Title: Purposeful Program Theory: Effective Use Of: Theories of Change and Logic Models
Title: Purposeful Program Theory: Effective Use Of: Theories of Change and Logic Models
Title: Purposeful Program Theory: Effective Use Of: Theories of Change and Logic Models
B O O K R E V I E W Eva l u at i o n J o u r n a l o f A u s t r a l a s i a Vo l 1 4 | N o 1 | 2 0 1 4 | p p . 4 6 – 4 7
46 Eva l u at i o n J o u r n a l o f A u s t r a l a s i a Vo l 1 4 | N o 1 | 2 0 1 4
conditions and, as a result, that each logic model program theory into the development of theories of
outcome would be unique. Third and final, program change and theories of action with clear decision-making
theories are adaptable and able to respond to change, steps that result in succinct logic models derived, is to be
subsequent interventions and changes in objectives, and to admired. I would recommend this text as a must-read to
incorporating outcomes from other programs. all evaluators. Whether you are new to evaluation, dip in
The authors have employed a multifaceted evidence- and out of evaluation depending on your role at the time,
based approach to portray the elements within program or are a long-time evaluator, Purposeful Program Theory
theory; for example, the quotations from Carl Weeks, is an excellent resource that offers a comprehensive,
the comparisons with Voltaire and the reference to the evidence-based argument of the benefits of program
IKEA Effect from Wikipedia all provide connections from theory.
theorists to popular culture. Depth of evidence is then
provided by the extensive experiential knowledge of the References
authors and their case studies vignettes. Furthermore, OECD 2009a, Supporting quality teaching in higher education:
the published works of scholars from the field and the phase 1, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
incorporation of the logic models from these scholarly Development, Paris, viewed 2 July 2012, http://www.oecd.
works strengthen the overall argument of this book and
make for an interesting read.
OECD 2009b, Supporting quality teaching in higher
Now to a very personal request as someone who is a education: phase 2, Organisation for Economic
very practical learner, and I know others may cringe at this, Co-operation and Development, Paris, viewed
but I like glossaries. I find a glossary very useful as I can 2 July 2012, http://www.oecd.org/edu/imhe/
read all the terms and then dip in and out of a book. This supportingqualityteachinginhighereducationphase2.htm
is not necessarily a criticism of this book, simply a request
for a resource that I find helpful. This book introduces the
terms in sequential order and as I have read this book from
cover to cover there is no real need for a glossary. However,
when I come back to this text at a later date I will read it Reviewed by Lyn Alderman
in a much more random way and this is where I would find Manager
a glossary helpful. As I mentioned, this is a very personal Academic Quality and Standards
request and does not diminish the major contribution this Learning and Teaching Unit,
book offers to the discipline of evaluation. Chancellery
In summary, Purposeful Program Theory: Effective Queensland University of
Use of Theories of Change and Logic Models is a Technology
substantial Australian contribution to the concept of Brisbane
program theory and the discipline of evaluation. With Email: lyn.alderman@qut.edu.au
60 years of collective experiential knowledge, the way
in which Funnell and Rogers manage to break down