Quaternary Geology Lecture 1-3
Quaternary Geology Lecture 1-3
Quaternary Geology Lecture 1-3
Talk outline
General Characteristics
Climatic Changes
Ice Age
Sea Level Changes
Changes of Relief and Landscapes
Vegetational Changes
Paleontological Changes
Development of Glacial Theory
Subdivision of Quaternary
Alpine Model
Northern European Model
Classical Model-North America
Plio-Pleistocene Boundary
What is Quaternary?
Quaternary is the latest Period in the Geological Time Scale.
The Cenozoic Era includes Quaternary (above) and Tertiary (below).
The Quaternary Period comprises Pleistocene and Holocene Epochs.
The Holocene Epoch spans only the last 10,000 years.
The whole of the Quaternary covers a small span of geological time, only 2.5ma.
On the other hand, Quaternary has not been separated in a traditional way.
There was no major important universal orogenic movement that could make a sharp
tectonic or stratigraphic boundary with the underlying Tertiary Period.
The next debate concerns the subdivision of the Quaternary into Pleistocene and
Holocene Epochs.
Edward Forbes (1815-1854) in his short life span worked on plant and animal life, and
equated the Pleistocene with the Glacial Epoch.
During the Pleistocene Epoch, cold phase (glacial) was alternated with the warm phase
The warm phase of present day, or Interglacial, which started at about 10,000 years ago,
is called Holocene.
Approximately, over 96,000 years, the shape of earth's orbit changes from more elliptical
to less elliptical and vice-versa.
This phenomenon is called Eccentricity.
It produces a change in the surface temperature of earth in a cycle of 96,000 years.
The second variable is called 'Axial tilt or Obliquity’.
The axis of the earth tilts from about 21.5 to 24.5 degrees and back over a period of
around 42,000 years.
This is the angle between equatorial plane and orbital plane.
The third variable is called Precession of the equinoxes. Precession is a change in the
orientation of the rotational axis of a rotating body.
The rotational motion of the axis of a spinning body, such as, the wobbling of a spinning
top, caused by torque applied to the body along its axis of rotation.
The time when the earth is nearest to the sun is called Perihelion.
At present, the Northern Hemisphere winter occurs in perihelion, while the summer
occurs at the furthest point on the orbit and is called aphelion.
To shift the position from perihelion to aphelion, it takes about 10500 years and further
back to perihelion to complete the cycle it takes about 21000 years
One of the striking characteristics of the Quaternary is glacial and post-glacial landforms
resulted by the occurrence of ice sheets and melt water.
The resulting erosional landforms include striations, glacial horns, aretes, trim lines, U-
shaped valleys, hanging valleys, cirques, erratics, striations, pingos, hummocks, truncated
spurs,, morainic landforms, eskers, kames, kettles, tills, etc.
Initially, the Quaternary Period was thought to be the Period of glaciation, because the
people were astonished to observe the evidences of glaciations and glacial deposits in those
places, especially in the Alpine regions, that never witnessed permanent glaciations at the
present time.
The evidence of glaciation was first observed at the end of eighteenth century when James
Hutton (1726-1797), a Scottish farmer and naturalist (he is known as the founder of modem
geology), identified erratic blocks in the Jura mountainous region in France in 1795.
A Scottish geologist Charles Lyell in 1839 introduced the term 'Pleistocene’.
The term Pleistocene is derived from two Greek words, pleistos (meaning 'most') and kainos
(meaning 'new’ or 'recent’).
Hence, Pleistocene means 'Most Recent’.
Lyell introduced this term to describe the strata exposed in Sicily (type section, southern
Italy) that had at least 70% of their molluscan fauna still living today.
Edward Forbes (1946) redefined the Pleistocene as the same age of glacial epochs.
Lyell noticed that between the layers of rock or within the same layer, there was a distinct
change between fossils of marine mollusks of warm water species and fossils which were
like modern cold water species.
Forbes in 1846, suggested the post-glacial time as Recent. In 1885, International Geological
Congress (IGQ accepted the term Holocene (meaning wholly recent).
In 1869, Paul Gervais, a French paleontologist, introduced a term Holocene (wholly recent)
for the last 10,000 years. The Holocene is indeed the 'Age of Man.
The reddish-brown clastic deposits exposed in the Lalmai Hills, Madhupur and Barind
tracts are called Madhupur Clay Formation.
The lower member of the Madhupur Formation is represented by bidirectional
(herringbone type) cross-bedded, highly micaceous sand (deposits). At the bottom of this
sand, quartz-chalcedony gravel bed is present.
