Keep Calm Under Pressure JAMES 1:1-12

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JAMES 1:1-12

Just before He died, Jesus said to His disciples, “My peace I leave with you; my
peace I give to you.  I do not give as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be
troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27).  Now we all want that peace that
Jesus promised. How do we get it?  And how is it different from the peace that
the world offers?
Let’s take a look at this first section of the book of James this morning. It focuses
on the way that Christians are supposed to behave.  This letter is so needed by
Christians today because I feel there’s a real breach between our faith and our

So, James begins in verse 2 by saying, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers,

whenever you face trials of many kinds…”  Now that was a message they
needed to hear.  And I believe it’s a message we need to hear because we are
called upon to be people of peace in the midst of a pressure-packed world.
I want us today to look at 5 suggestions that God gives through James that
can help us live calm lives in a stressful world.
First, we need to understand that some trouble is inevitable in our lives and
we need to anticipate it.
James says, strangely, to “consider it pure joy whenever you face trials of any
kind” (v. 2).  He doesn’t say if you face trials, or maybe you will, but he
says, “whenever you face trials.”
I heard about a nurse years ago, during the days when expectant fathers had to
wait in a waiting room, who came into the father’s waiting room at the hospital
and told an expectant father, “Your wife has just given birth to twins!”
“That’s wonderful,” he said, “but it’s kind of ironic because, you know, I play
baseball for the Minnesota Twins!”
Minutes later the nurse came in and said to another father, “Your wife just gave
birth to triplets.”
He said, “Isn’t that strange?  I work for the 3M company.”
Another expectant father immediately became pale and bolted out of the room. 
And the nurse said, “Where are you going, sir?  Your wife is in labor right now.”
“I know,” he said, “but I drive a truck for 7-Up!”
Sometimes you can just see the trouble coming and you need to anticipate it.
Now we parents, I think, make a big mistake by cultivating a naïve view of life on
the part of our children.  We protect them against all hurt.  You know, don’t deny
them anything they might want really badly because you wouldn’t want them to
be disappointed.  Don’t spank them because that hurts and you need to give
them just love and protection.  And if they get in trouble at school, make sure you
go and intervene so that they’re not hurt too badly.  I read an article recently that
said we shouldn’t even let our children play little league baseball because it hurts
to badly when they fail, or when they lose.  So, our children grow up naively
thinking life is supposed to be near perfect all the time.  And when it’s not ideal,
they feel cheated.  “This class is boring.  I’m not going!”  “This marriage is
unsatisfying.  I’m getting out!”  “This job is hard.  I quit!”  “This church is too
demanding.  I’m going to complain!”  “This life is unpleasant.  I’m just going to
bail out!”
But here is the first step in learning to cope with trials: accept them as inevitable. 
Trouble is not an elective in your life, it’s a required course.  And if you’re parents
for very long then eventually your children are going to hurt you—you can write it
down.  If you live very long, one day you’re going to die.  If you live very long, one
day you’re going to have physical problems.
James points out that these troubles come in various ways.  And the word he
uses for various is the word from which we get the word “polka-dot”—they are
variegated colors.  Now some get hit harder than others.  For some we have
fender-bender problems, for others a head-on collision.  One person may lose a
wallet, another his business.  One may suffer a blister, another a coronary.  One
may have his plans for tomorrow ruined by a rain storm, another his hopes for a
lifetime crushed by disease.  So, trials come in various sizes.
And they can come in various ways.  It can come through a teenager’s tantrum,
or through the thoughtlessness of a mate.  It may come through friction at the
office, or the diagnosis of a doctor.  It may come through the death of a loved
one, or an injury suffered on the street at the hands of a complete stranger.  But
trouble is inevitable and we need to anticipate it.
I read an article some time back in a golf magazine that was written by Bobby
Jones, the professional golfer.  And he was discussing hitting balls out of sand
traps.  He said that you hardly ever see golfers practicing sand shots.  You see
them chipping, and putting, and driving, but hardly ever do you see them hitting
