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STAMPING Journal - May June 2021

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optimize energy absorption, weight targets

Software simulation allows stamper to calculate formability accurately

NS North America is a Tier 1 suppli- thickness-reduction initiatives. This Three processes currently used that
er of press-hardened steel (PHS), or combination introduces unique chal- allow for these tailored designs to be
hot-stamped; cold-stamped compo- lenges to tooling and process develop- manufactured are tailor welded blanks,
nents; and welded subassemblies for the ment. The industry is constantly striving tailor rolled blanks, and tailor patch
automotive industry. for weight savings, driving GNS North blanks.
Founded in Korea in 1971, the com- America to hot-stamp more parts out of Tailor welded blanks (TWB) are made
pany employs approximately 550 people PHS, or boron-manganese steel (see Hot- from individual steel sheets of different
and operates 16 active PHS stamp lines, stamped Steel Primer sidebar). thicknesses, strengths, and coatings that
10 cold-stamp lines, and various assem- Hot stamping produces components are laser-welded together. This process
bly and weld cells. Its plants are in Hol- that are residual stress-free, possessing positions the material with the right
land, Mich., Canton, Mich., and San Jose both high yield and tensile strength prop- properties in the right places (see Fig-
Iturbide, Mexico. erties. However, because of the resulting ure 1).
The engineering team at GNS North hardness, tight-tolerance hole and slot Tailor rolled blanks (TRB) are sheets
America experienced challenges with features and trim edges have to be laser- with a continuous transition from one
producing parts to achieve energy cut in a secondary process, which can be thickness to another. They are made on
absorption and weight targets. expensive. a cold rolling mill.
Tailored Blanks. Customers also Tailor patch blanks are 2D blanks
Challenges With PHS, demand components with optimized that are locally reinforced by attaching
Tailored Blanks energy absorption performance for safe- smaller 2D blanks (patches) by either
GNS’s daily production and quoting ty goals as well as weight targets. These spot or laser welding (see Figure 2).
challenges were: requirements have driven GNS designs The patches create zones of extra thick-
PHS Parts. Components are becom- to evolve into components with multi- ness on the blank.
ing more complex, both in their geom- material thickness and even multimate- They require a unique tool design,
etry and because of weight-saving rial types. spot weld positioning, and material


thickness deltas. The designer must lation tool and gained confidence in the
consider this thickness variation and correlation between the physical and
model transition zones into the die cavi- predicted results, the software provided
ty surfaces where the material thickness valuable insight for all operations.
transitions from double material thick-
ness back to single thickness. Locations Putting the Software to Work
of the spot welds that adhere the patch- The GNS North America team produces
es to the blank are important to prevent a high-volume body-in-white compo-
part failure as well as failure of the spot nent at its Canton and San Jose Iturbide
welds themselves. facilities for a North American OEM.
The team used multiple tools from the
Software Simulation Allows simulation software suite to successful-
Accurate Formability ly eliminate problems and challenges in
Calculations producing the part.
These challenges drove the need for sim- When reviewing the initial simula-
ulation tools to help the GNS North tion, the designers could see the pre-
America design and development teams dicted thickening and thinning of the
confidently predict component forma- formed component. At this point the
bility when designing the process and team needed to make decisions on how
tooling.   to improve the process—whether the
Following competitive evaluations, design process needed to change, such
Figure 1 the stamping manufacturer chose to as adding a binder and making it a draw
lease the AutoForm Simulation Soft- process instead of a crash form. Anoth-
Tailor welded blanks (TWB) are made from
ware Suite as its process predictive er approach the team considered was
individual steel sheets of different thicknesses,
strengths, and coatings that are laser welded tool. Then the engineering team could to combine the crash form and draw
together. This process positions the material calculate formability outcomes quick- options by adding pads to the crash
with the right properties in the right places. ly and accurately. GNS also used the form to control specific areas of the
Images: AutoForm Engineering GmbH simulation software to make microad- sheet to either reduce or promote mate-
justments to the press closing speed. rial flow. These adjustments could be
The team changed the blank trim lines made early in the design process.
as well. Eliminating Laser Trimming. The
Experienced operators at the plant team initiated the process by using the
encountered a low learning curve with software’s iterative features to optimize
the software. Those unfamiliar with the placement and timing of the required
software received comprehensive basic pads and binders. This iterative
training, and some took advanced train- approach allowed for multiple simula-
ing for hot stamping. tion attempts to be completed in rapid
Once the team understood the simu- succession.

Figure 3
Figure 2 Generic image of a single-hat section side impact
beam. Note that the part has a fully developed outside
Representation of a patchwork blank. perimeter trim and hole and slot features.


