STAMPING Journal - May June 2021
STAMPING Journal - May June 2021
STAMPING Journal - May June 2021
NS North America is a Tier 1 suppli- thickness-reduction initiatives. This Three processes currently used that
er of press-hardened steel (PHS), or combination introduces unique chal- allow for these tailored designs to be
hot-stamped; cold-stamped compo- lenges to tooling and process develop- manufactured are tailor welded blanks,
nents; and welded subassemblies for the ment. The industry is constantly striving tailor rolled blanks, and tailor patch
automotive industry. for weight savings, driving GNS North blanks.
Founded in Korea in 1971, the com- America to hot-stamp more parts out of Tailor welded blanks (TWB) are made
pany employs approximately 550 people PHS, or boron-manganese steel (see Hot- from individual steel sheets of different
and operates 16 active PHS stamp lines, stamped Steel Primer sidebar). thicknesses, strengths, and coatings that
10 cold-stamp lines, and various assem- Hot stamping produces components are laser-welded together. This process
bly and weld cells. Its plants are in Hol- that are residual stress-free, possessing positions the material with the right
land, Mich., Canton, Mich., and San Jose both high yield and tensile strength prop- properties in the right places (see Fig-
Iturbide, Mexico. erties. However, because of the resulting ure 1).
The engineering team at GNS North hardness, tight-tolerance hole and slot Tailor rolled blanks (TRB) are sheets
America experienced challenges with features and trim edges have to be laser- with a continuous transition from one
producing parts to achieve energy cut in a secondary process, which can be thickness to another. They are made on
absorption and weight targets. expensive. a cold rolling mill.
Tailored Blanks. Customers also Tailor patch blanks are 2D blanks
Challenges With PHS, demand components with optimized that are locally reinforced by attaching
Tailored Blanks energy absorption performance for safe- smaller 2D blanks (patches) by either
GNS’s daily production and quoting ty goals as well as weight targets. These spot or laser welding (see Figure 2).
challenges were: requirements have driven GNS designs The patches create zones of extra thick-
PHS Parts. Components are becom- to evolve into components with multi- ness on the blank.
ing more complex, both in their geom- material thickness and even multimate- They require a unique tool design,
etry and because of weight-saving rial types. spot weld positioning, and material
Figure 3
Figure 2 Generic image of a single-hat section side impact
beam. Note that the part has a fully developed outside
Representation of a patchwork blank. perimeter trim and hole and slot features.
Image 2
The chart shows typical strengths and
elongations for common grades of steel
and where the tailored and PHS fall
within them.