This quartz-chalcedony gravel bed, named as Cumilla Gravel Bed, represents a marker
horizon in the Bengal basin. The Plio-Pleistocene boundary has been placed at the top of
this Quartz-chalcedony Gravel Bed.
This Bed is well exposed in the Ranirbanglow section of Lalmai hills. This Bed can also
be seen in the Rupban Mura hill-slope section. In the Bengal Basin, it has been assumed
that the Pleistocene started around 1.6 million years ago.
Quaternary Stratigraphy –
The Madhupur area has been considered as an area which comprises the Vawaland
Madhupur Garghs.
This area of about 4058 sq.km., extends in Dhaka, Mymensingh and Tangail districts.
The so-called Madhupur Clay or reddish brown deposits are exposed on some north-
south trending elongated flat landmasses abruptly elevated from the
In the Madhupur area, Quaternary deposits aresubdivided into two Formations
(Monsurand Paepe, 1994Monsur, 1995) and are called :
i) Madhupur Clay and Sand Formation (lower unit), represented by reddish-brown
sand,sandy-clay and clay; and
ii) Basabosilty-clay Formation (upper unit), represented by yellowish brown to bluish-
grey sand to clay.
The lower boundary of the Madhupur Formation isrepresented by the Quartz-chalcedony
Gravel layer which iscalled Comilla Quartz-chalcedony Gravel Bed.
The thickness of this Formation is about 14 to 20m.
The Madhupur Formation has further been subdivided into three Members (lower
subunits) and two Beds (upper subunit) based on the presence of two palaeosolhorizons.
The Members are called BhalukaSand Member, Mirpur Silty-clay Memberand Dhaka
Clay Member.
The lower and upper Beds of this Formation are called Kalsi Beds.
Similarly, the Basab Formation has also been subdivided into two Members:Gulshan
Sand Member and Matuail Clay Member.
The Barindarea falls in the central part of north Bengal and covers an area of about 7680
The area comprises about six north-south elongated isolated exposures of reddish brown
Previously, the reddish-brown deposits exposed in the Barindarea were also called
Madhupur Clay (Morgan and Mclntire, 1959), Alamand Khan (1980), Islam (1974).
The Barind and Madhupur area are quite apart from each other and there is no lithologic
Hence, the Quaternary deposits exposed in the Barind area are considered separately
since Barind tract is a different geomorphic unit.
However, the Quaternary deposits exposed in the Barind area are subdivided into two
broad units:
i) Barind Clay and Sand Formation (Monsurand Paepe,1992), represented by deep
reddish-brown, highly oxidized and weathered clay silty-clay and sand with ferruginous
concretions, calcareous nodules, plant roots, pipe stems and manganese spots; and
ii) RohonpurSilty-clay Formation, represented by yellowish grey, silty-clay to clay
with organic matter and plant roots.
The Barind Formation has further been subdivided into three Members (lowersubunits) and
one Bed (uppersubunit) based on the presence of two palaeosol horizons.
The Members are called Gujorghat Sand Member (LowerMember, R2-3), NacholeSilty-
clay Member (middleMember, R2-2) and Sherpur Clay Member (upper Member, M2-1
The upper Bed of this Formation is called GouripurSand-silt-clay Bed.
Similarly, the Rohonpur Formation has also been subdivided into five subunits based on
the presence of four palaeosol horizons (H).
The presence of buried soil horizons represent the Boundary Strato type.
The famous Chalanbilmeans a lake or marshy land in which water flows during the flood
In fact during the rainy season (monsoon time) rivers are over loaded and the surplus water
flows over the flood plain of the Chalanbil towards the mighty river Jamuna
The Chalanbil covers an area of about 500 sq.km. Roughly, the Chalanbil is extended from
the village town Singra up to the village Naogaonand Chatmahorto Bastul.
The environmental of change in Chalanbil area is quite prominent. Only about 200 years
BP, the heart of the Chalanbil had never been dried up even during the peak of the dry
As a result, it was a good site for gathering wild buffaloes during the dry (hot) season which
created several pools and depressions.
The wide area of Chalanbilis covered by Holocene fluvial deposits. The observation of
different boreholes, pond and canal digging led to subdivide the deposits into the following
I) the upper sticky silty-clay unit (Cl ) which is called Chalanbil Silty-clay Formation (Monsur,
II) The Chalanbil Formation is underlain by the micaceous sand unit (C2) which is called Barind
The Barind Formation is underlain by the Quartz-chalcedony Gravel layer (Comilla Gravel
Bed ) of DupiTila Formation of Pliocene age.
