Voltage Divider Bias

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Aim of the Experiment:

To construct a BJT voltage divider bias circuit and determine the Q-point and βDC of BJT.

Biasing in electronics is the method of establishing predetermined voltages and currents at
various points of an electronic circuit to set an appropriate operating point. The purpose of a
biasing circuit is to establish an operating point for the BJT, which provides linear operation and
good stability with regard to variations of temperature as well as manufacturing parameters (e.g.
β). Since the operating point is a fixed point on the characteristics it is also known as bias point,
quiescent point or simply Q-point.
There are different types of biasing circuits are available. Some are given below:
 Fixed bias
 Collector to base feedback bias
 Emitter stabilized bias
 Voltage divider bias
Voltage Divider Bias Circuit:
This is a very stable bias circuit. The currents and voltages are nearly independent of any
variations in β.The idea is that the voltage divider maintains a very stable voltage at the base of
the transistor, and since the base current is many times smaller than the current through the
divider, the base voltage remains practically unchanged.




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