Pet 2 - 2º Ano - At. Complementares

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The text and answer questions 1 - 10:


Hotmart is a complete platform for those who want to create and sell digital
products such as e-books, online courses, videos, subscriptions, among others.
It is widely used by content producers and affiliates. It is a company with a
worldwide presence and promotes entrepreneurship and distance education.
Hotmart allows anyone who wants to work with digital products. Best of all, many
people are well paid working in this digital market.

1. The purpose of the text is:

a) describe a product.
b) advertise a product.
c) tell a story.
d) convince the reader.

2. Hotmart is a platform:
a) physics.
b) natural.
c) digital.
d) school.
3. According to the text, Hotmart's goal is to offer an environment so that people can:
a) produce and sell products.
b) advertise store products.
c) find a relationship.
d) attend a university.

4. Who more uses the Hotmart platform?

a) Store entrepreneurs.
b) Content producers.
c) Affiliate companies.
d) Teachers and students.

5. No trecho: “It is widely used...”, o termo grifado faz uma retomada da palavra:
a) “online courses”
b) “digital products”
c) “Hotmart”
d) “others”

6. Segundo o texto, a Hotmart:

a) oferece assinaturas de televisão.
b) está presente apenas na América Latina.
c) é um canal virtual de relacionamento.
d) oferece cursos de aprendizagem.

7. According to the text, choose the FALSE alternative:

a) Hotmart offers work alternatives.
b) The Hotmart platform is present worldwide.
c) At Hotmart, people study and only offer free courses.
d) Hotmart is a good opportunity for entrepreneurship.

8. The genre of the text is:

a) Advertising.
b) Government campaign.
c) Informative text.
d) Opinion article.

Leia a tirinha e responda às questões seguintes:

9. Answer the questions below.

a) What is the boy doing in his free time?

b) Is it an indoor or an outdoor activity?


10. What does the boy say when he compares computer games to real life?
[ ] Computer games are not as good as real life.
[ ] Computer games are almost as good as real life.
Leia o texto para responder às questões 11 - 15:

Manaus is an amazing city located in the heart of the Amazon jungle. The first day there we went to
the Teatro Amazonas, an imposing building constructed in the late nineteenth century. There I met
my first Brazilian friend, a native descendant girl named Tainá. She told me about the Festival de
Parintins, a big spectacle based on a indigenous legend.

11. The text talks about:

a) a city
b) a country.
c) a company.
d) a school.

12. Segundo o texto, Manaus está localizado:

a) próximo à Amazônia.
b) no centro da Amazônia.
c) no coração da Amazônia.
d) no coração da selva amazônica.

13. No trecho traduzido: "No ________ dia lá, fomos ao Teatro Amazonas...", a palavra que
completa corretamente de acordo com o texto é
a) primeiro.
b) segundo.
c) terceiro.
d) quinto.

14. According to the text, Tainá was

a) descendants of Afro-Brazilians.
b) descendants of Indians.
c) children of Africans.
d) children of Brazilians and Americans.

15. Segundo o texto, o imponente teatro foi construído no século

a) 18.
b) 19.
c) 20.
d) 21.

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