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A Feast of Thanksgiving

Autumn brings with it some of the most wonderful foods and drinks. As the time of
the second harvest, and in preparation for the coming winter, we honor this time of
bounty with gratitude and celebration. As such, it is known as the Pagan Thanksgiving
and we indulge just as much at our Mabon feasts as anyone does at the mundane
Thanksgiving in November.
Hot Mulled Cider
Apple cider is a drink that the whole family can enjoy. I remember visiting apple
orchards and watching the apples being pressed to make cider each autumn. There
was a strong, tangy aroma to the area as we walked down the line, watching the entire
process on the way to the orchard store. Adults may want to try a shot of dark, spiced
rum added to their cider.
You will need:
~ cup brown sugar
1 tsp whole allspice
1 tsp whole cloves
~ tsp salt
dash nutmeg
3 cinnamon sticks
2 quarts apple cider
Combine brown sugar, allspice, cloves, salt, nutmeg, cinnamon sticks, and apple cider
in large saucepan.
Bring to boiling. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes.
Strain to remove spices.
-Kristin Madden
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Llewellyn Publications
St. Paul, Minnesota 55164-0383, U.S.A.
Acknowledgments I xv
Preface I xvii
One: The Origins of Thanksgiving I 1
Canada United States' To Autumn
Two: Traditions Around the World I 11
The Ancient Inca' The Ancient Greeks' The Far East India'
Israel' Italy Great Britain The "New World'" Modern Norse
Modern Druids Neopagan
Three: Myths and Deities I 29
The Greeks and Romans The Egyptians The Middle East The Sumerians
The Akkadians (Babylonians) The Phoenicians The Hindus
The Norse' The Celts
xii Contents
Four: Symbols of the Season I 47
Colors Animals Mythical and Otherworldly Beings
Plants Other Symbols
Five: Rituals of Mabon I 69
Altar Decorations' Using Essential Oils' Mabon Rites - Hallowing -
Neoshamanic' Children's Ritual- Eclectic Pagan Pride Ritual' Sir John Barleycorn
Six: A Feast of Thanksgiving I 97
Meal Blessing - Green Chile Sauce - Salsa' Vegetarian Chili Rowan's Cheesy Squash -
Baked Salmon - Pomegranate Chicken' Green Chile Stew' Mabon Cornbread
Corn Chowder' Pumpkin Puree - Roasted Pumpkin Seeds'
Saffron Crescent Cakes for Ashtoreth Berry Jam - Blue-Ribbon Apple Pie
Apple Cobbler - Oatmeal Walnut Cookies Popcorn Balls'
Energizing Beverages
Mabon Party Fruit Punch - Hot Mulled Cider' Blackberry Wine'
Quick Meade' Freyja's Libation
Seven: A Magickal Mabon I 117
Protection Prosperity Offering to the Animals
Augury - Working with the Ogham
Connecting Earth and Sky Into the Shadows
Eight: The Fun Stuff I 139
The Festive Home
Paraffin Leaves Harvest Branch Sun Wheel' Corn Dolly Apple Dolls -
A Mabon Centerpiece' Thanksgiving Placecards Corn Husk Placemats
Contents X11l
Homemade Candles' Hand-poured Candles' Hand-rolled Candles'
Autumn Wreaths' Living Herb Wreath' Chile Ristras
Connecting with the Earth
Tending Your Garden' Planting for the New Year Gourd Rattles'
Nature Walks' Find the Colors
Predicting the Weather
Temperature' Rain Gauge' Wind
Feeding Wildlife
Gourd Birdfeeders Sun Wheel Squirrel Feeder
Connecting with the Sky
An Equinox Party' Equinox Masks' Sun Stone
The Spirit of Community
Honoring Your Elders and the Young' Letters of Thanksgiving
Honoring the Dead' Honoring Family Ancestors'
The Gift of Homemade Soap' Harvest Soap
Nine: Equinox Science / 163
Autumn Ecology Astrology Astronomy' Archeoastronomy
Ancient Equinox Observatories' Solar Markers
Autumn Equinox Season Calendar / 181
Wildlife Resources / 189
Mabon Links / 193
References / 197
Index / 205
First and foremost, I must thank Nancy Mostad at Llewellyn for giving me the idea for
this book and the acquisitions group for accepting my proposal. It was great fun to
write and I learned a lot in the process. It also provided plenty of fodder for home
school unit studies for now and in years to come.
I gratefully acknowledge Gavin Bone for his help in tracking down the rights to the
Farrar's book, A Witches Bible Complete.
I have several wonderful and talented friends that contributed to this book. West
Hardin, who seems to make it into almost all my books, contributed the beautiful draw
ings. Sparrow and Rowan offered a yummy recipe and a ritual. Sandy Bryan sent me one
of her superb pie recipes. Laeknir Eirarson and John A. Bjelke were instrumental in
teaching me about Asatru and ancient Norse/Icelandic traditions. They even reviewed
my fledgling attempt at crafting a Norse blot and offered some great suggestions. Mara
Payne, Ph.D., was wonderful in reviewing the astronomy and archeoastronomy sections
for accuracy and offering suggestions to make the concepts dearer to readers.
Dorothy Morrison really came through when I was in the crunch to get it done in
time. In spite of her own incredibly busy schedule, she sent me ideas and excerpts
from The Craft, well before its release. She even had a copy of Bud, Blossom, & Leaf
sent to me before it was released.
XVl Acknowledgments
Raven Grimassi helped me out mere weeks before the manuscript was due with
wonderful information on Stregheria and his personal tradition. This was a wonderful
addition to the book and I deeply appreciate his input. Like Dorothy, Raven even sent
me excerpts from his latest book, the Encyclopedia ofWicca and Witchcraft.
And finally, I must thank Dave and Karl for their patience and for their bravery in
trying out some new recipes. The two of you complete me and your love makes all
things possible.
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The Autumnal Equinox has been referred to as Mabon, the Second Harvest Festival,
Festival of Dionysus, Wine Harvest, Cornucopia, Feast of Avalon, Chinese Moon Fes
tival, Equinozio di Autunno, Alban Efed, and Winter Finding_ The First Thanksgiving
was held on or near this date, and it is from these early harvest festivals that the mod
ern Thanksgiving feasts developed. This is a time rich in history, legend, and tradition,
honored throughout the world, from the Far East to the Celtic lands, and from the
Scandinavian countries to South America.
At this time of equal day and night, we give thanks for the harvest that will sustain
us through the dark winter months. This is the season for gratitude and for giving
back to the Earth; for continuing the cycle by giving freely to those less fortunate than
we are. Many of us focus on striving toward inner and outer balance. We reflect on all
that the waning year has brought us, so we may choose wisely those seeds we wish to
sow in the new year.
This is the season of the apple and grape harvests and festivals offering wine, hot
apple cider, and apple pie. The colors of the land, the light, and the trees are changing.
The scent of cinnamon and cloves wafts through on the cooler autumn breezes. The
time of Mabon is filled with luxury and sensual experience as we sit back and enjoy
the fruits of our labors before finishing up preparations for winter.
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goal in writing this book was to encourage readers to fully
the sensual pleasures and luxurious reflection of the
season while learning of its origins and the science behind
the magic. For many of us, autumn is the best part of the
year. We love to see the changing colors and pull out warmer
When Nancy Mostad at Llewellyn suggested that I sub
mit a proposal for the Mabon book, I jumped at the chance.
I immediately began to do research, just before Mabon
2000. The joy of the season and the wonderful information I
found only served to increase my excitement at the project. As
the scent of roasting green chiles filled the crisp Southwestern air, I immersed myself
completely in the spirit of the Mabon season.
As you read this book, permit yourself to fully experience the joy, scents, tastes, and
colors of the season. Even if you are not reading it near Mabon, allow the book to call
to mind the clarity of autumn breezes, the abundance of apples and grapes, and warm
spiced wine and cider. Feel warm, comfortable sweaters wrapped around your shoul
ders and soft flannel sheets soothing you to sleep in the cool air. This is the beauty of
the Mabon season. It is out of this fullness that we give back to the universe and to our
fellow beings on this Earth.
Carry this feeling of gratitude and generosity with you throughout the year. As we
give, so do we receive. When we enter into a respectful and reciprocal relationship
with All of Life, we become more respectable and honorable people. We grow through
each encounter, and we pave the way for the abundance of the universe to flow into
our lives.
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In addition to being the Autumnal Equinox, this is the harvest season and we celebrate
this time of year with feasts of thanksgiving. While the American Thanksgiving has
been set in November, the Canadians celebrate their holiday in October. It is from
ancient European festivals, during which farming communities would share meat,
bread, and beer for three days after the harvest was brought in, that these modern cel
ebrations developed. It is also interesting to note that on the island of Kosrae in the
Federated States of Micronesia, the fourth Thursday in November has been set aside
for a Thanksgiving celebration.
In Canada, Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday of October. A date of
November 9 was originally set by Parliament in 1879. Over the years, several dates
were used including the third Monday in October, which was shared with Armistice
Day after the First World War. These holidays were separated, and Thanksgiving was
changed to the current October date in 1957.
The Canadian Thanksgiving stems from slightly different origins than the Ameri
can holiday. When people were beginning to leave Europe for North America, harvest
2 The Origins of Thanksgiving
celebrations were still common throughout Europe, and the people brought these tra
ditions with them. Early Canadian farming families filled a goat's horn cornucopia in
thanks for the fertility and abundance of the land.
An English explorer named Martin Frobisher held a formal celebration in 1578 in
Newfoundland, giving thanks for his survival over the long journey to the "New
World." Frobisher Bay was named after him, and he was later knighted in his home
land. Other settlers in the area continued this tradition of thanksgiving celebration.
In the 1600s, the French explorer Samuel de Champlain is said to have had won
derful relations with his native neighbors. The French settlers, along with Champlain,
formed the "Order of Good Cheer" and held huge feasts of thanksgiving, sharing the
bounty with the native peoples in their area.
During the American Revolution, the Loyalists, who remained loyal to English
rule, moved north to Canada. They brought the American tradition of Thanksgiving
with them. As they moved throughout Canada, so did these celebrations.
United States
All Americans study the Pilgrims at Thanksgiving time in school. We trace our hands
and color in the fingers to make turkeys. We make fake Pilgrim hats out of construction
paper, a
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The Origins afThanksgiving 3
paper, and we learn about the Mayflower and Plymouth Rock. By the time we reach
adulthood, few of us remember what that whole thing was really all about anyway.
Accepted History
The Pilgrims, or Puritans, were a sect of Christians known as Separatists or Brownists
in England. The term "Pilgrims" was not associated with them until the late 1700s.
They were an interesting people, following the teachings of a man named Robert
Browne. Their belief was that the only true churches were formed by groups of like
minded people coming together by choice. When this happened, Separatists put
together an organizing compact and elected their clergy. They believed they were the
chosen people of God.
These Pilgrims wanted to be left alone, and were willing to leave other religions
alone as well. They were seen as a radical sect in England and were persecuted for it. In
search of tolerance and peace, they left England first for Holland. In 1605, many of
these Pilgrims left Holland with almost 40 people. They boarded the Speedwell ship
and met up with the Mayflower in England. In all, about 120 adventurous people set
sail for the "New World." Unfortunately, their adventures consisted mainly of leaks in
the Speedwell, and they had to return to England twice.
Finally, they left the Speedwell behind and set forth from Plymouth, an English
port, in September 1605 with 102 people, including men, women, and children. This
was far from an easy passage, and two people died. However, one child was born at sea
and another was born before his parents set foot on land, so 102 disembarked in pre
sent-day Massachusetts.
The London Company had granted these people lands near the Hudson River, but
winds blew them off course, and they took it as a sign from God that this was where
they were to settle. Before establishing a settlement, the Mayflower Compact W;lS
drawn up and signed by forty-one men. The compact was a plan for government in
their new home. The big rush to get this signed was because not all the settlers were
Pilgrims, or Separatists. The Separatists feared trouble from the others because they
were not on the land granted to them.
4 The Origins a/Thanksgiving
A suitable area was found on the site of a former native village. They moved the
ship and all their belongings into Plymouth Harbor and established the Plymouth
Colony. In the following spring, the Mayflower itself returned to England.
The hardships of this new land took its toll. Fifty-two people died that first winter,
leaving very few to plant crops in the spring. Squanto and Samoset, two natives who
had been captives on English ships, took pity on the Pilgrims and taught them how to
survive in this land.
They showed the settlers to catch and
use fish as fertilizer. They taught them
what types of crops to plant with this fer
tilizer. They showed them how and what
to hunt. They also introduced the Pil
grims to the great Wawrnegin, chief of the
Wampanoag people. This chief was called
Massasoit by the settlers and remained friendly to
these newcomers in his lands throughout his life.
That first harvest was such a blessing that the governor of
the colony invited the Wampanoag people to share in a three-day festival of thanksgiving.
This first Thanksgiving took place between September 21 and November 9,1621. This is
referred to as Harvest Home, and is also described later in the "Traditions Around the
World" chapter (see page 23).
After 1621, Thanksgiving was occasionally celebrated, rarely on the same date. In
the mid-1700s, Congress determined these dates, and they usually took place in
December. President George Washington set a November date, beginning in 1789.
However, this was not an official annual holiday until President Abraham Lincoln set
its celebration as the last Thursday in November. The date was again changed by
Franklin Delano Roosevelt and finally placed on its modern date of the fourth Thurs
day in November by Congress in 1941.
Another Story
From the Native American perspective, the early days of the Pilgrim settlers were not
as harmonious and peaceful as we have been taught to believe. The rigid beliefs and
intolerance that made the Puritans such outcasts among the English carried over to


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The Origins afThanksgiving 5
New England. While there was a fifty-year peace between native peoples and settlers,
this was largely due to a great chief, and it changed quickly once the chief's son grew
old enough to understand politics.
The land the Pilgrims settled was already occupied by the Wampanoag people.
These were an agricultural people who used hunting and fishing to supplement what
they grew. Theirs was a society in which hospitality was an important part of daily life.
This hospitality was extended to the Pilgrims, in spite of the fact that the Wampanoags
had suffered many losses in recent years due to disease epidemics introduced by Euro
pean settlers. After the English arrived, disease continued to decimate the Wampanoag
The Wampanoag leaders were called sachems and sagamores. They held responsi
bilities under the Great Sachem. These leaders were called kings (or queens) by the
English, but they were much more integral, down-to-earth members of the commu
nity than European royalty was.
Much of the early relationship between the Wampanoag people and early settlers
was relatively friendly. This contributed to the generous way later settlers were treated.
Not all interactions were so friendly and captains of slave ships were known to sup
plement their "take" with native peoples .
Squanto, the Patuxet man who assisted the Pilgrims, had been taken as a slave
years earlier. He had gained his freedom from monks in Spain, and returned to his
homeland as an interpreter for the British. When
he reached present-day Massachusetts, he found
that everyone in his village of Patuxet had
been killed by epidemics.
The Pilgrims initially stumbled into
the deserted village of Nauset, one of the
Wampanoag villages that had been devas
tated by disease. Almost everyone was gone.
Those Nausets who remained left behind
baskets of corn for the deceased. Unaware
of the purpose for this food, the settlers
almost took it home before the remaining
Nauset warriors chased them off.
C' TI;<' Origill5 of Thanksgiving
Eventually they occupied the site of Squanto's old home, the abandoned village of
Patu.xet. The Wampanoags knew they were there, but kept their distance throughout a
winter that killed off half the settler population. The following spring, the dying Pil
grims were greeted by a Pemaquid sachem named Sarno set. Samoset spoke some Eng
lish from previous encounters with explorers and other settlers. He stayed the night
and left for his home in Maine the following morning.
Samoset soon returned to the village with Squanto, who devoted himself to teach
ing the Pilgrims how to survive for years. Squanto only left when he became ill,
returning to his people to heal. It was Squanto that introduced the Pilgrims to the
Great Sachem, Woosamaquin, which means "Yellow Feather:' He was called Massasoit
by the English.
The Wampanoags were once the most powerful and numerous people in the area.
But they had lost more than half of their people in three devastating epidemics. The
Naragansett people emerged as the most powerful force during the years leading up to
the Mayflower'S arrival. It is believed that Woosamaquin felt that it was a good politi
cal move to assist the settlers and sign treaties with them.
In the spring of 1621, Woosamaquin signed a treaty permitting the Pilgrims to
occupy 12,000 acres of the future Plymouth Plantation area. Coming from two very
different worlds, these people understood this in two very different ways. The
Wampanoags perceived it as a sharing of land that could not be truly owned by any
one person. The English settlers saw it in the way that most modern people do: they
owned this land. It was theirs and theirs alone. Therefore they could do with it as they
wished, and could prevent others from occupying it.
When the grateful Pilgrims invited Woosamaquin to their first harvest festival (the
first Thanksgiving), the problems stemming from this difference of perception were
mere seeds of the strife that would emerge and tear apart their peaceful relations.
Woosamaquin and ninety of his warriors brought five deer to the three-day feast. The
security of this harvest was relatively short-lived. That winter brought another ship from
England, and an additional forty people to feed. Once again, the settlers were aided by
their native neighbors when Aspinet, sachem of the Nauset, brought them food.
These Pilgrims were not all Puritans, and things changed after 1630 when a large
number of Puritans moved into this area from the south, displacing most of the other

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The Origins afThanksgiving 7
Christian peoples. The Puritans were intolerant of other Christians and native peoples
alike. They preferred to take rather than ask, or offer trades for land and items. Between
1640 and 1675, large numbers emigrated from England, where Puritans were enduring
even greater oppression than before.
Also by this time, the settlers had developed enough trade and commerce so they
no longer needed the help of the native peoples. In fact, the trade and expansion of the
English settlers altered the balance of power among native confederacies more than
once. Native populations continued to decline, mainly as the result of epidemics, but
also due to wars. Conversion to a Puritan version of Christianity further destroyed
native cultures and traditions.
The Great Sachem MassasoitlWoosamaquin had the names of his sons changed to
English names before his death in 1661. While his older son, renamed Alexander,
became the Great Sachem after his father, it is the younger son, renamed Philip, who
made history. Alexander was a strong and independent sachem, which did not go over
well with the Puritan government at Plymouth. He died soon after eating a meal dur
ing talks with this government. Many native peoples believe he was poisoned, and
have rather convincing evidence to support this possibility. The Puritans said that he
died of a fever.l
Philip took over as Great Sachem, and was called King Philip by the English. His
goal was to prevent further expansion by the settlers into native lands. To accomplish
this, he enlisted the help of other native nations. The situation got became increasingly
worse until, in 1675, what would be known as "King Philip's War" broke out.
The settlers made good use of native converts as spies and scouts, turning the
native peoples against each other and gaining an otherwise impossible advantage.
They also repeatedly refused to acknowledge the neutrality of certain native peoples,
adding to the army on Philip's side. It also added to the number of people he was
responsible to shelter and feed. This was not an easy task, and intensified the difficulties
native peoples were already experiencing.
It all blew up for Philip's people in August 1675. Philip's wife and son were captured
and reportedly sold as slaves, although they did return to their native peoples years
later. Then Alexander's wife was drowned in an attempt to escape a village raid. Her
head was displayed at a settler's village. Betrayed by an informer, Philip was captured
S The Origins of Thanksgiving
and killed later that month. His head was displayed at Plymouth for many years. Peace
treaties were not signed until 1678, before which most of Philip's accomplices were
hunted down and their cornfields burned. Many of the tribes that fought in this war,
particularly the Wampanoags, were nearly exterminated by the time treaties were
These are two very different versions of the First Thanksgiving, and the events sur
rounding it. I offer both here to give a more balanced view of this time, in the hopes
that you will do your own exploring into our collective history. You can well imagine
that most native peoples do not celebrate Thanksgiving as we do, and many come to it
with sadness and anger. This is something we might keep in mind as we give thanks
for our blessings and investigate our own Shadow sides.
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The Origins of Thanksgiving 9
To Autumn
by John Keats
Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness!
Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;
Conspiring with him how to load and bless
With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eaves run;
To bend with apples the moss'd cottage-trees,
And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;
To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells
With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,
And still more, later flowers for the bees,
Until they think warm days will never cease,
For Summer has o'er-brimm'd their clammy cells.
Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store?
Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may find
Thee sitting careless on a granary floor,
Thy hair soft-lifted by the winnowing wind;
Or on a half-reap'd furrow sound asleep,
Drowsed with the fume of poppies, while thy hook
Spares the next swath and all its twined flowers;
And sometimes like a gleaner thou dost keep
Steady thy laden head across a brook;
Or by a cider-press, with patient look,
Thou watch est the last oozings hours by hours.
10 The Origins of Thanksgiving
\;\'here are the songs of Spring? Ay, where are they?
Think not of them, thou hast thy music too,
\;\'hile barred douds bloom the soft -dying day,
And touch the stubble-plains with rosy hue;
Then in a wailful choir the small gnats mourn
Among the river sallows, borne aloft
Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies;
And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn;
Hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble soft
The redbreast whistles from a garden-croft;
And gathering swallows twitter in the skies.
1. "Records from the Plymouth Council at this time make note of an expense for poison 'to rid ourselves
of a pest.'" Many Wampanoags believe the "pest" was Alexander.
2. Quiller-Couch, Arthur Thomas, Sir. The Oxford Book ofEnglish Verse., 1999.
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Even today, many of the customs of the season revolve around the land. While a rela
tive few of us in modern society raise livestock or grow crops, this remains a part of
our collective consciousness and we recreate these experiences through our festivals
and rituals. Some other common themes of worldwide customs are reverence for the
dead, protection and prosperity, and giving thanks for our blessings. In this chapter, I
list festivals under the land of their origin. Obviously, most of these celebrations have
spread to other countries and some have been modified in the process.
Throughout the world, there are local harvest festivals that are too numerous to
name. Apple and grape celebrations, wine festivals, and many musical events are com
mon at this time ofyear. Check your local newspapers or the
Internet to find out what's going on in your area of the
In some areas of the United States, fall foliage means
tourists. People come out in droves to see the gorgeous
colors as the leaves change. In fact this tradition is so
popular that there are entire books and Websites devoted
to peak foliage: where and when to find it. Depending on
12 Traditions Around the World
your region of the country, peak viewing may range from mid-September to the end of

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In New Mexico, this is also the chile harvest. There is a chile vendor roasting those
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addictive green chiles on just about every street corner in the cities. Roadside stands
boast the fruits of the land, including red and green chiles. You know it is nearing
autumn when ristras, long ropes of dried, red chiles, can be seen hanging from most
front porches.

The Ancient Inca -.a: ..
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The ancient Inca were an agricultural people and their main festivals revolved around
the cycles of the land. They followed a lunar calendar of twelve moons. All major reli

gious festivals began on the first new moon after a solstice or equinox. It is believed
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that these festivals were fairly simple affairs for the Inca. General elements included
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animal sacrifice, usually from the sacred llama herds, offerings to the maize spirit, and
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ceremonial dances.
The moon that corresponded approximately to our modern September was the

Moon of the Moon Feast, Ccoya Raymi Quilla. The Moon was the mythic mother of
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the lncan people, ruler of the starry heavens, and the Queen of the Sun who was King.

The Virgins of the Moon served her and held key roles, along with high-ranking Inca

women, in this festival. This was the time of planting.
While northern peoples celebrated the Autumnal Equinox, the Inca, of present-day
Peru in the southern hemisphere, honored the Spring Equinox. Situa Raymi, also
called the Ccapac Situa, or Ccoya Raymi, was the Brilliant or Moon Feast. This third
festival of the year was largely a purification ceremony signaling the beginning of the 1::..=.::.::::eDI.
ramy season. c::.::::::
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Situa Raymi was celebrated all over the Incan empire. The people held to a partial
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three-day fast during which time sancu, small loaves of partially baked corn bread,
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were made as offerings. It is said that a tiny amount of the blood of a child was baked
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into these sacred loaves.

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Traditions Around the World 13
The Incan sun priest officiated at this feast, which was designed to eliminate the
sickness that often accompanied the rainy season. Messengers would carry prayers
throughout the land in the four directions and the people living near rivers took the
prayers with them as they bathed and washed items in the rivers. The rivers were
believed to carry the sickness and evil out to the sea.
During the festival, pieces of sancu were rubbed on the faces of the people, their
doorways, and storage areas for cleansing and protection. The sancu were thrown into
fountains for purification. They were sent to living relatives and sprinkled on the
mummies of ancestors. The Inca preserved and honored ancestral mummies, and
even had the mummies of former kings and queens enshrined in the Temples of the
Sun and Moon.
During the feast, all was shared and goodwill toward everyone in the community
was the requirement. A special beer made of boiled white corn, called chicha, was the
traditional drink. Chicha was also passed through a golden urn and a silver pipe into
the House of the Sun. Four perfect llamas were sacrificed, and a communion of llama
blood and sancu followed. Omens were sought in the lungs of the sacrificial llamas.
Then a small amount of meat was distributed to everyone and the bodies of the llamas
were burned. The remaining llamas were killed for a great four-day feast of chichi and
llama meat. More offerings, prayers, and blood-sancu were made before the festival
finally came to a close, two weeks after it began.
The Ancient Greeks
Festival ofDionysus
In ancient Athens, Oschophoria was the celebration of the grape harvest. It was held
on the seventh day of the Greek month of Puanepsion, which relates to late September
or early October. Men would carry the vines, heavy with grapes, in a procession
through the towns. This was a time of song and celebration, followed by a ritual meal
that included myth performances and the telling of legends.
Dionysus is the Greek god of vegetation, resurrection, ecstasy, and of course" ..
wine. His worship reached its peak in the eighth century B.C. He was an early form of
the possibly better-known Bacchus, although some scholars believe Bacchus to be a
Tr,lditiO'I; tire H'orld
Roman perversion of the god Dionysus. It is said that the name
Bacchus originated around the fifth century B.C. as a result of
the loud cries with which Dionysus was worshiped at the
orgia, or Dionysiac Mysteries.
It was Dionysus that showed mortals how to cultivate
grapevines and make wine. In ancient Greece, wine was
often mixed with water. There is a fair amount of schol
arly debate as to the reasons for this. In any event, priest
esses would mix the wine for the Dionysian festivals and
rites. This was then poured into goblets, called kantharoi, for
the community.
Eleusinian Mysteries
This religious festival was held each year in Eleusis, a city in Attica, just north of Athens,
in the heart of the grain-farming region of Greece. The Mysteries honored Demeter
and Persephone, and were held in Eleusis because it was here that Demeter was wel
comed during her time of sadness and searching for Persephone. She nursed the sons
of the king of Eleusis while her daughter was held in the Underworld by Hades.
The Mysteries began in the spring, with the Lesser Mysteries, honored at Agrae.
This was the first of four stages leading to initiation. The Greater Mysteries took place
in autumn, approximately during our modern September. This was the time of year
when Persephone returned to the Underworld, just as the seed begins to lie dormant
in the earth.
These Greater Mysteries began with the return of sacred ceremonial objects from
Eleusis to the Eleusinion, a temple at the foot of the Acropolis in Athens. The next day,
participants cleansed themselves in the sea and sacrificed a young pig. Initiates then
took part in a great procession from the ancient cemetery, Kerameikos, in Athens to
Eleusis for the actual initation.
During the procession, participants would reenact a story about an old woman
who was believed to have made Demeter smile in her search for Persephone. They
would also shout out the name of an early deity that is identified with Dionysus .. ,,-no
is said to be the son of either Persephone or Demeter.
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Traditions Around the World 15
Upon reaching Eleusis, participants would rest in preparation for the day of fasting
to follow, in memory of Demeter's fast during her search. After fasting, initiates drank
a sacred, hallucinogenic brew called kykeon, a mixture of barley water and a mint
known for its medicinal properties. The initiation culminated in the great initiation
hall, the Telesterion. It is believed that a reenactment of the Demeter-Persephone
myth was a part of this, along with rites having to do with the continuity of life after
death. No one knows for sure what took place during the initiation since it was strictly
forbidden to speak of it to the uninitiated.
What we do know, from various classical writers, is that Eleusinian initiates were
blessed. They received happiness and knowledge of the secrets of life-and of life
after death. The Eleusinian Mysteries were open to anyone, including slaves. The only
requirement to become a mystes, or initiate, was that the individual be neither a mur
derer nor a barbarian. These annual events attracted thousands of people from
throughout the Greek world. The Mysteries began in the Mycenaean period, possibly
as early as 1600 B.C. It is believed that they were originally a local ritual that spread
throughout the agricultural areas.
With the advent of Hellenistic society around 300 B.C., they were taken over by the
state during a period when various cults were hugely popular. It is believed that they
took place annually until the fourth century A.D., when Alaric I of the Visigoths invaded
Greece. Modern archeologists have found the remains of the Telesterion near the mod
ern village of Lefsina, near the ancient site of Eleusis.
The Far East
Harvest Moon Festival
The full moon closest to the Autumn Equinox is known as the Harvest Moon. It is said
that farmers would continue to harvest their crops under the light of the full moon.
With the days beginning to wane, it was a struggle to harvest and store the food that
would provide for them over the harsh winter months.
In China, this time is also known as the Mid-Autumn Festival, held on the fifteenth
day of the eighth month of the Chinese lunar calendar. This is significant in that the
Chinese calendar is a lunar one. The first day of a month is always the new moon,
16 Traditions Around the World
while the fifteenth is always on the full moon. The Mid
Autumn Festival is truly a Moon Celebration and its
exact Western date varies with the moon.
The true origins of this festival are unclear, but
there are two versions of the most popular story
that I will share here. The young wife of the
emperor's bodyguard in the Hsia dynasty,
Chang Er (also Chang-O), was believed to have
taken a magic pill that turned her into a faery.
In this form, she flew to the moon to escape
from the pursuit of her husband. Another ver
sion of this story says that Chang Er stole the
elixir of youth and immortality from her hus
band. The drug allowed her to soar to the
moon where she was doomed to remain as
punishment for her theft. Chang Er can still be seen on this most beautiful full moon:
the Western Harvest Moon.
This is a time of moon watching and family reunion in China, celebrated with
paper lanterns, feasts, and moon cakes. Children are permitted to stay up late and
accompany the entire family outdoors to watch the moon rise before eating their
moon cakes. Farming families honor heaven, symbolized by the moon, for the bless
ings they have received throughout the year.
This date is also believed to be the birthday of Tu-ti Kung, the Earth god. For the
Chinese, like those in the Western world, this festival celebrates the end of a hard year
tilling the soil and receiving the bounty of the land. Therefore, Tu-ti Kung is honored
along with the moon and thanked for his blessings.
The round, golden brown moon cakes symbolize family unity. They are tradition
ally made with sweet fillings of nuts, mashed red beans, lotus-seed paste or Chinese
dates, wrapped in a pastry. These moon cakes are also symbolic of the Chinese rebel
lion that led to the formation of the Ming dynasty (A.D. 1368-1644).
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Traditions Around the World 17
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ese rebel-
At that time, the Chinese were under the rule of Mongolian people. Knowing that
the Moon Festival was near, leaders of the rebellion had messages outlining their
attack baked into moon cakes. For this reason, many people eat moon cakes in mem
ory of this very successful rebellion that restored rulers hip of China to the Chinese.
Keirou-no hi
This is a Japanese national holiday occurring on September 15. Although not exactly
on the equinox, it is appropriate to include here because it fits in well with the associ
ations of the season. Keirou-no hi is "Respect for the Aged Day." This respect for the
elders is a traditional Confucian value and is much more than the American Grand
parents' Day, which is mainly an excuse to buy more greeting cards and is not widely
In ancient Japan, reaching the age of sixty was very important. Not only was it con
sidered old back then, but also it represented the end of one complete astrological
cycle. In modern Japan, sixty is no longer such a big deal, and the emphasis has shifted
to the age of seventy or older. Not just celebrated by family members, cities and towns
offer gifts to citizens that are over seventy years of age.
This is a Japanese version of the Harvest Moon celebrations. Like the Chinese, the
Japanese go outside for picnics and sky-watching on the night of the September full
moon. Picnics often consist of rice cakes, fruits, and vegetables. As they eat, the people
give thanks for the year's harvest.
The Higan-e, the "Ceremony to Reach Enlightenment:' is a Buddhist celebration that
has been honored on the spring and autumn equinoxes in Japan since ancient times.
It is celebrated for three days before and after each equinox, with the central day
known as Shingon-shu, Higan no chu-nichi, and Shuubun-no hi. Higan means the
"other shore:' as opposed to shigan, which is "this shore:' and is the world in which we
live. The higan is the place of enlightenment.
1 B Traditions Around the l,Vorld
Because of the balance of light and dark, yin and yang, Higan-e is an important

ceremony of the oneness of all things. It is also believed that at this time of equal night
and day, the Buddha returns to Earth for one week to lead stray souls to Nirvana. The

six days before and after the equinox itself symbolize the Buddhist Six Perfections that
- d
are needed before we can leave the world of suffering and attain nirvana. It is believed
that Buddhist practice is particularly powerful on these days. Through the rituals and _\fihragta
\f----::..,m offering of memorial tablets, the living might attain Buddhahood and even the dead
might receive great benefits.
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This is popularly celebrated by memorials and visits to family graves. Gravesites are
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cleaned up and families make offerings of flowers, incense, and twigs of sacred trees to
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their ancestors. Families also leave ohagi, round cakes of sweet rice and bean paste, _!...:::--..m
along with sushi with vegetables.
This is t:hf
The Durga Puja, or Autumn Navratri (Nine Nights), is a nine-day festival honoring
the Feast
the goddess Durga. Again depending on the correspondence between phases of the
moon and the Western calendar, this festival often begins on or near the Autumn
spent wan
Equinox and continues into October. Navratri is held during the bright, or waxing,
Sukkot m
half of the lunar month.

Durga is the Hindu goddess of strength and motherhood. She is the protector of
that must
the universe and her worship dates back at least 5,000 years. Durga has been one of
shakti's main forms for almost 2,000 years. Shakti is the dynamic creative, feminine
walls. Tfa(
energy of Nature. During the nine days of her ritual, the nine different aspects of the
fronds. ba
goddess are honored through nine sacred plants and specific rituals.
The roof I
The legend behind Nine Nights is that two demons accumulated so much power the SkT a
that they were able to force the gods from their seats in the heavenly realms to flee for
their lives. The gods had no recourse but to pray to the divine creative energy of the
people ""i
universe. For nine days they worshiped this primordial power. They made offerings for the en1
and prayed continuously. Finally shakti appeared in the form of Durga and destroyed
ers will ea
the demons, restoring the gods and the balance of good and evil in the world.
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Traditions Around the World 19
Like many festivals throughout the world, this autumn festival contains a great
many agricultural elements. Each day of the Puja is associated with special vegetarian
meals. Durga is the creative element of the universe. Her vegetative aspect is honored
through these foods and Puja rituals involving the nine sacred plants and five grains.
Mihragan is the Zoroastrian feast of Mithra, or Baga-Mithra. One of the oldest known
festivals, this feast is a time of community and thanksgiving. It is normally celebrated
on October 1 of our Western calendar. However since it is believed to be a carryover
from an earlier New Year festival, from the times when the Indo-Iranian year began on
the Autumn Equinox, many feel that the equinox is when it should rightly take place.
This is the third and last of the Jewish festivals honoring the exodus out of Egypt. It is
the Feast of Booths or Festival of the Harvest Season. Like the Japanese Higan-e,
Sukkot lasts for seven days. The booths, or sukkah, are reminders of the time the Jews
spent wandering in the wilds of Sinai. Because of the variability of the Jewish calendar,
Sukkot may occur a few weeks after the equinox.
Sukkot is the singular form of sukkah: purposefully fragile, three-walled structures
that must only hold up to wind and rain. The sukkot's roof must be created from some
type of vegetation and it cannot be attached to the
walls. Traditional roofing materials are palm
fronds, bamboo poles, wood, and branches.
The roof must also be in direct contact with
the sky and cannot be placed under an
overhang, even one with a skylight. Many
people will completely move into a sukkot
for the entire week of the festival, while oth
ers will eat, study, or spend time there.
20 Traditions Around the World
'C" :-0:'":110:
Originally, Sukkot was a harvest festival, much like those of other cultures. Farm
ers would celebrate the harvest, particularly the grape and other fruit harvest. In this

case, it was considered to be the final harvest. The booths were historically shelters for

farmers while they worked the land. Called the Festival of Ingathering (Chag Ha Asif)
in the Torah, Sukkot has retained much of its agricultural focus.

