
4 Serum Bilirubin(Total Direct) 30.00 15.00
5 Serum Protein (Total and Albumin) 20.00 10.00
Serum Enzymes : Alkaline phosphatase 15.00 7.50
Alanine aminotransferase (SGPT) 15.00 7.50
Asparate aminotransferase (SGPT) 15.00 7.50
6 Laclate dehydrogenase (Total LDH) 15.00 7.50
7 Complete Haemogram 40.00 20.00
8 Ac:Phospatase Total 15.00 7.50
9 Acid Phosphatase Test-Prate Liabile 15.00 7.50
10 Creatine Phosphokinase (CK) 25.00 12.50
11 Anylase 25.00 12.50
12 Gamma Glutamy Transferase (GT) 15.00 7.50
13 Creatinine (Serume /Urine) 15.00 7.50
14 Creatinine clearance test 25.00 12.50
15 Urea Clearance test 25.00 12.50
16 Glucose tolerance test (GTT)(3 samples) 50.00 25.00
17 Serum Cholesterol 15.00 7.50
18 Serum Triglycerides 25.00 12.50
19 Serum HDL-cholesterol 25.00 12.50
20 Serum Calcium (Total) 15.00 7.50
21 Serum inorganic phosponis 15.00 7.50

22 Uric Acid (Serum) 15.00 7.50

23 Serum Copper/Ceruluplasmin 25.00 12.50
24 Biofuids synovial, etc 20.00 10.00
25 Carbo spinal fluid analysis 50.00 25.00
26 Blood Ammonia 25.00 12.50
27 Blood Gas Alalysis (Ph,PCo2, PO2) 150.00 75.00
28 Electrophoresis-Plasma/Serum 35.00 17.50
Hemoglobin 35.00 17.50
35.00 17.50
29 Screening tests : Bencess Jone Proteins 10.00 5.00
Glucose 6 phospatase deficiency 15.00 7.50
Mucopoly sacchariedes
20.00 10.00
5 HIAA (5 Hydroxy indile acitic acid)
15.00 7.50
Amino Acides in Urine (Chronatography)
25.00 12.50
30 Fecal fat studies 30.00 15.00
31 VMA (Vanilyl Mandelic Acid ) in Urine 15.00 7.50
32 Urinary 17 Ketosteroide 30.00 15.00
33 Homonal Assays:
Raio active Iodine uptake 121 150.00 75.00
150.00 75.00
150.00 75.00
Insulin 150.00 75.00
LH/FSH/PRADACHIR/C peptide/Testosterone, etc 150.00 75.00
200.00 100.00
34 Calculi analysis 20.00 10.00
35 Miscellaneous : Hollander's test 25.00 12.50
Total and Free Acidity in gastric juice
15.00 7.50
1 Dental crown one 15.00 7.50
2 Dental crown subsequent ones 10.00 5.00
3 Maixllogacial dental prostheses 30.00 15.00
Orthodontic appliances (Bite plate, retaction
4 plate, retention plate, roal serene) 25.00 12.50
5 Orthodontic fixed : Onejaw 90.00 45.00
6 Partial denture : One tooth plate 15.00 7.50
Subsequent addition of each tooth
5.00 2.50
7 Full Denture one jaw 60.00 30.00
8 Full Denture both jaws 120.00 60.00

