Subject Link 7 - Word List

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Subject Link Lv 7

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Subject Link
Level 7
Word list
Subject Link Lv 7
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Lesson 1. The History of Sugar Word list

No Words Meaning Translation

1 sugarcane n. a tall grass that is grown in warm places 사탕수수
as a source of sugar
2 method n. a specific way of doing something 방법
3 store v. to put something in a place where it is 저장하다, 보관하다
available, where it can be kept safely, etc.
4 encounter v. to meet or find by chance (우연히) 마주치다
5 production n. the process of making an item (상품·자재 등의) 생산
6 humid adj. having a large amount of water in the (대기·날씨가) 습한
7 cultivate v. to grow a crop 경작하다, 재배하다
8 necessity n. something that is needed 필요, 필수품
9 demand n. desire or want for something 요구, 수요
10 boom v. to grow quickly as a business and make a (갑작스럽게) 번창하다
lot of money
11 run v. to own and operate a business 운영하다, 관리하다
12 plantation n. a large farm for growing a certain crop (대규모) 농장
13 labor n. a group of workers 노동자
14 slave n. a worker who has no freedom and is not 노예
15 consumption n. the act of using something 소비
16 industry n. all of the companies related to a certain 산업
17 poverty n. the state of being poor 가난
18 bitter adj. angry and unhappy 쓰라린
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Lesson 2. Candy Making Word list

No Words Meaning Translation

1 have in common v. to share the same characteristic 공통적으로 지니다
2 dissolve v. to mix a solid into a liquid 녹이다
3 concentration n. the amount of something in a mixture 농도
4 thermometer n. a tool that measures temperature 온도계
5 property n. a characteristic or quality of something 속성, 특성
6 mixture n. something that contains many different 혼합물
7 temperature n. how hot or cold something is 온도
8 relate v. to be connected to or to cause 관련시키다
9 hardness n. the state of being hard 단단함
10 thread n. a long, thin piece of something 실
11 proper adj. right for some purpose or situation 적절한
12 crack n. a break in a surface (갈라져 생긴) 금
13 liquid n. something able to flow like water 액체
14 flavoring n. something that is added to food or drink 조미료
to give it a certain taste
15 mold n. a container that gives something its shape 틀, 주형
16 desired adj. wished for 바랐던, 희망했던
17 circular adj. shaped like a circle or part of a circle 원형의, 둥근
18 remove v. to take out of something or somewhere 치우다, 없애다
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Lesson 3. Sugar Addiction Word list

No Words Meaning Translation

1 addiction n. a powerful and dangerous need for 중독
2 activity n. something that is done as work or for 활동
3 negative adj. harmful or bad; not wanted 부정적인
4 substance n. a type of solid, liquid, or gas 물질
5 in spite of prep. without being prevented by something ~에도 불구하고
6 behavior n. a certain action 행동
7 chemical n. something that causes a scientific effect 화학적인 물질
8 remain v. to stay around 계속···이다
9 sensitive adj. easily affected or influenced by 예민한, 민감한
10 craving n. a very strong want, especially for a 갈망, 열망
specific food
11 satisfy v. to give someone what they need or want 만족시키다
12 emotional adj. relating to emotions 감정의, 감정을 자극하는
13 symptom n. something wrong with a person’s body or 증상, 징조
mind which is a sign of illness
14 lack n. the state of something being needed 부족, 결핍
15 depression n. sadness that lasts for a long time 우울함, 우울증
16 challenging adj. difficult but worthwhile 도전적인
17 advice n. an opinion given to someone about what 조언, 충고
he or she should do
18 avoid v. to stay away from 피하다
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Lesson 4. Why Cats Can’t Taste Sweetness Word list