Not only is the roof constructed of vegetative material but four species of plants
==,= - 'till
are gathered together and waved in the temple during Sukkot. The four species are
etrog (fruit of citrus trees), lulav (branches of palm trees), and branches of myrtle and
willow. While the etrog is generally accepted the most precious component, this has

become known as "waving the lulav:' The myrtle and willow are attached to the lulav,
three myrtle on the right and two willows on the left. This is held in the right hand
and the etrog in the left. After a blessing, both are waved together three times up and
three times down in the four cardinal directions plus up and down. ==--==iII
As time went on, this festival came to symbolize the Jews' time in the wilderness.
The booths came to represent the fragile shelters the people lived in during this time,
as well as the fragility of life and the frail safety we create around ourselves in this
10m KipJ
modern world. In more modern times, Sukkot came to be a time a thanksgiving for
the blessings of nature and God and the sukkah would be decorated with seasonal
-I)r. = - _\I
fruit in gratitude.
Rosh Hashanah
This is the beginning of the Jewish new year. In Hebrew, the words
__ 30:
mean "head of the year" or "first of the year." Rosh Hashanah is
celebrated on the first and second days of the Jewish month
of Tishri. Once again, we find a lunar calendar in use, with
a holiday falling in the time period of the Autumn

In the Bible, Rosh Hashanah is called Yom Ha
:,:y ....
Zikkaron or Yom Teruah. This is a time of remem
brance and of the sounding of the shofar, a ram's
'K.?:- .L"lJ
horn. Traditional Jews do not work on this holiday,
preferring to spend time in synagogue or reflecting
a.r:c:c::: ar
upon the past year. A wonderful, although not bib
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Traditions Around the World 21
Heal, practice that is popular at this time is that of Tashlikh, which means "casting off."
Many years ago, Jewish people would walk to a creek or river and empty their pockets
into the water, symbolically casting away the misdeeds and problems of the past year.
In modern times, it is far more common for people to throw bread crumbs into the
There is a rich tradition of food in this festival, as there is in most festivals at this
time of year. Apples and bread are dipped in honey, hallah bread with raisins is
braided and baked in round shapes, and pomegranates are included to symbolize the
good deeds of the family and the blessings they hope to receive in the next year. Fish is
cooked in a variety of ways as a symbol of fertility and prosperity.
The tradition of Tzedakah, honored in eastern Europe, speaks to our modern
pagan traditions of thanksgiving at this time. Before the new year, messengers would
go from house-to-house with sacks. The rich placed coins into the sack and the poor
took from the sack. This was completely anonymous, yet everyone had what they
needed to honor this high holiday.
Yom Kippur
Ten days after Rosh Hashanah, Jews around the world celebrate Yom Kippur, or the
"Day of Atonemene' Usually falling sometime during the last two weeks of September
and the first two weeks of October, Yom Kippur is considered by many to be the most
sacred of the holidays. It is the first of the Jewish high holidays, the second being Rosh
Hashanah. This one-day holiday is a very solemn day of fasting, beginning at sun
down. Because of this, it is customary to have one or two festive family meals earlier
that day.
As the annual Day of Atonement, this is a serious holiday involving fasting, reflec
tion, confession, and prayer. The fast that is held on this day is not limited to eating
and drinking. Also prohibited are washing the body, sexual relations, wearing leather,
and anointing oneself. No work is permitted to take place on Yom Kippur. It is tradi
tional to wear white garments on this day, particularly a tunic-like garment called the
Kaparot is an ancient tradition that may take place any time between Rosh
Hashanah and Yom Kippur. The preferred time is the day before Yom Kippur. In
ancient times, this entailed swinging a chicken in the right hand over one's head while
22 Traditions Around the World
reciting a prayer. The prayer and action were intended to atone for vows made that
were not fully satisfied during the previous year. The chicken would be slaughtered
and given to the poor. It is said that the chicken is a substitute for the vows people
should have fulfilled. It is also a substitute for the individual, who is believed should
rightly be the one to die for their sins. In modern times, a bag of money is used in
place of the chicken, and later donated to charity.
Equinozio di Autunno
This is also the harvest season in Italy. In the Appenines, chestnuts are being harvested
at this time of year. Many years ago, this harvest was the domain of women and girls,
while the men labored at other crops in the fields. Like so many other regions of the
world, this is a time of hard work, community, and festivity.
From the Encyclopedia of Wicca and Witchcraft, we learn that in Italian Witchcraft,
"the Autumn Equinox marks the slaying of the Harvest Lord, and the resulting
descent of the Goddess to find her lost love.'" In the modern Aridian Tradition,2 the
Autumn Equinox begins the time of the Wolf, called Lupus, as the Stag, known as
Kern, is slain. However, in the Arician Autumn Equinox ritual, it is the death of the
Harvest Lord that is honored. Raven Grimassi explains that this is "because the stag
and wolf are older themes that predate the agricultural era;'3
Great Britain
The time of Mabon coincides with the feast of the archangel Michael. This was a
medieval holiday celebrated as a holy day of obligation. It was later christianized by
the Roman Catholic Church and given the name of Michaelmas.
In England and other countries, Michaelmas Day is traditionally one of the regular
quarter days for settling rents and accounts. Apparently, it was originally a time of
hospitality and forgiveness. Families would dress a goose and feast together, some
times celebrating with friends. On the Isle of Skye there would be a procession on this

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Traditions Around the World 23
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on on this
day and cakes, known as St. Michael's
bannock, were baked in honor of the
Since the time of Ethelbert in Eng
land, a fast led up to this feast. Laws pre
scribed a three-day fast for all Chris
tians, and servants were not allowed to
work during this time. A goose was a
traditional means of paying rent on this
feast day and geese were associated with
money at this festival. To feast on some
thing so rich as a goose was said to
ensure prosperity throughout the year.
The archangel Michael is a warrior.
As St. Michael, he is often portrayed
with sword in hand and his foot on a
dragon. He may also be seen riding a white steed, carrying a trident and a triangular
shield. He is a guardian angel, whose churches are often found in high places like Glas
tonbury Tor, Mont St. Michel, and Carnac. It is believed that Michael's churches
replaced places of the worship of Lugh, the Celtic God of Light.
The "New World"
Harvest Home
Before coming to the "New" World, English settlers were accustomed to celebrating
thanksgiving feasts near the end of September. It is generally believed that the Pilgrims'
first "Thanksgiving:' which was more of a harvest festival, took place in October. The
history of this holiday is rather shrouded and it depends largely on the source. In 1863,
President Lincoln began the modern tradition of observing Thanksgiving on the last
Thursday in November.
To the early Americans, the beginning of autumn was marked by what became the
Harvest Home festival. The first winter in this land was very difficult for the Pilgrims
24 Traditions Around the World
and many were lost to hunger and illness. With spring, they tended the earth, knowing
that their lives depended on the crops they had sown.
_-tlban F1:Ji
With that first autumn came the glorious crimson and gold of the forests. Animals
of all kinds were seen roaming the countryside. The harvest was bountiful and the ,:G
people stored it carefully for the coming winter. The great Wampanoag sachem,
Woosamaquin, brought ninety men to the feast along with five deer they had hunted
specifically for the occasion. Then they rested, feasted, and played in the first Harvest L ::e :'::'::'I0Il
Home of the New World. The settlers entertained visiting Native Americans and ..
shared the meat they were given by these native peoples. ",.-est
The first feast at Plymouth was rich. They savored oysters and fish, turkey, goose, 1 ::'J:t _"\om
venison, Indian maize, barley bread, all sorts of beans, grains, and root vegetables, :Q""L\-L"-. Dl
along with cabbages, cucumbers, melons, and wild grapes. 50:::. dr
'L-r::t.a:"'" (
Modern Norse
Winter Nights (:1: ....-..;::0<1lS'
Modern (\\"estern) Asatru normally celebrates Winter Nights around the Autumnal 15
Equinox. of our information on ancient Norse practices comes from the Sagas
and the Eddas, 'which were written by the Icelanders. The Voluspa Saga contains indi
cations that point to a year of eight seasons and eight festivals. It should be noted that ;:;xpc
many Asatru reconstructionists, traditional Icelanders, and those calling themselves
Aslidar celebrate this festival in October or not at all. Winter Nights is also known as 0::-=-:'':::''
the Harvest Festiyal and Haustblot, which means "autumn sacrifice:' ::lC 1
Winter Nights is the );ordic final harvest and is sacred to Freyr (Frey) and Freyja. .:::::::m
Other deities honored at this time include Thor, Sif, Idunna, Jord, the Landvaettir, and
the Disir, of which Freyja is the only one whose name is known. This is a festival of m

thanksgiving and asking for protection in the winter to come.
Perhaps it is not so surprising that the Norse also believe in a Wild Hunt at this time e::eTgl
of year, complete with riders on horseback and hounds from the Otherworlds. These
myths abound in the Celtic, Germanic, Slavic, and Nordic cultures. For the Norse and
Germanic peoples, WodenNlotan or Grim, an aspect of Odin, leads the Hunt. In many
myths similar to the Celtic legends, he carries off the souls of the departed. In others, he
alternatively grants wishes or carries off the living for a variety of reasons.
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Traditions Around the World 25
Modern Druids
Alban Elfed
To the druids, the Autumnal Equinox is Alban Elfed, sometimes written Alban Elued.
Like the other equinox and the solstices, this is a solar festival, balancing the feminine,
lunar energy of the four fire festivals. The solar festivals are the Alban, or Light, festi
vals. Alban Elfed means "Light of Autumn." Alban Elued means "Light of the Water:'
The ancient Celts saw the earth as being afloat in the seas. To the West is the open
ocean, where Tir na n'Og, the land beyond life, may be found. Alban Elfed/Elued, set
in the west of the circle, is the time of the year descending into the ocean.
The Alban festivals ar.e public events. They are generally more elaborate than the fire
festivals, and are times of festivity and entertaining guests as well as honoring the sea
son. My druid group once offered these in full ritual regalia as open rituals at a local
Unitarian church. What a sight it was to see nearly one
dozen fully robed druids weaving together a com
plex ritual web for up to two dozen participants
of various paths!
This is the time of the main harvest and
the ripened wheat sheaf is the main symbol,
also representing the ripening of wisdom
and experience, maturity moving into
elderhood. We give thanks for the blessings
of the Land and the Goddess, as we reflect
upon the previous year in our own lives. At
the center of many druidic rituals is the
Eisteddfod. This may take the form of story
telling, music, teaching, or some other creative or
philosophical sharing, and it generally revolves around
the energies of the season.
Traditions Around the World
Mabon is a relatively recent term for the neopagan festival celebrated on the Autumn
Equinox, generally around September 21. This is the second of the three harvest festi
vals; a cross-quarter day midway between Lughnasadh and Samhuinn.
In many modern Wiccan traditions, this is considered to be a Lesser Sabbat, along
with the Vernal Equinox and the solstices that were the only annual celebrations of the
early recreationist druids. It has been said that Ross Nichols, former Chosen Chief of
the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids, cooked up the modern neopagan Eightfold
Year by getting together with Gerald Gardner and combining the two systems.
The myths and symbolism of this time are recounted throughout this book so I
will not repeat them here. Suffice it to say that our modern traditions are reminiscent
of the ancient festivals of the Second Harvest. This is the Pagan Thanksgiving: a time
of reflection, sharing, balance, and celebration of the bounty of life. While our mod
ern lives may not revolve around an agricultural way of life, and we may even need to
drive to a farmer's market to see fresh crops being sold, this is one of the eight times
each year that we consciously attune ourselves to natural cycles. Life may get in the
way the rest of the year, but at Mabon we once again connect with the ways of our
ancestors and the understanding of the Second Harvest.
Mabon is the time to meditate on the fruits of our own labors as well. What have
you sown in this year? Are you reaping healthy and constructive fruits or are you pay
ing the price for not nurturing your seeds, or for attempting to plant them in poor
soil? This is the time to begin to consider what we want to change and the gardens we
plan to sow in the coming year.
This is a time of community and kinship with the land and all creatures. Many
modern pagans will volunteer their time at soup kitchens or bless and donate wild
animal food as part of their Mabon rites. It is also a time of community with all beings
in all worlds. As such, we offer special honor to the dead and our spirit allies during
this time.
The traditions surrounding the cutting of the last sheaf of the harvest are varied
throughout Europe. Some areas hold that the sheaf must be cut by a man; others insist
that it must be a woman to take the final sheaf of grain. It is alternately kept in a place
, ~
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Traditions Around the World 27
of honor, burned, thrown onto the fields to
be ploughed into the soil, and fed to live
stock in order to ensure health and abun
dance for the community. This harvested
grain is frequently associated with the dying
God who will be reborn in the spring. John
Barleycorn was the spirit of the grain that
was made into beer (or Scotch as the Scot
tish poet Robert Burns would likely prefer).
While the last sheaf is honored as the
body of the vegetation God by many mod
ern pagans, it was more often than not was
believed to belong to the Goddess by ancient
peoples. This last sheaf was known as the Ivy Bride, the Wheat Girl, and the Corn
Mother. The Corn Dolly is reminiscent of this perception.
Pagan Pride Day
This event is led by the International Pagan Pride Project. It was started in 1998 by
Suzanne and Duke Egbert, high priestess and high priest of an Indianapolis coven.
The mission of the Project is "to foster pride in Pagan identity through education,
activism, charity and community."
According to the International Pagan Pride Project Website, each Pagan Pride cele
bration will include a public Autumn Equinox ritual, a food drive, press releases, and
a variety of other activities to be determined by the local organizers.
The goal of these
events is to make connections both within the pagan community and with the larger
local community. The intent is to work within the spirit of Thanksgiving, increasing
tolerance and understanding to reduce discrimination. Therefore, Pagan Pride Day
celebrations are open to the general public.
In the year 2000, nearly 10,000 people participated in Pagan Pride celebrations.
More than 8,600 pounds of food, clothing, and other materials were collected along
with over $4,900. This was all donated to food banks, women's shelters, animal shel
ters, wildlife centers, and various other charitable and pagan organizations.
28 Traditions Around the World
To find out more, contact the Pagan Pride Project, P.O. Box 11166, Indianapolis,
IN 46201-0166, or e-mail:
1. Grimassi, Encyclopedia ofYVicca and l,Vitchcraft, p. 29.
2. Created in 1998 by Raven Grimassi; offShoot of earlier Arician Tradition created by Grimassi in 1981.
3. Raven Grimassi, personal communication.
4. http://www.paganpride.orgisitemap.html.


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reflect u!'
He may 1
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sacred So

i in 1981.
Most of the myths related at this time of year have to do with the changes occurring in
the sky and on the earth during the autumn season. In these legends, we find gods and
goddesses of the land, of vegetation, and of the marriage of earth and sky. A common
theme among these stories is that of a prisoner, held in the Underworld during the
time of the earth's barrenness. In this we see the recognition of the inward feeling of
this time. This is the time when we, like the heroes in our myths, retreat inward to
reflect upon our lives: our accomplishments, our dreams, and our Shadows.
Another common theme of this season is the death of the Harvest Lord. He wears
many names throughout the world and some of those are described in this chapter.
He may take the form of a deity or we may see him hidden within the many stories of
John Barleycorn, in Hans Christian Andersen's story of the flax, and in the Danish tale
of Rye's Pain (Rugen's Pine).l No matter what his appearance, he is the manifestation
of the Earth Mother's fertility, both child and lover to her in a way. He personifies the
vegetative life cycle that we depend on for our sustenance even today.
In Encyclopedia of Wicca and Witchcraft, Raven Grimassi writes that the Harvest
Lord is "an ancient symbol of the slain god, the willing sacrifice, the sacred king and
sacred seed. He is the Green Man seen as the Cycle of Nature in the plant kingdom.
30 Myths and Deities
The Harvest Lord is cut down and his seeds planted into the earth so that life may Demekl
continue and be ever more abundant. This mythos is symbolic of the planted seed
nourished beneath the soil and the ascending sprout that becomes the harvested plant
by the time of the Autumn Equinox.'"
or 5:'Clt-I
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cier:ye m.
The Greeks and Romans
and lr is
dwing illi
For modern Hellenistic pagans and the ancient Greeks, autumn begins when Perse
phone, known to the Romans as Proserpina, returns to the Underworld to spend half
whom tb
the year with her husband Hades. According to the myth, Demeter, goddess of the by Zeus. ,
Earth and of the harvest, had a daughter named Kore with Zeus, her brother and ruler
phone, D
of the gods. The gods of Olympus didn't have any problem keeping it all in the family!
Attica. Sb
Kore was the most beautiful and joyful child. Even the crusty old Hades, Lord of
make OIl(
the Underworld, couldn't help but love her. One day when Kore was out into the fields
placing t
picking flowers with her friends, the ocean nymphs, Hades opened a crack in the earth
night. the
and pulled the girl down into his Underworld realm to make her his wife. When Kore
magic hr
married Hades, her name was changed to Persephone.
Demeter searched in vain for her daughter for nine days straight. Fearing she
be the g<
would never find her beloved daughter, she asked Helios, the Sun God, for his help.
Eleusis in
Being the all-seeing god, Helios told her what had happened. He also told her that
Zeus had seen what happened and said nothing. You can imagine how angry Demeter
that she 1:
was on hearing of the betrayal of Zeus, ruler of the gods or not. She left Olympus and
culture, "
roamed the earth as an old woman, finally resting at her temple at Eleusis.
In Demeter's great sadness, she withheld her care and energy from Nature, pre
holding a
venting all fertility on earth. Finally Zeus could take this no longer and sent Hermes to
sands of.
bring the girl back. Hades did not want to lose her forever, so he convinced her to eat

some pomegranate seeds before she left his realm. The seeds of the pomegranate for
Porn am.
ever connect her to his realm, and she must spend one-third to one-half (depending
on the version of the myth) of the year in the Underworld with Hades. During this
To the an
time, Demeter grieves for her daughter and the earth becomes barren until Perse
her nam
phone returns in the spring.
Myths and Deities 31
life may
ted seed
.ed plant
n Perse
end half
.s of the
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~ family!
Lord of
he fields
he earth
.en Kore
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~ r to eat
tate for
ing this
I Perse-
Demeter was the Greek goddess of the earth, fertility, and
the harvest. As a grain goddess, her name means "barley
or spelt-mother." Spelt is a type of grain. Demeter was
known to the Romans as Ceres, from whose name we
derive the word "cereaI:' She was Persephone's mother,
and it is due to her grief that earth is no longer fertile
during autumn and winter.
Demeter is a daughter of Rhea and Cronus, from
whom the rulership of the gods of Olympus was stolen
by Zeus. While she wandered the earth in search of Perse
phone, Demeter was welcomed by the king of Eleusis in
Attica. She agreed to nurse his two sons, and attempted to
make one of them immortal through a complex ritual of
placing him into the household fire each night. One
night, the king's wife witnessed this and, ignorant of its
magic, broke the spelL
Upon being discovered, Demeter revealed herself to
be the goddess and asked that a sanctuary be built in
Eleusis in her honor. Of course it was built there and she
secluded herself to grieve for Persephone and to teach the people her rites. It was here
that she blessed the king's other son, Triptolemos, with the art and knowledge of agri
culture, which was then passed on to other humans.
Demeter is often depicted seated and wearing a wreath of braided ears of corn, or
holding a torch and the fruits of the earth. The snake and pig are sacred to her. Thou
sands of ancient Greeks traveled to Eleusis each year to be initiated into the Eleusinian
Mysteries that venerated Demeter and Persephone/Kore.
To the ancient Romans, Pomona was the much-beloved goddess of fruit trees. It is from
her name that the French word for apple, pomme, and the term for the study of apples,
pomology, are derived. Pomona was a hamadryad, also known as a wood nymph,
32 Myths and Deities
unsurpassed in her skill and love for gardening and the
tending of orchards. She ensured that those under her
care would not thirst or want for anything. In her right
hand she bore the pruning knife, and her passion for
her trees was so great that she was free of passion for
men, and kept her orchards locked against them.
Pomona, like Persephone, was so full of life and
beauty that everyone loved her. Many desired her, but
Vertumnus, the Roman god of the seasons, loved her
best. He ruled over the ripening of the fruits of the earth
and is a patron of gardens and fruit tress. A master of dis
guise, he would visit her in many forms, simply to be able to see her and, each time he
did, his passion for her grew.
Finally, he could wait no longer and went to Pomona in the guise of an old woman.
He admired the fruit of her garden and kissed her with a kiss rather unlike one you
might expect an old woman to give a young hamadryad. He brought her attention to
an elm tree on which a vine grew, full with grapes. As the old woman, Vertumnus
advised Pomona of the beautiful example of the tree and vine, supporting and enrich
ing each other in their association.
The old woman told Pomona of the true love Vertumnus held for her, and went on
to relate an old story of spurned love, death, and sorrow. The story told, Vertumnus
dropped his disguise and appeared before her as a handsome, vital young man. To see
him in his true form ignited a passion in Pomona that required no further convincing.
Venus holds an astrological association with the time of the equinox as the ruling
planet of Libra. However, before she became known as the Roman goddess of love and
beauty, she was a goddess of vegetation, gardens, fields, and vineyards. She has been
identified with the Greek goddess Aphrodite since the third century B.C.
The seventh Sephirah of the Qabala is Netzach, also known as "the Sphere of
Venus:'} In this system, Venus is much more than a motherly Earth goddess and much
deeper than a goddess of love and sexuality. She embodies the power and force inher
ent in these aspects. She is the fire and energy behind creativity and manifestation.
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Myths and Deities 33
Netzach is our emotion, our instinct, and our intuition. Without Netzach, intellect
would be uninspired; creativity, including that of Nature, would be sterile.
Dionysus and Bacchus
In truth, Dionysus is the earlier form of Bacchus, although some historians feel that
Bacchus is a Roman perversion of the god Dionysus. The name of Bacchus originated
around the fifth century B.C. in Greece, as a result of the loud cries with which Diony
sus was worshipped at the orgia, or Dionysiac Mysteries. These mysteries probably
originated in the spring nature festivals and became huge parties full of drinking and
other pleasures of the flesh. By the second century B.C. in Roman Italy, these parties
were known as "the Bacchanalia" and became so wild that they were banned by the
Roman Senate. I wonder if the wine industry in Vancouver, Canada, has any idea what
their civilized modern-day Bacchanalia once was.
It was Dionysus who showed mortals to cultivate grapevines and make wine. As
the Greek god of wine and cheer, he was a deity whose mysteries inspired ecstatic,
orgiastic worship. During some of his festivals, wine miracles were performed and he
inspired the maenads or bacchantes, female devotees who roamed the wilderness wear
ing fawn skins in ecstatic devotion to Dionysus. They were believed to possess occult
powers and, as his worshippers, Dionysus was good and gentle to them. He brought
madness and destruction upon all who spurned his rites.
As a god of vegetation, Dionysus died each winter and was reborn each spring. It
was through his yearly seasonal rites that the Greek dramas evolved. Euripides, Sopho
cles, and Aeschylus wrote their great tragedies for his most important festival, the
Great Dionysia, held in Athens for five days each spring.
Adonis has his origins among the early Semites who honored him as a young local
god. His name, as Adonai, derives from adon, meaning "lord:' This is also the origin of
the name Adonis. Adonai is the name used in place of Yahweh (YHWH), which can
not be spoken, in the Old Testament and during prayers. There are several variations
on his story among the Greek myths, but in most he is the son of the incestuous union
of a king of either Assyria or Cyprus and his daughter.
34 Myths and Deities
When he was born, he was so beautiful that Aphrodite fell in love with him. Soon
afterward, Persephone also fell for him and they fought over him constantly. In one
version of the myth, he was killed by a boar while hunting. Both goddesses pleaded
that he be restored to life and returned to them. Zeus decreed that he would have his
life back, but that he would spend spring and summer with Aphrodite and the rest of
the year in the Underworld with Persephone. The myth says nothing about how that
went over with Hades, Persephone's husband.
The Egyptians
Hathor has been worshipped as a cow since ancient times. Her original names, Het
Hert (the House Above) and Het-Heru (the House of Horus), indicate that she is a sky
goddess. She has also been seen as a mother
goddess. Although not a goddess with any rites
specific to this time of year, both wine and beer
were sacred to Hathor. According to legend,
which has also been attributed to Tefnut and
Thoth, the sun god Ra was angered by the disre
spectful behavior of humanity. He sent Hathor
to destroy them. In her form as the lioness
headed goddess, Sekhmet, her blood thirst grew
as she slaughtered the ancient Egyptians.
Ra changed his mind when he saw the trail of
destruction she left, but her thirst for human blood
was so great that he could not convince her to stop. To trick her, he flooded the fields
with grain and water, dyed red to mimic blood. When the sun came up, it warmed this
mixture and fermented it, creating beer. Hathor drank all the beer and forgot all about
her taste for human blood.
As a result, she was worshipped with a monthly Day of Drunkenness and became
the goddess oflove, joy, and drunkenness, among other things. At the annual Hathor
Celebrations in Bubastis, beer and wine flowed freely. Although most of the wine in
Egypt was produced in the Delta, every temple had vineyards to supply some of the
wine necessary for Hathor's rituals.
Osirus ha5
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If of the
Myths and Deities 35
Osirus has been associated with Dionysus. He taught the Egyptian people agriculture
and the making of beer and wine, among other things. Like gods across the world, he
is the god of vegetation who is killed and resurrected by the goddess, in this case his
sister and daughter of the earth god, Isis.
His brother Set killed him, hid his body in a chest, and threw it into the Nile, which
carried it out to sea. The chest came to rest at the foot of a tree that grew to immense
size and was cut down by the king of Byblos to use as a roof for his palace. When the
tree was cut down, it exuded the most wonderful aroma. Isis heard of this event and
knew that this was the resting place of her beloved. On arriving in Byblos, she nursed
the king's son, much like Demeter did in Eleusis.
Like Demeter, Isis was caught by the queen performing rituals to make the child
immortal, and like Demeter, Isis was forced to tell the truth of her identity and her
search for Osiris. She brought the body horne to Egypt and hid it, but Set found it and
cut it into fourteen pieces that he scattered across the land. Isis recovered every piece
but the phallus. She put Osiris back together and created a new phallus for him. Then
she resurrected him and gave him the gift of immortality. Osiris chose to rule over the
Underworld. The mummy of Osiris is sometimes depicted with protruding sheaves of
Great Mother and goddess of magic, beer, life, agriculture, and beauty, Isis has also
been associated with Demeter, for reasons that are obvious after reading the story of
Osiris. She has also been identified with Persephone and Aphrodite.
Other Egyptian Harvest Deities
An early Egyptian snake goddess, Ranuta was also the patron goddess of winemakers
and vineyards. During the harvest season, she was honored with many of the foods we
see in more temperate regions of the world at this season: corn, melons, and other
fruits, game birds, and bread. During this time, the pharaoh personally offered a sheaf
of wheat to Min, the fertility god, and Wapwait, a local agricultural deity, received the
first of the corn harvest.
36 .vfyths and Deities
The Middle East
a human}
Archangel Michael tion We fir
Since the archangels appear in the traditions of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and the
rule oYer 1
Zoroastrian religion, I have placed Michael separately, rather than categorize him
during the
under a particular Middle Eastern people or religion. His name is pronounced Mikha' el
which rna
in the Hebrew and Mika'il in Arabic. He may be found as an angel in both the Bible
and the Quran.
In Islam, like modern Christianity and many modern ceremonial magick tradi
Inanna is
tions, there are four archangels. The Zoroastrians claim there are seven, although their
Queen .\{(
names vary according to the source. The word "angel" means "messenger" and there
the planet
are into nine generally accepted categories of angels: seraphim, cherubim, thrones,
among a ....
dominions, virtues, powers, principalities, archangels, and angels.
Many sources give the meaning of Michael's name as "Who is like God;' In Christ
of the Sey
ian tradition, he is the primary warrior against Satan and the champion of God's
article of (
people. He rescues the souls of the faithful, particularly at death, and he brings the
the l-nder
souls of humankind to judgment. In Phrygia, where his feast day originated, he was
venerated as an angelic healer above all else. His worship stretches across the globe and
his history is rich in colorful stories.
To medieval Qabbalists, Michael is associated with Chesed of the Qabbalic Tree of
her of her
Life. This is the first Sephiroth of the manifested world, and can be seen as the point of
formulation that results in manifestation. Modern Qabbalists attribute Michael to
\\1Ule 1
Hod, the form that balances the natural creative force of Netzach, which corresponds
The yizier
to Venus, or to Tipheret, the point of balance of the Tree of Life.
ently, this
The Sumerians
Inanna. n:
gates. her
Dumuzi was a vegetation god, ruling over fertility and the Underworld. He was called
"the Shepherd" and is the patron god of shepherds and their flocks. Dumuzi is a gate
keeper at the doors of heaven and a forefather of Gilgamesh.
place. In tl
We find him in the Descent of Inanna myth as Inanna's husband. Dumuzi is one of
Dumuzi i5
those gods that began as a mortal and ascended to godhood over time. His marriage as
half of the
,and the
rize him

:he Bible
:k tradi
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1 Christ
of God's
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:point of
ichael to
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is one of
lITlage as
Myths and Deities 37
a human king to Inanna ensured the fertility of the lands and the people, an associa
tion we find in many other cultures. He was chosen (some versions say sentenced) to
rule over the Underworld for half the year. In ancient Sumeria, his time below was
during the hot, barren summer and he returned to the earth on the Autumnal Equinox,
which marked the Sumerian New Year. When he and Inanna reunited, fertility and
abundance returned to the land.
Inanna is without question the most important of the Sumerian goddesses. She is
Queen Moon, Queen of the Universe, Mistress of Heaven and Earth. She personifies
the planet Venus. She presides over love, fertility, grain, the natural world, and war,
among a wide variety of other things. Inanna's Descent is known throughout literary,
psychological, and neopagan circles across the world. It is said that the original Dance
of the Seven Veils told the story of Inanna's descent into the Underworld, where an
article of clothing or jewelry was removed at each of seven gates, until she arrived in
the Underworld completely naked.
During this myth, Inanna stormed the gates of the Underworld where her sister
Ereshkigal ruled. Upset that her sister would attempt to enter her land in this way,
Ereshkigal instructed the gatekeeper to allow her entry in the ancient ways, stripping
her of her earthly possessions and clothing as she descended. When the sisters came
face-to-face, Ereshkigal set sixty diseases on Inanna, which killed her.
While Inanna was in the Underworld, all fertility and procreation ceased on Earth.
The vizier of the gods was deeply saddened by this and wept openly before Ea, Lord of
Wisdom. Ea created a being (some versions say two) to loosen Ereshkigal up. Appar
ently, this being was good at his job because the waters of life were sprinkled on
Inanna, restoring her to her former self. As she passed back out through the seven
gates, her garments and jewelry were returned to her in exchange for the presence of
Dumuzi, lover of her youth.
Some versions of this story have Dumuzi required to spend half the year in the
Underworld, while Inanna's sister, Geshtinanna, spends the other half there in his
place. In these versions, Geshtinanna presides over the autumn harvest of vines, while
Dumuzi is the grain god. In any event, Dumuzi, as the vegetation god, spends the dark
half of the year in the Underworld.
=0 :.:. -:::cd.
The Akkadians (Babylonians)
."'as s:.aintl
:':1 e le
To the Akkadian people of Mesopotamia, Tammuz was the counterpart of Dumuzi.
He, too, was a vegetation god and married to the goddess Ishtar, counterpart of
Inanna. Like Dumuzi, Tammuz died in the hot summer month named Tammus, after
or Cl
him. When he dies, the Gallu demons take his spirit to the Underworld.
...a.,:c Of .......
Ishtar is desolate without him and the whole world laments the loss of Tammuz.
1.:: til
Ishtar descends to the Underworld and pleads with Ereshkigal, Ruler of the Under
world, for his release. After succeeding in a number of challenges, she wins his free

dom and brings him back to the earth. At the equinox, Tammuz returns and the earth

rejoices, becoming fertile and abundant once more.
_l:. ?::OCnK
The Descent ofIshtar is very similar to the Descent ofInanna, although Inanna's myth
predates this one and is both longer and more detailed. Ishtar is associated with
:.e:::::' .e:i- m
Inanna, Aphrodite, and the Phoenician Astarte. Ishtar is a goddess of fertility and love.
Tammuz was her lover and she went after him into the Underworld, leaving the earth
=..:'::: 0rle
to lose its fertility and wither.
Siduri is a priestess of Ishtar, although some scholars believe she may actually be a
form ofIshtar herself. She is the divine maker of wines and beer. She sits, veiled in the
::s ti
garden of the sun on the seashore beyond the Land of Life, shaded by her vineyard,
,,- - .

and surrounded with golden bowls and golden vats given to her by the gods.
L'': f'Cl
The Phoenicians
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It was among the Phoenicians that the early form of Adonis was a young and hand
&.::'i" =----r,.
some god called Adon. In the myth of Adon, we see a number of similarities to the
-.::- -::::a
Greek stories of Adonis. Adon was honored at a country shrine named Aphka at the
source of a river. Every autumn, when the river ran red, the local people ritually
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5 his free
the earth
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, and love.
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Myths and Deities 39
mourned the death of Adon and believed the river
was stained with the blood of the god. According
to one legend, Adon had an affair with the
goddess Astarte. Another god loved her and
became so violently jealous that he took the
form of a wild boar and killed Adon. At the
place of Adon's death, red poppies grow each
year. In the Greek myth, red anemones sprang
from the blood of Adonis. Astarte weeps over
her lost lover and vows to return him to life each
A Phoenician and Canaanite goddess of fertility, fruitfulness, and the moon, Ashtoreth
is associated with Astarte and Ishtar. Cut trees known as asherim were erected in Semitic
temples in her honor. Her name appears several times in the Christian Bible, and even
Solomon was said to worship her. Several scholars believe that the Old Testament refers
not to one God but to a male-female creative pair, known as Baal and Ashtoreth.
The Hindus
Durga is the Hindu goddess of strength and motherhood. Her festival of Nine Nights
(Navratri) takes place around the autumn equinox. She is the protector of the universe
and the power behind the growth of vegetation on the earth. Durga upholds dharma,
the cosmic order, by whatever means necessary. Her worship dates back at least 5,000
years. Durga has been one of shakti's main forms for almost 2,000 years. Shakti is the
dynamic creative, feminine energy of Nature.
The Devimahatmya tells us of her powers and her way of saving her devotees from
any number of troubles. Like many goddesses throughout the world, Durga has more
than one aspect. She is commonly depicted with three eyes and many arms. She often
holds weapons and may be seated on a lotus. She is said to be the mother of the deities
Ganesha, Sarasvati, Lakshmi, and Karttikeya.
40 Myths and Deities
Worshipped in ancient India and Persia, Mithra was a god of the sun, light, and wis
the shade
dom. He also ruled contracts and friendship. Mithra can be found as Mitra, usually
god.s. pea
with his twin Varuna, in the Hindu Vedas, specifically the Rig Veda. His feast, Mihra
gan, is still celebrated by Zoroastrians on October 1. The Mystery cult of Mithra, or
Mithras, spread throughout the ancient world until declining in the third century A.D. LSD(
Similarities between Mithraism and Christianity have been noted by many schol earth itsd
ars, including the fight between good and evil and the hope of immortality through is the s
religious life. Mithra was born from a rock or cave. According to the myth, he fought Godde55..
the sun god and captured a divine bull. He dragged the bull to a cave where he sacri Sif. the gc
ficed it before being invested with the power of the sun and ascending to the heavens. grain. Tbl
The blood and semen of the bull gave rise to plants and some animals on the earth. Bringer 0
Mithra was worshipped in the mithraeum, small temples that were crafted to historicall
resemble caves. Images of his life, particularly the sacrifice of the bull, were depicted fields. Son
along with recreations of the cosmos. It has been suggested by some scholars that the .:TOr fertiI
cult of Mithra was based on star knowledge and an understanding of the precession of by ma..:.-n-a
the equinoxes.
The Norse
-'laban tlj
As the most approachable of the Norse goddesses, Freyja presides over love, marriage, ::be
fertility, and childbirth. She offers protection in battle and peace. With her brother m.-.. :OW
Freyr, another fertility deity, she also watches over the dead. Freyja has been associated its
with Ishtar and Inanna, not only due to her role as goddess of both love and war, but :::nO:::er 0n
because her greatest treasure, the necklace Brisingamen, has been linked to one of the II: :he a
famous pieces jewelry Inannallshtar had removed at the gates to the Underworld. ...-:ie
Brisingamen brings protection and fertility to the world.
5oC'eki::g Of.

ias!0>3 :0:- a
As brother to Freyja and god of plenty, Freyr is known as the Harvest God, among his

many titles.
He rules over the rain and sunshine, which are vital to growth of the
and wis
a., usually
t, Mihra
fithra, or
ltury A.D.
ny schol
, through
~ e fought
. he sacri
~ heavens.
e earth.
:rafted to
, depicted
'S that the
cession of
~ r brother
:l war, but
lne of the
mong his
,"th of the
Myths and Deities 41
land. When Freyr rode his golden boar across the skies, the light penetrated even into
the shade, increasing the bounty of the land. Freyr and Freyja are of the Vanir race of
gods, peaceful keepers of gentle rains, mild winds, and fertility.
Thor is not one normally associated with the equinox or the harvest, or even really the
earth itself. He is most often seen as a sky god, ruling thunder and lightning. However,
he is the son of the sky god Wodan/Odin and the Earth
Goddess. He links earth and sky and is married to
Sif, the golden-haired goddess of the ripening
grain. Thor has a little-known aspect as the
Bringer of Fertility to the harvest. Thor was
historically a farmer's god, bringing rain to the
fields. Some folklore links lightning and hail to
crop fertility, and Thor's Hammer is still seen
by many as an amulet for vitality and fertility.
The Celts
Mabon ap Modron
Certainly, the most recognizable myth involved in this festival is that of the Mabon,
the Child of Light and the son of the Modron, Great Mother. It is from this Welsh
myth, found in the tale of Culhwch and Olwen, that the neopagan Mabon festival
receives its name. Mabon son of Modron (Mabon ap Modron) was stolen from his
mother only three nights after his birth at the beginning of time.
In the ancient story, Culhwch had a curse laid on him, that he would never have a
wife unless he could marry Olwen, daughter ofYsbaddaden Chief-giant. No suitor
seeking Olwen had ever left the giant's fort with his life, for the giant knew his life
would end with his daughter's marriage. So Ysbaddaden set thirty-nine impossible
tasks for any potential husband, were he able to survive the initial meeting with
Olwen's father.
\[yths and Deities
-= .:.=..:::t:
Culhwch accepted each challenge with confidence and vowed to return from his
quest victorious. Fortunately, he was accompanied by his cousin, the legendary
Arthur, and Arthur's best Companions. The very first thing they did was seek Mabon,
for he was the key to the other wonders they sought. To do so, they had to rely on the
.. ,:<::s
memories of the Oldest Animals until eventually they came to the Salmon of Llyn

Llyw, the most ancient of all the animals.
. :.;::n:J
The Salmon took two of the Companions on his shoulders to the wall of Caer
:o:::...:.::.j OIl
Loyw, where he heard someone grieving since his earliest days. The Companions
- .
_,:';:'''::G5 II
heard the prisoner lamenting and asked who it was that cried out in the stone build
ing. Amazingly, it was Mabon son of Modron, painfully incarcerated with no hope of
escape. The Companions battled for his release and won, after which Mabon joined
them and Culhwch finally won the hand of Olwen.
With the birth of the Mabon to Modron, the Earth Mother, change comes to the
Green _\"
earth. He is stolen from her only three days after his birth and her light disappears as
she grieves over her lost child. The autumn equinox begins the seasons of cold and
.:.. .:t-::..:s .a.t I
darkness in the northern hemisphere, paralleling the grief of the Modron. Just as her
-2.::0 n
child is imprisoned deep within a stone cell, the plants and animals of the earth slow
down and move inward until life returns in the spring. In druidic tradition, we honor
the rebirth and release of the Mabon at the winter solstice, after which the days grow

Celtic myth is full of similar stories. Rhiannon, a horse goddess and Earth Mother
:-1;::5 th
in her own right, had her son Pryderi taken from her soon after his birth. Her grief
,':-2Y;:-s. (J
was unbearable until he was returned to the apparent world, much like the Mabon.
Tic (