1 Barium Enema 75.00 37.50
2 Pyelography intervenous and retrograde 100.00 50.00
3 Cholacystography 75.00 37.50
4 Salphinography 50.00 25.00
5 Myelography 75.00 37.50
6 Bronchography inculding surgical procedure 125.00 62.50
7 Tomography 75.00 37.50
8 Cerebral Angiography 100.00 50.00
9 Pneumophalography 125.00 62.50
10 Pneumophalography-Procedures 125.00 62.50
11 Barium Swallo 50.00 25.00
12 Spelnoportovanogram 50.00 25.00
13 I.V.Choloenogiogram 50.00 25.00
14 T.Tube Cholangiogram 50.00 25.00
15 Percutaneous Cholgiogram 75.00 37.50
16 Sailogram 25.00 12.50
17 Cystogram 25.00 12.50
18 Cystourethrogram 35.00 17.50
19 Retroperitoneal air insufflation 50.00 25.00
20 Pneumoperitoneum 25.00 12.50
21 Cyneagram 25.00 12.50
22 Sinogram 25.00 12.50
23 Fistulogram 25.00 12.50
24 Vanogram(peripheral) 50.00 25.00
25 Inferior Venagacogram 100.00 500.00
26 Thyroid Scan 75.00 37.50
27 Liver Scan 100.00 50.00
CAT Scan 1000.00 500.00
28 Utra Sound (NST) 150.00 75.00
29 CT Scan (brain) 1000.00 1000.00
30 CT Scan (each other part) 1500.00 1500.00
31 MRI Scan 3000.00 3000.00
*Extra charges will be levied for Dye wherever it is needed

Sl.No Name of the Post Pay Scales
1 Director Rs.26000 Plus NPA
2 Dean Rs.18400-500-22400/- Plus NPA
3 Medical Superintendent Rs.18400-500-22400/- Plus NPA
4 Additional Medical Superintendent Rs.18400-500-22400/- Plus NPA
5 Assistant Professor (Medical) Rs.11625-325-15200 Plus NPA
6 Assistant Professor (Non-Medical) Rs.10000-325-15200/-
7 Associate Professor (Medical) Rs.14300-450-18300/- Plus NPA
Associate Professor (Non Medical)
8 Biometrics Rs.12000-375-16500/-
9 Biochemist Rs.8000-375-13500/-
10 chief Medical Officer Rs.12000-375-16500/- Plus NPA
11 Chief Nursing Officer Rs.10000-325-15200/-
12 Child Psychologist Rs.8000-275-13500/-
Clinical and Social Psychologist -cum
13 tutor Rs.8000-275-13500/-
14 Dental Surgeon Rs.8000-275-13500/-
15 Deputy Director Rs.10000-325-15200/-
16 Dy.Medical Superintendent Rs.12000-375-16500/- Plus NPA
17 Joint Director Rs.12000-375-16500
18 Jr. Clinical Biochemist Rs.8000-275-13500/-
19 Lecturer Rs.8000-275-13500/-
20 Medical Officer Rs.8000-275-13500/- Plus NPA
21 Additional professor (Medical) Rs.16400-450-20900/- Plus NPA
22 Nursing Superintendent Rs.8000-275-13500/-
23 Professor (Medical) Rs. 18400-500-22400 Plus NPA
24 Professor (Non-Medical) Rs.14300-400-18300/-
25 Registrar Rs.8000-275-13500/-
26 Senior Medical Officer Rs.10000-325-15200/- Plus NPA
27 Social Scientist Rs.8000-275-13500