No Words Meaning Translation

1 resist v. to stop yourself from having something (몹시 하고 싶은 것을) 참다,
you want 견디다
2 curious adj. having a desire to learn or know more 궁금한, 호기심이 많은
about something or someone
3 molecule n. the smallest possible amount of a 분자
4 run into v. to meet or hit 만나다, 이르다
5 fit into v. to be the right size or shape to go in a ~에 꼭 들어맞다, 적합하다
particular place
6 presence n. the condition of being in a place 존재
7 as a result conj. because of something 결과적으로
8 evolution n. the scientific idea that living things 진화, 발전
change and develop over a long
period of time
9 provide v. to give or make something available 제공하다, 공급하다
10 unlike prep. different from (something or ~와는 다른
11 consist of v. to be formed or made from ~로 구성되다
12 modern adj. belonging to the present 현대의, 근대의
13 gene n. matter in cells that determines 유전자
characteristics and is passed from
parent to child
14 receptor n. a part of the body that responds to sense 수용기, 감각기
15 species n. a specific type of living thing (생물 분류 기초 단위) 종
16 trait n. a characteristic that distinguishes one 특성
person or thing from another
17 ancestor n. a human or animal in the past from (사람·동물의) 조상
which others came
18 nutrient n. something the body needs in order to live 영양소, 영양분
and grow
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Lesson 5. Benjamin Franklin’s Life Word list

No Words Meaning Translation

1 individual n. a single person 개인
2 founder n. someone who starts something, like a 설립자, 창설자
town or a company
3 influence v. to affect or change how a person or thing 영향을 주다, 영향을 미치다
behaves, thinks, or develops
4 independent adj. being able to do things on your own 독립적인, 독립된
without help from other people
5 fake adj. not true or real 가짜의, 거짓된
6 suspect v. to think that something is true 의심하다
7 publish v. to print a book, newspaper, magazine, etc. 출판하다, 발행하다
8 decade n. a period of ten years 10년
9 almanac n. a book published each year that gives 연감, 책력
various information, including general
10 prediction n. a guess about something that will happen 예측, 예상
in the future
11 experiment n. a scientific test to find out information 실험
about an idea
12 electricity n. energy that can be used for machines and 전기
lights and can be carried through wires
13 lightning rod n. an object that prevents damage from 피뢰침
14 popularity n. the state of being liked, enjoyed, or 인기
accepted by a large number of people
15 cause n. an idea that a person or a group of people 대의명분, 이상
believe in and support
16 freedom n. the state of being free 자유
17 persuade v. to convince someone to do something by 설득하다
giving reasons
18 legacy n. something that happened in the past or 유산
comes from a person in the past
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Lesson 6. The Declaration of Independence Word list

No Words Meaning Translation

1 gather v. to come together in a group 모이다
2 celebrate v. to enjoy a special event by doing 기념하다, 축하하다
something fun
3 national adj. of or relating to an entire nation or 국가의, 전 국민적인
4 be tired of v. to be bored with something or annoyed by 싫증이 나다
5 tax n. money a government collects from people 세금
6 separate v. to stop being together or linked 분리하다, 나누다
7 statement n. something you say or write to let people 진술, 서술
know your opinion
8 declaration n. a document containing an official 선언, 공표
9 instead adv. in place of something else 대신에
10 argument n. a reason given to support a person’s 논쟁, 언쟁
11 right n. something that a person may do 권리
according to the law
12 deny v. to not allow someone to have or do 거부하다, 허락하지 않다
13 government n. the group of people who make laws and 정부, 정권
manage a country
14 draft n. a version of a document 원고, 초안
15 figure n. a person who is well known 인물
16 strength n. the quality of having power 힘
17 defeat v. to beat in a war or a competition 물리치다, 이기다
18 spirit n. a sense of pride in being part of a group 정신
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Lesson 7. The Lightning Rod Word list