Cernunnos, the Horned God of the Celts and Gauls, is the god of fertility, animals, and
...-itt (kill
the Underworld. He is our guardian in this world and the Otherworlds. He is the lover
iL'1GcDt Gn
and often the son and protector of the Great Mother. In many myths, he is born at the
winter solstice and dies at the summer solstice. Yet in many agricultural areas, he is one
to 5\mbolli
and the same as the spirit of vegetation that dies with the end of the harvest, often
.:iried 0::.'
around the autumn equinox:. In many neopagan artwork and experiences, he is another
aspect of the Green Man, and of Herne the Hunter.
from his
on the
n of Llyn
] of Caer
Ine build
o hope of
on joined
nes to the
lppears as
cold and
lust as her
we honor
dayS grow
Her grief
s the lover
(:1m at the
., he is one
is another
Myths and Deities 43
In ancient artwork, Cernunnos was sometimes
shown with hair of vegetation. As Lord of the
Forests, he was attended by snakes, deer, and
other animals. He has been associated with
Dionysus and Osiris. On the interior of the
Gundestrap Cauldron, found in a bog in
1891, Cernunnos is depicted with a snake in
one hand and a torque for his marriage to the
Goddess in the other. From his brow spring
antlers, one of which culminates in leaves. On
the exterior of the cauldron, he appears much
more like the common image of the Green Man.
My husband wears the most beautiful necklace of the Green Man, created by our old
friends at Dragonscale Jewelry. This depiction shows the Green Man wearing the usual
vegetation along with cat's eyes, almost elven-pointed ears, and the horns of Cernun
nos. Our friends explained it as the forest guardian with the ability to see into the
darkness. The Green Man is an almost universal symbol of the male aspect of creativ
ity and the lover/son of the Great Mother. He brings us wildness with tenderness and
He is the spirit of the forest and the wilderness. Our son first saw him in the hang
ing leaves of an ivy plant. What Karl described left no question as to whose face he had
seen. The Green Man, like the world of vegetation, is rebirth and renewal. He guides
and protects us on our journeys into the darkness.
Green Man-type images can be found in many cultures. In Egypt, he is associated
with Osiris. One wall panel from Nefertari's tomb depicts Osiris with a green face. 12 In
ancient Greece, Dionysus was seen as an antlered or horned god of vegetation, crowned
with snakes.13 The Green Man was even popular in Christian artwork, where he came
to symbolize the resurrection of Christ as well as the wooden cross that Christ was cru
cified on. 14
44 Myths and Deities
The Dagda is the Good God and the All-Father
who presides over the earth, magic, life, and death.
He possesses a great cauldron that supplies an
enormous and inexhaustible amount of food. He
also owns an immortal pig that provides an endless
supply of food, an unending supply of drink, and
three continually producing fruit trees. The Dagda
summons the seasons with his magical harp.
Ruler of the Underworld Annwn, Arawn is also known
as Gwynn ap Nudd, and is often associated with Herne the
Hunter. With his white, red-eared hounds, he leads the Wild
Hunt to take the souls of those that have died in the previous year home to Annwn.
Annwn is the Celtic Underworld. It is the place of ancestral power. This is where
we rest after death and await rebirth. It is the cauldron from which all life emerges.
The barley goddess, Ceridwen, is the brewer of the cauldron of wisdom that enlight
ened Gwion Bach and turned him into the great bard, Taliesin. She is the Autumn
Crone, the Nurse of Seeds, and the visionary sibyl. An older form of the Great Mother,
Ceridwen is the dark Mother of the Mysteries as well. Initiates of Ceridwen drank a
mead-like brew similar to that imbibed by the initiates of Ceres and the Eleusinian
initiates of Demeter and Persephone. 15
1. Grimassi, Encyclopedia of"Vicca and pp. 173-174.
2. Ibid.
3. Fortune, The Mystical Qabalah, pp. 221-237.
4. Reprinted as it first appeared in The Innerconnexion, Litha 1998 issue.
5. The Bacchanalia is a huge wine industry festival held in Vancouver. Lasting for seven days, it includes
158 wineries from sixteen countries. In 1999, 15,000 people attended the event.
: ?':.....L-jri:J!DI:
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<:=.: j::::::coii

-=-.:3. li

_,_"-_ _' 30!
:=-'J":"'_ :-
>5.. i
; is where
lerges .
.t en light
: _-\.utumn
It :\.lother,
n drank a
Myths and Deities 45
6. Pharaonic Egypt,
7. Other sources pointed mainly to the plural nature of the Old Testament terms YHWH, Adonai, and
Elohim, as well as the fact that various parts ofYHWH and Elohim were often used to describe male
and female deities, like Baal and Astoreth.
Another source is Sol Abrams, www.infidels.orgllibrary/magazinesltsr/1994/111poly94.html
8. Sources,
9. Freyjasfriend, The Wain, issue 13, "Freyja-The Northern Aphrodite:'
10. Freysfriend, The Wain, issue 8, "Introduction to Freyr."
11. Anderson, The Green Man, pp.42-43.
12. Ibid., p. 37
13. Ibid., p. 34.
14. Ibid., p. 3l.
15. Nichols, The Book ofDruidry, p. 146.
What would our lives be without symbols? Everything we see is a manifested symbol
of something far greater-even our bodies. Language is composed of symbols used to
communicate. Each spiritual path and every religion has its own set of symbols that
represent our values, beliefs, and deities or helping spirits. Pagans tend to understand
a wider range of magical symbols than most other spiritual groups.
We explore these symbols, studying their historical significance as we learn what
they mean to us as individuals. We make use of these symbols in a wide variety of con
crete ways for healing, creation, release, and self-knowledge. Our altars and jewelry
boxes are full of significant symbols that hold meaning and power for each of us. Just
as each path has its own symbols, each season and festival has special symbols that are
almost universally associated with that time.
The equinox season is no different and we find that the themes of harvest, giving
thanks, reflection, and preparation for the dark times are found in cultures through
out the world. Along with these general themes, there are colors, food and drink,
herbs, animals, and more that all evoke the feelings, scents, and images of this most
glorious season. Join me in exploring some of what makes the Mabon season so rich!
48 Symbols of the Season
At this time of year, the land changes as the leaves, grasses, and other plants turn the
most astounding colors. Even the light seems to change, casting gold, orange, and rose
light at dawn and sunset. This deepening light catches the
leaves and the grasses, illuminating them and intensify
ing the color changes in the plants themselves. Orange
pumpkins, red chiles, and purple grapes are promi
nently displayed at farmstands and in grocery stores.
For many of us, color is what autumn is all about.
People flock to woodland areas to view the fall colors
at their peak. This is such a popular activity that peak
color times are noted on most newscasts, and even on
the Internet. It is not only the trees that change, though.
Virginia creeper, a popular vine throughout the United
States, turns red. In the Southwest, chamisa, or rabbit
brush, turns a brilliant yellow. Even many grasses burst out in beautiful hues of red,
pink, and purple.
This is an ideal time of year to work with specific color energies and candle mag
ick. What are your favorite colors among the changing leaves? Do you find joy in the
bright and sunny yellows, or are you drawn more to gaze at the scarlet reds? Perhaps
you find the transition of deep gold and orange to rose and indigo in the sunset to be
truly awesome. Or maybe you prefer the dark reds, browns, and purples of we see in
many grasses at this time of year. Each of the colors associated with this season can
bring us new insights and create a special type of magic in our lives, but it is often best
to go with what calls to you first.
Many people tend to dress in the colors of the season. Little do most of them know
of the magic inherent in their actions. The colors we choose to wear bring those ener
gies into our auras. They affect how we feel and how we interact with other people.
These colors are warming and comfortable. They are like a favorite pair of flannel paja
mas or a warm afghan. Each individual color has specific energies associated with it.
If you are working with a particular challenge or goal at this time, check the list
below to find an appropriate color to work with. Even without a specific goal in mind,
consider what energies you would like to bring into your life at this time. What would
benefit you most, or what have you not yet integrated?
tions are ..
.:hoos,c to
son. YOUG
your ..:noSo!
Golden To
lapis lazu
turn the
and rose
tches the
i. Orange
Symbols of the Season
Then find creative ways to work with the associated color. Altar and home decora
tions are a wonderful way to bring this color into your spiritual space. Some people
choose to modify their ritual garb by incorporating the colors and symbols of the sea
son. You can work with this in very subtle and mundane ways, by dressing in shades of
your chosen color more frequently or wearing appropriate jewelry. On a purely mag
ickallevel, we can experiment with candles, stones, and color meditations.
e promi
, stores.
ill about.
au colors
that peak
I eyen on
e, though.
tie United
)r rabbit
,es of red, Indigo
ldle mag
joy in the
.? Perhaps
tDset to be Amber
~ w e see in
.eason can
often best
hem know
Golden Topaz
hose ener
ler people.
mnel paja-
1with it.
:!Ck the list
at in mind,
Lapis Lazuli
,bat would
grounding, healing animals, the home
passion, strength, physical vitality, sexuality, anger, aggression
visioning, kundalini activation and balancing, grounding
legal matters, success, will
divination, mental powers, manifestation
the God, prosperity
intuition, inspiration, visioning
clairvoyance, connection to spirit, opening to Otherworlds, clearing
purification, calming, manifestation
*frequently needs clearing
transmutes negativity, balancing energy, aligning chakras, personal
power, creativity, manifestation, inspiration, and illumination
*rarely needs clearing
mental clarity, communication, relaxation, friendship
mental clarity, visioning, intuition, balance, soothing energy
protection, intuition, awareness, luck
meditation, opening crown chakra, clairvoyance, change,
amplification of energy, psychic protection
universal knowledge, magick, awareness, visioning, clairvoyance,
creativity, dreamwork, protection, freedom
joy, peace, wisdom
50 Symbols of the Season
Depending on the culture and tradition, a variety of animals are associated with this
time of year. Many of these are related to the myths and deities of the season, such as
the series of Celtic Oldest Animals that led to the discovery of the Mabon by Culhwch
and his Companions. Others are symbolic due to migratory patterns or because the
attributes associated with them resonate with the season.
All migratory animals are symbolic of this season, some more obviously than oth
ers as you will discover as you read this chapter. This includes those animals that are
leaving our areas and those that come to stay with us through the winter. If you
develop an awareness of the creatures you encounter, you may find that they are act
ing as messengers of Spirit for you. Books like Ted Andrews' Animal-Speak, and the
various animal divination decks, are wonderful resources to begin exploring symbol
ism. Don't rely on what any person or book tells you, though. Trust your own intu
ition to feel what meaning these animals may hold for you personally.
Similarly, all those animals that are storing food and gaining weight, and making
other preparations for the coming winter, are symbolic of the season and may hold
even more meaning for us. Few of us move seasonally. Most of us are moving inward.
reflecting on the past year, and preparing for winter and the upcoming P.n
attention to creatures around you and take note of what they are doing. See if
actions spark a memory, feeling, or idea for you that is applicable to this time of
Turkey Vulture
Vultures, particularly turkey vultures, are an appropriate
bird to honor at this time of year. Many turkey vultures
migrate to Central and South America. They head south
on the Autumnal Equinox and return in the spring on
the Vernal Equinox. They have frequently been docu
mented returning to summer roosting sites on the
exact day of the equinox.
In truth, New World vultures are more closely
related biologically to storks than to Old World vul
tures, but they look the same and do the same work
and to us, they are vultures. The turkey vulture is a
common sight throughout the Americas. Negative
death, hO\l
body is eve
This ug:
-cleansing I
Can you in
left to simJl
of the dead
.-b is ap
old panern
dark hali 01
ture has mt
gers ill our
:\lother: Sb
bvdies and
r"llmre for
shrine. dati
are I
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.is :2..:"
s;:-::-:::-.::... :ra
Symbols of the Season 51
perceptions about this bird are evident in Western movies, where it is the harbinger of
'with this
death, hovering over some poor soul in the desert and waiting to eat him before his
11, such as body is even cold.
This ugly, carcass-eating bird bears the scientific name of Cathartes aura, meaning
cause the
"cleansing breeze;' This certainly does not sound fitting for a bird with such a negative
connotation in our culture. But we rely on the very important work that vultures do.
than oth Can you imagine the stench and disease that would spread if all those carcasses were
ls that are left to simply rot away? Vultures fill an important ecological niche through disposing
er. If you
of the dead and recycling the bodies and their energy through the food web.
~ are act As is appropriate to the season, Vulture energy guides us in clearing out all those
(, and the old patterns and aspects of self that no longer serve us. At the equinox, we enter the
g symbol dark half of the year and our focus begins to turn to the elders and the departed. Vul
)wn intu ture has much to teach our modern society about the value of caretakers and the dan
gers in our current perspectives regarding caretakers, the sick, and the elderly.
ld making Throughout the world, the vulture has been associated with the Goddess as
may hold Mother: She who gives life and receives us back after physical death, transforming our
19 inward,
bodies and spirits to prepare us for rebirth. Our first indications of the Goddess in
lidays. Pay vulture form were found in Turkey, in the ancient city of Catal Huyuk. A vulture
iee if their shrine, dating from approximately 6000 B.C. is found in this city. The vultures in the
l1e of year. shrine are not painted black but red, the color of life. The vulture as purifier and the
one to free the spirits of the dead is an image found among early Christians and
ancient Egyptians. Myths and rites surrounding this belief are found from Tibet to
North and South America.
According to Animal-Speak, the ancient Puebloans of the Southwest used Vulture
medicine to facilitate a return to one's self and grounding after shapeshifting rituals.
This is interesting in that the zone-tailed hawk is known to mimic the appearance and
behavior of soaring turkey vultures. It "shape shifts" so well into a vulture that it can be
extremely difficult to identify in the midst of a spiraling kettle of vultures. There are a
variety of theories surrounding this but no one knows for certain why this hawk
spends so much time with these vultures.
The spiral flight of vultures evokes the ancient symbolism of the Spiral. It is one of
the most common petroglyph symbols throughout the world, and its use dates at least
as far back as 2000 B.C. The Spiral has come to mean continuity, inner mysteries, and
spiritual transformation. As opposed to the labyrinths and caverns of the inner Earth,
32 Symbols of the Season
the vulture spirals, sometimes as high as 20,000 feet, to teach us of the mysteries of Air
and Earth; of grounding our spirituality and elevating our manifestations to higher
realms. Vulture watches over the transmutation of matter into spirit and back again as
we re-enter the egg of rebirth.
The Blackbird of Cilgwri was the first of the Oldest Animals visited by Culhwch and
his Companions in their search for the Mabon. He knew not where the child of light
was hidden and guided them to the next oldest of the animals. The birds of Rhiannon
have also been identified as blackbirds.
These birds sang enchantments to Bran
the Blessed and his followers in the tale
of Branwen Daughter of Lyr and their
capture was one of the many demands
presented to Culhwch by the giant in
order to obtain the hand of Olwen.
In Gaelic, the blackbird is known as
druid dhubh, "the black druid." The song of
druid dhubh carries us into the Otherworlds, to work with dreaming and spirituality.
This is the bird of the Otherworldly blacksmith, a magickal being that may lead us to
create wonderful things in our lives.
The Blackbird led the Companions to the Stag of Rhedynfre, who was equally unable
to help them but he did take them on to the next oldest of the animals. The Stag has
obvious associations with Cernunnos and Herne the Hunter. He is also known as the
Lord of the Wild Hunt.
A male deer's antlers begin to grow back in early summer. By time of the rut in
September, they are fully grown. Also in September, in the English village of Bromley,
the Abbot's Bromley Horn Dance takes place. This is a very old custom of men wear
ing antlered headdresses parading through the streets.
=-'i.:e G
<L-:d fc
j. !le S:ag ]
~ e K !lott
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sinon 'bet1
death. 0 ....
the equine
that rna\" b
ble night \l
ened sense
cial facial f(
prey in tot
you into d
needs to \:)j
inner harye;
The Owl a,
and the me
ally for the
monly des<:
A Gaeli,
to soar to ~
tures. To 50
ity to pass t
so high, the
four cardin
:s of Air
) higher
again as
wch and
I of light
lead us to
e Stag has
as the
the rut in

nen wear-
Symbols of the Season
Like Cernunnos, the Stag is the male aspect of Nature. He brings protection, heal
ing, and fertility. He is wildness and passion. The energy of the Stag is accompanied by
independence and inner strength.
The Stag led the Companions of Culhwch to the Owl of Cwm Cawlwyd, who also
knew nothing of the Mabon. The owl is sacred to the pre-Celtic crone goddess, the
Cailleach. This is a bird of "the betwixt and between;' not entirely of either this world
or the next. It is often a messenger of the tran
sition between worlds, particularly birth and
death. Owl stands at the point of balance, like
the equinox, and guides us into the mysteries
that may be entered at this time.
Predominantly nocturnal, owls have incredi
ble night vision. In addition, they have a height
ened sense of hearing and touch (related to spe
cial facial feathers) that allows them to find their
prey in total darkness. This is the bird to take
you into the shadows and help you see what
needs to be seen at this time of reflection and
inner harvest.
The Owl accompanied Culhwch's company to the animal it believed was the oldest
and the most widely traveled, the Eagle of Gwernabwy. The Eagle is a powerful spirit
ally for the early British, particularly the Welsh. It is one of four animals most com
monly described in ancient tales.
A Gaelic name for the Eagle is suil-na-greine, meaning "eye of the sun:" Its ability
to soar to great heights has led the Eagle to be associated with the sun in many cul
tures. To some of the ancient North American Pueblo peoples, the Eagle had the abil
ity to pass through the hole in the sky and enter the home of the sun. Because it flew
so high, the Eagle came to represent the zenith point, from which it could see into the
four cardinal directions.
54 Symbols of the Season
At the zenith, at local noon on the equinox at the equator, a vertical object casts no
shadow. At this time of year, one can see into the past, present, and future with an
:s llX
"eagle eye." The predator inherent in Eagle energy culls to maintain a healthy balance.
Dagda. (
The equinox custom of reflecting on our shadows and what we have reaped in the
previous year can be truly powerful with this type of energy behind it, provided we
\'"elsh ta:
allow the Eagle to cull what is no longer beneficial to us.
and the I
The great Eagle told the Companions that only once had he met with an animal that
the femal
might be able to assist them in their quest. At Lyn Llyw, he tried to take a salmon that
pulled him deep into a pool, from which he barely escaped. When the Eagle and his
sprmg all
kinfolk set out for revenge, the Salmon sent messengers of peace and gave a peace
:;:";orth Al
offering himself. This Salmon was the most ancient of all the animals and finally led
people in
the men to the prison of the Mabon.
The Salmon of Wisdom dwells in the sacred pool known as Conla's Well, or the
that thes.
Well of Segais. This pool is the source of the River Boyne that flows through the Boyne
Great pit
Valley and feeds that land that is home to ancient sites such as Knowth, Dowth, and
that were
Newgrange. According to legend, five salmon swim in this pool and feed on the nuts
of wisdom dropped by nine hazel trees. From the pool flow five streams, which are
W o l f ~
associated with our five physical senses. In druidry, we learn that great knowledge can
The wolf
be obtained through the senses when we combine this physical learning with inspira
seen on t
tion as we drink of the sacred well.
Mo rri gar
An old Irish tale of the shamanic Fionn mac Cumhaill roughly parallels the Welsh
ing her 0
story of Taliesin's initiation. A boy called Deimne went to fish in the River Boyne. He
found an old poet on the banks who had been seeking the Salmon of Wisdom for
seven years because of a prophecy that he would be the one person to catch and eat it,
ing. Sina
inheriting all knowledge the fish possessed. The man did catch the fish and gave it to
wolves fc
the Deimne to cook, warning him not to eat any of it. The boy did as he was told, but
his hean
when a splash of the hot salmon juice landed on his thumb, he instinctively stuck his
king, a ~
thumb in his mouth, like young Gwion Bach did. Deimne instantly received the wis
him eyer
dom of the Salmon and was renamed Fionn, just as Gwion became Taliesin.
during h
ct casts no
re with an
ped in the
ovided we
oimal that
lmon that
~ e and his
v-e a peace
finally led
:ell, or the
the Boyne
owth, and
n the nuts
which are
\iedge can
th inspira
the Welsh
Boyne. He
isdom for
and eat it,
I gave it to
5 told, but
,'stuck his
rl the wis-
Symbols of the Season 55
Pig is included in this chapter because of its many associations with the Celtic deities
Dagda, Cerridwen, and Arawn. Arawn is credited with introducing pigs to Britain
through his gift of the swine of Annwn to Pryderi, son of Rhiannon and Pwyll. In the
Welsh tale of Math, they are described as small animals with better meat than cows,
and the name given to them is "pig:' Pigs are also sacred to the goddess Demeter.
The boar, a type of male pig, also played a role in Culhwch's quest to fulfill all the
demands of the giant. The Boar symbolizes warrior energy and leadership. The sow,
the female, is a manifestation of the Goddess.
The ancient Celts kept huge herds of swine and turned them out onto the fields in
spring and autumn. The pig played a similar role in the lives of the Celts to that of the
North American bison (buffalo) in the lives of Native Americans. It provided for the
people in many ways and was honored in ritual as a result.
Many ancient burials in the Celtic lands contain pigs or parts of pigs. It is believed
that these provided sustenance for the departed on the journey to the next world.
Great pits have also been found containing animals, including male and female pigs,
that were buried in thanksgiving for the gifts of the Goddess.
The wolf is sacred to Cernunnos, often appearing in depictions of the Horned God, as
seen on the Gundestrap Cauldron. Several Celtic legends relate stories of wolves. The
Morrigan has been known to take the form of the she-wolf, particularly when protect
ing her own ego, as recounted in one of the stories of Cu-Chulainn. The Irish King
Cormac is said to have been taken by a
she-wolf while his mother lay sleep
ing. Since he was reared with her cubs,
wolves forever held a special place in
his heart. When Cormac was made
king, a pack of wolves accompanied
him everywhere. Merlin himself be
friended, and was befriended by, a wolf
during his time of "madness" in the
._--_.- ---
56 Symbols of the Season
forests. The goddess Cerridwen, in her guise as Henwen, blessed Wales with a wolf
cub. Also, in the Aridian Tradition of Italian Witchcraft, we move into the time of To SDrr:.e (l
Lupus, the Wolf, at the Autumn Equinox.
Wolf also represents the personal or collective Shadow. This may be one of the rea ea."'llL .
sons why the wolf has been so maligned in modern culture. This highly intelligent ani Hopi peop
mal, with an elaborate social structure and a complex system of vocal communica ask the g<
tions, has been portrayed as a violent criminal, wanting nothing more than to hunt us reas
down and steal our livestock. Rarely are we informed that the wolf tends to avoid :ner.tio:;J ir
human confrontation, and takes only what it needs for food: most often the sick or tertlies an
elderly of its prey species. powerful d
Like Eagle, Wolf can help us cull what no longer serves us in this time of reflection. surprL't:
But Wolf is a Teacher and a Pathfinder as well. This energy teaches us how to live in Butterfl
healthy community and how to maintain balance in ourselves and our relationships. while othe
3,000 mile
to SUniye1
Snake seems to show up everywhere in the ancient myths of the Second Harvest. We
llomia ':03
see Snake in the form of Ranuta, an Egyptian harvest goddess. It appears on the
of central
Gundestrap Cauldron in the hand of Cernunnos. The snake is sacred to Demeter.
In huge
Dionysus, as a type of Green Man, was said to have been crowned with snakes.
to the sam
The Snake is a powerful symbol of the Underworld, with its ability to live within and
seasonal fll
disappear into the Earth. It has also been associated with resurrection and transforma
tion, as well as fertility. As the snake sheds its skin, so can we enter the dark half of the
year in honor, to be reborn in the spring as more balanced and healthy individuals.
rebirth. As
Healing has been associated with Snake energy for millennia, as evidenced by its
chfYsalis, f
place on the caduceus, an ancient Greek symbol appropriated by the modern medical
ated with t
establishment. This healing aspect is also connected to the Snake's association with the
kundalini energy that rests at the base of the spine. This potent energy vitalizes the
body and opens the chakras as it rises up the spine. The ancient Indians often depicted
carries us t
this as a coiled snake at the base of the spine or as t".o snakes winding their way up the
spine. An old Welsh tradition says that the presence of one male and one female snake
in the farmhouse ensures health and happiness for the family.
57 Symbols of the Season
th a wolf
e time of
~ f the rea
igent ani
o hunt us
. to avoid
Ie sick or
to live in
lIvest. We
rs on the
.ithin and
Ialf of the
iced by its
n medical
n with the
talizes the
1 depicted
my up the
lale snake
To some of the native peoples inhabiting
Mexico, Butterfly represents the fertility of
the earth. In the American Southwest, the
Hopi people perform a Butterfly Dance to
ask the gods for a plentiful harvest. For
these reasons alone, the butterfly deserves
mention in this chapter. But more than that, but
terflies and moths have come to represent death,
powerful dreaming, and divine inspiration to cultures throughout the world. It may
surprise you, but these are also migratory creatures.
Butterflies and moths will migrate. Some go one-way only to follow food sources,
while others do a round trip depending on the season. But none make a trip of over
3,000 miles like the monarchs. Monarch butterflies need to migrate each year in order
to survive the winter. Monarchs to the west of the Rocky Mountains travel to the Cal
ifornia coast, while those to the east of the mountains go all the way to the mountains
of central Mexico.
In huge groups, these butterflies migrate each year to the same winter roosts, often
to the same tree. This migration is very similar to the migration of birds. Like birds,
seasonal fluctuations in sunlight and temperature influence their travel. The second
weeks of March and September are prime migration times for these insects.
The most obvious energy Butterfly brings to us is that of transformation and
rebirth. As we enter autumn, we each begin to move into our own type of cocoon or
chrysalis, from which we will re-emerge in the spring. Butterfly has also been associ
ated with the immortal soul and the transformation of physical death.
But more than that, Butterfly brings joy and vibrant color, the lightness of Air and
inspiration. This energy calls us to dance and float, trusting in the Great Spirit that
carries us through the dark times and back into the light.
58 Symbols of the Season
Mythical and Otherworldly Beings _tpple
Pays _=.rt
Fays are Albanian faery beings, appearing as tiny, winged beings. Their appearance
changes with the season and they are responsible for helping the Triple Goddess turn
the Wheel of the Year. In autumn, they are believed to shake the trees to help loosen
dead leaves.
-::-= ';.'I'
_.!:.=;::-: ""..:. JE
The word "gnome" is said to derive from the Greek gnosis meaning "knowledge:'
:..=. II
There are many types of gnomes throughout the world. Gnomes are all underground
::":,-,,,- :2-= :c;
dwellers and bring in the energy of Earth. They are extremely long-lived and often
appear as very short, old people wearing pointed hats or hoods.


The guIon is a beast from Scandinavian legend. It is described as a lion-hyena with the
_ =-::..aI
tail of a fox. It is said to have sharp claws. It is sometimes used as a symbol of gluttony.
:: -.,,-2.S ;"::':U t

These are the seasonal faeries of Mexico and Central America. Like the fays, they assist
- - do
::0 r:::e 2': u.:
in the turning of the Wheel. They appear as little children, and some believe them to
be the souls of children who do not realize they are dead.
Fun _"'PI
:. _\
Each acorn holds within its small shell all the poten
tial of the great oak tree. This is an ideal symbol of
..;. p
the cycles of life, the seasons, and immortality. The
Oak King may be defeated by the Holly King in the
:-. E
winter to come, but he is reborn, replacing the Holly
King in the coming spring.
Acorn brings to us the innate power of the great
oak. When we go within to seek our own truths and
reflect upon our personal harvest, we can evoke our own
greatness and grow to do wonderful things.
Symbols of the Season 59
The apple is one of the main symbols of this season and there is a rich folklore sur
'Pearance rounding this simple fruit. Carbonized remains of apples have been found in archeo
dess turn logical sites dating back to the Iron Age. There is evidence of the cultivation of apples
lp loosen from the early stages of developing Asian agriculture. Ancient Egyptian, Babylonian,
and Chinese writings mention the apple as far back as the fourth century B.C.
The apple came to Europe via Roman invaders. The Europeans took it to North
America and planted the first trees at Massachusetts Bay and in Champlain's first
colony in modern Nova Scotia. The well-known story of Johnny Appleseed recounts
how the real-life John Chapman planted a great number of seeds throughout Ohio
md often
and Indiana.
Like many historical people, early settlers used apples for food and drink, as well as
for fun and medicine. Even today, we say "an apple a day keeps the doctor away:' Healing
superstitions from England include this one from Devonshire: To cure warts, cut an
l with the
apple in half, rub it on the warts, tie the apple back together and bury it. In Lincolnshire,
it was said that a poultice of rotten apples was recommended for rheumatism.
The Isle of Apples is Avalon, the British Otherworldly home of Morgaine and her
priestesses. On this sacred island grew orchards of healing, restorative apples. The
hey assist
home of the god Manannan is believed to be a paradisal apple orchard. Apple is a
~ them to
Chieftain Tree and protected under Irish law. It is also one of the trees of the Celtic
ogham system of language, healing, and power, similar to the Norse runic system.
Fun Apple Facts
1. Apples are members of the rose family.
2. Apples float because 25 percent of their volume is made up of air.
3. Apple trees can reach to over forty feet and live over a hundred years.
4. Placing an apple in a bag of potatoes will prevent the potatoes from sprouting.
5. Eating raw apples eliminates more than 95 percent of the bacteria that
cause tooth decay.
:'-'. ,'::--,<5 (l( the Season
A.pple Superstitions
1. If an apple contains an even number of seeds, marriage is not far off. If the
apple contains an odd number of seeds, marriage is not in the foreseeable
2. Rub an apple before eating to remove evil spirits that may be hiding inside.
3. Unicorns live beneath apple trees. You may see one if you visit an orchard
on a misty day.Io
Also known as Michaelmas daisies, asters bloom around the equinox. They are associ
ated with the planet and goddess Venus.
Benzoin is often used as a base for incenses. It is a purification and prosperity plant.
Often used in sweat lodges, this is a purifying herb that also prevents nightmares. The
smoke is similar to sweetgrass in that it attracts beneficial energies. Cedar protects
against many things, both physical and psychic. It has been used in prosperity spells
and increases psychic abilities.
Chamomile is also used in prosperity spells, although it is more commonly known for
its relaxing and meditative properties. It is also used for purification and protection.
The Corn Mother is a goddess of fertility throughout the world. Corn is associated
with the planet Venus and has been called Giver of Life and Sacred Mother. The first of
the Egyptian corn harvest was given to a local deity known as Wapwait. It is used in
blessing ceremonies and as an offering to the spirits.
Corn Superstitions
1. Pick an ear of corn at random. Count the kernels and divide by twelve
(Twelve kernels per year) to find out how long you will live.
2. A
3. G
of those in
ningham, "]
Gourds hur
corners of 1
are protecti
Harvest sea
rattles. As a
powers. Go'
bowls (see'"
Grapes are ~
their abilitr
In Celtic tr,
trees. The n
spells for \'I
ogham tree
Hazel ro
used in do"
the wood fc
Hops is a \;
nia and assi
~ e e a b l e
19 inside.
ue associ
ty plant.
[lares. The
r protects
:rity spells
Known for
l"he first of
is used in
Symbols of the Season
2. An ear of corn in the cradle will protect a baby.
3. Cornstalks hung over the mirror will bring good luck to the household.1l
Frankincense is a powerful tool for purification and protection. It raises the vibrations
of those in its presence and eliminates destructive energies. According to Scott Cun
ningham, "Rosemary may be used as a substitute for frankincense:'12
Gourds hung at the front door, placed in the four
corners of the home, or carried on one's person,
are protective. They are in season at the Second
Harvest season, and are wonderful to make into
rattles. As a rattle, the gourd maintains its protective
powers. Gourds may also be dried and used as scrying
bowls (see "Scrying:' page 134).
Grapes are sacred to Dionysus, Bacchus, Pomona, and Hathor. They are renowned for
their ability to ensure fertility, and are also used in money spells.
In Celtic tradition, the Salmon swims in the sacred pool surrounded by nine hazel
trees. The nuts may be given or given for good luck Hazel nuts are wonderful to use in
spells for wisdom, luck, visioning, or fertility. The wood of the hazel, one of the
ogham trees, has been used in window frames and over the door for protection of the
Hazel rods are often used as wands for druids or magickians. They have also been
used in dowsing for water. The hazel is a Chieftain Tree in Irish law and is named as
the wood for arms in Cad Goddeu, the "Battle of the Trees" poem written by Taliesin.
Hops is a vital component in making beer. Hops has also been used to alleviate insom
nia and assist in healing mixtures.
j ;;;.: Season
In' Pumpl
h T is sacred to Bacchus and was a part of his early rites. It is also sacred to Dionysus .-\.Itboug
and Osiris. In Cad Goddeu, ivy was chosen for its beauty. Ivy, another member of the Hallowe
ogham system, guards against negativity and supports love and fidelity. (May be toxic mid-Sep
if ingested.) not purr
L'1 .\mer
fe-ast of1
Many people use milkweed pods as a symbol of this season.
staple in
and this
Like frankincense, with which it is often combined, myrhh purifies and uplifts. It is
is belien
used in healing and consecration mixtures, and is excellent to use during Shadow or
more th;
other trance work.
also goo<
used in c
drinks c;
Most nuts are harvested around the time of the equinox. These are commonly used in
soaps.' a
money and prosperity spells.
Bill's Bre
Pine vegetable
This tree is sacred to Venus, Astarte, and Dionysus. The thyrsus carried by the Baccha
ntes was topped with a pine cone, reminiscent of the fertile phallus and the creative,
The rose
inspired energy of the male principle. Pine, or fir, trees were called to the forefront in
loye, rose
Cad Goddeu, as the leaders in battle. Pine/fir is an Irish Chieftain Tree and one of the
act to pre
ogham trees. Pine sawdust has been used as an incense base, while the incense itself is
ar.- dreaD
used for purification, protection, and healing.
The pomegranate is sacred to Demeter and Persephone. It was the means by which
rion to ar
Hades was able to keep Persephone in his realm for part of the year. This fruit repre
sents blessings and good deeds at the Rosh Hashanah feast. The seeds have been eaten
to increase fertility. Pomegranate branches over doorways prevent negativity from
SaffrO::1 i!
saffron liJ
tber of the
lvbe toxic
tplifts. It is
Shadow or
nly used in
he Baccha
he creative,
:orefront in
lone of the
!nse itself is
is by which
fruit repre
! been eaten
ltivity from
Symbols of the Season
Although pumpkins are more commonly associated with
Halloween, the pumpkin harvest in many areas begins in
mid-September. It has been widely debated whether or
not pumpkins were included in the first Thanksgiving
in America or if this tradition began with the second
feast of Thanksgiving. It is known that pumpkins were a
staple in the diet of several Native American peoples
and this did carryover to the diet of the settlers.
This is an ancient member of the squash family and
is believed to have originated in North America, possibly
more than 7,000 years ago. This delicious form of squash is
also good for you, being rich in vitamin A, potassium, and fiber. Pumpkins have been
used in a multitude of ways, from home decorations to a wide variety of foods and
drinks. Susan Dahlem of Dahlem's Handcrafted Soaps uses them in some of her
soaps,13 and there is even a Pumpkin Ale brewed in Hayward California by Buffalo
Bill's Brewery. It is said that George Washington himself used pumpkins and other
vegetables in his homebrews.
The rose is sacred to Demeter, Hathor, Adonis. In addition to its renown as a flower of
love, rose petals and rose hips have long been used in healing mixtures. Roses can also
act to protect the individual when carried. Drinking rosebud tea can bring on vision
ary dreams.
Whether eaten, carried, added to baths, or sprinkled around, rue is a powerful addi
tion to any protection spell. (May cause contact dermatitus; its seeds are toxic.)
Saffron is also known as "Autumn Crocus:' It is sacred to the goddess Ashtoreth, and
crescent-shaped saffron cakes were baked in her honor. Drinking a tea or infusion of
saffron lifts the spirits and increases visioning abilities.
64 Symbols of the Season _ Vine
Both true sage (Salvia spp.) and sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) are healing plants that are
also used for purification and protection. Both have been used in smudge sticks,
though sagebrush is much more common. True sage is sometimes an ingredient in
smoking mixtures for the sacred pipe of some Native American peoples.
Solomon's Seal
This is a general name pertaining to several perennial herbs of the lily family. Many
produce berries, including the false spikenard whose berries turn bright red in
autumn. It is widely appreciated for its power in protection and purification rituals.
The sunflower, which blooms in late August through the end of September, is often
used at this time of year in place of the sun wheel or solar disk in home and altar dec
orations. Sunflowers have been used in spells to increase fertility and bring wisdom.
The native peoples of the American Southwest have used them medicinally as well as
for crafting flutes and arrows. Sunflower pollen or plant extracts can cause allergic
The ability of thistle to provide energy and strength can be important as we look
within and prepare to enter the dark half of the year. It may also be used for purifica
tion, to break or deflect spells cast against you, and for healing. (Check varieties of
thistle, some may have warnings.)
This is one of the most sacred plants to the native peoples of North America. It was
originally used in prayer and sacred ceremonies, or in personal rituals with honor, for
protection, respect, and healing. When used in the sacred pipe, tobacco holds Spirit,
blesses the smoker, and the smoke carries one's prayers to the Creator. 14
Vine, pa
the incti
This uni
as Osiri
used rna
A medic
tion and
This is t
ending ~
Greek II
\\'ater n
with flO\
it. The (
with Per
horn. co
today co
65 Symbols ofthe Season
5 that are
~ e sticks,
edient in
ly. Many
Lt red in
,is often
tltar dec
IS well as
~ allergic
we look
rieties of
a. It was
)llor, for
Is Spirit,
Vine, part of the ogham, is sacred to Dionysus, Bacchus, and Osiris. It represents inner
reflection and trance work, as well as the interweaving of conscious/subconscious and
the individual with the community.
This universally appreciated grain is associated with Ceres, Demeter, and Ishtar, as we]]
as Osiris and the Egyptian fertility deity, Min. This is one of the most important
bounties of the land, and is a staple food in many areas of the world. Wheat has been
used magically to bring fertility and prosperity.
A medicinal herb used at least as far back as the ancient Greeks, yarrow offers protec
tion and purification. Yarrow chewed or taken as a tea may increase psychic powers and
visioning abilities. (Frequent or large doses, however, may be harmful, or may cause
dermatitis. )
Other Symbols
This is the Horn of Plenty that is filled with the bounty of the season. It is a never
ending source of food that has been linked to deities of many cultures. Epona, the
ancient horse goddess, was often depicted holding the Horn of Plenty. In ancient
Greek myth, the Goddess of Plenty took over a horn that Heracles had torn off an
opponent in a fight over the daughter of Dionysus.
Water nymphs retrieved the horn and filled it
with flowers before the goddess decided to use
it. The cornucopia has also been associated
with Persephone. Originally, a curved animal
horn, cornucopias are more commonly found
today constructed of wicker basket material.
6<' Symbols of the Season
Burial Cairns
A cairn is a pile of stones that serves as a memorial. Our modern gravestones may
have developed from these. The burial cairn is a symbol of the season for two reasons.
One is because in many cultures this is one of the main times during the year when we
consciously focus on honoring our departed loved ones. People will meditate on
ancestors, tend gravesites, and begin to release lingering attachments to the dead. The
other reason is this equinox stands on the edge of the dark half of the year. We are
symbolically entering the time of inwardness and death, and it is appropriate for us to
also reflect on our own lives and our mortality.
Rattles have been used by shamans for millennia to induce trances and facilitate the
shamanic journey. Many people use them for trance work and to assist in creating
altered states of consciousness for ritual work. Working with trance is an important
element of this festival. Rattles, particularly those made of gourds (which are in season
at this time), can be valuable additions to Mabon celebrations.
Sun Wheels
These are also known as solar disks, used as symbols at other festivals such as the sum
mer solstice. They usually take the form of circles containing equal-armed crosses or
plate-like disks that are often covered in gold foil or painted yellow. Some people use
sunflowers as a solar disk symbol. They represent the solar nature of the festival as well
as the Wheel of the Year. The equal-armed cross represents the four cardinal directions
and indicates the positions of the equinoxes and solstices. It can also be seen to sym
bolize the fact that the sun rises directly in the east and sets directly in the west, while
at local noon on the equator, it is directly overhead, casting no shadow, except perhaps
a metaphysical one straight down into the earth and into our inner selves.
1. Much of this section is reprinted as it first appeared in The Innerconnexiorl, Yule 2000 issue.
2. Andrews, Animal-Speak, p. 202.
3. Carr-Gomm, The Druid Animal Oracle, pp. 18-21.
:: _J.-=:_':':-!"W'
:' . .\.!.;..:..:: Ol
: ;=1.
2 p.
1:. Ene... p.
67 Symbols of the Season
Illes may
when we
litate on
lead. The
r. \Ve are
for us to
litate the
. creating
in season
the sum
::rosses or
eople use as well
n to sym
"est, while
4. Ibid., p. 84.
5. Andrews, Animal-Speak, p. 137.
6. Much of this section is reprinted as it first appeared in The Innerconnexion, Imbolc 2000 issue.
7. Raven Grimassi, personal communication.
8. McCoy, A Witch's Guide to Faery Folk, pp. 219-220.
9. Ibid., p.2S1.
10. Cunningham, Cunningham's Encyclopedia ofMagical Herbs, pp. 36-37.
11. Ibid., p. 83.
12. Ibid., p. 107.
13. See "The Gift of Homemade Soap;' p. 158.
14. The pipe is a sacred tradition among specific native traditions and should not be used without the
appropriate respect by people outside those traditions.
Hail Thor
Hail Thor, son ofthe Earth Mother
Strong and noble Keeper of Thunder
Red-bearded Guardian of us all
Guide us through the seasons and the cycles oflife
As you have your magical goats to provide everlasting food
Bring the gift offertility to the land
As we love and honor you
Let us find strength and wisdom within us
Hail Thor!
Hail Sif
Hail Sif, Great Lady
Bless us and our lands with abundant fertility
Golden-haired goddess ofthe ripening grain
As we love and honor you
May we find beauty and grace within us
Hail Sift
70 Rituals ofMabon
Altar Decorations
the essent
For most of us, our altars take on the feeling of the season with the addition of special
amount 0
decorations, symbols, or statues. You may change your altar cloth to one reminiscent
coal disk
of the colors or designs of autumn for Mabon. Statues of mother goddesses or the
energies i3
deities of the season frequently hold honored places in the home at this time of year.
into the h
Since this is a point of balance, a yin/yang symbol, or the addition of gold and silver
the festivi3
candles to symbolize the balanced dance of God and Goddess on this day, would be
equally appropriate.
Incense 1
Altars that are decorated with the fruits of the land resonate with the energy of the
festival. These might include autumn leaves (especially those dipped in paraffin),
acorns, pine cones, pomegranates, corn, apples, gourds, wheat, nuts, and berries. If
possible, gather your own local symbols of the season by taking a short nature walk.
This will also help you attune to the energies of your area. Be sure not to harm any liv
ing thing or trespass on private property.
I p.
There are certain scents associated with the beginning of autumn that are unmistak
able. Many of these are used indoors and during ritual in the form of incense. In the
American Southwest, this time of year is the beginning of fireplace season and the aro
mas of juniper, pinyon pine, and cedar waft through our neighborhoods after dark.
2 pc
Many kitchens carry the smells of cinnamon and cloves from baking pies and mulling
cider. I p_
I find that I am drawn to add rosemary to my sage and sweetgrass smudge mix
tures at this time of year. Many pagans I know will also burn benzoin (which is often
I pc
used as an incense base), musk, and jasmine at
Alban Elj
this time of year. And then there is the ever
popular myrrh and frankincense. Of course,
3 pOl
you can purchase all these incenses. But to
2 pC!
add to your enjoyment of the season, and
1 pel
increase your own attunement, why not try
1 pa
/ / ~
making your own?
)f special
es or the
e of year.
nd silver
Nould be
)erries. If
n any liv
.se. In the
dthe aro
fter dark.
ldge mix
:h is often
asmine at
the ever
)f course,
~ . But to
I..S()n, and
ly not try
Rituals ofMabon
If you can't find the herbs in dried or resin form, you may substitute a few drops of
the essential oil or a powdered, ready-made incense. All you need to do is grind a small
amount of the dried herbs together and burn it a little at a time over a burning char
coal disk in a fireproof container. As you grind and mix the herbs, meditate on the
energies and associations of the season. Allow this energy to flow from your hands
into the herbs. You may choose to add a simple chant, further attuning your incense to
the festival.
Incense Blessing
Sacred herbs
Children of the Land
Bring us the blessings of the harvest season.
Mabon Incense
2 parts Frankincense
1 part Myrhh
1 part Juniper
1 part Pine
Autumn Equinox Smudge
2 parts Sweetgrass
1 part Cedar
1 part Sage
1 part Juniper
1 part Rosemary
Alban Elfed Incense
3 parts Willow
2 parts Jasmine
1 part Pine
1 part Apple Wood
Rituals of Mabon
Using Essential Oils
Oils made from the herbs and plants of the season can be used in other ways to attune
you and your home to Mabon energies. These are wonderful alternative to commer
cial perfumes and tend to be less allergenic to those with chemical sensitivity. The
other benefit to essential oils is that they hold the energies of the whole plant, unlike
synthetic oils and perfumes.
These oils can be used in holiday potpourri to strengthen or add to the seasonal
scents. We can also make use of the aromatherapy gadgets that have become so popu
lar over the years. Most health-food and metaphysical
stores now sell ceramic rings that fit over light bulbs.
These are ideal for anointing with a small amount of
essential oil, and are preferable to simply placing the
oil on the bulb itself. As the light bulb heats the ring, the
aroma is released into the room. There are also special
dishes to hold the oil that are positioned in a special holder
over a candle that is burned to create the same effect as the
light bulb ring.
The Autumn Equinox is such a sensual and luxurious time.
This is the time of rest before moving into the dark half of the
year. We work with those energies as well when we pamper ourselves and delight in
the joys of the season. Scent has been used for millennia to trigger memories and con
dition us to bypass the rational mind, allowing intuition and inspiration to spring
forth. Experiment with different scents in your home or on your body and discover
the benefits of aroma for yourself.
Mabon Rites
This beautiful rite was crafted by Sparrow and Rowan of Our Lady of the Woods
It was first publicly conducted by the coven in 1996 in New Mexico.
Setting V
Harvest all
One pe:
Let ,

