Fir Filter Design

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1.What is the condition satisfied by linear phase FIR filter?
The condition for constant phase delay are
Phase delay, α = (N-1)/2 (i.e., phase delay is constant)
Impulse response, h(n) = h(N-1-n) (i.e., impulse response is symmetric)
2.What are the desirable characteristics of the frequency response of
window function?
a)        FIR filters have exact linear phase.
b)       FIR filters are always stable.
c)        FIR filters can be realized in both recursive and non recursive structure.
d)       Filters with any arbitrary magnitude response can be tackled using FIR
a)        For the same filter specifications the order of FIR filter design can be as
high as 5 to n10 times that of IIR design.
b)       Large storage requirements needed.
c)        Powerful computational facilities required for the implementation.
3.What is meant by optimum equiripple design criterion.
The Optimum Equiripple design Criterion is used for designing FIR Filters with
Equal level filteration throughout the Design.
4.What are the merits and demerits of FIR filters?
1. FIR Filter is always stable.
2. FIR Filter with exactly linear phase can easily be designed.
1. High Cost.
2.Require more Memory.
5.For what type of filters frequency sampling method is suitable?
FIR FIlters
6.What are the properties of FIR filters?
a) FIR Filter is always stable.
b)A Realizable filter can always be obtained.
7.What is known as Gibbs phenomenon?
In the filter design by Fourier series method the infinite duration impulse
response is truncated to finite duration impulse response at n= (N-1/2). The
abrupt truncation of impulse introduces oscillations in the pass band and stop
band. This effect is known as Gibb’s phenomenon.
8.Mention various methods available for the design of FIR filter.Also list a
few window for the design of FIR filters.
There are three well known method of design technique for linear phase FIR
filter. They are
a)        Fourier series method and window method
b)       Frequency sampling method
c)        Optimal filter design methods.
Windows: i.Rectangular ii.Hamming iii.Hanning iv.Blackman v.Kaiser
9.List any two advantages of FIR filters.
a)        FIR filters have exact linear phase.
b)       FIR filters are always stable.
c)        FIR filters can be realized in both recursive and non recursive structure.
 10.Mention some realization methods available to realize FIR filter
i.Direct form. ii.Cascade form iii.Linear phase realization.
11.Mention some design methods available to design FIR filter.
There are three well known method of design technique for linear phase FIR
filter. They are
a)        Fourier series method and window method
b)       Frequency sampling method
c)        Optimal filter design methods.
Windows: i.Rectangular ii.Hamming iii.Hanning iv.Blackman v.Kaiser
12.What are FIR filters?
The specifications of the desired filter will be given in terms of ideal frequency
response Hd( ω). The impulse response hd(n) of desired filter can be obtained
by inverse Fourier transform of hd(ω), which consists of infinite samples. The
filters designed by selecting finite number of samples of impulse response are
called FIR filters.
13.What are the conditions to be satisfied for constant phase delay in linear
phase FIR filter?
The condition for constant phase delay are
Phase delay, α = (N-1)/2 (i.e., phase delay is constant) Impulse response, h(n) =
h(N-1-n) (i.e., impulse response is
14.What is the reason that FIR filter is always stable?
FIR filter is always stable because all its poles are at the origin.
 15.What are the possible types of impulse response for linear phase FIR
There are four types of impulse response for linear phase FIR filters
a)        Symmetric impulse response when N is odd.
b)       Symmetric impulse response when N is even.
c)        Antisymmetric impulse response when N is odd
d)       Antisymmetric impulse response when is even.
16.Write the procedure for designing FIR filter using window.
1. Choose the desired frequency response of the filter Hd (w)
2. Take inverse Fourier transform of Hd(w) to obtain the desired impulse
response hd (n).
3.Choose a window sequence w(n) and multiply hd(n) by w(n) to convert the
infinite duration impulse response to finite duration impulse response h(n).
4. The Transfer function H(z) of the filter is obtained by taking z-transform of
17.Write the procedure for FIR filter design by frequency sampling
1. Choose the desired frequency response Hd(w).
2. Take N-samples of Hd ( W) to generate the sequence H (K)
(Here H bar of k should come)
3. Take inverse of DFT of H (k) to get the impulse response h (n).
4. The transfer function H (z) of the filter is obtained by taking z-transform of
impulse response.
 18.List the characteristic of FIR filter designed using window.
a)        The width of the transition band depends on the type of window.
b)       The width of the transition band can be made narrow by increasing the
value of N where N is the length of the window sequence.
c)        The attenuation in the stop band is fixed for a given window, except in case
of Kaiser Window where it is variable.
19.List the features of hanning window spectrum.
a)        The mainlobe width is equal to 8π/N.
b)       The maximum sidelobe magnitude is -31db.
c)        The sidelobe magnitude decreases with increasing   .
20. Compare the rectangular window and hanning window.

Rectangular window
1.   The width of mainlobe in window spectrum is 4π/N.
2.The maximum   sidelobe magnitude in window spectrum is -13db                  
3.   In window  spectrum  the sidelobe        magnitude   slightly decreases with
4.   In FIR filter designed using rectangular window the minimum stopband
attenuation is 22db.
 Hamming window
1.   The width of mainlobe in window spectrum is 8π/N.
2.The maximum   sidelobe magnitude in window spectrum is -41db
3.   In window  spectrum  the sidelobe        magnitude   remains constant.
4.   In FIR filter designed using hamming window the minimum stopband
attenuation is 51db.
21.Compare Hamming window with Kaiser Window.

Hamming  window
1.The main lobe width is equal to8π/N and the peak side lobe level is –41dB.
2.The low pass FIR filter designed will have first side lobe peak of –53 dB
Kaiser window
1. The main lobe width ,the peak side lobe level  can  be  varied  by  varying 
the parameter α and N.
2. The side lobe peak can be varied by varying the parameter α.

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