28 Welfare Officer Rs.8000-275-13500/-

29 Sr. Occupational Therapist Rs.8000-275-13500/-
30 Sr. Physiotherapist Rs.8000-275-13500/-
31 Senior Dietician Rs.8000-275-13500/-
32 Principal (College of Nursing) Rs.12000-375-16500/-
33 Vice Principal (College of Nursing) Rs.10000-325-15200/-
34 Lecturer(college of Nursing) Rs.8000-275-13500/-
35 Accounts Officer Rs.7450-225-11500/-
36 Administrative Officer Rs.7500-250-12000/-
37 Asst. Accounts Officer Rs.5500-175-9000/-
38 Asst. Administrative Officer Rs.6500-200-10500/-
39 Asst. Biochemist Rs.6500-200-10500/-
40 Asst. Lib and information officer Rs.6500-200-10500/-
41 Asst. Registrar Rs.6500-200-10500/-
42 Dy. Nursing Superintendent Rs.6500-200-10500/-
43 Hindi Officer Rs.6500-200-10500/-
44 Law Officer Rs.6500-200-10500/-
45 Manager (Press) Rs.6500-200-10500/-
46 Manager (Workshop) Rs.6500-200-10500/-
47 Medical Records Officer Cum-Tutor Rs.6500-200-10500/-
48 Private Secretary Rs.6500-200-10500/-
49 Scientific Officer cum Tutor Rs.6500-200-10500/-
50 Sr. Research Officer Rs.6500-200-10500/-
51 Social Service Officer Rs.6500-200-10500/-
52 Store Officer Rs.6500-200-10500/-
53 Superintendent (CSSD) Rs.6500-200-10500/-
54 Supervisor (MID) Rs.6500-200-10500/-
55 Tech. Supervisor Rs.6500-200-10500/-
56 Tech. Supervisor (NTTC) Rs.6500-200-10500/-
57 Tutor in Speech Path and Audiology Rs.6500-200-10500/-
58 Asst. Clinical Pathologist Rs.6500-200-10500/-
59 Asst. Nursing Superintendent Rs.6500-200-10500/-
60 Chemist Rs.5500-175-9000/-
61 Dietician Rs.6500-200-10500/-
62 Estate Manager Rs.6500-200-10500/-

63 Family Planning Extn. Educator Rs.5500-175-9000/-

64 Head Pharmacist Rs.5500-175-9000/-
65 Jr. Dietician Rs.5500-175-9000/-
66 Jr. Occupational Therapist Rs.5500-175-9000/-
67 Jr. Physiotherapist Rs.5500-175-9000/-
68 Medical Social Worker Rs.5500-175-9000/-
69 Medical Social Worker cum-Tutor Rs.5500-175-9000/-
70 Nursing Sister Rs.5500-175-9000/-
71 Officer Superintendent Rs.5500-175-9000/-
72 Officer Superintendent (Stores) Rs.5500-175-9000/-
73 Orthotist Rs.5500-175-9000/-
74 Pharmacological Analyst Rs.5500-175-9000/-
75 Psychiatric Nurse Rs.5500-175-9000/-
76 Psychiatric Social Worker cum tutor Rs.5500-175-9000/-
77 Public Health Nurse Rs.5500-175-9000/-
78 Sanitary Superintendent Rs.5500-175-9000/-
79 Sr. Hindi Translator Rs.5500-175-9000/-
80 Sr. Medical social Worker Rs.5500-175-9000/-
81 Sr. Photographer Rs.5500-175-9000/-
82 Sr. Translator cum information Asst. Rs.5500-175-9000/-
83 Sister Tutor Rs.6500-200-10500/-
84 Statistician cum demonstrator Rs.5500-175-9000/-
85 Steno Gr.1 Rs.5500-175-9000/-
86 Superintendent (Horticulture) Rs.5500-175-9000/-
87 Superintendent cum Manager Rs.5500-175-9000/-
88 Tech. Supervisor (Radiography) Rs.5500-175-9000/-
89 Prosthetist Rs.5500-175-9000/-

The method of recruitment, age, educational

qualification and experience, etc., for various
posts in the Jawaharial Institute of Post-
Graduate Institute of Medical Education and
Research (JIPMER)
I. Director: The appointment to the post of
Director (Rs.26000 fixed +NPA) shall be a tenure
appointment for a period of five years from the
date on which he enters upon his office or till
he attains the age of sixty-five whichever is
earlier. The educational qualification, the age
etc., is as indicated as Annexure – I.

II. Medical Faculty Post: The vacancies in Assistant

Professor and the Professor shall be filled by
direct recruitment. The direct recruitment can
also be made at the level of Associate Professor
and Additional Professor. The qualification or
experience, etc., for the post are indicated in
Annexure-II. The exact qualification shall be
determined at the time of each selection
depending on the discipline in which the
institute shall be as per the Assessment
Promotion Scheme in All India Institute of
Medical Sciences, New Delhi and Post-Graduate
Institute of Medical Education and Research,
Chandigarh. The details are at Annexure III.