Priestess: I
Cast the (
Priest: I co
world of
to preseT
All: Wheref
Call the Q
East: Guar(
Thou wb
lect, and
South: GuaJ
Thou wb
who art.
and call t
i to attune
lvity. The
ellt, unlike
e seasonal
~ so popu
ght bulbs.
lffiount of
lacing the
e ring, the
lso special
:ial holder
feet as the
ious time.
~ a l f of the
delight in
s and con
I to spring
d discover
he Woods
Rituals ofMabon
Setting Up the Altar
Harvest altar with colored leaves, acorn, seeds, gourds, pine cones, etc.
As much as possible should be gathered at the site.
Several small baskets of apples rest together on the altar for cakes.
Several chalices fIlled with mead and cherry or apple cider, preferably local.
One perfect apple rests on the pentacle.
AttunementlCentering: Harvest Chant
Our hands will work for peace and justice,
Our hands will work to bless the land
Gather round the harvest table.
Let us feast and bless the land.
Priestess: I exorcise thee, 0 spirit of Salt, casting out all impurities that may lie within.
Likewise do I exorcise thee, 0 spirit of Water, casting out all impurities that may lie
Cast the Circle
Priest: I conjure thee, 0 Circle of Power, that thou be' est a boundary between the
world of humanity and the realms of the Mighty Ones, a guardian and a protection
to preserve and contain the power we shall raise within.
All: Wherefore do I bless and consecrate thee!
Call the Quarters
East: Guardians of the Watchtowers of the East, Spirits of Air, I call upon thee ...
Thou who art zephyrs, breezes, and winds of all kinds ... who art also mind, intel
lect, and imagination ... Golden Eagle of the East, I summon, stir, and call thee up!
South: Guardians of the Watchtowers of the South, Spirits of Fire, I call upon thee .. .
Thou who art star fIre, the deep heat at the Earth's core, and flame of all kinds .. .
who art also energy, will and purpose ... Red Lion of the South, I summon, stir,
and call thee up!
74 Rituals ofMabon
West: Guardians of the Watchtowers of the West, Spirits of Water, I call upon thee ...
Thou who art rain, rivers, lakes and oceans ... who art also feelings, emotions and
intuition ... Silver Dolphin of the Western Seas, I summon, stir, and call thee up!
North: Guardians of the Watchtowers of the North, Spirits of Earth, I call upon thee ...
Thou who art all fertile plains, hills and mountains ... who art also foundations,
our bodies, and all things material and solid ... Black Bear of the North, I summon,
stir, and call thee up! Spiral Dal
only. \ \ 1teJ
Invoking God
the Prieste
Priest: Great God Cernunnos, return to Earth again! Come to my call and show thyself
tade, turn
to men. Shepherd of Goats upon the wild hill's way, lead thy lost flock from dark
ness unto day. Forgotten are the ways of sleep and night-Men seek for them,

whose eyes have lost the sight. Open the door, the door that hath no key. The door
of dreams, whereby men come to thee Shepherd of Goats, 0 answer unto meP
tion . P'
Invoking Goddess
Spirit i I
Priestess: Cerridwen of the harvest, return to Earth again! Come to my call and show
thyself to men. Moon Goddess, Triple Goddess, White Sow of the Night, grant to us
the tOWI
your bounty of knowledge and of light. Bring to us your cauldron, to drink and be
for me.
reborn, with wisdom, power, magick, we come to be transformed. Turn the Wheel,
the twil
the Wheel that spins the year; that brings to us the changes that we welcome and we
give tha
fear. Goddess of the grain, come unto me here!
enter tb
ingly, e'i
Stating the Purpose
that rna"
Priestess/Cerridwen: In the time of harvest, we celebrate the
which is
abundance of the land. In this time of feasting, it is well to
remember the days of hard work that went into produc
ing the abundance we now enjoy. There is a relation
\Vhat di
ship between abundance and the discipline of work
of the SJ
which we would all do well to remember. This is
the wisdom of the first drop from my caul
dron. The time of harvest is also a time of
upon the We gain littl.e by :.
expenence alone. We gam much by expenence
75 Rituals ofMabon
combined with reflection. One does well to mind the lessons of experience. This is
[l thee ...
wisdom of the second drop from my cauldron.
The harvest is the end of the cycle, the time to release power to those who will
come after. The ability to know when one cycle is ended and to turn to the next
n thee ...
without regret is the wisdom of the third drop from my cauldron.
Raising Power
Spiral Dance slowly widdershins into the center of the circle, accompanied by drumming
only. When all are gathered in a tight circle around the altar, leaving just enough room for
the Priestess and Priest to move around it, the Priestess stands before the apple on the pen
)w thyself
tacle, turns it on its side and cuts it in halfcrosswise.
om dark
PriestesslCerridwen (points to the five-pointed star at the apple's heart): Behold the
for them,
mystery of life and death, the witch's star. Containing the essence of the four ele
The door
ments Air, for inspiration (points to a seed); Fire, for will (points); Water, for emo
tion (points); Earth, for manifestation (points); and that which animates them all,
Spirit (points); Here, in the heart of the harvest.
and show
PriestlCernunnos: We wind the circle down the tower into the depths. At the base of
;rant to us
the tower, deep in the dark, stands my lady Cerridwen with her cauldron. She waits
nkand be
for me. She waits for us all. In the balance of light and dark, the road lies ahead in
he Wheel,
the twilight. As I have given that part of me that is the grain of the fields, as I now
neand we
give that part of me that is the fruit of leaf and branch, soon she will call for me to
enter the cauldron and give the remainder, which is my flesh. And I will go, will
ingly, even gladly, for to hang on to the past, is to deny the hope, and life, and joy
that may be-no-will be, waiting for us in the future. It is also to stop the Wheel,
which is the true death of the soul, from which no life can be reborn.
However, the cauldron is not yet, and in the final weeks, it is well to turn ones
thoughts back, reflecting on the year that is passing. What did you experience?
What did you learn? Some memories are easy and pleasant to dwell on: the beauty
of the spring and summer, perhaps a new love, or a better job. Some are painful: a
divorce, perhaps the death of a friend or loved one, or one more lesson about
boundaries and communication.
-;-6 Rituals ofMabon
Judge them if you will, but I tell you that they are all sacred lessons that lead you
by one path or another to the same place, to us. "All acts of love and pleasure are
Her rituals." Love enough to forgive, not just those around you, but yourself as welL
5 ; " ~ " a1'J
Tread lightly upon your spirit, for soon all but it will be gone. Ego, your body, even
the memory of all that has gone before, will be a pale shadow of reality before the FareweL
endless sea of Her love, of which we are all a part.
Priest a,..
I call upon you to view your lives-not through the eyes of your ego-but
through the eyes of the God and Goddess and see the beauty and majesty that lies
So Mote It Be!
PriestesslCerridwen: (to participants) Have you learned from your harvest?
Release 1
Priest; 'A,
Participants: Yes.
PriestlCernunnos: (to participants) Will you see yourself as She does?
Open th
All: '\lem
Participants: Yes.
Sending Power
Prepare a
PriestesslCerridwen and PriestlCernunnos: (join hands and unwind the spiral deosil
singing the chant to raise power) Free the heart and let it go, What we reap is what
All ent
we sow.
When the spiral is completely open, continue circling deosil until the power has
peaked. Do not let it bog down. If it starts to, either weave some "S" shapes into it, or
wind it back into the center deosil.
Earth the Excess Energy: Cakes and Wine
PriestesslCerridwen and PriestlCernunnos (facing each other, both holding aloft a chal
ice in their left hands and an athame in their right. Speaking together): As the chalice
is to the Lady, So the athame is to the Lord. Together their union manifests all
(Both athames in both chalices together. Share both chalices together. Share with
the circle.)
(Both pick up a basket of apples.)
PriestlCernunnos: As the seed is the spark of life ...
77 Rituals ofMabon
PriestesslCerridwen: And the Earth is the womb of the Mother ...
lead you
lsure are
Together: By their union we all are fed.
i as well.
(Share an apple together. Share with the circle.)
)dy, even
efore the
Farewell to the Goddess and the God
Priest and Priestess: {Ad hoc.}
~ g o - b u t
Farewell to the Quarters
. that lies
Each one in turn: Powers of , we honor and thank thee for thy help, energy and
protection. Please remain with us for the duration of the festival. Blessed Be!
Release the Circle
Priest: (Ad hoc.)
Open the Circle
All: Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again!
Prepare central altar with God and Goddess candles; bread and wine, mead, or apple
ral deosil
p is what
All enter from West, saluting East before taking places in the circle. East enters last.
'ower has
into it, or
Jft a chal
Ie chalice
lifests all
nare with
78 Rituals ofMabon
East (saluting East): 0 Great Spirit, 0 Spirit of this circle, we ask for your blessing on
this our ceremony. Turns back to face center. Let the circle now be consecrated.
West consecrates with water, South consecrates with fire.
South: Let us begin by asking the blessings of the Three Realms.
North: We ask the blessings of the Land, the Earth Mother, and the spirits of Nature.
Allies and kin of stone and stream, soil and tree, fruit and flowers; beings of fur,
feather, and scale, we invite you to share in this circle. We are all children of the
Land and we offer you welcome. Bless us and guide us, protect us in the work we do
here this night. May our every action honor you.
West: We ask the blessings of the Sea, the Otherworld, and of the ancestors. Beings of
the deep oceans, so different from us on the surface yet of the same spirit, we bless
you and invite you to share in this circle. Ancestors and Otherworld guides, we offer
you welcome. Bless us and guide us, protect us in the work we do here this night.
May our every action honor you.
East: We ask the blessings of the Sky, the Home of the Sun and the starry heavens, and
of the Shining Ones. Hear us eldest and brightest, keepers of the turning of the
Wheel. Gods and Goddesses of our ancestors and of this place, known and
unknown, we offer you welcome. Bless us and guide us, protect us in the work we
do here this night. May our every action honor you.
South: Let us recite the Druid's prayer.
All: Grant, 0 Spirit, Thy protection
and in protection, strength
and in strength, understanding
and in understanding, knowledge
and in knowledge, the knowledge of justice
and in the knowledge of justice, the love of it
and in the love of it, the love of all existences
and in the love of all existences, the love of Spirit and all goodness.
North: Let us give peace to the directions, for without peace, can no work be.
South tv
West rasa
Sorth 'as
East (as aJ.
Sorth: .\Ia
Pause. i
\\est: .-\5 rJ
Alban E
at our a
that '.,'e.

East: :\t Lu
for the Ii
South: In f
Lt.-: fa
5iL ::... 71:
Ea.:.': Sce-d t
Hest: \\-,1teJ
\ \ -;le-; a1
Sorth: I 5pe
Ea.:.': I speal
We.!ol: I s;-ea
be blcs5e1:
79 Rituals ofMabon
South (turning to face outwards and raising right palm): May there be peace in the
West (as above): May there be peace in the West.
North (as above): May there be peace in the North.
East (as above): May there be peace in the East.
gs of fur,
North: May the harmony of our lands be complete.
of the
Irk we do Pause, then all turn inward.
West: As the Sun sets in the West, so the year sets in Autumn. We stand at a point of
Beings of balance, equal night and equal day before moving into the Darkness of Winter.
, we bless Alban Elfed is a time of reflection and thanksgiving. As we gaze into the sacred fire
., we offer at our center, let us contemplate the harvest of this past year and give thanks for all
his night. that we have received.
(Brief silent meditation.)
Yens, and
East: At Lughnasadh we hailed the first harvest; at Alban Elfed we thank the Goddess,
ng of the
for the full fruitfulness of the Land.
own and
we South: In Her honor, I call for the fruits of the Land.
(East takes bread and West takes wine or mead and distributes it to each in turn,
deosil, saying):
East: Seed becomes bread; may your body be blessed.
West: Water becomes wine; may your Spirit be blessed.
When all have been blessed, East and West return to their places.
North: I speak for the abiding Earth and Her Laws, now and forever. Be wise!
East: I speak for the Seed of Life; now and forever. Be renewed!
West: I speak for the blessings ofWater; the power of Love, now and forever. Bless and
be blessed!
BO Rituals Of lWabon
East: It is the hour of recall. As the light dies down [candles are extinguished] let it be
relit in your hearts. May your memories hold what the eye and ear have gained.
South: Let the Three Realms be thanked for their blessings and protection.
North: Guardians and guides of the Land, the Earth Mother, and the spirits of Nature,
we thank you for your presence with us this night. We honor your protection and
blessings and give thanks for your presence throughout our lives. Stay if you will,
leave if you must, know that you are always welcome with us.
West: Ancestors and Beings of the Otherworlds and the Sea, we thank you for your
presence with us this night. We honor your protection and blessings and give
thanks for your presence throughout our lives. Stay if you will, leave if you must,
know that you are always welcome with us.
East: Shining Ones, spirits of the Sky, we thank you for your presence with us this
night. We honor your protection and blessings and give thanks for your presence
throughout our lives. Stay if you will, leave if you must, know that you are always
welcome with us.
South: I now declare that this Festival of Alban Elfed is closed in the apparent world
and in this circle. May its inspiration continue within our beings.
Norse Harvest Blot
This rite can be done with a priest (Gothi)
and priestess (Gythia), or the Gythia can be
the blot (pronounced blote) leader in place
of a Gothi, if you prefer. The Valkyrie is
the ritual assistant. As my friend Laeknir
Eirarson says, the male-female balance is
believed to be inherent so it is not neces
sary to reflect this in the ritual structure. -
Set up altar in the North with a
drinking horn or chalice; mead, beer,
juice, or milk and honey; and a cere
monial bowl (blotbowl).
-:t2.I:ge \
retreat fi
\ail:.:Tie: So
thin. We
anc.:' IrO)
Gothi ma.kJ
:J.aJUmer at
east and
10\\"er, I call
Standing \ ..;
the deities 0
Gothi: I
with lli.l
Hail FreY
and abun
Join us at
you. may
thanks. H
81 Rituals ofMabon
~ d l l e t it be
Gothi: The harvest is complete as we move into the cold and darkness. The trees
change color and the animals store food for the coming winter. The body of Jord
cools and prepares for the coming frost. As we feel the chill of the north winds, we
,of Nature,
retreat for reflection and thanksgiving.
ection and
if you will, Valkyrie: Soon the Wild Hunt will be upon us and the veils between the worlds grow
thin. We come together in thanksgiving to ask for blessings of protection and guid
ance from the Old Gods.
III for your
~ s and give
. you must,
Hammer Rite
.ith us this
Gothi makes the invocation and swings a ritual hammer or makes the sign of the
IT presence hammer (an upside down "T" shape surrounded by a circle in the air), at north, south,
. are always
east and west, moving around outside the circle of participants. "Thor, Hammer-Hal
lower, I call you to hallow this stead and hold this sacred space!'
lIent world
Standing with arms outstretched over the head in the Z rune Elhaz, the Gothi invokes
the deities of the harvest season.
Gothi: I give thanks to the Landvaettir for their blessings and for sharing this space
with us. Those who should fare, fare well. Those who should stay, stay in peace and
protection, harmless to me and mine.
Hail Freyja, Golden One! Holder of the glorious Brisingamen, that brings fertility
and abundance. As we love and honor you, may we find love and power within us.
Join us and accept our thanks. Hail Freyja!
Hail Freyr, Harvest Godl Keeper of the rain and sunshine. As we love and honor
you, may we find creativity and inspiration within us. Join us and accept our
thanks. Hail Freyr!
82 Rituals of Mabon
Hail Sif, Great Lady! We come to this place, grateful for your gifts. Golden-haired
G:!hi: Ha
goddess of the ripening grain, as we love and honor you, may we find beauty and
grace within us. Join us and accept our thanks. Hail Sift
--" .. sp;a
Hail Thor, son of the Earth Mother! Strong and noble Keeper of Thunder, Red
bearded Guardian of us all, guide us through the seasons and the cycles of life. We
thank you for the fertility of our lands and for the abundance we have received this
year. As we love and honor you, let us find strength and wisdom within us. Join us
5.=: -.::::' alt
and accept our thanks. Hail Thor!
Consecration ::nat
Gothi takes up horn. The Valkyrie pours the drink into the horn.
::::-::.J:.:C:l::-e aJ

Gothi: (makes hammer sign over horn then holds it up over his head) Hail Gods and
:0:::1. 5.aY].D.
Goddesses of the Harvest! I offer this horn to you. Hallow it and accept it as our
.:.ea.:::15< .u:
Sharing the Offering
smudge n:
Gothi raises horn and toasts the deities invoked.
Valkyrie takes horn around to the company, saying, "In peace, may the inspiration of
all panici]
Kvasir be with you:' to each participant.
Three more rounds are made, either reflecting on past, present, and future, or sharing
poems, jokes, and boasts of your deeds over the previous year. Refill the horn if neces
direct the
sary and make sure that some of the drink remains at the end of the toasts.
place. Dru
This combines the blot and sumbel, two separate rites. It can take a fair amount of
in\ite LT'l tl
time depending on the number of participants. Alternately, the Gothi gives a short
tinue YOU;
speech on the past, present, and future before the first and only round, during which
participants make brief offerings of their own.
to im"ite tl
The remains of the horn are poured into the blotbowl. As it is poured onto the earth,
come thrc
Gothi says: Thus do all things return to the earth.
o.der, Red
of life. We
ceived this
us. Join us
,Gods and
)t it as our
piration of
or sharing
:'II if neces
amount of
~ ' e s a short
ring which
) the earth,
Rituals of Mabon
Gothi: Hail to the gods of the harvest! Hail Jord, Earth and Mother of Thor, for all
your blessings! I give thanks to the Landvaettir for their blessings and for sharing
this space with us. Those who should fare, fare welL Those who should stay, stay in
peace and protection, harmless to me and mine.
Set up altar in the north with two (two white or one white and one black) candles;
objects that are sacred to you or embody your spirit allies; a cauldron with sticks or
other material for a small fire; smudge stick or loose smudge
mixture and smudge fan.
Smudge the altar and entire circle in clockwise fash
ion, saying as you go: "Spirits of the sacred smoke,
cleanse and purify this space that we may work to
the highest good of aU:'
Return to altar and add juniper or cedar to
smudge mixture. If you are using smudge sticks,
simply use the same stick. Smudge yourself and ::~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
all participants in clockwise fashion.
Return smudge to altar and thank the sacred herbs for their blessings.
Drum (or rattle) a monotonous tone over the altar three times then turn and
direct the tone around the circle, inviting the spirits of the circle and the spirits of
place. Drum three times at each direction or allow a special rhythm to develop as you
invite in the Spiritkeepers of the four directions. Holding the drum out to front, con
tinue your slow, monotonous rhythm and invite your spirit allies to join you. Allow
participants to invite their allies. Direct the tone up to invite the sky spirits and below
to invite the spirits of the earth. Direct the tone beyond your left shoulder to invite the
While drumming, meditate on the energies of the season. Allow a power song to
come through you. Keep it simple and encourage participants to join in.
Point of balance we are here
Thankful and releasing
84 Rituals ofMabon
Walk with strength into the dark
Guide us and protect us.
circle. th.
moment 1
Light the two altar candles: "We stand on this earth at a point of balance and I light
these candles as symbols of this time. May they illuminate our beings and bring light
the cauldJ
into our shadows."
them tbn
Prepare to enter the shamanic journey. You may choose to lie down or sit. You
tion. Blo\4\
might want to keep a blanket nearby in case you get cold. One person may drum for
the journey or you may prefer to use a shamanic journeying drumming tape. Keep in
mind that this is an outline. A true shamanic journey cannot be led so if your travels
the spirit!
take you in different directions; trust in what comes up for you and go with it.
Call on your personal spirit guides to join you in this journey. Ask for their guid
candles ar
ance and protection as you travel the Otherworlds. Enter the Lowerworld journey
loud final
with the intent to find outworn patterns in your life or old energies that no longer
serve your best interest.
Be aware of how the Lowerworld looks at this time of year. You may find that the
trees are changing or that the color of the light is slightly different. You may find that
This is \\TI
you meet different beings or animals than at other times of the year. Allow yourself to
sible roles
be led down the paths that take you to your goals. Observe and get to know the ener
assist Kith
gies and patterns you are led to see. Recognize they are a part of you already as you
Set up alta
gather them up and carry them with you. You may wish to use a bag to carry them
the season
about the Lowerworld.
and the (i{
You may choose to release these energies and patterns in two ways. Many people
basket, coo
find that the combination of the journeying action with the more physical action after
the journey is very effective, so I have written both here. It is equally effective to use
bring a no
only one if you feel complete with that action.
the circle j
Once you have found all that you will, or all that you are prepared for at this time,
tuted \\ith
return to your entry place from the Middleworld (this reality). On the way, you pass
Adults 1
through a large meadow or open space area that has just been ploughed. Bury all of
assist in ili
the outworn energies and patterns you have been carrying around in this freshly bro
actions. Th
ken earth. Ask the blessings of the Earth Herself in releasing these and moving for
After ea
ward on a healthier path. Watch as they are ploughed under into the earth.
if age appn
nd I light
ring light
r sit. You
drum for
:. Keep in
ur travels
leir guid
i journey
no longer
d that the
. find that
'Ourself to
. the ener
,dy as you
ury them
ny people
ction after
tiye to use
this time,
. , you pass
Jury all of
eshly bro
),ing for-
Rituals ofMabon
Return to the Middleworld and your physical body. When everyone is back to the
circle, the ritual leader will stop drumming or turn off the tape. Give everyone a
moment to fully return to normal ritual consciousness.
Return to the altar and drum three times over the cauldron. Start the small fire in
the cauldron. Call up any lingering energies that you released during the journey. Send
them through your hands and breath into this fire for purification and transforma
tion. Blow the images and feelings out into the fire. Thank the spirit of the fire for this
Drum the circle as you did in the beginning, holding the energy of thanks for all
the spirits that joined with you and blessed your journeys. Allow everyone a few
moments to thank their personal guides and speak if they wish. Then blowout the
candles and douse the cauldron fire. Drum three times over the altar, followed by one
loud final beat and the circle is open.
Children's Ritual
This is written with the young child in mind. Older children can take on more respon
sible roles with a parent's permission. Each time the adult role is written, a child can
assist with, or mimic, the adult's words and actions.
Set up altar with a festive altar cloth, symbols of
the season, ritual items, a candle for the God
and the Goddess, a large cornucopia or wicker
basket, cookies and juice, and any special items
participants want included. Have each person
bring a non-perishable food item with them to
the circle for the Give-Away. This may be substi
tuted with clothing or food for wild animals .
Adults may cast the circle if they wish. A child, generally over the age of five, can
assist in this by using a plastic knife, toy sword, or wand, and mimicking the adult's
actions. The use of imagination works well with children.
After each direction invocation, adults can light candles, with children's assistance
if age appropriate. You may also use this as a teaching experience by having a feather
86 Rituals ofMabon
fan at East, a candle or sparklers at South, a bowl of water or fishbowl at West, and a
globe or bowl of earth at North.
East: Here we bring light and life in at the East.
South: Here we bring light and life in at the South.
West: Here we bring light and life in at the West.
North: Here we bring light and life in at the North.
Adult: We ask for the blessings of the Great Spirit and the God and Goddess. We call
upon the spirits of Nature, the faeries, and our spirit guides. We invite you to join
our circle. Come play with us. Bless us with your guidance and protection.
An adult tells the story of John Barleycorn and explains how he is the spirit of the
grain and the manifestation of the God who dies at this time of year to be reborn in
the spring. It is great fun to follow this with a dance or reenactment of the story. This
also helps the children remember it. Be sure everyone has settled down as much as
possible before moving on with the ritual.
Adult: This is the time of giving thanks; of honoring our blessings and giving back to
the land and to those that are in need. This is the time for the Give-Away.
Going clockwise around the circle, each person says something that they are thankful
for then brings their offering of food or clothing to the altar. "Thank you for the good
things in my life. I offer this __to those in need. May the gods bless them." Then
the child or adult places the offering in the cornucopia or basket.
The ritual leader holds cookies and juice out. Everyone else comes together in one
circle, holding hands. The people on either side of ritual leader place one hand on his
or her shoulders or arms.
Adult: As we chant the Om, allow your blessings and prayers for the dark half of the
year to flow into the cookies and juice.
Chant "Om;' three times then pass the juice and cookies around the circle.
East: Powers of the East, thank you for sharing our circle. Thank you for being part of
our lives always.
South: Po'
of our j
West: Po'"
of our 1
North: Po
part of
Adult: We
circle. l
here an
All: Mern
This is dir
allowed m
Find the c
Sense that
Earth, the
end result
that when:
Before the
always sta
order. ApI
87 Rituals ofMabon
<'est, and a
South: Powers of the South, thank you for sharing our circle. Thank you for being part
of our lives always.
West: Powers of the West, thank you for sharing our circle. Thank you for being part
of our lives always.
North: Powers of the North, thank you for sharing our circle. Thank you for being
part of our lives always.
Adult: We thank the Great Spirit and the God and Goddess for their presence in this
ss. We call
circle. We thank the spirits of Nature, the faeries, and our spirit guides for being
'ou to join
here and for blessing us with their guidance and protection.
All: Merry Meet and merry part and merry meet again.
,iIit of the
: reborn in
story. This
Eclectic Pagan Pride Ritual
LS much as
This is directly from the International Pagan Pride Project's website. They graciously
allowed me to reprint it as written. Descriptions and explanations have been edited for
ng back to space.
Preparing for Ritual: Ground and Center
re thankful
Find the center point within you, the place where you feel "together" and balanced.
)r the good
Sense that that point is connected to everyone else's balance point, and that of the
Earth, the universe. Know that whatever method you use to sense this is just a tool; the
end result is what counts, the feeling of relaxed tension, balanced focus. And know
ther in one
that where we are about to enter is truly Between the Worlds.
land on his
Before the ceremony, allow people to stand in a circle and introduce themselves: we
half of the
always start with the Priest and end with the Priestess, and let everyone else go in
order. Appropriate introductions would be Craft name, city you're from, and group
affiliation, if any.
!ing part of
88 Rituals ofMabon
Blessing ofthe Elements
The Priest takes the incense and the Priest
ess the cup of salt water, and they follow
around the circle in blessing with the ele
ments: "We bless you with the smoke of
autumn leaves on the Air and the Fire of
fall bonfires. We bless you with the Water
of September rains and rich Earth yielding
her harvese'
Creating Sacred Space:
Casting the Circle

, ,-..

L=- ____

"" -
Priestess: From the four directions, we gather together, to join in this circle.
From our many traditions, we call together, those whom we honor.
Different: in the names we speak, the ways we seek, the paths we traveL
Together in our reverence: of nature, of the cycles of life, of inspiration within.
To create the sacred Circle and join our energies together, we will sing:
All: We are a circle, within a circle,
with no beginning, and never ending. (Repeat.)
Calling the Quarters
East: Celebrate here now together the spirit of Air,
In the wind's low clear whistle, the rush of the gales through our hair.
The wind's autumn dances that lighten the mind.
Of what would you be freed?
Think it, and let the cool breeze come to lift it away.
And the winds of change will blow harvest gifts our way.
All: Though many, though different, we stand proud together
And call out: Welcome to the East!
South: Celebrate here now together the spirit of Fire,
In the crackling of logs and the leaf-smoke, so radiant and warm.
Will it,
And tl:
All: Thou
And a
West: Cel
In the"
From \
Feel it,
And th
All: Thou
North: C:
In the
That tb
All: ThoUJ
Priest antl
And ...;
in man
89 Rituals ofMabon
The autumn bonfire that inflames the spirit.
In what would you take heart?
Will it, and let the bright flames burn to brand it within.
And the fires of fall will empower our harvest desires.
All: Though many, though different, we stand proud together
And callout: Welcome to the South!
West: Celebrate here now together the spirit of Water,
In the patter of raindrops, the damp crunch of the frost on the leaves.
The September rains that soothe the heart.
From what would you be healed?
Feel it, and let cool water flow to wash it away.
And the waters of autumn will quench us like harvest's rich juice.
All: Though many, though different, we stand proud together
And call out: Welcome to the West!
North: Celebrate here now together the spirit of Earth,
In the scent of ripe wheat, the thudding of feet on firm ground.
The harvest-time fruits that nourish the body.
In what would you plant hope?
Believe it, and let fertile earth nurture dreams to take root.
That the rich fields of plenty might yield enough harvest for all.
All: Though many, though different, we stand proud together
And callout: Welcome to the North!
Priest and Priestess: And so now the Circle is cast.
And with sacred space surrounding us, we turn to the center.
Welcoming the Divine.
Priestess: Through all the ages, the Divine has been called by many names, imagined
in many faces, honored in many ways.
90 Rituals of Mabon
Priest: Today, we call old Gods in new ways and new Gods in old ways and search for
the Divine in ourselves and others.

Both: Let us join together at Equinox, a balance-point of the year and call clear and
sFark t.b.a
proud the Names we choose to honor today.
ing. the 501
The circle starts a simple rhythm of clapping hands, and people are free to call the
Divine in
names of whatever God, Goddess, or God and Goddess pair they welcome at this rit
\,'e stand
ual. The circle responds "Welcome" between names.
that all 01
When the calling dies down:
On tb
Priestess: To these many names and many faces; to the Lady of the Harvest, Demeter,
Isis, Arienrhod, Inanna, Freya.
as the
Priest: To the God of the Grain, Dionysus, Osiris, Cernunnos, Dumuzi, Frey; to the
need fi
spark within each of us, for Thou Art God and Goddess.
these 5
Priestess: and to the Divine immanent in the universe, we cry: (all) WELCOME!

take a hal
Celebrating the Season
Spend a moment to ground and center and feel our connection with the Earth and
Autumn :
each other.
harvest w
Feel the different energies in the Circle; if you can't feel them, imagine them. We
we also gi
are all different. We all view the God, the Goddess, ourselves, the elements, in slightly
different ways. We all practice in different ways-some of us celebrate the Full Moons, All: Toget
some only part of the eight seasonal holidays, some other days altogether. We all use
different symbols, different words; some of us celebrate with others regularly, others
selves, we
alone. Yet we all stand together under the name "Pagan" and take pride in it. Why?
things an
Because while the words, the techniques, the practices may differ, the core behind it is
the chant
the same: we choose to celebrate in ways that mean something to each of us, practices
that touch our hearts because they touch us, not because someone has told us we are
All: We g
supposed to practice this way. We have each been called by faces, aspects, views of the
Divine that don't match traditional Western religion; we see the Divine as Goddess, as

earth, as the ancient Gods our ancestors worshipped, as a force throughout Nature, as
Raise a c.
new inspirations from new myths as well as old. We don't need intercession from oth
throw the
ers-we can connect with the Divine ourselves. And in some way, we all perceive the
Then rela
91 Rituals ofMabon
search for
sacred, the numinous, somewhere in the natural world. We seek God, Goddess, the
Divine, in cathedrals of canyons, in temples of stands of oak trees, at sanctuaries that
are the shores of the sea. We seek the Divine in the spark that calls to our hearts, the
clear and
spark that grows while staring at the starry sky, gazing at the Full Moon's glow, watch
ing the soaring flight of the eagle, feeling the solid stone beneath our feet. We seek
call the
Divine in individual inspiration, inspiration by the cycles of life. We are Pagans. And
at this rit
we stand together despite our differences because by standing together we can ensure
that all of us can stand tomorrow.
On the altar is a cauldron or other container filled with grass seed (if you're in a
grassy area; sand if you're on a beach).
The Priestess (stands before the cauldron): We are many,
as these seeds are many. We take the support we
ey; to the
need from the community around us, as we take
these seeds.

