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Title: Purposeful Program Theory: Effective Use Of: Theories of Change and Logic Models

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B O O K R E V I E W Eva l u at i o n J o u r n a l o f A u s t r a l a s i a Vo l 1 4 | N o 1 | 2 0 1 4 | p p . 4 6 – 4 7

Title: Purposeful Program Theory: Effective Use of

Theories of Change and Logic Models
This review of Purposeful Program Theory: Effective Use
of Theories of Change and Logic Models by Funnell and n Authors
Rogers offers both an analytic reading of the book in Sue C Funnell and Patricia J Rogers
question and my personal response as an evaluator, whose
n Publisher/year
main practice and research is based in the discipline of
Jossey-Bass (an Imprint of Wiley), San Francisco, 2011
higher education.
The purpose of this book by two Australian authors n Extent/type
is to: introduce the audience to the full complement 550 pages, paperback
of contextual elements found within program theory;
offer practical suggestions to engage with theories of n Price
change, theories of action and logic models; and provide A$114.95/NZ$131.99 from Wiley Australia which offers a
substantial evidence for this approach through scholarly 15% discount to AES members; phone 1800 777 474 (within
literature, practice case studies together with the authors’ Australia), 0800 448 200 (from NZ only), +61 7 3354 8444
combined experience of 60 years. Even though I have 10 (from overseas), email cs-journals@wiley.com, website
years employment and research experience in evaluation http://au.wiley.com for the latest prices
and engage in evaluation activities on a daily basis, this n ISBN 978-0-470-47857-8
book has reminded me that program theory is neither
a lightweight nor insignificant activity. It takes careful
decision-making, a commitment from stakeholders,
a strong sense of ‘what is the point?’, and, most The sheer breadth and depth of the examples provided
importantly, ‘what is the purpose?’ continue to illustrate to the audience that through the
The audience for Purposeful Program Theory ranges considered decision-making pathway, each program
from novice to experienced evaluation practitioners and theory in responding to the situation, context, objectives,
can be read sequentially by newcomers or dipped in and stakeholders and outcomes, must therefore be unique to
out of when needed by more seasoned evaluators. In the program. For all visual learners (myself included),
addition, the exercises at the end of each chapter offer the logic models that provide the visual representation
great stimuli for both students and workshop participants of the Purposeful Program Theory development are an
to generate discussion focused on elements within invaluable resource to keep the project team on track,
Purposeful Program Theory. explain the program theory to all stakeholders and for
The book is structured in five parts and these are: succession planning should a key stakeholder change.
(1) ‘Key ideas in program theory’; (2) ‘Assessing your There are several key messages within this book
circumstances’; (3) ‘Developing and representing that resonate strongly with my experience and I am
program theory’; (4) ‘Resources for developing program sure will be within the experience of many evaluators.
theory’; and (5) ‘Using program theory for monitoring First, the human side of program theory is an essential
and evaluation’. Each of these five parts are interlinked element. Regardless of who is involved, it is critical
through case studies with appropriate logic model that the stakeholders (including internal or external
diagrams, summary tables to reinforce key points, and administrators, participants and evaluators) be involved
complementary information that identifies traps for the in the development of the program theory, have ownership
unwary with associated activities to avoid or minimise of the purpose for undertaking it and that there be a
these issues as they arise. The provision of examples succession plan or process should a significant stakeholder
that compare a poor logic model to an improved logic change during the time frame of the program. Second,
model for specific cases offers the audience very practical that each program, or suite of programs, is unique
examples of the different outcomes determined by and the quality of the program will rely on the local
different approaches. In some ways, this book takes the and contextual conditions under which the program
almost daunting task of developing a program theory is delivered (OECD 2009a, 2009b). Therefore, the
and breaks it down to consumable elements that can be considerations undertaken in each development process
worked through in a sequenced flow with a project team. would need to respond to the local and contextual

46 Eva l u at i o n J o u r n a l o f A u s t r a l a s i a Vo l 1 4 | N o 1 | 2 0 1 4

conditions and, as a result, that each logic model program theory into the development of theories of
outcome would be unique. Third and final, program change and theories of action with clear decision-making
theories are adaptable and able to respond to change, steps that result in succinct logic models derived, is to be
subsequent interventions and changes in objectives, and to admired. I would recommend this text as a must-read to
incorporating outcomes from other programs. all evaluators. Whether you are new to evaluation, dip in
The authors have employed a multifaceted evidence- and out of evaluation depending on your role at the time,
based approach to portray the elements within program or are a long-time evaluator, Purposeful Program Theory
theory; for example, the quotations from Carl Weeks, is an excellent resource that offers a comprehensive,
the comparisons with Voltaire and the reference to the evidence-based argument of the benefits of program
IKEA Effect from Wikipedia all provide connections from theory.
theorists to popular culture. Depth of evidence is then
provided by the extensive experiential knowledge of the References
authors and their case studies vignettes. Furthermore, OECD 2009a, Supporting quality teaching in higher education:
the published works of scholars from the field and the phase 1, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
incorporation of the logic models from these scholarly Development, Paris, viewed 2 July 2012, http://www.oecd.
works strengthen the overall argument of this book and
make for an interesting read.
OECD 2009b, Supporting quality teaching in higher
Now to a very personal request as someone who is a education: phase 2, Organisation for Economic
very practical learner, and I know others may cringe at this, Co-operation and Development, Paris, viewed
but I like glossaries. I find a glossary very useful as I can 2 July 2012, http://www.oecd.org/edu/imhe/
read all the terms and then dip in and out of a book. This supportingqualityteachinginhighereducationphase2.htm
is not necessarily a criticism of this book, simply a request
for a resource that I find helpful. This book introduces the
terms in sequential order and as I have read this book from
cover to cover there is no real need for a glossary. However,
when I come back to this text at a later date I will read it Reviewed by Lyn Alderman
in a much more random way and this is where I would find Manager
a glossary helpful. As I mentioned, this is a very personal Academic Quality and Standards
request and does not diminish the major contribution this Learning and Teaching Unit,
book offers to the discipline of evaluation. Chancellery
In summary, Purposeful Program Theory: Effective Queensland University of
Use of Theories of Change and Logic Models is a Technology
substantial Australian contribution to the concept of Brisbane
program theory and the discipline of evaluation. With Email: lyn.alderman@qut.edu.au
60 years of collective experiential knowledge, the way
in which Funnell and Rogers manage to break down


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