Android Software Development VDM 506 Question Bank
Android Software Development VDM 506 Question Bank
Android Software Development VDM 506 Question Bank
VDM 506
Question Bank
1. What is Android?
2. What is the Android SDK?
3. What is the core building blocks of android?
4. Which kernel is used in Android?
5. What are the different versions of Android OS that you remember?
6. What is the difference between Mobile Application Testing and
Mobile Testing?
7. Name the languages supported for Android development.
8. What are the advantages of the Android Operating
System? 9. Explain Android Architecture briefly.
10.Define and explain the Android Framework.
11.Which components are necessary for a New Android
project? 12.Provide the important core components of
13. Explain briefly – what is meant by Activities?
14.What is meant by Services?
15.What are the basic tools used to develop an Android
app? 16.Explain Activity Lifecycle briefly.
17.Explain the use of 'bundle' in android?
18.What is the importance of setting up permission in app
development? 19.What is .apk extension in Android?
20.What is the database used for the Android platform?
21.What is ANR in Android?
22.Discuss JDK.
23.What is ADB?
24.What is NDK?
25.What is Kotlin?
26.How Kotlin is better than Java?
27.Discuss the Application of Kotlin.
28.Give the Step to create first android App in Android
Studio. 29.Discuss Package Structures in Android.
30.What kind of file Build Folder Contain? Discuss.
31.What kind of file Src Folder Contain? Discuss.
32.What is ActivityCreator?
33.What is the life cycle of android activity?
34. Explain the AndroidManifest.xml file and why do you need this?
35.What all devices have you worked on?
36. List the various storages that are provided by Android.
37.What is service in android?
38.What is Google Android SDK? What are the tools placed in android
SDK? 39.Which tools are used for debugging on the Android platform?
40.Name the mobile automation tools that are available in the market.
41. Explain Sensors in Android.
42.What is Gradle?
43.Define ART.
44.Define Dalvik Virtual Machine.
45.What are View groups?
46.What is the XML syntax for Creating a View?
47.What are the Most commonly used Android View
classes? 48.Discuss Programmatic and Declarative
49.What is TextView in Android? to define a TextView in the design layout XML?
51.What is Padding?
52.What is EditText View in Android? to define a EditText View in the design layout XML?
54.What are RadioButton View and CheckBox View in Android?
55.What is the XML syntax for RadioButton View and CheckBox
View in Android?
56.Write down XML syntax for RadioButton View for Gender
Selection. 57. What is the Android Open Source Project?
58.What is Linear Layout in Android?
59.What is Vertical Linear Layout?
60.What is horizontal linear layout?
61. Write XML Syntax for Linear Layout within a Linear Layout.
62. What is Relative Layout in Android?
63. What are the Common Attributes of RelativeLayout?
64. Define RelativeLayout in layout XML.
65.What is Android Table Layout?
66. Mention Different Attributes that can be used in Table layout.
67.Define Table layout in XML.
68.Discuss Hierarchical Layout Arrangement.
69. What is an Adapter?
70.Define Spinner.
71.What is ListView in Android?
72.How to use Adapter with ListView?
73.What is GridView in Android?
74.How to use Adapter with GridView?
75.Define Spinner in Android.
76.What's the difference between Spinner and
ListView? 77.How does a Spinner work?
78.How to Work with Spinners in Android?
79. Explain Margin vs. Padding Attributes.
80. Explain Margin and Padding with a View
81. Explain Margin and Padding with Layout
82.Define Use of Radio Button and Check Box in
Android 83. Explain AutoComplete TextView in
84.What is an Activity in Android?
85.What are Different States of App (or, the main App
Activity). 86. Explain Activity Lifecycle methods.
87. Explain Intents in Android and their uses.
88. Explain the Types of Intents.
89.What are Fragments in Android
90.Why we need Fragments in Android?
91.How to Work with Fragments in Android?
92. Explain Basic Implementation of Fragment
93.How to Update Fragment at Runtime?
94.Create a Science Quiz Android Application.