balls out of the sand.  And he said, “In as much as the best players find their way
into the bunker a least once every round, the average player should recognize
the importance of able recovery work and be prepared for it.”  And the last
sentence in the article read: “From the beginning the golfer may as well be
convinced that he can never learn to stay out of difficult situations, he has to
learn to get out.”
And do you remember what Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount?  He
said, “Do not worry…”  And then you expect Him to say, “…because nothing bad
is going to happen to you.”  But that’s not what He says.  In Matthew 6:34 He
said, “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each
day has enough trouble of its own.”  He said, “You are going to have trouble.”
In Acts 14:22 Paul warned the new converts in Asia, “We must go through many
hardships to enter the kingdom of God.” 
First Peter 4:12 reads, “Dear friends, don’t be surprised at the painful trial you
are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you.  But rejoice
that you participate in the sufferings of Christ…” (vv. 12-13).
Now anybody who ever gives you the idea that once you become a Christian
your troubles are all over is either speaking from and empty head, or a closed
Bible.  James says, “…when you face trials…”  They are going to come.  And if
you accept them as inevitable it will go a long way toward eliminating worry.  Now
that sounds contradictory.  But the best way to cure worry is to accept the fact
that there are going to be serious setbacks in your life, and thus be prepared to
cope with them when they arrive.
The golfer who has practiced sand shots can stand and look at a green
surrounded by sand and not be intimidated, whereas the person who isn’t
prepared stands there nervous and won’t do nearly as well.
In John 16:33 Jesus warned His disciples about the coming persecution.  He
said, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this
world you will have trouble,” He said.  “But take heart!  I have overcome the
He said, “You are going to have trouble in this world, but don’t worry about it. 
Don’t panic about it.  I’ll be there to help you out when you go through it.”  So,
learn to enjoy the normal days of life and to accept trouble as inevitable.
That brings us to the second suggestion James shares, and that is that
most trouble expedites maturity—rejoice in it.
Now I say most trouble expedites growth because it doesn’t always happen that
way.  Jesus warned that some seed would fall on shallow soil and when the sun,
or the heat of persecution comes, the plant will wither and die.  So some shallow
Christians can’t take the heat and they give up.  I bet every one of us here today
know people who had a bad experience and they got bitter instead of better.  But
most trouble expedites the maturing process in us and we grow faster through
adversity than we do through normal living.
Look at verses 3 and 4: “…you know that the testing of your faith develops
perseverance.  Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature,
not lacking anything.” 
Coaches have an oft repeated slogan: “No pain, no gain!”  If you don’t punish
your body in disciplining it, then there will be no strengthening of the muscles. 
J.C. Penney once said that there were two great motivators in his life—Jesus
Christ and adversity.  I think Paul would have agreed with that.  Listen to what he
said in 2 Corinthians 12, beginning with verse 7, “To keep me from becoming
conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a
thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me.  Three times I pleaded
with the Lord to take it away from me.  But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient
for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’  Therefore I will boast all the
more gladly about my weaknesses….  For when I am weak, then I am
strong” (vv. 7-10).
Paul said, “God permitted me to have this thorn in the flesh so that I would
mature and not regress into arrogance.”
Now every life has thorns.  Some of you have physical pains.  That’s your thorn. 
For some of you your thorn has a first name and a last name!  Everyone has
thorns.  But I’ve got to be honest with you today and say, my life has been fairly
easy.  I’ve not gone through some of the hurts that some of you here have.  But I
have gone through a few that have helped to mature me and I can look back and
see how God has used just about every one.
In my high school and early college days it was my dream to be a professional
musician.  So I poured myself into musical pursuits.  But then one day, after
struggling through a couple of semesters of music theory and private voice
lessons, a professor informed me that he just didn’t think I had what it would take
to be a successful professional musician.  And the depression set in as I
