Organizational Set Up at National, Regional, District, Provincial, City/Municipal/Precinct Levels
Organizational Set Up at National, Regional, District, Provincial, City/Municipal/Precinct Levels
Organizational Set Up at National, Regional, District, Provincial, City/Municipal/Precinct Levels
Patrol is considered the backbone of police-directed activities in the preservation of peace and
order. Police officers have the duty to go around a populated area for purpose of security and
observation. They have to move by foot or in motor vehicles in crime prone areas within their
respective beats to look for and apprehend criminals or to respond to citizens under threat or
calling for assistance. The police is there ready to provide service when it can be summarize in a
acronym “SAFE” that is the police is Seen, Admired, Felt and Experienced most often, they must
show themselves to the public, to let them know that the police officers are there to help secure
the neighborhood. In conducting patrols, the officers intermingle and work with the general
populace. The synergy between the police and the community is a primary factor in effective
crime prevention.