4 - Storey Residential Building Pandacan Manila
4 - Storey Residential Building Pandacan Manila
4 - Storey Residential Building Pandacan Manila
Wires and Cables
Electrical Works
Power Cables
30mm² THHN 90.00 lm 186.00 16,740.00
8.0mm² THHN 34.00 lm 80.60 2,740.40
5.5mm² THHN 34.00 lm 63.03 2,143.13
3.5mm² THHN 546.00 lm 45.47 24,824.80
8.0mm² Tw (G) 45.00 lm 80.60 3,627.00
5.5mm² Tw (G) 17.00 lm 63.03 1,071.57
3.5mm² Tw (G) 1,343.00 lm 45.47 61,061.73
Wiring Devices
Duplex C.O (Royu) 22.00 no. 263.50 5,797.00
Countertop Outlet 2.00 no. 263.50 527.00
Weather Proof Outlet 7.00 no. 651.00 4,557.00
Range Outlet 1.00 no. 905.00 905.00
Ref 1.00 no. 263.50 263.50
ACU 4.00 no. 263.50 1,054.00
Water Heater 1.00 no. 651.00 651.00
Water Pump 1.5 Hp 1.00 no. 1,550.00 1,550.00
Wiring Devices
Single Switch 13.00 no. 263.50 3,425.50
2- Gang Switch 3.00 no. 263.50 790.50
3- Gang Switch 3.00 no. 263.50 790.50
1- Gang 3way Switch 1.00 no. 263.50 263.50
2- Gang 3way Switch 4.00 no. 263.50 1,054.00
3- Gang 3way Switch 3.00 no. 263.50 790.50
Bell 1.00 no. 905.00 905.00
Push Button 1.00 no. 651.00 651.00
Lightig Fixture
Wall Lamp (Labor Only) 4.00 no. 500.00 2,000.00
Receptacle w/ CFL Bulb 35.00 no. 542.50 18,987.50
Junction Box 40.00 no. 46.20 1,848.00
Utility Box 72.00 no. 46.20 3,326.40
Square Box 1.00 no. 46.20 46.20
Auxiliary Devices
CATV Outlet 3.00 no. 263.50 790.50
Telephoe Outlet 3.00 no. 263.50 790.50
Panel Boards
1 - Set - Main 125AT, 240V, 2P( MCCB) Branches - 2-
2.00 assy 16,500.00 33,000.00
15AT, 8-20AT 1 -30AT, 2 - 40AT 230V, 2P
Project: 4-Storey Residential Building Pandacan Manila
Subject: Electrical Works Cost Proposal
Location: Pandacan Manila
Date Feb 8, 2019
Wires and Cables
Electrical Works
Power Cables
30mm² THHN 90.00 lm 92.07 8,286.30
8.0mm² THHN 34.00 lm 39.90 1,356.50
5.5mm² THHN 34.00 lm 31.20 1,060.85
3.5mm² THHN 546.00 lm 22.51 12,288.28
8.0mm² Tw (G) 45.00 lm 39.90 1,795.37
5.5mm² Tw (G) 17.00 lm 31.20 530.43
3.5mm² Tw (G) 1,343.00 lm 22.51 30,225.56
Wiring Devices
Duplex C.O (Royu) 22.00 no. 320.00 7,040.00
Countertop Outlet 2.00 no. 320.00 640.00
Weather Proof Outlet 7.00 no. 320.00 2,240.00
Range Outlet 1.00 no. 320.00 320.00
Ref 1.00 no. 320.00 320.00
ACU 4.00 no. 320.00 1,280.00
Water Heater 1.00 no. 320.00 320.00
Water Pump 1.5 Hp 1.00 no. 320.00 320.00
Wiring Devices
Single Switch 13.00 no. 320.00 4,160.00
2- Gang Switch 3.00 no. 320.00 960.00
3- Gang Switch 3.00 no. 320.00 960.00
1- Gang 3way Switch 1.00 no. 320.00 320.00
2- Gang 3way Switch 4.00 no. 320.00 1,280.00
3- Gang 3way Switch 3.00 no. 320.00 960.00
Bell 1.00 no. 320.00 320.00
Push Button 1.00 no. 320.00 320.00
Lightig Fixture
Wall Lamp (Labor Only) 4.00 no. 320.00 1,280.00
Receptacle w/ CFL Bulb 35.00 no. 268.54 9,398.81
Junction Box 40.00 no. 22.87 914.76
Utility Box 72.00 no. 22.87 1,646.57
Square Box 1.00 no. 22.87 22.87
Auxiliary Devices
CATV Outlet 3.00 no. 130.43 391.30
Telephoe Outlet 3.00 no. 130.43 391.30
Panel Boards
1 - Set - Main 125AT, 240V, 2P( MCCB) Branches - 2-
2.00 assy 7,425.00 14,850.00
15AT, 8-20AT 1 -30AT, 2 - 40AT 230V, 2P