III. Till the Institute formulates the regulations,

the method of recruitment, age, educational
qualification and experience for various posts
belonging to General Central Service and General
Duty Medical Officer shall be as contained in
the recruitment rules notified by the Central
Government for the respective posts. The Career
Progression of officers belonging to General
Duty Medical Officer sub-carder of Central
Health Service who opt to become the employees
of the institute shall continue to be governed
by the Dynamic Assured Career Progression (DACP)
Scheme as applicable to General Duty Medical
Officer sub-carder of Ventral Health Service.
The Non-Medical Scientists who opt to become the

employees of JIPMER shall continue to be

governed by the in-situ rules as applicable to
Non-Medical Scientists working in various
institutions under the Ministry of Health and
Family Welfare.

The age and educational qualification for the
post Director, JIPMER
Name of the Post - Director
Pay Scale - Rs.26000/- fixed + NPA of 25% of Basic Pay
(Pay+DPA+NPA does not exceed Rs. 44250/-)

Age - Not exceeding sixty ears. Relaxable for Government

servants or retired Government servants or
serving or retired persons from autonomous
institutions or statutory institutions of State
or Central Government or exceptionally
qualified candidates.

Qualification - (a) A high post-graduated qualification in Medicine

or Surgery or Public Health and their branches.

(b) Teaching and or research experience of not less

than ten years.

(c) Twenty-five years standing in the professions.

(d) Extensive practical and administrative

experience in the field of medical research,
medical education or adequate experience of
running an important scientific educational
institution either as its Head or Head of a

Tenure of service - The appointment of Director shall be a tenure

appointment of a period of five years from the
date on which he enters upon his office or till
he attains the age of sixty-five years, whichever
is earlier.

Probation - One year

The Director shall be entitled to a residential accommodation within the campus

on payment of standard rate of licence fee under FR 45 or 10% of pay, whichever
is less.

Annexure – II

Name of the post Qualification
1. Professor Essential for medical candidates:

Pay scale: Rs.18400- 1. A medical qualification included in the I or

500-22400 (Plus NPA II Schedule or Part II of the third Schedule
for medical to the Indian Medical Council Act of 1956
candidates only) (persons possessing qualifications
included in part II or third schedule should
also fulfil the conditions specified in
Section 13(3) of the Act.)
2. A postgraduate qualification, e.g. MD or
MS or a recognised qualification
equivalent thereto in the respective
discipline or subject.


3. M.Ch or surgical superspecialties and D.M

for Medical Superspecialities (two years or
three years or five years recognised
equivalent thereto.


Fourteen years teaching and, or research

experience in a recognised institution in the
subject or speciality after obtaining the qualifying
degree of MD or MS or qualification recognise
equivalent thereto.


Twelve years teaching and, or research

experience in a recognised institution in the
subject of speciality after obtaining the qualifying
degree of M.Ch or DM (two years or five years
course recognised after MBBS) in the respective
discipline or subject or a qualification recognised
equivalent thereto.


Eleven years teaching and, or research

experience in a recognised institution in the
subject of speciality for the candidates possessing
three years recognised degree of DM or M.Ch in
the respective discipline or subject or a
qualification recognised equivalent thereto.


1. Postgraduate qualification, e.g. Master

degree in the discipline or allied subject.
2. A doctorate degree of a recognised


Fourteen years teaching and, or research

experience in the discipline or subject concerned
after obtaining the doctorate degree.
2. Additional Professor Essential for medical candidates (for General
Pay Scale: Rs.16400-
450-20900 (plus NPA Essential qualification are same as for Professor
candidates only) (Medical)


Ten years teaching and, of research experience in

a recognised institution in the subject of
speciality after obtaining the qualifying degree of
MD or MS or a qualification recognised
equivalent thereto.