Now, each person can come to the altar and
take a handful ofseed.
After this, the Priestess continues: This is
:arth and
Autumn Equinox, the time of the harvest. As we ::
harvest what we need from the community so do
them. We
we also give back, and in giving, plant the seeds of tomorrow ...
n slightly
11 All: Together we stand, strong and proud, and harvest the seeds of rebirth ... (repeat)
all use
Now, know that for as much as has been given us, as much as we have created for our
'iy, others
selves, we are capable of that much more, and the adventure lies in the fact that greater
. it. Why?
things are on their way, whether or not we can see them now. While holding the seeds,
it is
the chant increases, and leads into the next one.
us we are All: We give thanks for unknown blessings already on the way; we give thanks for
ws of the unknown blessings already on the way; we give thanks for unknown blessings
Kldess, as already on the way! (repeat)
';ature, as
Raise a cone of power, guided by Priest and Priestess. At the peak of the power, we
rom oth
throw the seeds into the air, knowing that we send out this harvest to seed the next!
'ceh'e the
Then relax and center again.
92 Rituals ofMabon
Feasting and Fellowship
We direct our attention to the results of the food drive, and bless it along with the
bread we share with each other.
All: (to the tune of"All Good Gifts" from Godspell)
We plow the fields and scatter the good seed on the land, But it is fed and watered
by Her abundant hand. She sends the snows in winter, the warmth to swell the
grain, the seedtime and the harvest, and summer's gentle rain. All good gifts around
us have come from our Mother Earth, then thank Her now, 0 thank Her now, with
love and joy and mirth ...
We thankYou then, 0 Mother, for all things bright and good, the seedtime and the
harvest, our life, our health, our food. No sacrifice You ask for, for all Your love
imparts, for You are our great Mother, Your love is in our hearts.
All good gifts around us have come from our Mother Earth, then thank Her now,
o thank Her now, with love and joy and mirth ...
Pass the cup and bread; feel the grounding of the bread, and the fellowship of the cup.
"May you never hunger:' "May you never thirse' At this point, announcements can
also be made.
Closing the Circle
Priest and Priestess: Goddesses and Gods, all and one, we thank you and ask for Your
blessings as we depart, knowing You are with us always. Hail and farewell! Blessed Be.
East: Spirit of the East, essence of air, we thank you for the gift of freedom.
Hail and farewell, Blessed Be.
South: Spirit of the South, Essence of Fire, we thank you for the gift of heart.
Hail and farewell, Blessed Be.
West: Spirit of the West, Essence of Water, we thank you for the gift of healing.
Hail and farewell, Blessed Be.
North: Spirit of the North, Essence of Earth, we thank you for the gift of hope.
Hail and farewell, Blessed Be.
All: The eirel.
May the ]X
the love of
and the SUI
go in our 1:
Merry met
1. Visit their web
2. Adapted vers}(
First publishel
3. The main bod
and Druids.
4. Kvasir was the
mented, this c
5. International
: with the
d watered
swell the
ts around
[lOW, with
Le and the
r'our love
Her now,
fthe cup.
lents can
for Your
lessed Be.
Rituals of Mabon 93
All: The Circle is open, but unbroken.
May the peace of the Goddess
the love of the God,
and the support of our community
go in our hearts.
Merry meet, and merry part, and merry meet again. Blessed Be!
1. Visit their website at
2. Adapted version taken from The Witches Bible Complete, by Janet and Stewart Farrar, p. 44.
First published in Dion Fortune's Moon Magic as "Invocation to Pan:' p. 176.
3. The main body of this ritual is based on the Alban Elfed alternative ritual of the Order of Bards Ovates
and Druids.
4. Kvasir was the wisest of the Vanir. He was killed by two dwarves who mixed his blood with honey. Fer
mented, this created mead or strong beer, and those who drink of it, become divinely inspired.
5. International Pagan Pride Project website http://www.paganpride.orglprideritual.html.
94 Rituals ofMabon
Sir John Barleycorn
There were three men came from the west
Their fortunes for to tell,
And the life of John Barleycorn
As well.
They laid him in three furrows deep,
Laid clods upon his head,
Then these three men made a solemn vow
John Barleycorn was dead.
They let him die for a very long time
Till the rain from heaven did fall,
Then little Sir John sprang up his head
And he did amaze them all.
They let him stand till Midsummer Day,
Till he looked both pale and wan,
Then little Sir John he grew a long beard
And so became a man.
They have hired men with the scythes so sharp,
To cut him off at the knee,
They rolled and they tied him around the waist,
They served him barbarously.
95 Rituals ofMabon
They have hired men with the crab-tree sticks,
To cut him skin from bone,
And the miller he has served him worse than that,
For he's ground him between two stones.
They've wheeled him here, they've wheeled him there,
They've wheeled him to a barn,
And they have served him worse than that,
They've bunged him in a vat.
They have worked their will on John Barleycorn
But he lived to tell the tale,
For they pour him out of an old brown jug
And they call him home-brewed ale.
Can you smell it, even if only in your imagination? The thought of Mabon evokes the
warm scents of cooling apple and pecan pies wafting through on the crisp autumn
breezes. Mabon air just feels and smells different. It is dearer and usually a bit cooler
than the preceding months, unless it is accompanied by an Indian Summer period of
warm temperatures. Merely thinking about this time of year calls to mind memories
of the warmth of a fireplace and smell of pine and juniper burning.
Autumn brings with it some of the most wonderful food and qrink. As the time of
the Second Harvest, and in preparation for the coming winter, we honor this time of
bounty with gratitude and celebration. As such, it is known as the Pagan Thanksgiving
and we indulge just as much at our Mabon feasts as anyone does at the mundane
Thanksgiving in November.
Oh, do we feast! We share in all things made of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains.
Bread, corn, beans, squash, and root vegetables are traditional fare, along with apples,
berries, grapes, and pomegranates. We delight over cider, ale and wines, muffins, pop
corn and caramel apples. This is truly a time of self-indulgent comfort before the win
ter winds begin to blow.
98 A Feast of Thanksgiving
All foods harvested and stored are part of the abundance we share at this time of
year. Many of us find that, like the animals that share our world, we are also beginning
to put on weight for winter. It is nearly impossible to resist the comforting, warming,
and mouth-watering treats of the season!
The foods of autumn are like no other. These are heartier than summer fare yet lighter
than most winter foods. They offer us a delicious combination of Lughnasadh and
Samhuinn. The bounty of the Second Harvest is what makes up our Mabon feasts.
For many people this marks the beginning of hunting season. Special prayers are
offered by those pagans that eat meat. We honor the animal that gave its life for our
sustenance. We ask blessings for this being and release its spirit to the next world.
The cornucopia of the season is
full of apples, grapes, berries, pome
granates and nuts. Beans, squash,
corn, and root vegetables fill our
stomachs in a myriad of ways. And
then there are the wonderful, aro
matic breads of the grain harvest!
These are often baked in sun shapes or with
sun designs cut into the dough before baking. They may
be filled with the fruits and vegetables of the season and many of them are meals in
As any Kitchen Witch will tell you, the preparation of food and drink should
rightly become a sacred event and a time to work blessing magick for your loved ones.
Our energy affects the foods we prepare even when we are not consciously directing it.
Therefore, it is important to be aware.
If you are feeling tense or are in a generally rotten mood, don't come to your
kitchen with all that energy. Take a moment to smudge your personal space or experi
ence a grounding meditation before starting dinner. Do whatever you need to do let
go of your tension, anger, or worry so you may come to this food in peace and love.
Once Y0ul
pots you 1
your han(
your love
want to d
ones to ill
food. The
the whole
We tlu.
We sen
May it
Green G
Red chile
husband 1
ingly deli,
1 c
1 c
99 A Feast ofThanksgiving
s time of
~ g i n n i n g
~ e t lighter
lSadh and
.rayers are
ife for our
e season is
1S, squash,
les fill our
. ways. And
ierful, aro
tin harvest!
pes or with
~ . They may
LIe meals in
rink should
, loved ones.
directing it.
Ime to your
ce or experi
eed to do let
e and love.
Meal Blessing
Once your energy is clear, you can consciously direct blessings for your family into the
pots you use, the utensils, and all the ingredients that go into your meal. Simply hold
your hands out with palms open to these objects, take a deep breath, and visualize
your love and prayers flowing through your hands into the food and drink. You may
want to charge these items with specific prayers or just send white light for your loved
ones to use as they will. You may also want to direct a special mealtime prayer to the
food. The following prayer may be used in this way. It is also a wonderful blessing for
the whole family to say together, bringing a sense of gratitude and honor to each meal.
Great Spirit
We thank you for the gift ofthis food
We send blessings ofpeace, love, and release to all
whose bodies and energies went into bringing us this nourishment
We honor you in our enjoyment and utilization ofthis meal
May it bring us health and joy
Reminding us ofour interconnections with All That Is
As we receive, so do we give back
And give thanks for this gift in the Cycle ofLife. 1
Green Chile Sauce
Red chile sauce can be a bit much unless it is in a stew. But my
husband makes a green chile sauce that is so mouth-water
ingly delicious, we even put it on omelettes.
You will need:
X cup olive oil
2-3 cloves garlic
X to 7:! cup chopped onion
1 Tbsp flour
1 cup chopped green chile
1 cup water
100 A Feast of Thanksgiving
Saute the onion and garlic in the olive oil until transparent.
Mix in flour, then water and green chile.
Bring to a boil for one minute, then simmer for 10 minutes. Can be frozen for sev
eral months or kept in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.
This is for those of you who prefer a more Tex-Mex taste.
You will need:
3 ripe tomatoes including juice
I onion, red or Vidalia
3 cloves garlic
Yz tsp salt
Xtsp cumin
Yz cup chopped red and green peppers
I small can of diced green chile
Mix all ingredients, including the juice of the tomatoes. Store in a refrigerator for at
least one hour before serving. Can be frozen for several months or kept in the refrig
erator for up to two weeks.
Vegetarian Chili
This recipe makes great use of the new soy products that are not only delicious but
also very healthy. You may want to experiment with the ratio between sausage and
beef flavors to meet your own personal taste. Other meat substitutes can be used in
place of Gimme Lean in this recipe.
You will need:
Yz onion, chopped
3-4 cloves garlic
Yz package beef flavor Gimme Lean
Yz package sausage flavor Gimme Lean
I tsp cumin
I Tbsp chili powder
X green pepper, chopped
X cup salsa or green chile sauce
Saute the
Cut (
beans ane
I have n e ~
nation. In
of the W
couldn't ~
snack! Th
taste, by al
You wi
I ~
Wash and 1
der. Drain
Saute c1
Mash S(
Add oni
Taste and c
Pour inl
Bake in
for sev
tor for at
he refrig
dous but
lsage and
)e used in
A Feast afThanksgiving 101
1 can black or kidney beans
Monterey Jack or cheddar cheese, grated
Saute the onion and garlic until transparent. Add cumin and chili powder.
Cut Gimme Lean into small pieces and saute along with onion and garlic. Add
beans and all remaining ingredients except cheese and simmer for 30 minutes.
Serve alone or on rice with grated cheese on top.
Rowan's Cheesy Squash
I have never liked squash, except in its pumpkin incar
nation. Imagine my surprise when Rowan of Our Lady
of the Woods coven brought this to dinner and I
couldn't get enough. I even ate it cold as a midnight
snack! The spices can be altered to give it a less Cajun
taste, by adding more Italian or Southwestern spices or
by eliminating any spices other than salt and pepper.
You will need:
6-8 medium summer squash, either crookneck or zucchini
1 large onion, chopped
butter or margarine
1 cup cracker crumbs
1~ cups shredded cheddar cheese
Cajun spice mix
Wash and slice squash and cook over medium heat in enough water to cover until ten
der. Drain very well.
Saute chopped onion in margarine until clear.
Mash squash, draining again if needed.
Add onions, cracker crumbs, 1 cup cheese, and seasonings to squash and mix well.
Taste and correct the seasonings to suit you. It should be flavorful, but not so hot it
Pour into a greased casserole dish, sprinkle ~ cup cheese on top.
Bake in a 350
P oven for 30 minutes.
102 A Feast afThanksgiving
Baked Salmon
Not only is Salmon the wisest and eldest of the Celtic .Dldest Animals, but most
species of salmon in the Pacific Northwest spawn or migrate in the fall. Try to pur
chase farm-bred salmon if possible. This helps support growers that also contribute to
the maintenance and protection of this magnificent fish, but it is generally healthier
and less contaminated as well.
You will need:
2 salmon steaks or the equivalent amount in filets
1 Tbsp olive oil
4 Tbsps butter
1 Tbsp light soy sauce
1 Tbsp lemon juice
Marinate the salmon in the butter mixture for 3 hours or more, covered in the refrig
Uncover and bake for 25 minutes at 400F or until the fish flakes off easily with a
Serve with rice and your favorite harvest vegetables.
Pomegranate Chicken
This is a surprisingly tasty dish. I make it with
extra butter and serve it on rice. For Jewish
people honoring Rosh Hashanah, the inclu
sion of the pomegranate is a traditional sym
bol of good deeds and blessings. For most
pagans, the pomegranate is representative of
the journey of Persephone into the Under
worlds and her return to her mother, Deme
ter. Either way, it is a powerful symbol of the
You will need:
2-4 boneless chicken breasts
juice of 2 pomegranates
4 Tbsps flour
~ I
:4 I
1 (
Soak chic
Saute 1
Add tlJ
granate se
Green a
This is as
chile. Witl
this is s u r ~
rots and I
autumn st,
You \Nil
2 p<
~ o r
1 (T
Coat the sic
5, but most
Try to pur
cmtribute to
lly healthier
n the refrig
~ a s i l y with a
A Feast of Thanksgiving 103
l4 tsp salt
l4 tsp pepper
1 onion, chopped
2 cups chicken broth
pomegranate seeds
butter or margarine
grapes (optional)
Soak chicken pieces in pomegranate juice for about 45 minutes.
Combine flour, salt, and pepper. Coat the chicken pieces in this mixture. Keep the
pomegranate juice ready on the side.
Saute the onion in the butter until clear, then add the chicken until browned.
Add the pomegranate juice and broth, and simmer for 25 minutes. Add the pome
granate seeds and grapes just before serving.
Green Chile Stew
This is a staple in much of the Southwestern United States, where we are addicted to
chile. With the rise worldwide in the popularity of Southwestern and Tex-Mex foods,
this is sure to be a crowd pleaser. If you cannot find green chile, simply substitute car
rots and bell peppers and add a little extra spice. To make a delicious vegetarian
autumn stew, replace the meat with carrots, peppers, and squash.
You will need:
2 pounds stew beef
4 Tbsps cornmeal
l4 onion, chopped
2-3 cloves of garlic, chopped
cooking oil
3-4 potatoes, chopped
1 (7-oz.) container chopped, frozen chiles or 2 (4-oz.) cans chopped chiles
(if you can get fresh chiles, this takes about 12 roasted, peeled, and chopped
6-7 cups water or broth
Coat the stew beef in the cornmeaL
104 A Feast of Thanksgiving
Saute the onion and garlic in the cooking oil until clear in a deep pan or pot. Add
the beef and potatoes and cook until browned. You may wish to drain excess fat before
going on to the next step.
Add the chile and water or broth.
Bring to a boil, then simmer for 1 hour.
Mabon Cornbread
Cornbread is customary for this time of year and it is the
perfect addition to a meal of stew. It is also traditional
native bread and as such honors the original peoples of sev
erallands. If you can get blue cornmeal, try that in place of
the everyday cornmeal we find in all grocery stores. You
might also try adding a teaspoon of cinnamon or sage for a
distinctive autumn taste.
You will need:
1~ cups buttermilk
2 Tbsps baking powder
2 cups cornmeal
y,; cup sugar
1 tsp salt
2 eggs
1 cup general purpose flour
~ cup melted butter or bacon fat
Heat oven to 425F.
Mix all ingredients together. Beat for 30 seconds.
Pour into a round 9-inch greased pan ( l ~ inch deep). Cut a sun symbol into the
center of the bread. Bake for 20 minutes until golden brown, checking at 10 minutes
to recut sun symbol if necessary.
Optional: Stir in one 4-oz. can of chopped green chiles or ~ cup shredded cheddar
Corn is ~
Ocean. }
been sen
You \1
1 I
1 (
2 t
1 ~
Saute oni4
toes are S(
Add fit
Add a
Sure, you
your own
You wi
It before
llbol into the
It 10 minutes
dded cheddar
AFeast of Thanksgiving 105
Corn Chowder
Corn is an important crop at this time of year to people on both sides of the Atlantic
Ocean. A type of corn stew is traditional to many Native Americans and may have
been served at the First Thanksgiving. I offer my favorite vegetarian chowder here, but
many people prefer to add bacon or chicken.
You will need:
1 red onion, chopped
1 cup celery, chopped
1 leek, sliced
2-3 potatoes, diced
6 Tbsps butter
2 tsps salt
2 Tbsps paprika
2 Tbsps pepper
2 Tbsps flour
1~ cup vegetable broth
2 pints half-and-half
16 oz. corn kernels
Saute onion, celery, leek, and potatoes in butter until onions are transparent and pota
toes are soft.
Add flour and seasonings and cook for 1 minute, gradually adding broth. Stir fre
quently until mixture thickens. You may choose to puree this mixture now.
Add corn and half-and-half. Simmer for twenty minutes.
Pumpkin Puree
Sure, you can buy this in a can, but nothing quite tastes like the real thing made with
your own hands. Be sure to get fresh pumpkins (some will even be labeled as baking
pumpkins) and ones that are not overripe.
You will need:
lIb. of pumpkin chunks, peeled and seeded
(this usually requires a 1 ~ to 2 lb. pumpkin)
cloves, cinnamon, or other spices to taste
106 A Feast of Thanksgiving
Boil or steam the pumpkin chunks for 20 minutes, until soft.
Drain well and puree in a blender or food processor. Strain the puree before using
or storing.
This can be kept in the refrigerator up to one week or it can be frozen. Use in
soups, muffins, breads, cheesecakes, or other feast foods.
Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
Who hasn't tried to do this at least once? It seems such a shame to waste all those seeds
left over from baking or carving. Pumpkin seeds are a delicious and healthy treat alone
or added to salads. Once you have removed them from the pumpkin, rinse them well
and remove all the pumpkin. Air-dry for at least 3 hours, then toast lightly or toss with
a small amount of olive oil and bake for 20 minutes, until golden brown, at 350F.
Saffron Crescent Cakes for Ashtoreth
These are traditionally baked in honor of Ashtoreth, but they are appropriate for any
goddess associated with the Moon. To honor those harvest deities not associated with
the Moon, simply cut into round or other shapes, and bake as directed. Saffron is
expensive, so you may prefer to substitute yellow food coloring, an additional ~ cup
honey, or J!I cup chopped nuts instead.
You will need:
1 egg
%cup milk
~ cup honey
2 cups all-purpose flour
3 tsps baking powder
~ cup vegetable oil
J!I tsp salt
tsp saffron
Mix egg, milk, oil, and honey in a large bowl.
Add remaining ingredients and stir until just mixed.
Cut into wedges and roll up, starting at the rounded edge.
Place on greased cookie sheet with points down and shape into crescents.
Bake for 20 minutes at 400F.
Jams ar
make it
syrup iJ
native p
space at t
be purch.
This recip
Mexico St
you prefeI
You wi
A ['east afThanksgiving 107
ore using
fi. Use in
hose seeds
treat alone
them well
.r toss with
iate for any
ciated with
l. Saffron is
ional X cup
Jams and jellies are not as hard to make as you might
expect. You can also substitute honey for the sugar to
make it a healthier treat or experiment with maple
syrup instead for a different taste that honors the
native peoples of the northeastern United States.
You will need:
4 pints fresh berries
3 cups sugar
2 Tbsps lemon juice
hot, clean glass jars with hot lids that seal
tightly; enough to hold about 5 pints of jam
Mix the sugar and berries and store in the refrigerator overnight.
Bring the berry-sugar mixture to a boil. Stirring constantly, boil for 20 minutes.
Add lemon juice and boil for another 10 minutes .
Immediately pour into jars smoothly to minimize air bubbles. Leave X inch of
space at the top before wiping the rims and sealing tightly with hot metal lids.
Many people use a sealing compound under the lids to ensure a good seal. This can
be purchased where canning supplies are sold.
Blue-Ribbon Apple Pie
This recipe was submitted by my friend Sandy Bryan, Blue-Ribbon winner at the New
Mexico State Fair.2 This is not her Blue-Ribbon recipe, but as far as we are concerned,
everything this Kitchen Witch creates is a winner! You can use premade pie crusts if
you prefer, but even I can handle this recipe and I don't bake unless it is a boxed mix.
You will need:
1 cup sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
Ys tsp nutmeg (optional)
dash salt
3 Tbsps cornstarch or X cup flour
2 Tbsps butter
108 A Feast of Thanksgiving
7 cups peeled and sliced apples (Golden Delicious or your favorite pie apples)
cinnamon sugar
I reme
Mix sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, and cornstarch (or flour). Toss with the apples.
the sch(
Line a 9-inch pie plate with bottom crust and add apple mixture, arranging apples
and loa
to mound slightly in center.
Cut butter into bits and scatter over the apples. Add top crust, tuck edge under
bottom crust, and crimp edges to seal. Use a sharp knife to cut a few slits in top crust
to allow steam to escape.
Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar. Bake 10 minutes at 425F. Reduce oven to 350F
. ~
and bake 40 minutes or until crust is lightly golden brown and filling is just beginning
to bubble.
To make the crust, you will need:
2Yz cups unbleached white flour
Yz tsp salt
'X cup shortening
Yl-Yz cup ice water
waxed paper or plastic wrap
1 1
pastry doth or tea towel
Mix flour with salt. Cut in shortening using a pastry blender or two knives drawn
Mix suga
across one another in a crisscross motion, until the bits of flour are about the size of
the apple
Add ice water, a little at a time, stirring into the flour mixture with a fork. Add only
eggs and
enough water to form a dough that can be gathered together.
bowl coni
Form into two balls, flatten into disks, wrap in waxed paper or plastic wrap, and
chill for 20 minutes. Roll dough disks out on a floured pastry cloth or tea towel to a
size a little larger than your pie pan and follow directions above.
A Feast ofThanksgiving 109
19 apples
5e under
top crust
to 350F
.'es drawn
the size of
. Add only
wrap, and
towel to a
Apple Cobbler
I remember having apple cobbler everywhere in
autumn as a child. It was one of the few things I liked in
the school cafeteria. At home, we would have it warm
and loaded with vanilla ice cream. This is definitely
"feel-good food:' So whip up a batch and enjoy!
You will need:
Yi cup sugar
~ tsp ground cinnamon
~ tsp ground nutmeg
6 cups apples: peeled, cored, and sliced
3 cups general purpose flour
2 tsps baking powder
2 cups sugar
5 eggs
2 cups milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
~ tsp lemon zest
Mix sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg together in a large bowl. Add apples and toss until
the apples are evenly coated. Let sit for 20 minutes.
Mix flour, baking powder, and sugar in a large bowl. In a separate bowl, beat the
eggs and then whisk in the milk, vanilla extract, and lemon zest. Add this to the large
bowl containing dry topping ingredients and stir until smooth.
Spread the fruit on the bottom of a greased baking dish and top with the topping
Bake for 90 minutes at 350F.
110 A Feast of Thanksgiving
Oatmeal Walnut Cookies
These cookies are great anytime but they are particularly appropriate during Honor
ing the Family Ancestors.
If you don't like nuts, try substituting raisins.
You will need:
~ cup sugar
:4 tsp baking powder
Yz cup brown sugar
:4 tsp salt
Yz cup softened butter
1 egg
Yz tsp baking soda
Yz tsp cinnamon
Yz tsp vanilla
l ~ cups quick oats
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup walnuts
Mix everything but oats, flour, and walnuts in a large bowl.
Stir in oats, flour, and walnuts.
Drop by teaspoonfuls onto greased cookie sheet.
Bake for 10 minutes at 375F.
Popcorn Balls
These are fun for the whole family. Experiment by adding
a few drops of food color or mixing in some raisins or
chocolate chips. Adults should be encouraged to indulge
in these wonderful treats of the season as they sip spiced,
and perhaps spiked, cider. This recipe makes about 12
You will need:
1 cup sugar
1 Tbsp butter
2 cups corn syrup
9 cups popped corn (measure after popping)
Boil sugar
drops bef<
Pour n
Coat y.
To stor
In my falI
alcohol or
time ofth.
from the c
matter wh
brewers an
ative peop1
son. This y
This is 1
the grape 1
at this time
harvests aI
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samples, ra
grapes. T o ~
drops to t
Gaia, Durn
honor the
for all their
to incorpol
A Feast ofThanksgiving 111
Boil sugar, syrup, and butter until thick. If you are including food coloring, add a few
drops before moving on to the next step.
Pour mixture over popped corn and blend well. If you want to include raisins or
chocolate chips, add them now.
Coat your hands in butter and form the mix into balls.
To store, wrap in wax paper or colored plastic wrap.
Energizing Beverages
In my family, we love to make special drinks for each season, whether they include
alcohol or not. In this way, we can always raise our glasses for a special toast and have
something reminiscent of the season to sip as we gaze at the stars, talk, or read. At this
time of the Second Harvest, we delight in the liquid bounty of the season, produced
from the crops of this harvest.
Drinks made from apples, grapes, grains, and corn abound at this time of year. No
matter what region you live in, you can usually find fruit juices and ciders. Home
brewers and winemakers are preparing their next batch of ale or mead and wine. Cre
ative people everywhere create delicious new combinations that resonate with the sea
son. This year we found cherry-apple cider, blackberry ale, and raspberry mead.
This is the season of Dionysus and Bacchus. In honor of
the grape harvest, many areas hold their wine festivals
at this time of year. We sample the bounty of former
harvests and take part in a very civilized, modern
version of the Bacchanalia. As you taste your wine
samples, raise your glass to these gods of wine and
grapes. Toast the much-loved Pomona. Offer a few
drops to the Earth and give thanks to Demeter,
Gaia, Dumuzi, and Tammuz. And don't forget to
honor the Nature spirits and local Spirits of Place
for all their blessings.
Special blessings for drinks are a wonderful way
to incorporate the sacredness of this time into our
112 A Feast of Thanksgiving
festivities. Unlike a food, it is often easier to feel a liquid filling our bodies and bring
ing those blessings to every cell. Those of you that consecrate cakes and ale at the end
of your rituals will find it easy to follow that same general format in blessing your spe
cial drinks for the whole family.
For the rest of us, it is sufficient to follow the procedure outlined in the Meal Bless
ing and open your hands around the drink or glasses to direct energy to the liquid. In
place of a mundane toast, you might try this:
Hold your cup in both hands and raise it to your third eye.
Allow the energies of Earth and Sky to fill your being and pass through your hands
and forehead into the cup.
Offer this drink to the Great Spirit or God and Goddess.
State that you honor Them as you drink it and ask that They fill with Their blessings.
If you have specific prayers or energy you need, see this flowing into the drink.
Ask that the liquid fill your being, permeating your cells and resonating with your
energy field to help you manifest these blessings.
End with "So mote it be" or "Ho" and, with each sip, appreciate the consecrated
liquid this special drink has become.
Mabon Party Fruit Punch
This is a festive addition to your Mabon feast, particularly when your Grove or coven
has the children over for some equinox fun. The amounts you add will depend on the
size of your punch bowl and how many people you are serving. Many people add
sugar or syrup to fruit punches. I find that too sweet. It also interferes with the natural
sweetness of the fruit harvest that is our focus at this time of year. If you need it
sweeter, consider adding 2-3 teaspoons of local honey. Serve it cold in a big punch
bowl, surrounded with seasonal wreaths and paraffin leaves.
You will need:
Juices of apple and grape in equal amounts
blackberry (or mixed berry) soda
3-4 very small apples
1 cup mixed berries
crushed ice (optional)
Apple de
and wate
strong, 1<
process 0
rum adde
I ts
3 cu
2 ql
in large sal
Bring tc
Strain t
Apple ci
This recipe
ular one an
have the tin
like using w:
You will
2Y: po
3 cup:
2 cup:
and bring
at the end
~ y o u r spe-
Meal Bless
e liquid. In
your hands
ir blessings.
e drink.
gwith your
Ive or coven
pend on the
people add
L the natural
you need it
! big punch
A Feast of Thanksgiving 113
Combine the juices and soda in a 2:1 ratio in the punch bowl.
Float the apples and berries in the punch.
Add ice immediately before serving.
Hot Mulled Cider
Apple cider is a drink that whole family can enjoy. I remember visiting apple orchards
and watching the apples being pressed to make cider each autumn. There was a
strong, tangy aroma to the area as we walked down the line, watching the entire
process on the way to the orchard store. Adults may want to try a shot of dark, spiced
rum added to their cider.
You will need:
liz cup brown sugar
1 tsp whole allspice
1 tsp whole cloves
~ tsp salt
dash nutmeg
3 cinnamon sticks
2 quarts apple cider
Combine brown sugar, allspice, cloves, salt, nutmeg, cinnamon sticks, and apple cider
in large saucepan.
Bring to boiling. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes.
Strain to remove spices.
Apple cider can be frozen for up toone year.
Blackberry Wine
This recipe is from Edain McCoy's book, Witta: An Irish Pagan Tradition.
It is a pop
ular one and has been posted to several e-mail lists as well as a few websites. If you
have the time and the storage space, I highly recommend this one. There is nothing
like using wine you made yourself at holiday rites.
You will need:
2Yz pounds fresh blackberries
3 cups sugar
2 cups hot water
114 A Feast of Thanksgiving
Let the berries set out in a large bowl for about four weeks, stirring them occasionally. You,
The berries will get a rank smell and may begin to mold.
With mortar and pestle, crush the berries into as smooth a pulp as possible. Stir in
the sugar and then the water. 3.1
Pour the wine into casks to ferment for eight to ten months. The longer it is kept
Chill the
the better it will be. The wine will have to be aired every few days to allow building
gases to escape. This wine has a gentle port-like flavor when finished.
1. Madden,
Quick Meade
2. Sandy Br:
This recipe developed out of an idea kicked around on a pagan parenting e-mail list.
or teleplu
We worked it and worked and happily worked it again until we had something that
3. From :-'10
really worked! It is much easier than home brewing and a lot more fun than buying a
4. McCoy, \1
few bottles of mead from a liquor store. Considering the amount of mead it produces,
5. http://hoI
it's cheaper too.
6. Ristil, The
You will need:
X lb honey, preferably local
1 gal white wine
6-7 autumn spice tea bags
1 apple, cut into 4-8 pieces, or a handful of blackberries (optional)
Mix honey, wine, tea bags, and fruit in a large stockpot.
Bring to a boil for one minute, then simmer for 2-3 minutes.
Let cool, then transfer to glass bottles or jars and refrigerate for 3 days.
Freyja's Libation
For those interested in the Norse paths, there is a wonderful website called Fealcen
Stow's Asatru Frithstead.
The Wain journal is included on the Vanie Ve pages where I
found this wonderful libation. It was mixed to the taste of author, lnge Ristil, who first
sampled it on holiday.6 She cautions that the elderflower cordial is very strong and the
amount should be increased with caution. It is suggested for use in honoring or med
itating on Freyja.
A Feast of Thanksgiving 115
You will need:
1.6 cups clear apple juice
0.2 cup elderflower cordial
)le. Stir in
3.6 cups mineral water (still or sparkling)
: it is kept
Chill the ingredients before mixing and enjoying.
r building
~ - mai11ist.
:thing that
n buying a
: produces,
lled Fealcen
iges where I
til, who first
'ongand the
ingor med
1. Madden, Pagan Parenting, p. 115. First published in Circle Network News, Summer 1997 issue.
2. Sandy Bryan is a professional astrologer. Visit her website at http://www.thuntek.netl-sstars
or telephone 505-255-5001 (9 A.M.-9 P.M. MST, except Sundays).
3. From Morrison, The Craft. See this book chapter "The Fun Stuff;' p. 159
4. McCoy, Witta: An Irish Pagan Tradition, p. 199.
6. Ristil, The Wain, issue 14, Winter Nights 2000.
While some may feel that magick should be avoided during equinox times, most of us
work toward balance, harmony, protection, and prosperity during these periods. The
Autumn Equinox is the beginning of the dark half of the year. As such, it is beneficial
to begin turning within during our magick and meditations.
This is a potent time for personal Shadow work. We begin the process of reflecting
on the past, releasing attachments that no longer serve us, giving back to the universe
for our blessings, and beginning to decide on the seeds we wish to plant in our lives
next year. We may choose to sit in meditation, use scrying, or get active with spell
work. But no matter what method we choose, the point of balance between dark and
light, yin and yang, is ever-present in our thoughts and our magickal workings.
A Protection Bottle
Protection bottles are either kept in a windowsill or buried, either outside the front
door or at the four directions around one's home. If you have a young child, a protec
tion bottle in their window or kept under the bed may be just the thing to keep night
mares and bedtime fears at bay.
118 A Magickal Mabon
You will need:
a clean, clear glass bottle with a cap
herbs, such as angelica and rosemary
or other items that symbolize protection, such as salt,
specific stones, blood, or broken glass
Fill the bottle part of the way with sand. Add the pro
tective herbs or items you have chosen and fill to the
top with more sand before sealing the bottle with its
cap. As you add each of these items, visualize it keeping
negativity away or destroying destructive and fearful
Once it is filled and capped, offer it to the Great
Spirit or God and Goddess. Ask that all the ingredients
work together to keep you safe and sound. Thank them
for their protection and place it in your windowsill or
bury it. If you choose to bury it, carve a pentagram or
spiral into the earth above it and ask that the Earth
ground and purify all negativity drawn in by this botde.
Be sure to periodically offer water, sacred herbs, or
cornmeal to the earth and the spirits of your land as
thanks for their grounding and protection.
A Protection Amulet
Amulets may take many forms. Here we will create an herbal protection pouch that
may be hung in a car or home. It may also be carried or worn when you feel the need
for a little extra safety boost.
You will need:
smudge or purifying incense
a circle of red or black cloth, at least 4 inches in diameter
a red, black, or white string, at least 10 inches long
protective and sacred herbs, such as angelica, mugwort, rosemary, sage,
sweetgrass, and vervain
them to
Offer yo
this amu
amulet ~
Home I
We can a
item in e
while otl:
tion, this
Amulets 1
an excelh
teaches tl
will keep
Always ke
simply Wi
make up
Make it a
you charg
Bring I
Let in (
Once the (
ready to c1
)ouch that
el the need
A Magickal Mabon 119
Smudge yourself and your working space. Then smudge your cloth and string. Hold
ing your hands, palms out over the herbs, ask for their blessings and protection. Ask
them to work together to bring you security and peace.
Place the herbs in the center of the cloth circle and tie it securely with the string.
Offer your amulet to the Great Spirit or God and Goddess. Ask for their blessings on
this amulet and for you personally. Ask that only beneficial energies enter your space
while you are in the presence of this amulet and feel it charged with the energy of your
requests. Thank the spirits of the sacred herbs for their assistance and wear your
amulet with confidence.
Home Protection Amulet
We can also amulets or talismans in protecting our homes. Some people will bury one
item in either a central location or around the perimeter at each of the directions,
while others hang pouches and amulets inside the house. As with the Egg of Protec
tion, this is designed for children and parents. Adults can alter it to fit their needs.
Amulets can also be used to protect your person, tent, office, or car.l
Involving children in the creation of amulets, talismans, or altars for the house is
an excellent project. It helps them to feel like an integral part of the family while it
teaches them and empowers them. Simply by holding the belief that these methods
will keep them safe, children will feel more confident and will attract safer situations.
Always keep harmful ingredients out of children's reach.
Begin by creating a large disk of clay with your children. Write your names on it or
simply write "Protection" and include a drawing of the house. You may choose to
make up a simple chant for protection and write that on one side of the clay disk.
Make it a simple, easy chant that your children will be able to recite with you when
you charge the amulet. Something like this works well with young people:
Spirits ofthis Place I pray
Bring us protection, harmony, and play
Guard us and our privacy
Let in only happy energy.
Once the disk has been baked or air-dried, wrap it in a red or black cloth until you are
ready to charge it with your family's energy and your chant.
120 A Magickal Mabon
Prepare your altar with black or white candles and either Dragon's Blood or essen
and adul
tial oil of cedar, frankincense, rosemary, or sandalwood.
Count yourself and your children down into a light trance state. Thoroughly
spirit gui
smudge, or purify in your usual manner, your entire home. Really clear it out and see
it filled with white light.
Cast a Circle or call upon the spirits of the directions in your usual manner. Call in
any helping or guardian spirits that your family members work with and ask their
assistance in this rite.
Count down from ten to one again, into a slightly deeper trance state.
Sit in fro
Bring out the clay disk and hold it in your hands. Have your family members hold
want to 1:
hands around you. Each person on either side of you should place one hand on your
Cut 0
arm nearest that person. Guide everyone present to direct his or her attention and
need to b
focus to the disk as you recite your protectioJ;l chant.
image as
Then, go around the Circle and allow each person to say any specific needs they
have that they would like the amulet to assist with. These should be general or specific
it, a d d i n ~
family protection, happiness, or success issues, and they should be very important. As
your gui(
ritual leader, you should be funneling these prayers into the disk.
Repeating your special chant or prayers, allow each person to anoint the disk with
herbs, fe
the Dragon's Blood or essential oil. Guide them to really feel the disk filling with this
object. SI
energy. Then wrap the disk in the red or black cloth and close the ritual, thanking all
you fear;
spirits and deities that were called for assistance.
Be as spe
You may choose to bury the disk immediately after the rite, or later on. Just be sure
you. Whe
that each person who participated in the rite is present for the burial. Once the disk is
the cutou
fully buried, have everyone place their hands on the ground over the disk. Guide them
Sit wil
to feel the energy of their prayers radiating out from the disk and surrounding your
Give thar
home. Once again, give thanks to the Earth Mother and all helping spirits.
hang you
The Spirit Ally
The Egg
Because he occasionally has nightmares, our son created his own "dreamcatchers" to
help him feel safe at night and have pleasant dreams. On the three walls nearest his
This is al
bed, he has cutouts of one of his special spirit guides. Karl created a "kid" spirit ani
ready to 1
mal, a mommy, and a daddy. The number and type you choose will be highly personal
r essen
and see
:. Call in
15k their
>ers hold
on your
tion and
r specific
:lisk with
with this
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stbe sure
he disk is
tide them
ling your
tchers" to
earest his
ipirit ani
; personal
A Magickal Mabon 121
and adults may prefer to get more elaborate than this, but the act of creating these
protective objects can be far more powerful than simply purchasing a picture of your
spirit guide and hanging it up.
You will need:
construction paper
items for decoration, such as markers, glitter, colorful string, etc.
a small crystal or small herbal pouch
Sit in front of your working space for a moment and call upon the spirit guide you
want to bring in through this process. Ask for their guidance in your creation.
Cut out an outline of your spirit guide from the construction paper. It does not
need to be realistic or even in "real" colors. Create this
image as you see or feel this guide, using whatever
decoration you are drawn to use. Really get into
it, adding your energy and feeling the energy of
your guide flow through you.
Holding the small crystal or small pouch of
herbs, feel the energy of your guide fill the
object. Speak to your guide and tell them what
you fear and what type of protection you need.
Be as specific or as general as you feel is right for
you. When you feel ready, glue or tie this object on to
the cutout.
Sit with the cutout for a moment and feel the presence of your guide and guardian.
Give thanks for their blessings in your life and for their assistance in this project. Then
hang your cutout where you feel it will do the most good.
The Egg ofProtection
Many adults do this almost automatically, reinforcing the auric egg that surrounds us.
This is also an excellent exercise to teach children, or to do for them until they are
ready to take it over on their own. It can be taught as soon as a child knows what an
122 A Magickal Mabon
egg is, can understand simple directions,
and has begun to engage in imaginative
play. It should be a great game of
make-believe in order to keep it fun
and creative for the child. As written,
it is designed for children and parents.
Adults can alter it to fit their needs. It
can also be used to protect your home,
property, tent, office, or car.
Have your child take a really good look at an egg. If it is a younger child, you may
want to use a plastic or hard-boiled one, unless you feel like cleaning up a mess. Let
them really inspect it from all sides.
Now, tell the child you are going to playa game. Together, close your eyes and pic
ture an egg surrounding them. Ask the child what colors it is and what else can be seen
inside it. You may want to write this down.
Now, tell the child that on the outside of this egg, he or she is going to make a
beautiful white shell. Really encourage the use of imagination in creating a shell that
goes around the child on all sides. Let the child know that he or she needs to make
sure there aren't any holes, so that the inside of the egg won't leak. Encourage your
child to see this shell as glowing or sparkling white.
An older child can add an outward-facing mirror, an additional shell of fire, or
anything else that spurs the imagination and encourages a feeling of safety.
While the child is doing all this, use your own imaginative or telepathic abilities to
watch what they create. If you see a hole, let them know. Tell them what a great job
they are doing and how beautiful the shell looks. Ask for permission before adding any
of your own energies or seal up a tear in the shelL
Occasionally in everyday life, ask how the egg is doing. Tell the child how your egg
is, so it becomes a game you play together. You may want to play the egg game again
periodically, to check for holes and continue to develop their abilities in this area.
Candle I
way of s:
They are
You \'
S m u d g e ~
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to use sp
runes Ot
furze; or
feeling th
with the c
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to create
release bJ
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longer ho
A Magickal Mabon 123
you may
ness. Let
and pic
] be seen
) make a
;hell that
to make
age your
If fire, or
bilities to
great job
your egg
me agam
The Prosperity Candle
Candle magick is a wonderfully simple way to create powerful results. Candles have a
way of speaking to our souls and evoking a belief in all that just might be possible.
They are full of mystery and potential. As such, they quickly allow us to bypass our
analytical minds and create real magick.
You will need:
smudge or purifying incense or a lighter
a green or gold candle and candleholder
a pen or pencil
a small amount of ground nutmeg
essential oil of almond, cinnamon, jasmine, or one of the commercially
produced money oils
Smudge yourself and your working area. Take a deep breath and center yourself.
With the pen or pencil, inscribe your wishes into the candle. Be as specific as pos
sible and clearly visualize your dreams fully realized as you do this. You may also want
to use special symbols of prosperity, such as the
runes Othala or Fehu; the ogham plants reed, fir,
furze; or perhaps simply the money symbol, $.
Anoint the entire candle with the essential oil,
feeling the energy of prosperity seep into the wax
with the oil. Sprinkle the nutmeg over the oil. Ask
the spirits of the nutmeg, oil, and the herbs used
to create the oil for their assistance in bringing
you joyful abundance.
Light the candle, picture the flame and its light
release brilliant green and gold energies. Clearly
visualize the wishes and dreams you inscribed on the candle being released to the uni
verse, then hold the image of these goals attained as long as you can. When you can no
longer hold that image, release it to the flame and allow the candle to burn itself out.
124 A Magickal Mabon
Elemental Prosperity Weaving
In this type of spell, we weave together the energies of the four basic elements with an
understanding that Spirit is included in all that we do.
You will need:
a fireproof container
charcoal disk
paper and pen
water in a container
a pot of earth or a spot in your backyard
loose herbs: cedar, cinnamon, comfrey root, or vervain
Silently hold the herbs in your hands. Attune your mind to their energies. Allow the
prosperity you desire to come to mind. Ask the energies of these plants to bless your
work and assist you in creating what you want. Pass your left hand, then your right
hand, over the herbs. Holding them in both hands, feel the energy of your desire flow
into them, from one hand to the other. Visualize your dreams realized.
Call on the energies of Air and Fire. Ask them to join you and bless the work you
are about to do. Light the charcoal disk and one-third of the herbs. See your wish
release to the universe in the smoke (Air) and fill the room. As the herbs are smoking,
write your wish on a piece of paper. Be as specific as possible. Place the paper on top
of the burning herbs, add half the remaining herbs and burn both herbs and paper.
See the fire add another level of release to your prayers.
When it has cooled, take the remains and bury it in a spot in your yard or in a pot
of earth, to be given to the Earth in a park or other outside area at a later time. Ask the
Earth to receive your wishes as seeds and help them grow into reality.
When you are ready to return the remains to the Earth outside, take the final third
of herbs and sprinkle them into a container of water. Ask the spirit of the Water
receive these energies and carry them into the flow of the universe, getting the energy
moving and assisting in its manifestation. Pour all the emotions you have attached to
your desires into the water. Allow the water to cleanse them and carry them into cre
ation. P
and pal
This s ~
need of
Set u
ask the
image OJ
the cryst
inside 01
tend who
each yea
A Magickal Mabon 125
ation. Pour this water onto the earth where you have buried the remains of your herbs
and paper.
; with an
Prosperity Spell
This spell is a bit more involved than the previous ones. It is well worth the time and
trouble because it really works! I suggest using it as a last resort or when you are in
need of something that feels "big" to you.
You will need:
a square board, approximately I-foot square and covered
by a white or green cloth
a crystal
Wow the
money, pictures of what you desire, or a short description of your needs
)less your
4 votive candles: green, orange, or white
'our right
Place the money, picture, or list in the center of the board with the crystal on top.
esire flow
Set up the candles at each of the four cardinal directions. As you light each one,
ask the powers of that direction for their guidance and assistance in this magic of
work you
rour wish
Take up crystal and focus on your money, picture, or list. Allow your personal
image of prosperity to fill you and flow into the crystal. Breathe your intention into
)er on top
the crystal and replace it in the center of the board.
md paper.
Starting at the east, sprinkle a circle of salt clockwise all the way around, on the
inside of the candles.
or in a pot
Touch the crystal where it is and focus your intention for 7 minutes.
le.Ask the
Blowout candles in clockwise fashion, beginning in the east.
Repeat for 7 days, then bury everything in the earth where it will not be disturbed.
final third
the Water
Blessing the Garden
the energy
The equinox is an ideal time to go through your garden. Harvest what is ready and
:tttached to
tend what is not. Depending on where you live, this will be either the second or final
minto cre
harvest. Give thanks to the plants and the earth for their bounty. Allow a few plants
each year to go to seed without harvesting them. If these are not sterile, hybrid seeds,
126 A Magickal Mabon
gather and store them for planting next year. They may be blessed at Imbolc. If they
are sterile, offer them to the birds to continue the cycle of giving.
As you harvest, attune yourself to the spirits of this place. Remember that as you
use locally grown plants, you are tapping in to the living essence of that land. It is
important to honor this. When we align our actions with respect for the land and her
children, we continue the cycle of support and protection. Our homes come to feel
like sanctuaries of welcoming peace and joy.
As you harvest or cut back for the winter, let your plants know what you plan to do
and ask for their blessings as you do it. Break up the soil around plants that will
remain in the garden through the winter to allow their roots to grow deeply before the
winter freezes the ground. Just before the first frost in your area, lay down a mulch of
shredded bark, straw, or even fallen leaves. Ask that the mulch keep and protect your
plants until the returning sun warms the soil once again.
Create a small area of your yard as permanent
sacred space to honor the spirits of this
land. In a corner of our yard, we have a
small stone altar that we use for this
purpose. Around the equinox, we
make a special offering here. Leaving
a small portion of the final harvest
around the base of the altar, we offer
prayers of love and gratitude from
our hearts. Then we take a moment
of silence and turn our focus to
preparing the harvest.
Offering to the Animals
This is migration season for many of our feathered friends. It is also the time when
many others are storing food and fat reserves for the coming winter. All oflife is inter
connected and we honor our place as stewards when we offer food and water to our
animal relations. You may not have the space, money, or desire to create a backyard
wildlife habitat, but even those in apartments can do their part to help these beings
prepare for winter.
Lord of
Solar 1
Using a
the 10\\
thing lil
Many pc
they ow
wild ani
space in
that rna'
water, aJ
when it:
tection f
A Magickal Mabon 127
If they
Scatter seeds and grains on the ground in a special shape, perhaps a sun symbol, a
yin/yang, or in the shape of a cornucopia. As you do so, ask the Mother of All and the
t as you
Lord of the Wilds or the Great Spirit to bless all those that receive these gifts. Charge
ld. It is
the symbol and the seed with prayers of health, warmth, and happiness.
and her
Solar Disks for the Birds
~ to feel
Using a needle, draw pieces of monofilament cord through several sunflowers. Hang
the flowers in trees so the birds can eat the seeds. As you hang each flower, say some
thing like:
hat will
fore the
Symbol of Sun, who now departs
nulch of
And leaves the world both cold and dark
ect your
Live on within these seeds ofLight
And feed our feathered friends in flight
That they may thrive in Winter's chill
Until again with light you fill
The Earth and shine again anew
Replacing ice with morning dew.
Magickal Habitats
Many people are creating specifically designed habitat for wildlife these days, whether
they own properties or rent apartments. Since natural, undisturbed habitat is rapidly
disappearing, these places can mean the difference between life and death for many
wild animals. We can take this one step further and create a magically life-affirming
space in which wildlife can feel safe and nourished on all levels.
Your local bird store, nursery, wildlife rehabilitation center, or Game and Fish
Department should be able to help you find the resources you need to create an
appropriate habitat for your area. In the back of this book, I also list some websites
that may prove valuable. Suffice it to say that all animals need three things: food,
me when
water, and cover. It is particularly important that food be available during seasons
eis inter
when it is not as easily found in nature and that it is located close to the cover for pro
ter to our
tection from elements and predators.
~ s e beings
128 A Magickal Mabon
Even those people with no more space than an apartment balcony can provide these
things with some creativity. Without a balcony, you can still provide at least food and
food an
water, and possibly cover. We fed a pigeon couple for a couple of years in an apart
tible to
ment from our balcony. Eventually, they built a nest and even had chicks on the space
just above our bedroom air conditioner. Empty spaces like that, if left alone, can be
just what these animals need, provided we are not overly concerned with what the
local Ga
neighbors think or the potential problems animals may cause.
There are plenty of resources available on this subject so I will focus instead on the
needs d
magical aspects. This is, after all, the "Magickal Mabon" chapter. Certainly, animals
will come if you provide food and water. But we all need more than that and animals
tion whl
are attracted to the sanctuary-like energy of a place.
See the
Treating your wildlife sanctuary or birdfeeder as a sacred space is the best way to
mals an;
maintain this feeling. The first step is to sit in meditation or in ritual and ask the spir
its of the land what they need most. Allow them direct your creation and trust that
you will be drawn to whatever is most appropriate. Promise to hold the energy and
safety of this space as best you can. Let the spirits of this place know that you under At itsm
stand that in giving back to nature, you are continuing the cycle of blessings and are of birds
grateful for all you have received from the Land.
Hold that feeling of sanctity as you set up your feeders and animal houses. If you the anin
plant specifically for cover or food, bless the plantings and thank them for their pres
If yo
ence in your special garden. Once you have completed your habitat, hold a special rit begin. T
ual to bless and sanctify the space. Dedicate it to animals and spirits of your land. If
gest bee
you work with certain spirits or deities, or if some have come to you as a result of this animal.
project, invite them to share in this space. Ask them for their blessings and protection behaviol
on all that use it. tooL Te<l
Just as we do our best to clear frustra wonderf
tions or anger before cooking for our fami BegiJ
lies, so should we be conscious of the energy quently
we bring to refilling feeders and hanging bird or animal i
bat houses. You might want to periodically check Com
on the energy of your space and clear it if necessary. labeling
On a physical level, it is important to keep feeders clean energies
and the food fresh. This is important for all animals. Certain
A Magickal Mabon 129
diseases (that are infrequently transferable to humans) may be transmitted through
)od and
le these
food and food containers. Also keep in mind that hummingbirds are highly suscep
I apart tible to fungal growth. Their feeders need to be disinfected and the food changed
Ie space regularly.
, can be It would be beneficial to have contact information for wildlife rehabilitators or your
..-hat the local Game and Fish Department handy, just in case you find an injured or orphaned
animal. Rehabilitators are the best people to help these animals. Each animal has special
don the needs that you may not be aware of unless you have the proper training and experi
animals ence. All wild animals can be dangerous, particularly when injured, but use extra cau
animals tion when handling raptors, big cats, bears, or others that are known to be dangerous.
See the back of this book for basic directions on handling injured or orphaned ani
;t way to mals and resources to help you find a rehabilitator in your area.
the spir
rust that
ergy and
u under
At its most basic, augury is divination by the movements of animals, particularly those
s and are
of birds. However, unlike many other divination systems, there are no manuals for
augury, because it requires experience, an understanding of the normal behavior of
the animals in question, and a fair amount of psychic/intuitive ability.
heir pres
If you are interested in developing this ability, autumn is one of the best times to
pecial rit
begin. This is when animals are migrating or preparing for winter in some way. I sug
IT land. If
gest becoming an amateur naturalist and studying one particular species or type of
ult of this
animal. You may choose to focus on red-tailed hawks or you may prefer to study
behaviors that are common among raptors. A good field guide will be an invaluable
tool. Ted Andrew's Animal-Speak and Paul Rezendes' Tracking and the Art of Seeing are
If frustra
wonderful additions to the spiritual naturalist's library.4
our fami
Begin by learning to identify your animal. Watch what they do and where you fre
the energy
quently see them. Keep a journal and take detailed notes. Include time of day, if the
ing bird or
animal is alone or in a group, temperature, proximity to water, etc.
:ally check
Combine your scientific observation with silent meditation as you watch. Stop
labeling for a few minutes and try to connect with the energy of the animal. Feel your
:ders clean
energies merge. Follow this up by a shamanic journey or other pathworking to connect
us. Certain
130 A Magickal Mabon
with the spirit or archetype of the species. Once you get to know the animal on a
rational and spiritual level, you will begin to recognize unusual sightings or behavior.
W'hen you open to the animal, you invite it to work with you and be a messenger of
Spirit for you.
Working with the Ogham
The ogham script is an ancient Celtic tree alphabet that was used as a method of com
munication and as a magickal mnemonic device, similar to the runes of the Ger
manic/Norse and the Qabbalah for the Hebrew mystics. It was invented by Ogma, son
of Elatha, king of Ireland. Apparently Ogma was a skilled bard and the ogham (pro
nounced oh'am) was believed to be a language of the Otherworld. Another story tells
us that Ogma was inspired by the flight of cranes (a form of augury) and saw the
beginnings of the ogham script in the way they held their legs in flight.
From the ogham, we can learn much of the sacred trees associated with each letter.
As we investigate each tree, we learn its magickal, medicinal, biological, and other cer
emonial or historical uses. We can move forward from this point to establishing a per
sonal relationship with many of these trees, as well as local trees and plants.
We can also use it as a system of divination, such as Liz and Colin Murray created
through the Celtic Tree Oracle.
You might want to begin exploring one letter per week.
Get a stick that has fallen naturally from a tree and use it for your ogham board. Each
week, carve your chosen letter into the board. Later on, this stick may be used to prac
tice writing your name or other words.
Using index cards, you can create your own ogham cards by writing the name in
English and Irish on the card along with a drawing of the ogham letter and specific
associations that accompany it. The letter equivalent is the first letter of the Irish
name. The most commonly used ogham script is divided into four sets of five sym
bols. Creating your own cards is a wonderful way to learn the language and commit it
to memory. These associations will also assist you in using your deck as a tool for div
ination, similar to a tarot or sacred animals deck.
A Magickal Mabon 131
a1 on a
The Ogham Script
nger of
Jf com
b.e Ger
m (pro
ory tells
saw the
:h letter.
:her cer
19 a per-
It!r week.
LTd. Each
to prac
1 specific
the Irish
ave sym
ommit it
_I for div-
Divinatory Associations
new beginnings, purification
divination, protection
foundation, ancestors
intuition, life lessons
interconnections, linking inner and outer worlds
cleansing, protection
doorway, endurance
justice, directed effort
wisdom, creativity
the Otherworld, eternity
the line between knowledge and madness, visioning
transformation, beauty
harmony, generosity
fate, unexpected change
transition, end of a cycle
strength, opportunity
gathering, wisdom
unity, healing
truth, overcoming adversity
rebirth, immortality
132 A Magickal Mabon
At the time of the equinox, when there is an identical amount of day and night, Sun
Connecting Earth and Sky
and Moon are equal. The sun rises directly in the east and sets exactly in the west.
Therefore, the directions are in harmony. This is an ideal time to work with direc
tional energies or the energies of Sun and Moon. It is also a perfect time to work on usual
bringing your relationships and your inner God/Goddess into greater balance.
Find Your Libra
Have your astrological chart run and see where Libra lies in your life. There are several
The dark
websites that offer a free wheel plus a basic overview of meanings. Check out an
own Sha
astrology book from your local library and explore what Libra means to you and your
lung and
of us tha
to see. T
Sun God/Moon Goddess
reside. TJ
Although in many ancient cultures the genders of sun and moon deities were
its that s1
reversed, we can use these common modern associations as archetypes to assist us in
getting in touch with our own inner god and goddess, or inner male and female. We
ments. A1
each have a little of both and how we handle this can impact our image of self as well
equator, i
as our relationships to both men and women. Knowledge can be power, particularly
when it relates to the Self.
Association Web-Using the words Sun, Moon, Male, and Female (or Man and
Woman) as the origin words, write the origin in the center of your paper. Then
write down whatever comes to mind as you think on the origin word. Free-associ
ate as you please. If an associated word leads to something new, add that to the web,
linking it from the word that sparked it. You may be surprised to see what comes up
in relation to the origin words.
Masking-Greate a mask, according to the directions in the Games and Activities
chapter. Tryon a Sun mask one day and a Moon mask the next day, or alternate S]
with a man/woman or dark/light masks. Really act the part and allow that aspect of
ht, Sun
le west.
1 direc
V'ork on
e several
: out an
md your
ies were
sist us in
nale. We
1 as well