replayed his words over in my mind.
It was in the midst of that depression that someone told me that I really ought to
be using my gifts and abilities for God’s glory anyway, and they paid my airfare to
make the trip to visit Johnson Bible College, now Johnson University.  And from
that visit I felt the strong calling to full time Christian service and my life in the
ministry began.
In 1987 I was hospitalized with persistent severe stomach pain.  It was the first
time I’d been a patient in a hospital since I was less then a year old.  And I
learned about pain, and sympathy, and lack of privacy, and I gained a better
understanding of others who were sick.
In 1988 I went through a period of conflict with the senior minister of the church I
served in Indiana.  The conflicted lasted about six months.  He was caught up in
some things that he shouldn’t have been and I was eventually confronted him
about it.  Tensions between the staff and the eldership grew as they confronted
the issues themselves, and relationships were broken.  That was one of the
longest six months I’ve ever endured.  But I learned some things in that trying
period.  I learned to confront disagreements earlier.  I learned to be more
courageous.  I learned to stand up and function when I wasn’t the most popular
person around.  I learned that even broken relationships can be forgiven and
restored.  And I grew during those difficult times.
In January of 1991 I got a disturbing call from my mother.  She was going to be
operated on in an attempt to remove a tumor.  They didn’t think it was malignant,
and even if it was they were pretty sure that they had found it in time.  So for
hours we waited in the hospital.  Finally the doctor emerged from surgery with
bad news—it was malignant.  The cancer had spread and there was basically
nothing he could do for her.  And I couldn’t get over how fast this had all come
upon us.  With radiation and chemotherapy there was a slight chance of buying
some more time, but it was a long shot.  I was devastated!  I was crushed!  “God,
how could you possibly threaten the life of somebody so good, so loving?”  And
then, only six months after my mother’s death, we underwent basically the same
scenario with my father.
But during that time, I learned about daily prayer for people I loved.  I learned
about how precious relationships are and how fragile they are.  And I felt I grew
as much during that year long period of my life as I had during all the previous
years of my life combined.  And I told the Lord that I never wanted to grow like
that again!  But the testing of your faith develops perseverance.  And I’ve learned
that God is much more concerned about developing our character then He is
about protecting our comfort.
You see, the principle is true in every life: Problems provide for us the opportunity
to grow at a rapid pace.  Now I’ve never met a person who, when the
transmission drops out of their car on the expressway at 5:00 p.m., can say, “Oh,
I am rejoicing!  It’s so wonderful this happened to me.  Now I can grow!”  That’s
phony.  But there can be an underlying spirit of joy knowing that God can use
extreme adversity for a positive purpose.  We can keep calm under pressure
because the Bible and experience have taught us that pressure expedites
First Peter 1:6 reads, “In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you
may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials.  But these have come so that
your faith … may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor
when Jesus Christ is revealed” (vv.6-7).
The third suggestion we need to glean from this first section of the book of
James is that understanding trouble requires wisdom – so pray for it.
Look at verse 5: “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives
generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.” 
When you experience severe pressure, you need an additional measure of
wisdom.  Now there’s a difference between knowledge and wisdom.  Knowledge
is the accumulation of fact.  Wisdom is the ability to make practical application of
those facts to life.  Knowledge is horizontal, it has to do with this world.  Wisdom
is vertical, it has to do with spiritual discernment.  Wisdom is the ability to see life
from God’s vantage point.  A knowledgeable person may have the facts straight,
a wise person is able to make common sense judgment.  When you’re under
pressure you need more than knowledge, you need wisdom.
The manager of a boat dock checked his watch then looked out through his
binoculars and called out over the megaphone, “Boat number 99, would you
please return to the dock!”  Ten minutes later the boat hadn’t returned, and he
looked out over the lake again, and again called out over the megaphone, “Boat
99, please return to the dock!”  About that time his assistant came up to him and
