PathwayConnect Gathering Guide
PathwayConnect Gathering Guide
PathwayConnect Gathering Guide
“As sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father, we have been blessed
with the gift of moral agency, the capacity for independent action and
choice. Endowed with agency, you and I are agents, and we primarily
are to act and not just be acted upon.”
“And Nothing Shall Offend Them,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2006, 90
As you use your agency to learn and choose good, you also invite the Holy Ghost into the
process. Elder Bednar said, “The Holy Ghost reveals and witnesses the truth of all things and
brings all things to our remembrance (see John 14:26, 16:13; Moroni 10:5; D&C 39:6). The Holy
Ghost is the teacher who kindles within us an abiding love of and for learning” (“Learning to
Love Learning,” [BYU Spring Commencement, Apr. 24, 2008], Choosing to
include the Holy Ghost magnifies your ability to be an active learner at the gathering.
BE PREPARED. The gathering makes more sense if you engage with the course in a
1 significant way before the gathering. In doing so, you access what you already know.
This will prepare you to make connections at the gathering for yourself and others.
MAKE CONNECTIONS. What you learn at the gathering will be more meaningful
2 to you if you connect it to:
a. Your own life experiences,
b. Other knowledge you’ve previously gained,
c. And the world around you.
COMMUNICATE. Whether you write it, say it to a small group, or share it with
3 the whole gathering group, you will have a better learning experience if you
communicate what you are thinking. Communicating not only benefits you,
but it also helps your peers make connections.
FOLLOW THE GATHERING AGENDA. Each gathering agenda has been carefully
1 prepared to support the course, so lead students should follow it closely. This
includes doing the activities as specified, doing them in the order given, and staying
within the activity duration times. These procedures ensure a consistent gathering
experience from week to week. It also allows the lead student to focus on helping
his or her peers actively participate as active learners.
INVOLVE EVERYONE. There are extroverted learners, or those who like to talk
3 and engage with others, and introverted learners, or those who don’t feel
comfortable speaking up. Other learners may be a mix of both. Gathering agendas
ask students to engage in activities that encourage both extroverted and introverted
responses, such as sharing insights out loud or writing them down. The lead
student, whose goal is to model and encourage active learning, should find ways
to involve all learners so everyone is inspired to prepare, make connections, and
communicate what they are learning.
Don’t forget to counsel with your Pathway missionaries. They can be a great help as you
prepare to facilitate a gathering.
Missionary Responsibilities
Pathway missionaries help lead students have the best
experience possible. During the gathering, both the missionaries
and next week’s lead student (also referred to as the “observing
student”) fill out an observation and feedback sheet. The
observing student’s role is to watch and learn from the lead
student in order to prepare to assume the role of lead student
the following week.
PART 4: Best Practices for Virtual Gatherings
If you gather virtually, meaning your gatherings are held using Zoom, please follow the
guidelines below. Remember that, to participate in PathwayConnect, you need to have
a computer with a camera and microphone with access to regular high-speed Internet.
Be Professional
8 STABILIZE: If you’re using a device other than a laptop, please secure it so it does
not move around during the gathering.
9 USE A HEADSET: If possible, use a headset or earbuds with a microphone. This
can produce much better audio that can be heard more clearly by others.
10 REDUCE NOISE: Reduce or eliminate background sounds when you participate
in a gathering. Turn off or mute the microphone unless you need to speak.
11 CONTROL BACKLIGHTING: Make sure the group can clearly see your face. If a
strong source of light is behind you, you will appear in shadow.