Conducting Potentiodynamic Polarization Resistance Measurements

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Designation: G 59 – 97

Standard Test Method for

Conducting Potentiodynamic Polarization Resistance
This standard is issued under the fixed designation G 59; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original
adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript
epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope corrosion monitoring is a common application. The technique

1.1 This test method describes an experimental procedure can also be used as a way to rank alloys, inhibitors, and so forth
for polarization resistance measurements which can be used for in order of resistance to general corrosion.
the calibration of equipment and verification of experimental 3.3 In this test method, a small potential scan, DE(t), defined
technique. The test method can provide reproducible corrosion with respect to the corrosion potential (DE = E – Ecorr), is
potentials and potentiodynamic polarization resistance mea- applied to a metal sample. The resultant currents are recorded.
surements. The polarization resistance, RP, of a corroding electrode is
1.2 This test method does not purport to address all of the defined from Eq 1 as the slope of a potential versus current
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the density plot at i = 0 (1-4):4
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
Rp 5 S D
] DE
]i i50, dE/dt→0
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. The current density is given by i. The corrosion current
density, icorr, is related to the polarization resistance by the
2. Referenced Documents
Stern-Geary coefficient, B. (3),
2.1 ASTM Standards:
G 3 Practice for Conventions Applicable to Electrochemical icorr 5 106 R (2)
Measurements in Corrosion Testing2 p

G 5 Test Method for Making Potentiostatic and Potentiody- The dimension of Rp is ohm-cm 2, icorr is muA/cm2, and B is
namic Anodic Polarization Measurements2 in V. The Stern-Geary coefficient is related to the anodic, ba,
G 102 Practice for Calculation of Corrosion Rates and and cathodic, bc, Tafel slopes as per Eq 3.
Related Information from Electrochemical Measurements2 b a bc
B5 (3)
2.2 Adjunct: 2.303~ba 1 bc!
Samples of the Standard AISI Type 430 Stainless Steel (UNS The units of the Tafel slopes are V. The corrosion rate, CR,
S43000)3 in mm per year can be determined from Eq 4 in which EW is
3. Significance and Use the equivalent weight of the corroding species in grams and r
is the density of the corroding material in g/cm3.
3.1 This test method can be utilized to verify the perfor-
icorr EW
mance of polarization resistance measurement equipment in- CR 5 3.27 3 10–3 (4)
cluding reference electrodes, electrochemical cells, poten-
tiostats, scan generators, measuring and recording devices. The Refer to Practice G 102 for derivations of the above equa-
test method is also useful for training operators in sample tions and methods for estimating Tafel slopes.
preparation and experimental techniques for polarization resis- 3.4 The test method may not be appropriate to measure
tance measurements. polarization resistance on all materials or in all environments.
3.2 Polarization resistance can be related to the rate of See 8.2 for a discussion of method biases arising from solution
general corrosion for metals at or near their corrosion potential, resistance and electrode capacitance.
Ecorr. Polarization resistance measurements are an accurate and
rapid way to measure the general corrosion rate. Real time 4. Apparatus
4.1 The apparatus is described in Test Method G 5. It
includes a 1 L round bottom flask modified to permit the
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee G–1 on Corrosion addition of inert gas, thermometer, and electrodes. This stan-
of Metals, and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee G 01.11 on Electro-
dard cell or an equivalent cell can be used. An equivalent cell
chemical Measurements in Corrosion Testing.
Current edition approved Dec. 10, 1997. Published February 1998. Originally
published as G 59 – 78. Last previous edition G 59 – 91.
2 4
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.02. The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end of
Available from ASTM Headquarters. Order PCN 12-700050-00. this standard.

Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

G 59
must be constructed of inert materials and be able to reproduce 6.4 Immediately prior to immersion the specimen is de-
the standard curve in Test Method G 5. greased with a solvent such as acetone and rinsed with distilled
4.2 A potentiostat capable of varying potential at a constant water. The time delay between rinsing and immersion should
scan rate and measuring the current is needed. be minimal.
4.3 A method of recording the varying potential and result-
NOTE 2—Sample of the standard AISI Type 430 stainless steel (UNS
ing current is needed. S45000) used in this test method are available to those wishing to evaluate
their equipment and test procedure.
5. Test of Electrical Equipment
5.1 Before the polarization resistance measurement is made, 6.5 Transfer the test specimen to the test cell and position
the instrument system (potentiostat, X-Y recorder or data the Luggin probe tip 2 to 3 mm from the test electrode surface.
acquisition system) must be tested to ensure proper function- The tip diameter must be no greater than 1 mm.
ing. For this purpose, connect the potentiostat to a test 6.6 Record the corrosion potential Ecorr after 5 and 55-min
electrical circuit (5). While more complex dummy cells are immersion.
sometimes needed in electrochemical studies, the simple resis- 6.7 Apply a potential 30 mV more negative that the re-
tor shown in Fig. 1 is adequate for the present application. corded 55 min corrosion potential (See Note 3).
5.2 Use R = 10.0 V. Set the applied potential on the NOTE 3—Practice G 3 provides a definition of sign convention for
potentiostat to E =– 30.0 mV and apply the potential. The potential and current.
current should be 3.0 mA by Ohm’s Law, I = E/R. 6.8 One minute after application of the –30 mV potential,
NOTE 1—When polarization resistance values are measured for systems begin the anodic potential scan at a sweep rate of 0.6 V/h
with different corrosion currents, the value of R should be chosen to cover (within 5 %). Record the potential and current continuously.
the current range of the actual polarization resistance measurement. Terminate the sweep at a potential 30 mV more positive than
Expected corrosion currents in the microampere range require R = 1 to 10 the 55 min corrosion potential.
kV. 6.9 Plot the polarization curve as a linear potential-current
5.3 Record the potentiodynamic polarization curve at a scan density plot as shown in Practice G 3. Determine the polariza-
rate of 0.6 V/h from DE = –30 mV to DE = +30 mV and back tion resistance, Rp, as the tangent of the curve at i=0.
to DE = –30 mV. The plot should be linear, go through the
origin, and have a slope 10 V. The curves recorded for the 7. Report
forward and reverse scans should be identical. 7.1 Report the following information:
5.4 If the observed results are different than expected, the 7.1.1 The 5 and 55 min corrosion potentials and the polar-
electrochemical equipment may require calibration or servicing ization resistance value,
in accordance with the manufacturer’s guidelines. 7.1.2 Duplicate runs may be averaged, and
7.1.3 Note any deviation from the procedure or test condi-
6. Experimental Procedure tions established in this test method.
6.1 The 1.0 N H2SO4 test solution should be prepared from
American Chemical Society reagent grade acid and distilled 8. Precision and Bias
water as described in Test Method G 5. The standard test cell 8.1 Precision—Precision in this test method refers to the
requires 900 mL of test solution. The temperature must be closeness of agreement between randomly selected measured
maintained at 30°C within 1°. values. There are two aspects of precision, repeatability and
6.2 The test cell is purged at 150 cm3/min with an oxygen- reproducibility. Repeatability refers to the closeness of agree-
free gas such as hydrogen, nitrogen, or argon. The purge is ment between measurements by the same laboratory on iden-
started at least 30 min before specimen immersion. The purge tical Type 430 stainless steel specimens repeated with as close
continues throughout the test. as possible adherence to the same procedure. Reproducibility
6.3 The working electrode should be prepared as detailed in refers to the closeness of agreement between different labora-
Test Method G 5. The experiment must commence within 1 h tories using identical Type 430 stainless steel specimens and
of preparing the electrode. Preparation includes sequential wet the procedure specified. An interlaboratory test program with
polishing with 240 grit and 600 grit SiC paper. Determine the 13 laboratories participating and two, three or four replicate
surface area of the specimen to the nearest 0.01 cm2 and measurements was carried out to establish the precision. The
subtract for the area under the gasket (typically 0.20 to 0.25 measured values included (Table 1) the corrosion potential
cm2). measured after 5 and 55 min and the polarization resistance. A

FIG. 1 Arrangement for Testing of Electrical Equipment (Potentiostat, X-Y Recorder)

G 59
TABLE 1 Interlaboratory Test Program Polarization Data for TABLE 2 Repeatability Statistics
Stainless Steel Type 430 in 1.0 N H2SO4 at 30°C 95 % Confidence
Average Sr
Laboratory Ecorr–5min Ecorr–55min Rp Interval