said, “Sir, we only have 75 boats.  There is no boat 99.”  And the manager looked
out over the lake again and called out, “Boat 66, are you in trouble?”
In our upside-down world we need more than knowledge, we need insight.  And
when we’re under pressure we can lose perspective and panic.  We need
wisdom to see life from God’s vantage point.  That’s why lawyers are told never
to be your own defender, because your emotions cloud your vision.  That’s why
widows are told, “Don’t make any immediate decisions.”  That’s why a person
who has been divorced needs to wait a long time before considering remarriage. 
James says, “Now when you go through stress you pray for wisdom.”
When Solomon was crowned successor to his father, King David, he knew
pressure.  He had a dream in which he heard the Lord say, “Ask whatever you
want me to give you.”  And listen to Solomon’s prayer in 1 Kings 3, beginning
with verse 7: “Now, O Lord my God, you have made your servant king in place of
my father David.  But I am only a little child and do not know how to carry out my
duties.  …So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to
distinguish between right and wrong.  For who is able to govern this great people
of yours?” (vv.7, 9).  And God was so pleased that Solomon didn’t ask for wealth,
long life, or the death of his enemies, what did He give him?  He gave him long
life, and wealth, and he made him the wisest man that ever lived.
And if we pray for wisdom when we’re under pressure, God promises that he will
grant it in two ways.  First, He will give generously—there’s no rationing
program.  And secondly, He will give it without finding fault.  And I really like that! 
Have you ever asked for something and people find fault?  I have.  But when we
ask God for wisdom, He gives generously and He doesn’t find fault.  He doesn’t
say, “Hey, I gave you wisdom before and you didn’t have the courage to apply
it!”  Or , “I saw you last week and you cheated on your income tax!”  He gives
generously without finding fault.
But there is one qualifier.  Verse 6 tells us that we must ask believing.  Look at
that verse: “…he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the
wind.”  Just like a little cork bobbing up and down on the water.  “That man
should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded
man, unstable in all he does” (vv. 6-8).
You don’t just pray for wisdom, you’d better be single-minded and you better say,
“Lord, whatever you guide me in doing, I will do it.”  Because God honors prayer
that is backed up by an obedient life.
Then the fourth suggestion I want us to look at this morning is: Financial
trouble threatens perspective – maintain it.
In verses 9 and 10 James illustrates his theme by referring to financial trouble. 
Now there are all kinds of trouble he could have used to illustrate his point with,
but I think he chose this one because it is by far the most common.
Look at verse 9: “The brother in humble circumstances ought to take pride in his
high position.  But the one who is rich should take pride in his low position,
because he will pass away like a wild flower.”
James seems to imply that both extremes of poverty and wealth are trials.  When
we’re poor we tend to think, “Boy, if we just had money we wouldn’t have any
worries at all.”  But the Bible, and experience, make it clear that riches often
produce more stress then poverty.  Jesus said, “…it is easier for a camel to go
through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of
God” (Matthew 19:24).  Jeff Bezos has all those billions of dollars, but he’s got
more worries today then most of you sitting in this room.  Solomon said, “The
sleep of the laborer is sweet whether he eats little or much, but the abundance of
the rich man permits him no sleep” (Ecclesiastes 5:12)  And James says, “Now
don’t allow financial trouble to cause you to lose your value system.”
If the rich are flaunting their wealth, that’s wrong too.  James says, “the brother in
humble circumstances ought to take pride in his high position.”  In other words,
allow God’s wisdom to penetrate through that facade of wealth.  Don’t wallow in
self-pity and envy.  Take heart that your riches are in Christ.  You’re the child of
the King.  And if you have health, and family, and friends, and the promise of
eternal life, realize how spiritually blessed you are.  There are people who would
give millions to have what you have right now.
And if you’re rich, “take pride in your low position,” James says.  Don’t think
you’re superior because you drive a nice car and live in a luxurious home.  Those
things can fade away in an instant.  Take pride in your low position.
Now your wealthy friends may not think that your responsibilities at church are
very prestigious.  They may downplay your spiritual concerns.  But that’s where
your real riches are.  That’s where your priorities should be.  King David was