Essential for Superspeciality disciplines:

1. Same as Professor (Medical)

2. DM in respective discipline or subject for
medical superspecialities and M.Ch in
respective discipline or subject for surgical
superspecialities (two years or three years
or five years recognised course) of a
qualification recognised equivalent


Eight years teaching and, or research experience

in a recognised institution in the subject of
speciality after obtaining the qualifying degree of
DM or M.Ch. (two years or five years recognised
course after MBBS) in the respective discipline or
subject or a qualification recognised equivalent


Seven years teaching and, or research experience

in a recognised institution in the subject of
speciality for the candidates possessing three
years recognised degree of DM or M.Ch. in the
respective discipline or subject or a qualification
recognised equivalent thereto.

Essential for Non-Medical candidates:

Essential qualification are same as for Professor



Ten years teaching and, or research experience in

the discipline or subject concerned after
obtaining the doctorate degree.
3. Associate Professor Essential for medical candidates (for General

Essential Qualification are same as for Professor



Six years teaching and, or research experience in

a recognised institution in the subject of
speciality after obtaining the qualifying degree of
MD or MS or a qualification recognised
equivalent thereto.

Essential for Super speciality disciplines:

1. Same as Professor (Medical)

2. DM in the respective discipline or subject
for medical superspecialities and M.Ch in

the respective discipline or subject for

surgical superspecialities (two years or
three years or five years recognised
course) or a qualification recognised
equivalent thereto.


Four years teaching and, or research experience

in a recognised institution in the subject after
obtaining the qualifying degree of DM or M.Ch.
(two years or three years recognised course after
MBBS) in the respective discipline or subject or a
qualification recognised equivalent thereto.

Three years teaching and, or research experience

in a recognised institution in the subject of
speciality for the candidates possessing three
years recognised degree of DM or M.Ch in the
respective discipline or subject or a qualification
recognised equivalent thereto.

Essential for Non-Medical Candidates:

Essential qualifications are same as for Professor



Six years teaching and, or research experience in

the discipline or subject concerned after
obtaining the doctorate degree.
4. Assistant Professor Essential for Medical Candidates (for General
Pay Scale: Rs.11625-
325-15200 (plus NPA Essential qualification are same as for Professor
for medical (Medical)
candidates only)

Three years teaching and, or research experience

in a recognised institution in the subject or
speciality after obtaining the qualifying degree of
MD or MS or a qualification recognised
equivalent thereto.

Essential for Superspeciality disciplines:

1. Same as Professor (Medical)

2. DM in the respective discipline or subject
for medical superspecialities and M.Ch. in
the respective discipline or subject for
surgical superspecialities (two years or
three years or five years recognised
course) or a qualification recognised
equivalent thereto.


One year teaching and, or research experience in

a recognised institution in the subject of
speciality after obtaining the qualifying degree of
DM or M.Ch. (two years or five years recognised
course after MBBS) or a qualifying recognised
equivalent thereto. However no experience is
necessary for the candidates possessing the three
years recognised degree of DM or M.Ch. or
qualification recognised equivalent thereto.

Essential for Non-Medical Candidates:

Essential qualifications are same as for Professor



Three years teaching and, or research experience

in the discipline or subject concerned after
obtaining the doctorate degree.


The salient features of the Assessment Promotion Scheme are as


(i) 100% of Assistant Professors with four years of service be considered

for promotion as Associate Professors each year without linkage to the
vacancies in the grade of Associate Professor.

(ii) 75% of Associate Professor with four years of service be considered for
promotion as Additional Professors each year without linkage to the
vacancies in the grade of Additional Professor

(iii) 50% of eligible Additional Professors with seven years of regular service
in the grade of Additional Professor may be promoted as Professor each
year without linkage to the vacancies in the grade on the following terms
and conditions:-

(a) The presently sanctioned posts of Professors as well as newly

created additional posts of Professors and posts forming part of
the sanctioned strength failing vacant due to retirement,
resignation, death or any other reasons will continue to be filled by
open selection

(b) The post of Professor vacated by a candidate promoted from the

grade of Additional Professor to that of Professor under the
Assessment Promotion Scheme will be filled only at the level of
Assistant Professor.