(mV) (mV) (ohm-cm2) Ecorr 5 min, mV versus SCE –0.5287 0.00260 6 0.0073 V
Ecorr 55 min, mV versus SCE –0.5151 0.00273 6 0.0076 V
1 –0.519 –0.506 6.47 Rp, ohm-cm2 6.46 0.713 62.00 ohm-cm2
–0.519 –0.505 5.88
2 –0.542 –0.521 5.95
–0.540 –0.519 5.04
3 –0.524 –0.513 6.93 8.1.2 Reproducibility— The lack of reproducibility is mea-
–0.520 –0.508 6.40
4 –0.555 –0.545 7.70
sured by the reproducibility standard deviation, sR. The 95 %
–0.565 –0.545 7.70 confidence interval was calculated as 6 2.8 sR. The values
5 –0.539 –0.524 7.58 obtained are shown in Table 3.
–0.530 –0.510 6.18
6 –0.519 –0.510 7.60
8.2 Bias—The polarization resistance as measured by the
–0.522 –0.512 7.16 Test Method G 59 has two sources of bias. The potentiody-
–0.521 –0.509 6.65 namic method includes a double layer capacitance charging
7 –0.522 –0.510 9.06
–0.520 –0.511 7.07
effect that may cause the polarization resistance to be under-
–0.523 –0.510 5.85 estimated. There is also a solution resistance effect that may
8 –0.520 –0.508 7.11 cause the polarization resistance to be overestimated. This bias
–0.520 –0.508 7.52
–0.521 –0.510 6.94
will depend on the placement of the reference electrode and
9 –0.529 –0.513 7.11 electrolyte conductivity. Refer to Practice G 102 for further
–0.530 –0.513 7.22 discussion on the effects of double layer capacitance and
–0.529 –0.514 7.19
–0.529 –0.515 7.19 solution resistance on polarization resistance measurements.
10 –0.514 –0.505 5.17
–0.516 –0.506 6.90 9. Keywords
11 –0.543 –0.529 5.07
–0.538 –0.524 4.64
9.1 anodic polarization; auxiliary electrode; cathodic polar-
12 –0.520 –0.505 5.63 ization; corrosion; corrosion potential; corrosion rate; current
–0.519 –0.507 6.16 density; electrochemical cell; electrochemical potential; Lug-
13 –0.531 –0.519 5.08
–0.529 –0.517 5.38
gin probe; mixed potential; open-circuit potential; overvoltage;
–0.529 –0.517 5.90 polarization resistance; potentiodynamic; reference electrode;
solution resistance; Stern-Geary coefficient; Tafel slope; work-
ing electrode
research report has been filed with the results of this program.
8.1.1 Repeatability— The lack of repeatability is measured TABLE 3 Reproducibility Statistics
by the repeatability standard deviation sr. The 95 % confidence Average SR
95 % Confidence
interval was calculated as 6 2.8 sr. The values obtained are
shown in Table 2.The 95 % confidence interval refers to the Ecorr 5 min, mV versus SCE –0.5287 0.0127 6 0.0356 mV
Ecorr 55 min, mV versus SCE –0.5151 0.0111 6 0.0311 mV
interval around the average that 95 % of the values should be Rp ohm-cm2 6.46 1.01 62.83 ohm-cm2


(1) Stern, M., and Roth, R. M., Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol (4) Mansfeld, F., “Evaluation of Polarization Resistance Round Robin
104, 1957, p. 390. Testing Conducted by ASTM G01.11”, Paper No. 106, CORROSION/
(2) Stern, M., Corrosion, Vol 14, 1958, p. 440 t. 76, NACE, Houston, TX, March 22-26, 1976.
(3) Mansfeld, F., “The Polarization Resistance Technique for Measuring (5) Gileadi, E., Kirowa-Eisner, E., and Penciner, J. Interfacial Electro-
Corrosion Currents”, Corrosion Science and Technology, Plenum chemistry, an Experimental Approach, Chapter III.1, Addison-Wesley
Press, New York, NY, Vol VI, 1976, p.163. Publishing Co., Reading, MA 1975.

The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at
610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website (

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