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Introduction to Interactive Programming

by Lynn Andrea Stein
A Rethinking CS101 Project

Interactive Programming In Java

Chapter Outlines
Lynn Andrea Stein
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Cambridge, MA 02139 USA

Front Matter
I. Table of Contents
2. Preface
1. Why Interactive Programming?
2. Ramifications for Later Curriculum
3. A Short History of the Rethinking CS101 Project
1. Research Roots
2. Classroom Experience
4. How to Use This Book
1. Part By Part
2. Pedagogical Elements and Supplementary Materials
5. About the Author
6. Acknowledgements
3. List of Figures
4. List of Tables
5. List of Sidebars
1. Java Sidebars
2. Style Sidebars

Part 1: Introduction To Interactive Program Design

Chapter 1: Introduction to Program Design

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Chapter Overview

Objectives of this Chapter

1. Computers and Programs

2. Thinking Like a Programmer
3. Programming Primitives, Briefly
4. Ongoing Computational Activity
5. Coordinating a Computational Community
1. What is the Desired Behavior of the Program?
2. Who are the Members of the Community?
3. What Goes Inside Each One?
4. How Do They Interact?
6. The Development Cycle
7. The Interactive Control Loop

Chapter Summary


Chapter 2: The Programming Process

Chapter Overview

Objectives of this Chapter

1. The Problem
1. Problem Requirements
1. Assumptions
2. Promises/Guarantees
2. The Community Around You
1. Program Libraries
2. Users
3. Physical Environment
4. Understand their interfaces (and assumptions)
3. Requirements are a Moving Target
1. Software Lifecycle
2. Documenting your Design
2. Designing a solution
1. Who are the members?
2. How do they Interact

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1. What Promises?
2. What Assumptions?
3. Who does what?
3. What goes inside?
4. Nouns and Verbs
5. Acting it out
3. The process
1. Keep it simple
2. Keep it working
3. You'll still have to debug (debugging is normal)
1. When it's not working
2. make state manifest
3. Explain it to someone
4. Act it out
4. Documentation

Chapter Summary


Interlude: A Community of Interacting Entities


Objectives of this Interlude

1. Introduction: Word Games

2. Designing a Community
1. A Uniform Community of Transformers
2. The User and the System
3. What Goes Inside
3. Building a Transformer
1. Transformer Examples
2. Strings
1. String Concatenation
2. String Methods
3. Rules and Methods
4. Classes and Instances
5. Fields and Customized Parts
6. Generality of the Approach

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4. Summary

Suggested Exercises

Sidebar: Selected String Methods

Part 2: Entities and Interactions

Chapter 3: Things, Types, and Names

Chapter Overview

Objectives of this Chapter

1. Things
1. Primitive Things and Literals
1. Numbers
2. Characters and Strings
3. Booleans
2. Objects
2. Naming Things
1. Referring to Things
2. Assignment
3. Types
1. Declarations and The type-of-thing name-of-thing Rule
2. Definition = Declaration + Assignment
3. Primitive Types
4. Object Types
4. Types of Names
1. Shoebox Names
2. Label Names

Chapter Summary


Sidebar: Java Naming Syntax and Conventions

Sidebar: Java Primitive Types

Chapter 4: Specifying Behavior: Interfaces

Chapter Overview

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Objectives of this Chapter

1. Interfaces are Contracts

1. Generalized Interfaces and Java Interfaces
2. A Java Interface Example
2. Method Signatures
1. Name
2. Parameters and Parameter Types
3. Return Type
4. Putting It All Together: Abstract Method Declaration Syntax
5. What a Signature Doesn't Say
3. Interface Declaration
1. Syntax
2. Method Footprints and Unique Names
3. Interfaces are Types: Behavior Promises
4. Interfaces are Not Implementations

Chapter Summary


Style Sidebar: Method Documentation

Style Sidebar: Interface Documentation

See also Java Chart on Interfaces.