(iv) A faculty member could avail of a total of three chances at each level in
Assessment Promotion Scheme. The time interval between the first and
second chance would be two years and between the second and third
chance it would be three years.

(v) 25% of the sanctioned posts of Professor shall be operated at the level
of senior Professor and shall be filled from the grade of Professor by


These guidelines will apply to promotions to the faculty posts in the

grade of Associate Professor, Additional Professor and Professor.


Assistant Professors or Associate Professors with four years and

Additional Professors with seven years of regular service in the respective
grades in JIPMER are eligible for promotion as Associate Professor,
Additional Professor and Professor respectively. No other conditions, e.g
higher qualifications as for direct recruits, need be fulfilled.


While 100% of Assistant Professors(With the required eligibility sevice)

can be promoted to the grade of Assistant Professor if they are found fit,
the number of such Associate Professors who can be promoted is limited to
75% of the Associate Professors with four years of service and who are also
be eligible to be considered for that year. However, 50% of Additional
Professors with seven years of service can be promoted to the grade of
Professor it they are found fit.


The Assessment Board will meet once a year and consider the fitness of
all persons who have completed the eligibility service of four years and
seven years respectively as on 30th June of that year. All promotions under
the Scheme will be effective from 1st July.


As per the rules in force, there can be direct recruitment to all grades of
the Faculty and the selection on each occasion could be for appointment to

be made at the same time but in more than one discipline. The combined
eligibility list of the institute shall be worked out as follows :-

(i) The seniority of employees of the Institute in each category

shall be determined by the order of merit in which they were
selected for appointment to the grade in question, those
selected on an earlier occasion being ranked senior as a block
to those selected later.

(ii) The preparation of seniority list of persons selected in the same

selection committee would involve the following steps:-

STEP -1:

Draw up list of persons on the basis of their date of joining those joining
on earlier date being placed above those joining on a later date.


In the list prepared as above, those who join on the same date may be
arranged in order of age-those born earlier being placed above those
born later.


For those joining on the same date and adjusted as in Step II above
according to their age, further rearrangement may be carried out so that
the original inter-se-seniority of the Institute employee in the lower
post/grade maintained. This operation may be done by pulling down the
junior in the previous combined seniority list immediately below his
senior in that list now appearing in this list even though he may be elder
in age.


The above list may now be further modified to carry corrections of

violation of departmental merit/seniority laid down by the selection
committee. This will be down by pulling the junior down immediately
below his senior in merit.

NOTE: In cases where a junior in the combined seniority list is being

considered for assessment, all persons senior to him in the seniority list
will : also be considered even though the seniors do not have the
requisite years of service. The senior if found fit will be given notional
promotion with effect from the date of promotion of his junior and for
purposes of pay etc., it would be granted to him with effect from the
date of actual promotion. i.e the date on which he completes four years
services on the grade at the JIPMER , provided the following two
conditions are fulfilled:-

a) Probation shall have been completed successfully.

b) The total period of extension granted to join the service should not
have exceeded six months.


The Assessment Board shall take into consideration its recommendations

of the Head of the Department or Unit, the performance of the faculty
members with reference to annual confidential reports and his or her
performance in the interview for deciding his fitness for promotion to the
next higher grade. However, the Board may consider in absentia the
candidature of such faculty members as are unable to present themselves
for interview.


A faculty member could avail a total of three chances at each level for
being considered for promotion under the scheme. The time interval
between the first and second chance would be two years and between the
second and third chance three years. In case a candidate is found fit, but
not given promotion due to ceiling, then it would not be considered as a
chance availed of and his/her case will be reviewed at the next assessment
subject to nothing adverse having come up within the year.

In other words, those candidates who have been assessed fit for
promotion but not promoted due to the ceiling, need not be called for
interview in the next assessment year. Their case will only be reviewed by
the Board of the next year with reference to the confidential Report
earned by them for the intervening year and their names included in the
select list if nothing adverse is noticed.