No Words Meaning Translation

1 storm n. a period of very bad weather when there 폭풍, 폭풍우
is a lot of rain or snow, strong winds, and
often lightning
2 howl v. to make a long, loud sound like an animal (늑대·개 등이) 우는 소리를
3 shake v. to move sometimes back and forth or up 흔들다, 흔들리다
and down with short, quick movements
4 frightened adj. feeling scared 겁먹은, 무서워하는
5 figure out v. to find the answer to a question 이해하다, 알아차리다
6 notice v. to see or become aware of something ···을 의식하다, 알다,
7 design v. to plan and make something for a (특정한 목적을 위해)
particular purpose 만들다, 고안하다
8 metal n. a hard, usually shiny substance such as 금속
iron, gold, or steel
9 string n. a long, thin rope made of thread 끈, 줄
10 approach v. to come close 다가가다, 접촉하다
11 protect v. to keep something safe 보호하다, 지키다
12 place v. to put in a particular spot or position 두다, 배치하다
13 connect v. to attach or join together 연결하다
14 wire n. a long, thin piece of metal 철사, 선
15 bury v. to put something underground 묻다
16 path n. a way made for going somewhere 길, 방향
17 strike v. to hit someone or something forcefully 치다, 부딪치다
18 brilliant adj. very smart 뛰어난, 우수한
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Lesson 8. Franklin’s Virtues Word list

No Words Meaning Translation

1 regard v. to have a particular idea about something ···을 ···으로 생각하다
or someone (평가하다)
2 historical adj. relating to the past 역사적인
3 moral adj. related to a person’s idea of right and 도덕상의, 도덕적인
4 contributing adj. helping cause something 기여하는
5 principle n. an idea about the correct way to behave 원리, 원칙
6 lifetime n. the time during which a person is alive 일생, 생애
7 virtue n. a quality that people think of as good 선, 미덕
8 restraint n. a quality of controlling oneself to not 규제, 통제
have too much of something
9 excess n. too much 과도, 과잉, 지나침
10 order n. the condition of everything being in the 순서, 체계
correct place
11 determination n. the quality of not giving up when 결정
something is difficult
12 set out v. to begin 시작하다
13 promote v. to encourage people to do something 촉진하다, 증진하다
14 personal adj. belonging or relating to a particular 개인의
15 emphasize v. to give special importance to something 강조하다
16 self-discipline n. the ability to control yourself 자기훈련, 수양
17 admire v. to have respect for 존경하다
18 attempt n. an effort to do something 시도
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Lesson 9. Camera Obscura Word list

No Words Meaning Translation

1 palm n. the inside part of the hand between the 손바닥
wrist and the fingers
2 reference n. the act of mentioning something when 언급
speaking or writing
3 term n. a word or phrase with a certain meaning 용어
4 chamber n. a room used for a special purpose 공간, 방
5 blurry adj. unable to be seen clearly 흐릿한, 모호한
6 dim adj. not bright 어둑한, 밝지 않은
7 upside-down adj. with the bottom at the top and the top 거꾸로의
at the bottom
8 astronomer n. a person who studies the planets and 천문학자
9 eclipse n. an event when the moon appears to cover (일식·월식의) 식
the sun
10 improvement n. a change that makes something better 향상, 개선
11 practical adj. good for actual use 실질적인, 실용적인
12 replace v. to exchange one thing for another thing 대체하다
13 flip v. to cause something to quickly turn over 홱 뒤집다
14 lifelike adj. looking like a real person or thing 실물과 똑 같은
15 reproduce v. to create a copy of something 복제하다
16 inspire v. to encourage someone to do something 격려하다, 영감을 주다
17 transfer v. to move something from one place to 옮기다, 이동하다
18 available adj. possible to get 구할 수 있는

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Lesson 10. Red-eye Effect Word list

No Words Meaning Translation

1 glow v. to give off light 빛나다
2 normal adj. not strange 보통의, 평범한
3 condition n. the state that something is in 상태
4 contract v. to get smaller 수축하다, 줄어들다
5 pupil n. the black circle at the center of the eye 눈동자, 동공
6 go off v. to occur or happen (플래쉬가) 터지다
7 react v. to act or change in a particular way 반응하다
because of something that happened
8 reflect v. to bounce off 반사하다
9 layer n. a surface formed by a certain substance 층, 막
10 cell n. any one of the very small parts that 세포
together form all living things
11 blood vessel n. a very small tube that carries blood 혈관
through the body
12 appear v. to seem to be a certain way 나타나다
13 susceptible adj. able to be affected by something 민감한, 예민한
14 likely adj. probable ···인 것 같은
15 reduce v. to decrease in size or amount 줄이다, 축소하다
16 subject n. someone or something that is being (그림·사진 등의) 대상
17 detect v. to notice that something is there 발견하다, 감지하다
18 shrink v. to get smaller 수축하다, 줄어들다

