Applied Fluid Mechanics (MECH 2002)

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Applied Fluid Mechanics (MECH 2002)

Vipin Kumar
Department of Aerospace Engineering
UPES Dehradun

Course Objectives

1.To help the students understand the fundamentals and relevance of fluid mechanics in the broader
context of engineering sciences in general, and automotive engineering in particular

2.To enable students to understand fluid properties and apply laws of fluid mechanics and analyse
fluid flows through different configurations along with the measurement of flow parameters.

3.To empower students with the expertise of experimentation, simulation and the fundamental
concepts that are required to translate a novel engineering idea to reality through dimensional
analysis and similitude.

4.To expose students to a wide variety of research areas and concerns in and around fluid
mechanics such as energy, health etc. across multidisciplinary domains.

5.To equip students with necessary engineering skills such as solving engineering problems in a
professional way, using commercial software packages such as MATLAB for data analysis and
presentation, numerical simulations etc. 2
Course Outcomes:

On completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1. Apply laws of fluid mechanics to calculate forces on submerged surfaces.

CO2. Compute kinematics properties of a fluid element.

CO3. Understand and formulate the governing equations.

CO4. Apply conservation laws to fluid flow problems in engineering applications.

CO5. Apply boundary layer concepts on various geometries.

Course Contents:

UNIT 1: INTRODUCTION 8 Lecture Hours

Fluids, Physical Properties of Fluids: Viscosity, Compressibility, Surface Tension, Capillarity, Classification of

FLUID STATICS: Pascal’s Law; Pressure-Density-Height Relationship; Measurement of Pressure by

Manometers and Mechanical Gauges; Pressure on Plane and Curved Surfaces; The Hydrostatic Law; Total
Pressure and Centre of Pressure; Buoyancy; Stability of Immersed and Floating Bodies; Fluid Masses
subjected to Uniform Horizontal and Vertical Acceleration


Description of Fluid Flow: Lagrangian and Eulerian Approach; Types of Fluid Flows: Steady and unsteady,
Uniform and Non-Uniform, Laminar and Turbulent Flows, Stream Lines, Differential and Integral Form of
Continuity Equation; Rotation, Vorticity and Circulation; Elementary Explanation of Stream Function and
Velocity Potential;
UNIT 3: FLUID DYNAMICS-I 8 Lecture Hours

Introduction to Navier-Stokes Equations, Euler’s Equation of Motion along a Streamline and its Integration, Bernoulli’s Equation and its applications
– Pitot Tube, Flow through Orifices, Mouthpieces, Nozzles, Notches, Weirs, Free and Forced Vortex Motion.

FLUID DYNAMICS-II: Impulse Momentum Principle; Moment of momentum equation; Momentum Equation Application to Stationary and Moving

UNIT 4: LAMINAR FLOW 6 Lecture Hours

Equation of Motion for Laminar Flow through Pipes; Flow between Parallel Plates; Kinetic Energy and Momentum Correction Factors; Stokes Law

BOUNDARY LAYER ANALYSIS: Boundary Layer Thicknesses; Boundary Layer over a Flat Plate; Laminar Boundary Layer; Application of Von-
Karman Integral Momentum Equation; Turbulent Boundary Layer; Laminar Sub-Layer; Local and Average Friction Coefficient; Total Drag; Boundary
Layer Separation and its Control.


Nature of Turbulent Flow in Pipes; Equation for Velocity Distribution over smooth and rough surfaces; Major and Minor Energy Losses; Hydraulic
Gradient and Total Energy Lines; Flow in sudden Expansion, Contraction, Concept of Equivalent Length; Branched Pipes; Pipes In series and

FLOW PAST SUBMERGED BODIES: Drag and Lift, Types of Drag Force, Drag on Sphere, Cylinder and Airfoil; Circulation and Lift on a Cylinder
and Airfoil; Magnus Effect.
1.Som, S C and Biswas, G. “Introduction to fluid mechanics and Fluid Machines” McGraw Hill Publishing
Company, New Delhi
2.Young, D. F., Munson, B. R., Okiishi, T. H., & Huebsch, W. W. (2010). A brief introduction to fluid mechanics.
John Wiley & Sons.
3.Kumar, D. S. (2015). Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Engineering. Katson Books.
1. Cengel and Cimbala's Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications, McGraw Hill Publishing Company,
New Delhi
2.Douglas, J. F.; Gasiorek, J. M. and Swaffield, J. A. Fluid Mechanics, Pearson Education
3.Fox, R. W., McDonald, A. T., & Pritchard, P. J. (1998). Introduction to fluid mechanics (Vol. 5). New York:
John Wiley & Sons.
4.F. M. White, Fluid Mechanics, McGraw Hill, 3rd ed., 1993.
5.Modi, P N and Seth, S M “Hydraulics and fluid Machines” Standard Book House, New Delhi