While considering the promotion from Associate Professor to Additional

Professor, 75% ceiling may be determined on the number of candidates
who are considered by the Standing Selection Committee in interview or in
absentia (as approved by IB-6€ on 15.01.1997) . As such from Additional
Professor to Professor, 50% ceiling may be determined on the number of
candidates who are considered by the Standing Selection Committee in
interview or in absentia.


Rs.14300-400-18300 (Plus NPA for

(i) Associate Professor
Medical Persons only)

Rs.16400-450-20900 (plus NPA for

(ii) Additional Professor
Medical Persons only)

Rs.18400-500-22400 (plus NPA for

(iii) Professor
Medical Persons only)

Rs.22400-525-24500 (Plus NPA for

(iv) Senior Professor
Medical Persons only)




The fee to be charged by the Institute from the candidates applying for various
posts advertised by the Institute is as under:-

Application fee
General/OBC SC/ST Cost of Form
All Group ‘A’ , ‘B’
posts and Senior
Rs.500/- Rs.250/- Rs.25/-
Demonstrators and
Senior Medical
Group ‘C’ posts where
selections are done Rs.200/- Rs.100/- Rs.25/-
by interview only
Group ‘C’ posts where
selections are done
Rs.300/- Rs.150/- Rs.25/-
by way of written test
and interview
Group ‘D’ posts Rs.150/- Rs.75/- Rs.10/-




Sl.No Description Appointing Authority competent to impose Appellate

of the post Authority penalties and Appellate Authority
penalties which it may impose
with reference to Rule-11 of the
Central Civil Services
(Classification, Control and
Appeal) Rules, 1965
Disciplinary Penalties under
Authority Rule-11 of the
Central Civil
Control and
Appeal) Rules,
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
1. Director Institute Institute All Subject to the Central
(Subject to condition that Government
Rule-7 of penalties (v) to
JIPMER, (ix) shall not be
Puducherry imposed without
Rules, 2008 the prior
approval of the
2. All group Governing a) Governing All Institute
‘A’ posts Body Body
expect b) President (i) to (iv) Governing
Director Body
3. Group ‘B’ President a) President All Governing
posts Body
b) Director (i) to (iv) President
4. Group ‘C’ Director Director All President
and ‘D’

Note: 1 Authorisation of Director, JIPMER – to issue the charge sheet and

statement of imputation, penalties and suspension orders after
obtaining the approval of the Governing Body or President, as the
case may be. The notice, the charge sheet and the statement of
allegation, etc., would be signed by the Director for and on behalf or
Governing body or the president as the case may be and the
documents also expressly state this fact. Phrases like by the order of
the Governing Body or the President can be used on such documents.

Note: 2 Since the governing body meeting are at fixed intervals, the Chairman
of the Governing Body is authorised to initiate disciplinary
proceeding against the employees of Group A and Faculty Members.
The final decision on the penalty will be taken in the Governing Body




Sl. No. of Eligibility

Type of quarters Remarks
No quarters (basic pay)
has been
1. Type C II 13 Rs.15,100/-
made as per
2. Type VB 14 Rs.15,100/- -do-
3. Type VA 14 Rs.12,000/- -do-
4. Type D II 24 Rs.12,000/- -do-
5. Type IV 8 Rs.8,500/- -do-
6. Type E 44 Rs.8,500/- -do-
7. Type III 24 Rs.5,500/- -do-
8. Type F 32 Rs.5,500/- -do-
9. Type II 36 Rs.3,050/- -do-
10. Type G 100 Rs.3,050/- -do-
11. Type I 44 Rs.2,500/- -do-
12. Type H 92 Rs.2,500/- -do-
MSR Quarters
13. (Married Senior 24 Rs.8,500/- -do-

Total No. of quarters: 469

There shall be a house earmarked for Director.

Shalini Prasad, Jt.Secy

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