Chapter 5: Expressions: Doing Things With Things

Chapter Overview

Objectives of this Chapter

1. Simple Expressions
1. Literals
2. Names
2. Method Invocation
3. Combining Expressions
4. Assignments and Side-Effecting Expressions
5. Other Expressions that Use Objects
1. Field Access
2. Instance Creation
3. Type Membership
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6. Complex Expressions on Primitive Types: Operations

1. Arithmetic Operator Expressions
2. Explicit Cast Expressions
3. Comparator Expressions
4. Logical Operator Expressions
7. Parenthetical Expressions and Precedence

Chapter Summary


Style Sidebar: Don't Embed Side-Effecting Expressions

Sidebar: Java Operators
Sidebar: Arithmetic Expressions
Sidebar: Coercion and Casting
Sidebar: Java Operator Precedence
Sidebar: Other Assignment Operators

See also Java Chart on Expressions

Chapter 6: Statements and Rules

Chapter Overview

Objectives of this Chapter

1. Statements and Instruction-Followers

2. Simple Statements
3. Declarations and Definitions
4. Sequence Statements
5. Flow of Control
1. Simple Conditionals
2. Simple Loops
6. Statements and Rules
1. Method Invocation Execution Sequence
2. Return

Chapter Summary


Style Sidebar: Formatting Declaration Statements

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Style Sidebar: Formatting Blocks

Style Sidebar: Using Booleans
Style Sidebar: Documentation

See also Java Chart on Statements

Interlude: Entities and Aggregates/Rules and Roles


Objectives of this Interlude

1. The Problem
2. Representation
3. Interacting with the Rules
4. Paying Attention to the World
5. Fancy Dot Tricks
6. Remembering State
1. Fields
2. Fields vs. Variables
7. Summary

Suggested Exercises

Chapter 7: Building New Things: Classes and Objects

Chapter Overview

Objectives of this Chapter

1. Classes are Object Factories

1. Classes and Instances
2. Recipes Don't Taste Good
3. Classes are Types
2. Class Declaration
1. Classes and Interfaces
1. implements and type inclusion
2. contract vs. implementation
3. Data Members, or Fields
1. Fields are not Variables
1. Hotel Rooms and Storage Rental
2. Whose Data Member is it?

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3. Scoping of Fields
4. Comparison of Kinds of Names
2. Static Members
4. Methods
1. Method Declaration
2. Method Body and Behavior
3. A Method ALWAYS Belongs to an Object
1. this.
2. Static Methods
4. Method Overloading
5. Constructors
1. Constructors are Not Methods
2. Syntax
3. Execution Sequence
4. Multiple Constructors and the Implicit No-Arg Constructor
5. Constructor Functions

Chapter Summary


Style Sidebar: Class Declaration

Sidebar: Java Types and Default Initialization
Table: Comparison of Kinds of Names
Style Sidebar: Field Documentation
Style Sidebar: Method Implementation Documentation
Sidebar: Method Invocation and Execution
Style Sidebar: Constructor Documentation
Style Sidebar: Capitalization Conventions

See also Java Charts on Classes, Methods, and Fields.

Part 3: Refining Designs

Chapter 8: Designing with Objects

Chapter Overview

Objectives of this Chapter

1. Object-Oriented Design

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1. Objects are Nouns

2. Methods are Verbs
3. Interfaces are Adjectives
4. Classes are Object Factories
5. Some Counter Code (An Example)
6. Public and Private
2. Kinds of Objects
1. Data Repostories
2. Resource Libraries
3. Traditional Objects
3. Types and Objects
1. Declared Types and Actual Types
2. Use Interface Types
3. Use Contained Objects to Implement Behavior
4. The Power of Interfaces

Chapter Summary


Style Sidebar: Class and Member Documentation

Sidebar: Final
Sidebar: class Math

Collections: An Extended Example



1. Exercises

Chapter 9: Animate Objects

Chapter Overview

Objectives of this Chapter

1. Animate Objects
2. Animacies are Execution Sequences
3. Being Animate-able
1. Implementing Animate

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2. AnimatorThread
3. Creating the AnimatorThread in the Constructor
4. A Generic AnimateObject
4. More Details
1. AnimatorThread Details
2. Delayed Start and the init() Trick
3. Threads and Runnables
5. Where do Threads come from?
1. Starting a Program
2. Why Constructors Need to Return

Sidebar: class AnimatorThread

Sidebar: Thread Methods
Sidebar: class Main
Style Sidebar: Using main()

Chapter Summary


Chapter 10: Reusing Implementation: Inheritance

Chapter Overview

Objectives of this Chapter

1. Derived Factories
1. Simple Inheritance
2. java.lang.Object
3. Superclass Membership
2. Overriding
1. super.
2. The Outside-In Rule
3. Problems with Private
3. Constructors are Recipes
1. this()
2. super()
3. Implicit super()
4. Interface Inheritance
5. Relationships Between Types