wealthy, living in a palace, but he wrote in Psalm 84, verse 10: “Better is one day
in your court, Lord, than a thousand elsewhere.  I would rather be a doorkeeper
in the house of my God than to dwell in the tents of the wicked.”
Then the final suggestion I want us to see is that overcoming trouble
produces a reward – focus on it.
Look at verse 12: “Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when
he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to
those who love him.” 
When you face difficulty, get your mind off the difficulty and on to what you want
to accomplish.  Emmitt Smith, the all-pro running back for the Dallas Cowboys,
gained a record 10.4 miles in his career in the NFL.  But just think, in order to do
that every 4.2 yards somebody knocked him down.  But he persevered, he
succeeded, because he kept moving toward the goal line.  And the Christian who
goes through difficulty can endure if they focus not on the immediate pain, but on
the ultimate reward.
And that reward is both eternal and earthly.  God has promised an eternal reward
for those who have suffered for His sake.  But the crown referred to here is not
just eternal life, it takes place right here.
In John 10:10 Jesus said, “…I have come that you might have life and have it
abundantly” (ESV).
When you go through a trial and you get to the other side there’s a sense of
satisfaction that you’ve accomplished something.  And you are blessed, James
says.  “Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial…”  Happy is the man who
perseveres under trial.  He’s going to receive a crown, the stamp of approval
from God.  And in verse 2 he even says, “You count it all joy when you face
You know, some of the happiest people I know are people who have had severe
trouble in their life, and they’ve gone through it and maintained their faith.  Some
of the most unhappy people I know are people who have just little pinpricks of
trouble and they totally focus on it, and they constantly complain about it.  But it’s
all a matter of attitude.  If you’re not happy, most of the time it’s your fault.
Doctor’s Minerith and Meyer have written a book entitle Happiness Is a Choice. 
And when you leave this building in just a few minutes, you can choose to be
unhappy or you can choose to be happy.  You can focus on your problems and
feel sorry for yourself, or you can focus on the goal and be joyful.  And if you
don’t remember anything else from this message today, would you please
remember this: suffering is inevitable, misery is optional.  It’s all up to you!
Beverly Sills, the opera singer, had every reason to be bitter.  Max Lucado, in his
book The Applause of Heaven, points out that though she was talented, Beverly
Sills was unrecognized for years.  Prestigious opera circles that she tried to enter
closed their ranks.  American critiques ignored her compelling voice.  She was
repeatedly rejected for parts for which she was easily qualified.  It was only when
she went to Europe and won the hearts of tough-to-please European audiences
that stateside opinion leaders acknowledged her talent.  Lucado said:
Not only has her professional life been a battle, her personal life has been
marked by challenge.  She is overweight.  She is the mother of two handicapped
children, one of whom is severely retarded.  Years ago, in order to escape the
pace of New York City, she purchased a house on Martha’s Vineyard.  It burned
to the ground two days before she was to move in. 
Professional rejection.  Personal setbacks.  Perfect soil for the seeds of
bitterness.  A receptive field for the roots of resentment.  But in this case they
found no home. 
Her friends don’t call her bitter; they call her “Bubbles.” 
Beverly Sills.  Internationally acclaimed opera singer.  Retired director of the
New York City Opera. 
Her phrases are sugared with laughter.  Her face is softened with serenity. 
Upon interviewing her, Mike Wallace stated that “she is one of the most
impressive—if not the most impressive—ladies I’ve ever interviewed.”
How can a person handle such professional rejection and personal trauma and
still be known as Bubbles?  “I choose to be cheerful,” she says.  “Years ago I
knew I had little or no choice about success, circumstances, or even happiness;
but I knew I could choose to be cheerful.”
That’s considering it all joy when you face trials of many kinds.  That’s the peace
that passes all understanding.
But you know what?  There was one who did it even more effectively then
Beverly Sills.  No one ever knew more stress then Jesus.  Under the threat of
execution He was calm.  Just minutes before He went to the cross He said, “Now
my peace I give you.  Don’t let your heart be troubled.  Don’t let it be afraid” (see
John 14:17).  That’s maturity.  That’s calmness under pressure.  And that very
same peace is available to us today!

