Lesson 45
Lesson 45
Lesson 45
First of all, Article 3, which is 'Human Dignity and Human Rights,' and
demonstrates fundamental freedoms in all aspects. Having human rights
among its principles, the UDBHR integrated human rights concerns
related to the social and economic aspects of human life and health,
acknowledging the social context as an integral part of bioethics. The
desires and well-being of the citizen should take priority over the sole
interest of science or society. Next, Article 4, which is 'Benefits and
Harm,' which covers potentially affected people. Any potential risk to
these two groups must be avoided and the gains must be maximized
when it comes to the advancement of scientific knowledge, medical
practice and related technology. In addition, Article 8, this is ‘Respect
for human vulnerability and personal integrity,’ which ratifies the
security of persons and communities with special vulnerability and
respect for individual integrity. Finally, Article 10 or 'Equality, justice
and equity,' which reflects the fundamental equality and dignity and
rights of all human beings, should be upheld so that everyone is treated
equally and equitably. The Declaration deals with the basic principles of