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The class Object

Style Sidebar: Explicit Use of this. and super()
Sidebar: Abstract Classes

1. Chapter Summary


Interlude: A System of Animate Objects



Suggested Exercises

Chapter 11: When Things Go Wrong: Exceptions

Chapter Overview

Objectives of this Chapter

1. Exceptional Events
1. When Things Go Wrong
2. Expecting the Unexpected
3. What's Important to Record
2. Throwing an Exception
3. Catching an Exception
4. Throw vs. Return
5. Designing Good Test Cases

Sidebar: Throw Statements and Throws Clauses

Sidebar: Try Statement Syntax
Sidebar: Exceptions, Errors, and RuntimeExceptions

1. Chapter Summary


Part 4: Refining Interactions

Chapter 12: Dealing with Difference: Dispatch

Chapter Overview

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Objectives of this Chapter

1. Conditional Behavior
2. If and else
1. Basic Form
2. Else
3. Cascaded Ifs
4. Many Alternatives
3. Limited Options: Switch
1. Constant Values
1. Symbolic Constants
2. Using Constants
2. Syntax
1. Basic Form
2. The Default Case
3. Variations
4. Switch Statement Pros and Cons
4. Arrays
1. What is an Array?
1. Array Declaration
2. Array Construction
3. Array Elements
2. Manipulating Arrays
1. Stepping Through an Array Using a For Statement
2. Using Arrays for Dispatch
5. When to Use Which Construct

Sidebar: if Statement Syntax

Sidebar: final
Style Sidebar: Use Named Constants
Sidebar: break and continue statements
Sidebar: switch Statement Syntax
Sidebar: Array Syntax
Sidebar: for Statement Syntax

1. Chapter Summary


Chapter 13: Encapsulation

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Chapter Overview

Objectives of this Chapter

1. Design, Abstraction, and Encapsulation

2. Procedural Abstraction
1. The Description Rule of Thumb
2. The Length Rule of Thumb
3. The Repetition Rule of Thumb
4. An Example
5. The Benefits of Abstraction
3. Protecting Internal Structure
1. private
2. Packages
1. Packages and Names
2. Packages and Visibility
3. Inheritance
4. Clever Use of Interfaces
4. Inner Classes
1. Static Classes
2. Member Classes
3. Local Classes and Anonymous Classes

Style Sidebar: Procedural Abstraction

Sidebar: Package Naming Summary
Sidebar: Package Visibility Summary
Sidebar: Inner Classes

1. Chapter Summary


Chapter 14: Intelligent Objects and Implicit Dispatch

Chapter Overview

Objectives of this Chapter

1. Procedural Encapsulation and Object Encapsulation

2. From Dispatch to Objects
1. A Straightforward Dispatch
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2. Procedural Encapsulation
3. Variations
4. Pushing Methods Into Objects
5. What Happens to the Central Loop?
3. The Use of Interfaces
4. Runnables as First Class Procedures
5. Callbacks
6. Recursion
1. Structural Recursion
1. A Recursive Class Definition
2. Methods and Recursive Structure
3. The Power of Recursive Structure
2. Functional Recursion

Chapter Summary


Chapter 15: Event-Driven Programming

Chapter Overview

Objectives of this Chapter

1. Control Loops and Handler Methods

1. Dispatch Revisited
2. Simple Event Handling
1. A Handler Interface
2. An Unrealistic Dispatcher
3. Sharing the Interface
3. Real Event-Driven Programming
1. Previous Examples
2. The Idea of an Event Queue
3. Properties of Event Queues
4. Graphical User Interfaces: An Extended Example
1. java.awt
2. Components
3. Graphics
4. The Story of paint
5. Events and Polymorphism

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Chapter Summary


See also the AWT Quick Reference.

Interlude: Achieving Customized Behavior



Suggested Exercises

Chapter 16: Event Delegation (and AWT)

Chapter Overview

Objectives of this Chapter

1. Model/View: Separating GUI Behavior from Application Behavior

1. The Event Queue, Revisited
2. Reading What the User Types: An Example
1. Setting up a User Interaction
2. Listening for the Event
3. Registering Listeners
4. Recap
3. Specialized Event Objects
4. Listeners and Adapters: A Pragmatic Detail
5. Inner Class Niceties

Sidebar: cs101.awt.DefaultFrame

1. Chapter Summary


See also the AWT Quick Reference.