Chapter 1
Introduction & Fluid Statics
Basic Definitions, Fluids, Classification of Fluids. Physical Properties of
Fluids: Viscosity, Compressibility, Surface Tension, Capillarity,

FLUID STATICS: Pascal’s Law; Pressure-Density-Height Relationship;

Measurement of Pressure by Manometers and Mechanical Gauges;
Pressure on Plane and Curved Surfaces; The Hydrostatic Law; Total
Pressure and Centre of Pressure; Buoyancy; Stability of Immersed and
Floating Bodies; Fluid Masses subjected to Uniform Horizontal and
Vertical Acceleration
Basic Definitions

Mechanics: The oldest physical science that deals with both

stationary and moving bodies under the influence of forces.

Statics: The branch of mechanics that deals with bodies at rest.

Dynamics: The branch that deals with bodies in motion.

Fluid mechanics: The science that deals with the behavior of

fluids at rest (fluid statics) or in motion (fluid dynamics), and the Fluid
interaction of fluids with solids or other fluids at the boundaries. deals with
Fluid dynamics: Fluid mechanics is also referred to as fluid liquids and
gases in
dynamics by considering fluids at rest as a special case of motion motion or at
with zero velocity. rest.
Hydrodynamics: The study of the motion of fluids that can be approximated as
incompressible (such as liquids, especially water, and gases at low speeds).

Hydraulics: A subcategory of hydrodynamics, which deals with liquid flows in pipes and
open channels.

Gas dynamics: Deals with the flow of fluids that undergo significant density changes,
such as the flow of gases through nozzles at high speeds.

Aerodynamics: Deals with the flow of gases (especially air) over bodies such as aircraft,
rockets, and automobiles at high or low speeds.

Meteorology, oceanography, and hydrology: Deal with naturally occurring flows.

What is a Fluid?
Fluid: A substance in the liquid or gas phase.

A solid can resist an applied shear stress by deforming.

A fluid deforms continuously under the influence of a shear

stress, no matter how small.

In solids, stress is proportional to strain, but in fluids, stress is

proportional to strain rate. Deformation of a rubber block
When a constant shear force is applied, a solid eventually
placed between two parallel plates
under the influence of a shear
stops deforming at some fixed strain angle, whereas a fluid force. The shear stress shown is
never stops deforming and approaches a constant rate of that on the rubber—an equal but
opposite shear stress acts on the
upper plate.

Stress: Force per unit area.

Normal stress: The normal component of a force

acting on a surface per unit area.

Shear stress: The tangential component of a

force acting on a surface per unit area.

Pressure: The normal stress in a fluid at rest.

Zero shear stress: A fluid at rest is at a state of

zero shear stress.
The normal stress and shear stress at
When the walls are removed or a liquid container the surface of a fluid element. For
fluids at rest, the shear stress is zero
is tilted, a shear develops as the liquid moves to
and pressure is the only normal stress.
re-establish a horizontal free surface.

In a liquid, groups of molecules can move relative to each other, but the volume remains relatively
constant because of the strong cohesive forces between the molecules. As a result, a liquid takes
the shape of the container it is in, and it forms a free surface in a larger container in a gravitational

A gas expands until it encounters the walls of the container and fills the entire available space. This
is because the gas molecules are widely spaced, and the cohesive forces between them are very
small. Unlike liquids, a gas in an open container cannot form a free surface.
Unlike a liquid, a gas
does not form a
free surface, and it
expands to fill the
entire available

Intermolecular bonds are strongest in solids and weakest in gases.

Solid: The molecules in a solid are arranged in a pattern that is repeated throughout.

Liquid: In liquids molecules can rotate and translate freely.

Gas: In the gas phase, the molecules are far apart from each other, and molecular ordering is

The arrangement of atoms in different phases: (a) molecules are at relatively fixed positions in a
solid, (b) groups of molecules move about each other in the liquid phase, and (c) individual
molecules move about at random in the gas phase.
Application Areas of Fluid Mechanics

Fluid dynamics is used extensively in the design of

artificial hearts. Shown here is the Penn State Electric
Total Artificial Heart. 14

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