AJWT - Viva Questions
AJWT - Viva Questions
AJWT - Viva Questions
Unit- I
1. What is HTTP?
2. Write the structure of a HTML document?
3. Mention the attributes of <html> element.
4. What is a hyperlink?
5. How to set the hyperlink colors?
6. How to create heading on a web page?
7. What is the use of cell padding and cell spacing?
8. Write the syntax to create horizontal and vertical frames.
9. Mention the attributes used in the creation of a frame.
10. Mention the attributes of <form> tag.
11. What are the values of method attribute?
12. What are the ways to create cascading styles in a web page?
13. What is an Inline Style Sheet?
14. What is an Internal Style Sheet?
15. What is an External Style Sheet?
16. What is the use of Style class?
17. Mention the attributes of <style> element.
Unit – II
1. What is DHTML? And write the uses of it.
2. Write any 5uses of javascript?
3. What are the advantages of javascript when compared with other scripting languages?
4. Which data types available in javascript?
5. Write the syntax of a function in javascript.
6. List any 8 built-in functions of javascript.
7. What is array in JavaScript? How to declare, initialize it?
8. How to access the elements of an array object in Javascript?
9. What is meant by event handling?
10. List any 8 event names in javascript.
11. Write a code snippet to ONLOAD event.
12. List the attributes of script tag.
13. Write any 5 methods of String Object in JavaScript.
14. How to create objects in JavaScript?
15. List date object functions of JavaScript.
Unit – III
1. What is XML?
2. Write the syntax to write the XML element.
3. Define empty element.
4. When an XML document is said to be well formed?
5. What is the use of DTD?
6. Mention the types of attributes of XML DTD.
7. Mention some commonly used XML technologies.
8. What is XSLT? Mention some XSLT elements.
9. Mention some packages of XSLT API.
10. Write the syntax of <xslt: import> and mention its attributes.
11. Mention some functions in XSLT.
12. What is the use of element –available ( ) function?
13. What is a javabean?
14. Mention the advantages of java beans.
15. What is introspection?
16. What is the use of setter ( ) and getter ( ) methods?
17. Mention the methods of MethodDescriptor class.
18. Mention the constructors of MethodDescriptor class.
Unit – IV
1. What is JDBC?
2. What is a JDBC Driver?
3. What is a JDBC Driver Manager?
4. What are the types of JDBC Drivers?
5. Which type of JDBC Driver is the fastest one?
6. What is ResultSet?
7. What is Statement?
8. What is Prepared Statement?
9. What is Callable Statement?
10. What are Servlets?
11. Mention the advantages of Servlets over CGI.
12. What are the phases of life cycle of a servlet?
13. What are the life cycle methods for a servlet?
14. What are the common JDBC API components?
15. When init ( ) and destroy ( ) methods of servlet are used?
16. For what purpose init ( ) and destroy ( ) methods of servlet are used?
17. Name the methods of GenericServlet class.
18. Write two differences between GenericServlet class and HttpServlet class.
19.What are the problems of servlets?