Next it used the iterative trim devel- nity to maximize equipment processing optimizations, the team recognized an
opment capability of the simulation efficiencies. It also allowed more of the additional opportunity to incorporate
software to generate the optimized 2D part to be fully developed so that less in-die pierce technology. Though add-
blank profile that would adhere to the laser trimming was required. The man- ing complexity to the PHS die set, this
customer’s required trim edge tolerance. ufacturer then shared that information hardware allowed for the critical locating
The software analyzed the sheet bound- with its customers to maintain their com- datum hole and slot features to be added
ary to “best fit” the target boundary and petitive edge. during the hot-stamping operation and
made automatic adjustments to achieve GNS developed the trim lines on most avoid the secondary laser operation.
a finish boundary that fell within the side impact beams using the software Tailored Patch Blank. In addition,
defined profile tolerance. These itera- (see Figure 3). the OEM required that the component
tion loops gave the stamper an opportu- In-die Piercing. During these process weight be minimized and use a tai-

Hot-stamped Steel Primer

Hot-stamped parts are formed from press-hardenable steel
(PHS). The PHS contains 0.001% to 0.005% boron carbon/
manganese. It is most commonly known as 22MnB5.
The preprocessed material has mechanical properties
similar to the widely used HSLA 300 and 340 grade steels, Image 1
with a tensile strength around 400 MPa and 600 MPa for PHS process steps. The blank is transported from the destacker to
1500 grades. However, when the 22MnB5 is thermome- the oven where it is heated to 950 degrees C. The blank retains heat
chanically processed, its microstructure changes, resulting as it is transferred into the die in the press. The press is activated,
in a martensitic microstructure. This change is commonly forming the blank into its final part shape. The formed part is indirectly
referred to as a phase transformation. quenched using a water-cooled die set, which facilitates the transition
In terms of the process, first the steel is heated to around of the materials’ microstructure from austenite to martensite. Formed
950 degrees C and then transported from the furnace to parts are laser-trimmed, if necessary.
the die and press with robotic end-of-arm tooling. Once
the blanks are properly located in the die cavities, the press part that can have a finished tensile strength of up to 2,000
cycles and the upper die half closes on the lower die half MPa. If all this is done accurately, parts can be produced
to form the part to its final shape and dwell, while special within 100% tolerance and without springback.
water-cooling channels in the die forms rapidly extract the Image 2 shows the finished martensitic steel’s tensile
heat from the blanks (see Image 1). strength and elongation overlaid on other steels’ to visu-
The combination of the high temperature and the rapid ally demonstrate the differences. This is done to achieve
cooling transforms the material into a 100% martensitic weight targets while simultaneously retaining high-strength
mechanical properties for overall
performance. This unique material
behavior is key for lightweighting
safety cages, A pillars, and B pil-
This unique steel has been used
in automotive applications since
the early 1980s, starting with
Volvo, and continues to become
a preferred material selected for
automotive impact and body-
in-white components and subas-

Image 2
The chart shows typical strengths and
elongations for common grades of steel
and where the tailored and PHS fall
within them.


lored thickness blank. This would have
required costly upfront development
using traditional techniques. However,
the team was able to apply its experience
with the simulation software to expedite
the optimization and suppress the cost.
The GNS team used the software’s
patch simulation capabilities to estab-
lish patch-blank spot weld patterns. The
spot welds that adhere the patches to the
blank also had to be evaluated to ensure
that their placement would not disrupt
the needed material flow or fracture
during the forming process. To set up the
simulation, the team defined the number GNS used the simulation
and location of spot welds. The results software to develop this tailor
of this initial setup gave the team an patched rail component.
opportunity to visualize the normal and
tangential forces exerted on each spot
weld during the forming process. These
analytical results guided the team to pre-
dict interfacial weld failure and revise the
spot weld pattern to eliminate the unde-
sired condition.
The software’s graphical user interface
gave the manufacturer time to schedule
and process multiple simulations quick-
ly, support the processing of large RFQs,
study and fine-tune more challenging
components, and develop blank profiles.
Using the AutoForm-ThermoSolver, the
team could see the dilatation that heat- GNS designed this body-
ing the 22MnB5 material blanks caused. in-white component with
It could study the effects of the transfer fully developed trim and
time on the heated blanks from the oven in-die pierced datum hole
to the tool, while referencing adherence and slot features.
to the continuous cooling transforma-
tion phase diagram, press forming, and
quenching speeds. All of these tools gave
the team information they could use to
optimize their process pursuant to more
efficient cycle times.
Using the simulation software suite’s
iterative optimization features, GNS
North America now can achieve devel-
oped trim edges and holes to initial cus-
tomer quality requirements of 80% or
greater for the first hits and buyoffs to
support initial material required dates
on both side impact beams and body-in-
white components. This saves both time The GNS team used the
and money related to expensive second- software’s iterative feature to
ary laser operations, which the company develop the final door beam
can pass through to its customers.S trim with table and to bring it
100% in tolerance.


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