Saep 134

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Engineering Procedure

SAEP-134 30 April 2003

Saudi Aramco Engineering
Procedure Preparations
Document Responsibility: Standards Coordinator

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Table of Contents

1 Scope............................................................. 2
2 Applicable Documents................................... 2
3 Instructions..................................................... 2
4 Responsibilities.............................................. 3

Previous Issue: New Next Planned Update: 1 May 2008

Revised paragraphs are indicated in the right margin Page 1 of 5
Document Responsibility: Standards Coordinator SAEP-134
Issue Date: 30 April 2003 Preparation of Saudi
Next Planned Update: 1 May 2008 Aramco Engineering Procedures

1 Scope

Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures (SAEPs) establish instructions and

responsibilities associated with various engineering activities. This document contains
the instructions to initiate, format, prepare, revise, coordinate and obtain approvals for
all SAEPs.

SAEPs are procedures, approved by Saudi Aramco Management, that establish

minimum requirements for dealing with their associated subject material. They are
mandatory and apply on a Company-wide basis.

2 Applicable Documents

The requirements contained in the following documents apply to the extent specified in
this procedure.

Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures

SAEP-301 Instructions for Establishing and Maintaining
Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering
SAEP-302 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver of a
Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering

3 Instructions

3.1 Purpose

The purpose of an SAEP is to establish and approve a systematic method or

process of accomplishing an engineering related activity.

3.2 Organization and Contents

3.2.1 The content of each SAEP is to be divided and the material organized
into a minimum of four mandatory sections:

• Scope: This section of the procedure is normally used to describe

the subject matter of the document, including the extent of its
application. It can also make an overall general statement
encompassing the content or functional intent of the SAEP.

• Applicable Documents: This section lists all documents that are

referenced within the procedure. Do not list documents that are not
referred to.

Page 2 of 5
Document Responsibility: Standards Coordinator SAEP-134
Issue Date: 30 April 2003 Preparation of Saudi
Next Planned Update: 1 May 2008 Aramco Engineering Procedures

• Instructions: This section provides the procedure's instructions or

guidelines to be followed.

• Responsibilities: This section establishes the responsibilities,

authority and approvals associated with carrying out the
procedure's instructions.

3.2.2 Additional sections may be included as necessary, depending upon the

subject matter involved. Add more sections only when it is necessary to
include material that does not logically fit within one of the mandatory

3.2.3 Appendices may be included to provide information in support of the

main text of the SAEP. This may include tables, charts, graphs,
examples, etc. Do not include Saudi Aramco forms in the procedure.
Instead, make reference to them by their form number.

Identify appendices as Appendix A, B, etc., on consecutively numbered

pages. Locate appendices after the last page of the last SAEP section
and list each appendix in the Table of Contents.

3.3 Deviation from Procedure Requirements

Approval to deviate from the requirements given in an SAEP shall be obtained

by following the waiver instructions of SAEP-302.

3.4 Cancellation of SAEP

Cancel existing SAEPs by obtaining the signature of the procedure's Approval


3.5 Document Numbering

Document numbers will be assigned to SAEPs based on the following:

• Two digit numbers: Approval by Senior Vice President

• Three digit numbers: Approval by Vice President or General Manager

• Four digit numbers: Approval by Department Manager

4 Responsibilities

4.1 Saudi Aramco Responsible Organization (SARO)

Page 3 of 5
Document Responsibility: Standards Coordinator SAEP-134
Issue Date: 30 April 2003 Preparation of Saudi
Next Planned Update: 1 May 2008 Aramco Engineering Procedures

The SARO is the department responsible for the procedure. All SAEP must
have an assigned SARO. Specific responsibilities of the SARO include:

• Determine the need for new SAEPs, and review existing SAEPs, at least
once every five (5) years per SAEP-301, to determine if they are still valid.
Where required, revise procedures to achieve broadest company-wide
application, maintain overall cost-effectiveness, ensure technical adequacy,
and generally keep them up-to-date.

• Determine the approval authority for the procedure.

• Determine if company-wide input is needed for procedures containing

major revisions or new SAEPs.

• Forward draft documents to the Standards Coordinator to either route for

BOE review or for the completion of approval, publication, and
distribution processes per SAEP-301.

• Forward all original approval copies of procedures to the Standards

Coordinator for historical filing. Include other documents judged
important enough to be kept with the document file.

4.2 Board of Engineers (BOE)

• Review SAEPs as required by paragraph 4.1, ensuring they are acceptable

from the technical, safety, economics and implementation standpoint.

• Recommend to the Approval Authority, appropriate changes to achieve an

optimum balance of technical, safety, economic and implementation

4.3 Approval Authority

The Approval Authority, determined by the SARO for each procedure, shall
review each procedure to ensure that the final draft procedure should be
approved for use. For documents reviewed by the BOE, ensure that all major
comments have been resolved.

4.4 Standards Coordinator

The Standards Coordinator is responsible for administration of the SAEPs.

Specific responsibilities include:

• Maintain accurate records of approved SAEPs, including issue date and

next planned revision. Keep historical files and copies of all SAEPs,
including original document approval signatures.

Page 4 of 5
Document Responsibility: Standards Coordinator SAEP-134
Issue Date: 30 April 2003 Preparation of Saudi
Next Planned Update: 1 May 2008 Aramco Engineering Procedures

• Assign document numbers to new SAEPs.

• Establish document format and content requirements. Review all SAEPs

prior to final approval for conformance to these requirements.

• Forward draft SAEPs to the BOE for review, and completed SAEPs to the
document's Approval Authority.

• Approve minor editorial changes to the procedure for such things as

typographical errors, organization name and title changes approved by
Management, and reference document name changes.

• Disseminate the information of all approved SAEPs per SAEP-301.

• Notify SARO representatives of approaching planned revision dates in

sufficient time to allow an orderly review and rewrite of the procedure, if

Revision Summary
30 April 2003 Document renumbered to align with other similar nature of procedures such as SAEP-119
and SAEP-125.
Editorial revisions to include reference to SAEP-301.
"Next Planned Update" was reset to 1 May 2008.

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