Fact # 1: Everyone Experiences the Storms of Life.

When challenges come, it is common habit to think that you’re the only one
encountering moments of storms and pressure. Just because no one else is
telling you about the storm they face doesn’t mean that they do not face
them! Though that is not certificate for us to meet storms too, it is a
comforting realization that “It’s not me only; even other people are going
through this and more!” While some people know how to respond, others
don’t; and that’s what makes us different! But the point here is that you’re
not alone. Everyone experiences the storms of life.

Fact # 2: Storms of Life Have A Deadline.

John C. Maxwell says, “Though problems are everywhere, they’re solvable –

they have an answer.” Nelson Mandela of South Africa spent more than 25
years in prison. Wasn’t that a storm? But it also ended – triumphantly at that!
He came out to be 1st black President of South Africa! Also, God told
Jeremiah (29:10) to tell the Israelites, “After 70 years of captivity in Babylon,
I will come and fulfill my precious promises…” You see? A storm would last
for 70 years. Thereafter, it would end because it would be for a season. It
would come to an end. So in any storm, you should know that soon, the storm
will stop to exist and your joy will be restored!

Fact # 3: Storms of Life Can Either Be A Disaster or An Opportunity,

Depending on Your Perspective.

Have you heard about John Bunyan? He was thrown into prison several times
for preaching without a license. That’s when he wrote the time-tested, multi-
century long book, “Pilgrim’s Progress: A Journey to Heaven.” Even in
prison, there’s an opportunity. I remember a time when I was off work for
some good months. I saw that as an opportunity to think about my life, give
my family all the time possible, read many self-help books, and write books.
That’s when I wrote my book, “The Wise Campuser”. Why is this so?
Because it is not about “God come and see; I have a big problem.” Instead, it
is “Problem come and see; I have a very big God!” So, don’t look for
the reason, but the lesson – the opportunity – in your storm! It will either be a
disaster of an opportunity on account of your own perspective to it.

Fact # 4: Every Storm Will Change You – Positively or Negatively,

Depending on Your Reaction.

There’s no storm that can touch your life and leave you neutral. These
challenges always have an impact on you. It may either be positive or
negative. And this is determined by the way you react to it! When a fire
gutted down Chicago town many years ago, one of the people whose property
had been burnt came the next morning with a signpost reading: “Everything
lost except wife, children, and hope. Business will be resumed as usual
tomorrow morning.” Reaction is what makes the difference too! So, you
should mind your reaction.

Fact # 5: The Issue is not always About the Storm; it’s about whom
you’re with During the Storm.

A kid doesn’t care whether a plane is crushing or not. As long as “Daddy is

the pilot; There’s nothing to fear!” it’s about whom he’s with. As long as
“daddy is the one holding the rope”, I don’t mind being lowered into the
depth of the pit! In the storms of life, your company matters a lot. And I
strongly recommend the Greatest Companion that you can be with during the
stormy moments of your life. John 14:6 (Bible) will give you a good crew of
who this is. With him in your boat, you can smile at the storm! He is the
Calmer of Storms (Matthew 4:35-41)!

“We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we’re perplexed, but not
in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed.”
(Mr. Paul – 1 Corinthians 4:8-9). Whatever your storm is, maintain poise and
calmness! Beyond the dark clouds, God has put there a Rainbow. What you
need to do is to paint yourself a rainbow – from head to toe, body to soul!
Commit yourself to live a colorful life – regardless of whether it is sunny or
rainy, stormy or calm.

Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he
stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and
controversy.” So, today, I pray for you. May God give you a Hammer for
Every Stony Situation, A Sweet Song for Every Sigh, A Faithful Friend for
Every Problem, A Promise For Every Care, A Blessing In Each Trial, An
Answer for Each Prayer, A Smile For Every Tear, A Candle For Every
Darkness, and A Rainbow For Every Storm.

Even in the storm, gather yourself and maintain self-confidence and

composure! Keep singing: It is well with my soul! Shall you?

Do you know what causes our Pressure more intensed?

Illustration: Can’t Please Everybody!

An old fable that has been passed down for generations tells about an elderly man who was
traveling with a boy and a donkey. As they walked through a village, the man was leading the
donkey and the boy was walking behind. The townspeople said the old man was a fool for not
riding, so to please them he climbed up on the animal’s back.

When they came to the next village, the people said the old man was cruel to let the child walk
while he enjoyed the ride. So, to please them, he got off and set the boy on the animal’s back and
continued on his way.

In the third village, people accused the child of being lazy for making the old man walk, and the
suggestion was made that they both ride. So the man climbed on and they set off again.

In the fourth village, the townspeople were indignant at the cruelty to the donkey because he was
made to carry two people. The frustrated man was last seen carrying the donkey down the road.
We smile, but this story makes a good point: We can’t please everybody, and if we try we end up
carrying a heavy burden. Well-meaning Christians may offer us advice, and much of it is
valuable. But when we try to do everything other believers want us to do, we can easily become
frustrated and confused . That’s why we need to remember that the One we must please above all
others is Christ. And we do that by obeying God’s Word. Carried any donkeys lately? You don’t
have to if you’re trying to please Jesus.

You can not please everybody. Whatever you do, there will be people who will criticize you. So, just do
what you believe is right, and don’t be distracted with criticisms.

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