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Lesson 11. Ansel Adam’s Photography Word list

No Words Meaning Translation

1 thunder v. to make a loud noise like the sound that v. (천둥 소리 같이) 우르르
comes after a flash of lightning 쾅 하는 소리를 내다
n. the loud noise you hear in the sky during n. 천둥 같은 소리
a storm
2 edge n. the line or part where an object or area 모서리
begins or ends
3 cliff n. a high, steep place 절벽
4 mist n. tiny drops of water floating in the air 엷은 안개
5 roar v. to make a loud sound (큰 소리로) 울리다, 함성을
6 waterfall n. a place where water from a river or 폭포
stream falls down over a cliff or rock
7 trip n. a journey to a place 여행
8 remind v. to cause someone to think about 상기시키다, 다시 한 번 알려
something again 주다
9 landscape n. an area of land that has a particular 풍경
10 destroy v. to completely ruin something or cause it 파괴하다
to not exist
11 preservation n. the act of keeping something as it is 보존, 보호
12 policy n. a set of rules or actions about what 정책, 방침
should be done
13 wilderness n. a place that is untouched by people 황야, 황무지
14 eventually adv. after a long time 결국
15 realize v. to think something for the first time 깨닫다, 알아차리다
16 critic n. a person who says they disagree with 비평가, 평론가
something or someone
17 suffering n. experiencing pain for a long time 고통, 괴로움
18 generation n. a group of people born around the same 세대 (비슷한 연령층)

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Lesson 12. Photo Manipulation Word list

No Words Meaning Translation

1 manipulation n. the act of changing information, 교묘한 조작, 손으로 다루기
numbers, photos, etc. for a particular
2 public n. all people in general 대중, 일반 사람들
3 enemy n. someone who attacks you, tries to harm 적
you, or opposes you
4 essentially adv. basically; used to highlight the most 기본적으로, 근본적으로
basic facts of something
5 assassinate v. to kill someone important or famous 암살하다
6 publisher n. a person or company that produces 출판인, 출판사
books, magazines, etc.
7 represent v. to show something in a certain way (···을) 나타내다, 표현하다
8 late adj. respectfully refers to someone who has 고인이 된
9 heroic adj. very courageous or admired by many 영웅적인, 용감무쌍한
10 paste v. to stick something to something else 붙이다
11 portrait n. a picture of a person 초상화, 인물 사진
12 politically adv. having to do with politics 정치적으로
13 opposite n. something that is completely unlike 반대 (되는 사람 또는 것)
another thing
14 achievement n. something a person has done successfully 업적, 성취
15 identify v. to notice something 알아보다, 확인하다
16 intent n. the purpose of a person’s action 의도
17 critically adv. in a way that involves careful thought 비판적으로
18 otherwise conj. if something does not happen 그렇지 않으면

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Lesson 13. Different Kinds of Stars Word list

No Words Meaning Translation

1 sphere n. a round shape looking like a ball 구, 둥근 것
2 gravity n. the force that pulls things towards each 중력
3 inward adj. moving toward the inside of something 안쪽의, 안쪽으로 향한
4 extreme adj. very great in effect 극도의, 극심한
5 compress v. to make smaller ···을 압축하다, ···을 꽉
6 core n. the center of something 중심, 핵심
7 fusion n. a joining together of things 융합
8 release v. to let go of; to send out ···을 방출하다, ···을
9 maintain v. to cause something to stay the same 유지하다, 지키다
10 constant adj. not changing 끊임없는, 변함없는
11 shell n. the outer covering of something that 껍데기,
protects it
12 surround v. to be around the outside of something 둘러싸다, 에워싸다
13 expand v. to become larger or move outward 팽창하다, 확대하다
14 to begin with adv. originally; from the start 처음에는, 먼저
15 dense adj. made up of parts that are packed close 밀집한, 빽빽한
16 massive adj. very large in size or degree 엄청나게 큰, 거대한
17 explosion n. a sudden burst of energy 폭파, 폭발
18 category n. a group of people or things that are all of 범주
the same type

