Performance Task 1.1: 1 Gen 121 The Contemporary World /Alarcon/1Stsem/2020-202
Performance Task 1.1: 1 Gen 121 The Contemporary World /Alarcon/1Stsem/2020-202
Performance Task 1.1: 1 Gen 121 The Contemporary World /Alarcon/1Stsem/2020-202
1. TURTONA, Reynaldo
2. CADAOAS, Christian R.
3. HUNDANGAN, Arjie C.
Instructions: Listed below are the scenarios that have to do with the economy.
In groups, discuss the major impacts of these scenarios whether they are
positive or negative (in all aspects and forms). The case-by-case column can be
used to justify your answer.
Reference: Aldama, Prince Kennex Reguyal. The Contemporary World First Edition.
Sampaloc Manila: Rex Bookstore, Inc. 2018
SCENARIO E. The global financial crisis has affected the investment funds of
your mother that she can use for her retirement.
GEN 121 The Contemporary World /Alarcon/1stSem/2020-202
For the past Having been Agricultural land
decades, we have seen considered that conversion is a big
that the Philippines is urbanization and issue since the 80’s.
gradually developing industrialization may In the coming years,
Scenario A and this is being have great impact on the rampant
manifested through the economic boost of conversion of prime
the ever growing and one’s country, it is agricultural land,
booming number of still glaring that we partly driven by rapid
industries, housing cannot deny the mere urbanization and
projects and exclusive fact of its negative population growth has
subdivisions being impact to agriculture, led to conflicting land
built using the health and lives of uses. Positive or
agricultural lands in many farmers. negative it may be, we
the Philippines. Continuing believe that proper
According to urbanization and utilization and well
Department of industrialization of implemented
Agrarian Reform the provinces is very regulation on land use
(DAR), a total of prevalent among the will be the great
97,592.5 hectares of provinces near the answer to the overuse
agricultural land—the Metro Manila and or misuse of our land.
size of Metro Manila other cities of the
and Cebu City—were Philippines resulted to
approved for the continual decline
conversion to in productive
nonagricultural agricultural land. This
purposes, as such was brought about by
industrial and the massive
housing project. With conversion of
this approval of agricultural lands to
conversion in 2018, it industrial, commercial
opened doors for and residential
employment of many purposes.
jobless filipino In Laguna alone,
because many rice area decreased by
international more than 50 percent
businesses nod of from 1971 to 1992.
investing in these This was accompanied
coverted lands. More by a corresponding
so, it addresses annual decrease in
housing problems and rice production of
relocations on people about 21 percent.
without proper Similar situation
shelters. occurred in Bulacan.
According to Most of the
Senator Cynthia Villa, agricultural lands
GEN 121 The Contemporary World /Alarcon/1stSem/2020-202
chair of the Senate were converted to
committee on subdivisions are
agriculture and food, formerly planted to
people should not crops like rice,
worry about land sugarcane and
conversion for they coconut.
mean progress. She According to the
also cited that study conducted by
converting Moya on effects
agricultural lands of land conversion on
provides higher profit. agricultural
In our research, her production, the
idea was supported by shortage of rice which
the study conducted was experienced in
by Marasigan on the the 2014 was due to
Agricultural Land the decreasing
Conversion: Impact to number of rice
Nation’s Progress, produced in the
which stated that Philippines thus the
Agricultural land country still have to
conversion is an import rice from
incentive-driven neighboring countries.
process. He
investigated the inter-
relationship between
land economic value
to agricultural land
converstion. His study
showed that
agricultural land
yielded a higher
economic benefit in
rural areas but
housing in urban
areas yields a value
that is seven times
Globalization has Filipino people are Global branding
greatly impacted the enjoying diverse offers a variety of
lives of many young marketplace. In the choices for Filipinos
Filipino especially in advent of consumers. I believe
Scenario B the era where internet globalization, we get that this bears both
use is very rampant access to a wider positive and negative
and exposure to west selection of goods and effects and that is
and international services from always a case to case
culture has been a domestic and foreign basis. I can say that if
widespread. With this, brands. many Filipinos avoid
many Filipino were However, exposure local brands just to be
able to see and imitate to international “in” for fashion, it will
the way popular market favors profit lead to deterioration of
GEN 121 The Contemporary World /Alarcon/1stSem/2020-202
foreign actors and for international local brand market.
prominent individual brand not for local But, as what we have
carry themselves and brand for the Filipinos observed, local brand
the way they dress. have long been known is still the top most
With this trend, the to harbor colonial choice of many
Filipino people are mentality. Filipinos Filipinos because ut
able to get ideas on colonial mentality as offers designs that is
what is the fashion the automatic more beautiful and
and creative Filipino rejection of anything comfortable than any
designers are able to Filipino, and the other international
make integration of thinking that brand. The wears and
our culture to the American or Western dresses being offered
international cultural values, by the local brands
fashions, in which objects, behaviors, matches the weather,
their crafts and work and physical and the comfort on
emerge to be more appearance are wears that the Filipino
sophisticated, superior, pleasant, wants. Brand such as
beautiful and unique. and desirable, leaves Penshoppe, Bench,
One good example is the local market profit Oxygen and more are
Heart Evanglista who to decrease if the top local brand in
collaborated with compared to the profit the Philippines and
international designer of the international are now also the
Mark Bumgarner. We market. brands which are
also have Michael In an article, Buying making names
Cinco, a Dubai-based Local or Foreign internationally.