\-ian and
)er. Then

the web,
comes up
: aspect of
A Magickal Mabon 133
yourself to come through as you wear the mask.
How does this aspect differ from the everyday
"mask" you wear? Make a plan to gradually incor
porate the beneficial aspects of this Self into your
usual identity.
Into the Shadows
The dark time of the year is ideal for peering into our
own Shadows. The Shadow side is a term coined by
Jung and adopted by many shamanic practitioners. It describes that place within each
of us that holds all that we do not want to acknowledge and don't want other people
to see. This is where our fears, angers, embarrassments, and traumatic memories
reside. This is often where we will find fragments of ourselves, those parts of our spir
its that splintered off as a result of fear or other trauma.
During the dark time, we often find it easier to uncover and reintegrate these frag
ments. At the equinox, when the sun at its zenith at local noon casts no shadow at the
equator, it may require less effort to bring light into our own personal darkness. The
Shadows may be temporarily cast aside, allowing a rare glimpse into our inner selves.
Shadow Meditation
Follow your breath down, deep within yourself. Allow your breathing to carry
you into the center of your being.
Deep within your center, you see a dark doorway. Take a deep breath and pass
through this doorway and into the darkness beyond. Become aware of your
spirit guides surrounding you as you move into the darkness.
As you move deeper into your self, images pass by you. Recognize these as
images and symbols of your own beliefs and experiences. Call forth the
Shadow aspects with the least emotion to approach you first.
134 A Magickal Mabon
water ar
Look deeply within each image. See them for what they really are, at their
inner se
cores. What do they have to say to you? What can you learn from their pres
ence? Be aware of any communication from your guides during this process.
trol YOll
Reach out and embrace these images, one by one or all at once, whichever
have see
feels right for you. Acknowledge them as a part of you that has been denied.
Feel yourself become more complete as you integrate these experiences and
Take a deep breath and blow all the fear and judgment and discomfort you The Mal
have associated with these aspects of yourself into a bubble of Shadow. Take previolli
another deep breath and feel them leave your body as you blow them into the mong()(
bubble. ancestor
See the bubble fill with light. It expands and transforms these feelings. It fills
year witl:
to overflowing with light and pops, releasing these transformed energies back
into your center. These are enlightened energies that are now free of their
bonds. You may now choose to use this energy as you wish.
Fire Rele!
Be aware of any communication from your guides at this time. Fully experience
and a
the transformation that has taken place. Feel stronger and more complete.
Now follow your breath back to your physical body. Move up through your gaze u
center back to your body and this circle. Thank your guides and your Self for
want 1
this tremendous gift. Honor your guides and thank them for their continued
guidance and protection before opening your eyes in the circle.
and re
Scrying WaterRe!
Scrying through fire or water is a powerful method of gaining self-knowledge. To scry
ing Ra
in a fire, simply gaze into a bonfire or a candle flame. Allow your thoughts to slip away
as you open your mind to the fire. You will begin to see images in the fire or you may ready"
begin to receive spontaneous thoughts, feelings, or memories. Allow these to come the issl
through without judgment and analyze them later.
To scry with water/ you will need a scrying bowl, preferably one that is a solid dark
color on the inside. Fill the bowl at least halfway with water. Pass your left hand, then
your right hand over the surface of the water, aligning your energy with that of the
We must
A Magickal Mabon 135
water and sensitizing yourself. Ask that you be honestly and gently allowed to see your
at their
inner self in the water.
~ i r pres
Keep in mind that this is largely a projection of your own Self. Therefore you con
trol your access to and interpretation of what you see. When you are satisfied that you
have seen all you will or all you desire to at this time, give thanks for this blessing and
I denied.
dispose of the water with respect.
lces and
Letting Go
The Mabon season is also the beginning of the time of release. As we reflect on the
Jort you
ow. Take
previous year, we release those things that do not serve our best interests or the com
mon good so that we may make room for more constructive energies. In honoring our
I into the
ancestors and departed loved ones, we realize that it is ok to let them go so that we
may both move forward. At this point of balance, choose to move into the dark of the
gs. It fiUs
year with clarity and the strength to enter a new year without the baggage you carried
gies back
through this one.
~ of their
Fire Release-This fire release is based on a Vaishnava tradition. All you need is a fire
xperience and a bowl of some type of grain. Build and light a bonfire outside or a fire in your
fireplace. Taking up a handful of the grain, sit in meditation before the fire. As you
,ugh your
gaze into the fire, bring to mind all those issues, patterns, or situations that you
1I Self for
want to let go of. Send each of these into the grain in your hand. When you are
ready, throw the grain into the fire. As it burns, see and feel those issues purified
and released.
Water Release--This method is based on the Jewish Tashlikh, which is a custom dur
ing Rosh Hashanah. Take a small bag of breadcrumbs to a river or stream. Taking
~ e . To scry
up handful, send all that you want to release into the breadcrumbs. When you are
I slip away
ready, drop them into the water. As they are carried away in the current, see and feel
ryou may
the issues separate from you and flow away.
e to come
Continuing the Cycle
solid dark
Inherent in any spirit of thanksgiving is the recognition that we must give to receive.
land, then
We must continue the cycle of love and generosity, so that we may continue to be
:hat of the
136 A Magickal Mabon
blessed. It includes being thankful not only for all that we have received but also for
what we will receive; for our ancestors and for our children; for our families and for all
our communities, both local and global. In this spirit, we make it a point to work for
balance and equilibrium in nature or in human affairs. We give selflessly of ourselves
to those that are less fortunate.
Most newspapers contain a section on how you can help your community by
donating time or specific items. In many areas of the country, there are organizations
that welcome and rely on volunteers to accomplish the very important work they are
involved in. Consider how you can serve your local community or a larger community
through organizations that serve the needy, the elderly, or the environment. If you
have children, teach them the value of volunteering through your example.
The Give-Away-The Give-Away is a ceremonially blessed offering in the spirit of
returning energy to that universal flow of blessings and abundance. We give pack
ages of food and drink to the homeless, collect baskets of goodies from our garden
to share with a neighbor who has no garden or who has had a rough year, gather
donations of food or clothing for favorite charities, and volunteer our time in a
variety of ways.
The actual physical Give-Away can be seen as a type of medicine.8 It is a part of
our selves and our energy that we freely release and offer to others for their own
pleasure and benefit. In this way, the energy is free to move throughout the com
munity and the planet bringing balance, happi
ness, and abundance to all. This process is a
means for us to accept our role in the
great Web of Life and to integrate the
understanding that we will be taken care
of, as long as we remain in that flow.
In modern society we can get so
focused on ourselves and our own prob
lems that our communities suffer. In
looking out for "Number One;' we may
lose sight of the needs of others, includ
ing those of our ecosystems. The Give
Away is a ritual recognition that all our
into r
of the
with t
1. Adapted
2. Ibid., pp.
3. MorrisOI
4. HarperC
5. St. Marti
6. Adapted
7. Adapted
8. Much of
A Magickal Mabon 137
needs are related. The process of Give-Away takes us outside of ourselves and allows
d for all
also for
a more expanded, less personal view of our situations.
mrk for Once we have collected or determined what it is we will give away, we bring that
urselves into ritual. If we are donating time, we bring the image and intent into ceremony. If
there are specific deities related to our donations, they are invoked at the beginning
mity by of the ritual. Then, in the middle of the ritual, we consecrate the donations (includ
izations ing image and intent). We bless them all with the highest good for all involved; that
they are everyone contacts these gifts may be blessed. We ask that these gifts restore balance
lffiunity and be accepted as thanks for all we have received so that the cycle of blessings may
The most important thing about the Give-Away is that it does not simply end
with the end of the ritual. We have to handle the practical aspects of how to carry
t. If you
spirit of
out the giving of our offerings. We must actually follow through and complete what
ve pack
we have intended. This is an excellent lesson for all of us, particularly our children,
I garden
in keeping promises and following through on our actions.
I, gather
ime in a
1. Adapted from Madden, Pagan Parenting, pp. 66-67.
a part of
2. Ibid., pp. 64-65.
neir own
3. Morrison, The Craft, p. 176.
the com
4. HarperCollins, Firefly Books, 1999.
5. St. Martin's Press, 1988.
6. Adapted from Madden, Shamanic Guide to Death and Dying, pp. 57-58.
7. Adapted from Madden, Pagan Parenting, pp. 168-170.
8. Much of this section from this point on is as it first appeared in The Innerconnexion, Litha 1998 issue.
Games and activities have a way of bringing out the kid in each of us. This is part of
what makes the holidays such special times. They are serious and yet lighthearted
times of relaxation and celebration. When we celebrate with an open heart, we allow
ourselves to connect naturally to Spirit and the abundant joy of the universe. Families
with children will find plenty in this chapter to keep everyone occupied and involved
during this season.
The Festive Home
Each of the eight festival seasons has its own unique feeling that we incorporate into
our decorations and celebrations. Here in the American Southwest, red chile ristras
are the decoration of choice at this time of year. In other areas, the changing leaves are
reaching peak color and we use them for decorations. Establishing this connection to
the cycles and traditions of your particular area can be extremely valuable in connect
ing to the energies and spirits of that place.
140 The Fun Stuff
Paraffin Leaves
Paraffin can be found at most hobby and craft
stores where candle making supplies are sold.
Melt the paraffin according to the manufac
turer's directions and quickly dip your chosen
leaves in. Set them aside on wax paper to dry.
Once they are dry, you can gently inscribe them
with your names or special words and symbols
of the season. Use them to decorate your home
and altars.
Harvest Branch
This is a harvest version of the Bardic silver branch that denoted divine inspiration
and a possible journey to the Otherworlds for the Celts. These bronze branches look
wonderful in a vase decorated for the season. It does take about three weeks, so if you
want it for a Mabon party, start early.
You will need:
leafy branches, either fallen or cut during autumn pruning
tall glass or vase
Mix glycerine and hot water in a 1:2 ratio. Mix up enough to fill about three inches of
the glass or vase.
Crush the ends of the branches (opposite the leaves) with the pliers and peel back
at least three inches of bark. Put the branches in the glass or vase, with the crushed
end in the glycerine and leave them alone for about three weeks. Transfer to a clean,
dry vase for decoration.
Sun Wheel
Sunflowers are often used as Sun Wheels or Solar Disks. With young children, we have
also made Sun Wheels using paper plates and gold glitter. Another common form of
the SUI
To cree
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metal c
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Corn 1
The Co
of this I
Triple G
altar or i
If you h:
Apple 1
Apple D
They tal
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apples t1:
need stu
a brown
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face you t
:hes look
so if you
inches of
peel back
e crushed
:0 a clean,
fl, we have
The Fun Stuff 141
the Sun Wheel is the equal-armed cross within the circle.
To create this form, have ready a circle of grapevine or
other natural material. Some people choose to use a gold
metal circle instead. Select two sticks that equal the diam
eter of the circle and wire or glue them together to form
the equal-armed cross. Secure the cross within the circle
and decorate it as you see fit. Hang it above your front
door or altar.
Corn Dolly
The Corn Dolly is an ancient Celtic tradition that has also been known as the Wheat
Mother, Wheat Bride, and Kern Baby. It is created from the last sheaf of wheat or corn.
Few of us today have access to the last sheaf of the harvest, but we can honor the spirit
of this tradition by creating our own Dollies from purchased wheat sheaves or corn
Simply braid three sheaves of wheat or three corn stalks together in honor of the
Triple Goddess and dress it in colorful cloths or small clothes. Keep the Dolly on your
altar or in some honored place throughout the winter and ritually burn it in the spring.
If you have a garden, scatter the ashes over the soil before fertilizing and planting.
Apple Dolls
Apple Dolls seem to be a custom practiced mainly in the southeastern United States.
They take a bit more skill than Corn Dollies. Because they require the use of a knife
and sewing needle, this is not an activity that is recommended for children unless an
adult is willing to take on the potentially dangerous jobs. To make them you will need
apples that are not very ripe. You don't want them too juicy or mushy. You will also
need stuffing, cloth for the clothes, and a short stick to attach the body to the apple
With a small, sharp knife, carve a face into one side of the apple. Wrap the apple in
a brown paper bag and put it aside in a cool, dark place until the apple is dry. While
you are waiting for it to dry, you can make the clothes for your Apple Doll. Did the
face you carved have a certain personality or age? Is there a color or theme you want to
142 The Fun Stuff

