God Is in Control

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Today, we shall get an encouragement from the book of HAGGAI. Having only two
chapters but this is enough for us to be encouraged to move forward amidst the CHAOS
that we are experiencing.
There are many things in this world that we have absolutely no control over.
Due to the Corona Virus, the stock market is unstable, the economy in recession and
there is global turmoil.
-New Strain of Virus
-Confusions brought by social media
We live in a world filled with trouble, turmoil, difficulty and uncertainty. It seems that
things are bad and getting worse. Some of you may be dealing with personal issues...
you may have rebellious children, bills that you can't pay, problems at work, marital
troubles, health issues or any of a host of other situations and problems that consume
your life. Many times we are blinded by circumstance and often we forget who is really
in control. When this happens, doubt enters our minds and fear begins to consume our
lives. If that is the case for you, I come bearing good news, I want to remind you who is
in control! It is not the government, our governor is not in control, congress is not in
control, the Supreme Court is not in control, the President is not in control and the Law
makers are not even in control. God Almighty is, always has been and always will be in
When you are tempted to fear remember that your Heavenly Father is supreme in
authority! He is Omniscient, which means that He knows all. He is Omnipotent, which
means He is all powerful. He is Omnipresent, which means He is everywhere at all
Remember what Jesus said in - Matthew 10:29 29 Are not two sparrows sold for a
penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. [a] 30 And
even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 So don’t be afraid; you are worth
more than many sparrows.
What a comforting promise form our Savior. God sends Haggai to speak to Zerubbabel
and deliver a message of great encouragement. In His message to His servant we see
that God Has A Sovereign Plan, God Possesses Supreme Power and God in His infinite
wisdom has Selected some Special People. I invite you to join me as we examine
abundant evidence that "God Is In Control". The first piece of evidence that proves that
God Is In Control is:
I. God's Sovereign Plan - v20 And again the word of the LORD came unto Haggai in the
four and twentieth day of the month, saying, 21 Speak to Zerubbabel, governor of
Sovereignty is defined as "supreme power or authority". God is the supreme authority in
History. And, He is the supreme authority in our lives.
God sent a direct message to His servant Zerubbabel. Remember, at this point the
rebuilding process of the Temple was in it's infancy. There were a lot of unknowns.
Perhaps Zerubbabel was dealing with some uncertainty concerning the future. He was
God's chosen man to lead this rebuilding process. Imagine the great responsibility that
rested upon his shoulders. Here God reminds Zerubbabel that ultimately He is in
control. God is still in control today and He still has a sovereign plan.
God has a sovereign plan for this world, for Bride of Christ, for the future and for
eternity. God has a sovereign plan for this church and God has a sovereign plan for you
as an individual. Zerubbabel was simply a willing vessel that God would use to carry out
His sovereign plan. That is what we must be! Willing vessels that God can use to carry
out His sovereign plan.
A legitimate question would be, "how can we know God's sovereign plan for our lives?"
Zerubbabel learned of that plan through THE WORD OF THE LORD. Haggai went to
him with a direct message from the Father. And we will learn of His plan for us the very
same way... on the pages of HIS HOLY WORD! When you search the scriptures you
will receive a direct message from your Heavenly Father!
Perhaps God has already revealed His plan for your life to you. Maybe the task seems
impossible. You look at what He has called you to do and you think that there is no way
that you will ever be able to accomplish His purpose for you. If you will simply be a
willing vessel and trust in Him... He will use you fulfill His sovereign plan! We are able to
put our faith in God because He has the power and ability to do anything that He
A sovereign plan is great, but it would mean nothing were it not for God's power to
accomplish that plan. God has the power to accomplish anything that He desires.
Consider if you will:
II. God's Supreme Power - v21-22 (God said to Zerubbabel), I will shake the heavens
and the earth; 22 And I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms, and I will destroy the
strength of the kingdoms of the heathen; and I will overthrow the chariots, and those
that ride in them; and the horses and their riders shall come down, every one by the
sword of his brother.
In verses 20-22 we get a glimpse of God's sovereign plan. He tells Zerubbabel that the
time is coming when He would "shake the heavens and the earth, overthrow royal
thrones and destroy the kingdoms of the heathen" He would "overturn their chariots, the
horses would fall and the riders will kill one another".
In every battle and conflict throughout history, those past, present and future... God is,
always has been and always will be in control! He is so powerful in fact that He can
even use His enemies to accomplish His sovereign will.

