Science Accomplishment Report

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X-Northern Mindanao
Division of Misamis Oriental
District Medina South
Maanas, Medina, Misamis Oriental


This school year, the country’s educational sector has been posed with
the most challenging situation in the 21 st century with the emergence of
COVID-19. Like any other schools around the world, Don Gregorio Pelaez
National High School modified and recalibrated its established practices and
policies to ensure that quality education and services to its clienteles will
continue amidst the pandemic. Teachers were encouraged to upgrade their
ICT skills and knowledge for designing teaching and learning tasks through
various virtual conferences and webinars. The learners then employed
different learning modalities, wherein our very own DGPNHS implemented
the use of the modular distance learning due to lack of internet connectivity,
lack of gadgets, and the likes.
As for the teachers who are handling Science subjects, they also tried
to explore varied strategies and resources to continue the delivery of the
lesson in this time of pandemic.

1. To promote quality education

2. To upskill and upgrade teachers’ knowledge and skills through various
webinars and conferences.
3. To innovate and explore teaching strategies and resources in the new


With the current new normal situation across the globe, Don Gregorio
Pelaez National High School strive to aim for the best for the students’
education along with the mandate of the Department of Education. In this
school year, DGPNHS accomplished the following things:
To keep abreast with the different teaching strategies in the new
normal, the Science teachers of DGPNHS participated with various
webinars and virtual trainings. These trainings include the following:
 Learning Delivery Modality (LDM) Course for Teachers
It focuses on the different teaching strategies and learning
modalities that a teacher can employ in distance education. The
teachers across the District of Medina were grouped wherein
each group was composed of teachers from different schools. It
ensures that teachers share their ideas with the other teachers.
 District Virtual In-Service Training
This virtual training tackles the different forms of assessment
and monitoring that a teacher can use amidst the pandemic.
The teachers from the District of Medina were grouped
according to the subject area being taught. As for the part of the
Science teachers in the district, they shared with one another
the different strategies that they use and their future plans and
innovations in the teaching and learning delivery.
 School Based Virtual In-Service Training for Teacher
This virtual training continued and widened the topic of the
previous INSET about assessment and monitoring strategies in
the new normal. Aside from that, the Individual Performance
Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF) was also discussed
including its various modes of verification and the classroom
observations that can be done online or through face-to-face.


With the ongoing threats caused by COVID-19, learners are posed to
learn distantly to keep them safe from any sorts of sickness. That’s why,
teachers review, print, and distribute self-learning modules weekly to assure
that learners continue to learn amidst the pandemic. Aside from this, they also
prepare some weekly test sheets to test the students’ mastery of the different
learning competencies. The teachers also prepare some performance tasks
with prescribed rubrics to widen their skills and understanding about the
topics given to them with the guidance of their parents. If there are sometimes
wherein the learners do not understand the topic, they can freely ask their
subject teacher through the contact number given or through their group


To aid the students’ learning, the Science teachers prepared radio-

based instruction session every night at 7 pm. As for the part of the teachers
from Don Gregorio Pelaez National High School, their lessons are being aired
in the local radio station every Monday and Thursday night. The teachers also
make sure that the lessons are aligned to the learning competency intended
for a specific week, and craft the session as creative and comprehensive as
On the other hand, the teachers shoot and edited some clips to come
up with a TV-Based Instruction/Video Lessons. These videos can be utilized
by the learners as an audio-visual aid for them to easily grasp the concept of
the topic. As of this writing, there are already 5 video lessons that were being
produced but still needs some means to be fully used by the learners.


The current learning modality also needs some measures to monitor

how well the students perform in the new normal. That’s why, DepEd-Region
10 came up with the use of the CMSS to observe if how many students got
some specific range of grades. As for the part of the students in DGPNHS in
Science area, the table that was generated from CMSS below show how they
performed. It shows that they have performed well under the modular
distance learning.

Grade Level Quarters 60-74 75-79 80--84 85-89 90-100

Grade 7 1st Quarter 0 13 17 26 12

2nd Quarter 0 0 27 28 12

3rd Quarter 0 0 26 22 16

4th Quarter 0 0 12 32 20

Grade 8 1st Quarter 0 20 20 19 4

2nd Quarter 0 0 22 27 13

3rd Quarter 0 0 24 18 20

4th Quarter 0 0 13 20 29

Grade 9 1st Quarter 0 0 55 21 20

2nd Quarter 0 0 46 19 27

3rd Quarter 0 0 46 19 27

4th Quarter 0 0 22 48 23

Grade 10 1st Quarter 0 20 38 22 0

2nd Quarter 0 7 25 35 12
3rd Quarter 0 3 21 30 18

4th Quarter 0 4 12 44 17


a. Use of radio-based instruction.
b. Intensified home visitation.
c. Use of bridging activities/remediation.
d. Regular checking of students’ academic achievements through CMSS.
e. Obligating teachers to attend In-Service trainings to enrich their teaching
competencies and update them on the new strategies and innovations
f. Encouraging the teachers to grow professionally to keep abreast with the
new teaching strategies through webinars.

 Not all students answer the activities  Remind the students and the parents
found in the learning task. to pass the modules and answer
 Some parents do not return the sheets on time.
modules and answer sheets on the  Contact the parents and students
prescribed schedule because of through call and group chats to pass
their work schedule. and claim their modules and answer
 Some students are too dependent sheets to avoid delays in students’
on the answer key in the module. learning.
 Some students do not follow  Remind the parents that the answer
instructions given. key only serves as guide for the
 Some parents provide little guidance learners. The learners still need to
to their children in answering and read and understand the concept and
passing the modules. the questions in the module for them
 Some students do not pass their to grasp the topic and concept of the
performance tasks. module.
 Some topics and activities in the  Ask the help of the neighbour of the
module are too broad and difficult to parents of my students to remind the
understand. parents of my students who failed to
 Some activities are not appropriate claim and pass their modules on the
for the level of the students. scheduled time to follow the schedule
 Some answer key provides incorrect in passing and claiming the modules
information. and answer sheets.
 Some modules contain wrong  In cases that the parents of my
information. students cannot come to school, they
 Some activities need face-to-face can ask their neighbour who also
pass the module of their
guidance in performing it. child/children in the school to claim
and pass theirs in their behalf.
 Ask the help of the advisers to
remind the parents of their students
to claim and pass the modules on

Submitted by: Noted:


Science Teacher Secondary School Principal I
Conduct of Modular Distance Learning Modality
Distribution and Retrieval of Modules

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