Interlude: An AWT Application



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Suggested Exercises

Part 5: Systems of Objects

Chapter 17: Models of Communities

Chapter Overview

Objectives of this Chapter

1. State Machines
2. State Spaces
3. Organizational Behavior
4. Network Models
5. Patterns
6. UML
7. Metrics
1. Static Complexity
2. Throughput and Latency

Sidebar: FSM Rules

1. Chapter Summary


Chapter 18: Interfaces and Protocols: Gluing Things Together

Chapter Overview

Objectives of this Chapter

1. Pacing
2. Procedure Calls
3. Callbacks
4. Explicit Communication Channel Objects
5. Protocols

Chapter Summary


Chapter 19: Communication Patterns

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Chapter Overview

Objectives of this Chapter

1. What is a Client-Server Interaction?

2. Implementing Client-Server Interactions
1. Client Pull
2. Server Push
3. The Nature of Duals
4. Pushing and Pulling Together
1. Passive Repository
2. Active Constraint

Chapter Summary


Interlude: Combining Events and Interactive Control Loops



Suggested Exercises

Chapter 20: Synchronization

Chapter Overview

Objectives of this Chapter

1. Reads and Writes

2. An Example of Conflict
3. Synchronization
4. Java synchronized
1. methods
2. (blocks)
5. What synchronization buys you
6. Safety rules
7. Deadlock
8. Obscure Details

Chapter Summary

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Chapter 21: Network Programming

Chapter Overview

Objectives of this Chapter

1. A Readable Writeable Channel

1. Tin Can Telephones
2. Streams
2. Using A Channel
1. For Writing
1. Flushing Out the Stream
2. A Scribe Example
2. For Reading
1. Reading and Blocking
2. A Lector Example
3. Encapsulating Communications
3. Real Streams
1. Abstract Stream Classes
2. Decorator Streams
3. Stream Sources
4. Decoration in Action
4. Network Streams: An Example
1. Starting from Streams
2. Decorating Streams
3. Sockets and Ports
4. Using A Socket
5. Opening a Client-Side Socket
6. Opening a Single Server-Side Socket
7. A Multi-Connection Server
8. Server Bottlenecks

Chapter Summary


Interlude: Client/Server Chat


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Suggested Exercises

Chapter 22: Conventional Architectures

Chapter Overview

Objectives of this Chapter

1. Server Architechtures
1. Dumb broadcast server
2. Routing server
3. DNS
2. RPC
3. Peer Architectures
1. Ring
2. Round Robin
3. Cubes
4. Arbitration
5. Blackboard
6. Tuple-space

Chapter Summary


1. Applets
2. AWT Quick Reference
1. AWT Components
2. Component
3. Canvas
4. Widgets and their Event Types
5. Basic Widgets
6. ItemSelectable Widgets
7. Text Widgets
8. Container
9. Panel and Frame
10. Dimension, Point, and Rectangle

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11. Graphics
12. AWT Events
13. ActionEvent and ActionListener
14. AWT Listeners and Adapters
3. IO Quick Reference
1. InputStream and Reader
2. OutputStream and Writer
3. Sources of Streams
4. InputStreamReader and OutputStreamWriter
5. Files
6. Pipes
7. Streams that Add Features
8. Buffering
9. Primitive Data
10. Object Streams and Serialization
11. Other Useful Streams
12. IOExceptions
4. Java Charts
1. About Java Charts
2. Program File
3. Class Declaration
4. Field Declaration
5. Method Declaration
6. Expression
7. Statement
8. Disclaimers, Notes, Amendments, etc.
5. Glossary
6. Indices
1. Syntax Sidebars
2. Style Sidebars
3. Interludes
4. Case Studies
5. Terms

© 2003 Lynn Andrea Stein

This chapter is excerpted from a draft of Introduction to Interactive Programming In Java, a forthcoming
textbook. It is a part of the course materials developed as a part of Lynn Andrea Stein's Rethinking CS101
Project at the Computers and Cognition Laboratory of the Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering and

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formerly at the MIT AI Lab and the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Questions or comments:

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