Induction Basics: by Carl Moreland
Induction Basics: by Carl Moreland
Induction Basics: by Carl Moreland
by Carl Moreland
Some hobbies, such as collecting age detectorist need to know how a class.
stamps or coins, are educational, while detector works? While some detector As long as the DC current1 is con-
other hobbies, like building models, models have few user controls and are stant, the magnetic field will be con-
tend to exercise creativity. Metal detect- practically turn-on-and-go, many of the stant. If the current is varied, then the
ing is clearly on the side of educational, higher-end models have a number of magnetic field will follow. An alternat-
providing you take the time to learn controls for optimizing performance. ing current (AC) in a wire produces an
about the items you find, and the context So, the best reason to learn how detec- alternating magnetic field around the
in which they are found. tors work is to better understand what wire. That is, as the current continuously
Metal detecting can also have a cre- the external controls are really doing reverses direction, the polarity of the
ative side to it. Some folks enjoy build- and what their limitations are. Besides magnetic field does as well. Clamp-on
ing their own accessories, such as that, knowing how they work will help
ammeters2 use this principle to deter-
digging tools. A few even modify their you wade through advertising claims.
mine the current in household wiring,
detectors, most often for ergonomics. And, finally, it’s just plain interesting.
without having to cut the wire.
But only a small handful get down and
The strength of the magnetic field
dirty into the electronics of the metal Magnetic fields depends on the current through the coil
detector. Mostly because metal detector Metal detectors operate via the prin- (I), the dimensions of the coil (length L
technology is not well-understood by ciple of induction. Induction is the and radius R), the number of turns of
the majority of users, and there is darn method of coupling two circuits though wire (N), and the material used as the
little information available on the tech- an alternating magnetic field. To clarify, core of the coil. Just so we can have an
nical operation of detectors. Add to this let’s take a look at magnetic fields first. equation in this article, the maximum
a reluctance by manufacturers to share When you pass a direct current
technical information—even a tendency field strength of a short coil3 is:
(DC) through a wire a static magnetic
to provide misleading information, par- field develops around the wire, as shown µNI
ticularly in advertising—and you wind in Fig.1. You can check this out at home B = ----------
up with a majority of detector users hav- 2R
with a battery, wire, and compass. Place
ing a wrong impression of how it all the compass near the wire, briefly touch where µ is the “permeability” of the core
works. the ends of the wire to the battery termi- material4. This is the field strength exactly
Compare this to another electron- nals, and watch the compass needle at the center of the coil, and reduces as you
ics-based hobby, amateur radio, in jump. Briefly is the operative word, move away from the coil.
which many enthusiasts not only have a because shorting out a battery in this
good working knowledge of the elec- manner can create a large current, and
tronics, but often build and modify their Induction
quickly heat the wire and the battery.
own equipment, and with amateur radio If a current through a wire can cre-
If you wrap the wire in a long tight
magazines routinely covering technical ate a magnetic field, an obvious ques-
coil (Fig. 2) you can enhance the mag-
issues. netic field, because the coil “focuses”
Why in the world would the aver- the magnetic field though its center, 1. “DC” means “direct current”, so “DC
current” means “direct current current”,
with each turn of wire adding more which clearly is redundantly repetitive.
“flux” to the field. An iron core will fur- But in electronics, we also use the term
ther enhance the field, and produce a “DC voltage”, so DC has become synon-
simple electromagnet often demon- ymous with “constant”.
strated in elementary school science 2. An ammeter measures amperes, which is
the unit of current.
3. Such as the “skinny donut” used in metal
detectors (length L falls out of the equa-
4. Metal detector coils have air as the core
material, for which µ = 4πx10-7 Henries/
meter (H/m).
Figure 1: Static magnetic field Figure 2: Multi-turn coil
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EM field, and you will see others call it voltage), as described by Faraday’s Law.
this as well. In actuality, the magnetic So the eddy currents in the target pro-
field portion is what detectors make use duce a reverse EM field, i.e. 180 degrees
of, and the electric field part does noth- out-of-phase with coil field, because
ing for us. So when I use the term “EM there are two 90 degree shifts between
field”, I’m still really talking about the the transmitted (coil) EM field and the
alternating magnetic field8. target-induced EM field. See Fig. 4.
