Beltane Workbook
Beltane Workbook
Beltane Workbook
beltAne workbooK
© C OPYR I G H T ET H ON Y 20 1 8
About beltAne
In Pagan symbolism, the God and the Goddess perform the Great Rite
at Beltane, lying together to ensure the fertility of the Earth. The God
quickens the Goddess' womb and the land flourishes under the gentle
wing of their love. This is a time to celebrate the coming together of
the masculine and feminine creative energies.
May Day has long been marked with feasts and rituals. Maypoles,
supremely phallic symbols, were the focal point of old English village
rituals. Many people arose at dawn to gather flowers and green
branches from the fields and gardens, using them to decorate the
village Maypoles.
The flowers and greenery symbolise the Goddess and the Maypole
represents the God. Beltane marks the return of vitality and passion of
summer. Maypoles are still used by Wiccans today where we have the
facilities to do so. Another common focal point of the Beltane rituals is
the cauldron. It represents the Goddess.
© C OPYR I GH T ET H ON Y 20 1 8
About beltAne
divine beings
Sun and Fire Gods and Goddesses, Divine marriages, Ra,
Apollo, Cernunus, Love Gods and Goddesses.
Red, White, Pink, Yellow, Orange, Gold.
altar decorations
Flowers, chalice and athame (representing the great rite)
cauldron, butterflies, fertility symbols, birds, bees, seeds,
acorns, horns.
Salads, summer fruits, berries, seeds, quiche, salads,
© C OPYR I GH T ET H ON Y 20 1 8
celebrating beltAne
May 1st is May Day, the day of Beltane festivities. It’s a wonderful time
to host a feast to celebrate with your friends or beloved.
If you can, have it outside, with a fire. After sharing food together,
dance around with fire to music or drums. If you are with your
beloved, make love. It’s a wonderful night to stay out late.
If staying inside is necessary, turn out the lights and enjoy your meal
by candlelight. After your meal place many candles in the middle of
the table and dance around it like it’s a giant bonfire.
Make flower crowns if you want to connect with feminine energy. For
those who want to celebrate connecting with their masculine energy
can wear antlers.
If you can’t stay out all night (it is a Tuesday after all), go outside early
in the morning and stand in dewy grass barefoot. Then gather the
dew in your hands and wipe it onto your face. Very invigorating!
© C OPYR I GH T ET H ON Y 20 1 8
celebrating beltAne
beltAne pRactices:
Capitalise on the electricity of beltane by stoking your creative fires.
Make time to work on a project that you’ve been thinking about. Or
just take time to play doing something you enjoy.
© C OPYR I GH T ET H ON Y 20 1 8
beltAne Tarot spRead
1 the goddess
What is within?
1 2
2 the god
What is manifesting?
3 union
How can 1 & 2 help bring
balance or create
4 fertility
What is abundant right
5 fire
What needs to transform?
6 creation
What energies are around
your creativity?
© C OPYR I GH T ET H ON Y 20 1 8
About Ethony,the High Priestess
Ethony is a practicing eclectic Witch and Tarot reader and author who loves to
create more than sleep. She is the High Priestess of the Awakened Soul Coven
and Headmistress at the Tarot Readers Academy where she teachers and
mentors Tarot professionals and students through the courses available there.
Ethony is the creator or the Awakened Soul Oracle, Bad Bitches Tarot, and the
Wheel of the Year Meditation CD Series.
© C OPYR I GH T ET H ON Y 20 1 8