Terms of Reference GenU

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Human Resources

United Nations Children’s Fund


Title Funding Code Type of engagement Duty Station:

Adolescent Development 0610/AO/09/115/001 Consultant Bujumbura – Burundi

Officer (Generation Individual Contractor Part-Time
Unlimited) RR
Individual Contractor Full-Time

Purpose of Activity/Assignment:
One in every four Burundians is an adolescent. This cohort is growing faster than all the other age groups
and is projected to reach 3.4 million in 2030 (ISTEEBU 2017). When this phenomenon called the
“demographic dividend” occurs in a population, a window of opportunity opens for spectacular economic
growth through increased productivity, greater household savings, and lower costs for basic social services
provided to children. However, this demographic dividend will be acquired only if a strategic investment is
made towards equipping this important cohort of adolescents with skills and knowledge enabling them to
contribute fully to the development of their families and communities while reaching their full potential.
Unfortunately, there are significant barriers to young people accessing education and training. Additionally,
there are widespread concerns about the relevance and the quality of the education and training they
According to the Adolescent Investment Case commissioned by UNICEF in 2019, in partnership with the
Government of Burundi and UNFPA, investments in key social sectors like education and health will result in
multiplying effects on the well-being of adolescents and the development of the country. The study finds an
overall benefit-cost ratio of 16.4 for health interventions, 10 for formal education and 5.3 for non-formal
education interventions.  A study conducted by CENAP (Centre d’Alerte et de Prevention des Conflits) in
2017, found that 57% of youth in Burundi aspire to live and grow old in peace, without fear, in financial
security and reconciled with their past.
UNICEF globally has been engaged with a range of public and private sector partners as well as with CSOs
and other UN agencies in developing a concept called Generation Unlimited. This global partnership is born
out of a recognition that a lack of secondary age education, skills for employability and empowerment,
especially for girls, keeps young people from achieving their goals and contributing to a more peaceful and
prosperous future. The initiative recognizes that with education, skills and empowerment, young people
can make the most of their talents and potential b y contributing to the peace and prosperity of their
communities. Generation Unlimited aims at ensuring that by 2030, all young people are either enrolled in
education, vocational learning, training programmes, or they are employed. This can be done by promoting
participation, scalable solutions, partnerships and learning, while providing a path for employability.

Scope of Work:

The Adolescent Development Officer (ADO) will provide technical support to the Burundi Country Office to
ensure that more adolescents girls and boys will be prepared for the transition to work, have access to
opportunities for skills development and trainings and ultimately have access to work and livelihoods
opportunities. The Officer provides professional technical, and operational assistance to support
adolescent’s participation and civic engagement within the Country Programme and in the Generation
Unlimited (GenU) partnership. The Officer is responsible for preparing, executing, managing and
implementing technical and operational tasks to support adolescent civic engagement and skills
development. The ADO will report to the Chief of the Adolescent Empowerment and Community Resilience

Child Safeguarding  
Is this project/assignment considered as “Elevated Risk Role” from a child safeguarding perspective?  
         YES    X   NO     If YES, check all that apply:
Direct contact role               YES        NO         
If yes, please indicate the number of hours/months of direct interpersonal contact with children, or work in their
immediately physical proximity, with limited supervision by a more senior member of personnel:  

Child data role                      YES        NO                           
If yes, please indicate the number of hours/months of manipulating or transmitting personal-identifiable information
of children (name, national ID, location data, photos): 

More information is available in the Child Safeguarding SharePoint and Child Safeguarding FAQs and Updates 

Budget Year: Requesting Section/Issuing Office: Reasons why consultancy cannot be done by staff:
2021 Adolescent Empowerment and The outlined deliverables require experiences and
Community Resilience knowledges on private/public partnership and none of the
current STAFF in the section have these experiences.
Included in Annual/Rolling Workplan: Yes No, please justify:
Consultant sourcing:
Request for:

National International Both New SSA – Individual Contract

Consultant selection method: Extension/ Amendment

Competitive Selection (Roster)

Competitive Selection (Advertisement/Desk Review/Interview)
If Extension, Justification for extension:

Supervisor: Nirisoa Razafinimanana Start Date: June End Date: August Number of Days
2021 2021 (21,75 working
days per month
Work Assignment Overview
Tasks/Milestone: Deliverables/Outputs: Timeline Estimate
 Signature of the contract  Work plan June 2021 30%
 Support the outreach to all partners who  Mechanism and
are already part of the Gen U movement process to join the
at the global level
GenU partnership
 Secure the Ministry in charge of Youth,
communicated to
Ministry of Communication and ICT,
Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of prospective partners
Education interest and commitment to join  GenU National
the GenU partnership ( organize Steering Committee
workshop and collect input for the members identified
Generation Unlimited concept note) Map  An operational
potential private sector partners present in
framework of in-
Burundi ( including business
associations and platforms) and engage country governance
with them to secure their commitment to model, country team
join the GenU partnership structure, youth
engagement model,
 In consultation with partners and based financing model
on best practices from other countries, set developed
up the Generation Unlimited National
Steering Committee that will have lasting
impact and can already show results
during the launch of GenU.
 Lead the development and  First National July 2021 30%
implementation of communications and Steering Committee
advocacy strategies around country members meeting
operations of GenU to enhance GenU’s held
visibility and influence with existing and  The GenU Burundi
prospective partners concept note updated
 Finalise partners’ interventions/ program’s with non UNICEF and
mapping and update GenU Burundi Government led
concept note initiatives that include
 Organise the first National Steering specific activities and
Committee meeting to define : investments by
o GenU partnership vision partners that can be
o Validate the steering committee taken to scale-
Governance and operational especially those
model pertaining to digital
o Develop workplan skilling and learning
 A validated GenU
Burundi workplan
 A joint
strategy for GenU
Burundi involving all
GenU partnership
members developed
and implemented
 Organise an event to launch of GenU in  GenU launched August 2021 40%
Burundi  Final report with
 Document the lessons learnt of the GenU recommendations on
launch in Burundi and share with the sustaining the
region and beyond
Estimated Consultancy fee
Travel International (if applicable)
UNICEF will reimburse the cost of
economic flights
Travel Local (please include travel plan) No travel outside Bujumbura is
DSA (if applicable)
Total estimated consultancy costsi
Minimum Qualifications required: Knowledge/Expertise/Skills required:
Bachelors Masters PhD Other  At least two years of responsible professional
work experience in either private sector
engagement, project management,
Enter Disciplines
partnerships, youth-centred programmes or a
University degree in Social sciences, communication, related field.
marketing, management, anthropology, community  Substantial demonstrable experience of
psychology, social marketing
managing complex multi-stakeholder projects.
 Knowledge of the Burundi education and
skills landscape is mandatory and previous
experience with UNICEF or a UN agency in a
Country Office setting would be a strong
 Fluency in English and French is required

Administrative details: Home Based Office Based:

Visa assistance required: If office based, seating arrangement identified:
Transportation arranged by the office: IT and Communication equipment required:
Internet access required:

Request Authorised by Section Head Request Verified by HR:


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