Guide For Enrollment of Certificate of Completion

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1. The LTO-TSD endorse the qualified and compliant TESDA Trainers to the
Management Information Division (MID) for enrollment to the Driving School Portal
under Land Transportation Management System (LTMS);

2. Once the Trainers have been enrolled in the DS Portal, they will automatically
receive a link from a system generated email from for the
verification of their account, following an email from LTO-TSD for further
information. The link will direct them to the page where they can change their

The default log in USERNAME and PASSWORD will be the following:

PASSWORD: Password01!
The USERNAME originates from the email address provided in the Trainer’s Profile.
( =

3. Once the account has been successfully verified, the Trainer may now log in to the
link provide below for the uploading of Theoretical Driving Course (TDC) Certificate
of Completion. Avoid using Cellphone when logging in and uploading Certificates.

NOTE: In instances that the log in page requires a biometric, the Trainer shall
inform the LTO-TSD for assistance. Avoid going to any LTO branch/offices to
capture your biometrics. What is needed and agreed for logging in to the DS Portal
is using the USERNAME and PASSWORD.

4. Once logged in, the main page will look like this:
5. After the client/student completed the 15-Hours TDC, this include passing the
Written Examination, the Trainer shall need to issue a TDC Certificate of
Completion by uploading to the DS Portal which will be automatically transmitted
to the LTO Licensing System, by clicking the Driving Course Certificates in the main
page of DS Portal.


A. After clicking the Driving Course Certificates, the page will look like this.
Click the Upload Certificate.
B. Upon clicking the Upload Certificate, the page will show the name of the
TESDA Technology Institution (TTI) and the name of the TESDA Assessor
who will upload the Certificate.

C. By clicking next, the system will require the Trainer to input the details of
the Client/Student such as Name and Birthday. Since what will be uploaded
is the Certificate of Completion for TDC, the tab for Student-driver’s Permit
Number/ Driver’s License Number shall not be filled.
D. By clicking next, the Trainer shall be required to choose the course from
the drop-down button, which will be the Theoretical Driving Course, and
input the details of Certificate such as Certificate Number and Issued date.
The tab for Practical Driving Course DL Code shall not be filled out since it
is only required when uploading Practical Driving Course (PDC). In this tab,
the uploading of the PDF File of the Certificate of Completion will happen.
The sample template of TDC Certificate of Completion is as follow:

Certificate Template.
NOTE: For the electronically captured picture of the client/student, a 2X2
picture will be accepted.

E. Click finish. After clicking finish, the history of uploaded Certificates will be

There is a tab to print the transmittal of the Certificate of Completion which

is required to be presented when acquiring Student-driver’s Permit.
F. The format of Transmittal is as follows:

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