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MetalForming Magazine - 2020 12

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… to navigate the perfect
storm of die development: software (a trio of modules from Aut- dies. The more difficult the job—
oForm) to efficiently validate tooling whether due to material type or part
increased part complexity, designs prior to putting die blocks into complexity—the more material, and
stronger steels and a CNC machine. The ability to validate time, we would waste in tryout.”
our blank and die designs saves us Eliminating that waste led the firm
compressed customer countless hours of shop time, much of to purchase five seats of AutoForm.
which would typically consume costly “I’m told we have more solvers than
timelines. overtime hours, and cuts way down on some of the OEMs,” Smith says. Its
material waste.” team of die designers use three Auto-
BY BRAD F. KUVIN, EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Form modules: StampingAdvisor,
Streamlining Tryout DieDesigner and Compensator.
3-Dimensional Services Group oper- “We use them constantly,” says

F acing the “perfect storm” of die

design and development—dra-
matic increases in stamped-part
complexity along with compressed cus-
tomer timelines—led the management
ates out of four facilities and a com-
bined 350,000 sq. ft. of manufacturing
space housing nearly 400 employees.
Die development occurs at its head-
quarters facility in Rochester Hills, MI,
Primo Tongko III, CAD room senior
tool-design leader. “Before AutoForm,
everything was done manually. Merely
developing a blank could take weeks
and consume a lot of material. Now,
team at 3-Dimensional Services Group, and at its Urgent Design & Manufac- every part that comes in we run
in 2015, to invest in new simulation turing facility in Lapeer, MI. While it through AutoForm.”
software. The company now regularly serves a host of end-use industries
calls on the software to help manage including appliance, aerospace and Evaluating Part
blank development, evaluate stamped- defense, automotive is its largest mar- and Process Feasibility
part and process feasibility, and gen- ket, keeping it busy developing com- AutoForm-StampingAdvisor enables
erate and simulate alternative die-face ponents and assemblies for body-in- designers at 3-Dimensional Services
designs. white structures, seating and chassis Group to quickly evaluate part and
“Simulations are critical now,” systems, and the like. The company process feasibility, and determine blank
shares Daniel Smith, a salesman for 3- operates some 160 presses, maxing out shape, material utilization and blank
Dimensional Services Group, a diver- at 5000-ton capacity; it has 14 presses cost. It identifies any risk of excess
sified group of companies offering a 1000 tons and up. thinning or splitting during stamping,
multitude of capabilities including CNC “We don’t develop or run any pro- and the potential for wrinkling.
machining, stamping, laser cutting and gressive dies here, it’s all hand-transfer “We use the software for early fea-
robotic welding, plastic injection mold- work,” says Smith. “If a part requires sibility evaluations based on part
ing, welding, waterjet cutting, hydro- four or five hits, that means designing geometry,” says Tongko. “I can modify
forming, and prototyping. “We use the and developing four or five separate the part design and within minutes the

www.metalformingmagazine.com MetalForming/December 2020 31

Using Simulation Software

blanks,” Tongko says. “And because the

blank and the stamping process are so
precisely developed, we can in some
cases, already add the holes and perime-
ter trim to the three-axis blank and avoid
five-axis laser cutting entirely.”

Three-axis laser cut blank Hit 1 Develop and Test

Multiple Concepts
With AutoForm-DieDesigner, Tongko
and the other users at 3-Dimensional
Services Group quickly can create and
simulate alternative die-face designs.
“Integrating die-face design with sim-
ulation lets us quickly and accurately
evaluate multiple concepts for the
process and tool,” Tongko shares, “and
find the optimum solution based on
feasibility, quality and cost.”
Finally, AutoForm-Compensator
Hit 2 Hit 3 allows a designer to automatically
modify tooling surfaces based either
on precise springback calculation or
Die designers at 3-Dimensional Services Group used AutoForm to quickly develop measured springback data. This ability
short-run production tooling for this lower suspension bracket. They were able to quick-
takes on a particularly valuable role as
ly develop the trim and prove out the tooling concept in just a few days, rather than
weeks, and went from the start of tool design to producing good, stamped parts in only the firm continues to process higher-
4 weeks. strength steels. “We’re seeing a lot of
dual-phase advanced high-strength
software automatically will generate part, a lower-suspension bracket steels (AHSS),” says Smith, “and even
the blankholder surface and adden- stamped from 1.9-mm-thick high- some Gen 3 980-MPa grades.”
dum. It also will identify potential strength low-alloy steel in three differ- Cold-formable Gen 3 steels, able in
formability issues and create the opti- ent sets of tools. A prototype job, the some applications to replace press-
mum blank shape, while calculating part included a challenging flange hardened steels, behave like all AHSS
material utilization and blank cost. design formed in two directions. grades, typically creating increased
“One of the more common and use- “The StampingAdvisor software springback concerns.
ful advantages provided by Stamping- helped us unfold the part—a particu- “With these materials, in particular,
Advisor,” Tongko continues, “is the abil- larly complex geometry,” Tongko says, I can use Compensator to clearly define
ity to quickly and efficiently add draw “and develop the blank. We then were the specific compensation regions with-
beads, a very common practice when able to visualize what the tooling need- in a part profile,” Tongko says. “Then,
developing three-piece tools. The soft- ed to look like in order to securely hold the software allows me to modify either
ware immediately identifies any hot the partially formed part in the second the entire tooling surface or only select-
spots so that we can adjust the blank die—to wipe the walls down. The soft- ed regions to control compensation.
shape accordingly. In the end, a job ware then helped us precisely locate That allows me to arrive at final part
that might have taken two weeks just pilot holes for the third and final die, geometry in very few iterations.
for blank development now takes two and even allowed us to develop a pre- “We also can set and adjust, for sim-
or three days.” trim operation before the final hit.” ulation purposes, press tonnage in Auto-
“We also rely on StampingAdvisor In addition, because blanks are so Form-Compensator,” he adds, “to eval-
to quickly obtain formability feedback perfectly developed now, 3-Dimen- uate how tonnage will affect spring-
while quoting,” adds Smith, “and to sional Services Group is, in some cases, back. Not only does this help with
provide timely feedback to our cus- able to bypass five-axis laser cutting process design, but it also allows us to,
tomers regarding their part-design fea- to cut holes and trim stamped parts. early in process development, decide
sibility.” “We can use our three-axis laser cut- which press we need to use for the job.”
Smith and Tongko describe one such ting machine to create the developed MF

32 MetalForming/December 2020 www.metalformingmagazine.com

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