m;:,.:.. JI


bring into your festivities this year? Do you want a modern doll or one that represents
your ancestors? The answers to these questions will determine the clothing you create.
Make the body fIrst, about six inches long. A simple one outline like this is sufficient.
Sew up the sides and leave the neck area open. Turn it inside out so that the seams
are on the inside and stuff it. Almost anything can be used as stuffing from old dryer
lint to potpourri, just keep in mind that the more hard pieces you include inside, the
bumpier your doll's skin will be. Sew the neck nearly closed, leaving a hole for the stick.
Once the apple is dry, insert the stick into the bottom of the apple where the neck
would go and place the bottom of the stick into the body. Sew the body tight around
the stick. Depending on how well you sew, you might want to add a few drops of glue
around the stick so the stuffing doesn't come out. Then dress and decorate your Apple
Doll to your heart's content. Add a little corn silk or yarn hair, dress it in special cloth
ing, give it a hat, or a staff, or even a mini-cornucopia.
A Mabon Centerpiece
Follow the instructions below for creating an autumn wreath. Rather than hanging it
up, place it in the center of your holiday table. Place a small cornucopia fIlled with
Fold CO]
each pe;
guest 0]
ing, shru
These a(
idea ofr
If you aI
Tear I
down the
you are f
Tie th
Coil t
Sheets of
most hob
:m create.
the seams
old dryer
nside, the
: the stick.
~ the neck
ht around
IPS of glue
our Apple
cial doth
hanging it
filled with
The fun Jtuff 143
apples, nuts, and grapes in the center along with one gold and one silver candle. Alter
natively, you may wish to place a moon and sun candle alone in the center of the
Thanksgiving Placecards
Fold construction paper squares in half and cut out leaf shapes to form a placecard for
each person. Choose autumn colors and write the names of each family member and
guest on the front. Just before giving thanks for the meal, ask each person to write
something they are grateful for on the inside of the card. When you are finished eat
ing, share your blessings together.
Corn Husk Placemats
These add a rustic touch to any harvest celebration. They are also in keeping with the
idea of recycle and reuse-using all parts of the harvest and wasting none.
You will need:
corn husks
thread, medium weight
If you are using husks removed from corn that you bought fresh, allow them to dry
completely in the sun before using.
Tear the husks into small strips and soak for an hour in warm water.
Beginning with three strips, braid them together. When you are more than halfway
down the strips, add one more strip to each braid strand. Continue adding strips once
you are past the halfway point.
Tie the braid tightly when it is long enough or when you have run out of strips.
Coil the braid, sewing the coils together as you go.
Homemade Candles
Sheets of beeswax, small granules of wax, and candle wicking can be purchased in
most hobby and craft stores. These provide the opportunity for anyone to create their
144 The Fun Stuff
very own handmade candles. They are also the basis for wonderfully simple craft ideas
to use with children.
Hand-poured Candles
You will need:
fireproof containers: terra-cotta pots, baby food jars, or glasses that
you don't plan to reuse
wax granules in the colors and
amounts of your choice
candle wicking cut Yz to %inch longer
than the height of your container.
If you have a clear container, you may want to
plan out a color scheme or design before filling
the container with wax. Even the very small terra
cotta pots often have holes in the bottom, so you
may want to line the bottom with aluminum foil
before filling.
Place the wick in the center of the bottom, leaving just enough wick to be secured
in place as you add wax granules. Add the wax gradually, ensuring that the wick
remains in the center. Pack the wax down gently as you fill the container. The wax will
melt and solidify as the wick burns.
Hand-rolled Candles
You will need:
a variety of beeswax sheets (allow 2 sheets per candle)
candle wicking
a butter knife
Below I describe two fairly simple ways to roll candles from beeswax sheets.
Cut a wick Yz inch longer than the length of a sheet. Using one or two sheets, place
the wick along one edge and roll the sheetCs) straight across, as tightly as possible.
Smooth the edges into the body of the candle when you reach the end.
corner. I
the alreoil
the cut (
of the Coil
ter. Whil
green an,
activity fi
To ere
a grapevi:
of the wr,
filler. Eve
wreath, y(
Spanish 0
be fairlye<
are using
such as dri
ply poking
to decide,
greens wn
Own. But tl
items can
wreath. EX{
peppers, piI
raft ideas
)e secured
: the wick
Ie wax will
leets, place
.s possible.
The Fun Stuff 145
Cut a wick ~ inch longer than the length of a sheet on the diagonal, from corner to
corner. Cut two sheets in half on the diagonal. Take one sheet and cut off ~ inch from
the already cut side. Placing this sheet on the outside, and the wick at the end of one of
the cut corners, roll the candle as tightly as possible. Smooth the edges into the body
of the candle when you reach the end.
Autumn Wreaths
Seasonal wreaths can be found in most garden centers throughout autumn and win
ter. While most people associate these with the Yule season, autumn wreaths are
becoming more and more popular. The can be a nice change from the typical ever
green and red bow wreaths that are so common in December and it is a wonderful
activity for adults and children alike.
To create a wreath, you need to begin with a good base. This can be anything from
a grapevine to a wire or Styrofoam frame. The base will determine the general shape
of the wreath, so what you use is entirely personal preference. Next you will add the
filler. Evergreen branches are common fillers for winter wreaths. For an autumn
wreath, you may prefer to use green and colored leaves, ivy or other green vines, and
Spanish or sphagnum moss.
Leaves and ornaments will probably require a glue gun to attach. Moss and vines can
be fairly easily wired or woven onto a base. Ifyou
are using a Styrofoam base, many ornaments,
such as dried flowers, can be secured by sim
ply poking them into the Styrofoam.
Once you have your filler, you need
to decide whether to leave it as is or to
add ornamentation. Many basic leaf and
greens wreaths are gorgeous on their
own. But the addition of other seasonal
items can create a truly breathtaking
wreath. Experiment with adding red chile
peppers, pine cones, dried seed heads, berries,
146 The Fun Stuff
baby Indian corn, sheaves of wheat, or sunflowers. Children love to spraypaint pine cones
gold and add them to Mabon wreaths. I have a friend that created one entire wreath out
of dried sunflower heads and another completely out of red chile peppers. They were
absolutely beautiful. After the holiday, she put the sunflower wreath out as an offering to
the wild animals.
Living Herb Wreath
This is from Dorothy Morrison's book, Bud, Blossom, & Leap It is a wonderful
method of keeping herb cuttings fresh indoors. I use it after cutting back my outdoor
herbs for the winter. It is also a wonderful autumn project for kids.
You will need:
1 wire wreath form
hair pins
sphagnum moss
sterile soil
time release fertilizer
floral wire (if you choose the single wreath form rather than the one
with a top and bottom that snap together)
assorted plant cuttings (about two cuttings for every inch of the form
rooting hormone
Fill the form bottom with sphagnum moss, being sure the line the form sides. It's
important to leave a distinct indentation in the bottom between the sides too, because
that's where you'll plant the cuttings. Sprinkle the indentation with fertilizer, then fill
it half full of sterile soil.
Carefully remove any leaves two inches from the bottom of the stem, then dip the
stem in rooting hormone. Chant something like: Leaves fly off and fall away, make way
so roots can sprout today, I dip you in this powder rare, so you'll mature without a care.
Spacing them evenly, plant the cuttings in the soil. Dorothy suggests planting a lit
tle ivy to cover bare spaces. This does make a beautiful addition to any wreath, but you
may want to experiment with other types of cuttings or decorations that the plants
can grow around.
then ill
For the
good sc
to clip i
Chile j
These d
ture to
where il
using fr4
Using tb
one half
strung al
you have
dowel in
your clu:
The Fun Stuff 147
When you are finished planting, fIll the rest of the wreath with sphagnum moss,
then use hair pins to secure any trailing plant ends. Ifyou are using the single wreath
:eath out
form, wrap the wreath intermittently with the floral wire to keep the plants in place.
aey were
'fering to
For the snap-together type, just attach the top.
Caring for this wreath is simple. Lay it flat in the bathtub or shower and give it a
good soaking when the moss feels dry, then hang it to drip-dry. As it grows, remember
to clip it regularly.
Chile Ristras
These deep red ropes of dried chile peppers bring richness and a sense of ancient cul
ture to homes in the American Southwest. Beginning in mid-September, green chile
ripens and turns a fiery red. In New Mexico, the nation's leading producer of this
addictive little plant, it is traditional to harvest the chile and string it into ristra ropes,
where it is allowed to dry in the sun. It is stored on the ropes for use throughout the
winter. Ristras are so popular that a chile ristra hot-air balloon is one of the crowd
favorites at the annual Kodak International Hot Air Balloon Festival in Albuquerque.
To make a ristra, use red chiles that have no remaining green in them. If you are
using freshly picked chile, let it sit for a few days to dry out a bit before using.
You will need:
approx. 150 red chiles for an I8-inch ristra
cotton string, medium weight
baling twine or wire
sides. It's
a small dowel or stick
), because
r, then fill
Using the cotton string, tie a cluster of three or four chiles together. Wrap the string
around all the stems then bring it up between two of the stems and pull it tight. Tie
~ n dip the
one half-square knot around all the stems and pull it tight. Continue the same process
with more clusters each about three inches above the previous cluster. When you have
make way
strung all the clusters your string can hold, cut and tie the string and start over until
you have used up all your chiles.
it a care.
lting a lit
a, but you
Hang the baling twine or wire at least three feet from the floor. Loop the stick or
dowel into the bottom of the twine to prevent the chiles from falling off. Now braid
the plants
your clusters around the twine and push the center down to tighten. Braid all your
148 The Fun Stuff
clusters from the bottom up and arrange the individual chiles so they stick out in all
directions. Hang in full sun with good ventilation to dry. If you plan to use this for
In autu
decoration only, you may want to use a clear sealant spray to preserve the chiles.
bowls, i
Connecting with the Earth
Tending Your Garden
Once the harvest is brought in, we not only clean up and put the garden to bed but in
decide i
doing so we are preparing for the next harvest season. One thing you want to do is
you can
note what plants are where in the garden this year. Certain plants drain nutrients from
from th
the soil. While soil inoculants are available at garden stores to return nutrients, it is
out the
always a good idea to rotate vegetable plantings from year to year.
into exa
Clear away old annuals and dead stalks. Check your gardening books to determine
they car
if your perennials need to be pruned, cut back, or otherwise prepared for winter. This
they are
is a good time to add some fertilizers, such as manure or compost, to your garden.
dried gc
Even if you do not add anything, loosen up the soil down to at least six inches, includ
ing around the base of your perennials. This allows roots the freedom to grow even
when the topsoil freezes.
the skin
Many people will add mulch at this time. Be careful not to allow commercial
to inscri
mulch to come in contact with living plants because it can burn them. Read the direc
to paint
tions on the package carefully. Many gardeners prefer to use a different type of mulch,
might w;
such as straw, fallen leaves, and pine needles. We use fallen leaves and chop them up
using pai
with the lawnmower first. These types of mulch are wonderful in that when they
For a
biodegrade, they also add nutrients to the soil.
before in
just wraJ:
Planting for the New Year
fully seall
In many areas, autumn is the time for planting bulbs, vines, and new trees. Once the
carpet is 1
harvest is complete and we have properly tended the garden, we can begin to look for
ward to next spring. If you want to have grapes or berries next year, plant them now.
Nature 1
This is the ideal time to plant bulbs that will bloom early with spring flowers. Each
type of bulb will come with specific instructions on planting depth and spacing
enjoying 1
between plants, or you can take the easy route and get the bulb-planting tool available
a good til
in most garden stores.
IUt in all
this for
ed but in
to do is
~ n t s from
~ n t s , it is
lter. This
r garden.
s, includ
row even
the direc
them up
'hen they
Once the
,look for
nem now.
rers. Each
d spacing
l available
The fun Stuff 149
Gourd Rattles
In autumn, various types of gourds and pumpkins begin to show up on the shelves at
many grocery stores and roadside stands. Most people use these for colorful, fun dec
orations of the season. Since ancient times, gourds have been used to create rattles,
bowls, and even water dippers. I have also seen them used as bird feeders, toys, and in
There are two schools of thought on the gourd-search experience. Either you can
decide ahead of time what you intend to create and seek out just the right shape, or
you can simply bring home what feels right, allowing the creation to flow naturally
from the gourd. Once home, they can be cut open to clean
out the flesh and seeds. It is important to cut them
into exactly the right shape for your purpose because
they can be difficult to cut once dry. At this point,
they are simply hung to dry. You can also purchase
dried gourds, which makes the process that much
Once dry, the colors of the gourd will be paler but
the skin is perfect for drawing or carving. This is the time
to inscribe your names or magical symbols. Children love
to paint or color them with crayons. If you have created a water dipper or bowl, you
might want to use a light sandpaper to smooth the inside. Care should be taken in
using paints or pens on anything that is intended as a utensil for human consumption.
For a rattle, put a small amount of dried beans, seeds, or even small stones inside
before inserting a handle into the opening. You may choose to seal this with glue or
just wrap it tightly with leather or cloth. Whatever you use to seal it, ensure that it is
fully sealed before you or your child play with it. Trust me, lots of little seeds in the
carpet is not as much fun as an intact rattleF
Nature Walks
Whether you are out taking in the fall leaf colors, picking grapes and apples, or simply
enjoying the crisper, cooler air, this is an ideal time to get out into Nature. This is also
a good time to honor nature and continue the cycle of blessings by taking along a
150 The Fun Stuff
garbage bag and picking up any trash you see as you walk. If you can take a bag for
trash and a bag for recyclables, that is even better and you won't need to sort when you
get home.
Look at a compass and be aware of the four directions as you wander. Attune to
Put a 1
the energies of the land. Notice the difference in these energies between now and the
over th
summer, or between now and the winter. Sing a lullaby to the plants and animals.
Carry a small amount of water or mead and offer libations of gratitude and blessings
to the trees.
Sit for a few moments in a special spot. Breathe deeply and focus on feeling your
connection to the ground. Visualize the energy of the earth flowing into you, calming
and healing your entire self. Turn your face to the sky and feel a connection to the sun
and sky. Breathe deeply and visualize the energy of the sky flowing into you, invigo
the top
rating and healing your entire self.
Carry a field guide with you and begin studying for your work as a spiritual natu
ralist. Get to know the autumn habits of the animals you want to use in your augury
practice. This is one of the best times to learn about migration, hibernation, and the
This gI1
other ways animals prepare to survive winter. As you walk, keep an eye open for natu enough
rally fallen branches of trees that are part of the ogham system or have traditional uses
in your part of the world. Bring home a few examples to assist you in integrating this
Listen t
Find the Colors
and YOt
In the next chapter, I describe the different pigments contained in leaves and how
these contribute to the gorgeous fall colors. This is an experiment I learned back in
out the
college that allows you to see those pigments, even in a green leaf. the new
You will need:
com the diff
rubbing alcohol ice to fo
glass container
aluminum foil
tape measure or ruler
)ag for
,en you
~ e t o
md the
19 your
the sun
II natu
and the
)r natu
nal uses
nd how
back in
The Fun Stuff 151
coffee filter, cut into one-inch wide strips, pointed on one end
leaves that have not yet fully changed color or dried out
Put a leaf on one of the filter strips, about X to Z; inch above the point. Roll the coin
over the leaf, pressing some juice into the filter strip.
Let the paper dry while you pour ;,z inch of rubbing alcohol into the glass con
tainer. Cover the container with the foil and measure the distance to the surface of the
alcohol. Tape the strip to the underside of the foil so that the tip of the filter strip just
touches the alcohol when you cover the container again. Be sure that the section con
taining the soaked-in leaf juice does not touch the alcohol.
Watch what happens as the alcohol moves up the strip. Don't let it seep all the way to
the top of the filter strip. In about fifteen minutes all the colors should have separated.
Predicting the Weather
This group of weather activities is perfect for kids and adults alike. I kept them simple
enough for young children but you can expand on these and get as elaborate as you
Listen to the sound of a cricket chirping. Count the number of chirps in 14 seconds
and you will know the temperature where the cricket is.
Get an outdoor thermometer and chart the temperature at various times through
out the day. Is the temperature at your house the same as the temperature reported on
the news?
When is it coldest/warmest at your house and how does the temperature vary on
the different sides of your house? Have little ones figure out how cold it has to be for
ice to form.
Rain Gauge
You will need:
a clear glass cup or jar
permanent marker
a ruler
152 The Fun Stuff
If your glass is not completely flat on the bottom, use some clay or modeling com
pound to get a flat base. Measure up from the base and make marks at liz-inch intervals
on the outside of the glass. Leave it outside when it rains and see how your rain levels
measure up to those reported for your town on the news.
You will need:
a straw
a pencil with an eraser
lightweight cardboard
a straight pin
a knife
Place the straw perpendicular to the pencil and secure the straw to the eraser using a
straight pin. Cut two slits, parallel to the pencil, through each end of the straw. Cut an
arrowhead shape out of light cardboard and insert it into one slit. Cut a long triangle
out and insert it into the other end of the straw. These will catch the wind for you and
turn your weather vane.
Hold the pencil up outside or stick it into the ground so it remains upright, and
determine the wind direction. This is also an excellent way to begin discussions on the
four directions and their associations, as well as teaching kids about weather science
and how the weather vane works.
Feeding Wildlife
Even those of us that live in cities have the opportunity to provide for wildlife. We may
be feeding pigeons or other backyard birds. Some of us may have squirrels or lizards
that may wander through our yards or balconies every now and then. In addition to
the magickal methods described in the preceding chapter, we can make feeding
wildlife a season-long (or year-long) activity that will entertain and instruct children
and adults alike.
to crea
has a tl
one t h ~
or h\lo.
A shape
bottom 1
seed. Th
be frequ
added sa
~ com
n levels
. using a
I. Cut an
you and
ight, and
115 on the
r science
:. \\re may
or lizards
Idition to
e feeding
t children
The Fun Stuff 153
Gourd Birdfeeders
The uses of gourds are only limited by our own imaginations. I have seen gourds used
to create birdhouses. However, at this time of year the need is not for homes to raise
chicks in but for food to support the adult birds through the winter.
When choosing a gourd for a birdfeeder, try to find one that is less ornamental and
has a thicker skin. It needs to be able to hold the weight of the birds. It is best to find
one that is pear-shaped, with a wide enough bottom to hold birdseed and a small bird
or two. Try to leave a large enough lip on the bottom to attach a perch to. It can be
carved so that the upper part of the gourd forms a stabilizer and hanger for the feeder.
A shape like this is ideal.
You will need to dean and sand the inside, even if you are
using a predried gourd. For a birdfeeder, you may want to
spray or paint it with a water sealer. Once dry, the sealant
will be harmless to the birds. If you are unsure about
whether the paint or sealer you have is safe, ask at your
local hardware or bird store.
Now you are ready for the perch. This step is not
essential, since most birds will use a feeder without
one, but it does make it easier for the birds. Drill a
small hole, ~ inch or smaller, into each side of the
bottom lip. Insert a small amount of glue and a
short dowel or stick into each hole. When the
perches are dry, your birdfeeder is complete.
You can paint the outside of the gourd and
decorate it to your heart's content. You can also add a very small drainage hole in the
bottom to drain rainwater or a cover to prevent rain and snow from getting into the
seed. This is not a birdfeeder that will handle a large number of birds. It does need to
be frequently refilled but it certainly works for a few small birds, and you have the
added satisfaction of knowing you created it with your own hands.
154 The Fun Stuff
Sun Wheel Squirrel Feeder
While you can always just stick a corncob on a nail attached to a block of wood, you
might find this squirrel feeder much more fun and symbolic of the season. You may
decorate this as you please. Please be sure that your decorations are safe for the animals.
You will need:
4 cobs of corn, uncooked
one 20-inch diameter circular frame, metal or wire
metal poles: one 20-inch and one 24-inch long with diameter
small enough to fit easily in the center of a corncob
wire, medium gauge
heavy wooden block at least 20 inches across
drill and drill bit equal to the diameter of the metal poles
Wire the metal poles tightly together to form an equal-armed cross. One pole will
obviously be longer. Using the nail, make a hole into the end of each cob. This hole
will be your starter to work the cobs onto the metal poles.
When each cob is fully inserted onto a pole, wire the circle around the outside of
the poles to form a sun wheeL
Drill a hole in the block of wood. Secure the longer pole into the block of wood
and put it out for your squirrel friends to enjoy.
Connecting with the Sky
An Equinox Party
A party based predominantly on the solar event can be just as much fun as a Mabon
feast! Send out invitations that are half-moon and half-sun. Invite everyone to come
dressed as the equinox and to bring something to use to create one of the autumn
crafts in this chapter. You may be surprised at what people come up with.
Decorate your home using sun and moon symbolism. You may want to create a
feeling of daylight on one side of the room and nighttime on the other side. Or you
might c
the exac
chase a.
or prep.
Not onl
also be I
The pap
for you 1
the othe
to the h<
half and
Sun St,
In the tr
erns to r
yards f01
ing ston
The Fun Stuff 155
might choose to create a sunrise at east, a sunset at west, and hang a Sun Wheel from
the exact center of the ceiling. Fill an equal number of black and white balloons, with
I(}, you
helium if possible. Prepare equinox party hats and have the makings for face paints.
Plan to make crafts for this holiday or get an early start on making Yule gifts. Pur
chase a star map or print one out from the Internet and go outside after dark to find
common constellations. See if you can find Libra and Virgo. Make it a harvest potluck
or prepare a simple buffet that guests can munch as they craft or explore the skies.
Equinox Masks
Not only can these be great additions to an equinox party or holiday ritual, they can
also be used to make equinox studies more fun for children of all ages.
You will need:
paper plates
Popsicle sticks
colored markers
~ l e will
construction paper
his hole
glitter: gold and silver
Itside of
The paper plates will be the base for the mask. Hold your plate up to your face and
of wood
mark where your eyes are. Take it away from your face and cut eyeholes large enough
for you to see through.
Now let your imagination go as you create one half of your mask as a Sun face and
the other side as a Moon face. When you are finished, glue or staple the Popsicle stick
to the bottom for a handle and let your mask dry for a few hours.
An alternative to making masks is to get face paint or makeup and paint your faces
a Mabon
half and half.
: to come
, autumn Sun Stone
In the tradition of our ancestors who created elaborate stone circles, mounds, and cav
) create a
erns to mark the date of celestial events, we can use natural materials in our own back
e. Or you
yards for similar reasons. Although we know when the equinox occurs, we use a stand
ing stone to find the moment that the sun is directly overhead (local noon) where we
156 The Fun Stuff
live. Unless you live right on the equator, where the sun directly passes overhead, a this pel
standing stone will still cast some shadow at local noon but the shadow can be sur
tell the:
prisingly informative on this day. letter s.
Erect a long, relatively thin stone about 2 feet tall on a flat area of ground. Try to
place tl
make it as perpendicular to the surface as possible. If you cannot find a stone like this,
end of'
you can substitute a 2-3 foot board secured to a sturdy base board.
Beginning about ten minutes before noon, measure the length of your shadow
every five minutes. When the shadow starts to get longer, you have reached local noon.
This is
Find the tangent of the length of the shortest shadow and you will have your latitude!
Well, you'll have your approximate latitude since this project is not likely to be com
and cle
pletely accurate due to variations in the stone, whether or not it is perfectly perpen
dicular to the earth's surface. The tangent is also equal to the sun's declination, which
plant sc
is the angular distance of the sun from the earth's equator.
or grave
dried Ie.
The Spirit of Community
on the
Honoring Your Elders and the Young leave ap
In a way, our elders and our youth are really two sides to one great mystery. On one
end, they have just entered our world from the Great Beyond and on the other end,
they are preparing to return beyond the Veil ofLife. These are two of our most fragile
dinner (
and precious elements of society, yet often disrespected or ignored.
friends (
We can honor our past and our future, by consciously choosing to spend quality
time with the elders and youth of our families and communities. We can devote our
of a feas
full attention to them without worrying about work, doing chores, or planning for the
that witl
future while we spend time doing what they want to do.
your life
You might consider volunteering to read to the elderly at nursing homes or retire
ment communities. Volunteer with hospice or offer to sit with elders and children in
hospitals. Donate toys, clothes, and time to one of the many organizations that shelter
homeless children or families.
a place ti
Letters of Thanksgiving
family a
This is kind of like a Secret Santa, in that you should pick one person secretly about a
week before Mabon, making sure that everyone in your group will get a letter. Write
head, a
be sur-
LTry to
ike this,
al noon.
be com
n, 'which
'. On one
ther end,
)st fragile
ld quality
evote our
ng for the
or retire
hildren in
lat shelter
:ly about a
tter. Write
The Fun Stuff 157
this person a letter expressing how thankful you are for their presence in your life and
tell them just how wonderful they are. Then, either find a way to get this person their
letter secretly or invite everyone over for a feast and allow time for each person to
place their letter on the plate of the person it is addressed to. Read your letters at the
end of your meal and celebrate with dessert.
Honoring the Dead
This is a traditional practice at this time of
year throughout the world. Consider visiting
and cleaning up the area around family
gravesites. Bring some fresh flowers or
plant some fall bulbs around the head
stones. Take along an autumn wreath
or grave blanket of evergreens, acorns,
dried leaves, and pine cones to be placed
on the headstone. It is traditional to
leave apples on burial cairns, but we can
certainly do this on modern gravesites as
Honor those that have passed on with a silent
dinner or a few moments of silence at a dinner in their honor. Whether they are
friends or family, human or animal, you can honor them and create a sense of con
nection and gratitude in your own heart by taking a few moments before partaking
of a feast and meditating on their lives and all they brought to this existence. Follow
that with some consideration of what you would like to create or contribute through
your life.
Honoring Family Ancestors
Prepare a feast of oatmeal walnut cookies (see recipe on page 110) and apple juice. Set
a place for everyone present, and include place settings for the honorees. Go through
family albums or photographs, recall the life stories of the ancestors pictured, and
meditate upon the importance of their lives. Remember how each family member
158 The Fun Stuff
gone before lives on in you. End by thanking the ancestors for the roles they continue
to play in your lives, by saying something like:
For your lives, I give you thanks
You, who live now in the ranks
Of memories of times now past
VV'hose blood still flows within me fast
VV'hose personalities I share
VV'hose mannerisms here and there
Come out in me from time to time
Bringing reason to my rhyme
I thank you for the parts ofme
You've put in place that I might be
I promise now that you shall thrive
With loving thoughts throughout my life
For all I am and all I'll be
Is because you live in me.
The Gift of Homemade Soap
Susan Dahlem of Dahlem's Handcrafted Soaps graciously sent me this wonderful
recipe for old-fashioned, cold processed, all-vegetable soap.4 It is adapted from her
Allow 1
book, Soapmaking 101-the Science ofSaponification. At this time of rest after the har
batch all
vest, there is nothing more luxurious than the gift of homemade soap.
Harvest Soap the box
It takes at least two weeks before you have soap ready to use. You can either start a few
Always ~
weeks before Mabon, or use this time of harvest and preparation to begin crafting Yule
from thf
enamel or stainless-steel pot (never use aluminum)
out of re
a scale to measure your ingredients (in ounces)
one wide-mouth glass measuring cup or pitcher
add the f
from her
: the har
tart a few
The Fun Stuff 159
a couple of wooden or stainless-steel spoons
bowl or jar for weighing lye
candy or quick-read thermometer
well-fitting rubber gloves
safety goggles
two old towels
a bottle of vinegar as a precaution: neutralizes lye if it gets on your skin
plastic wrap
a mold: glass or plastic container, shoe box lined with heavy plastic, or a
wooden mold
16 ozs vegetable shortening
8 ozs coconut oil
12 ozs olive oil
14 ozs cold water in a glass measuring cup
5 ozs sodium hydroxide (Red Devil Lye-available at the grocer's)
~ oz essential or fragrance oil, such as lemongrass, cedar, patchouli
1 tsp ground cinnamon
2 Tbsps wheat germ
1 Tbsp dried orange peel
Allow 1 - 1 ~ hours to make a batch of soap. This recipe will produce one 36-ounce
batch and the number of bars depends on the size and shape you make.
Prepare your mold by either greasing the glass dish or plastic container or lining
the box with heavy plastic, being sure all the seams are well covered to prevent leaks.
Always sit your filled mold inside a larger container just in case you do have a little
Use every precaution when working with lye. Use safety goggles and rubber gloves
from the time you start until you finish cleaning up your work area. Always keep lye
out of reach of children and pets.
Gently pour and stir the lye into the cold water until completely dissolved. As you
add the lye, the water will get very hot, so be careful to add it very slowly. Stir constantly
160 The Fun Stuff
and don't let the lye get in a dump. Never add water to lye-always add lye to water. Set
aside in a safe place to cool down to about 100F. Check it often because temperature
inside your kitchen will determine how quickly it cools. If your kitchen is fairly warm,
or you need to speed things up, you can place the container in a cold water bath (fill
your sink with about one inch of cold water and sit the container of lye water in it to
cool quicker).
Over a very low heat, melt the vegetable shortening and coconut oil together. When
both are melted, remove from heat and add olive oiL Check the temperature of the oil
now and keep a watch on it because both the oil and lye water must be at 100 F. You
may use the cold water bath method for the oils too.
When both oils and lye water is 98-105P, pour the lye water in a steady slow
stream into the oils, stirring constantly and consistently in a circular, then S-shaped
motion. Alternate between the two motions. This causes saponification, the conver
sion of a fat or oil into soap by combining it with an all<ali.
Continue stirring-noting the changes in the mixture. It will eventually become
thicker and creamier. Continue stirring until it reaches the consistency of pudding.
This will take from 30 minutes to 1 hour, 30 minutes.
Remove i1 cup of the soap mixture. Stir the fragrance, cinnamon, orange peel, and
wheat germ into the removed portion. Stir gently until the ingredients are well mixed.
Mix this well, back into the soap. Pour soap into the prepared mold. Cover with
plastic wrap, allowing the wrap to touch the surface of the soap.
Sit the covered mold onto one of the old towels. Wrap the towel over and around
the mold. Repeat with the second toweL Sit inside larger box in a warm place for
18-24 hours. Do not disturb mold during this time and be sure that all surfaces are
protected in case of a leak.
Uncover the mold and score the soap. The next day, wearing rubber gloves, turn it
out and cut into scored bars or cut it like brownies and lift it out. You may also choose
to make soap balls.
Set aside on waxed paper to dry and cure for at least two weeks. Stack bars in an
open brick pattern during this time.
And Susan reminds us to wrap individual soaps in brown paper, waxed paper, or
harvest colored/patterned fabric and tie with jute or raffia. Decorate packages with an
1. Llewe
2. Much
4. Dahle
The Fun Stuff 161
acorn, leaf, or other seasonal symbol. Don't forget your "Made especially for you by
Iter. Set
. warm,
ilth (fill
in it to 1. Llewellyn, February 2001.
2. Much of this activity is printed as it first appeared in the Fall 2000 issue of Circle magazine, issue 77,
f the oil
r. When
3. Morrison, The Craft, p. 176.
OF. You 4. Dahlem's Handcrafted Soaps, 1-877 -818-S0AP. E-mail:; website:
dy slow