OK, if we wind the wire up into a This reverse target field then inductively
coil we can intensify the effect on both couples with the receive coil and gener-
ends. Pass an AC current through the ates the signal that says you’ve found
coil and we get a stronger EM field; put something. You can either think of this
the coil in an EM field and we get a reverse target field as separate from the
Figure 3: Inductive coupling stronger AC current. If we take two transmit field, or as a distortion of the
coils and place them close to each other, transmit field—I’ve seen it described
tion to ask is, can a magnetic field create
then driving one coil with AC will cre- both ways and either is correct.
a current in a wire? The answer is yes,
ate the EM field, which will induce an As I said, eddy currents tend to be
but only in the case of a changing mag-
AC current in the other coil. And here circular. Which is why they’re called
netic field. In other words, you can place
you have a transformer (Fig. 3). All this eddy currents, just like what you find in
a wire5 in an alternating magnetic field streams. A whole bunch of tiny circular
stuff was figured out 170-odd years ago
and generate an AC current6 in the wire. by Michael Faraday. It’s called induc- eddy currents will add and subtract
It might seem that placing a wire in a tion, because things are getting induced. across the surface of the target to deter-
static magnetic field would generate a What magic is doing the inducing? mine the nature of the overall eddy cur-
DC current, but not so. To generate a With wires it’s electron motion, where a rent, which in turn determines the
current with a static field, you have to magnetic field cutting across a conduc- nature—and strength—of the reverse
move the wire through the field, for tor causes electrons to move, and where EM field. The circular nature of eddy
which you get a transient7 current. If electron motion produces a magnetic currents means that circular targets will
you move the wire through the field in a field. Same as what I described with better support them because of the way
periodic manner, then you will get a moving charges three paragraphs ago. they add up. In fact, given a round target
periodic (AC) current. This is how a When you have a disconnected and a square target of identical surface
generator (alternator) works. But sitting piece of metal in an EM field the elec- area, thickness, and metal type, the
still in a static magnetic field will get trons have no where to go. So they do round target will give a slightly stronger
you zilch. Again, all this assumes a few something really odd: they just go response.
things, like the wire is actually hooked around in circles, something called eddy Would there be a difference
up to something. between a solid round target like a coin
currents9 (Fig. 4). If you have a really
Curiously, an alternating magnetic and an open round target like a ring? It
strong EM field, you can get really high
field gives rise to an alternating electric turns out there is. A ring will give a
eddy currents, enough to make the metal
field (and vice-versa). Although it’s stronger response, even though it has
heat up. Maybe you’ve seen an induc-
really not important to this discussion tion cooktop where eddy currents are
and involves some heavy-duty math, the generated in the metal pot to heat the
basic idea is that a changing magnetic food. Foundries also use induction cru-
field will move electric charge, and elec- cibles to melt steel.
tric charge in motion creates a changing So with a metal detector, we shove
magnetic field. So they sort of support an AC current through a coil, which pro-
one another, and the combination of the duces an EM field around the coil.
two is known as an electromagnetic When a metal target is near the coil, the
(EM) field. The EM field is how radio EM field induces eddy currents in the
signals travel through space. target. One thing to note: there is a 90
I brought this up because I will refer degree phase shift in the EM field (actu-
to the alternating magnetic field as an ally, between the EM field and the AC
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less surface area. That’s because it is is how we discriminate, by looking at
more like a shorted loop of wire, in the received signal’s phase shift. Higher
which the induced current flows around conductive targets, like silver, are closer
the loop, instead of moving in smaller to 180°. Interestingly the drilled-out
surface circles as it does with a solid coins have a (very) slightly higher resis-
disc. So the extra metal in the middle of tance than the solid coins and this shows
the coin actually hurts the response. It’s up in the target phase number. Also,
Figure 5: Ring vs. Coin
a fairly subtle effect, but it’s there. while a ring response is a tad stronger
You can demonstrate this for your- than a coin, a broken ring is really lousy.
with silver Washington quarters with the
self, by comparing a ring and a coin to Now the induced currents can’t travel
same result. So, with the conductivity
see which gives the greater response. around the ring so they’re back to mov-
variable removed we see that the ring
This does not account for possible con- ing in tiny surface circles, but in a target
shape will slightly edge out the solid
ductivity differences, so a better test is that has very little surface area.
coin, even when the metal and diameter
to compare two coins, one with most of
are identical.
the center drilled out. I used two pre-
Two final notes. The induced eddy Resources
zinc Lincoln cents, with a 5/8” hole 1. Eddy Currents, ETI, April 1981
current in a metal target is not always
drilled through one. Both a VLF (all-
90° out-of-phase. The phase shift actu- 2. Electromagnetics, John Kraus
metal mode) and PI detector indicated ally depends on the conductivity of the
the drilled-out cent 3/4”-1” deeper than 3. Fundamentals of Electricity & Mag-
metal, and only a perfect conductor
the solid cent. I repeated the experiment netism, Leonard Loeb
gives a 180° (total) phase shift. And this
This article Copyright © 2006, all rights reserved. Reproduction for personal use only.
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