Quaternary Stratigraphy: Dahagram-PanchagarhArea
Bholagonj-Jaintiapur gravels are being used for roads and building constructions.
Similarly, Gravels of Dahagram-Angarpota, Patgram, Dalia, Chapani, Kaligonj, north and
south Kharibari, Boalmari, Vojonpur, Tetuliaof greater Rangpur and Dinajpur districts, are
also used as constructional materials.
The Tista barriage is built up with our own local gravels. These gravels are exploited in a
private level with local contractors.
They are ruining the crop lands. It is suggested that the Government should take care of
these gravels and take initiative for exploitation in a scientific way to minimize the
exploitation costs and to save the crop lands for future generation.
Pedological Studies: Micromorphological studies
⮚Palaeosols or Geosols are becoming widely recognized in ancient siliciclastic alluvial and
deltaic sequences.
⮚The average sedimentation rates in terrestrial setting are low. As a consequence, sediments will
have a residence time of tens of years to thousands of years within the upper part of the weathering
⮚Within this zone, effectively the zone of soil formation. These sediments can be radically
modified by a variety of biological, chemical and physical processes associated with pedogensis
⮚Soil is a natural body formed in the surface of the earth under the influence of climate, biota,
topography and time.
⮚It will have vertically differentiated layers due to the relative intensities of biological, chemical
and physical weathering and translocation of the products.
⮚A vertical section through these layers exhibits a soil profile (Valentine and Dalrymple, 1976).
⮚Therefore, the presence of palaeosol in stratigraphic horizon represents in one hand, a marker
horizon which can be used as asynchronous level and on the other hand, itcan be used as a
geochronological tool for stratigraphic correlation of lithosequences of hundreds or thousands of
kilometers apart.
⮚In the Quaternary sequence of Bangladesh, palaeosol were used for the bases for stratigraphic
⮚Recognition and identification of palaeosols in the Madhupur and Barind Formations in the
Madhupur and Barind areas and also in the Lalmai hills areas, were carried out by micro
morphological studies (Monsur,1992).
⮚Micro morphological descriptions of undisturbed soil samples has been given in the literature,
illustrates the pedofeatures and micro structures of thin section of strongly impregnated palaeosols
of the Madhupur Formation
⮚One of the most distinctive aspects of some palaeosol is colour mottling reflecting localized
changes in oxidation and reduction(Monsur,1990).
⮚There is a distinct Boundary between the iron-depleted reduction zone (white spaces) and iron-
rich oxidation zone (blackspaces).
⮚This kind of colour mottling is a common feature of the Madhupur and Barind Formations.
⮚The mechanism of their formation can be explained in the following way: In sediments, where
ground water table is close to the surface, the subsoil layers below the surface horizons are
permanently saturated and topsoil can be periodically submerged, depending on the extent of the
seasonal fluctuation.
⮚Soil that develop in this way is called GleySoil (Allen and Wright, 1989). The lower Members
of the Madhupur and Barind Formations, sometimes, have this characteristic.
⮚Micro morphological studies of the Madhupur and Barind Formations indicated that the upper
part of the Formations represent a strongly impregnated soil with vughs, vesicles, chamber and
channel microstructures having amorphous and cryptocrystalline pedofeature.
⮚On the other hand, the lower Members represent weakly impregnated soil with bridge grain
⮚It is quite clear that the deposits had undergone pedogenic processes. All the pedofeatures
indicated that these are in situ developed soil and do not represent a transported or re-deposited
soil materials.
⮚In the case of the Madhupur Formation, only two buried soil horizons were recognizable during
the field observation.
⮚The samples below and above these soil horizons have exactly the similar pedo features.
⮚It means that the deposits include not only two soil layers, but several.
⮚Buried soil can be differentiated and recognized easily by horizon after horizon.
⮚Buried palaeosol were developed by catastrophic floods. But there were also numerous minor
floods in the floodplains which only a few centimeter of sediments might have deposited.
⮚Many ecosystems can cope with this degree of disturbance and continue to grow and incorporate
this materials into the pre-existing soil, to form a cumulative one (Retallack,1983).
⮚Hence, the Barind and Madhupur Formations represent such a cumulative palaeosols, formed
progressively with the alternate increment of a few milli meters or centimeters of sediments by
numerous minor floods in the depositional basin.