Filipino designer who Brands written by
is best known for his Valdez in 2015, she
magnificent couture stated that the
gowns. He was able to fashion apparel
dress famous industry in the
Hollywood celebrities Philippines is getting
like Beyonce, an influx of foreign
Rihanna, and brands. She also
supermodel Tyra cited that the the
Banks. Positively, major entry of
Filipino people are international brands
making their names started in 2012. The
internationaly where relative affordability of
our country is now foreign labels and the
being known as the curiosity of the local
nation with great shoppers for the
designers. brands, as well as the
status symbol
attached to owning
“imported” goods,
created excitement
among Filipino
consumers. When
the Swedish fast-
fashion brand H&M
GEN 121 The Contemporary World /Alarcon/1stSem/2020-202
opened its first
flagship store in the
Philippines, over
3,200 shoppers lined
up outside SM
Megamall Fashion
Hall hours before the
commercial complex
opened. It broke the
record for the
highest number of
attendees in all other
H&M openings
around the world.
With these events,
foreign brands are
getting more popular
among Filipinos
leaving small local
brands without sale.
Rice is a staple food Rice importation Rice importation to
for many Filipinos. may alleviate the become a problem
For our group, since problem on rice only if the government
we are all men, we shortage but it is will not help the
Scenario C can barely say that a slowly and killing the farmers to advance by
meal without rice is lives of many farmers providing them
not a meal at all. Due and the lives of the technology that will
to the high demand of agricultural sectors. make them provide
rice in the Philippines, According to Danilo more rice effeciently
meeting the demand Ramos of the Kilusang so they can produce
for rice has never Magbubukid ng rice with lesser capital
been easy for our Pilipinas, the and more profit.
government. importation Unike in some other
Therefore, to “aggravates the countries like
guarantee the situation of the Vietnam, they have
availability of rice in hurting rice sector” enough technology
every household,the because farmers and rice breed that
government has often cannot compete with can withstand
resorted to cheaper and usually cathastropic incidents
importation. Although subsidized rice on agriculture. Rice
the Philippines is an imports. Although sufficiency can be
agricultural country importation usually achieved through a
with rice as its main takes place in June, more comprehensive
crop, rice production July, August, and program that would
hardly meets the September, it does not improve farmers’
demands of a adversely affect all income. Increasing
burgeoning farmers because by the farmers’ income
population and also then, there will no opportunities will
the frequent longer be available encourage them to
occurrence of rice stock as the also increase their
GEN 121 The Contemporary World /Alarcon/1stSem/2020-202
typhoons and floods farmers usually production.
in many areas as dispose their produce
reason that hampers immediately after
farmers’ efficiency in harvest. But the
producing more rice. bigger problem is the
This are the things competition for the
that something that importation adversely
we cannot avoid for it affects farm prices.
is the nature. Thus, One problem with
the government rice importation is
resorts to rice unstable price owing
importation whenever to unsteady supply in
there is an actual or the global market. The
projected shortage of unbalanced supply
rice as a result of a makes the
shortfall in international market
production. Rice “thin” as there are a
importation becomes number of countries
necessary so that competing for stocks.
consumers would
have access to more
affordable rice.
There are a number Closure of one’s Although the
of studies in different workplace has never company of my father
countries, which focus been viewed to have a will be closed, there is
on the effects of labor positive impact on an offer for him,
Scenario D migration. Most of one’s life for it is together with us, to
these studies always negative. migrate. This offers
conclude that Getting a job means means positive
migration has a having the ability to because it will offer
positive impact on the sustain life. One of more oppurtunities for
human capital by the most troubling my father and at the
lowering the extreme factors of closing a same time for our
poverty levels and company is knowing it whole family.
expanding the income means putting you to However, I cannot
level through be out of work. Losing guarantee that the
remittances from a job is among the offer is the same for
migrants abroad. most stressful life all the employees
Usually, when one events. It may even working in the same
is offered to migrate lead to mental or firm where my father
for work, the physical health is working. Because
employee will problems. Of course, closing it mean job
immediately accept it loss of regular pay can loss for more
for this means more trigger economic and employees.
oppurtunity for them family issues.
because they may
have a positive impact
on human capital,
because money
remittances from
GEN 121 The Contemporary World /Alarcon/1stSem/2020-202
labour migrants are
spent on education of
their household
members, which
raises the overall level
of education in a
In the recent In a financial crisis, If ever we come
months, all nations asset prices see a across this situation it
suffered to global steep decline in value, may negatively affect
financial crisis due to businesses and my mother but I will
the inclux of COVID- consumers are unable not allow this crisis
19 pandemic where all to pay their debts. If and lost to impact on
industries and her investment on her my mother’s well
businesses were retirement is affected, being. Although it’s
affected. Having been it will impact her at effect is negative, I will
asked of its positive the time of her still help her to find
impact, We can say retirement. If ever that beauty and light in
Scenario E that it does not give happens, she will be this unfortunate event
us good oppurtinities affected mentally and that I will tell her that
because crisis is a financially for she it happened now that
negative idea. Perhaps may regret of having she is more than a
the only positive invested in that plans. decade from her
impact it may give us, retirement. I will also
is the lesson that we tell her to be positive
may learn from this by trying to invest on
crisis. a more secured
investment like
putting up a business.
GEN 121 The Contemporary World /Alarcon/1stSem/2020-202