- Because God Is In Control:

A. We Can Be Confident In God's Supreme Power - No matter what comes our way...
no matter how bad things get, God's power will never fail. Consider the scope of God's
Supreme Power:
1) He Has Power Over Nature - He can "shake the heavens and the earth".
2) He Has Power Over Rulers - Our God is able to "overthrow royal thrones" and
"destroy the kingdoms of the heathen"
3) He Has Power Over Our Enemies - Romans 8:31 ...If God be for us, who can be
against us?
We have no need to fear anything in nature... for God is more powerful! We have no
need to fear Governments and rulers... for God is more powerful! We have no need to
fear those who would come against us and persecute us... for God is more powerful!
Whatever comes our way we can be confident in God's supreme power! We can trust
Him to see us through no matter how difficult the circumstance!
4) He Has Power Over The Unknown- ”…of the foreign kingdoms”
Seen or unseen. Kahit Covid pa yan or the new strain. My song says,
He goes before us
He fights for us
The battle is in His hands
No matter how small or how great it is
Seen or invisible, It is defeated
When God is on the front line, we will overcome

Coupled we the fact that We Can Be Confident In God's Supreme Power is the fact that:
B. We Can Be Comforted By God's Supreme Power - When you truly grasp that God is
in control there is no need to fear anyone or anything. Many of our brethren have
walked away from serving God because of fear. Some have determined the task
impossible and not even attempted to move forward. When you come to the realization
that the One Who has called you to the task has the power to see you through then
there is nothing that can stop you from reaching your goal. There is an old cliché that
states "If God brought you to it, He will see you through it"
Friends, we can be comforted in God's Supreme Power! We can trust that GOD IS IN
- A young boy traveling by airplane to visit his grandparents sat beside a man who
happened to be a seminary professor. The boy was reading a Sunday school take-
home paper when the professor thought he would have some fun with the lad. "Young
man," said the professor, "If you can tell me something God can do, I'll give you a big,
shiny apple." The boy thought for a moment and then replied, "Mister, if you can tell me
something God can't do, I"ll give you a whole barrel of apples!"
(Source:Today in the Word, April, 1989, p. 43.)
God has a sovereign plan and He possesses supreme power...there is nothing that He
can't do. But in His infinite wisdom, God chooses to use us to accomplish His sovereign
plan. This brings us to the last point that I would like to consider and that is:
III. God's Selected People - v23 In that day, saith the LORD of hosts, will I take thee, O
Zerubbabel, my servant, the son of Shealtiel, saith the LORD, and will make thee as a
signet: for I have chosen thee, saith the LORD of hosts.
In this discourse God reveals His plan for His man. Consider:
A. The Purpose Involved - God chose Zerubbabel to accomplish a specific task.
He had a job for him to do. God used him to help the captives in returning to Jerusalem.
He used him to reestablish the temple worship and He used him to lead the building
program for the 2nd temple. Through the Word we find that God was pleased with
Zerubbabel's service. God had a remnant of people to choose from and He chose
Zerubbabel. In fact, there were more prominent people that God could have used, but
He chose Zerubbabel. I believe one reason that he was chosen is because he was a
willing vessel that the Lord could use.
The song says, “Here I am Lord, mold me. Here I am Lord, use me, Here I am Lord,
send me for your glory.”
If you are a child of God then He has a specific purpose for your life as well. You have a
calling... you have a purpose. But like Zerubbabel you must be a willing vessel. If you
will make yourself available to the Lord, He can use you to accomplish what seems
impossible. Not only is there a purpose for those that God selects, it is also a privilege
to be selected. Consider if you will:
B. The Privilege Involved - v23 "On that day,' declares the Lord of hosts, 'I will take you,
Zerubbabel ... My servant ... and I will make you like a signet ring, for I have chosen
As a Christian, when a situation arrives we should not be thinking that we are one of
those that need to be rescued. Instead, we should think of the task God wants us to do.
Saan nga datayo dagiti umun-una nga agrungaab because God has chosen us and in
weakness we are strong. Hindi tayo ang unang bumabatikos sa plano ng gobyerno
bagkus tayo ang nananalangin para sa bansa natin. Hindi tayo ang unang nagsesecure
ng ating sarili kaya we should stay out of our comfort zones. We are God’s instruments
to carry out His plan for all the people.
We have already seen that God is all powerful. This proves that He doesn't have to use
us to accomplish His will. But He chooses to use us! And there is no greater privilege
than to be called by God to serve Him in any capacity.
Let us not forget that we will be held accountable for our service. Paul says in -  2
Corinthians 5:10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every
one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it
be good or bad.
The Bible tells us five crowns that are available as rewards to the faithful saint of God.
1) The Incorruptible Crown
2) The Crown Of Life
3) The Crown Of Rejoicing
4) The Crown Of Righteousness
5) The Crown Of Glory
We are chosen by God to fulfill His purpose and it is a privilege to be chosen. We are
saved to serve... we are selected for a purpose. When it seems that accomplishing what
God has called you to do is impossible... remember GOD IS IN CONTROL! God had a
direct message for Zerubbabel. In that message we find some truths that still apply
today: God Has A Sovereign Plan, God Possesses Supreme Power and God in His
infinite wisdom has Selected some Special People.
In the beginning the Temple was abandoned.. it lay in ruins. God was not pleased and
He confronted His people. He chose Zerubbabel to lead the rebuilding process.
Eventually this very important task was completed. God was pleased and honored.
When destructions come, it means something must be changed. The pandemic we are
experiencing simply means God will do something. He did not allow these things to
happen for no reason. This COVID was not meant for us to cause fear and doubt in our
lives. But God is telling us, “I WILL USE YOU”.
There is a work for you to do. Though the task may seem impossible, if you will
surrender to His call He can use you. And you will see that nothing is impossible when
God Is In Control!

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