⮚After the deposition of the lower part of these Formations cumulative palaeosols were formed.
⮚At the top of these Formations modern soil developed which is, infact, a relict soil of the pre-
existing palaeosol materials.
⮚Absence of large trees and the presence of grass type vegetation, and also the formation of these
cumulative palaeosol indicates that the depositional basin was a floodplain
⮚The reddish brown colour of the Madhupur and Barind Formations is clearly related to the iron
⮚The present author has tried to explain how these iron compounds were formed which ultimately
caused the deep reddish brown to light yellowish brown colour of these deposits.
⮚In this context, only the the petrographical observations with the aid of a polarizing microscope
and the literature reviews are discussed (Monsur,1992;Hassan,1986). Iron in sediments can
bedivided into:
a) the iron present in primary minerals, the nature of which will depend on the type of parent
materials undergoing weathering;
b) the iron present in secondary minerals and
c) free iron.
⮚The primary iron-containing minerals are usually associated with igneous rocks, such as,
ferromagnesian silicates (pyroxene, olivine and amphibole) biotite micas and the iron ores,
comprising hematite, ilmenite and magnetite.
⮚The iron containing secondary minerals can not be defined as clearly owing to their
heterogeneity (Oades,1963).
⮚Biogenic products and chemical constituents, such as, calcite and dolomite, formed at the place
of deposition usually contains less than 1% iron, except where the deposition has occurred in
shallow seas, when oolite and perhaps iron minerals, as for example chamosite and/or siderite may
be found.
⮚Iron present in many minerals occurring in the weathering sequence from the ferromagnesian
silicates through the biotite micas and illite clay minerals to hematite and/or goethite and many
other iron containing minerals.
⮚Clay minerals containing iron as an essential element are the "hydromicas", illites. chlorites,
vermiculite, chamosite, glauconite, griffithite and granulite
⮚A detailed study of clay minerals of the Madhupur Formation has been perfomed by Hassan
⮚He found the above mentioned iron rich clay minerals, such as, illite, chlorite and vermiculite.
⮚The sediments of the Madhupur and Barind Formations contain a lot of ferromagnesian minerals
(quite fresh in the lower part of these Formations) derived from the Himalayan mountain ranges.
⮚These sediments under gone intensive weathering processes and released Fe ions in a free state.
⮚In the Madhupur and Barind areas these iron compounds are distributed throughout the sections
in the form of nodules or in association with clays.
⮚The plant roots are capable of oxidizing iron and it was observed that the rhizosphere system of
hydrophyte plants tend to be more efficient in producing oxidative condition in the soil than
mesophytic type.
⮚Pipestem are characteristic of poorly drained soils. The orange brown colour is, however,
associated with dead roots, while roots are still living a pale blue or grey colour.
⮚The abundance of pipestems in the Madhupur and Barind tracts is in accordance with this
⮚A lot of papers explains the formation of iron compounds in red beds. Among the iron oxides
the authigenic hematite(aFe203), goethite (aFeOOH), Lepidochrocite (gFeOOH) andhydrated-
ferric-oxidesgel (Fe(OH)3.H20) areimportant.
⮚The colours of the upper, middle and lower Members of theMadhupur Formation are,
respectively, moderate reddish brown(10R 4/6), light brown (5YR 5/6) and pale yellowish
brown(10YR 6/2).
⮚Similarly,the colours of the three Member of the Barind Froamtion from top to bottom are
respectively, strong brown(7.5YR4/6), brownish yellow(10YR6/8) and yellowish
⮚The colour of authigenic hematite and goethite are respectively 2.5 YR and/or redder, and 1O
YR. The abundance of these two minerals is probably responsible for the colour variation of these
⮚Well oxygenated upper Members of these Formations favoured the formation of hematite.
⮚According to Oades1963), hematite occurs in drier and more highly oxidized zones, usually
nearer the surface, whereas goethite occurs more typically in wetter though well oxidized zones,
often in subsurface horizons.
⮚The stratigraphic position of Madhupur Formation in the Lalmai hills is quite high in comparison
to the Madhupur and Barind tracts.
⮚The ground mass of thin sections of the soils from the Lalmai hills showed redder than any other
sections (Monsur,1992).
⮚This is because of higher concentration of hematite in Lalmai hills which is in accordance with
the statement of Oades(1963).
⮚The higher concentration of goethite or limonite in the lower Members of both these Formations,
probably, resulted in the yellowish brown or pale yellowish brown colour.