Femtocell Security in Theory and Practice: Abstract. Femtocells Are Low-Powered Cellular Base Stations For Mobile

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Femtocell Security in Theory and Practice

Fabian van den Broek and Ronny Wichers Schreur

Digital Security, Radboud University Nijmegen


Abstract. Femtocells are low-powered cellular base stations for mobile

telephone networks, meant for home use, but still operator managed.
They are an increasingly popular solution, with the number of femtocells
expected to outnumber the normal cell towers by Q1 of 2013 [1].
However, femtocells also introduce a number of security concerns. Sev-
eral earlier femtocells have been hacked to varying degree and analyzed.
Naturally, the industry has responded and tries to create more secure
We provide a first comprehensive analysis of the risks of attacks, given
a general femtocell model. This analysis results in two new attacks. We
then illustrate some of the dangers by successfully compromising a spe-
cific femtocell: the SignaalPlus Plug & Play, sold in the Netherlands by

1 Introduction

In mobile telephony networks such as GSM, UMTS and EV-DO (an American
counterpart to UMTS), service is provided through many antennae that each
cover a geographic area. These areas are called cells and can range in size based
on the transmission power of the signal and the available bandwidth. Within
each cell the coverage is influenced differently by local propagation conditions
which can result in blind spots where signal reception is so poor that no service is
available. To solve this small cells can be created within these blind spots, with a
low power antenna that operates on a different frequency from its containing cell.
Small cells can have different sizes, which are usually subdivided into micro-
cell, nanocell and femtocell, from small to smallest. The normal, much larger,
cell size is referred to as macrocell. The distinction between the types of small
cells is not officially defined, but typically a microcell covers an area the size of
a shopping mall or a transportation hub, a nanocell covers a small business or
an office floor, and the femtocell a small house or several rooms [1].
Besides the coverage size there is a more important distinction between the
femtocell and other small cells. The microcells and nanocells are installed and
maintained by the provider and connect directly to the provider’s core network,
while the femtocell is a consumer-installed (and owned) device and connects to
the core network of the provider through the consumer’s broadband connection.
Naturally this introduces several new security risks for both provider and con-
sumer, since a low-cost device is now placed at the consumer’s home, which has

H. Riis Nielson and D. Gollmann (Eds.): NordSec 2013, LNCS 8208, pp. 183–198, 2013.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
184 F. van den Broek and R. Wichers Schreur

the ability to act as an authentic cell tower and connects to the provider’s back
end over an untrusted channel.
A femtocell device is a small box with a power and Ethernet connector and
at least one antenna. Some of the femtocells have GPS onboard, to verify their
geographical location. All of them can listen to neighboring cells, in order to
run on a non-interfering frequency. Usually femtocells contain a dedicated chip
that is specifically made for femtocell devices. These chips consist of a base band
processor1, some cryptographic processor and a general purpose processor. All of
the femtocells analyzed so far run some lightweight form of the Linux operating
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 gives an overview of
femtocells within a cellular network. Section 3 gives an overview of the femtocell
security model we assume and the most likely attack vectors. In Section 4 we
discuss possible attacks offered by a compromised femtocell against the 3GPP
security goals for UMTS and LTE. A practical security analysis is presented in
Section 5 where we successfully compromise a modern femtocell (the Vodafone
SignaalPlus Plug & Play). Finally, we discuss our conclusions and some ideas
for future work.

Related Work. 3GPP, the standardization body for the GSM, UMTS and
LTE systems, has specified the use of femtocells within mobile telephony net-
works. Of these specifications 25-467 [2] and 33-320 [3] are the most interesting,
and respectively detail the architecture of and the security architecture of the
femtocell (called a Home NodeB or HNB).
Several books have been written on femtocells. “Femtocell Primer” [4] is a
very superficial introduction into femtocells, and focuses more on the economic
aspects of introducing femtocells. Two other books, “Femtocells: Technologies
and Deployment” [5] and “Femtocells: Design and Application” [6] cover fem-
tocells more extensively. They highlight all the technical difficulties in realizing
femtocells from an engineering standpoint. Both books contain a small section
on security, with only a broad overview of the subject.
Some publications analyze possible security problems that arise when femto-
cells are introduced in the network [7,8]. Both are theoretical analyses. Tyler et.
al [9] show the economic incentives of possible attackers to use a compromised
femtocell to DDoS a telecommunications network.
There have also been practical analyses of a physical femtocell device. Indeed
several off-the-shelf femtocells have been hacked with varying consequences. In
2010, a research group that calls itself THC (The Hackers Choice) managed to
gain root access to the Vodafone Sure Signal femtocell [10]. This proved a very
severe security break, based on an easy to guess root password, which allowed
interception of phone calls and allowed attackers to request the current session
keys form any handset, from the Vodafone back end. A Samsung Femtocell was
rooted by a group of researchers from Trustwave’s SpiderLabs in 2011 [11,12].

A dedicated processor for signal processing and real-time transmission operations.

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