l around
)lace for
faces are
s.. turn it
() choose
)aper, or
i with an
Equinox is a Latin word meaning "equal night." These dates, the spring and autumn
equinoxes, are so named because they are the only two days of the year when the
Northern and Southern Hemispheres of the earth receive the same amount of sunlight.
This is because the earth is tilted in a special way. Rather than being tilted toward or
away from the sun, we are at a right angle to an imaginary Earth-Sun line and the sun
is directly overhead at the equator. Therefore, the days and nights are the same length.
From the autumn equinox on, nights will be longer than days for people in the
Northern Hemisphere until we reach the spring equinox. On the autumn equinox, the
sun rises at the South Pole for the first time in six months. The sun also rises exactly in
the east, and sets exactly in the west.
This is represented in the symbol of the Order of Bards Ovates and Druids. The
Awen (pronounced ah-oo-en), meaning "divine inspiration:' is depicted as three rays
emanating from three points of light and enclosed in three concentric circles. The
three points of light are representative of the Triple Deities of Celtic spirituality. They
are also the three positions where the sun rises at the equinoxes and the solstices. This
is known as the Triad of Sunrises and may be found as three stones outside the gate
way to many of the old stone circles.
164 Equinox Science
Our ancient ancestors were no different from us in that they perceived their world
according to what they knew. Many folk customs and myths developed from an early
approximation of scientific method. Through these tales, we see that ancient peoples
were far from "primitive." They were extremely observant, more so than many mod
ern people, and had some truly advanced understandings of the workings of the world
and the universe.
With that in mind, here are some fairly common autumn weather-related folk
beliefs. Many of these have their basis in some surprisingly solid scientific observa
tions and some do not. However, it is true that animals tend to be very sensitive to
environmental changes. Behavioral changes, such as the frequency of birdcalls or
cricket chirps, can indicate changes in temperature or air pressure. Oncoming storms
are often preceded by the closing of some flowers as well as increased feeding among
some species of fish, snakes, and rabbits.
A long, hot summer indicates a windy autumn
A windy autumn precedes a mild winter
The first frost in autumn will be exactly six months after the first thunder
storm of the spring
It will be a long and hard winter if:
wooly bear caterpillars are more black than brown
squirrels gather and bury their nuts early
trees produce an abundance of nuts
the leaves fall late
apple skins are tough
cornhusks are thick
onion skins are thick
birds migrate early
fruit trees bloom in the fall
the breastbone of a fresh-cooked turkey is dark purple
There u
the lam
It is
much SI
stalks oj
tion occ
plants t1
ening 01
away. n
ments tc
Occur, bl
and ever
Mabon s
Father S
ir world
an early
tly mod-
he world
lted folk
Isitive to
dcalls or
Ig storms
Equinox Science 165
Equinox or autumn science manifests in four main fields, those of ecology, astrology,
astronomy, and archeoastronomy. Each of these fields is interrelated, like everything else
in our multiverse. But because they are distinct fields within themselves, I offer them as
separate subsections here. Think of them as additional elements that can teach us about
the worlds we live in and can add to our spiritual and magical experiences.
Autumn Ecology
There is more to the science of the season than we can learn from the ancient and pre
dominantly sky-focused fields. What about the special beauty that autumn brings to
the land? Astronomy can tell us much about the slanting of the sun's rays lending that
distinctive glow to the light of this time of year. But what causes the trees, plants, and
grasses to turn such fantastic colors?
It is truly wonderful to realize that the energies of the harvest and the end of the
food-producing season are not only manifested on the land and in the skies, but on
much smaller levels as well. During the spring and summer, the leaves of plants and
stalks of grasses function to produce food for the rest of the plant. This food produc
tion occurs in the cells that contain chlorophyll, the pigment that gives these types of
plants their green color.
But these plants also contain other pigments, including those that give carrots their
orange color. These are not usually visible to us during the spring and summer
because of the abundance of chlorophyll. But with the cooler temperatures and short
ening of daylight, the chlorophyll breaks down.
Food production stops and the green color fades
away. The plant has harvested all it can from the
production season. Autumn allows other pig
ments to emerge and other chemical changes to
occur, bringing forth the yellows, oranges, reds,
and even deep purples of the season.
The brilliance of the colors produced by the
Mabon season is regulated by Mother Earth and
Father Sky. Temperatures, light, and water all
166 Equinox Science
combine to influence the beauty and length of the season of color. Drought conditions
will decrease the intensity of leaf color. Early frost will decrease the brilliant reds and
can result in leaves turning brown almost overnight. Colder temperatures that are still
above freezing favor the production of those gorgeous reds in maples.
Maples are well-known for their vibrant red leaves but they can also exhibit yellow
and orange, sometimes all on the same tree. This is due to a pigment called antho
cyanin that is produced by the conversion of excess sugars. The amount of daylight
and the coldness of autumn nights affect the production of this pigment and, as a
result, determines the fall colors of these trees. The production of maple products,
including syrup, sugar, and cream, is big business these days and draws tourists from
all over the world to New England and eastern Canada. It is believed that Native
Americans were the first people to use maple sap in these ways. Maple products were
important to early settlers as well.
Along the eastern coast of the United States, sweetgum leaves are often mistaken
for maple. In the autumn, they can produce a variety of colored leaves, from yellow to
red. You can distinguish them from maples by the presence of small ball-shaped fruit
in the fall. Sweetgum, also known as redgum and starleafgum, is a hardwood in the
witch hazel family. It is fast growing tree that often moves in to logged areas and old
Flowering dogwoods were some of our favorite trees in New England, though the
dogwood species is not limited to that region. In fact, dogwood is the state tree ofVir
ginia and the state flower of North Carolina and Virginia. In the Welsh tale of Cad
Goddeu (Battle of the Trees), written by Taliesin, dogwood is called powerful. The col
ors of these leaves are also determined by the production of anthocyanin and the
amount of excess sugar. Dogwoods turn red to maroon in autumn.
Also in the anthocyanin family are the ash and oak, both ogham trees as well. Both
species can erupt into yellow, bronze, maroon, and red leaves in autumn. Their div
inatory meanings were described in the "Magickal Mabon" chapter.
Y ggdrasil, the World Tree of the Norse myths, is believed by many to be an ash tree.
The Norse god Odin hung himself for nine days and nine nights on this tree. At the
end of that time, he was gifted with the mysteries of the runes. Ash is considered to be
a N o b l ~
tain Trt
and the
In tl
of the a
are tree;
under I
the Rio
peace la
280 yea
My SaaJ
Celtic u
where tl
also pro
som. Bl
foliage d
and the
why and
Equinox Science 167
a Noble Tree under Irish law. In Cad Goddeu, Ash "performed excellently before mon
archs." Gwydion is said to be the Ash-God, victorious over the Alder-God.
eds and
Oaks are commonly associated with druids. Many scholars agree that the word
are still
"druid" is probably derived from one of the ancient words for "oak." In Cad Goddeu,
Oak was swift and mighty. Heaven and earth trembled before this tree. Oak is a Chief
.t yellow
tain Tree in Irish law. It has been associated with the Greek god Zeus, the Norse Thor,
l antho
and the Celtic Dagda.
In the Southwest, two poplar species are quite common and can be characteristic
md, as a
of the area. Cottonwoods are found even in the desert, wherever there is water. Aspens
are trees of the western mountains. Both trees tend to have yellow leaves although
ists from
some species of aspen can be tinged with red. Aspen is considered to be a Peasant Tree
it Native
under Irish law and cottonwood is the traditional wood used by Pueblo peoples along
Clcts were
the Rio Grande for making drums.
Elms are common throughout the world and have been part of several historical
events. Boston's Liberty Elm was the center of many American revolutionary rallies.
yellow to
William Penn signed a peace treaty with the Delaware Indians under a huge elm. The
ilped fruit
peace lasted for a century. When the elm was eventually blown over by a storm, it was
IOd in the
280 years old. These trees sport bright-yellow leaves in the fall. Sadly, many of them
is and old
have succumbed to Dutch elm disease.
Birch is first in the list of ogham trees. Birch is also a Peasant Tree under Irish law.
hough the
My Saami ancestors used birch twigs to confer vital energy. This is seen also in the
ree of Vir
Celtic use of the birch rod to change energy. This tree also shows up in Cad Goddeu,
ale of Cad
where they are described as sprouting tips offering unchangeable energy. These trees
11. The col
also provide spectacular yellow color in autumn.
in and the
Many people flock to Washington, D.C., in the spring to see the cherry trees blos
som. But cherry trees also provide intense reds, oranges, and golds to the autumn
iwell. Both
foliage displays. The fruit provides an important food source for many forms of wildlife
Their div-
and the syrup is often used as a medicinal base, especially in children's medicines.
So how about migration? How do the birds and butterflies know when and where
an ash tree.
to migrate? The truth is that no one knows for sure. There are plenty of theories as to
tree. At the
why and how migration takes place, but these are just theories. It is generally accepted
.dered to be
Equinox Science 167
a Noble Tree under Irish law. In Cad Goddeu, Ash "performed excellently before mon
archs." Gwydion is said to be the Ash-God, victorious over the Alder-God.
~ d s and
Oaks are commonly associated with druids. Many scholars agree that the word
are still
"druid" is probably derived from one of the ancient words for "oak:' In Cad Goddeu,
Oak was swift and mighty. Heaven and earth trembled before this tree. Oak is a Chief
tain Tree in Irish law. It has been associated with the Greek god Zeus, the Norse Thor,
. antho
and the Celtic Dagda.
In the Southwest, two poplar species are quite common and can be characteristic
nd, as a
of the area. Cottonwoods are found even in the desert, wherever there is water. Aspens
are trees of the western mountains. Both trees tend to have yellow leaves although
.sts from
some species of aspen can be tinged with red. Aspen is considered to be a Peasant Tree
It Native
under Irish law and cottonwood is the traditional wood used by Pueblo peoples along
lets were
the Rio Grande for making drums.
Elms are common throughout the world and have been part of several historical
events. Boston's Liberty Elm was the center of many American revolutionary rallies.
William Penn signed a peace treaty with the Delaware Indians under a huge elm. The
tped fruit
peace lasted for a century. When the elm was eventually blown over by a storm, it was
od in the
280 years old. These trees sport bright-yellow leaves in the fall. Sadly, many of them
$ and old
have succumbed to Dutch elm disease.
Birch is first in the list of ogham trees. Birch is also a Peasant Tree under Irish law.
lough the
My Saami ancestors used birch twigs to confer vital energy. This is seen also in the
ree ofVir
Celtic use of the birch rod to change energy. This tree also shows up in Cad Goddeu,
tIe of Cad
where they are described as sprouting tips offering unchangeable energy. These trees
1. The coI
also provide spectacular yellow color in autumn.
n and the
Many people flock to Washington, D.C., in the spring to see the cherry trees blos
som. But cherry trees also provide intense reds, oranges, and golds to the autumn
well. Both
foliage displays. The fruit provides an important food source for many forms of wildlife
Their div-
and the syrup is often used as a medicinal base, especially in children's medicines.
So how about migration? How do the birds and butterflies know when and where
mash tree.
to migrate? The truth is that no one knows for sure. There are plenty of theories as to
:ree. At the
why and how migration takes place, but these are just theories. It is generally accepted
dered to be
168 Equinox Science
that seasonal changes in prey base and
other food sources, along with changing
light and temperatures, catalyze the move
ment of birds and butterflies. The cyclic
disappearance of birds was a mystery to
our ancient ancestors. In some cultures, they
were believed to travel to other worlds. Some
people thought they hibernated in groups on the
moon or at the bottoms of lakes.
Less than one-quarter of bird species migrate but
those that do may travel anywhere from 250 to 2,000 miles in search of warmer
weather and better food. Amazingly enough, recent studies have shown that migrating
birds use landmarks, sun and star positions, and even the earth's magnetic field for
navigation as they migrate. Like bears, squirrels, and other animals, birds prepare for
the winter by eating and gaining weight.
Birds are not the only animals that migrate. Earlier, I discussed the migration of
butterflies and moths. Sadly, migration can present unique dangers and many migra
tory species are now in danger due to degradation or elimination of habitat, pesticide
use, changes in land use, and hunting.
Certain species of reptiles, most notably sea turtles, also have seasonal migrations.
Even the timber rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus), found only in eastern North America,
migrates between breeding areas and winter dens. In fact, timber rattlesnakes use the
same winter dens each year and it is believed that some dens may have been in use for
hundreds, even thousands, of years.
While deer and some other mammals go on altitudinal migrations (like a few bird
species) in which they simply move from the tops of mountains to the bottom and
back again, only four types of mammals actually do the big migrations: cetaceans
(whales and porpoises), bats, pinnipeds (seals and sea lions), and large hoofed mam
mals such as caribou and reindeer. Reindeer nomads, like many of the Saami people,
organize their lives and activities around this migration, in effect becoming migratory
peoples as a result. The regularity of some of these migrations, for example that of
Atlantic whales, has made it very easy for hunters to dramatically reduce populations.
a r e t h ~
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Equinox Science 169
Food is not easy to come by once harvest season has passed, especially if you are
hibernating or migrating. Those extra pounds that some of us work hard to keep off
are the fuel an animal's body needs to help them survive the autumn, winter, and early
spring. Although their systems are particularly efficient, it is vital that they gain as
much weight as possible.
It is obvious that even on a biological level, all things are interrelated. The cooper
ation and relationships among All of Life join together on many levels, from the celes
tial to the agricultural to the molecular, to create the glory and bounty of the Harvest
Season. As you read through the remainder of this chapter, keep in mind that all of
these fields are truly parts of the great whole. Each contributes to our understanding
and experience of the seasons of our lives and Mother Earth. Consider how each field
can add to your spiritual growth or to your enjoyment of the season.
In modern astrology, the equinox marks the entrance of the sun into the zodiacal sign
of Libra, which means "balance" in Latin. This is interesting in that Libra is symbol
ized by the weighing scales and is recognized as a sign of balance. Libra energy allows
us to consider all sides of an issue and to view experiences from several perspectives.
Librans tend to be diplomatic and fair, but
these energies can also lead people with
signs in Libra to be indecisive and
insincere. It is important for these
individuals to find a healthy bal
ance and maintain their personal
integrity in all things. Of course,
that is the goal and challenge for all
of us, no matter what our astrolog
ical charts say.
It is said that the ancient Egyp
tians only weighed their harvests
during a full moon in Libra. This
170 Equinox Science
corresponds to the Harvest Moon described earlier in this book. Many astrologers feel
that Libra is the time when we reap whatever we sowed in past lives and from those
times in this lifetime when major planets were in the sign of Aries, the first sign of the
zodiac. The placements of Libra in our own charts indicates what areas of our lives
need to come into balance or where there has been imbalance in the past. Libra also
represents the need to enter into balanced relationships.
The planet Venus rules both the sign of Libra and the sign of Taurus. Taurus brings
to mind all the luxurious, material joys of this season. We have reaped our harvest and
now the Taurean side of us is going to fully enjoy it. The homes and yards of people
with key planets in Taurus often reflect their desire for beauty and harmony. That part
of each of us appreciates tending the garden for winter, decorating, and indulging in
the foods and drinks of the season. As ruler of the sign of Libra, Venus represents the
types of people and relationships that we attract and enjoy.
Venus energy brings in beauty, love, harmony, and cooperation. These are all
attributes of the Mabon season. Venus is equally well-known as the Roman goddess of
love and beauty. What is not often recognized is her role as a vegetation goddess.
Venus was honored as the patroness of gardens and vineyards. In this way, the planet
that rules this time from the heavens is one and the same as our Earth Mother, whose
bountiful harvest we honor in our rites. Once more, we find balance as the Goddess
reminds us that she is a part of both Earth and Sky.
Libra rules the seventh house of the astrological chart. This house governs our
relationships to other people: our group or partnership awareness and how we relate
to others, particularly cooperative relationships such as marriage or business partner
ships. When we come together as families and communities in the harvest season, we
are celebrating the best of our relationships. We reap the bounty gained from cooper
ative efforts of planting, tending, and harvesting. It is important to honor these efforts
we share with our fellow humans. It is equally important to give thanks for the bless
ings we receive from a right relationship with the earth.
The seventh house creates an interesting dynamic with the first house, which is
opposite it on the astrological wheel. In affairs of the seventh house, we are relating to
others while in the first house we develop self-awareness and learn to relate to our
selves. Both are important elements at this time of reflection, community, and the
day, an
can illt
works 1
Spring Equ
Spring Equinox
Autumn Equinox
gers feel
m those
of the
}ur lives
bra also
IS brings
vest and
f people
"hat part
ilging in
)ents the
e are all
Kidess of
le planet
erns our
we relate
ason, we
I cooper
)e efforts
he bless-
which is
to our-
and the
Equinox Science 171
beginning of the dark half of the year. As we celebrate the harvest and give freely to
others, so do we begin to move inward in our meditations and thoughts. We need to
work with the energies of both houses to achieve true balance and wisdom.
The circle of the zodiac can be likened to the Wheel of the Year, the circle of the
day, and even to the cycles of life. Using the astrological wheel as our basic format, we
can illustrate using one circle. This looks a bit different from the way many modern
druids conceive of the circle, as described by Ross Nichols to Philip Carr-Gomm but it
works the same way and is more applicable for our purposes here,'
172 Equinox Science
Beginning at the horizon on the left side. This is the ascendant. It represents the
east direction, the spring equinox, and early morning around dawn. In astrology, you
would need to be born between four and six in the morning in the Northern Hemi
sphere for your sun to fall in the first house. The first house is just below horizon on this
side, opposite the seventh house of the autumn equinox. It is the natural house of Aries
and Mars and here we see the dynamic again between this house and the seventh house
of Libra and Venus. The entire eastern side of the chart is seen as the side that reflects a
sowing incarnation. In the druid tradition, we see this as the time of birth to adulthood.
It is the time when we develop the self and receive information and wisdom.
Moving up to noon, the south, and midsummer at the top of the chart, we pass
through Beltane as spring turns to summer. The upper hemisphere of the astrological
chart is the daylight sector. This is the time of expression and vitality. As we continue
on, we reach Lughnasadh before stopping at the other side of the horizon at the
autumn equinox. Now we are at the west, just at sunset and the beginning of autumn.
You can see the equinoxes lie on the east-west horizon where the sun sets and rises at
these dates. The other cardinal directions hold the solstices.
The west side of the chart indicates a reaping incarnation. This is the harvest sea
son on a microcosmic level as well as on a macrocosmic one. This is the time of matu
rity in our life cycle. For most people, children are grown and out on their own. We
are given to reflection and preparation for retirement and old age.
From the time of Mabon, we move through Samhuinn, a time of old age and often
death, to Yule at midnight, the point of conception and inspiration. On our way back
around to the Spring Equinox, we move through early childhood at Imbolc.
From a purely astronomical viewpoint, the equinox is simply the date that the geo
metric center of the sun crosses the equator as it appears to travel southward. We all
know that the sun does not actually alter its place in our solar system. It is the earth
that moves. It rotates on its axis, giving us day and night, while it revolves around the
sun. Most spinning objects, like our Earth, have something called angular momentum.
This is what makes our axis, the north-south pole, point in the same direction all the
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Equinox Science 173
time. Because of this momentum, we have our seasons, the times when our axis is
pointed either away from or toward the sun.
If you have ever played with a top or a gyroscope, you know that it tends to wobble
a bit even though its axis points in the same general direction. The Earth is no differ
ent from these spinning objects and, as we are tilted on our
axis, the earth wobbles. This wobbling, combined with the
tilt of our axis, changes the way the sun appears in the
heavens. In the summer, the sun appears to be
higher in our skies than it does in the winter. Over
a period of time, the sun appears to move south
ward. The point at which it is directly overhead at
the equator is the equinox.
The Earth's wobble also creates a phenomenon
called precession, which leads to the variation in
exact dates of the equinoxes from year to year.
Because of the precession that is caused by our wob
ble, our view of both the heavens and our pole star gradu
ally change over thousands of years. This is important in understanding many of the
ancient observatories. Many of these sites are set up to observe the equinox in the con
stellation it was in during the time of construction. These sites may be aligned to a dif
ferent pole star as well, depending on when they were created.
Ancient astronomers conceived of the heavens as a sphere surrounding our Earth.
Today we still use this concept and base the celestial sphere on our own latitudes and
longitudes. By extending these lines out into space, we create a spherical map of the
heavens. Parallel lines extended out from the earth's equator create the celestial equa
tor. As the sun appears to move throughout the heavens, its apparent path is known as
the ecliptic and it crosses that celestial equator twice. This crossing occurs at the
equinoxes. At the autumn equinox, the sun has been in the northern section of the
celestial sphere and appears to be moving south.
Those ancient astronomers also separated the ecliptic (the apparent path of the
sun) into twelve sections containing one constellation each. This is also called the
zodiac belt because these constellations are the basis for our zodiac signs. Each section
174 Equinox Science
corresponds to one house on the astrological chart wheel. The precession of the
equinoxes causes us to slowly move backward through the zodiac at a rate of one zodi
acal constellation every 2,160 years, completing the full cycle in almost 26,000 years. In
ancient times when this system was devised, the spring equinox was set in the constel
lation of Aries. It is now almost in the constellation of Leo.
At local noon along the equator, the sun is directly overhead and a straight vertical
object will cast no shadow at the equator. The hours of day and night are of equal
duration at the equinox. In truth, days are slightly longer than nights until after the
date of the autumn equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. This occurs closer to Octo
ber 15. Similarly, the date of equal day and equal night actually occurs before the
spring equinox, around February 25. This is reversed in the Southern Hemisphere,
where people are celebrating the beginning of spring on the equinox.
We measure sunrise and sunset according to the visibility of the top edge of the
sun rather than the middle. It is also true that because Earth has an atmosphere,
refraction causes the sun to appear higher in the sky than it would on the moon,
which has no atmosphere. While almanacs are normally adjusted to account for this
refraction, newspapers are not. So if you look up the times for these in the newspaper,
it will appear that day is still a bit longer than night, even when that is not really the
In spite of these technicalities, we honor this as the point of balance before moving
into the dark half of the year. For most of us, this is a largely symbolic experience,
although our days are clearly shorter in the winter. But people living near the North
Pole are truly entering the dark times with months of no sunlight at all. Those scien
tists that live at the South Pole will not see sunset for another six months. Imagine
what it would be like to be entering this extreme at each equinox!
Libra, the Scales, is a southern constellation near the hand of the Virgo constella
tion. It is an almost boxlike arrangement of stars that contains the class G dwarf star,
Librae. Librae is not visible to the naked eye for most of us but may be seen just south
of the star figure of Libra, by using binoculars. The brightest star in the Libra constel
lation is a double star known as Zubenegenubi or Kiffa Australis.
Ancient astronomers once believed the evening and morning stars to be two sepa
rate stars. We now know that both are actually the planet Venus, often called the "Jewel
of the Sky." It is the second planet from the sun and the sixth largest in our solar sys
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Equinox Science 175
tern. It has the most circular orbit of any planet in our solar system. Its orbit and rota
tions are so unusually synchronized that Venus always shows the same side to the
earth when they are at their dosest points.
When seen through a telescope, this planetary jewel shows phases, similar to those
exhibited by our moon. The full phase occurs when Venus is on the far side of the sun
from us. The crescent phase is the most brilliant and the largest because it is the dos
est to Earth.
Venus, named after the goddess of love and beauty, is sometimes called the sister
planet of our Earth because it is of a similar size, mass, and density. The similarities
end there however. The planet Venus rotates very slowly from east to west, meaning
that the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. Venus has a heavy atmosphere mainly
comprised of carbon dioxide and no water vapor with douds composed of sulfuric
acid droplets. The greenhouse effect on the planet's surface results in extremely high
temperatures, hotter even than Mercury. It is said that VenuslAphrodite married Vul
can/Hephaestus. Apparently, she likes the heat!
At its most basic, archeoastronomy is the study of how ancient peoples understood
the heavens. Archeoastronomers explore sacred sites around the world to uncover the
secrets they hold about our ancestors and their cosmologies. These scientists are edu
cated in astronomy and archeology. They often study anthropology and mythology as
well. Many find that their research leads them to stray from the mainstream and delve
into geomancy, astrology, and ancient religions.
Archeoastronomers have found ancient sites across the world that they believe
served to permit the people to learn about and align their lives with the changing heav
ens. Sites exist that allow for the calculation of constellation locations, lunar phases,
even the positions of other planets. Many of these sites are aligned with solar or lunar
positions on the solstices and equinoxes, including Stonehenge, cities of the Maya, Inca,
and ToItecs, as well as the mysterious ruins at Poverty Point, Louisiana, in the Unites
States. From these sites, we learn that our ancestors had complex astronomical and, in
some cases, mathematical knowledge. We also gain a recognition of the importance
these solar events held for ancient peoples.
176 Equinox Science
Ancient Equinox Observatories
The ancient Mayans built their temples and other ceremonial structures in align
ment with the four cardinal directions. At the Mayan pyramid in Chichen Itzii on
Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, equinox sunrise and sunset lights up the northern stair
way, making it appear to be a snake, sliding up and down the pyramid.
To the Inca, the seasons were opposite those in the Northern Hemisphere. Their two
major celebrations took place on the spring equinox and winter solstice: the autumn
equinox and summer solstice for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere. To deter
mine the dates for these festivals, they used tall stone columns that had been erected in
the center of a stone circle in front of the Temple of the sun in what is now Cuzco. A
line was drawn east to west across the stone circle, allowing the equinox to be deter
mined by the position of morning shadows along the line and the length of midday
Machu Picchu may be one of the best-known ancient sites and it is certainly one of
the most breathtaking, set as it is at 8,000 feet above sea level in the midst of striking
mountains and jungle. This is another site created of huge stone blocks with such pre
cision that modern scientists do not know for sure how it was done. Ancient struc
tures here are designed to measure the precession of the equinoxes.
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Equinox Science 177
The United States
In New Mexico, in the American Southwest, the Anasazi built the Sun Dagger at
Chaco Canyon. The effect is created by a specially aligned hole between some boulders
that allows sunlight into the inner chamber. On the equinox at local noon, sunlight
makes a dagger shape on a spiral on the far wall.
Also at Chaco Canyon, Casa Rinconada is one of six kivas, or ceremonial struc
tures, usually subterranean. This particular kiva is precisely aligned to the solstices and
equinoxes. While it is unknown whether or not the kiva was built to observe or calcu
late these events, the sun enters the chamber on these dates and illuminates specific
niches in the walls.
Another North American site, identified only as INY-2n, also uses snake symbol
ism. In this case, the light of the rising sun on the equinox morning creates a snake
shape, another of the common symbols of this season. The snake grows toward an egg
shape. The snake prevails over a fissure in the rock and eventually consumes the egg.
Southeast of Lone Pine, California, is another ancient equinox observatory known
as the Swansea petroglyph site. This name is interesting in that King Philip's War
began as the direct result of the murder of a Wampanoag near the English settlement
at Swansea, a continent away from this site. On the equinoxes and the summer sol
stice, shafts of light and shadow fall in the center of several groups of concentric cir
cles that have been pecked into the wall. This site is unique in that it contains a sepa
rate set of circles that serve to alert the early astronomers of the impending equinox.
The morning before the equinox itself, a pointed shadow passes through these circles.
In the lush Boyne Valley, there remain some of the most remarkable megalithic sites in
Europe. The entire complex is designed to measure time and many sites are aligned
with specific astronomical events. Although Newgrange is aligned with the midwinter
sunrise, there are twelve stones surrounding Newgrange that point to solstice and
equinox sunsets as well as to two other important observatories, Knowth and Dowth.
Subterranean passages at Knowth are aligned to the sunset and sunrise points of the
178 Equinox Science
In the Bricklieve Mountains, we find the Carrowkeel Cairn complex in County
Sligo. The Carrowkeel site uses certain stars in addition to the position of the sun to
determine the points for the equinoxes, solstices, and lunar events.
The Carnbane complex is in the Loughcrew Mountains of County Meath, about
twenty-six miles northwest of Newgrange, and is comprised of over fifty mounds.
Inside Cairn T, the largest of the chambered passage graves at Carnbane East, the
equinox sunrise allows in a shaft of light that creates a circle on the back wall of the
chamber. Inside the circle is the petroglyph of a flower with eight petals, reminiscent
of the Wheel of the Year and its eight seasonal festivals.
The Salisbury plains of southern England contain what is arguably the most famous of
the megalithic astronomical observatories: Stonehenge. While most archeologists have
agreed that Stonehenge was used in a religious capacity for ancient peoples, it was not
until the mid-1960s that astronomer
Gerald Hawkins reported his find
ings that the complex was likely
used to predict the solstices
and equinoxes, as well as a
variety of other astronomical
events. Stonehenge also allows
for the measurement the pre
cession of the equinoxes.
In the central Golan area of Israel, there is a megalithic circle reminiscent of Stone
henge. The Rogem Hiri (Rujm al-Hiri in Arabic) is believed to be another astronomical
observatory, aligned to solar events. To early Israelites, this circle seemed to be a leftover
from the races of giants they believed lived on the Bashan plateau before they arrived.
Rogem Hiri consists of four concentric circles of basalt fieldstones surrounding a
central cairn leading into a burial chamber, another symbol of this season. The struc
ture has been theorized to be an astronomical complex, a religious site, even the tomb
of King Og of the Bashan, the last of the race of giants that preceded the Israelites.
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Equinox Science 179
New Zealand
On New Zealand's North Island, there existed a building known as the Crosshouse of
Miringa te Kakara. Unfortunately, this building burned down in 1983. While its ori
gins are unknown, it is theorized that followers of the Maori Hau Hau religion either
built it or restored it. The Hau Hau were careful never to change anything and only
replaced what needed repair if it is could be precisely copied. Some scholars believe
that the Crosshouse was a universal microcosm, encoding measurements of lunar and
solar distances as well as the precession of the equinoxes.
Solar Markers
Petroglyphs can be found throughout the world. They are a form of ancient rock art
that was created by carving or pecking the substrate, as opposed to painting the sur
face in pictographs. Many petroglyphs have been found that interact with the light of
the sun, particularly on days such as solstices and equinoxes. A large number of these
types of petroglyphs, and some pictographs, have been located throughout the South
western United States.
Often these markers are discovered purely by accident. Someone happens to be in
the right place when the sun, or less frequently the moon, crosses the petroglyph and
the meaning becomes apparent. This is not limited to a sunrise or sunset occurrence.
In fact, many of these glyphs mark times on or around local noon. Often these glyphs
are circular or spiraL Spiral forms are often used to indicate ascent and descent, for
example they may be combined with other glyphs to mark trails. But in many south
western solar calendars, spiral shapes are used to denote the ascent and descent of the
sun on certain dates.
l. Carr-Gomm, The Elements ofthe Druid Tradition, pp. 66-79.
2. Cunkle and Jacquemain, Stone Magic ofthe Ancients. p. 164.
This is a day-by-day outline of holidays from around the world. I chose to begin about
two weeks before the equinox and end two weeks after for a month-long calendar. It
will give you an idea of what people in other parts of the world are celebrating. It
should also provide a starting place for any further exploration and education you
might choose to pursue. Please keep in mind that many of these are moveable feasts or
are based on a lunar month system so the dates will not be accurate for all years.
September 8
In Russia, this is believed to be the birthday of the harvest goddess, Berehynia. This is
also the Baha'i Feast of Izzat.
September 9
In the United States, this is Grandparents' Day. It is a secular holiday that is not popu
larly observed. However, the idea is to set aside a special day to honor our grandparents.
September 12
For those of us in the United States, this may be National Pet Memorial Day, held each
year on the second Sunday of September.
182 Autumn Equinox Season Calendar
This is St. Ailbe's Day. He is the patron of wolves, one of the symbols of the Mabon
season. He was also a disciple of St. Patrick.
This is the beginning of the New Year for followers of the Coptie Church. This is a
holiday in Ethiopia, although the Ethiopians no longer refer to themselves by the Cop
tic name, having differences with the Egyptian Copties. It is an unofficial holiday for
Coptic peoples in Egypt.
According to the Fasli calendar of the Zoroastrians, this is the beginning of
Paitishahem, the feast of bringing in the harvest.
The Most Holy Name of Mary is honored on this date, in memory of a victory in
her name over the Turks in 1683.
This is also the changeable first day of the Chinese Harvest Moon Festival, also
known as the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the Japanese Otsukimi. This celebration is a
holiday in Hong Kong, Macau, South Korea, and Taiwan.
September 13
In Lesbos, Greece, the finding of the True Cross used to crucify Jesus is celebrated on
this date. In the year 326 B.C., the mother of Constantine went to Jerusalem and found
the three crosses, the nails used in the crucifixion, and a title that had been attached to
the cross of Jesus buried under a temple to Venus. This Christian empress later came
to be known as St. Helen.
This is the second day of the Chinese Harvest Moon Festival. In Hong Kong, this is
the Monkey God Festival. Another full moon festival takes place on this date in Sri
Lanka. This Binara Poya Day, one of the Full Moon Days in Sri Lanka. Since this is
based on the phases of the moon, the date is changeable.
The Romans held the Banquet of Venus on this date, in honor of her origins as a
goddess of gardens and vegetation.
In ancient Greece, this was the first day of the Eleusinian Mysteries, also known as
the Day of Assembly when the procession from Athens to Eleusis took place.
September 14
This is the third day of the Chinese Harvest Moon Festival and the second day of the
Eleusinian Mysteries. In Greece, this was the day when initiates bathed in the sea
before donning fresh, clean clothing for the Mysteries.
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Autumn Equinox Season Calendar 183
The ancient Greeks honored Artemis Agrotera, Artemis of the Field, on the fifth
day of Boedromion, with a sacrifice and a feast.
This is also the Day of the Holy Nut in England. Hazel nuts that are collected on
this day have intensified magical properties. The English also celebrate Holy Rood Day
on this date, in memory of the rescue of the True Cross by Emperor Heraclius of Con
stantinople when it was stolen by the king of Persia in 614.
September 15
This is a popular date for Central American Independence Days. These are celebrated
in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Honduras. In Mexico, this is the
first annual independence celebration called Noche del Grito, or "Night of the Shout
of Freedom;' This Shout is said to have been made at midnight on the fifteenth .
The Japanese celebrate Keirou-no-hi, or Respect for the Aged Day, on this date. In
Slovakia, the people honor the Christian Mary, Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows. Her
seven sorrows are the prophecy of Simeon, the flight into Egypt, the loss of her son
Jesus in the temple, meeting Jesus carrying the cross, the crucifixion, receiving his
dead body, and his burial/the closing of his tomb.
This was supposedly the time when pigs were sacrificed during the Eleusinian
Mysteries. Some sources suggest that altars were built around trees and offerings of
barley were made on this date as well.
September 16
Mexico celebrates its independence for the second time today, on its Independence
Day. This is also celebrated in Papua New Guinea.
On the Malaysian island of Borneo, in Sabah, this date is Malaysia Day, when the
Federation of Malaysia was formed. The birthday of the governor, Yang Di Pertua
Negeri, is another official holiday on this date.
This is St. Ninian's Day in honor of a British bishop that was very popular in Scot
land. His shrine at Whithorn and his cave nearby at the seashore remain popular sites
for pilgrims.
This is the fourth day of the Eleusinian Mysteries. It was said to include a proces
sion honoring Demeter.
184 Autumn Equinox Season Calendar
September 17
The fifth day of the Eleusinian Mysteries. It is believed that matrons carried baskets
filled with sacred objects and symbols of the season on a torchlit march in symbolic
search for Kore/Persephone.
September 18
Chile celebrates its Independence Day on this date. This is also St. Sophia's Day (some
sources say this should be celebrated on September 30).
Rosh Hashanah can begin on this date, depending on the lunar Jewish calendar.
This first day of the Hebrew New Year is also known as Judgment Day and the start of
the Seven Days of Awe, days of repentance.
When the equinox occurs on the twenty-first, this is the beginning of the Buddhist
Higan-e, the Ceremony to Reach Enlightenment.
On this night of the Eleusinian Mysteries, one last procession crosses two bridges.
At the first, they encounter the character of Baubo, an old woman who is said to have
attempted to cheer up Demeter in her search. At the second, they are challenged
before entering the Initiation Hall.
September 19
Independence Day is honored on this day in St. Kitts and Nevis with festivals and cel
ebrations throughout the entire week.
In Colombia, this moveable holiday is Dia del Amor y la Amistad, kind of like the
American St. Valentine's Day. On this day, Colombians celebrate love and friendship.
The Greeks celebrate the birth of Hippocrates on this date. The Eleusinian Myster
ies entered into a day of games and races today.
September 20
In Finland, the death of Jean Sibelius is honored today. He crafted several wonderful
poems including the epic Kalevala, which is a classic known throughout the world.
This Second Initiation of the Eleusinian Mysteries is believed to have taken place in
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Autumn Equinox Season Calendar 185
September 21
Another group of Independence Days occur on this date in Armenia, Belize, and
The birth of Muhammad, prophet and founder of Islam is often celebrated on this
date. However, various sources give the date of his birth as the twentieth of April or
August. His name can appear as Mohammed or Mahomet. Muslims observe Mulid al
This is the day of the Orthodox Christian Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Vir
gin Mary in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This feast is believed to originated with the Cult
of the Mother of God in the sixth century. It is largely an Eastern Orthodox festival
and is not found in all Western Christian calendars. In those Western calendars that do
include this feast, it is normally celebrated on the eighth of September.
This is one of the most common dates for the Autumn Equinox. This is when cel
ebrations such as Mabon, Alban Elfed, and the Japanese Shuubun-no-hi take place .
Navratri, the Durga Puja, can also begin on this date.
In the Eleusinian Mysteries, this is believed to have been a day of water-pouring
September 22
Here we find another Independence Day in Bulgaria. This is also the anniversary of
the Proclamation of the Republic in the western African nation of Mali.
September 23
This was the target date for Pagan Pride celebrations in the year 2000. If celebrations
cannot take place on the target date for any given year, it is requested that they occur
sometime during the last two weeks of September or the first week of October.
September 24
In many Spanish-speaking countries, Our Lady of Las Mercedes (Our Lady of Mercy)
is honored today. She is also known as Our Lady of Ransom and her celebration on
this date commemorates the founding of Order of Our Lady of Mercy in Barcelona,
186 Autumn Equinox Season Calendar
For many people, this is Obatala's Day, in honor of one of the most important of
the Yoruban deities: the Orisha of peace, harmony, and justice. Obatala was syn
chretized with Our Lady of Las Mercedes in Santeria. He is a creator god and the first
Orisha to come into being. Some paths see Obatala as female or as androgenous.
In South Korea, this is Ch'usok, or the Harvest Moon Festival.
September 25
Rwandans celebrate Kamarampaka Day. This festival commemorates the end of the
monarchy in this African nation. In Obwalden, Switzerland, this is St. Nicholas' Day.
This is also the date of the death of a Welsh Saint, Cadoc, who founded the Church
of the Stags, another Mabon season symbol.
The ancient Greeks honored the Nymphs along with Gaia, Hermes, and the River
God on this date.
September 26
The Mid-Autumn Day celebrated on this date takes place in Scotland. It is generally
considered to be the beginning of the rut, mating season for deer.
September 27
St. Vincent de Paul's Day is celebrated in Madagascar. This is the anniversary of his
death in Paris in 1660. After having been captured by Turkish pirates and sold as a
slave, he devoted himself to improving conditions in prisons, establishing hospitals,
and serving the poor.
On the Sunday before Michaelmas in the Hebrides, wild carrots are gathered in a
very ritualistic fashion by women and girls during the festival called Gathering St.
Michael's Carrots. After being tied into bunches with three red threads, they are given
to guests on Michaelmas Day.
Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, begins at sundown on this date when
Rosh Hashanah occurs on September 18. The Baha'i celebrate the Feast of Masayyat
on this date.
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Autumn Equinox Season Calendar 187
September 28
The Finding of the True Cross by St. Helen is celebrated on this date in Ethiopia.
This is Michaelmas Eve. In parts of Scotland, preparations for Michaelmas Day
include the slaughter of a perfect male lamb, and the baking of Michaelmas cakes. In
parts of England, grain is scattered for wild birds and great bonfires are lit.
September 29
This is Michaelmas or St. Michael's Day. It is the feast day of St. Michael and the
Since Michael was synchretized with the Yorub an Elegba in Santeria tradition, this
day is sacred to him as well. Elegba is the divine messenger that is called upon first and
last for any working with the Orisha.
October 1
Here we find a pair of Independence Days, one in Cyprus and the other, lasting for
two days, in Tuvalu. Tuvalu was formerly known as the Ellice Islands, a group of nine
coral atolls in the South Pacific.
This is the second day of Rosh Hashanah. Also, in Singapore, this is Children's Day,
celebrating grade-school children. Children in public elementary schools may get the
day off and it is often celebrated with gifts the night before.
Jashan-e Mihragan, the Zoroastrian Festival of Mihragan, falls on this date accord
ing to the Fasli calendar.
October 2
Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi was born on this date in 1869. It is a national holiday in
This is the date for the Jewish festival of Sukkot in the year 2001.
October 4
This is the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals. His respect and
caring for animals is honored across national and religious borders.
188 Autumn Equinox Season Calendar
October 5
On this date in 1989, the fourteenth Dalai Lama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
October 8
This is a national holiday in the United States, known as Columbus Day, in honor of
the Spanish explorer Christopher Columbus. In recent years, many people have
rejected this holiday for two reasons. The first is that Columbus did not "discover" the
"New World:' The other reason is because of the effects that colonization had on the
native peoples of these lands.
October 9
Leif Erikson Day is celebrated on this date in the United States. The date was pro
claimed by former President George Bush in 1991.
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4437 C
St. Clo]
Abbot's Bromley, 52, 197
acorn, 58, 73, 160
Adon, 33, 38-39
Adonis, 33, 38-39, 63, 197
Akkadian, 38
Alban Elfed, 25, 7l, 79-80, 93,
70,73, 75, 77,80,83-86,91,
America, 2-3, 23-24, 50,166,188
amulet, 41, 118-120
ancient, 1, 12-15, 17,21,24-27,29-31,
angel(s), 23, 36, 187
Aphrodite, 32, 34-35, 38, 45,175,199
apple, 9, 11,21,31,59-60,70-71,73,
Arawn, 44, 55
archangels, 22-23, 36
Aridian Tradition, 22, 56
Asatru, 24, 114
Ashtoreth, 39, 63,106
Astarte, 38-39, 62
aster, 60
augury, 129-130, 150
Babylonians, 38, 59
Bacchus, 13-14,33,61-62,65,
206 Index
Barleycorn, Sir John, 27, 29, 86,94-95
benzoin, 60, 70
berry, 107, 112
bird, 50-53, 127-128, 149,153, 168,
blackberry, 111-113
blackbird, 52
blessing, 4, 20, 60, 71,78,87-88,98-99,
bottle, 117-118, 159
Buddhism, 17-18, 184, 197,
burial, 66,120,157,178,183
butterfly, 57,167-168
Carnbane, 178
Casa Rinconada, 177
cedar, 60, 70-71,83,120,124,
Ceridwen, 44
Cernunnos, 42-43, 52-53, 55-56,
Chaco Canyon, 177
chamomile, 60
Chapman, Johnny, 59
Chichen Itza, 176
Chieftain Tree, 59,61-62,167
chile, 12,48,99-100, 103-104, 139,
China, 15-17,202
Circle, 25,73,75-78,80-81,83,85-90, Eng
92-93,115,118-120,125,134,141, 1:
154,161,171,176,178,200-201 Equ
color(s), 2,11,47-49,51,57,70,81,84,
110,121-122,134,139,141,143-144, F
149-151,165-167 f a y ( ~
corn, 5, 12-13,27,31,35,60-61,70, ferti
97-98,103-105,110-111,118, ~
141-143,146,154 Firs!
cornucopia, 2, 65, 85-86,98, 127, 142 folia
Culhwch, 41-42,50,52-53,55 fran
I Frey
D 21
Dagda, 44, 55,167 Frey
Demeter, 14-15,30-31,35,44,
55-56,62-63,65,90,102,111, G
183-184 Give
deosil, 76, 79 gnOl
Dionysus, 13-14,33,35,43,56,61-62, gom
druid, 25-26,45, 52,54,61,66, 78, Gre4i
93,163,167,171-172,179,198-199, Grec;
201 Ie
Dumuzi, 36-38, 90, Ill, 194 Grec;
Durga, 18-19, 39, 185,200,202 gulo
eagle, 53-54, 56, 73, 91 Had
ecology, 165, 198,201 han
Egg of Protection, 119,121 2:
Elemental Prosperity Weaving, 124 ~
Eleusinian Mysteries, 31,184 81
K>, England, 3-7, 22-23, 59,166,178,183,
1, 187,194,198,201
Equinozio di Autunno, 22
-144, F
fertility, 2, 21, 29-31,35-42,52-53,
First Thanksgiving, 4, 6, 8, 23, 63, 105
foliage, 11, 167, 194
Freyja, 24, 40-41, 45, 81,114,199,
Give-Away, 85-86,136-137
62, gourd,9,61,149,153
grape, 11, 13,20, 111-112
Great Britain, 22, 55
199, Greek. 13, 15,31-33,38-39,56,58,65,
Green Man, 29,42-43,45,56, 197
harvest, 1, 4, 6,11-13,15-17,19-20,
fIarvest fIome, 4, 23-24
fIarvest Moon, 15-17, 170,182,186,
fIathor, 34, 61, 63
hazel, 9,54,61, 131, 166, 183
fIerne the fIunter, 42, 44, 52
fIigan-e, 17-19, 184, 197
fIindu, 18,39-40
fIome Protection Amulet, 119
hops, 61
Inanna, 36-38,40,90, 194
Inca, 12-13, 175-176,198
incense, 18,62,70-71,88,118,
India, 18,40,187
Ireland, 130, 177
Ishtar, 38-40, 65
Isis, 35, 90
Israel, 19, 178,201
Italy, 22, 33
ivy, 27, 43, 62,131,145-146
Japan, 17,197
Jewish, 19-21, 36,102,130,135,184,
Jimaninos, 58
208 Index
Keirou-no hi, 17
Knowth, 54, 177
Kore, 30-31, 184
leaves, 11,43,48,58,70,73, 75, 88-89,
Letting Go, 135
Libra, 32, 132, 155, 169-170, 172, 174,
Lowerworld, 84
Machu Picchu, 176
Magickal Habitats, 127
Massasoit, 4, 6-7, 201
Mexico, 12,57-58,72, 107, 147, 176-177,
183, 198
Michael, 22-23, 36,186-187,199
Michaelmas, 22, 60,186-187,201
Middleworld, 84-85
migratory, migration, 50, 57, 102, 126,
Mihragan, 19,40, 187
Min, 35, 65
Mithra, 19, 40
Mitra, see Mithra
myrrh, 70
Navratri, 18,39,185
Neoshamanic, 83
New World, 2-3, 23-24, 50,166,
New Zealand, 179, 203
Newgrange, 54,177-178
Nine Nights, see Navratri
Norse, 24, 40, 59, 80,114,130,166-167,
North Arnerica, 1,59,63-64,168,
Oak King, 58
150, 166-167
Old World, 50
Olwen, 41-42, 52
Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids, 26,
93, 163
Osiris, 35, 43, 62, 65, 90
Otsukimi, 17, 182
owl, 53
Pagan Pride Project, 27-28, 87, 93,
pagan(s),21, 26-28, 30,47, 70,87,
pig, I
: ~
P r o s ~
P r o s ~

Persephone, 14,30-32,34-35,44,62,65,
102, 184
Persia, 40, 183
Peru, 12, 176,200
petroglyph, 51, 177-179
Phoenicians, 38-39
pig, 14,31,44,55, 183
Pilgrim(s), the, 2-6, 23,183,200,
pine, 29,62, 70-71, 73,97, 131, 146, 148,
157, 177
Plymouth, 2-4, 6-8, 10,24
pomegranate, 30, 62, 102-103
Pomona, 31-32, 61, 111,201
prosperity, 11,21, 23, 49, 60, 62, 65,117,
Prosperity Candle, 123
Prosperity Spell, 125
protection, 11, 13,24,40,49,52-53,
Protection Amulet, 118-119
Protection Bottle, 117
pumpkin, 63, 101,105-106
Qabalah, 44, 199
~ 7 , Ranuta, 35, 56
rattle, 61,83,149
- . ~
Apple Cobbler, 109
Baked Salmon, 102
Berry Jam, 107
Blackberry Wine, 113-114
Blue-Ribbon Apple Pie,
Corn Chowder, 105
Freyja's Libation, 114-115
Green Chile Sauce, 99-100
Green Chile Stew, 103-104
Hot Mulled Cider, 113
Mabon Cornbread, 104
Mabon Party Fruit Punch,
Oatmeal Walnut Cookies, 110
Pomegranate Chicken, 102-103
Popcorn Balls, 110-111
Pumpkin Puree, 105-106
Quick Meade, 114
Roasted Pumpkin Seeds, 106
Rowan's Cheesy Squash, 101
Saffron Crescent Cakes for Astoreth,
Salsa, 100
Vegetarian Chili, 100-10 1
Rogem Hiri, 178, 203
rose, 48, 59, 63
Rosh Hashanah, 20-21, 62,102,135,
rue, 63
210 Index
saffron, 63, 106
sage, 64, 70-71, 104, 118
salmon, 42, 54, 61,102
Scrying, 61,117, 134
Second Harvest, 26,56,61,97-98,
Shadow Meditation, 133
Shadow(s), 8, 29, 53-54, 56, 62, 66,76,
Sif, 24, 41, 69, 82
Situa Raymi, 12
snake, 31, 35,43,56, 176-177
Solar Disks for the Birds, 66, 127,
Solomon's Seal, 64, 202
spell, 31, 60-64,117,124-125
Spiral, 51, 75-76, U8, 177, 179
Spirit, 12,26-27,38,42-43,49-50,
124, 127, 129-130, 133, 135-136,139,
Spirit Ally, 53, 120
Squanto, 4-6
stag, 22, 52-53
Stonehenge, 175, 178,202
stones, 49, 66, 95, 118, 149, 163,
Sukkot, 19-20, 187 W
Sumerian, 37,194 Wal
sun, 9, 12-13,30,34,38,40,53,64,66, wea
140-141,143,147-148,150, 1
154-156, 163, 165, 168-169, Wh
172-179 1
sunflower, 64, 146 wid
Tammuz, 38, III
Thanksgiving, 1-10, 19-21,23-24,
thistle, 64
Thor, 24, 41, 69, 81-83,167
tobacco, 64
Triple Goddess, 58,74,141
United States, 2, 11,48, 103,
Vaishnava, 135
Venus, 32, 36-37,60,62, 170, 172,
Vertumnus, 32, 201
vine, 32,48,65, 131
Vulture, 50-52,203
Wapwait, 35, 60
weather, 151-152, 168
wheat, 25,27,35,65,70,89,141,146,
Wheel of the Year, 58, 66, 74, 171, 178,
widdershins, 75
Wild Hunt, 24, 44, 52, 81
wildlife, 27,126-129,152,167,
Winter Nights, 24, 115,
wolf, 22, 55-56
yarrow, 65
Yom Kippur, 21,18

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