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Lesson 14. Van Gogh and Stars Word list

No Words Meaning Translation

1 feature v. to include or emphasize ···을 포함하다, ···을
특징으로 하다
2 bold adj. very strong or bright 선명한
3 backdrop n. a scene or image in the background 배경
4 signature n. something a person is known for 특징
5 magical adj. very pleasant or exciting 아주 멋진, 황홀한
6 access v. to reach or use something 접근하다, 이용하다
7 imagination n. the ability to see something in one’s mind 상상력, 상상
8 horizon n. the line where the sky meets the ground 수평선
9 distant adj. being or happening far away 먼, 떨어져 있는
10 glitter v. to shine brightly with many small points 반짝반짝 빛나다
of light
11 observation n. the action of looking at something or 관찰, 관측
12 swirling adj. moving in a circular way 소용돌이 치는
13 unsteady adj. shaky or uneven 불안정한
14 breakdown n. a situation in which a person becomes 신경 쇠약
mentally ill and unable to live normally
15 perceive v. to notice something with the senses ···을 감지하다
16 indeed adv. in fact 사실은, 사실상
17 delight v. to make someone feel happy 즐겁게 하다
18 reality n. a real situation 현실

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Lesson 15. Pentagram Word list

No Words Meaning Translation

1 jewelry n. small things that you wear for decoration, 보석
such as rings or necklaces
2 civilization n. a particular developed society 문명
3 stand for v. to represent a word or concept ···을 나타내다, ···을
4 handful n. a small amount or number 줌, 몇 안 되는 수
5 planet n. a large, round shape in space, like Earth, 행성
which travels around a star
6 indicate v. to show 나타내다, 표시하다
7 correspond v. to have a link to something 일치하다, 해당하다
8 element n. a basic part of something 요소, 성분
9 wood n. material that trees are made of 나무, 목재
10 relationship n. interaction among two or more things 관계
11 put out v. to make a fire stop burning (불을) 끄다
12 arrangement n. the way some thing is put in order 배치, 배열
13 mark down v. to write something 표시를 하다
14 folklore n. the traditional beliefs of a society 민속, 전통 문화
15 orientation n. the direction that something is facing 방향, 지향
16 significance n. the meaning of something 중요성, 의미
17 associate v. to relate one thing with another ···을 ···와 연관시키다
18 subculture n. a group of people with different interests 하위문화
from the main groups in a society

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Lesson 16. Constellation Legends: Capricorn Word list

No Words Meaning Translation

1 creature n. any living or imaginary animal or person 생명체
that can move
2 tail n. the part of an animal's body that is linked 꼬리
to the animal's back end
3 be familiar with v. to know what something is or who ···에 익숙하다
someone is because you’ve seen them
4 mythology n. an ancient culture’s fictional stories and 신화
5 ruling adj. being in control of others 통치하는, 지배하는
6 revenge n. the action of harming someone who hurt 복수
7 unlikely adj. surprising and not probable ···할 것 같지 않은
8 bravery n. the quality that allows someone to do 용감
things that are dangerous or frightening
9 spirit n. a magical being like a ghost 정령, 요정
10 warn v. to tell people about something dangerous 경고하다, 주의를 주다
11 fellow adj. belonging to the same group 같은 처지에 있는, 동료의
12 recognize v. to know something about 알아보다, 알다
13 injure v. to hurt 부상을 입다 (입히다)
14 heal v. to cause someone who is hurt to get better 치유되다, 낫게 하다
15 battle n. a big fight 전투
16 over adv. finished 끝난
17 honor v. to publicly give someone praise 명예, 영예
18 root n. origin of something 근원


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