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VILLONES Detailed Lesson Plan (Science 5)

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Grade 5

Submitted by:
Bevsly O. Villones

Submitted to:
Ms. Menie J. Dagala

Lesson Plan (Detailed)
Science 5

The Sun and it’s Parts

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to:
1. Define what is sun
2. Identify the parts of the sun
3. Enumerate the parts of the sun

II. Subject Matter

a. References:
 https://byjus.com/physics/layers-of-sun/
 https://youtu.be/KFxJ_8ob6BM
 https://youtu.be/BGkqGb-KDK4
b. Materials
 Laptop
 Speaker
 TV/LCD Projector
 PowerPoint Presentation
 Video clip Presentation
c. Science Process:
 Listening, Observing, Identifying, Defining, Participating
d. Values Integration:
 Appreciation of the wonder of the heavenly bodies

III. Procedures:
Teacher Activity Pupils Activity
1. Drill
Good morning, class! Good morning, teacher!
How are you today? We’re fine teacher!
Well, that’s nice to hear.

Before anything else, I want you all to stand up (The class prays…)
for our prayer.

Please remain standing to our action song to

energize you up this morning. All we have to do
is to follow what is projected in front. Am I
Yes, teacher!
understand class?

(Video Presentation) (The class dance…)

Video Link: https://youtu.be/4iW9MN7vMpQ

Everybody take a seat. Who are absent today? None, teacher.
Ok, very good that you have a perfect
attendance today.

2. Lesson Proper

A. Motivation

I have here a picture of heavenly bodies.

The Sun and the Earth.

Hot ball of heavenly body.

Yes, teacher.

Because just like star, sun is a ball of

What can you see in the picture?
hydrogen and helium gas that carries
Will you describe the sun based from the light and heat.
picture you saw?
Smaller than the sun.
Do you think sun is a star? A ball of rock and ocean.

What makes you think that sun is a star?

The sun.
How about the Earth?

B. Presentation of the lesson

Class, what do you think is our lesson for today

based on the picture that I have shown to you?
Yes, today we will be discussing about sun and
its parts.

C. Discussion

The layers of the sun.

What can you see in the picture?

I, teacher!
I'm going to show you a video presentation
about the parts of the sun. After the The inner parts of the sun are the core,
presentation, well sum up the video so please the radiative zone, the convective zone.
watch, take down notes and listen attentively. While the outer parts of the sun are the
photosphere, the chromosphere, and the
(Video Presentation)
Video Link: https://youtu.be/KFxJ_8ob6BM

3. Generalization
The core is the innermost and the center
So class, who can now tell me the parts of the part of the sun.
Yes, Ann. Radiative zone is the third innermost
layer of the sun that emits radiation
which is dangerous to our health while
convective zone and innermost layer of
the sun which energy is transported
That’s correct. outward mainly by convection current.

So now let’s define them.

Photosphere it is the surface and
Define what is core? outermost layer of the sun with a
temperature of 6,600°c. Where you can
see corona and sunspots.
How about the radiative zone and convection
zone? Chromosphere is a visible as a dim red
ring and it lies just above the

The hottest at around 2 million degrees

fahrenheit. It is a solar flare form at the
surface of the sun.
Another layer is photosphere, will you describe
this layer?

And also the chromosphere?

How about the corona?

4. Application

Directions: Label the picture with the parts of

the sun. (Through PowerPoint Presentation)

2. Radiative zone
3. Convective zone
4. Photosphere
5. Chromosphere
6. Corona

IV. Evaluation:

Direction: Answer the following questions. (Through Powerquizpoint


1. It is the innermost layer of the sun.

a. Photosphere
b. Radiative zone
c. Convective zone
d. Core
2. What is the temperature at the surface of the sun?
a. 4,000°c
b. 9,900°c
c. 6,600°c
d. 15,000,000°c
3. I am a huge ball of hot gases.
a. Sun
b. Moon
c. Earth
d. Solar System
4. It is a dark cool space found underneath the corona.
a. Solar flare
b. Sunspot
c. Gas
d. Sunburn
5. It is the layer of the sun that produces radiation.
a. Radiative zone
b. Photosphere
c. Core
d. Convection zone
Answer Key:
1. D.
2. C.
3. A.
4. B.
5. A.

V. Assignment:
Give at least 5 benefits we get from the sun. Write your answer in your

VI. Lesson Reflection :

Technology can be an incredibly useful tool in the classroom when teaching

about the sun and its part in our lives. It can be used to demonstrate how the sun
affects the Earth’s climate, weather, and environment. Technology can also
provide us with visuals and interactive activities that can help students better
understand and remember the concepts. For example, students can use computers
to create models of the sun and its parts, or use video streaming to watch a live
video feed of the sun. Additionally, technology can be used to help students
explore the various aspects of the sun, such as its structure, composition, and the
different type of rays it emits. Technology can also be used to help students assess
their understanding of the material in a fun and interactive way.

Prepared by:
Ms. Bevsly O. Villones

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